(by Eros)

                               Part 1.

    Jack Brewster balanced himself at the foot of the worn mattress, his
 pants open, cock jutting out longer and harder than any 55-year-old's
 probably had the right to... especially one belonging to someone who'd
 been through as much as Jack had.

    We were in the beach house Jack had been renting with "misdirected"
 government funds for five years. Jack had been doing lots of unauthorized
 shit, which was why I was sent here to collect him. One untrustworthy
 soul dispatched to retrieve another.

    "Have you ever come on an island girl's tits, Harry? It's beautiful.
 Come 'ere and watch."

    Sprawled beneath Jack on white sheets was a young Haitian woman named
 Juanita. She was as naked as the beach, arms and legs outstretched in a
 willing, almost patriotic, spread-eagle.

    "You got a beautiful cock, Jack." she murmured, her liquid brown eyes
 sparkling mischievously.

    Juanita had smooth, milk-chocolate coloured skin, a gorgeous innocent
 looking face, tiny hips, a narrow waist, and firm, perfect tits.

    "Jack," I said, trying to be insistent, "our plane leaves in two

    Jack stood over Juanita with his hips thrust forward. He tilted his
 head back and closed his eyes. His long, thin legs trembled slightly as
 he drew his hand back and forth over his rock-hard cockshaft. Juanita
 gazed up at him with a look of genuine love on her pretty, young face.

    "It's so dry, Jack, honey. Your cock needs some lubrication."

    She slid her legs beneath her and got up on her knees, bringing her
 face even with Jack's throbbing hard-on.

    "Jack," I interrupted, "you've known all week I was coming. You could
 have done this..." How could I put it? "You could have wrapped this up

    As though Juanita's gorgeous young body were an open file. Jack pursed
 his lips and took a deep breath. Juanita's hands were on his ass, her
 mouth was closing in.

    "I did, Harry. I did do this yesterday. And the day before.... And the
 day before that...." He shuddered as Juanita's full, pink lips slid
 moistly over his cock. She held the bulb of his shaft in her lips and
 darted her tongue along its underside, making his twitching prick glisten
 with saliva. "Uuuuuuhh, yeahhh!... and the day before that, and before,
 and before, and before." He placed a hand gently against the back of
 Juanita's head, touching long, black hair that was straight and lustrous.
 "And that's why I'm doing it again today. This is why...."

    He gently prompted Juanita to take more cock. Which she did eagerly.
 Tilting her neck and shoulders, she looked up at Jack with those
 beautiful deep brown eyes and took his entire length into her tiny mouth.
 Suddenly, from my perspective, the ceiling fan turning over the bed
 seemed to be still and the room looked to be spinning.

    Juanita sucked Jack lusciously, effortlessly, deeply, as though hiding
 a sticky candy in her mouth. Jack touched her cheeks and took a loud,
 deep breath, sucking pleasure into his lungs.

    "Isn't she the most beautiful thing in the whole world? The only girl
 who can get me hard. Did you know that? Did they tell you that in
 Langley? About what she does for me? They know, those bastards. They know

    Pale shadows of natural light spilled through bamboo shutters and
 played games over Juanita's gorgeous young face. Her jaw and throat
 muscles were working expertly, and no doubt her little pink tongue was
 too, because the look on Jack's face told me he was very close to climax.

    As he hit his peak, Jack shook as though someone had hold of his
 shoulders. His sperm erupted in her mouth. Juanita groaned, stayed on
 him, and sucked him all the way through it. When Jack's jerking cock had
 slackened, she let it slip slowly from her mouth, spilling cum over her
 lips like a wet kiss. The contrast of the creamy white against her dark
 skin was beautiful. I felt hypnotized.

    As Jack staggered naked onto the deck to catch his breath, Juanita
 said to me, "Harry, you're hard in your pants."

    I sure was. Seeing Jack cum in the gorgeous little island girl's mouth
 and watching his sperm dribble down her chin onto her tits had been the
 most arousing thing I'd ever witnessed. My prick was rock-solid.

    When Juanita was sure that Jack was out of sight, she swung her legs
 over the side of the bed, spread her ebony pussy hair with deft fingers,
 and revealed her glistening pink slit. "Right here," she whispered
 silently. "I want your big cock right here."

    I would have taken her up on the offer in two seconds flat if Jack
 hadn't returned just then. Juanita rolled over and buried a naughty laugh
 into the pillow. She started to masturbate, not minding at all that Jack
 and I watched. When she was close to reaching orgasm, Jack turned to me
 and said, "Don't make me go home, Harry. I can't live with out her."


                             ISLAND GIRL
                              (by Eros)

                               Part 2.

    "What the fuck is happening down there, Harry? Tell me why you're not
 on the damn plane."

    Field Supervisor Fiedelman was his usual jittery self, but that's how
 lots of people react to being in a job they're unqualified for. Even in
 our business, people get promoted until they reach a level they can't
 handle, which is where they stay until someone comes up with a way to can
 their asses.

    The only good news was that our conversation wasn't face to face. I
 was still on the island, Fiedelman was in Virginia. Our connection was
 courtesy of the company satellite telephone I had set up in my hotel
 room. My signal went out scrambled and was decoded on downlink, pretty
 much standard procedure.

    I explained to Fiedelman about the thing Jack had for Juanita. I said
 that Fiedelman should have told me about the relationship. Fiedelman
 claimed it was news to him, but that was par for the course.. he was a
 career liar.

    "What you do, Harry," he ordered, "is you fuck this little island slut
 and make sure Jack knows about it."

    "That could shatter the poor guy."

    "Ask me if I fucking care. Do you think I fucking care? Just get Jack
 Brewster off that island, Harry. I don't care if it's kicking and
 screaming in a rubber bag. Just do it!"

    The next night, Jack, Juanita, and I had dinner together in a small
 village restaurant that actually was the living room of the chef's
 hillside house. Wonderful spicy cooking aromas drifted out through open
 windows while the singing of tree frogs came in as a sort of payment in

    Although I hadn't seen him consume much liquor during the day, Jack
 was pretty well plastered by the main course. Maybe age was catching up
 with him. He couldn't hold his rum like he used to. Juanita didn't seem
 to mind, she thought it was funny when Jack's elbow slipped off the
 table. But she had that way about her, an almost magical twinkle in her
 eye, as though she found everything amusing and fun, if not erotic.

    I had tried to reason with Jack all day. "They want you out of here,
 Jack. Bad. If you don't go with me now, who knows who they'll send next
 time." I tried to make that sound sinister, but even in his drunken
 state, Jack didn't bite.

    "Shit, Harry, you think they're gonna send someone to kill me. Jesus,
 this piss-ant government won't even assassinate a foreign dictator
 anymore. They'd rather send in a million fucking marines. We're always
 the good guys except when we're enforcing ourselves. Fuck 'em Fuck 'em

    Jack's attempt to pound the table with his fist missed and landed in
 his lap. Juanita laughed. So did Jack.

    "I think I just castrated myself, honey," he bellowed.

    I smiled, too, but was a little sad. It looked like Fiedelman was
 right. My only chance of getting Jack off the island might lie in getting
 my cock into hot little Juanita, and making sure Jack found out. It
 wouldn't be all that difficult a job considering the way Juanita came
 onto me whenever Jack wasn't around. And, hell, she was one of the
 sexiest pieces of ass I'd ever met... The things we do for our country.

    By the time we left the restaurant, Jack was in no condition to walk,
 let alone drive, so I drove Jack's Range Rover back to the beach house.
 Jack was asleep.. or unconscious.. across the rear seats. Juanita was
 beside me up front, elbow out the window, long hair whipping in the warm

    "Do you ever not smile?" I asked.

    She turned toward me just as we passed beneath a street lamp, the
 light provided me a quick, explicit glimpse inside her thin blouse. She
 saw me looking.

    "I always smile," she replied, eyes wandering down towards the lump in
 my crotch, "when I think about nice things."

    I turned my attention back to the winding road, not wanting to miss
 the turnoff that coursed down to the beach like a drunken river. As Jack
 snored behind me, I proposed, "Later tonight, do you want to....?"

    "Yes." Juanita's hand came to rest on my thigh. Her mere touch got me

                             ISLAND GIRL
                              (by Eros)

                               Part 3.

    When we got home, Juanita put Jack to bed and came into the living
 room with her white top tied halter-style around her breasts. Her
 cleavage glistened as though oiled by the humid night air. She carried a
 blanket beneath her arm. "Do you like walks on the beach, Harry?"


    Her arm went around me.

    "Do you like fucking on it?"

    "Yes." I said closing the door behind us. `With you, baby... anywhere'
 I thought watching her tight little asscheeks jiggle down the stairs.

    We followed a sandy path through the dark jungle of palms and
 flowering vines. Overhead, a sliver of moon was behind the sky's only
 clouds, making thousands of stars seem even more distinct and reachable.
 Silhouetted against the white sand, Juanita slid out of her skirt and
 untied her top. Naked and warm, she pressed against me. Her perfume was
 indefinably exotic, as was the taste of her tongue penetrating my lips.

    "I'm going to do deliciously dirty things to you, Harry. All night

    "First," I said, "I'm going to do things to you."

    I took her towel and dropped it on the sand, creating an area wide
 enough to keep her torso off the beach. Still, her back and hair ended up
 against the pearl-white sand. I licked along her thighs, having wanted to
 get inside that tight curl of pussy hair since she'd revealed herself to
 me last night. Her slit was slick and eager.

    "I might scream, Harry," the little sexy vixen warned.  "Sometimes a
 man's tongue makes me scream. It feels so good."

    Loud enough to wake up Jack, I thought.

    I sunk my tongue deeply into her cuntslit, the moist, glistening lips
 spreading across my mouth, slicking my cheeks like no other woman ever
 had. She tasted fantastic.

    The smell of her aroused young pussy was both an intoxicant and an
 aphrodisiac. I hungrily slid both hands beneath her ass and drove my
 tongue into her tight little fuckhole.

    "Uuuuuuuuuuhhh, Harry!" Juanita's legs moved against my flanks, heels
 digging into the sand as though trying to get a foothold. As I began
 sucking and nibbling on her tiny young clit, Juanita's loud cries became
 unintelligible, sounding as though she was straining against an opposing
 force. She clenched her teeth. Her entire body shuddered. And then she
 erupted, hitting her peak, screaming wildly. The hot cream of her orgasm
 spread across my face. My hungry tongue continued to lash up and down her
 quivering slit until Juanita made me pull away.

    "Ohhhh, Harry! I came so hard! " she gasped, caressing my cheeks. "And
 you got me so wet. Feel how hot and wet you got me, Harry."

    I pressed two fingers into Juanita's gaping little fuckhole and she
 moaned, grinding her hips forward against my hand. She was incredibly hot
 and her juices was literally drooling out of her pussy over my hand. I
 pulled my fingers out of Juanita's heavenly snatch and put them to my
 lips, sucking her cunt-cream from my fingers as we stared into each
 other's eyes.

    "You have an incredible tasting pussy, baby." I murmured.

    On impulse, I put my fingers to her lips, and without hesitation,
 Juanita opened her mouth.

    "Mmm-hmm," she gasped, sucking them. "I want you to put your cock in
 my mouth after you've fucked me, to taste your cum and my pussy

    She grasped my prick as soon as it was free of my pants and drew me
 toward her cunt, spreading it with her other hand.

    "Uhhhhh, Fuck me, Harry! Fuck me hard and then come in my mouth."

    I slid into her well-lubricated cunt easily and after a few tentative
 pumps, Juanita's hot little pussy opened receptively to take the full
 thickness of my cock. Her tight young cunt-muscles expanded and
 contracted to create an exquisite suction around my pumping shaft as I
 fucked her furiously, wanting to pound her tight, hot young cunt into

                             ISLAND GIRL
                              (by Eros)

                               Part 4.

    Juanita humped me back, squirming her little black ass all over the
 blanket as she attempted to grind her pussy up against the base of my
 pounding cock. It didn't take long before she was squealing and cumming
 beneath me. I wasn't too far behind her either. Semen rose hotly from my
 balls and Juanita tensed, realizing the closeness of my orgasm.

    "Now!" Juanita cried. "In my mouth, Harry."

    Her hands were on my hips, wanting me out. But her pussy around my
 cock felt soooo good....

    "Harry, please. Give it to my mouth. The whole thing!"

    Reluctantly, I pulled out of her cunt, my wet cock throbbing and
 twitching in the night air. I mounted her shoulders hurriedly, and
 pressed my balls against her tits. I cupped my hand behind her neck,
 pulling her mouth to my cock. Her soft lips opened and drew me in, her
 tongue swirling hungrily around my turgid length.

    "Suck it!" I shouted... a cry that could be heard for miles.

    Juanita's cheeks bulged with the thickness of my shaft. Her tongue
 slipped along the underside of my cock and kissed my balls. Then she
 swallowed me whole, sucking hard as I fucked my cock down her throat.
 God, she was good! She had me over the edge in seconds.

    "Here it comes, honey!" I cried.

    Suddenly, out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Jack standing there just
 watching us, but I was too far gone to care. My body went rigid with
 pleasure. As my cock erupted in her mouth, a searing tension tightened
 behind my eyes. Juanita's tongue remained on my balls, applying gentle
 pressure that sustained my come almost longer than I could stand.

    Once she eased my spent cock from her lips, I collapsed facedown on
 the blanket, too blown away to care that I was breathing bits of sand, or
 to wonder what Jack was going to do. He was standing there in his boxer
 shorts, having seen me come in his girlfriend's mouth. I expected him to
 beat the crap out of me or at least to rant and rave, but the odd thing
 was... Jack was smiling!

                              + + + + + +

    It took a week, but, inevitably, he showed up... a young, fresh-faced
 officer Field Supervisor Fiedelman had "borrowed" from naval
 intelligence. He still had his carry-bag from the flight down, which no
 doubt contained his 9mm Beretta, protected from island Immigration
 scrutiny by a diplomatic pouch.

    He crossed the pool patio at the out-of-the-way hotel where I had been
 staying for the past week and sidled up beside my chaise lounge like he
 might offer a salute. His polished shoe stopped less than an inch from my
 empty scotch glass.

    "Watch your feet, Dexter," I said, too sun-tired to put emphasis on my
 warning. Dexter almost certainly wasn't his real name, but we call all
 the spit-and-polish guys Dexter.

    "Sorry." He took a step back. "Sir, I'm here to tell you...."

    "Dexter, sit down, why don't you. It's Happy Hour. Relax. This is a
 tropical island for God's sake!"

    "Yes, sir." He sat, but remained posture-perfect, like he had a
 foot-long spike shoved up his ass. "I'm here to take over your

    "You're perfect for it.", looking him up and down. Then I smiled. "And
 believe me, Dexter. This is one assignment you're not going to forget in
 a hurry."

    Over Dexter's shoulder, Jack and Juanita were crossing the pool deck
 with fresh drinks. There weren't too many people staying at this hotel
 and even fewer rules, so Juanita hadn't bothered tying her bikini top
 back on once she'd gotten up from giving Jack a blow-job near the deep

    "Dexter," I said, watching Juanita's little brown breasts jiggle
 sexily as she walked towards us, "let me ask you something.... Have you
 ever come on an island girl's tits?"

                               The End.