You will always find the newest and updated stories on PZA's own and free site We will be updating the archive here as well, however not as frequently as the Tor site. For Adults Only!This site contains content that might be considered offensive. If you are offended by adult stories depicting nudity, humiliation, castration, non-consensual sexual and other physical abuse of young boys, if you are not of legal age, or if this type of material is not legal in your jurisdiction do not enter.
This site contains
no videos, photos, 3D-rendered art, or other illustrations of children or adults.
This CollectionThis collection – on-line since June 2007 – includes erotic stories about man-boy or boy-boy relationships or Femdon stories (woman or girl dominating a boy)) , consensual, bdsm, slavery, non-consensual etc. I am collecting stories almost as long as I know these stories are on the internet, thus since about 1998-1999. My storyfolders include about 10,000 files 3; (less stories, since a lot are in multiple parts). The best of these are collected in this archive, including more and more new stories, which are often specially written for this archive. The older stories in this archive are published elsewhere on the web. Readers looking for this special kind of stories get lost in the huge usenet archives as for instance (ASSGM) (over 16,000 postings), alt.stories.incest (82,000 postings), or in web archives with a broad or different topic as Nifty Erotic Stories Archive (100,000 files), Eunuch Archive (7,600 stories), Kirsten Archive, Male-male Spanking Archive, or in smaller archives with an overlapping topic, such as Nialos Leaning. But also in archives no longer available as ANCGS, Boytales, Lolita Bondage, etc. This collection is dedicated to Pueros and Zelamir (the abbreviation PZA = Pueros-Zelamir Archive), which are very prolific authors in this field and whose stories let me like this kind of stuff. Their stories are published since 1998 in different usenet groups and at various web sites. New parts by both authors are being published on this site. Do you have a story which you want to publish or archive on this site? See the Story submission page. Céladon
Important notice!The behaviours depicted in these stories, but not the stories themselves, are likely in real life to be illegal. The stories describe activities that may be considered by society to be abusive, harmful, unacceptable or undesirable. The authors neither advocate, condone nor engage in any such real life illegal behaviour. These stories, as with all fiction, are fantasy and not reality. The collector and authors do recognize the difference between the two. If YOU do not, please seek professional psychiatric care at once. Excerpt from ASSTR's faq, sub inappropriate material: As for the legality of these stories, the US Supreme Court ruled on April 16, 2002 that adult material depicting minors but that was not made through the use of any actual minor is protected free speech. The ruling was against the Child Pornography Prevention Act of 1996 (CPPA) and the entire ruling is available via The point of utmost importance here is that in a story, no real child is in any way involved and therefore harmed. Understanding this concept is of paramount importance, so let us reiterate: No real children involved means no children were harmed, exposed, abused, or exploited in the creation or distribution of the stories on this site.No adults for that matter, either. No animals. No living beings. While some stories here may claim to be true, the standard disclaimer found in mainstream published fiction always apply: Any resemblance to any real person, living or dead, is purely coincidental – except for verifiable historical facts that may be mentioned in some stories. All disclaimers and restrictions of ASSTR apply.
Happy reading, but
3; ![]()
Some frightening statistics
The StoriesAfter reading all of the above, if you still wish to read the stories contained herein, please continue down a bit further. Enter only if you are of legal age where you reside. Thank you. (Not sure what to do, read this first ) Enter the Site
ACK! Lemme Outta Here!