From: (Jeffrey A Nimmo) Newsgroups: Followup-To: Subject: EROS REPOST: Little Sister Likes It Hotter! Date: Thu, 26 Oct 95 18:14:32 GMT Organization: IONet Message-ID: <46tvg3$> DISCLAIMER: These stories are all of an erotic nature, and are graphic. They contain descriptions of incest and some pedophilia. If this bothers you, don't read them or download them. If you are underage for your community, or if by doing so you would be committing any kind of crime, please do not read or download these files. You have been warned! Filename: HOTSIS.TXT Title: Little Sister Likes it Hotter Author: Eros Origin: Blue Room BBS LITTLE SISTER LIKES IT HOTTER! (by Eros) Part 1. After a few weeks of fucking my mom, I began to enjoy getting it regular. Mom would put out for me any time I wanted, which was most of the time at my age. The only thing we had to watch out for was my little sister Debbie. She was twelve going on thirteen, but already she was a fully-grown pain in the ass! Somehow Debbie seemed to sense that something strange was going on between Mom and me, but luckily she couldn't put her finger on it. My mom did, though. After that first day, she couldn't keep her hands off it! Every chance we got, we fucked up a storm... in the kitchen... in the bedroom... in the shower... even in the pool once, but only when Debbie was out of the house. To me, my little sister was just a nosy little kid who got in the way of having sex with Mom. So all in all, I didn't pay much attention to her. Then, when she turned thirteen, Debbie started going to the same high school as me and sort of got in my view every now and then. Some of the guys would come around sniffin' out about my sister, wanting to know how old she was, and did she ever fool around, and that kind of stuff. Well, naturally I'd growl and make mean noises and then go sniffing after their sisters. It wasn't that I was all that protective about Deb. It was just that I couldn't imagine anybody wanting to do anything like that with such a little brat. I mean, she was a real little snot, you know. Whenever she was home, she never let Mom and I out of her sight for a moment. She didn't know what was going on, but she was definitely jealous of the way Mom and I reacted around each other. In hindsight, you could hardly blame her really. So that's the way things were for a couple of months. My little sister was just a kind of noise that lived in one end of our house. Then one night I got the midnight munchies real bad. I hadn't fucked Mom for a few days, so I was kinda restless and decided to go downstairs and pig-out on some leftover chicken. I thought everybody was asleep, or should have been, so I just went downstairs naked. Our house was two floors besides the attic, with Mom's bedroom on the second floor, and Debbie's bedroom on the ground floor, near the downstairs bathroom. In the dark, I sort of groped my way down the stairs and headed for the refrigerator. Debbie's room is the last door before the kitchen, and as I moved down the hallway, I noticed her door was open a couple of inches, and the light was on. Out of curiosity, I stopped and looked in. Wow! I couldn't believe it! There was my naked little kid sister, Debbie, standing in front of her mirror, but the sister I used to know wasn't there anymore. Debbie had little curves and bumps in places she never had when we went skinny-dipping a couple of years ago. She now had a little curve to her butt and her hips seemed to be wider. She was still skinny, and she was still definitely a kid, but there were differences! Her thighs didn't look like matchsticks with knees on them anymore. They kind of swelled out to the sides, and filled into the crotch a bit. Her back seemed to have gotten softer, and her backbone didn't show like a row of dinosaur bones anymore. But if her back was different, the front was really something else!! Debbie was staring at herself in the mirror when I peeked in, and therefore facing away from me. In the mirror, I could see her from toes to forehead. Where there used to be a navel on a flat, muscular board, there was now a gently curving little belly. Where there was a skinny rib cage with two nipples on it, there was now a creamy smooth plateau with two perfect little tits, each with a strawberry tip. And where there used to be a tiny, hairless little protuberance bisected by a grinning pink slit, there was now a fully-developed little cuntmound, blessed with an almost invisible covering of ultrafine blonde down. Wow! Just for a moment, I saw my sister as she really was, a cute budding girl, tall, prettier than average, with a sensual mouth inherited from our mom, and large, limpid brown eyes, from Dad, no doubt. But before this stunning realization had time to really grab me, she started doing something that really blew my mind! Debbie stood in front of her mirror and began to posture and turn, staring at her sweet, naked young body. Like a photographic model, she raised her hands and began to caress her little breasts, rubbing the nipples between her fingers. She closed her eyes almost all the way and watched herself through lowered lashes, biting her lower lip and hissing softly like some video porn queen! Part 2. Standing there unnoticed outside my little sister's door, I was paralyzed. I'd never seen anything like this before, and it had my jaw hanging. It also had my cock rising, but I was too absorbed to notice. Debbie kept fondling her little tits until the nipples got hard. They weren't very big, so it was hard to tell at that distance, but they also got darker, and I could certainly see that! Then, she slowly lowered one hand and began to caress her slender young body all over, running her hands over her flanks and her belly, squeezing herself gently on the rump. She was also raising one leg and lowering it, rubbing the front of one calf against the back of the other. She kept working closer and closer to her hairless little cuntslit. Debbie was breathing harder and harder, and so was I as I stared at my sister's gorgeous young body in total disbelief! Then, like she was giving herself a reward, Debbie sighed and slid her hand between her legs. In the mirror, I could see her very gently and sensuously moving her middle finger back and forth across her little cunt, dipping it into the crack a little bit each time. I knew what she was doing, and it turned me on something fierce. My snotty-nosed, butter-wouldn't-melt-in-her-mouth, little sister was actually bringing herself off with her finger, and I was watching her do it!! Then, Sis took her hand off her tits and put it against the mirror. Steadying herself, she spread her legs and bent her knees awkwardly, then slid her other hand slowly downward and inward, her skinny middle finger disappearing to the hilt. Wow! That really turned me on, and I grabbed my rock-hard cock and began to rub it, imagining what it would be like to put my stiff prick into that tiny, pink little hole. As I watched, Debbie, crouched over with her knees spread, bracing herself against the mirror, with her finger moving in and out of her hot little cunt. And there was me with my cock up and my jaw down, staring through her partly-open door with my eyes about a foot out of my head and my mouth full of glue. We really would have made a weird scene if anybody had come along. Fortunately nobody did. Sis just kept on stroking her cunt and I just kept on staring and rubbing my cock. After a couple of minutes, though, I could see her legs beginning to tremble from the strain of the awkward position. I wondered why she didn't just lie down on the bed. As if reading my mind, Debbie did that very thing. Actually, she kind of scuttled into her bed, never taking her finger out of her hairless little cunthole for a second. When she lay down, her feet were pointed straight at me. I got a perfect view right up between her legs, where all the action was going on. She was making sort of moans and hollers, but all in whispers, like part of her was really into her diddling, but part was aware that she was in a house where two other people were asleep. It was pretty strange to listen to, but who listened! I was so busy panting and sweating and rubbing my cock! Debbie was plugging herself fast and furious, with her legs spread wide and rigid on the bed and her other arm flung over her eyes. She kept clenching and unclenching the hand on that arm, raking her nails across her palm. She must really be close! Sis began to suck in her breath in heavy gasps, and her legs and belly began to tremble and twitch. She started saying "Ooooohhh, Oooohhh," really low and throaty, just like Mom does when I'm throwing the bone to her and she's about to come. I'd never heard that kind of sound out of Debbie before. Then she gritted her teeth and clamped her hand over her mouth. She went "Uuhhmmmphh!" and sort of hollered into her fist, and shoved her ass straight up into the air. I could see a couple of drops of juice fall from her cunt. Wow! Debbie dropped back on her bed and took a few long, shaky breaths. Her hands fell away to her sides and her whole body went limp and relaxed. The area around her little titties and around her pussy was red and mottled. She looked very happy with herself. Then she sighed and squirmed her way into a more comfortable position. She rolled her head to the side and glanced casually toward the door. As her eyes went wide, I realized that during the heat of things, the door had swung almost halfway open. There I stood, naked, my jaw hanging, with a big, stiff dick jutting out in front of me. Debbie leapt upright in the bed, her eyes wide with fear and guilt. Then a look of pure hatred came over her. "Get out!" she hissed, low but venomous. "Get out of my room, you pervert! Get out!" Part 3. Without speaking, I backed up a step and closed the door. I turned and went swiftly to my room, all thought of sandwiches and milk long since forgotten. I put out my light and lay in bed, but sleep was a long time coming. I couldn't forget the things I'd just seen. I couldn't forget those changes that had come over my kid sister in the last couple of years. And most of all, I couldn't forget that even in her anger, Debbie never tried to cover herself up, but sat in her bed with her thighs wide and her titties high. Nor that all the while she was telling me to go, she was staring at my cock. Staring with a look other than anger. And I knew then, that sooner or later, I'd give her a closer look at that rod.... a LOT closer look! Next morning was pretty ordinary. It was a school day and we always had breakfast together on school days. Mom would get up and fix us breakfast even though she didn't open her office for a couple of hours, especially if I'd thrown her a hot fuck or two the previous night. She was a sucker for my prick. Debbie wasn't there when I went down to the kitchen. Usually she was the first one, but today I beat her down. "Hi, Handsome," said Mom. "Hi, Gorgeous!" I replied running my hands up under her robe between her legs. My fingers instantly found Mom's warm, wet cuntslit. Jesus! she wasn't wearing panties again. God, that turned me on! If Debbie hadn't been in the house I'd have pulled up Mom's robe, bent her over the sink and fucked her hot, hairy cunthole from behind like I'd done so many times before. "Ummmmmmm!" moaned Mom grinding her pussy against my fingers as I diddled her for a bit. "Mmmmmmmm! Careful, honey, Debbie might see! Where is she? She's usually down here bright and early." "Beats me", I said giving Mom's clit a gentle rub with my middle finger. "Maybe she fell in the toilet." "What a thing to say about your sister!", said Mom, pulling my hand away from her cunt. I made a show of licking my glistening middle finger and Mom smiled, staring longingly at the bulge in my pajama shorts. She reached out and was just about to put her hand in and grab my stiff cock when we heard Debbie's door open down the hall. "Later, stud!", Mom whispered, giving my cock a quick squeeze. When Debbie came in, she wouldn't look at me at all, just stuck her nose up in the air and flounced to the table. Mom said good morning to her and she just nodded. I waited for her to look up but she wouldn't. "Debbie, is something wrong?" Mom seemed to have noticed the way she was acting. Sis just shook her head and tossed me a look of undiluted hate. I grinned back. Mom took the exchange in and apparently passed it off as another sister-brother-fight. She went back to the ham and eggs she was fixing. I sort of pushed at my grapefruit and watched Mom's cute naked butt wiggle around under her thin robe, wishing Debbie wasn't around. Then I remembered my little sister's exhibition last night and I started seeing her in a new light. Hmmmmm, she WAS kinda cute and horny too if last night's show was anything to go on. Maybe if I played my cards right I could get more than just a look at that hot little pussy she had nestled between her skinny young legs. Feeling up Mom's naked cunt had gotten me real hot, and now, thinking about Debbie, or rather, thinking about what I'd seen Debbie doing the night before, I felt myself getting harder. I looked down at my grapefruit with a lot more concentration than it needed and kind of dug on the feeling. I go to thinking that there was Debbie, less than three feet away from me across the table. The same girl that had been spread naked on her bed last night was now sitting where I could probably touch her knees with mine if I just stretched out a little bit. I got to wondering what she must look like from under the table, with her panties covering her hairless little pussy. I wondered if I could sort of drop my napkin and just grab a quick peek. Then I figured that would look a little phony. Especially since I just about never use the napkins Mom puts out for me. Mostly I just wipe my hand on my pants. It drives Mom up the wall. Which was exactly what I wanted to do to her right now! Part 4. Debbie caught me staring at Mom's ass and kicked me under the table. I grinned back at her and I kept sucking on that grapefruit, but my mind was still under the table, between Debbie's little legs. It's really weird how a couple of years can change your view of your sister. Before, I had always thought of her as some kind of doom that I had to endure because Somebody up there didn't like me. Now it seemed that she was something I really wanted. I mean, she was still a little creep, but there was that gorgeous little body she had suddenly developed! There wasn't any way around the fact that those little tits turned me on, or that her pussy was the most desirable thing I'd ever seen. Mmmmm, mmm! I spooned in grapefruit and thought about that sweet little cunt, sitting there between my sister's legs. I remembered how the hairless, pink lips had hardly parted even when she had her legs wide apart. I wondered what her cunt would look like sitting on a chair if she didn't have any panties on. I wondered what color panties she was wearing. Something to go with her dress, probably. I looked up to check out the color of her dress and caught her eye. Debbie was staring at me, too. And the look in her eye was another version of my own! I mean, I don't know how to describe it, or even how to tell that I knew. But I did. Sis was sizing up my cock as surely as I was dreaming about her pussy. It only lasted for an instant, then I got the usual pure-loathing-and-disgust look. At the same time, I became aware that Mom had been speaking. "Huh?" I said. "I asked if you two were suffering. You appear to be in great pain. You both look as though the sky had just fallen in on you. Neither of you has touched your milk, and you seem to be determined to reduce that grapefruit to mush without getting it near your mouth, Tommy. What gives with you two?" I mumbled something and started sucking up the remains of the grapefruit while Mom stuck ham and eggs under my nose. Debbie attacked her food silently and didn't look up again. We ate the rest of breakfast in stony silence with Mom occasionally raising an eyebrow in a slightly amused way. She hummed around the kitchen busily, cleaning up, as we got ready to leave for school. I was still watching her ass move, wishing I could stay home and fuck it some more, but every time I thought out Mom's hairy cunt, my sister's moist, hairless little slit took its place. Shit! I couldn't get Debbie out of my mind. She was trying to play it mean and spiteful, but I was sure she was really just afraid. And she was excited, too. I wasn't sure if it was me or just the fact that I was a boy, but whatever it was, she had been turned on, I was sure of that. There was a "honk" outside and Debbie and I both bolted up from the table. The honk was Billy Tait, who lived across the street. We were pretty close buddies. He was was the same age as me, but he had a car already, and he picked me and Sis up every morning to take us to school. As we came around the table, Debbie and I jammed into each other. "Quit pushing!" Sis yelled. "I'm not pushing. You're in my way." We kind of shoved at each other a minute and before we broke up I let my hand slide across her breast. Oh, yeah! That was some feeling! Her little tits were much firmer than Mom's, but just as hot to the touch. Sis hauled off and whopped me one on the shoulder, but not before I'd finished feeling her up. Mom came over and pushed us apart and aimed us at the door. She smacked us lightly on the butts and told us to stop fighting with each other. But she had seen the little play we'd been through and, after the door slammed behind us, she stood staring thoughtfully for a long time. It was a crummy day at school. All I could think about was pussy. Mainly, the pussy I thought about was Mom's. But I kept getting flashes of Debbie in there. Fucking my mother regularly sure didn't stop my natural male urges from spreading further afield. I was a still a sixteen-year-old boy after all! After school, Billy brought his car around and a bunch of us piled in. It happened that there was nowhere for Debbie to sit but on my lap. Or at least that's the way it looked. I couldn't say if that's the way it really was, or if she'd waited until there was no other room or what. But the upshot of it was that she climbed over the side (Billy's heap is a two-door convertible) and sat on me. Part 5. I got this glimpse of Debbie's thighs and a flash of pale pink panties as she climbed in, and just like at the breakfast table this morning, it freaked me out. When she sat her bottom in my lap, I was sure my cock was going to rip right through my pants and poke her one. I had never felt how she was built before. I mean, she'd sat on my lap at least a hundred times, I guess, since she was a baby. But I'd never thought of her as anything but my dumb little sister before. Now I was aware of every pressure from the cheeks of her ass, to the muscles of her lean young thighs. And she was wiggling around, talking to kids in the car, and flirting with Billy. She seemed to be moving her ass around a lot more than necessary, I thought. Not that I really minded, I just pretended I was ignoring her. Billy took a turn a little hard to dodge a red light and everybody shifted to the right. I was sitting against the left side, so I grabbed the car body and everybody else grabbed me. By reflex, I grabbed Debbie around the waist. When Billy's death trap finally quit heeling over and finished the turn, everybody relaxed a little. Casually, I let my hand slide down off Debbie's waist, over her belly, across the barest top of her mound, and across her legs. I let it come to rest on the top of her right thigh, as though I'd just forgotten it. Throughout this maneuver Debbie said not a word, nor gave any sign that she felt anything. But she did. She was too still and too tense for just bracing herself against a turn. I could feel her belly muscles ripple as my hand slid over them, and her back stiffened a little. But she didn't move away. And when my hand came to rest on her thigh, the muscles were like cords. But after a moment or two, they relaxed. We sat the rest of the way home just kidding around with the other kids, but neither of us had our minds on the conversations. I couldn't get my mind off the feel of my little sister's leg through her dress, and I don't think she could, either. I could feel the edge of her panties on her upper thigh. It was just a little ridge under my forearm, but it was the most exciting thing in the world to me just then. When we got to our house, I pushed Debbie off my lap and sort of helped her over the side of the car by putting my hand on her ass and lifting. I was certain I'd done that a hundred times before, too, but it had never felt like this. I could feel each cheek of her tiny ass and the crack between. I could feel the firmness of her butt, the depth of the muscles. Wow! I must have had a foot's worth of hard on! I climbed out after her and stood talking with Billy a minute about the upcoming basketball game, and by the time Billy drove off, Debbie was long gone into the house. I jogged up the path and went inside. Mom wasn't home. I could tell because the Toyota was gone. She often worked late, trying to keep up with the bills Dad left her with when he took off with that blonde, bimbo secretary of his. I went into the kitchen and made myself a sandwich, then went sauntering casually off toward Debbie's room. Again, and not by accident this time, her door was open. Not just crack this time, either, it was wide open. Debbie was sitting on her bed wearing a pair of tiny bikini panties and a nightgown. A nightgown, for Christ's sake! At four o'clock in the afternoon! Wow! I leaned on the doorframe and watched her. She pretended I wasn't there for a minute, then looked up. "Why don't you go away and leave me alone!" I didn't say anything, just leaned there and calmly ate my sandwich. "Why are you always lurking, Tommy? You're always spying on me!" I nodded. "Yep, I sure am, Deb!", I grinned. "I just hang around outside your window at night and take pictures. I never would think to stand in your door... which you NEVER close." She stuck her chin out defiantly, which thrust her tits against her nightgown. My cock began to twitch in my pants. "It's my room and I can do what I want in it. You have no right to invade my privacy." Part 6. "What privacy?", I countered. "You leave your door open like you're inviting the whole world in. If you want privacy just shut your door!" She flounced off the bed. "Okay! I will, then!" As Debbie stormed across the room, the gown parted and her pert little tits slid into view, like two pink icecream cones with a raspberry nipple on each. God, she was turning me on! She came to the door and tried to close it. I jammed my foot in the frame and stuck my shoulder through. "Hey! Wait a minute, Sis. I'm not trying to make you mad." She hesitated a moment and I gently pushed the door back open and came into her room. "... and I'm not spying on you. After all, your door was open..." I sat on the edge of her bed. "... besides, what more could I see than what I saw the other night?" She gave me a venomous look. "Don't you dare mention that, Tommy! Don't you ever mention it to anybody!" I raised an indignant eyebrow. "Boy, for somebody who's been doing something like that, you sure are self-righteous, Sis!" She softened a little and came over to the bed. "Ohhh, Tommy! You won't tell, will you? Mom would get awfully mad." I knew Mom would probably understand completely, but I saw my chance here. "Shit, I won't tell, Sis," I smiled, shaking my head, "It's just something between you and me, right?" I let that little hint sink in. I was making myself apart of her little sex conspiracy, and Debbie didn't have much choice but to accept me. I could tell by her long, thoughtful look that she realized what I was doing. And I could also tell that she didn't really mind. In fact, she seemed to be pleased! "Besides," I added softly, "you saw as much of me as I saw of you. And after all, I'm your big brother. You should trust me." I laid my hand on her leg. She shuddered a little, but did nothing to remove it. "Shit, Debbie," I added, "everybody does that. You're not the first girl that's ever played with herself, you know." I smiled knowingly, remembering the first time I watched Mom finger her pussy and use that hairbrush handle of hers on herself. Although with my hard young cock constantly available, Mom hardly needed that cold old thing anymore. Sis sat with her eyes down for a short time. Then she put her hand on my arm, the one that was on her thigh. "I don't know why I do it, Tommy. It makes me feel all funny inside. It feels good." "I know, Sis," I patted her thigh, then began to rub it softly. "It's a natural thing." I slid my hand up Debbie's thigh slowly, enjoying the wonderfully soft warmth of it. She stiffened again and her hand gripped my wrist convulsively, but she didn't really try to stop me. My heart was beginning to pound. I realized for the first time that I was finally going to get my hand in her panties. Maybe I'd get more! "Tommy," she said, her voice a little scared. "Please..." I didn't say anything, just kept stroking her thigh, moving my hand closer and closer to the edge of her panties. Debbie had my wrist in both hands, but made no move to either close her slightly parted legs or to back away across the bed. "Tommy, I'm scared," she pleaded. Part 7. I realized that she really was, and that if I didn't soothe her fears, she'd bolt. It was hard to think about anything but her hot, moist little pussy, though. "Don't be afraid, Sis. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just going to do for you what you were doing to yourself the other night. Don't you think that'll be good?" She still wouldn't look up, but her breathing was deep and heavy. "Y...yes," she whispered. "Then relax, I can't do anything for you if you're all tight and tense." I reached out with my free hand and gently pushed her back on the bed. For a moment she resisted, then she lay back. My heart began to really pound. I knew then that it was finally going to happen. "Open your legs, Sis," I said softly. My voice was shaking. Her eyes were tightly closed, but Debbie slowly let her thighs go limp. Her legs were dangling over the side of the bed and had a kind of dead weight to them, but I got them apart with a little effort. And there she was, just as I'd fantasized at breakfast. Her panties pink and translucent, her thighs creamy and firm, her buttocks tight beneath her. Jesus! I almost creamed right there. Slowly, deliciously, I let my hand slide down between her legs. She was so smooth, so soft. The flesh under her panties felt utterly hairless, although I knew there was a soft almost invisible blonde down covering her tiny mound. Debbie sucked in her breath as my fingers crept beneath the hem of her panties, but she still made no move to stop me. She was trembling a little, but seemed to be controlling herself well. I knew from prior experience with Mom that this was going to be awkward with her panties on, so I slid my fingers out and patted her on the pussy. "Lift your ass up, Sis." She raised herself a little, pushing off the floor with her tiptoes. I reached up beneath her and slid the flimsy little garment down off her butt. As it slid over her cunt I got my very first close-up look at her juvenile cunt. Close up, it was even more intriguing than seen in dim light across a room. The soft down I had observed before became a light dusting of incredibly fine hairs, all pointing downward and inward, as if showing the way. And the mound that rose off her belly and sloped down between her thighs became two tight, puffy lips guarding her pubescent young slit. And out of the top of the slit protruded the tiniest flap of flesh, like a little fold. And deeper down, unseen as yet, I knew that there was a hole that led inside. Mom's cuntlips were hairy and gaping and constantly wet, whereas Debbie's were tightly closed and hairless... a fleshy doorway into all the forbidden delights of my horny imaginings. Down there, deep inside her virgin slit, was my little sister's cunthole... and I was about to get into it! As I slid her panties off, Debbie gave a little moan. "Don't hurt me, Tommy! Don't hurt me!" "I won't, Sis! I'll be careful." It was an idle promise. I knew what to do, alright. Shit, I'd been fucking Mom for months. But Sis was a virgin and I didn't really know how to avoid hurting her. In fact, until she spoke, I hadn't even considered that it might hurt her to be fucked for the first time. I decided to proceed with caution so as not to ruin her mood, OR my chances. Gently, I began to stroke and fondle her pussy, using my whole hand. I didn't try to go inside her cunt just yet because I knew I'd have to build up to that slowly. Debbie began to moan a little, not in fear exactly, but in excitement, as though she were off in the same sort of dream world she'd been in the night I'd caught her masturbating. She twisted back and forth on the bed a little, rocking her shoulders up and down, up and down. The motion drew the fabric of her dress tight across her little titties, outlining them, first one, then the other. Part 8. I could feel myself getting hard, my cock stretching painfully inside my shorts, but I was afraid to stop stroking my sister's pussy for fear she might make me stop. So I just tolerated the pain and kept on with my stroking. I had my hand laid flat on her pussy, palm down, with my fingers pointing up her belly. Gradually, I began to rub a little harder, sliding my hand first down between her legs, then up over her mound, pressing down with the heel of my hand as she thrust up to meet me. I could feel the heat and moisture building between her thighs and knew I was making progress. Then I began to press harder with my middle finger, so that it slid inside her slit a little way each time my hand went down into the darkness between her thighs. She had spread her legs pretty wide by now, and I had grabbed the nearest one with my free hand, holding it open. That didn't seem to scare her, so I dragged her skinny legs wider apart, simultaneously letting my probing middle finger slide down until its tip actually entered her cuntslit. God, what a tight, hot little fuckhole she had! I couldn't wait to get my cock in there! I could feel the wetness of her, kind of thick and sticky, and a constriction. There seemed to be a ring of muscle or something just inside her hole. Christ! It's her cherry, I thought. I'm gonna be the one to bust my little sister's fuckin' cherry! Sis gave a sudden gasp as my finger sunk into her tight cunthole a little more. "Be careful!" Debbie whispered. "That hurts." "Okay, okay!" I mumbled, unable keep the ragged edge out of my breath. A strange feeling was mounting in me. I didn't really care if I hurt her anymore. I didn't really care about anything except the feeling that was building in my body. It was something rough and... male, I guess. She was soft and willing and wet... and I just wanted to fuck her! With a single, swift motion I jabbed my finger deep into her pussy. Debbie arched her back, dug her fingers into my wrist and screamed. It was not too loud a scream, but it scared me shitless! I lunged on top of her, my finger still inside her cunt, and clamped my other hand over her mouth. She made muffled sounds and tried to push me away. I stayed atop her, beginning to enjoy the feeling. We had always horsed around as kids, but it was never like this! I ground my hips and thighs against her body, humping my hard cock against her leg, my finger still manipulating her pussy. She was twisting and fighting and there were tears of pain and anger in her eyes, but she wasn't really trying to get free. She was humping back at me! She had parted her thighs completely and had pulled her knees up until her feet were on the bed, and was lifting her skinny butt against the push of my body and the insistent thrust of my finger in her clinging little cunthole. Then she bit my hand! I cursed and pulled my hand from her mouth. "Fuckin' Jesus, Sis! Why the fuck did you do that?" "I couldn't breathe, you dummy! Besides, you're hurting me. Take your finger out!" "I promise not to hurting you again, Sis" I said comfortingly. "You really like it, don't you?" "No! Take your finger out before I scream again." "What if I just leave it in and don't wiggle it around too much? Would you mind that?" "I..I don't think so." "Okay. How's this?" "That feels better. But don't poke it in so hard! You hurt too much." I started sliding my finger in and out of her cunt in a nice slow rhythm. "Better?" "Mmmmmm, yes. That feels all right." "If you'll spread your legs a bit more and pull 'em up further, I can get in and out without having to stretch you so much." Part 9. Debbie opened her thighs like she was doing the splits and drew her knees back almost inline with her tits. Her tiny, hairless cunt looked like a vertical mouth around my finger and it felt like the mouth was sucking on it. God, I couldn't wait to fuck her! "Yeah. That's good, Sis." The ache between my legs was getting intolerable. I felt that I had to do something about my bent cock or it was going to break off. I shifted my weight off Debbie and withdrew my finger. She gasped. "What are you doing, Tommy?" "Nothing... Hey! Keep your legs up!" Debbie obediently raised her knees once more, then dropped them again as I reached for my zipper. "Oh, no! You're not going to do it to me!" I shook my head. "Don't worry. I'm just trying to get my pecker straight. It's hard and it hurts, all bent up like this. Look!" I pulled out my prick and showed her how hard and red and swollen it was. Her little eyes went wide and her mouth dropped open. It took her a while to compose herself before she answered. "Well, okay. But don't think you're going to sneak that thing into me! I read in a book about that, and you're not going to make me pregnant, Tommy!" I shook my head without looking up, my attention still on straightening out my aching prick. "Course not, Sis. What would I do if I got you pregnant? They'd throw me in jail for a thousand years, right?" "I guess so." "Well, I'm not about to go to jail for the rest of my life, just for knocking my sister up." With that, I eased my hand out of my pants and moved back on the bed. I did it casually, as though my little problem were solved and I was getting back to the fun and games at hand. But that wasn't how it was, not at all! While up, I had stuffed my shorts down under my balls and had left the button open on the top of my jeans, so that now my stiff and throbbing cock lay up free against my belly, with nothing more than a quick tug on my zipper needed to let it spring out, ready for action. I lowered myself onto Debbie again with my hand palming her cunt. I was really turned on by the sight of her pink little ass turned up toward me like that. It was like some sort of little surprise package opening up just for me. Her hairless little slit looked like two fat pink lips with a tiny pink tongue peeking out between them. She was gorgeous! I dropped my weight onto her body and felt her spread her thighs a bit more to accommodate me. My finger was once more sliding into her crevice, but this time she didn't object, and this time there was no resistance. The inside of her pussy was sticky-wet and kind of greasy. Like it had just had a lube job. Well, I decided, no sense in wasting it. I began to finger her more deeply, not poking as I had before, but moving in and out with a definite rhythm, as I'd watched her doing to herself the other night. It had seemed to arouse her then, and I figured it would arouse her now. I was right... it did. She began to moan under me and her hands clutched at my back restlessly, as they had clutched at her own tits when she had masturbated. I decided that would be a good idea too, so I began to knead her little peach-sized titties with my free hand. That really got to her. "Ooohhhhh yes, Tommy! That's good. Do that some more!" "Open your gown. I can't get at you with your gown closed." Debbie squirmed under me awkwardly and parted the fabric of her nightie. I would have ripped it off in five seconds if it was Mom I was restling with, she liked me to get a little rough with her sometimes. But Debbie would probably have freaked out if I tried anything like that with her, so I just let her do it herself. Finally, Debbie's the gown lay rumpled beneath her with only her arms still in it, and her slim, firm body was naked under me. "Wait a minute," I said, fumbling with my shirt. "What are you doing?" "Taking off my shirt. I want to feel your tits against me." "Just your shirt, Tommy. Don't try to take your pants off!" "Right. Just the shirt." Part 10. I made a big production of removing the garment especially of getting it out of the waistband of my jeans. What I didn't make a production over was the fact that pulled my zip down almost halfway in the process. I was now naked to the waist, with my prick bare down half its length, laying atop my hot and skinny sister's totally nude body. Wow! I lay back down full length on Debbie, the heat of her body like a perfume against my skin. My hand in her cunt served to conceal the throbbing cock that now lay bared above her steaming slot. There was nothing between her pussy and my prick but that hand. And it wasn't an immovable object. It could... and damned sure would... be moved at the first sign of opportunity knocking! I know I'd promised her I wouldn't try to put my prick in her, but hey... promises, schmomises! All's fair in love and giving your little sister her first length of cock! As though it were the most natural thing in the world, Debbie's mouth drifted over mine and we kissed. Brother and sister. But it didn't feel like anything but a girl and boy. No strain of recrimination hung between us. It was right and natural and beautiful. Debbie whimpered softly, deep in her throat, and her mouth opened wide. I slid my tongue deep into her mouth. She tasted different to Mom... kinda fresh. Yeah, that's the word. Fresh and husky and animal, all at once. Her tongue was soft and moist and sticky, and it felt like something I was supposed to have, all for my own. And the things it did to my belly you wouldn't believe. It made my muscles know, and it made me want to take her, like when I'd jammed my finger up her cunt and hurt her a little. It made me want to fuck her, right there, right then. Apparently it had a similar effect on Debbie. As my tongue slipped between her teeth, her body arched up against mine and her hands clawed at my back. I could feel the tenseness of her abdominal muscles bunched beneath her skin, as though demanding that I do something to ease their plight. So I decided! With sly little movements I began to hump and wriggle on top of her, moving my legs and body back and forth over her. I squeezed at her tit and sucked at her tongue until she was in a little frenzy, moaning and drawing heavy breaths beneath me. All the time, I worked my finger back and forth, deeper and deeper, churning the inside of her tight little cunt to a wet jelly. Carefully, I slid another finger into her tiny hole, then another, amazed at the way it stretched so easily to admit my fingers. She gasped and tried to clench her thighs for an instant, then relaxed and made little gurgling noises. Now, I had the three fingers spread a little, feeling the hard, rubbery constriction of her cherry just inside her slit giving and stretching each time. Debbie cried in pain each time I stretched it, but kept her legs up and wide. I concentrated on her erect clit, rubbing and massaging the sensitive little bud until Debbie began to really hunch her pussy up at my hand and rotate her ass, grinding her cuntmound against my fingers as she whimpered with pleasure. Then, I made my move! With my own breath coming hard and fast and my mouth dry and gummy with excitement, I backed my body off a couple of inches and let my cock slide into my palm. I let it lay there and began easing my body back down, timing my forward movements to coincide with the inward thrust of my fingers into my sister's slit. On each forward thrust, I let my prick slide further and further forward in my hand until at last, in one electric moment, I felt the damp warmth of the outside of her cunt brush against the head of my cock. I humped slowly in and out a couple of strokes, happy that she didn't seem to notice my cock against her pussy yet, but worried that she might notice it any second and leap screaming from the bed. But I was determined to prevent the latter occurrence, at whatever cost. And meanwhile I was going to get as far as I could before she found out what was happening. I spread my three fingers a little more and heard her gasp in pain. "Not so wide, Tommy! That really hurts," she said. I slid my cock a bit further in, between my fingers and then removed them completely leaving behind the head of my prick, now firmly wedged into the entrance of her tiny, wet slit! For a moment she sighed with pleasure. Then she stiffened. "Tom, no!.. Tommy! Get it out of me! Take it out!" "Relax, Sis. It's not hurting you, is it?" "That doesn't matter. You take it out of me this instant!" Part 11. Her gasp had come as I began to come down with my hips and to put some weight behind the blunt rod that parted her tight little cuntlips. It had moved inside another inch or so and was straining against the ring of constricting tissue inside her. Her cherry was was taut and quivering, now, as though on the edge of tearing. "Oh, Tommy! Please take it out of me. It hurts bad. You're hurting me!" "It won't hurt for long, Deb", I promised, not knowing if that was true or not, and not really caring. My cock was halfway into the hottest, tightest little cunt I'd ever fucked and I wasn't about to give up now. All through her protests, Debbie kept her legs up and drawn apart, her skinny young thighs lewdly spread. She was trying to fend my advances off with feeble pushes of her hands and with tossings of her head. But she had made no real moves to make me stop at all. I realized that if she really wanted me to quit, all she had to do was bring her legs down by sliding her ass back. I might have been able to hold her down physically. But I couldn't have done that and still kept my cock in her. I realized then that a whole lot of what got called "rape" must be a real crock. So I just ignored her cries and protests and concentrated on the hot little slot between her legs. The heat of it was drawing me inside her like an irresistible magnet. I bore down with my hips, grinding my pelvis harder and harder into Debbie's body and pushing my cock with ever-demanding force into her 12-year-old cunt. She was serious now about trying to get me to stop. I was hurting her for real. But I paid no heed to her pleas and demands, nor to the fingers that were clawing my back and leaving thin, bloody weals in the skin. I ignored the attempts to close her thighs, blocking them with my hips. And as she tried to lower her ass and scoot out from under under the hard, bright pain that was invading her belly, I grabbed her ass in both hands and dragged it upward to keep her from slipping out from under me. So, as my naked little sister cried and writhed under me, I pulled her body upward and jammed my cock into her cunt until there was a tearing feeling, a short, harsh cry, and I was through. For a frightening instant, I thought that I had really hurt her. I knew I'd busted her cherry, of course. But, in the back of my mind, I was afraid that maybe I'd done something serious. However that thought lasted only a second. I was so excited at finally getting my cock inside my little sister's virgin cunt, that even in my fear and Debbie's obvious pain, I kept humping slowly in and out... and to my utter delight, Sis began returning the motion! After a minute, I felt a warm trickle between my legs and knew instinctively that it was blood. And I also sensed, somehow, that this was all right, that things were as they should be. So I kept pushing, driving slowly and a bit tenderly into my 12-year-old sister's cunt. And Debbie responded. She had stopped crying now and was just drawing deep, ragged breaths. She had laid her head to the side, closed her eyes, and let her body go limp. Her arms were on the bed, palms up, and her thighs slowly slowly fell away sideways until they, too, were all but flat on the bedspread. She was utterly, completely lost in the sensations and feelings she was experiencing. She was in a state of total sensual abandon. My cock was penetrating her little cunt only about halfway, but it felt so good! Sis was as tight as a clenched fist but nice and hot and slippery. I was in seventh heaven. The roof could have fallen in about then and wouldn't have missed a beat. I was humping away at full blast, trying to be careful not to hurt her too much yet still trying to get my prick as far into her cunt as I could, just as fast as I could. I thrust and jammed until I was all the way into the vice-like grip of Debbie's hot, wet hole. She was so tight, it almost made me shoot off straight away, but months of fucking Mom had taught me how to control my orgasms a bit better than the average sixteeen-year-old, and I managed to hold off, while still giving Sis the hot fucking she so obviously desired. I lowered my mouth to Debbie's little tit and began to suck hungrily at her nipple. She moaned loudly, but with pleasure this time. I felt her hands come back up and caress me, one on my scratched back and one on the back of my head. I began to suck a little harder and to bite at the hard little nipple just a bit. I could tell that she really loved it because her grip on my hair was tighter and her thighs began to twitch. I knew she was responding to her instinct the same as I was, but it excited me immensely to know that she was really beginning to enjoy her very first fuck. Part 12. As I pounded harder and harder, Debbie responded in kind, lifting her hips up at me each time I lunged into her, grinding her cuntmound hard against the base of my thick cockshaft. I slid my hands off her ass and down her thighs until I could raise them again to their original position, butt high and knees against her body. This slid my mouth off her nipple and up to her neck, and she turned her own lips down to meet mine, so that we were locked into one another, lip to lip and cock to cunt. I loved fucking like this with Mom, and now I was doing it to my snotty little sister, except she wasn't snotty anymore, she was a sexy little minx who couldn't get enough of my cock! Debbie lowered her own hands from my head and back and slid them over my ass. I almost creamed on the spot when grabbed a handful of each of my cheeks and began to knead the hard muscle beneath them. She was actually pulling my hips forward as I fucked her, grinding her juice-filled little cunt up against my deeply imbeded prick and moaning like a pro. It was hard to believe that she'd never done it before. She was a natural! "Uhhhhh, yeahhhh, Deb!" I grunted, "I'm fucking you, Sis! I'm fucking your hot, little cunt!" "MMMmmmmm! I love it!", moaned Debbie, "Fuck me, Tommy! Fuck me hard!" And that was all I could take. Everything went red with a heat of lust. I pounded into her savagely, feeling her body flatten beneath each brutal thrust. I jammed it on until nothing existed in my world but the hypnotic and ever-building tempo of my ass and cock. I could feel nothing, hear nothing, see nothing outside that red and all-consuming universe bounded by my cock and Debbie's body. I fucked and fucked while the male juices swelled my nuts. I gripped Sis by the thighs with force enough to leave bruises for weeks, though that didn't matter to me at all just then. I sobbed and gritted my teeth at the need and the drive of it all. Sweat and saliva mingled on the bed beneath us and my-own juices mixed with my sister's until we flowed one into the other in a moment of hot incestuous passion. And in an achingly sweet final instant, I came into Debbie in all the gushes and rivers of young male potency. My sperm flowed like a river of fire, filling her tiny, bulging cunt and spilling down the crack of her pert little ass. I came and came and came. When it was over, neither of us could move. We lay wrapped in each other's arms while the sweat chilled on us and the late afternoon sun turned the room to butter. Then, faintly, faintly, I heard a small sound. I opened my eyes and looked across Debbie's restive face. There, in the doorway, which I too, had forgotten to close, stood Mom, and she was smiling! Talk about blow your mind. There I was, naked on top of my twelve-year-old sister, with my prick still in her cunt, sperm and cunt-juice running down her ass, and my mother is standing at the door looking at us with a grin on her face. Jesus Christ! Then again, I guess we must have made quite a picture, what with Debbie's legs cocked up and spread wide, my big ass like twin coconuts between them, and my balls swinging down and brushing the bed. Part 13. Mom just stood there looking at us for a minute as if she was a bit indecisive as to what to do. Finally she put her finger up to her lips, gave me a conspiratorial wink and quietly backed out of the room, closing the door. Sis opened her eyes and saw me staring at the door. "Tommy? What's wrong?" I shook my head. "Um... nothing, Sis. Nothing." I pulled my limp prick out of her cunt and reached for a towel to wipe up the mess. More goo leaked out as I put pressure on her puffy, reddened little cuntlips. "Did you like it, Sis?" "Mmmmmmm, yes! I loved it, Tommy! If I knew it felt this good I'd have let you do it to me sooner!" I grinned at Deb and stroked her pussy. "You gonna let me fuck you again, Sis!?", I asked hopefully. "Sure!", she said flinging her little arms around my shoulders. "You can do it to me anytime you like, Tommy!" "It's called, fucking, Sis!" I said, kissing her on the lips. "Say it.. Say, `I just got fucked!'" Debbie giggled shyly and lowered her lashes. "I just got fucked", she murmured. "You sure did, babe!", I grinned back. "You're one hell of a good fuck too... for a kid." "Am I?" she smiled brightly. "How do you know? Who have you done it... er.. fucked before, Tommy?" "Never mind, Sis", I said, dodging the question. "We'd better get dressed now in case Mom comes home early." "But we'll hear her pull in." "No we won't. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if her car's out in the driveway now!" With a swift look of consternation, Debbie flung herself across her bed and parted her curtains. "Oh, God! She IS home, Tommy!" "I know. Better get dressed, kiddo!" Debbie began to wriggle into her panties as fast as she could, giving a tiny cry as she noticed the bloodstains on her thighs. I helped her wipe them off and opened the door for her to slip quickly up the hallway to the bathroom. I heard the shower go on seconds later as I walked towards the kitchen. Mom was at the sink, fixing dinner. She smiled at me over her shoulder when I came up behind her and pressed my crotch up against her ass from behind. "Have fun?" she grinned. "Yeah! But I could still go a round with you before dinner, Mom", I said, kissing her neck. "What? You want more, straight after fucking your sister? The way you two were going at it I'm surprised you have enough energy to walk... Was she good, honey?" "Yeah, she was great! But not as good as you, Mom!", I grinned, squeezing her big tits through her silk blouse. "Oh, yo sweet-talking thang!", giggled Mom, in her best imitation southern drawl." I turned her around and kissed her hotly, pulling her towards me by the ass. Mom squirmed her cuntmound up against my prick. When she felt it harden she broke the kiss and reached down to squeeze me through my jeans. "God, baby! I've never seen you recover so fast! You'll have to fuck your little sister more often if this is the result," Mom smiled. "I fully intend to, Mom," I replied, "I fully intend to!" Part 14. Just then, Debbie came out of the shower and Mom and I automatically moved apart guiltily as we'd always done. This time however the situation was different and we gave each other a knowing smile. Mom played her part to perfection, never letting on for a second that she had seen us. Debbie looked different somehow, older perhaps, more radiant... happier, I don't know, whatever it was it made her look gorgeous and incredibly sexy in a fresh, young kind of way. All I knew was that I couldn't wait to fuck her again! As we ate dinner, Debbie kept giving me quick, secret smiles. Once when Mom left the room for a moment, Sis leaned over the table and whispered, "I'll leave my door open tonight, Tommy." She gave me a wanton little grin, and without waiting for an answer or even a reaction, went back to innocently eating her food just as Mom returned. We watched some TV after dinner with me and Mom on the couch and Sis in her usual spot on the carpet in front of us. My eyes kept wandering up between Debbie's parted thighs, thinking of the ripe hairless little pussy which bulged erotically under her tight little panties and how good it had felt wrapped snugly around the thickness of my plunging cock. I got an instant erection. Mom noticed and reached down to squeeze the bulge in my crotch. "She's got a cute little ass, hasn't she, honey?", whispered Mom. "Yeah! And an ever cuter cunt, Mom," I whispered back, giving Mom's left tits a quick squeeze. "Are you going to her room tonight?", smiled Mom. "You're not getting jealous, are you Mom?" I asked, sliding my hand up under her short skirt to cup her hot mound. "Nope. If you can still get it up for your horny old mom whenever I want it, I don't mind if you give your little sister a little too, honey. I might even join you" "What?", I said almost a little too loudly. "What do you mean?" "Nothing much!", said Mom coyly. "You aren't the only one in this household who thinks your sister has a cute little ass, you know." I was dumbfounded. I knew my mom was a very horny woman, Shit I'd been fucking her almost every day now for months, but the thought that she'd be attracted to other women or girls had never entered my mind. It certainly was now though! I pictured myself with Mom and Debbie in the same bed and my cock twitched. The possibilities were endless, especially if Debbie could be persuaded to have sex with Mom too! "Okay, Mom! Leave it to me. Maybe I can talk Sis into a threesome with you after I fuck her tonight." "I've got a better idea, darling," said Mom stroking her fingers the length of my cock. "Why don't you come to my room first, that way you'll have the edge taken off when you fuck your sister again. A man always lasts longer and gives the girl more pleasure if he's had an orgasm or two beforehand." "Okay, Mom," I whispered, "It's a deal, I'll be in as soon as Sis goes to bed." "I'll be waiting, lover", Mom said, sticking her tongue in my ear. She gave me a hot, sexy look and got up and went into the kitchen to check on the dishwasher. It was two or three hours before Sis went to bed. She made a big show about parading in and out of the bathroom for her shower in a thin little nightie with her robe open over it. Every time she moved, the transparent nightie pressed against her tits and pussy and showed everything she had. Hell, she wasn't even wearing any panties! Whenever Mom wasn't looking, Deb would give me one of those looks and wiggle her ass or something. Knowing I was going to get to fuck her hot little twelve-year-old slot again later tonight was an incredible turn-on. I had a constant erection all night, much to both Mom and Debbie's delight. Finally, at ten o'clock, Sis went to her room. She threw me a last, secret look as she went, as though to remind me that she would be awake and waiting. I winked at her and watched her cute little ass wiggle up the hallway. `Keep it hot for me, little sister', I thought to myself. Soon after, Mom took a quick shower and headed off to her bedroom. I gave her a couple of minutes and then followed, my cock still as hard as ever in my pants. Part 15. Mom was waiting for me in her bed. As always she was totally naked. Her eyes dropped immediately to my bulging crotch as I entered the room and locked the door behind me. "Why, Tommy," she giggled sexily. "I don't think that's a banana in your shorts, is it? You've got a hard-on. Come over here and let Mommy take care of that nasty ol' swelling for you." I grinned and pulled off my clothes, watching as Mom spread her legs to show me her pussy. It was wet and glistening and the slit was bright pink and oozing cunt-cream. I guessed she had been playing with herself while she waited, keeping her hot, horny pussy on the boil for me. As I undressed Mom wiggled her ass shamelessly on the bed and spread her legs even wider. "Hurry up, baby!" she smiled wantonly, "I want to suck your cock before you do me." "Okay, Mom!" I laughed. "You're the boss!" Mom dropped her hand between her legs and giggled lewdly as she dipped a finger into her juicy, hair-lined cuntslit. As my cock sprang free, Mom moaned and reached for it like a starving woman. She wrapped her long cool fingers around the shaft and started to jerk her fist up and down the hot throbbing length of it in a slow, familiar rhythm. I slid my hand up Mom's slender, shapely thigh and we both shuddered as I began to caress her prominent pussy-lips with my fingers. She must have been masturbating for quite a while before I came in because her cunt was real gooey and swollen with lust. Mom grimaced with intense pleasure as I straightened my middle finger and pressed it into the clasping interior of her cunt. "Ohhhhhhh, Tommy! That's it baby!" she groaned, wiggling her ass excitedly. "Why don't you pump it in and out a little. That always gets me so hot!" "I think you're hot enough already" I grinned, finger-fucking Mom's tight, clinging fuck-hole with practiced ease. "Mmmmmmmmm, God! Deeper! Fuck it in deeper, honey!", she moaned, jerking on my cock real hard. I eagerly complied, pumping my finger in and out of Mom's upthrust and squirming pussy, feeling her tight fucking muscles sucking juicily around the length of my finger. Mom gasped and started humping her ass feverishly off the bed. "Uhhhhhh, Jesus!" she moaned. "God, I'm so hot! Please, baby, would you lick my pussy for me? Please lick it for Mommy, Tommy. Mommy's horny little pussy needs to cum!" I didn't need to be asked twice. I loved sucking my mother's cunt, especially when she was as hot and horny as she was right now. I twisted round and buried my face between her legs. Mom's whole body started shaking as I avidly started licking and lapping, digging my tongue deep up inside her buttery cunt-slit. Mom dropped her hands to my head, pulling my hair, holding me in position as she humped her ass off the bed, grinding her drooling cunt right into my face. "Yes, Tommy!" she cried, as her pussy grew wetter and wetter. "Lick Mommy's pussy, honey! Ohhhhh, that's sooooo good! Lick it good for me, darling. Mommy's pussy needs a good, hard cum!" I licked and sucked at her cunt hungrily, slicing my tongue up and down between the swollen, drippy folds of my mom's musky-smelling pussy-slit. My mouth made little kissing, slurping sounds as I tongued up her fuck-oils, loving the familiar taste of my mother's ripe, hairy snatch. Mom thrust her hand down and opened her cunt-slit with her fingertips. "Tommy, oh, fuck, stick your tongue in deep!" she gasped, hunching her hips up of the bed as I did as she requested. I rammed my stiffened tongue into Mom's hot fuck-hole as far as I could, knowing how much she enjoyed it when I tongue-fucked her. Every now and again I'd flick her clit with the tip of my tongue before slithering it back down into her juice-filled hole. "Ooooohh, Jesus yessss, lick my clit!", hissed Mom, unable to stand the irresistible tingling of her swollen little fuck-bud. "Please, baby, it's so hot and swollen. My little clit's throbbing, Tommy. Please lick it for Mommy. Oh, fuck, ohhhhh, please, I need to cum so much!" Part 16. I moved my lapping tongue higher up her pussy, thrusting it hard against her erect clit. Mom bucked as if she'd been shot, her pretty face contorting with pleasure, digging the fingernails of her left hand into the back of my neck. "Uuuuuuh, fuck! Suck it!" she gasped, her voice quavering with lust "Suck my fucking clit you gorgeous little bastard! Oh, yes, oh, fuck... Suck my pussy, Tommy! I'm gonna cum so hard! I'm gonna cum any second!" I wrapped my lips around my mother's burning, tingling clit, sucking gently but forcefully, tugging on it with my mouth as my tongue massaged the underside. I pushed two fingers up her pussy and started finger-fucking her cunt, pumping my knuckles against the puffy, hairy outer lips of her pussy. Mom clawed my neck and arched her back. "I'm cumming!" she moaned. "Unh! Unngggghhh! Suck your mother, Tommy! Oh, fuck, oh, shit, I'm cumming now! Suck me, suck my cunt!!! I'mmmmm Cuuummmiiinnngggg!" My fingers were dripping with oozing cunt-juice as I kept jacking off Mom's spasming, throbbing pussy, sucking hungrily on her clit. "Oh, Tommy!" Mom shuddered, finally pushing my head away. "Oh, thank-you darling, that was a big one, baby!" "I noticed, Mom!" I grinned. I sat back, looking into my mother's lust-glazed eyes as I licked her fuck-juice from my mouth. Mom moaned and looked down at my crotch, her mouth watering as she imagined herself bobbing her face on my crotch, shamelessly fucking her face with her own son's stiff prick. "Oh, Tommy, you've really got a hard-on now, don't you?" Mom purred. Teasingly she dropped her bare foot to my crotch, rubbing my throbbing cock-shaft with her toes. "It's really hard now, isn't it, baby? Would you like Mommy to give you some relief?" I grinned and nodded swiftly. Mom smiled and slid between my legs, kneeling on the bed with her gorgeous naked ass in the air. At times like these I always wish there were two of me so I could fuck her upraised cunt or ass while she blew me. Mom looked up into my eyes and grinned lewdly. "Mommy's going to give you a cocksucking you're going to remember for a long, long time." "Do it, Mom!" I growled. "Suck the cum out of my fuckin' prick!" I sprawled back, pushing my hips up at Mom's face. Her fingers trembled with incestuous passion as she wrapped her right hand around the fat root of my prick, jacking my hard-on slow and hard. She groaned as she watched my piss-hole open up to emit sticky white drops of precum. Her pumping fist quickened. More spunk oozed out, coating my flared, puffy cock-knob with a shiny coating of jism. "Your prick is leaking, baby," Mom purred. "Lick it up, Mom!" I groaned. "I will, if you promise to give me a nice big bellyful of cum?" "Yes, oh, yes!" I gasped. "For God's sake just suck my cock!" "All right, baby... " Her words drifted into a low whimper of lust as Mom dropped her head, pursing her lips on the cum-leaking tip of my prick in a lewd, sucking kiss. I gasped with pleasure, my cock pulsating wildly in her hand. Mom gradually let her lips part wider and wider, making wanton little slurping sounds as she sucked in the swollen inches of my long, hard prick. "Oh, Mom!" I panted, looking down at her in awe and lust, seeing how wide my mom's mouth was stuffed with the thickness of my fuckpole. "That feels good! Suck it for me, Mom! Suck my fuckin' prick!" Part 17. Mom paused with over a third of my erection in her mouth. It seemed that she was on the verge of choking herself with my fuckmeat. I watched her shut her eyes, concentrating on the taste and feel of my prick. Her nostrils flared. Then she started sucking my cum-oozing cock extremely hard, slurping and gurgling noisily, puckering her cheeks to increase the suctioning pressure around my prick. "Jesus, Mom!" I yelped. I clutched her head, curling my fingers in her hair. "Suck it! Suck it hard, you gorgeous fuckin' cunt!!!" My hips jerked excitedly off the bed, fucking my cock between my mom's saliva-drooling lips. "Ohhhhh, Mom, that feels so good! Make me cum!" Eagerly, Mom began sucking on the pulsing stiffness of my cockshaft, laving my cock-knob lovingly with her swirling tongue. The precum oozed heavily out of my piss-hole now, and she made loud slurping, smacking sounds as she lapped it up. Mom's right hand tightened around the root of my cock, again commencing a pumping hand-job on the lower half of my prick. Soon she was jacking furiously on my enormous hard-on, encouraging the salty-tasting cock-sap to spew out of my fat, throbbing pisser. "Harder, harder!" I growled, my face contorted in ecstasy. "Oh, fuck, Mom, I'm gonna cum soon! Oh, shit, it feels so fucking good!" Mom sucked my prick as hard as she could, her whole face flushing brightly, as she abandoned herself to the obscene pleasure of incestuous cocksucking. Her right fist was a blur as it jacked my cockshaft, and she fondled my balls with her left. I held Mom's head tightly as I jerked my hips up off the bed, jamming my swollen cockhead down her gullet. Mom started to gag on the pulsing thickness of my engorged cock. Then the long-awaited shower of cum spewed out of the tip of my prick. It squirted and gushed into my mother's mouth, spattering across her tongue, bathing her tonsils in a fountaining load of rich, tasty cum. Mom made a wet gurgling sound of pleasure as she started swallowing as fast as she could, urgently gulping down the spurting mouthfuls of jizz. Again and again, my milky fuck-cream sprayed into her vacuuming mouth, making my young prick pulse and jerk with the force of my ejaculation. "Oh, baby!" purred Mom at last. When my cum juice had finally stopped spewing, she slid her hungry mouth off my cock. "You really gave Mommy a meal there, didn't you? I never even knew a man could hold so much cum in his balls!" "There's more where that came from, Mom" I grinned. "What about your sister?", smiled Mom devilishly. "Aren't you going to leave some for her?" "There's plenty to go around, Mom," I laughed, stroking my cock quickly back to hardness again. Mom fingered her cunt shamelessly as she stared hypnotically at my prick. It was staying nice and stiff, I thought proudly. More than stiff enough to fuck her horny cunt. "Lay back, honey!" said Mom, pushing me back into the pillows. "You're gonna have to conserve your energy tonight. Just lie there and let Momma do all the work, okay?" Who was I to argue? I just nodded, my cock pulsing more stiffly than ever at the thought of invading my mother's hot, juicy pussy once more. Mom wasted no time at all in straddling my hips, her tits jiggling as she planted her knees on the bed to either side of my chest. Mom reached between her slender thighs, eagerly taking hold of my cock. Then she wiggled her ass downward, groaning as she felt my cum-smeared cockhead push between the wet, swollen lips of her curly-haired cunt. "Oh, Tommy, I love your cock! It's so long and thick!" she gasped. She made sure my prick was securely embedded in her juicy pussy, then put her hands on my shoulders and hunched down. My cock slid into Mom's hot, slippery fuckhole to the balls. "Uhhhhhhhhh! Uuhhhmhmm!!", she moaned. I grabbed her asscheeks and ground my hips up at her, driving my cock even deeper into the tight, volcanic recesses of my mother's insatiable cunt. Mom went wild! "Yeahhh! Fuck! Ooohhhh, fuck! Fuck your mother, Tommy! Fuck my cunt!"", she began to chant. Part 18. Feverishly she humped and wiggled her ass, sliding her clinging, sucking pussy down onto the upthrust length of my throbbing prick. I looked down, excitedly watching my veined cockshaft disappearing into the hairy slit of my mom's pussy. Mom grimaced as her pussy-hole stretched around my pummeling prick. It was all the way inside her, throbbing and twitching deep inside her tightly-stretched fuck-hole. "Oh, Tommy! God I love your cock!" she squealed. She held my shoulders tightly as she humped her ass in a feverish rhythm, sliding her tight little pussy rhythmically up and down my cock. "Ohhh, Jesus! Ohhh fuck yesssss!" hissed Mom, "Oh, darling, my cunt's so full! Uuuuhhh! Ram it up there, baby! Fuck my pussy and cum in my cunt! I slid my hands down her slender waist, clutching the peach-shaped globes of my mom's madly-humping ass. She was writhing and moaning as I jerked my hips up off the bed and thrust my freshly cum-swollen cock in and out of her clinging cunt. "Faster, Tommy! Fuck my pussy faster!" By then Mom was bucking her ass in a frenzy of passion, pounding her wet, swollen cunt onto my cock as hard as she could, a stream of obscenities spilling from her panting mouth. "Fuck me, fuck me, fuck Mommy's cunt, Tommy! Oh, fuck, your cock feels so good inside me! Come on baby, fuck my pussy as hard as you can!" I picked up the speed of my fucking, groaning with pleasure as I humped high and hard off the bed, ramming my cock up my mom's hairy pussy-hole as deeply as I could. The thought of squirting another load of sperm way up inside Mom's belly was driving me quickly towards orgasm. I reached up and grabbed her jiggling breasts, pulling her down onto my cock by her tits. Her nipples dug into the palms of my hand as Mom arched her back and rode my cock like a cow-girl riding a bucking bronco, stabbing her cunt faster and faster with the satisfying stiffness of my virile young prick. "Unnnnnnhhhggggghhhh, Jesus! I'm gonna cum!" Mom shuddered. She dropped her hand between her legs shamelessly rubbing her clit as my prick pounded into her cunt. "Harder, harder, harder! Fuck me, honey, fuck my pussy! Oh, Tommy, oh, shit, I'm getting so close! Fuck your mother, Tommy! Harder, harder, fuck Mommy's horny cunt!" Clutching her bucking asscheeks, I pounded my cum-aching cock into Mom's clasping pussy as hard as I could. "Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me! I'm cumming, Son! Fuck your mother! Mommy's cuuummmiiinnngggg!" "Me tooooooo, Mommmmmm!" I grunted, squeezing her big tits real hard. Her pussy spasmed violently, spewing fuck-juice all over the racing length of my cock. I kept fucking her cunt as hard as I could, gasping as a second load of jism exploded from my balls. It squirted deep inside my naked mother's pussy, deluging her saturated cunt with a squirting stream of jizz. Mom gasped in ecstasy as the white torrent gushed into her fuck-hole, penetrating deep up into her womb. She kept humping wildly on top of me, her cunt-muscles flexing wildly around my squirting cock. After a while, Mom rolled off me, her gorgeous naked body glistening with sweat and her tits heaving deliciously as she gasped for air. She looked over at me and smiled. "Think you'll have enough left for your sister, Baby?" she whispered. I pulled her hand down to my still-hard cock and wrapped her fingers around the sticky length of it. "What do you think, Mom?", I grinned. "I think you're going to give the poor girl the fucking of her life!", said Mom with a laugh. "Have a quick shower first though honey, otherwise Debbie is bound to notice my cunt-juice on your cock." "Okay, Mom," I said getting to my feet. I left her lying there, sprawled naked on her bed. She made a wanton sight with her legs spread wide and her cunt drooling sperm. It almost made me want to fuck her again, but I knew my hot little sister would be waiting and I was determined not to disappoint her. Part 19. I took a quick shower and headed off to Debbie's room. As she promised her door was unlocked and I slipped inside. Her light was off so at first I thought she must have fallen asleep. Then I heard her whisper. "Is that you, Tommy?" "No Sis, it's the Big Bad Wolf!" I grinned. "Of course it's me, you dummy" Debbie turned the light on and gasped when she saw I was naked. "Ooooohhh, my goodness!" she smiled, "what a big thing you have, Mr. Wolf!" "All the better to fuck you with, my dear!" I replied, stroking my fist up and down the length of my cock. "Oh goodie!" giggled Debbie pulling aside the covers for me. I jumped right in and cuddled up to her, feeling my cock brush along her soft, warm thigh. My prick jerked like it had a life of its own. After coming twice with Mom you'd think that I'd have been fucked out by now ! But I wasn't. The feel of my little sister's body against mine soon had my cock stiffening up like a rock. It ached like sin, but somehow that just added a little to the thrill. I know it gets different as you get older, but it seems like when you're young, you can get it up any old time. I read a joke once that showed a young bull saying to an old bull, "Look at the all the cows, Pop. Let's run down the pasture and fuck one." And the old bull said, "Let's walk down the pasture, son, and fuck them all." Well, just then, I'd have believed that a young bull could run down the field and still fuck 'em all! And Sis was one hell of a cute looking young heifer. :) Debbie rolled on her side and threw her leg over my thighs. As it came in contact with my hardon she made a little mewling sound in her throat and began to rub her leg up and down, up and down against my cock. She had thrown her arm over me, too, and was gripping my shoulder tightly, using my body as a lever to rub herself into heat. The feel of Debbie's body against me was the last straw, I wanted to fuck her tight little cunt again so bad I could taste it! I reached around her with my free arm and grasped her by the firm little cheeks of her ass. I heard her catch her breath as my hands closed on her flesh. I could feel the nipples of her tiny tits hardening against my rib cage. With my other hand I caught the leg she had thrown over me behind the knee, dragging it further across and up my body so that her hairless little pussy mound was rubbing against my cock. I could feel the heat coming off her crotch like an oven. Boy, was she ever ready! "This is sure a change from when I fucked you on your bed, Sis." "I decided I liked it", she giggled. "It hurt when you stuck it in, but afterward it felt so good! I've never felt anything so good before. And I heard that after the first time, it doesn't hurt anymore. At least not much." "Well," I replied, "we'll soon see about that." As I ran my hands over her skinny young body, Debbie's breathing became deep and slow, relaxed and sensual. Her lips were against my ear and every now and then she would sort of give it a little kiss. Or more like a lick with the lips. I rolled up to face her, both of us on our sides. Our bodies were pressed together down their length. It was very comfortable, the way bodies are made to fit. All the places she curved in, I bulged out, you know. And the places where we pressed... belly, chest, knees, faces.. it felt like that was the perfect way to touch. I had my bottom arm all scrunched up under me and the other one pulling her close, running slowly up her back to her neck, then back down her spine to her ass, where I would pause and spread my fingers until they encompassed most of both cheeks. I did this in a slow, slow rhythm, and each time I reached her ass I'd pull her tighter and she'd press her pelvis hard into my belly so that her pussy ground against my cock. She had an arm tucked under her, too, and her free one was between us. She had slowly, shyly edged her hand down to rest on my belly, just above my pubic hair. Each time I ran my hand up her back and our bodies parted slightly, she would move her hand a little further down. Part 20. This went on for a while until I hunched upwards showing her in no uncertain terms that I wanted her to touch my cock. Finally she made a bold thrust and grabbed my shaft in her hot little fingers. She let her breath out in a long sigh. "Jeeez, Tommy! You sure have a big one tonight." "It's no bigger than it was the other day." "It feels bigger." "You didn't feel it then. At least not with your fingers." "Yes, but my hole feels a lot smaller than your cock." "It feels that way to your finger. But it stretches." "Really?" "How would I have got it in at all, if your pussy didn't stretch?" Debbie continued to squeeze my prick as we did our slow grinding rhythm. Then she gave a little wiggle. "I guess you're right, Tommy. You sure know a lot about women." If only she knew that Mom was the one who had taught me. But I didn't think it was the right time to let Sis in on my other little family secret. I just nodded, knowingly. "Well, I know my share, Sis. You just relax, and I'll show you what it's all about." She snuggled up closer, throwing her leg over me again, and I pulled her against me even tighter. I wiggled my scrunched-up arm free and found her breast. She was wearing this little nightie thing and I had to twist and squirm a little to get my hand down the neck of it. She lifted and shifted her weight to help me and gave a little giggle when my fingers finally found her nipple. God, she had perfect little tits! I squeezed her nipple gently between thumb and forefinger, feeling it stiffen immediately. "Ohhhh, Tommy. That feels so good." I didn't reply. I just kept kneading her tit, rolling her nipple around with my fingers. Her breathing was rapid again and her breath was sweet against my face. Almost as if we were reading minds, our lips came together. It wasn't a deep, passionate kiss at first. We just sort of touched our open lips together and lay there exchanging breaths. Then I felt this tiny touch. It was her tongue, like a little bird, just brushing the inside of my mouth. Now, this will sound nutty, but that was the most exciting thing so far! Here was this fine, tight young body spread against me like butter on bread, with a hot pussy jamming against my cock, and the sexiest thing happening was her little tongue brushing the inside of my mouth. I knew my little sister wasn't experienced in sex, but I damned sure understood that message. I closed my mouth over hers and sucked her tongue into it, at the same time really grabbing her tit and pulling her body into mine. She stiffened up for a second, then just sort of... collapsed against me. Her lips opened slowly and her teeth parted to let my tongue jam into her throat. Her thighs relaxed and she sort of flowed against my cock like melting wax. Sis was ready to fuck, no question about it. Her hand still held my cock, and she was running her fingers up and down it lightly, keeping it nice and hard. I broke away and rolled her gently onto her back. She just lay there smiling, waiting for me to make my move. I got above her on my hands and knees, our bodies just touching. Debbie responded by wrapping her arms around me and opening her legs. Her nightie had bunched up just under her breasts, leaving her lower body bare. She wore no panties and the warm touch of her flesh was like an electric shock to me. I could barely keep from coming all over both of us right there. She was so firm! I could feel the muscles of her stomach contracting against my belly. And the muscles of her inner thighs were like taut bands beneath the damp skin. In spite of my excitement, there was a feeling of gentleness to the whole thing. Tenderness, almost. It made me want to just stroke her and pet her... to kiss her long and deeply. Gently, I lowered my weight on her and put my lips on hers. Debbie opened her mouth to receive me. We touched, melted together. My tongue moved hotly inside her mouth. Part 21. I had my hands beneath her head, resting my weight on my elbows, which were placed at her sides. I felt her conical little tits pressed into my chest muscles, nipple to nipple. Debbie's hands caressed my back, moving like butterflies down from my shoulder blades to my ass. Her knees crept upward until she was gently gripping my buttocks with her thighs. Then she began to move against me, inexpertly, but not awkwardly, and I guided her with the same slow, beautiful rhythm we had used previously. Our mouths locked together... her sweet breath flowing into my body ... our hands exploring, finding the secret hollows and hills of each other's body ... my hard, throbbing cock in damp contact with her hairless cunt, sliding back and forth, up and down, seeking.... And then, at just the right moment, in just the right way, my prick pressed against the moist lips of her pussy. There was a moment's resistance, then her little cunt opened to my insistent cock in gentle surrender, and I eased inside. Debbie gave a tiny moan. I stroked her cheek in reassurance. She drew her lips away from mine. "Oh, Tommy! It's so big!" "Does it hurt?" "No ... yes. But not too much. It's just... very big, that's all. It feels like it's splitting me, but I don't care. It's good, Tommy. Uhhhhhh, it's sooooo good!" Then, surrendering to her adolescent lust, Debbie sought my mouth again and kissed me with passion. My cock had slid slowly into her body as though it were seeking the roots of her being. It felt as if it would go on forever. Then I was all the way in. I could feel the tautness of her hairless crotch, stretched wide to accommodate me. And I could feel the interior of her pussy, a blunt presence against the head of my cock that was her womb. Debbie moaned again, and her hands fluttered against my back. Then she planted her feet on the bed and raised her pelvis to take the last bit of me into her. We clung like that a moment, then I began to withdraw, still slow and gentle, extracting every ounce of feeling from the beautiful experience of having my cock enveloped by my young sister's ultra-tight little cunt. Out and out I pulled, feeling her tiny cunt-lips clinging to my cock like a sucking little mouth. Out and out, while the juices flowed inside my sister to lubricate my passage. Out and out, as the heat of our passion became a fire in my stomach. Out and out, with my cock as hard as a rock and thicker than I had ever felt it. Out and out and out forever, it seemed. And then a pause as the lips of Debbie's tiny cunt ringed the head of my cock. We clung there to each other, lips caressing, while my cock poised almost out of her body. Then in again with the same slow rhythm... in, until it was impossible to fit anymore cock in that tight, bulging little thirteen-year-old pussy. I paused, enjoying the vice-like grip her tiny, pubescent cunt had on my turgid prick. But Debbie was beside herself with lust, and in no mood to wait while I savoured the moment. "Oh, don't stop, Tommy," she said, her voice shaking. "Fuck me, please ... fuck ... me ... now." I pulled out of her, watching her cuntlips pull out as they cling to the shaft of my cock. When just the head was clasped by her elastic little hole, Debbie put both her hands on my hips and pulled me down into her. Again my aching cock slid into tight, wet heaven! "Oohhh! Ohhhh!" she cried out, and pushed me back again. "God that feels good! You cock feels so big and thick inside me! But I love it! Move a bit faster, Tommy!" "Don't worry, Sis, I intend to!" I muttered, reaching down to grip her tiny asscheeks for leverage. Then I pushed my cock into her cunt with a single shove, causing her tits to jiggle with the force of my thrust. Deb whimpered and squirmed as I fucked her, lifting her legs up and locking them behind my ass as I rammed her hot, sucking cunt as hard as I could. "UNNGGHHHH! F...FUCK! FUCK!", she groaned, as I angled my cock into her like Mom had shown me. The upper surface of my prick rasped against her tiny clit with every stroke. Debbie immediately began to gasp and squirm, rolling and bucking her hips up at me like a bitch in heat. By the look on her pretty young face, she was already very close to cumming. "Go ahead, Sis, let yourself go," I said. "I like watching you come under me." Part 22. Needing no encouragement, Sis twisted and bounced under me, grinding her deeply-impaled pussy up at my pistoning cock. She came quickly with a muffled cry, kissing my chest and nipples frantically as her cunt convulsed around my throbbing prick. Debbie gasped and blew in my ear, her little hips still moving up and down, as I continued to fuck her. I reached a hand up to squeeze one of her tits and crushed my mouth on hers. She opened her mouth wide for me, her tongue probing and playing with mine as we kissed hotly. I slid my hand down to her cunt and rubbed her clit as I moved my cock inside her. Her cum had opened and lubricated her tight little pussy making it much easier for me to fuck her the way I wanted to, the way I fucked Mom.... hard and fast and deep. I looked down into her gorgeous face and saw the lust there. I knew instantly that Deb wanted it too! "Fuck me hard now, Tommy!", she husked. "I can take it. I'm not a little girl anymore. Oooooooooh, God I want you to fuck my pussy real hard! Debbie's eyes were locked on mine as I began to pump her harder. Despite her brave words, I could see a little apprehension there, but it was rapidly by replaced by incestuous desire as my the speed and depth of my cock-thrusts increased. As I began to slam my prick up into her little pussy as hard as I could, Deb's pupils rolled back in her head and she closed her eyes. Her heels were digging into the small of my back, pulling me inside her harder with every stroke. We were both panting loudly, and I wondered if Mom was listening to us. The sudden thought of my mother lying awake fingering her wet pussy as she listened to me fuck my hot little sister was almost enough to drive me over the edge, but I managed to hold back long enough for Deb to shudder her way through another orgasm. "Are you coming again Sis!" I asked. "Oh, God, yes, Tommy, I'm coming!" "Good!" I grunted, giving her a series of long, hard jabs. "Tell me, Sis. I always want to know when you come." "I'm coming now, Tommy. I'm commmmmmmmming. I never thought it could be so good. OH, FUCK! OHHHHHHHHHHH!, Ooooooh, don't ever stop. AH, AHHH, AAOOEEYAHHH!" Her hips bucked and shuddered. Her head thrashed from side to side. Pussy-juice ran out of her cunt, over my cock and down her ass. My hot little sister was cumming like a fucking volcano! "OHH, OH, OH, GOD, OH, MMMHHHHH! KEEP FUCKING ME! DO IT HARDER!" she groaned, holding me tightly with both her arms and legs. I kept up my blistering pace, making her come several times more before I felt my own orgasm reaching its peak deep down in my cum-swollen balls. She grabbed my asscheeks in a death grip and hunched her frothy little twat up at my cock like she'd been fucking all her life. I rammed my prick deeper and deeper into her cunt until the head of my cock was pounding up against the back of her cunt and my balls were slapping her tiny ass. I could feel the walls of her young pussy contracting rhythmically around my cock as her pussy stretched and opened, letting me deeper and deeper inside her. It was all finally too much for me. I lifted her skinny little legs high and wide and literally rammed my cock into her with a vengeance, not caring if I hurt her anymore. All I wanted was to cum inside that tight hot little thirteen-year-old cunt. Sis was squealing loudly, but I took no notice. The look on her face told me she was crying out with pleasure, not pain. Besides, I don't think a raging bull could have moved me from between my sister's legs right at that moment. I had a hot load of cum in my balls and it had my sister's name on it! I let out a hoarse guttural cry and pumped my cock into her real hard, feeling the sperm course up through the throbbing shaft of my prick and blast out into her tiny hole, filling her cunt to overflowing with a veritable flood of thick, creamy jism. Debbie looked down and we both watched as it bubbled up out of her cunt, forced out by the thickness of my cock as it pistoned in and out of her belly. Sis came again before I finished, panting and whimpering like an exhausted little animal. Finally, the storm passed. Debbie slowly relaxed her grip on my ass and I was able to extract my cock from her pussy. I rolled over onto my back. Debbie curled up next to me with her head on my chest. "I love you, Tommy," she said. "I love you too, Sis," I replied, giving her a kiss on the forehead. Deb reached up and pulled my mouth onto hers and we kissed passionately. "Can't you two be any quieter", came a voice from behind us. "How can I get to sleep with you two fucking your brains out in here. It sounds like an orgy!" It was Mom! She was standing in the doorway wearing nothing but a smile. I grinned back at her, knowing what she had in mind. Part 23. Debbie let out a frightened little squeal and sat up, instinctively covered her naked young body with the sheet. She looked like she was about to burst into tears for a second. Then, once she she saw that Mom was naked too, and that I was smiling at her, she visibly relaxed and the expression on her cute little face turned from fear to confusion. "Don't be scared, honey", Mom said, "I know you kids have been fucking... Tommy and I have been doing it too." Sis looked at me in awe. "You mean, you've fucked Mom?" she gasped. "Sure!", I grinned, "You're not the only hot-blooded female in this family who likes a little home-grown cock, Sis." "You're not jealous are you, sweetheart?" asked Mom, coming over and sitting beside us on the bed. "No..." murmured Debbie in a tiny voice. "Good," said Mom, giving Sis a big hug, "because you're going to have to share your big brother with me from now on, okay?" "I guess..." Debbie's eyes were on Mom's gorgeous, firm tits. She seemed to be hypnotized by them. Mom saw her interest too. "Do you like my breasts, baby?" she asked, gently stroking Debbie's naked thigh. Debbie swallowed hard and nodded her head, never taking her eyes from Mom's tits. "Do you want to touch them?" Again Sis nodded her head in the affirmative, a little more sure of herself this time. Mom took Debbie's trembling hand and placed it over her left tit, her other hand stroking higher and higher up her daughter's tight all the time. To my surprise, Sis began to squeeze and fondle Mom's tit. Mom moaned and slid her hand right up into Debbie's crotch. My cock was as throbbing like crazy as I watched my mother's long, slender fingers stroke up and down my little sister's hairless cuntslit. Mom's fingers were soon wet with the juices which seeped out of Debbie's tight young cunt. "Oh, honey! Your little pussy is so wet...", she moaned, "Tommy must have cum a bucketload in there to make you so wet!" Then, turning to me, she smiled and said; "Why don't you finish cleaning your sister's pussy out with your tongue, baby. I want to watch you suck her hot, juicy little cunt!" Sis looked at Mom strangely for a second, not used to hearing our mother talk like that in front of us. Then she smiled, and opened her slim young thighs in wanton invitation. "Suck me out again, Tommy!", she grinned, enjoying the thrill of talking dirty to me in front of our mother. "Suck my horny, fucking cunt till I cum in your mouth!" With a moan I scrambled between my sister's wide-spread legs and pressed my face into her hairless little crotch. I unfurled her puffy, pink pussylips with my thumbs and licked up and down the length of her cuntslit a couple of times before concentrating on clit. As I sucked her, Mom took Debbie's other hand and placed it between her thighs, rubbing her fingertips up and down her hairy, wet cuntslit. "Mmmmmmmm, you're wet too, Mom," moaned Debbie, her eyes half-closed with lust. Mom lowered her head to Debbie's tits and started sucking on them one at a time, taking all of the tiny, firm cones of flesh into her mouth at once. Debbie was trembling like a leaf as Mom and I worked her creamy young body over with our mouths, Mom sucking her tits and me eating her tasty little pussy. "Ohhhhhh, God! Yesss!", she squealed, "Suck me! Suck me, both you you! Uhhhnnnnnnnnnhhh!" Mom lifted her head from Debbie's tits and kissed her on the mouth. I watched as my surprised little sister tongue-kissed my horny mother. At first, Debbie resisted, but I gently lapped at her distended clit some more and soon she was kissing Mom as hard and as hot as she had kissed me earlier. I had never seen two girls tongue-kissing before, especially not my sister and mother. My cock was rock-hard and I was getting ultra-horny. I reached out and slid two fingers up Mom's cunt. Part 24. Sis was right, Mom was very wet indeed. Sucking and kissing her own daughter was really turning Mom on something fierce! I inserted a finger into Debbie's cunt and slid it in and out of her fuckhole as I sucked away on her tiny, throbbing clit. Pressing my finger into her hairless twat as deep as I could, I began to use my lips on her hard little fuckbud, nibbling and rolling it around with my tongue. Debbie gasped into Mom's open mouth. Mom reached down and pulled my finger out of Debbie's cunt replacing it with her own slender middle finger. Mom has long, sharp nails on all her fingers and I expected Sis to cry out in pain as soon as Mom's finger slid between her swollen little cuntlips, but she didn't. Mom massaged Debbie's clit with the heel of her hand for a while, wigging her finger around inside my sister's squirming cunthole. Sis began to make loud moaning noises, but Mom kept her lips firmly plastered over Debbie's mouth, stifling her cry. Mom's finger was fucking deep into Debbie's pussy now. I could see a pool of juice glistening at the bottom of my sister's slit. I got up close to look and Mom pulled her finger out. Then put her hand on the back of my head an pressed my mouth back onto Debbie's creamy little cunt. I pressed my mouth down and licked my tongue up through Debbie's slit, tasting the accumulated juices. I began to suck out her little cunt gently, poking my long, wiggly tongue up inside her tiny hole. I spread her hairless cuntlips with my fingers and probed deeper. Debbie flinched a bit, but Mom soothed Sis and held her close while I cleaned out her gooey twelve-year-old fuckhole with my tongue. I found I could stick my tongue much deeper into Debbie's slit now, and the deeper I probed the stronger the taste of her became. It made me real hot to know that I was probably licking up the remains of the last load I shot into my little sister's pussy. My swollen cock was squashed between the bed and my belly, so I rolled on my side to relieve the pressure. As soon as it sprang free, Mom reached out and wrapped her fingers around it. "Ohhhh, God! You're so hard, baby!", she murmured, rubbing her clenched fingers up and down my pulsating shaft. "Soooo nice and hard!" Mom, looked at Debbie as she jerked on my cock. Sis was squirming her little ass around on the bed and panting loudly, her eyes slitted with pubescent lust. "I think she's ready for your cock again, Tommy" said Mom, giving my prick a meaningful squeeze. "Fuck her, son! I want to watch you fuck your hot, horny little sister!" "Okay, Mom," I grinned, "You're the boss!" I crawled into position above my sister's skinny body and spread her legs. Her little pussy-mound was red and glistening from the heavy sucking I had given it and her tiny clit-bud poked through at the top of her cuntslit like the tip of a tiny little tongue. Mom held my cock in one hand and spread Debbie's cuntlips apart with the other. "Ummmmm, yeahhhh! Put it in for me!" I gasped, "Help me fuck her, Mom!" It was an incredible turn-on for me to have my gorgeous naked mom guide my prick into my sister's cunt. My cock felt twice as thick as usual and it throbbed and jerked in Mom's hand something fierce as she attempted to locate the entrance of Debbie's super-tight young twat with the tip of my prick. Finally, after rubbing my cockhead the length of Sis's hot little slit a couple of times, I felt it pop into her tiny hole. "Unnnnhhhhhh!", moaned Debbie, hunching her skinny hips up at my barely-imbedded cock. The horny little kid really wanted to fuck bad! "Push!" hissed Mom. "Fuck her, Tommy! Fuck the little slut hard!" "Uuuooohhh, God! Yessssss! Do it Tommy!" groaned Debbie in frustration. "Fuck me! Fuck me, now!!!" Not needing any encouragement, I hunched forward and plunged my cock into my sister's juicy, hairless twat to the hilt. Sis grunted like an animal as I rammed home, squirming her ass and arching her slender young back in total sexual abandon. Part 25. I looked over at Mom and saw she was rubbing her pussy like crazy, her eyes glazed over as she watched Debbie's little pink cuntlips bulging obscenely around the thick shaft of my cock. I pulled out of Sis slowly and watched Mom's face as my glistening pole withdrew from her deliciously tight pussy. Debbie's widely-stretched little cuntlips clung to my cock, puckering up around the hard column of flesh like a sucking mouth. "Ohhhh, God," she whispered. "That's so fucking hot!" Mom had her hairy wet pussy spread open with one hand while the fingers of her other hand rubbed frantically up and down through her creamy cuntslit. "Fuck her hard, Tommy!", Mom groaned huskily, "I want to see you fuck her tight little cunt hard!" With a grin, I began to hump my hips a bit faster, feeling my huge cock stretching my sister's little twat. Sis was biting her bottom lip to keep from squealing out as she bucked her little hips up to meet me. My cock was splitting her open, yet she seemed to be in no pain. I changed the angle of entry into her pussy so that the shaft of my prick dragged up and down over her protruding clit with every stroke. "OOOOHHHHHH! GOD! TOMMMY!", screamed Sis, "FUCK ME LIKE THAT! FUCK ME WITH YOUR BIG FAT COCK! UHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" It was obvious that Debbie's widely-stretched twat had finally readjusted to the thickness of my cock as I soon found that I could fuck her quite deeply now. I began to pound her hard, watching her face for signs of pain. Then, backing off a little if it looked like I was hurting her. All the time enjoying her tight, hot wetness sliding deliciously over my hard, slippery shaft. "Oooooh, Jesus!" I panted, feeling of my sister's 12-year-old cunt milking and squeezing me with every thrust. "Fuck, she's tight, Mom!" Staring down between our legs, Mom watched as the thick glistening shaft of my cock slid in and out of Debbie's widely stretched slit. The sight of her tiny, grasping cuntlips being sucked out and pushed in by my slippery cock was exciting all of us. The room was suddenly filled with the slurping sound of my sister's hot, juicy little twat being fucked by my massive fuck-shaft. It felt so good, I was soon wildly slamming my prick into her frothy young cunt, my balls slapping loudly against her tiny pink asshole as I pounded her hot little ass into the bed. Sis was lifting her hips up off the bed, humping her twat up to meet every downward plunge of my prick as she frantically attempted to get even more cock into her boiling young twat. God, she was a fantastic fuck! I was fucking Debbie so deeply, I felt the head of my cock pounding against the very end of her 12-year-old fuck-hole. The lips of her hungry little twat were sucking and grasping at the thick base of my cock with and intense suction. It almost felt like her pussy was actually sucking me into her belly on each downstroke. I felt Mom move closer and run her hands over my tightly clenched asscheeks. " babies... so good... so good!" she murmured. Then, I felt one of Mom's fingers on my asshole, just rubbing and stroking at first, but after a few seconds it began to probe deeper and deeper until her whole finger was buried deep inside my rocking ass. "Mom?" I gasped. "Just relax, honey!", she purred, "Let mommy fuck your ass while you fuck your sister, okay?" "Ummmmmmmmm, yeahhhhhh!", was all I could manage. Mom's finger up my ass felt great! She was rubbing a spot that really felt good, adding immensely to the pleasure of my cock sliding in and out of my sister's clinging cuntslit. I could feel my cock swelling bigger and bigger as Mom's finger slid back and forth against the fleshy ridges inside my rectum. This added to Debbie's pleasure as my pistoning prick stretched her tiny young cuntslit even further, causing her clit to drag backwards and forwards over the length of my blood-engorged cockshaft. "Ahhhhh, God!... Fuck!", whimpered Debbie as I hammered her little hole deeply, "Uhhh yeah, Tommy! Fuck my cunt! Ohhhhh, Mommy! Watch Tommy fuck my hot little cunt! He's fucking me soooo good!!!" "I know, sweetheart!" gasped Mom, driving her finger up my ass in time with my powerful strokes into my sister. "Put your legs up on his shoulders so he can get at your cunt better and fuck him back, honey!" Part 26. Sis lifted her legs and rested them on my shoulders as mom had instructed. I felt her pussy open a bit as my cock entered her at a new angle. Mom was right, I COULD get at my sister's cunt better this way. I could fuck her much more deeply and her tiny cunt seemed to cling to my cock harder. I began to really fuck Sis hard, pounding her skinny ass into the bed with deep, powerful thrusts that soon had her squealing and whimpering in ecstasy. Her abundant cunt-juice was bubbling out around my cock and running down over her tiny, puckered little asshole, staining the sheets. Mom reached down between our legs and scooped some up with her hand. Then, putting her sticky, pussy-coated fingers between her lips she sucked her daughter's cunt-cream hungrily into her mouth. "Ohhhh, Debbie! You taste good, baby!" moaned Mom, licking the last trace fom her fingers with a flourish. "When Tommy's finished fucking you I want to suck you, darling. Will you let me? Will you let Mommy lick your brother's cum out of your sweet little pussy?" "Uuuuuhhh, yessss! I'll let you do anything, Mom! As long as Tommy doesn't stop fucking me... Oooooh, God! I'm so clooooose!!" Hearing that, I pounded into Debbie's slippery cunt hard and fast, crushing her tiny body beneath me as we fucked like animals. The bed shook with my thrusts and Mom's finger was dislodged from my asshole by the sheer force of our movements. "OHHHHHH, SHIT!", screamed Debbie suddenly, "FUCK ME, TOMMY! UNNNNNGHHHHHH! FUCK ME, HARD! I'M CUMMMMMMMMMMMMING" "Oh, yeah! Yeah, Sis! Cum on my cock you hot little fuck!" I grunted, slamming her tiny body deep into the bed with my prick. Debbie sobbed and whimpered, tossing her pretty young head from side to side as she exploded in a wild convulsing orgasm. The spasms of her tight, clinging little cunt around my cock as she came was enough to send me over the edge too, and I fucked and shuddered into my little sister like a rutting animal as my prick sent a load of thick, hot jism spurting into her cunt. Screaming hysterically, Sis started grinding her hot, clasping twat around the base of my furiously spurting dick. "That's it, my baby! Cum in her!", urged Mom, also in a high state of arousal, "Fill your sister's sweet little cunt with your cream so I can lick it all out!" I fell forward over Debbie and lay gasping as the last tender twitches of her orgasm began to fade and my cock ceased pumping her young cunt full of thick, slippery sperm. Mom was going to have a LOT of jism to suck out, that's for sure! "Oh, Tommmmmy!" murmured Debbie, smiling sweetly up into my flushed face. "That was such a neat fuck!" "It sure was, Sis," I grinned, flexing my deflating cock inside Debbie's sloppy little slit. Mom hugged us both and kissed us on the lips, letting her hot tongue dart into our mouths as we huddled together in an intimate incestuous embrace. "Now, it's my turn," smiled Mom. Part 27. Mom pushed Debbie's legs apart and lowered her mouth to the hairless, cum-filled little twat I had just fucked, and began to lick and suck noisily. I lay back, stroking my cock as I watched the incredibly erotic sight. Mom's gorgeous, naked ass was stuck provocatively up in the air as she licked up the thick, creamy jizz I had deposited in Deb's hot little fuckhole. Sis was on her elbows, staring down at Mom's bobbing head and darting tongue, a look of total amazement on her cute young face. "Ohhhh, Mom! That feels so good!", she groaned, letting her head flop back into the pillows. "Lick my cunt, Mom!... Unnnghhh, suck out Tommy's cum!!" Trembling with excitement, Mom began hungrily lapping at the juices that covered Debbie's smooth, glistening pussy-mound. With no cunthairs to get in the way, Mom cleaned up Debbie's plump little cuntlips with relish, then dropped her tongue down to lick up the mixture of cunt-cream and sperm that had bubbled out of Sis's sweet little twat and dribbled into the cheeks of her skinny young ass while I was pounding my cock into her. There was an animal urgency about the way Mom's mouth moved over Deb's little pink fuck-hole. Sucking her daughter's juice-filled pussy right after it had been fucked, seemed to really excite her. Mom clung desperately to Debbie's hips, loving every depraved moment of this incestuous, lesbian encounter with her daughter. Sis was obviously loving it too, because her back was arched as she hunched her skinny little hips up off the bed like crazy, grinding her hairless cuntslit up onto Mom's face so hard that Mom was having trouble breathing! The way Sis reacted, must have really got Mom excited because she suddenly let out this loud moan... more like a gasp actually, and rolled onto her side, all the time keeping her hot, sucking mouth glued tightly to her daughter's squirming little cunthole. Frantically grasping her tiny hips, Mom pulled Debbie on top of her, slamming the kid's wet twat right down over her up-turned face. Sitting astride Mom's face, Deb instinctively knew what was required of her and, without prompting, she fell forward in order to lick Mom's steamy wet slit as well. Now locked in the classic sixty-nine position, I watched as Debbie stared down into Mom's hairy, gaping pussy. This was the first time Sis had ever looked into another girl's cunt, yet she looked strangely fascinated by the folds of slippery pink flesh that unfolded before her like the petals of a flower. Mom's glistening, pink cuntlips were swollen and wet, and covered with a slick film of pussy juice. I longed to push my face into that hot, wet slit and lick Mom to orgasm, but it was Debbie's turn now... like me, her first taste of cunt would be her own mother's... and I was going to get to watch! It was such an erotically depraved thought. Gently grasping Debbie's asscheeks, Mom pulled her ass down and lightly traced the tip of her tongue around Debbie's quivering little shitter. I watched Sis shiverer with delight as Mom's tongue wetly washed the deliciously hot flesh between her widely splayed asscheeks. "Ooooooh, Mom," whimpered Debbie, her attention taken temporarily away from Mom's gaping pussy. "What are you doing....? Uuuuhh, God! That feels so.... gooooooood!" Excitedly moving her face up and down between, her daughter's soft round buns, Mom covered Debbie's puckered little bung with her warm wet mouth, and gently blew her hot breath up Debbie's puckered little asshole. "Mmmmmmmmm, Mom!" Sis sobbed into Mom's hot, hairy crotch. "Oooooooooh... OhhHHHH.. OOOHHHHHHH!" Mom lewdly swirled her tongue around and around my sister's tight little ring, completely saturating it with her slippery spit. Then, when little Debbie's ass-muscles were completely relaxed, Mom drilled her tongue deep into Debbie's tight little asshole. "Ohhh, Shit!" squealed Sis. "That's so good, Mom ... SOOO GOOOOOD!" Reaching up and grasping her daughter's hard little tits, Mom lovingly squeezed and pulled them while she reamed out Debbie's hot little shitter with her tongue. "Oh, Mom." whimpered Debbie between slurps on her mother's drooling cunt. "Lick my ass... Suck me too... It feels fantastic!" Finally pulling her tongue out of my little sister's asshole, Mom slithered it back up into the hot, slick moistness of Debbie's tight, young cuntslit, obviously excited by the fresh, delicious taste of it. I guessed that Mom had led quite a depraved and promiscuous life, but I'd never imagined that she had the urge to lick her own daughter's pussy. Now, here I was watching my sexy little sister and my horny mother engaged in a hot, lesbian 69! Jesus! I couldn't believe my luck! Clutching at Debbie's soft, tiny asscheeks, Mom thrust her face as deep as possible into Sis's hot, slippery slit, sucking on it for all she was worth. Debbie was doing the same to Mom, and by the look on her face, it was clear that Sis had never dreamed that pussy juice would have such a strange and exciting flavor. Part 28. I sat on the edge of the bed, lewdly stroking my cock as I watched Mom and Debie sixty-nine. The sight and sound of their passion-crazed mouths frantically sucking on each other's pussies had quickly given me another horrendous erection. And, as erotic as it was to watch my mother and sister sixty-nine, I could hardly wait for them to finish each other off so I could bury my big hard-on in one of their deliciously wet and willing little twats. Mom and Sis were so excited, it wasn't long before I got my chance. After only a few minutes of obscenely strenuous cunt-sucking they were panting and moaning like crazy, and it was quite obvious to me that they were both rapidly approaching a couple of mutually satisfying orgasms. "Oh. Christ!" I heard Mom squealing. "Don't stop, Debbie! Keep sucking, honey, keep sucking! Mother's gonna come, baby! OOOOOOOOOOH! OHHHHHHHH! SUCK! SUCK!... SUCK MY CUNT, BABY!" From the way Mom was jerking and convulsing under Sis, I could tell she was in the throes of a mind-blowing climax. She frantically tore at the bed as she violently slammed her cunt up tighter against Debbie's hot sucking mouth. "Ohhhhhhh, Godddddddd! Fuck! FUCK! FUUUUUCKKK!" she sobbed, completely collapsing when the last wave of orgasmic pleasure washed through her body. "Ohhhhh, Shit!" shrieked Debbie, rolling off Mom's limp, quivering body. "I didn't come yet, Mom! I didn't come!!!" "Don't worry, Deb" I panted, rolling Sis onto her back and crawling up between her skinny young legs. "I'll bring you off!" "Ohhh, Tommy! Yeahhhhhh, do it!," whimpered Debbie when she felt my big knob sliding in between her tight, hairless little cuntlips. "Fuck me! Make me cummmm!!" Grasping my enormously swollen prick in my hand, I guided the blunt tip of my cockhead into her pubescent young slot. Debbie was hot... REAL hot!!! Mom had brought her so close to orgasm, my little sister's horny, pre-teen twat was bubbling like a fountain! "Uhhhhhhh, God," she panted, rubbing her slippery, hairless young pussy against the head of my thickly throbbing boner. "Jesus! Give it to me, Tommy! Come on... fuck me... PLEASE FUCK MEEEEEE!" I desperately wanted to give my little sister exactly what she wanted, but with Mom watching, I was determined to do it right. I reached down and grasped Deb's tiny young asscheeks in both hands. Then, thrusting my hips forward, I drilled my stiff cock all the way into her tight little cunt with one brutal plunge. "OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHWWWW!" shrieked Sis, as my huge prick plowed up through her juicy-hot, adolescent cuntal flesh. Her tight, wet young heat felt so good around my lurching cock. With my hands digging into the soft wiggly flesh of my sister's tiny asscheeks, I rammed my prick balls deep into her tight, wet, clasping little fuckhole. "Yesss! Fuck her, Tommy! Fuck her hard!', gasped Mom, running her hands over my tightly clenched ass. Mom grabbed my balls and began to fondle them as I fucked my hot, squealing little sister hard and fast. "Ohhh, shit, what a fuck!" Debbie whimpered, humping her skinny little ass up of the bed at my deeply pounding cock. While my fingers goosed and kneaded into the soft crack between my sister's quivering young ass-cheeks, I continued slamming my massive hard-on back and forth into the hot, sucking wetness of her frothy little cunt. "Harder!" she squealed, "Fuck me harder!" I replied by drilling my long, hard prick deep up into my sister's seething little fuck-hole at an ever increasing speed. There was something intensely erotic about the way my fingers dug into the soft crack of her sweet young ass as my juice-slickened cock slurped in and out of her tight, twelve-year-old cunt. Mom felt it too, because she reached up beneath our straining young bodies and gripped my cock as I plunged it relentlessly into Debbie's tight, clinging little cunt-slit. In turn, my horny little sister wrapped her shapely young legs excitedly around my ass, slamming her crotch up at my deeply plunging prick as she pleaded with me shamelessly. "Fuck me, Tommy!" Sis cried out. "Fuck the shit out of me!" Part 29. I had never been so thoroughly aroused in my life, as I pounded frantically into my sister's hot, receptive young fuck-hole. The way her tiny cunt squeezed and sucked at my cock was enough to blow my mind. The fact that Mom was watching us only seemed to inspire me with added vigour. "Ohhh, Mommy! He's fucking me so good!", shrieked Debbie, as I pounded my throbbing prick deep up into her squirming young body. "Goddddd! I feel so full!... " Spurred on by my sister's wild squeals, I began drilling my cock into her eager, upthrust little cunt with more and more force. Watching us kids fuck, I was sure that Mom was wondering how Debbie could stand the fury of my onslaught, yet she was screaming for more. My little sister's pretty face was contorted with passion as her eyes rolled back and saliva dribbled from her open mouth. It was obvious that she wasn't aware of anything except my thrusting prick plunging in and out of her super-heated young slit. "Uuuuuuuuhh, Jesus!" she cried. "Oh, fuck... fuck... FUCK!" Feeling my ejaculation rapidly approaching, I began drilling my throbbing pole deeper and harder into Debbie's hot little twelve-year-old twat, pounding my thick shaft into her tiny hole with rapid, pile-driving strokes that shook her tiny frame. The top ridge of my prick rubbed repeatedly against her clitty, bringing Sis closer and closer to another wild, squealing orgasm. "Oh, shit!" Debbie suddenly shrieked. "I'm coming! Jesus, I'm cumming! UHHHH, YESSS! OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH!" "Fuck her, Tommy darling!" Mom screamed with passion. "Fuck her hot little cunt! Make her come, baby! I wanna see you cum in your sister's cunt! With Mom's depraved words of encouragement ringing in my ears, I fucked Sis through her climax, pounding my cock deep into her hot little fuckhole as she squirmed and squealed in ecstasy beneath me. "Uhhh! Uhh! UUUUUUH! It's so good ... so good! OH, FUCK... FUCK... FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK! YOU CUM TOO, TOMMY!", screamed Sis as a cunt-wrenching orgasm spread quickly throughout her lurching body. "Cream her, baby! Squirt in her!" shrieked Mom, fucking almost her whole fist up her wet, gaping twat as the intense pleasure increased. "Shoot her little cunt full of jizz!" Feeling my own ejaculation rapidly approaching, I drove my throbbing prick harder and deeper into Debbie's spasming cunt, bringing my screaming little sister to the very brink of hysteria. I couldn't hold back another second! With Debbie's hot, twelve-year-old cunt clasped tightly around my cock, I gave one last lunge and exploded a torrent of hot white jizz her tiny writhing belly. "TOMMMMMMMMYYYYYY!!!!" Sis shrieked when she felt my thick slippery cum splattering into her adolescent sex. "SQUIRT IT IN ME, TOMMY! SQUIRT! SQUIRT! SQUIIIIIIRRRRRTT!" Jet after jet of hot, thick fuck-cream shot out of my belching pick into Debbie's quivering little cunthole as we writhed together in orgasm. "Ooooooooooooh, you sweet.. sweet babies!" sobbed Mom as her own convulsing cunt climaxed around her stabbing fingers. Part 30. Deliciously exhausted, I lay perfectly still over my sister's soft, naked body while my prick ejected the last of its hot, creamy load into her twitching fuck-hole. Her tiny twat pulled and sucked on my cock until the last drop of jizz had been siphoned from deep in my balls. After several minutes of basking in the warm afterglow of our wonderful fuck, I finally pulled my limp, wet prick out of my little sister and rolled off her body. Mom was on me in a flash. She popped my cock into her mouth and began sucking the tasty mixture of sperm and pubescent cunt-juice from my sticky, wilted organ. Once I was hard again, Mom straddled my hips and lowered herself onto my cock, moaning softly as my thick shaft filled her hot, hungry hole. I bucked my hips up as she began to ride me. We'd done this many times before and each of us knew exactly how to pleasure the other best. Mom leaned forward and ground her cunt down onto my cock in tight little circles as I hunched up at her, sucking her nipples into my mouth as they jiggled provocatively over my face. Mom was so aroused from watching me fuck Sis that she came again within minutes, moaning and squirming her pussy down hard over my steel-hard cock-shaft. Having come a number of times already, I was nowhere near orgasm when Mom finally came down from hers. My prick throbbed and twitched inside her like it had a life of its own. "Ohhh, you gorgeous young stud!", groaned Mom, lifting her cunt off my cock and replacing it with her hot, sucking mouth. Sis joined her and together the two of them licked and sucked me to another powerful climax. This time, they shared my cum between them by kissing passionately, their active little tongues exchanging tasty gobs of sperm as I ran my hands up between their legs to finger their hotly drooling cunts. We fucked like that for hours. If one of us tired the other two either used their mouth and lips to revive the exhausted party, or simply fucked or sucked as a pair until the other family member recovered enough to join in again. By morning, however, all three of us were totally spent. Since then I have never had any need to date girls my own age, I have two eager, willing cunts to satisfy my every carnal urge right here at home. When one isn't available the other always is, and neither of them can get enough of my heat-seeking pussy missile. Mom likes it hot... but my little sister likes it hotter! The End.