From: "Col. Brewster" <>
Subject: Family Fun Revisited #1 (mf,incest)
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 1996 06:18:15 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Disclaimer: I did not write this story. I'm just posting it for those of 
you who enjoy such stories. If you are a minor (under 18) do not read, 
this story is for adults only.

                          FAMILY FUN REVISITED #1
                                 (by Eros)

                                  Part 1.

       Tina opened the door to find her older brother standing on the front
    doorstep, surrounded by a pile of suitcases.

       "Ray!", she beamed affectionately, "Hi!  How are you?"

       "Fine, Tina!  Real fine!" smiled Ray, giving his sister a big
    friendly hug.

       He lifted her bodily off the ground, wrapping his arms around her
    waist, pulling her strongly against his powerful, muscular body. Tina
    marvelled at the strength of her brother's grip. He had always been the
    athletic type, and the way he held her fragile body tightly against his
    muscular frame, sent familiar little shivers up and down her spine.

       Tina threw her arms around her brother's neck and returned his
    embrace, pressing her tits and thighs firmly against him, moulding her
    body instinctively around his masculinity. As he held her, Ray found
    that even though he had always thought of her as his baby sister, Tina
    had matured into one hell of a gorgeous woman, and being a red-blooded
    male he was not immune to her abundant charms. In fact, to his utter
    dismay, his cock began to swell uncomfortably in his pants until it
    began to press firmly into his sister's crotch. Tina smiled as she felt
    her brother's cock pressing against her cunt through their clothes.
    'You horny devil, Ray.' she thought to herself, trying to act as though
    she hadn't felt it. But it wasn't easy to ignore, and before she knew
    what she was doing, began to rub her pussy gently back and forth over
    his swollen organ. Ray wavered like he was trying to pull back, but
    couldn't get his body to resist the mounting temptation.

       Finally, with great effort, Ray pulled away from his sister, and
    held her at arm's length, running his gaze up and down her slim body
    with unashamed admiration. She was wearing a thin cotton top and the
    briefest, tightest pair of shorts that Ray had ever seen. He couldn't
    remember his sister wearing such a sexy, revealing outfit before.

       "You look like a pin-up girl in those shorts, Sis!", he remarked.

       "I look even better out of them...", giggled Tina, "...  or so I'm

       "You sure have changed in the past six months, Tina!", blurted Ray,
    trying unsuccessfully to hide his swollen cock.

       'More than you can ever imagine brother dear!', thought Tina, eyeing
    off the bulge in her brother's tight pants. Suddenly, Tina realized
    that they were still standing on the front doorstep, in full view of
    the neighbours.

       "Where's Pam and the kids?", she said, absently looking up and down
    the empty street.

       "She dropped me off with the luggage while they went up to visit her
    mother", grimaced Ray.  "And you know how I hate Pamela's mother.
    They'll be about three or four hours for sure." Tina smiled at the look
    on her brother's handsome face.

       "Well, don't stand there like a big dope." she laughed, helping him
    with the bags, "Come on in and make yourself at home."

        Tina walked ahead of him, straining a little under the weight of
    the suitcases, and as Ray followed her inside, his eyes were drawn to
    her tight, wiggling butt.  God what I wouldn't do to that ass if she
    wasn't my sister.  Ray's cock twitched involuntarily as he watched
    Tina's gorgeous asscheeks bob seductively up and down inside her skimpy
    shorts.  The brief garment seemed to expose more of her lightly tanned
    ass-cheeks than it concealed, and the sight did nothing to relieve the
    swelling in his cock.

                           FAMILY FUN REVISITED #1
                                 (by Eros)

                                  Part 2.

       "Where is everybody?", he asked, trying to sound as casual as

       "Well, Dave's at work, and Julie's at a friend's house. Dave's going
    to pick her up on the way home.", said Tina, "And Johnny's in the pool
    trying to cool off."

       "Yeah, I sure has been hot lately.", replied Ray, watching his
    sister's sexy little butt wiggle down the hallway.  'And getting
    hotter!' he thought.

       "Why don't you go and join him, Ray?", suggested Tina, "I'm sure a
    nice cool dip is just what you need after your long drive!"

       "No thanks, Sis. Not just now." said Ray, looking nervously down at
    the large bulge still evident in his pants, "Maybe later, after we all
    get settled in.... I'm pooped!", he lied.

       "That's ok!", replied Tina, "Well, here we are... this is Pam's and
    your room..... Billy's is in the one across the hall, and I've put the
    girl's in in the one next to that."

       "Great! Thank's Sis." said Ray, tossing his bags on the bed.

       "If you want to freshen up a little, the bathroom's at the end of
    the hall." smiled Tina, "When you've got yourself organized, come down
    into the kitchen for coffee. I want to hear all the gossip from back

       Tina gave her brother a quick kiss on the lips before quickly
    disappearing back down hallway.  Ray was confused.  His sister had
    definitely changed, but he didn't know if it was for the better or
    worse. The way she flaunted her lovely body was not like the Tina he
    knew and loved. He had to admit though, it was very exciting. 'Yeah! I
    could get used to that!', he decided as he began to unpack.

       John pulled his muscular young frame out of the pool and headed
    towards the house, drying himself off as he went. He was looking
    forward to his aunt and uncle's visit. It had been at least a year
    since he had seen them but John still remembered his two pretty young
    cousins. Jenny was the same age as his sister Julie, and little Lisa
    was just a year younger. He remembered how he used to tease Jenny about
    not having any tits, and wondered if the little bumps on her chest had
    grown any. Lisa, on the other hand, had more than her share of boobs
    for a girl of thirteen, and John remembered with excitement how he
    often used to peek into her room, just to get a peek of his cousin's
    ample tits.

       She didn't mind him looking at them either, he remembered. On one
    occasion, Lisa had noticed him watching her through the doorway while
    she was getting dressed, and instead of screaming, she had turned
    towards him, holding her tits up with both hands so he could get a
    better look.  John had ducked quickly out of sight, but not before he
    had glimpsed her big, pink nipples and the mischievous smile of delight
    on her pretty little face. His aunt wasn't any slouch in the looks
    department either, he recalled. She was slim, well proportioned, and
    exceedingly well tanned... all over, he imagined with a sudden surge of
    lust. 'Yes', he thought, 'This could be a very, very enjoyable couple
    of weeks.'

       As John entered the kitchen, he spotted his mother bending over the
    table with her back to him, wiping it down with a cloth. Her legs were
    spread apart as she reached across the table, giving her son a good
    view of her crotch. Her compact little ass jiggled deliciously under
    her shorts as she moved back and forth. John smiled and walked up
    behind his mother, casually slipping a hand up between her thighs.
    Before she could say or do anything, he began squeezing her cunt
    through the thin material of her shorts.

       "Feel like a fuck, Mom?", he asked, rubbing his fingers into the
    narrow groove of her cunt. He could feel the wet heat of his mother's
    pussy begin to spread almost immediately.  His cock pressed against her

       "Johnny, don't!", gasped Tina, spinning quickly around to face him.

       "What's wrong, Mom?", asked her startled son, "Don't you want me to
    touch you anymore?"

       "No, baby.  It's not that.", whispered Tina, "Your Uncle Ray's here!
    He arrived about fifteen minutes ago, and unless you want him to catch
    us, we're going to have to behave ourselves for a little while, ok?"

       Johnny as standing so close to his mother, her tits were pressed
    into his chest. With a grin he looked up into her eyes, and returned
    his hand to her crotch.

                          FAMILY FUN REVISITED #1
                                 (by Eros)

                                  Part 3.

       "You mean I can't do this anymore, Mom?", he smiled, cupping her
    cuntmound again , kneading her hot snatch with his long fingers.

       Tina fell against her son's broad chest with a low moan, hunching
    her pussy onto his hand with uncontrollable lust.  Johnny's fingers
    felt so good between her legs.

       "Ohhhh, Jesus! Johnny! I want you, baby!", whimpered Tina, rubbing
    her son's hard cock through his wet swimming trunks. "But we can't
    right now!  Your uncle is right down the fuckin' hall!!!  He could
    walk out and catch us any second!"

       "Shit, he's probably asleep, Mom.... Come on, let's fuck!", said her
    son bluntly, knowing it turned his mother on to hear him talk to her
    that way.

       His other other hand went to her tits, squeezing and fondling her
    braless boobs through her blouse. He could be very persuasive when he
    put his mind to it, and soon had TIna feeling so horny she almost gave
    in to him. But when began to undo her shorts, Tina came to her senses
    and tore herself reluctantly away from him.

       "No, Johnny!  We can't! Ray will catch us," breathed Tina, removing
    her son's hands from her trembling flesh. "Later, baby!  I promise!
    We'll fuck later, when everyone else is asleep, okay?"

       "Ok, Mom!", he smiled.

       John, suddenly realized that she was right.  All hell would break
    loose if anybody found out, and he sure didn't want to jeopardize the
    unique sexual freedom that he shared with his mother, father and horny
    little sister. It was too good to mess up just for the sake of a quick
    fuck with his mother, no matter how good her hot, juicy, twat felt
    under his hand.  John kissed her on the lips, long and hard before
    pulling away.

       "I think I definitely need another swim to cool off, Mom!", grinned
    John, looking down at the large lump in his trunks.

       "Don't exhaust yourself baby, remember tonight!" Tina gave her son's
    cock one last loving squeeze.

       "Don't worry, Mom!", he winked, "When have I ever let you down?"

       Tina smiled as she watched her son head out to the pool. Her cunt
    twitched with desire as she followed his hard, young body with her
    eyes. Jesus, she needed a fuck! If Ray wasn't here, she'd have let
    Johnny tear all her clothes off, fill her itchy cunt with his eager,
    young cock and then fuck him to within an inch of his life! Or maybe
    vice versa, she smiled to herself. Suddenly, Tina felt a warm wetness
    between her legs, and realized that the crotch of her shorts was
    saturated.  She could even smell the unmistakable odour of hotly
    aroused pussy emanating from between her thighs. God, she must be wet!

       Not wanting her brother to catch her like this, Tina quickly raced
    off to her room to change. She needn't have bothered. It was too late!
    Ray had heard their voices as soon as John entered the house, and
    arrived in time to see and hear almost everything.

       He was still stunned!  He couldn't believe it.  His prim little
    sister was fucking her teenaged son!  It staggered the imagination. Ray
    thought of his own son, Billy, and pictured him fucking his wife. 'Pam
    would probably love it!', Ray thought, knowing how much his wife
    enjoyed all kinds of sex. He remembered the way she sometimes drooled
    over the older boys on Billy's basketball team.

       Ray was in a dilemma. His sister was obviously feeling very horny
    right now, and his cock told him to follow her to her room, but his
    brain said no, conditioned by the taboos instilled from birth. As he
    played and replayed the scene he had just witnessed in his mind's eye,
    he made a decision.  Moving quickly after his sister, Ray stopped
    outside her bedroom door. It was slightly ajar, and inside, Tina was
    stepping out of her tiny shorts. She dropped them onto the bed and then
    took off her top. Ray gasped as his sister's firm, jiggling breasts
    sprang free. His hand dropped to his crotch, and began to rub the
    length of his cock through his jeans, his eyes glued to her bobbing
    mounds. Tina stepped out of her wet panties, and when she bent over to
    pull them off her ankles, Ray got a good look at her cunt.

       'God, she's fuckin' wet!' he thought, staring in total disbelief at
    his sister's naked pussy. The the outer lips of Tina's cunt were red
    and swollen with arousal and when she sat on the end of the bed, they
    gaped open to reveal the dark pink, slit of her pussy, glistening with
    moisture. "Oh, fuck! Will ya look at that gorgeous little cunt", he
    whispered to himself.  Ray stared at his sister's bare flesh like a
    starving man eyeing off a side of prime beef, and in no time at all,
    his cock sprang to full erection. The swollen shaft throbbed painfully
    in the tight confines of his jeans. As Ray watched, Tina reached into
    her closet and began to put on a light, summer dress. She rarely wore
    underwear these days, not since the family had gotten to know each
    other in a much closer and intimate way.

                           FAMILY FUN REVISITED #1
                                 (by Eros)

                                  Part 4.

        Ray's breathing was heavy and rapid, his pulse throbbing in his
    ears as he watched his sister try to wriggle into the tight dress.
    "Damn!", muttered Tina under her breath.  She was having trouble
    because the dress was a little too small. So, moving her feet further
    apart and bending forward at the waist, she lifted her arms higher and
    wriggled some more, trying unsuccessfully to get the stubborn garment
    down over her shoulders. Tina's taut little behind was poked straight
    at Ray, and it was a sight that would have broken any man's
    self-control.  Ray could see his sister's tiny, pink anus winking at
    him from between the cheeks of her ass, and below that, the narrow,
    gleaming slit of her furry little twat, running up between her open

       Ray moaned deep in his throat. 'I don't care if she is my sister,'
    he thought, 'I've gotta have some of that!' Tina's brother had lost all
    control.  Once more the taboo of incest was broken by the strongest
    emotion on earth..... pure, animal lust! Silently, Ray pushed open the
    door of his sister's room, and walked boldly inside, still rubbing at
    his cock. Tina was so busy trying to pull the dress over her head, she
    didn't even know that anyone else was in the room until her brother
    stepped quietly up behind her and ran his hands down over her naked
    belly.  Tina jumped at his touch, but didn't turn round, she was still
    struggling with the dress.

       "Johnny!.. Don't, honey!...", she said, thinking it was her son
    again.  "I told you, we can fuck later! Ray is bound to catch us if you
    don't stop it!"

       "Too late, baby!", breathed Ray, running his hands eagerly over his
    sister's warm, naked flesh.

       His fingers were all over her, as he squeezed her tits and pressed
    his big, sweaty palm into the steamy canyon between his sisters slender
    thighs. Tina gave a startled cry, as she recognized her brother's voice
    and spun around as if she'd been slapped, pulling the dress off her
    head in one swift motion. He was standing so close to her that, Tina's
    boobs brushed firmly against his chest as she turned to face him.

       "Ray!", she gasped, "I thought it was... Erhh, I mean..  What are
    you doing?"

       "I'm doing something I obviously should have done a long time ago,
    Sis!", he breathed pulling her to him.

       Tina's naked body was crushed against his, and Ray could felt the
    heat of his sister's firm body through his clothes. He couldn't wait to
    feel it against his bare skin.

       "Ooooh, nooooooo!  Ray, I'm your sister for christ's sake!"

       Tina struggled weakly in his arms, but it was purely a token
    resistance.  Her brother's cock was pressing against her cunt, and it
    was hard!...  very, VERY hard!

       "Don't get all moral with me, little sister!", growled Ray, "I might
    be your brother, but what about Johnny?... isn't he your SON?"

       Tina gave him a guilty look and said, "You saw us, didn't you?.. You
    saw Johnny feeling me up!" Ray cupped her tight little behind, and
    began to squeeze the soft flesh of his sister's asscheeks with both

       "I sure did, Sis!  And I heard what you said too!  God, did it ever
    turn me on something fierce!", he replied, pressing the massive bulge
    in his pants against his sister's crotch.

       "I can see that!.. Or rather, I can feel it!", smiled Tina, grinding
    her slim hips back against her brother's growing hardness.

       She also began to feel the same electric, excitement she experienced
    every time she fucked her son. It was the forbidden thrill of incest
    that really got her juices flowing. With a guttural moan, she pulled
    Ray's mouth down hard onto hers, kissing her big, handsome hunk of a
    brother like she had never done before.... hard and hot! His tongue
    slithered deep into her wet mouth as Ray returned his sister's
    passionate kiss with equal fervour.

       "I want to fuck you, Tina!", gasped Ray, as their lips parted, "I
    want to fuck you more than I've ever wanted to fuck anybody in my whole
    damn life!"

       Tina wrapped her arms around her brother's neck and rubbed her body
    against him, standing on tiptoes to position his cock firmly against
    her drooling cuntslit.

                          FAMILY FUN REVISITED #1
                                 (by Eros)

                                  Part 5.

       "Ooooh, and I want you to, Ray!..  But what about your wife?", she
    said, looking deeply into his smouldering eyes, "What about Pam and the

       "Fuck Pam and the kids!", he moaned, "I want to get inside of

       As he spoke, Ray dropped a hand to Tina's pubes and deftly inserted
    a finger into his sister's tight, slippery cunt. Tina melted into his
    arms as her strong, handsome brother fingered her pussy.

       "That sounds like a good idea, Ray!", grunted his sister. "Fucking
    Pam and the kids, I mean!", she gasped. Ray's big finger felt like a
    short, fat cock inside her clinging cuntslit.

       "Do you mean what I think you mean, Sis?", asked Ray, rubbing his
    sister's cunt with long, slow, deliberate strokes

       "I hope so, Ray!", replied Tina, "Don't tell me you've never
    considered fucking those cute little daughters of yours?" Her smile was
    positively devilish.  Ray thought about it for a second, and had to
    admit that despite their tender ages, if Jenny and Lisa were in the
    room right now, he'd fuck them too!

       "Yes!  Oh, God help me, yesss!", he groaned, alternately picturing
    both of his daughters' hot, wet little cunts wrapped tightly around the
    length of his dick. Tina felt her brother's body shudder with delight
    at the very thought!

       "That really turns you on, doesn't it Ray?", asked Tina, pulling him
    towards the bed, "You'd love to fuck and suck them both at the same
    time, wouldn't you?

       Tina could see the powerful effect her wanton suggestions were
    having on him. It was exciting her too, saying such lewd things to her
    own brother!

       "And Billy...", she continued, rubbing Ray's cock through his pants,
    "...cute lovable little Billy. I bet he peeks at Pam's tit's and cunt
    every chance he gets... Oh, Ray!  Johnny's got such a big cock for his
    age, I bet Billy has too!  Wouldn't you like to watch him shoving it
    into Pam's cunt.  I bet she'd love it!...  Jesus, I would!  He's so
    damn cute, I'd let him fuck me in a minute...."

       Ray gave a loud groan and threw his sister down onto the bed. Her
    tits wobbled and her legs flew apart as her brother leant over her
    wantonly sprawled body. A crazed look of pure lust was on his face as
    his hands explored every inch of her naked flesh, concentrating mainly
    though, on her tits and cunt.

       It was finally going to happen!.... She realized instantly that deep
    down, she had always wanted her big, strong brother to fuck her, it was
    just that the opportunity had never arisen before. She wished he would
    hurry up and put his big, fat prick inside her cunt and fuck her, just
    like her son, and husband fucked her.... long and deep and very, very

       "Ohhhhh, Ray!", moaned Tina, spreading her legs as his fingers
    probed deeply into her juicy cuntflesh.  "I can't stand it any more!...
    I'm so fucking hot!  Feel me, Ray!.... Feel how fuckin' wet your hot
    little sister is, baby!"

       "Christ, You're wet alright, Sis!", grunted Ray, wriggling his
    middle finger round and round in Tina's juicy gash, ramming it in, as
    far as he could manage. "You're hot to fuck, aren't you?....  you
    horny little slut!", growled her brother in mock anger. "Yeahhh, you
    want me to ram my big fat prick up there and fuck the shit out of you,
    don't you, girl?"

       Tina could only manage a whimper as Ray stabbed his fingers deeply
    into her hot, juicy cunt.

       "Spread your legs!", ordered Ray, taking off his clothes, "Spread
    'em wide, honey!  'Cause your big brother's gonna fill that hot wet
    little cunt of yours with 10 inches of prime cockmeat!"

       Tina did as she was told, pulling her knees up either side of her
    body, exposing her pussy to his lustful gaze. Ray looked down at her
    as he removed his shorts, noting the gleam of excitement in his
    sister's eyes as his long, hard cock sprang into view.

       "You like my prick, don't you, Sis?", he asked, stroking the huge
    shaft gently in his hands.

                           FAMILY FUN REVISITED #1
                                 (by Eros)

                                  Part 6.

       Tina nodded, pulling back the lips of her cunt.  Tina didn't just
    like it, she loved it....  every hard, fuckin' inch of it!.  Her cunt
    and inner thighs were shiny with leaking juices.

       "Put it in me, Ray!", groaned Tina, "Oooohh God, pleeeease! Fuck my
    cunt with your big, fat cock, and come all over me!"

       Undisguised passion showed plainly in Tina's lust-glazed eyes, and
    Ray marvelled at her shameless enthusiasm, but he had other things in
    mind first!

       "Sure, Sis!  I'll fuck you!...  I'll fuck you alright!", grinned
    Ray, staring hungrily at her delicious-looking twat.  "But first I'm
    gonna have me a little snack!"

       Tina shuddered with incestuous delight as she realized her brother
    was going to suck her pussy. Ray knelt between her open thighs and
    lowered his face towards his sister's ripe, musky cunt slit.

       "You smell good, Sis!... Real good!", he moaned, "Does Johnny lick
    your hot, juicy little cunt too, baby?"

       "Y...yesss! And I suck his cock!", blurted Tina, anxious for her
    brother to fuck her,... or suck her pussy,....  do anything he wanted
    to her, as long as he did it quick!

       Ray ran his tongue lightly up between the gaping lips of his
    sister's twat, teasing her hot, seething flesh with just the tip.

       "Uhhhhggggh!  Deeper, Ray you teasing bastard! Lick deeper! Suck my

       "Okay, Sis!", he grinned, slipping his hands under her naked,
    squirming ass, "... you asked for it!"

       Ray forced Tina's satiny thighs as wide apart as he possibly could
    and inserted his tongue into her tender pussy, licking and sucking at
    her tortured slit like man possessed!

       "Ohhhhh! Fuck!....Jesus, Ray!... That's fantastic!", screamed Tina,
    as her brother snuggled his face into her succulent gash. Ray nibbled
    at his sister's cuntlips and sucked her clit into his mouth.

       "Oooooooow! Yessss! Ooooh, Ray, darling!  Suck me!  Pretend it's
    Lisa's or Jenny's tasty little slit you're eating! Ohhhhhhhh! Fuck!

       Ray visualized his lips plastered firmly over each of his daughters'
    hot little cunts, his mouth sucking up their, fresh, adolescent juices
    just as hungrily as he was sucking up his sister's.

       "Mmmmm!  Jesus, yes! I'll do it! I'll suck them off the first chance
    I get!", moaned Ray, returning his mouth to his sister's flavoursome

       "You'll love the taste of their cunts, Ray!", gasped Tina, trying to
    excite her brother even further. "...and the best thing is they're all
    yours, to fuck and suck as often as you want. Uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh, fuck!"

       Tina was almost incoherent, babbling obcenities at her brother as
    Ray licked her slick, gaping slit. "You can fuck Julie too, if you
    want. I'm sure she'll let you.  She likes men with big, fat cocks....
    especially if they run in the family, if you know what I mean." Ray
    moaned a muffled reply into her pussy, too busy lapping at his
    sister's tasty cunt to answer properly. "Uhhhnnhhgg! Yes, suck my
    clit!....Suck it hard!", squealed Tina, shoving her cunt repeatedly up
    against his face.  Ray's mouth made loud, wet slurping sounds as he ate
    out his sister's quivering pussy.

       Ray was an expert at sucking cunt, as Tina soon found out. From vast
    experience, he knew exactly when to lick, when to nibble, and when to
    suck real hard!  Tina's climax peaked rapidly as her brother tongued
    her pulsing little clitoris, grinding his chin into her hot hole.
    Suddenly her mouth opened in a silent scream as wave after wave of
    intense pleasure spread outwards from her spasming cunt. She began to
    buck wildly but Ray held on tightly to her ass and kept his mouth
    plastered to her cunt as he rode out her orgasm. "Ohhhhh! Fuck,
    Ray!...Uhhhhh! Oh, God!... I'm cummmmming!", screeched Tina.

       "Jeez, Mom!.. Christ, you're noisy when you fuck! I could hear you
    from the kitchen!"

       Tina turned her head towards the new voice and saw her son standing
    at the door, still wearing his swimming trunks. He was smiling, and by
    the size of the bulge in the front of his trunks, he'd been watching
    his uncle suck his mother's cunt, for quite some time.  Ray stood up
    with a startled look on his juice-smeared face.

                           FAMILY FUN REVISITED #1
                                 (by Eros)

                                  Part 7.

       "Jesus, Johnny! Don't you ever knock? You scared the shit out of
    us!", scolded his mother, but her eyes were on the big lump in his

       "I'd say I scared the cum out of you, Mom," laughed John, as he
    moved towards the bed.

       "Hi, Uncle Ray!... Mom's got a nice, tasty little cunt, hasn't she?"

       Ray and Tina stared at the boy, speechless.  Finally his mother
    recovered enough to reply.

       "Johnny!  You don't have to be so vulgar about it!"

       "Why not, Mom?  You like it when I talk to you like that!"

       John sat down on the bed near his mother, staring hungrily at her
    gaping cuntslit.

       "Besides, it's true!  Isn't it?" He turned to his uncle.  "Well,
    it's true isn't it, Uncle Ray, my mom has got a nice, tasty pussy,
    hasn't she?"

       "Uh, Well...  um yes, I must admit she has!", said Ray lamely.  He
    wasn't used to this much sexual freedom yet, and he felt more than a
    little uncomfortable about the whole situation.

       "Have you fucked Mom yet, Uncle Ray?", asked his nephew, bluntly.

       Tina sat up and jabbed her son hard in the ribs.

       "Johnny! Don't talk about me like I'm the local slut!", she said
    with a smile.

       "I'm sorry, Mom!", grinned John, "I was wrong... you're MUCH better
    than the local slut."

       They all burst out laughing. The ice had been broken, and Tina threw
    her arms around his shoulders, hugging her son to her breast with more
    than a mother's love.  Then she noticed the patch of spreading
    moisture on the bed, caused by John's wet swimming trunks.

       "I think you better get out of those trunks, baby! You're making the
    bed all wet."

       "Now you're talking, Mom!", said John as he stood up and slid them
    quickly down over his thighs. As his stiff young cock sprang free, Tina
    gave a tiny gasp of delight. It was one of her fantasies to make it
    with two men, and the fact that one was her son and the other was her
    brother, only increased the excitement she felt. Tina reached out and
    grabbed both their cocks, one in each hand.

       "My, what two lovely specimens.", she breathed, "I really don't know
    which one to suck first."

       "First in, wins the prize, I always say, Mom!", grinned her son, "So
    it's Uncle Ray, I guess.  Besides, he's our guest, and guests always
    get first serving in our house, don't they, Mom!"

       "This is fuckin' unbelievable!", breathed Ray.

       He was still a little out of his depth here. The complete, sexual
    freedom that his sister's family had obviously embraced was new to him,
    but the barriers were dropping fast!

       "You better get used to it, Ray my dear!", said Tina, pulling her
    brother down onto the bed next to her, "'Cause for the next couple of
    days, honey, we're all gonna get to know each other intimately......
    and I do mean intimately!" Ray lay beside his sister, his cock
    sticking straight up from his hairy crotch, like a solid steel bar.
    Tina got above him on hands and knees, her head directly above her
    brother's magnificently erect organ.

        As she did so, Johnny knelt behind her and ran his hands over her
    firm round ass, reaching forwards under his mother's body to squeeze
    her full tits.  He ran his fingers through her cuntslit, feeling the
    moisture fill his palm as he cupped her juicy sex. Tina parted her legs
    for him, and Johnny took a good, long look at his mother's twat....  It
    looked a little different from behind, more sexy he thought to himself,
    more wickedly exciting, just suspended there between her legs, framed
    by the globes of her ass and the damp, matted fur of her pubes, just
    begging for a cock. It looked open and wet and swollen... just waiting
    to be fucked.

       Tina looked over her shoulder at her son, and saw the look in his
    eyes.  It was a look she knew only too well by now. As much as she
    liked to fuck her son, Tina wanted so much for Ray to fuck her next. It
    was the thrill of sex with her own brother for the first time that
    drove her.

                           FAMILY FUN REVISITED #1
                                 (by Eros)

                                  Part 8.

       "Play with my cunt Johnny, while I suck on your uncle's cock for a
    while!", she said, as she felt her son nudge her ass with the tip of
    his eager cock.

       "Awwww, Mom!...  I'd much rather fuck it!  You're ready aren't you?
    You're wet enough!", said Johnny, sounding very disappointed.

       "Remember what you said, Johnny!  Uncle Ray is our guest, and it's
    his first time with me. Don't be greedy, young man!"

       Ray smiled, thinking that the whole thing sounded like a scolding
    over who was going to eat the last serving of icecream, rather than who
    was going to fuck her next. When her son gave no reply, Tina reached
    back and pulled his hand between her legs, rubbing his fingers into her
    firey pussy.

       "Play with me, baby! Get your mother in the mood for some hot cock,
    and after Ray fucks me, I'll let you do anything you want.....  I

       "Ok, Mom!  It's a deal!", said Johnny as he deftly inserted two
    stiff fingers into his mother's shamelessly offered snatch, stroking
    her heated gash with practiced ease.

       Tina returned her attention to her brother's cock, and Ray groaned
    aloud as her, wet mouth enveloped his thick, vertical shaft, sliding
    easily down the long pole until her lips crushed against his pubic

       "Jesus, Sis!.. Ohhhhh!... Christ Almighty!... That's fuckin' nice!".

       Ray groaned and jerked his hips up off the bed, his hands holding
    tightly onto his sister's bobbing head. His own head was thrown back in
    absolute pleasure as Tina's tight lips slid up and down his hot
    cockshaft. His hips rolled and thrust into her sucking mouth as he
    fucked his sister's pretty face. She took it all, the whole length of
    her brother's massive prick, right down her gulping throat, spurred on
    by her son's long, squirming fingers deep in her cunt.

       Johnny reached under his mother's jerking body with his other hand
    and began to squeeze and fondle her wobbling tits as she sucked
    noisily on Ray's saliva-covered cock. It wasn't long before Johnny's
    hands on her tit's and cunt, and Ray's cock in her mouth became too
    much for her. Tina desperately needed a cock between her legs.  It
    didn't really matter whose it was either, but she had promised her
    brother, and his cock did feel so big in her mouth. Tina made a quick
    decision, and fell back onto the bed, spreading her legs.

       "Oooooh, I can't stand it any longer, one of you fuck me!", she
    moaned, "Ray!...  Hurry!  Ram your big, hard cock up my cunt, and fuck
    me hard!"

       "What about me, Mom!", whined her son, suddenly feeling left out.

       "You, my baby, can lie down here beside me and stick that fat cock
    of your's in my mouth!", said Tina, patting the bed next to her head.

       "You bet, Mom!... Yeahhhh, suck me till I come right down your hot,
    fuckin' throat!"

       Ray looked down at his sister's gorgeous body, finally spread out
    before him the way he knew he always wanted her. The look in her eyes
    made his cock swell and throb even more.

       "God, yes!... Oh! Fuck, yessss Tina!  I'm gonna fuck you, Sis!.... I
    can't believe I'm really gonna fuck my own sister's hot little
    cunt!.... Ohhhhhhhh, Baby!"

       Tina pressed the tip of Ray's cock into the mouth of her cunt.  She
    used the fingers of one hand to spread her pussy-lips, holding them
    wide open, while using the other to position the big, flared head of
    her brother's prick directly into the tiny opening of her cunthole.
    When Ray felt the lips of her cunt close tightly about his cock, he
    hunched downwards, and just as he did, Tina's hips lurched
    upwards......the result was devastating! Ray's cock plunged into his
    sister's pussy like a hot knife through butter, plowing so deeply into
    her open cunt, that his balls slapped resoundingly against her puckered

       "Ooooooooh, Jesus!", wailed Tina, as her brother's cock slammed into
    her cunt.  "God, you're in so deep, Ray!.. Jesus!.. Give it to me!...
    uhhh, yes... yes.... fuck hard... fuck the shit out of me!"

       "Stop moaning, and suck my dick, Mom!", complained John as he
    grabbed her head, impatiently pressing his cockhead against her open

                           FAMILY FUN REVISITED #1
                                 (by Eros)

                                  Part 9.

        "Mmmmmpppfffff!", was all she could reply as her son shoved it hard
    into her mouth.  Ray looked down at his cock buried deeply in his
    sister's snatch.  His shaft filled her, spreading her swollen cuntlips
    wide.  He flexed his prick inside her, getting used to the wonderfully
    tight sheath before starting to pull out for the first time.  As he
    withdrew, the lips of her cunt pulled out around his cock, gripping it
    like vice.

       "Fuck, you're tight, Sis!", panted Ray, staring at the way her
    cuntlips slid off his cock like a tight, wet ring of muscle. It was
    almost like fucking her in the asshole, she was so damn tight!  Johnny
    smiled at the look of surprise on his uncle's face, he knew exactly
    what Ray was feeling right now.

       "Mom's as tight as a teenager, isn't she Uncle Ray?", grinned John.

       "God, yes!.. It feels like my cock is stuck in a vacuum cleaner!"
    Tina grabbed her brother by the ass and pulled him into her again,
    eager to get this show on the road.

       "Aw, come on you guys! Cut the running commentary and let's fuck!",
    complained Tina, wrenching her mouth from around son's wet cock just
    long enough to let them know she was desperate for action.

       "Give it to her Uncle Ray!", moaned Johnny as Tina returned her
    mouth to his saliva-covered cock. "Fuck the piss out of my mom!  Make
    her come real good!"

       Ray needed no encouragement to do that at all.  The pleading look on
    Tina's pretty face was all it took. "I'll give it to her alright!", he
    gasped, slipping both hands under the cheeks of his sister's wiggling
    ass. He dug his fingers into her soft, firm butt and looked down into
    her glittering eyes. "Hold on tight, Sis!  'Cause this is one fuck
    you're gonna remember for the rest of your life!"

       Ray was true to his word, and began to fuck his sister with long,
    deep, powerful thrusts, slamming his cock into her upthrust cunt with a
    savage vigour that Tina cry out with pleasure, and young Johnny stare
    in surprise.  The boy watched in awe as his uncle pummled his mother's
    juice-filled cunt to a creamy froth. It turned him on so much that he
    too began to fuck his young prick into her mouth with jackhammer
    force. Tina was moaning incessantly with the dual penetration of mouth
    and cunt, her hands were around her son's hips, hauling his cock deep
    into her mouth as her brother fucked her jerking cunt like a demon.

       This was the sight that greeted Dave and Julie as they pushed open
    the door a couple of minutes later. Dave had picked his daughter up
    from school half and hour ago and headed straight home. As soon as she
    got into the car, Julie had offered to suck him off as he drove, and of
    course Dave had agreed, on the condition she took off her panties so he
    could finger-fuck her wet little slit at the same time. Consequently,
    by the time they arrived home, they were both as horny as hell, and
    hurried into the nearest bedroom to fuck. When they opened the door,
    Julie's eyes lit up like roman candles at the sight of her handsome,
    well-hung uncle reaming out her mother's cunt while Johnny fucked her
    in the mouth.

       "Ooooh, Daddy!", squealed Julie, "I think this room's occupied!"

       Her hand dropped to the front of her father's pants and grabbed hold
    of his cock.

       "It sure as hell is, baby!", breathed Dave. His eyes were fixed on
    his wife's crotch as he watched Ray's huge cock plunging rapidly in and
    out of Tina's wide-spread cunt.

       "Should we look for another one, Daddy?", asked Julie as she
    unzipped her father's pants. "Or stay here and join in the fun?" She
    had a look of pure evil on her pretty little face as she took out
    Dave's cock and rubbed it against her leg. He eyes were still glued to
    her uncle's long, hard cock.

       Dave reached under her short skirt from behind and slipped a finger
    under the cheeks of her ass, wriggling it forwards and upwards until it
    slipped easily into the moist, wet heat of her young slit.

       "Do you want to stay, honey?", asked Dave, fucking his finger slowly
    back and forth into her pussy, just as he had done in the car on the
    way home. Julie increased her grip on her father's penis as she felt
    his fingertip rub deliciously up over her stiffening clit.

       "Oh!  Yes, Daddy!  Let's!" Julie turned to her father and undid his
    belt, letting his pants fall to the floor. She removed his underpants
    as quickly as she could, and wrapped her fingers around his erect
    cock. It twitched in her hand as she lifted up the front of her skirt
    and began to rub the hard tip up and down the length of her juicy
    little crack.  Julie had to stand on tiptoes, and Dave had to spread
    and bend his knees so that his cock would fit into the entrance of her
    tight, wet little cunt.

                          FAMILY FUN REVISITED #1
                                 (by Eros)

                                  Part 10.

       "Look, everybody! Dad and Sis have decided to join us!", said
    Johnny, when he suddenly realized they were not alone. Ray turned to
    look, and almost stopped dead in his tracks, much to Tina's intense
    disappointment. His cute young niece was rubbing her body against her
    father, wiggling her ass like mad, trying to get his massive cock into
    her frantic little cunt. Ray's cock plowed to hitherto unfathomed
    depths inside Tina's pussy as he watched Julie impale herself on her
    father's erect penis. She was still dressed in her school uniform, her
    skirt was pulled up over her waist exposing her tight, round butt and
    prominent pussy-mound to the lustful gaze of the watching males.

       "Nice ass, Sis!", joked Johnny. Julie turned to her brother and
    smiled, sticking out her little pink tongue in mock disdain. Dave's
    cock was imbedded halfway up his daughter's squirming cunt as they
    stood near the bed, but the difference in their heights prevented
    complete penetration, frustrating them both. With sudden inspiration
    born out of desperation, Dave put his hands under her thighs and
    lifted Julie up onto his cock. She was light as a feather in his arms,
    and as her legs wrapped around his waist, his cock slid balls-deep
    inside her eager young pussy. "Ohhhhhh, Daddy! I like it this way!",
    she squealed, as Dave's cock stretched and filled her tight little
    cunthole. "God! Why haven't we tried this before?"

       "I don't know, baby!", replied Dave biting his lip, "But, uhhhh...
    Jesus! I can promise you one thing. We're gonna do it again, as often
    as you want!" Julie hugged her father's neck and pressed her parted
    lips to his, as he began to fuck his cock into her. Ray's cock began to
    twitch and throb with incestuous lust as he watched his horny young
    niece fuck herself into a frenzy on her father's horizontal pleasure
    stick. The girl's knees were almost under his armpits as Dave heaved
    and fucked his cock into her tightly stretched little cunt. Her ass
    bobbed back and forth in Ray's direction, and he was low enough to see
    right up between her adolescent thighs, and watched with growing
    passion as Dave's huge prick slid easily in and out of the girl's tiny
    pussy. It reminded Ray of a stallion fucking a pony!

       The fact that Dave's cock seemed to be stretching Julie's tight,
    little cunt to mammoth proportions didn't seem to worry her at all. In
    fact, quite the opposite, the youngster seemed to be enjoying the size
    of her father's cock immensely, judging by the loud moans of pleasure
    which escaped her partly open lips. Tina knew by the way Ray's cock
    began to throb that he was very close to orgasm. Johnny too was showing
    the unmistakable signs of imminent climax as he fucked her mouth like a
    madman. They were both watching Dave and Julie's wanton exhibition of
    father-daughter lust, and Tina knew that at any moment she was going to
    receive a huge torrent of hot sperm in both her fucking orifices, her
    brother's incestuous load deep within her womb and her son's equally
    incestuous cream right down her throat. The very thought made her cunt
    pulsate with wild anticipation.

       Johnny was watching his sister's naked little butt dance about as
    his father hunched up into her straining cunt. She was wet, real wet!
    He could see her pussy cream collect between the crack of her gyrating
    little ass and drip slowly onto the carpet. That was one of the things
    Johnny loved about his sister, the way her pussy always seemed to be
    so fuckin' wet. She was always ready to take on a big, hard cock,
    anytime anywhere... especially if it was her father's or her
    brother's!  Just thinking about her tight, horny cunt squirming on the
    end of his cock started the cum churning in his balls!

       "Put me down on the bed, Daddy!", whispered Julie into her father's
    ear, "I'm real close, lover, and I want to feel you on top of me when I
    come!" "Ok, baby!", panted Dave. He shuffled towards the edge of the
    bed and lowered his daughter onto her back, falling on top of her as
    she hit the mattress, his swollen cock never leaving her tight little
    snatch for even an instant. "Now! Fuck me, Daddy! Fuck my little cunt
    with all your might! I wanna cum!" Ray looked over at Julie as she
    writhed under her father's massive frame. She seemed so small and
    fragile, just like Jenny or Lisa. Ray's fevered mind pictured each of
    his daughters in Julie's place, their cute little faces twisted into a
    mask of intolerable pleasure as Dave fucked their tight, virginal cunts
    into a pink, frothy mess.

       Then suddenly, in his mind's eye, it wasn't Dave who was fucking
    them, it was him!  It was their own loving father who was filling their
    hot, willing little cunts with the hard cock they craved. Hot sperm
    raced from his large, swollen balls as Ray climaxed on the spot, his
    unseeing eyes still fixed on Julie's face. He threw back his head and
    growled out his orgasm as jet after scalding jet filled Tina's
    overheated pussy. It was all she needed to send her over the top too.
    Her brother's cock seemed to grow bigger inside her, rubbing against
    her clit until, she thought the pleasure would never stop. She came
    hard, writhing her hips and sucking madly on her son's pulsating cock.

       Johnny felt his mother's mouth tighten and strengthen around his
    cock. He knew she was coming, and realized his own ejaculation was
    still a long way off. Hearing a stiffled scream he glanced over at his
    sister, who looked for all the world like she was writhing in pain. But
    it wasn't pain she was feeling, it was unbridled lust. She was almost
    there... he could tell. Johnny watched them, stroking his cock back and
    forth in his mother's slack mouth. Dave was ramming his cock into his
    daughter's hot little cunt like a man possessed, fucking her like he
    always did.... hard and fast.  That was the way she liked it, as he had
    soon discovered.... and so did he!

                          FAMILY FUN REVISITED #1
                                 (by Eros)

                                  Part 11.

       "Uuuuhhhhnnnggg! I'm coming! Fuck me as hard as you can!", squealed
    Julie, as her cunt rippled with orgasm, "Fuck me! Oooooh, Daddy, give
    it to me!"

       Ray, Tina and Johnny all watched as Julie's ass lifted clear of the
    bed and bucked wildly against her father's plunging prick. Ray couldn't
    understand why Dave's massive cock didn't split the girl's tiny,
    adolescent cunt, clear in two. It was a highly stimulating sight,
    watching his cute young niece take every inch of thick, hard cock her
    father could give her. Best of all, the horny little cunt was loving
    every fuckin' second of it! Dave tensed as he lost control of the
    rapidly rising tide of jism boiling in his balls. As always, it felt
    like Julie's tight, quivering pussy was sucking the cum out of his

       "Oh! God, Daddy! You're coming too!...I feel it! Mmmmmmm! Come in
    me, Daddy! Fill my cunt with your hot cum!", whimpered Julie. "Jesus
    Christ", Ray gasped under his breath, "what a fuckin' little nympho!"
    His cock began to swell again as he watched Dave spend his load deep up
    inside the youngster's squirming belly. "Arrrghhhh, Julie, honey!..
    Here it comes, baby!... Here it fuckin' comes!" Dave strained with all
    his strength as hot gushes of thick come-juice, spurted from the end of
    his prick, injecting deeply into his daughter's spasming cunt as she
    came... over and over again.

       Once everyone had recovered enough, Ray suggested a change of
    partners. Johnny, who hadn't even come yet was all for it, and couldn't
    hide his obvious excitement. Tina and Julie were just just like two
    peas in a pod as far as sex was concerned and, as always, were just
    getting warmed up. In fact everyone was in agreement with Ray's
    proposal except Dave. "You guys go ahead and have a ball," he laughed,
    "I'm not as young as I used to be. I'll join you later after I take a
    little nap, ok?" Tina and Julie protested, but Dave was adamant. Julie
    had sucked him to a ball crunching orgasm on the way home in the car,
    and after their rousing fuck just now, he had come twice in less than
    an hour. His balls needed a rest.

       Dave left the room, leaving the other two couples to their own
    devices. Ray still looked nervous even though it was he who had
    suggested they continue with their little family orgy. Julie eyed off
    her uncle's cock as it lay semi-erect, between his hairy thighs. Then
    she glanced at her brother's prick, and noticed that, without the
    stimulation of Tina's mouth, it had also lost most of it's former
    glory. "How 'bout we put on a show for these fellas, Mom!", she
    whispered, nodding towards their limp pricks, "Just to get them back in
    the mood, if you know what I mean?" Julie winked suggestively at her
    mother and sat on the bed with her legs spread wide, exposing her
    juice-filled cunt to everybody.

       Tina did the same, and Ray and Johnny stared with open mouths at the
    smorgasbord of juicy, pink cunt laid out before them. As if on cue,
    both mother and daughter spread the lips of their pussies with one hand
    and began to openly masturbate. Each had their own method. Julie used
    her whole hand, rubbing all four fingers slowly and sensuously up and
    down the length of her moist groove, spreading glistening juices from
    asshole to clit. Tina on the other hand preferred to use her stiffened
    middle finger, which she dipped frequently into the liquid heat of her
    cunthole, rubbing her swollen clit with the heel of her hand.

       Ray gasped and grabbed for his lengthening cock as he watched Julie
    play with her pussy so shamelessly in front of him.  The excitement of
    their wanton display wasn't lost on Johnny either. His young cock was
    as hard as a rock as he moved towards them, desperate by now to get his
    rocks off. The boy's eyes were fixed on his mother's tempting cunt, and
    he was determined to fuck her, one way or the other.  But Tina smiled
    and pushed him back, flattered by her son's youthful eagerness. "Not
    yet, baby!", she whispered, "We want you guys to watch for a while.
    It'll make it all the more exciting when you fuck us"

       Johnny sat back and stared, as his mother and sister juice-coated
    fingers sliding back and forth in her gaping slit. Suddenly an idea
    formed in his inventive mind. "Hey, Mom! Why don't you and Julie play
    with each other!", he suggested. "That'd be a real fuckin' turn on,
    wouldn't it Uncle Ray?" Ray could only nod his head in agreement. His
    eyes were still glued to his niece's horny little cunt. He had never
    seen anything so perfect in all his life and he could hardly wait to
    fuck it with the throbbing shaft he held in his hands. Tina and Julie
    looked at each other with mounting excitement.

       "How 'bout it, Julie?", Tina asked her daughter, giving the young
    girl a sexy wink. "I'm game if you are, honey." "You bet, Mom!... Let's
    give these horny pricks a real good show!", replied Julie, smiling
    bravely at her pretty, young mother. "You're so grown up, baby!", Tina
    said, moving closer to her daughter. She shivering slightly as Julie's
    naked thigh pressed up against her own. Julie trembled as she waited
    for her mother to make the first move. Although she had eagerly enjoyed
    all the avenues of male/female sex with her father and brother. But
    this was new to her, and she was more than a trifle unsure of herself.
    Tina sensed her daughter's apprehension and draped a comforting arm
    over her soft shoulders, letting the tips of her fingers brush a firm,
    pink nipple. Julie moaned softly, deep in her throat.

                          FAMILY FUN REVISITED #1
                                 (by Eros)

                                  Part 12.

       This wasn't the first time Tina had touched another girl. At high
    school, she had played with another girl in the shower room, when they
    were alone. She didn't recall how it happened, or who started it, but
    she could clearly remember how good it had felt. They had started by
    fondling each other's firm little titties, and before long, Tina found
    herself caressing the other girl's almost hairless cunt. She had pushed
    her finger into her friend's tight wetness and finger-fucked the girl
    to orgasm. But the other girl didn't return the favor. Instead, she had
    knelt in front of Tina and buried her face in Tina's crotch, licking at
    her virginal slit, fucking her tongue in and out, making Tina come time
    and time again in squealing, wriggling ecstasy.

       Lowering her hand, Tina cupped her daughter's tit, squeezing the
    hard little mound very gently. "Ohh, Mom, that feels nice!" Julie
    moaned, bringing her own hands up to cup her mother's pendulous
    breasts. Ray and Johnny watched with interest as the two girls pressed
    closer and closer together rubbing each other's tits with obvious
    delight. Tina's other hand slid down over Julie's taut belly, slipping
    lower and lower until her fingertips found the light blonde down of her
    cunt mound. Tina stroked the soft curly fuzz, looking into her
    daughter's slitted eyes as if for permission.

       "Oooooh, Mom!... Yessss!... Touch my pussy!", whimpered Julie.
    Tina's fingers slipped between her daughter's tight, wet cuntlips and
    immediately searched for the hard little nub of her clitoris. The
    teenager quivered at her mother's firm, expert touch. "You're drenched,
    baby!", Tina moaned as she felt her daughter's warm, slippery
    cunt-cream gush out over her delving fingers. "I'm hot, Mom!", breathed
    Julie, watching her uncle jerk his fist rapidly up and down the length
    of his thick, hard prick. "I'm hot for Uncle Ray's big, fat cock!
    Jesus! Look at the size of it, Mom!"

       Tina was too busy staring at Johnny's huge erection. It always
    thrilled her that a boy as young as her son could have such a long,
    thick manly cock! Johnny saw his mother's eyes devouring his stiff
    prick and licked his lips with excitement. He knew only too well the
    effect his erect cock was having on his highly aroused mother, her
    pussy would be itching for prick by now. 'By the time I'm ready to
    throw my cock into her, she'll be hot enough to come on the spot!', he
    thought, smiling at the look of pure lust which masked her pretty
    features. Tina had worked two fingers inside Julie's hot little pussy,
    and was finger-fucking her daughter's squirming hole while her thumb
    stroked the girl's clit.

       "Feel up my cunt, sweetheart!", said Tina, pressing one of Julie's
    tiny hands into her firey cunt, "Play with mommy's pussy too!!" With a
    soft moan of pleasure, Julie slid her fingers up the inside of Tina's
    soft, damp thigh and tentatively cupped her mother's pussy mound with
    her little hand. Julie stroked her mother's fat cuntlips, spreading
    them wide apart so that she could get her trembling fingers inside
    Tina's wet pussy gash. "Ohhhhh! Julie, that feels so fuckin' nice,
    baby!", whimpered her mother, as the young girl's slender fingers
    twisted and wriggled in the tight folds of Tina's cunt. "It feels good
    to me too, Mom", breathed Julie, resting her head on Tina's shoulder.

       Ray and Johnny were beating their stiff cocks like crazy as they
    watched the highly provocative scene unfold in front of their very
    eyer- 'Just like some buck's night porno film.', thought Johnny,
    except the actors were real!.. Not only were they real... they were his
    own mother and sister! As they watched, the two girls began to thrust
    their hands into each other's cunt's like crazy, and the slurping sound
    of moist finger-fucking filled the room. Suddenly, Julie gave a loud
    moan and nuzzled at her mother's throat, her little cunt clamping
    strongly around the older woman's stabbing fingers as she came. Tina
    kissed her daughter's forehead, relishing the salty taste of
    perspiration which had gathered in small beads on the girl's damp skin.

       "Was it a nice one, baby!", gasped Tina, still humping her own pussy
    onto Julie's hand. "Mmmmmmhhhhhh! Oh, yes!... God, yessss!... You made
    me come real hard, Mom!" Julie couldn't resist the urge to kiss her
    wonderful, gorgeous mother. She had given her so much pleasure and
    Julie's love for her had just increased a thousandfold. Lifting her
    head, Julie impulsively kissed Tina full on the lips, covering her
    mother's hot, wet mouth with her own. Tina returned her daughter's
    passionate kiss with a fury that surprised and delighted them both.
    Julie responded by adding her darting tongue to the kiss, forcing it
    deep into her mother's hot, wet mouth.

       "Oh, Mom!.... Mom!", Julie moaned, when they broke for air. "I love
    you so much!" Tina felt exactly the same about her lovely young
    daughter. "I love you too, baby!", she replied. "More than you'll ever
    know." By this time Johnny was getting very impatient. His cock was so
    stiff from watching his mother and sister, it actually began to ache
    with the pressure. "Come on, Mom!", he wined, "If you don't let me fuck
    you soon, my prick's gonna burst!" Tina looked at Johnny's throbbing
    erection and knew that he was right, he wouldn't hold out much longer.
    She turned back to Julie and noticed the young girl had her eyes on her
    uncle's equally large cock.

                           FAMILY FUN REVISITED #1
                                 (by Eros)

                                  Part 13.

       "What do you think, honey!", asked Tina with wink, "Think we should
    let these two horny pricks fuck us?" "Oh, yes, Mommy!", squealed
    Julie, "I want Uncle Ray's cock inside me, now!" Tina looked at Ray.
    "Well! You heard the girl, brother dear!.. She's dying for it!.. Fuck
    her!", ordered Tina and turned towards her eager young son, "...and as
    for you young man, get your ass over here and shove that big, fat cock
    of yours into momma's hot cunt, before you cum all over the place!"
    Johnny nearly knocked his mother down in a mad scramble to get between
    her legs. Tina fell backwards on the bed and spread her legs wide,
    trembling, immensely excited by her son's urgent desire.

       Ray knelt between Julie's creamy thighs, letting his gaze wander for
    a moment over her young pussy. Her knees were drawn up either side,
    giving him a good clear view of her tightly-stretched cuntslit. It was
    bright pink, and glistened wetly as tiny droplets of cum-juice leaked
    out and trickled down into the tiny crack of her ass. As much as he
    wanted to fuck his horny, young niece, Ray had other delight's in mind
    first. He wanted to savour her youthful freshness before he ruined it
    by filling her cunt with more cum. Giving her a steamy look, Ray
    lowered his head over Julie's crotch and sniffed at her gaping snatch.
    It smelled wonderful.... aromatic, feminine and ripe! He couldn't help
    himself.. he had to taste his niece's juicy cunt.

       Johnny was past caring as he dropped between his mother parted
    thighs. He shoved her knees even further apart, grabbed his cock,
    aimed it downward, and made two misguided lunges. He wasn't interested
    in foreplay, he simply had an urgent load of hot cum, and it had his
    mother's name on it!  On the third try he slammed his prick viciously
    into her, up to the hilt. Normally, such a powerful thrust would have
    ruined Tina, but the lesbian fling with her daughter had juiced her up
    so much, she was open enough to strap on a horse. She met her son's
    next thrust with all her strength. Their pubic bones collided
    painfully, but Tina loved it. She hunched her hips up at him, grinding
    her cunt up against his plunging cock with equal force.

       Ray grabbed hold of Julie's hard, upthrust tits, making the
    youngster cry out with pleasure. His mouth was directly over her cunt,
    and Julie knew exactly what her uncle was planning... and she wanted
    it to! "Lick my pussy, Uncle Ray!... Ooooohhh, fuck my cunt with your
    tongue!" "God, Julie!", moaned Ray, inhaling the sweet, fresh scent of
    his niece's succulent little cunt. "I had no idea.... you're wonderful
    baby!  Ooohhhh, such a sweet, smooth, soft little cunt!" With a moan,
    Ray buried his face into his niece's pussy, his mouth wide open,
    sucking at her wet cuntflesh like a starving man. "Unnnnggghh! Suck
    me!... Mmmmmmmm, Uncle Ray! Jesus, that's nice!", gasped Julie, as her
    uncle's tongue darted deeply into her tight, wet little hole.

       Tina heard her daughter's delighted cry and looked over just as her
    brother's long, stiff tongue disappeared between the girl's open
    cuntlips. "Oh, Ray, suck her cunt!", she gasped, bucking up and down on
    her son's deeply imbedded cock. "Lick her sweet little pussy, Ray!...
    Uhhh! Tongue fuck her gooooood!... Julie loves to have her hot little
    cunt sucked... and Johnny loves blow-jobs... Jesus, let's fuck and suck
    till we drop!" "I'm with you, Mom!", replied Johnny, grinding his cock
    into his mother's cuntmound, "I don't know about Uncle Ray, but I could
    fuck you and Sis all friggin' night!" Tina trembled at the delightful
    thought until she suddenly remembered Pam and the kids.

       "We can't, baby! The others will be arriving soon, we'll have to
    cool it for a while!" A lewd grin crossed Johnny's handsome young face
    as he flexed his hips and rammed his cock into his mother's
    well-lubricated snatch. "Why don't we get them to join us, Mom!", he
    smiled, knowing how much his mother enjoyed hard, young cock. "Wouldn't
    you like to have cousin Billy's big cock fucking you, just like mine is
    fucking you right now?" Tina couldn't reply, she simply moaned with
    pleasure as her son rammed his enormous cock repeatedly into her
    gyrating cunt, filling her to the brim. "I bet you would, wouldn't you,
    Mom?", Johnny continued, punctuating each word with a powerful stabs of
    his prick into his mother's eager cunt.

       "Ohhhh, Jesus Christ, yesssss!.. I'd love it, baby!", panted Tina,
    trying to catch her breath, "I'd lov...uhhhh! God, that's nice!... I'd
    love to fuck Billy... Oooooh!... especially if he's hung like you,
    son!" "He is, Mom!", replied Johnny, "Maybe even bigger!" Tina let out
    a loud moan and thrust her pussy up at him, clasping her son's thick
    cock with her cunt muscles, holding him deep up inside her rippling
    vagina. "Ahhggghh, Mom, baby!  You're so fuckin' tight down there when
    you do that!" Tina smiled to herself. She might be his mother, but
    let's see his little girl friends do that!

       Johnny liked it, she could tell. He began to throw his cock into her
    cunt like there was no tomorrow. Tina clung to her son's muscular
    shoulders, returning as good as she got, fucking him back, stroke for
    stroke. They made savage love, spurred on by the forbidden excitement
    that always took over their incestuous coupling. Next to them on the
    bed, Ray had his tongue firmly planted inside Julie's delicious young
    cunt. Her smooth, tanned back was arched, pressing her open cunt firmly
    onto her uncle's mouth. Ray sucked Julie's tender young cuntflesh into
    his mouth and licked deep into her juicy hole, causing the youngster's
    hips to twist and writhe in time with his delving tongue. He used his
    tongue like a cock, fucking it in and out of his niece's clinging cunt,
    swirling it around her small clit, only to dip down and lap hungrily at
    her leaking pussy juices once more.

                          FAMILY FUN REVISITED #1
                                 (by Eros)

                                  Part 14.

       "Oooh, lick it, lick it all up!.. Mmm, lover, suck my cunt! Suck me
    off.. suck my cunt off and make me come! I wanna come in your mouth,
    Uncle Ray!" Julie grabbed the back of her uncle's head, pulling him
    hard into her gash, squeezing her hot thighs against his cheeks. Ray
    gasped as his tongue wallowed in her wet, deliciously tight cunt. His
    little niece's juices tasted like honey on his tongue, and he slurped
    them up hungrily. Beside them, Johnny was fucking his mother with a
    passion he'd never known before, his thick young cock almost a blur as
    it slammed in and out of her upthrust cunt, the force of each blow
    making her tits jiggle like jelly on a plate.

      Tina couldn't believe it, her virile young son was giving her the
    fuck of her life!  She'd thought for sure that Johnny would come as
    soon as he slid his cock into the tight, wet sheath of her pussy, but
    he had surprised her. The boy's huge, bloated prick felt like it was
    splitting her in two as he slammed into her cunt, screwing her long
    and hard, not even pausing to catch his breath. Tina loved it, she
    loved every cunt-pounding second of it! It wasn't just the way he used
    his cock either.... what turned her on so powerfully, was that the cock
    fucking her cunt so wonderfully, belonged to her own son!

    "Oooh, yes!.. Uhhh! Fuck me hard, baby!... Huhhhhh!... Fuck your
    momma's hot cunt as hard as you can!... Ohhhhhhhhhhh, give it to me
    good, Johnny!"

       Ray heard his sister's wanton cry and it drove him crazy with
    excitement. He clutched at the twisting cheeks of Julie's hot little
    ass and slithered his tongue as deeply as possible into the youngster's
    quivering cunthole. The way her eager, adolescent pussy grabbed and
    squeezed at his tongue was like nothing he'd experienced before. She
    felt so good, Ray couldn't wait to ram his cock into her tight,
    squirming little cunt. The fact that she was his own niece made it far
    more exciting, and shivers of uncontrollable lust coursed through his
    body as he ate her tiny, juice-filled twat. "Ooooooowww, Uncle Ray! I
    want your cock!", moaned Julie, pulling at him. "I can't wait! I want
    you to fuck me, Uncle Ray...fuck me like Johnny's fucking my Mom!"

       Ray's cock was like hard steel by this time, just aching for his
    sexy little niece's tight, hot pussy. Rolling over on his back, he
    hauled her supple young body on top of him. Julie knelt astride her
    uncle, positioning her dripping cunt over his throbbing pinnacle of
    flesh. She leaned forward, reaching down between her open thighs to
    place the head of his cock into her flooded gash, rubbing it once or
    twice through the juicy, pink flesh of her slit. As she did so, the
    youngster's conical tits brushed against her uncle's bare chest, her
    hard little nipples burning his flesh like twin firebrands. Ray's
    enormous prick twitched strongly in her tiny hand as Julie attempted to
    stuff the huge fleshy pole into her heated pussy.

       The large, purple cockhead slipped inside the youngster's cunt with
    an audible 'plop', as Julie lowered her pussy down onto her uncle's
    prick. "Ohhhh, that's fantastic!", whimpered Julie, "Is my pussy tight
    on your cock Uncle Ray?... Ummm!... I bet it's the hottest, tightest
    little cunt ever!" "Oh, yeah!", Ray groaned as he felt the teenager's
    tight, hot pussylips stretch and slide down over his thick prick. His
    hands grasped and spread the cheeks of her firm little ass, pulling her
    cunt savagely onto his upthrust cock. Once the delicious penetration
    was complete, Julie began to move her hips up and down with increasing
    tempo. Ray was beside himself. "Fuck me, Julie! Ahhhhh, baby, bounce
    that sweet little pussy up and down on your uncle's big hairy cock!"

       "I will, Uncle Ray!", Julie squealed, "Ohhhh, Jesus! Look at it
    going into my tight little cunt!... It's so biiiig!... Uhhhhhh! Uhhhh!
    Fuck me!" Tina glanced over at her daughter just in time to see Julie
    begin to fuck herself up and down on Ray's glistening cock in earnest.
    "Ram it to him, honey!", squealed Tina, as she thrust her own horny
    cunt up onto her son's cock with wild wicked lunges. "We'll show these
    two guys! Let's show them what hot cunts we've got.... what hungry
    mouths we have!" "And assholes, Mom!", Julie gurgled, bouncing and
    wiggling as wildly as her mother. Julie grabbed one of her mother's
    jiggling tits. "Don't forget our hot little assholes, Mom!"

       "Never!", Tina cried out, grinding her pussy on her son's cock.
    "Ohhhhh, I'm going to come.... I can't wait!" Ray watched Tina's
    juicing cunt swallow Johnny's cock to the hilt as she ground her clit
    savagely against the base of her son's cock. He was coming too!... The
    sight of his sister being well and truly fucked by her own son,
    combined with the incredible tightness of his niece's cunt on his cock,
    was just too much for him. He gripped Julie's thrashing hips and fucked
    his prick deeply into her pussy. "Take it all, Julie!", he shouted,
    "I'm cumming in your hot little cunt, baby!" "Yes, yes, Ray!... It's so
    hot!... I'm... ohhhh, feel me coming, Uncle Ray!"

       Johnny felt Tina's contractions clasp his cock and arched his back,
    gushing cum into his mother's gripping cunt.... Ray filled Julie's
    bouncing pussy as the young teenager came too, screaming with ecstasy.
    The room was filled with loud satisfied moans as the four, family
    fuckers collapsed onto the bed in a tangled heap of naked, sweaty
    bodies. After they had time to catch their breaths, Ray looked over at
    his sister. "Did you mean what you said before, Sis?", he asked. Tina
    looked puzzled. "What was it I said, Ray?", she replied rolling over
    onto her back. "You know.... about wanting to fuck Billy. Did you
    really mean it?"

                           FAMILY FUN REVISITED #1
                                 (by Eros)

                                  Part 15.

       Tina knew she often said a lot of crazy things while she was being
    fucked, mostly in the heat of the moment. But, the more she thought
    about it, the more she realized that she really did want her brother's
    handsome young son to fuck her, especially if what Johnny had said
    about his cock was true! But the thing was, would he be comfortable
    fucking his own aunt. "Do you think he would, Ray?", breathed Tina,
    stroking her brother's thigh. "Sure!", Ray replied,"He's a horny young
    colt... always looking at women's legs and tits. I even caught him
    looking at his mother's ass one day, and he tried to hide the bulge in
    his pants when he realized I'd seen him."

       "What about Aunt Pam and Jenny and Lisa?", piped up Johnny. He had
    slid a hand up between Julie's partly open thighs and was gently
    stroking her gaping slit. "Are they going to join in too?" he asked.
    Julie pressed her brother's fingers into her cunt-mound and pretended
    to scold him. A faint smile crinkled the corners of her pretty young
    mouth, hiding the twinge of jealousy in her voice. "Gee, Johnny! Don't
    be so greedy! Aren't Mom and I already enough for you to handle,
    brother dear?" "Don't be silly, Sis!", said Johnny, slipping a finger
    into her tight slit. "I've got more than enough cock for both of you.",
    he boasted. "It's just that with all the first class pussy that'll be
    wandering around the house for the next few weeks, I'll go crazy if I
    can't even touch it!"

       "You want to fuck them all, don't you? You horny little devil!",
    laughed his mother. She wrapped her hand around his half-hard cock and
    it sprang to attention almost immediately under the pressure of her
    long, slim fingers. "You keep that up Mom, and I'll show you just how
    much!", groaned Johnny. Tina smiled as she realized that her son hadn't
    been boasting at all! The way his hard young cock was throbbing
    powerfully in her hand, convinced her that he could indeed take on all
    the pussy they could offer him, and still be ready for more. She kissed
    him as a sudden wave of desire spread over her trembling body.

    Julie grabbed her uncle's cock. Unlike Johnny's, it had wilted almost
    completely, and Julie began to massage it gently with her fingers,
    eager for him to get it up again. She looked into his eyes. "You
    didn't give Johnny an answer, Uncle Ray!", she whispered, playing with
    his limp prick. "Are we going to let Aunt Pam and the girl's join in
    our family fuck sessions?" Ray thought about it for a second. He loved
    his wife and daughters with all his heart, and the thought of Johnny or
    Dave fucking any of them, was a little hard to take at first. Then he
    realized that he had just fucked his sister and niece, what right did
    he have not to return the favour to Johnny and Dave!

       He also had to admit that girls grew up fast these days and his
    daughters were no exception. Both had bodies full enough to make grown
    men sit up and take notice. Jenny was Julie's age, and Lisa, only a
    year younger, had the body of a sixteen year-old. It wasn't surprising
    that their developing charms had not escaped their father's lustful
    gaze. Besides, it would be much better for them to learn all about sex
    right here at home, rather than with some of the sleazy boyfriends
    that came sniffing around sometimes. "I don't have any objections as
    long as they're willing.", said Ray finally. "Great!", said Johnny,
    bubbling with boyish enthusiasm. "Once they get a look at this...", he
    said, indicating the huge pole of cockflesh between his mother's
    fingers. "...they'll be willing alright!"

       Julie looked at her brother's monstrous erection and swore under her
    breath. "I'm fucking sure they will!", she gasped, eyeing off Johnny's
    prick with a hungry look in her eyes. She began to move her fist
    harder up and down on Ray's lengthening cock, and ran her other hand
    up between her mother's thighs. Tina smiled as her daughter's fingers
    entered her slimy, cum-filled cunt. But Julie had more in mind than
    pleasing her mother, she wanted what her mother was holding in her
    hands... her brother's stiff, throbbing prick! "Wanna swap cocks,
    Mom?", asked the young girl, hopefully. Tina looked at Ray's dick,
    growing slowly but surely under Julie's tiny fingers. She suddenly
    realized that she hadn't had her brother's cock inside her mouth yet,
    and it sure looked like it needed a good suck right about now.

       "Ok, sweetheart!", Tina readily agreed. The two women quickly
    exchanged places... pouncing on their respective brother's cock like
    starving animals. Tina quickly had Ray's prick covered in saliva and
    rock hard. Johnny grabbed his sister and positioned her in front of
    him, on all fours, his huge cock nudging against her heated crotch.
    "Oh, Jesus, Johnny!... Fuck me!... Put that big fat prick in my cunt
    and screw me till I come all over it, lover!" "This what you want,
    Sis!", teased Johnny, rubbing his rock-hard erection back and forth
    through his sister's drooling cuntslit.  Julie rocked her slim young
    hips backwards and forwards, squirming against him with mounting
    frustration. "Ohh! Christ, Johnny!... Just put it in and fuck me!...
    Don't play around... I can't wait any longer.... pleeeeease!"

       Johnny enjoyed it when his hot little sister begged for his cock. It
    made him feel so superior, and he played it out for as long as
    possible, knowing it turned Julie on too, whether she admitted it or
    not. "That's it, you little cunt... beg for it!", whispered Johnny as
    he bent over her back to nuzzle at her soft, creamy neck. "Tell us how
    much you want it, Sis!  Tell Mom and Uncle Ray how much you love your
    brother's big cock!" "Uhhhhh! Oh, God!... Johnnny!.... I can't stand
    it!... Please fuck me!... Please, fuck my hot little cunt with your
    prick, big brother!... Ohh, Fuck!" Johnny thrust his cock into Julie's
    sopping slit from behind, burying the entire length in his sister's
    cunthole with one sudden, powerful jab.

                           FAMILY FUN REVISITED #1
                                 (by Eros)

                                  Part 16.

       "Uhhhhhhh! Fuck, Johnny, it's so big!... You're splitting me wide
    open!", screamed the young girl as her brother's cock plowed into her
    tight little pussyslit. John ignored her screams and grasped her ass
    with both hands, ramming his prick into her, fucking his hot little
    sister with the long, hard strokes he knew she liked. Julie's frantic
    cries turned quickly into moans of pleasure as her experienced brother
    began to grind his cockshaft against her tiny clitoris, rubbing
    deliciously over the hard, pulsating, little nub, with every stroke.
    Julie's firm young tits jiggled beneath her, and her slender body
    bounced back and forth with every thrust of her brother's powerful
    hips. Tina lifted her mouth from Ray's erect cock.

       "Jesus, Ray!... Will you look at that!... He's fucking her like a
    goddamn bull!", gasped Tina, watching her son's gleaming shaft plunge
    in and out of her daughter's tightly-stretched little cunt.

       Ray stared at John and Julie with a look of amazement. Julie had her
    slim young body arched like a bow, and she was hunching her girlish
    hips backwards against her brother's massive thrusts, taking
    everything he could throw at her, yet eager for more!

       "Oh, to be young again!", muttered Ray, reaching out to fondle one
    of Julie's hanging breasts. Tina returned her mouth to her brother's
    cock and sucked it deep into her throat, determined to get him hard
    enough to fuck her again.

       With Tina's mouth on his prick and Julie's firm, round tit in his
    hand, it wasn't long before Ray was more than ready to fuck his
    cock-hungry sister.

       "Roll over and spread your legs, Sis!", he growled, "I've gotta fuck
    you, nowwwwww!"

       Tina moaned with excitement and let go of Ray's rampant cock. With a
    small cry, she dropped onto her back, spread her long creamy legs and
    pulled her knees up until her cunt gaped obscenely before him, wide
    open and ready for some serious fucking, wanton invitation flashing
    deep within her smouldering blue eyes. Ray fell on top of her. Wasting
    no time whatsoever on preliminaries, he simply ramming his cock into
    Tina's cunt with a single mighty lunge and began fucking his sister as
    fast and as hard as he could.

       This was the scene that greeted Dave's eyes as he returned to the
    bedroom. His son and daughter were screwing like two dogs in heat and,
    next them, his beautiful, naked wife was on her back with her legs in
    the air, being well and truly fucked by her brother. Dave's prick
    began to rise as he watched them, and he almost forgot why he had came
    back. He moved towards the bed, his stiffening cock grasped tightly in
    his hand.

       "I hate to break this up, you guys, but Pam just rang and said she'd
    be home in about ten minutes.", said Dave, sitting down on the bed
    next to John and Julie.

       Ray and Tina were so engrossed in their wild incestuous
    sibling-fuck, that they hardly heard him. Julie looked up and saw her
    father's thick prick only inches from her face.

       "Ten minutes is plenty of time for me to suck you off, Daddy!",
    moaned the horny teen, staring expectantly at her father's throbbing

       Dave knelt in front of her and shoved his dick into his daughter's
    open mouth.

        "Ok, you horny little bitch!", he growled, getting into the mood of
    things. "Suck my cock while your brother fucks your hot little cunt!"

       Julie sucked her father like a demon, taking him deep into her
    throat until his swollen balls smacked against her chin. Dave reached
    under and squeezed his daughter's hard little tits with both hands,
    fucking his cock into her hot, wet mouth with long, rapid strokes.

       "Ohhhh, Julie!... Suck it!... Suck Daddy's cock, honey!", moaned
    Dave, his hand pressing at the back of his daughter's head."

       Julie was on `cloud nine', for the first time in her young life, she
    had two cocks to give her pleasure. But the pleasure wasn't just
    doubled, it was multiplied a thousand times over. She was fucking the
    two men she loved the most, at the same time! And the fact that the two
    cock's belonged to her very own father and brother, excited Julie
    beyond belief. She couldn't wait to feel the double dose of hot
    incestuous seed fill both her mouth, and her cunt! Julie had been
    right, ten minutes was plenty of time for her to suck her father off!
    He came just as Johnny dumped his thick, creamy load up her spasming,
    quivering cunt... and Julie got her secret wish... two hot loads at
    once!  Ray and Tina were only seconds behind the others, and as Tina
    locked her legs around his heaving hips, Ray came violently, pumping
    jet after scalding jet of creamy, incestuous sperm into his sister's
    wildly bucking snatch.

       They had a good three minutes to get cleaned up and dressed, before
    they heard the sound of Pam's car in the driveway.

The End
From: "Col. Brewster" <>
Subject: Family Fun Revisited #2 (mf,incest)
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 1996 06:25:15 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Disclaimer: I did not write this story. I'm just posting it for those of 
you who enjoy such stories. If you are a minor (under 18) do not read, 
this story is for adults only.

                         FAMILY FUN REVISITED #2
                              Bathroom Fun
                               (by Eros)

                                Part 1.

    Johnny reached for a towel as he stepped out of the shower and began to
 dry his hair.  Suddenly, he heard a noise from the ensuite and realized
 that he wasn't alone in the large bathroom. Poking his head around the
 connecting doorway, Johnny saw his mother standing in front of the
 dressing table with her back to him, brushing her hair. She was wearing
 one of the shortest, sheerest gowns the young boy had ever seen, and it
 showed off her exquisite figure to an extent he had never imagined
 possible. It was black and silky, and so damn short that it hardly covered
 her tempting behind.

    Johnny stared with rising lust at the creamy halfmoons of his mother's
 ass-cheeks as they peeked cheekily out from under the hem of her gown. He
 could see the dark, inviting cleft between her thighs flash into view each
 time his mother raised her arms, and it was effecting him immensely.
 Looking into the mirror, Johnny's gaze fell upon her large tits. The twin,
 creamy mounds pressed firmly against the front of her gown, her saucy
 nipples erect and clearly visible through the thin fabric. As Johnny
 stared at his mother, his breathing became heavy and laboured, and his
 young cock began to swell uncontrollably. His hand dropped to grip the
 stiffening pole, rubbing it slowly as his eyes absorbed the beauty of his
 mother's youthful, sexy body.

    Not knowing that she was being watched, Tina bent closer to the mirror
 to fix one of her ear-rings, spreading her legs apart for better balance.
 The movement caused the hem of her gown to ride way up over the cheeks of
 her ass, and, with her lovely long legs wide apart, Johnny was treated to
 a good, long look at Tina's naked pussy, framed by the tanned cheeks of
 her firm, round ass.

    Johnny gasped when he realized his pretty mother wasn't wearing any
 panties. He could clearly see her hairy cunt-mound and the glistening pink
 slit which ran through it's centre. Johnny moaned aloud. The unbelievably
 sexy sight was just too much for the horny young lad. Without a second
 thought, he tossed aside the towel he had held limply in his hand and
 strode towards his mother, a look of mischievous anticipation on his
 handsome young face. As Johnny stepped up behind her, Tina noticed him in
 the mirror, her eyes immediately taking in his muscular naked frame, in
 particular the formidable erection which bobbed stiffly in front of him.

    "Nice ass, Mom!", said Johnny as he walked towards her. Tina was
 startled at first, but the sight of her son's long, hard prick soon had
 her heartbeat racing. Her pussy began to tingle, moistening instantly with
 forbidden desire as she turned quickly to face him.

    "Johnny!....", she gasped, looking down at the huge hard-on which
 protruded lewdly from her son's matted crotch. Tina was speechless. She
 couldn't take her eyes off his prick, it seemed so much bigger than

    "I have to fuck you, Mom!", pleaded Johnny, "I got so horny watching
 you, I almost creamed on the spot!"

    Tina looked up at him and smiled, grasping his hard length in both

    "Well now... We can't have you wasting it like that... can we,
 darling?", Tina whispered, rubbing a fist up and down his cock. It felt
 like steel, and she moaned with pleasure as she felt it jerk strongly in
 her hand.

    "God, sweetheart, your cock is huge!  How long were you watching me?",
 asked Tina, delighted at the length and hardness of her young son's prick.

    "Long enough, Mom!", smiled Johnny, feeling his mother's erect nipples
 brush against his naked chest as she pulled him towards her.

    Tina bent her head and kissed him hotly on the lips, slithering her
 tongue into his open mouth like a soft, sinuous snake, kissing her son
 passionately, until they both had to break breathlessly for air. They
 stared deeply into each other's eyes, each aware of the mutual, incestuous
 passion building like electricity between them, their bodies trembling
 with anticipation of the inevitable carnal release they both desired and
 needed. Tina gave a soft cry and pulled her virile young son hard against
 her trembling body, hugging him tightly.

    Johnny groaned and grasped his mother around the waist, pushing his
 urgent hard-on against her naked cunt-mound. Tina whimpered as she felt
 his cock press into her seething pussy-flesh. She buried her face in his
 neck, grinding her hips against him, returning the exquisite pressure of
 his eager young prick. Tina felt her son shaking in her arms.... shaking
 with incestuous lust for her. She kissed his neck, burning her lips up
 over his flushed cheeks until her mouth reached his. She kissed him again,
 more fiercely this time, like they were long-lost lovers, tongue-kissing
 him like there was no tomorrow. Johnny kissed her back, sucking his
 mother's hot, wet tongue into his mouth. Tina moaned deep in her throat,
 squirming her crotch against him, grinding her heated cunt onto his
 adolescent hardness.

                         FAMILY FUN REVISITED #2
                              Bathroom Fun
                               (by Eros)

                                Part 2.

    As her passion grew, Tina shoved her hands down and cupped her son's
 muscular young ass, pulling him as tightly as she could against her
 feverish flesh. Johnny was busy with his mother's hard tits, squeezing and
 rubbing the firm, round globes through her filmy gown... much to Tina's
 extreme delight. Her son's mouth and hands were making her cunt crawl with
 lust, and it wasn't long before her juicy twat demanded immediate

    "Ohhhhhhh! Jesus! Fuck me, Johnny!", she breathed finally. "Do
 something!... anything... I can't stand it any more..... My poor pussy is
 on fire, baby!"

    Johnny reached down and inserted two fingers into his mother's slippery
 snatch, jamming them in as deep as he could until his palm pressed hard
 against her moist mound.

    "Jesus, Mom!... You sure are wet down there!", gasped Johnny, wiggling
 his fingers around inside his mother's hot, clasping wetness.

    "Oh, yesss! I'm wet for you, baby!... hot and wet for your lovely big

    "Do you like me fingering your cunt, Mom?"

    "Oooh Johnny! God, yesss!  Can't you feel how hot and juicy it is,

    "You bet, Mom! It sure doesn't take you long to get all honked up, does

    "Noooo!... N...not with a horny young stud like you around, son!..
 Oouuhhh, rub my clit, baby!... Fuck me a while with your fingers while
 Mommy plays with your big, beautiful cock!"

    "Yess! That's it, mom!... Pump my meat!.. Jerk me off while I
 finger-fuck your cunt!"

    "Is momma's pussy hot enough for you, sweetheart?"

    "It's hot alright, Mom!... hot and juicy! Can we do it now?"

    "Let me play with your cock a bit more, baby. I want it as big as
 possible when you fuck me!"

    "Ok, Mom! But don't get too carried away! I want to cum in your cunt,
 not in your hand!...  Can you take three fingers up there, Mom?"

    "Oh, yesssss!... God!... Jesus, that's good Johnny!  Mmmmmm, so
 finger-fuckin' good!.. It feels like a big, fat prick is jammed up my

    "Not yet, Mom. But if you keep on rubbing me like that, there soon will

    "Can't wait to bury your cock in mother's cunt, can you baby?"

    "What do you think, Mom!... Jesus!... I have to fuck you soon or I'll

    "Maybe I should suck your cock a little, huh baby?"

    "The hell with that, Mom!... I want inside your pussy!.. Right now!"

    "Ooooh, you really do, don't you?... Mmmmm, I love it when you want to
 fuck me this badly, baby. It makes my cunt all tingly and hot... Oh,
 Johnny, I want you too... I want to fuck you so much, I can almost taste

    "Ohhhh, Mom! Jesus, what are we waiting for then?"

    "Come on Johhnny, slide that big, fat cock into your momma's cunt and
 fuck it good and hard!"

    "Not this way, Mom, turn around stick your butt out like you were when
 I first saw you. I want to fuck you from behind this time."

    "Ok, you kinky little devil! I don't mind at all. That way we can watch
 each other in the mirror. I want to see your face while you're fucking

    Tina took off her gown and bent low over the dressing table, supporting
 herself on her elbows so that her round, naked ass stuck up in the air.

    "Is this what you want, darling?" said his mother giving her son a sly,
 sexy grin over her shoulder.

                         FAMILY FUN REVISITED #2
                              Bathroom Fun
                               (by Eros)

                                Part 3.

    Johnny gazed with hot passion at his mother's bare ass. The skin was
 lightly tanned and smooth as silk, the dark crack between the cheeks of
 her ass, moist and inviting. Johnny trembled with lust.

    "Spread your legs, Mom!", he panted, "I wanna watch your cunt take my

    Tina giggled like a little schoolgirl.

    "I'll show you mine if you show me yours, little boy!", she chuckled.
 Johnny smiled and lifted up his long, hard cock so his mother could see it
 in the mirror.

    "Jesus! You're not little any more are you?" gasped Tina, openly
 admiring her son's erect cock. "Have you measured it lately? It looks even
 bigger than your father's... and that's saying something!"

    "Ten inches, Mom!" replied Johnny proudly. "Sis measured it the other

    "Before or after you fucked her with it?", grinned Tina.

    "Afterwards, of course!", he answered, "Before we started, she was too
 busy trying to stuff it into her hot little cunt to measure it!"

    "I bet she was." breathed Tina, her eyes glued to her son's enormous

    Johnny was still staring at his mother's upturned ass. Her asshole was
 hidden, and so was her cuntmound. All he could see were a few wisps of
 curly blonde pubic hair poking teasingly out from between her thighs.

    "Spread your legs more, Mom!... I can't see your pussy."

    "Ok, baby!", she murmured.

    Tina slowly and seductively began to part her thighs, spreading her
 long tanned legs until finally he could see his mother's prominent pussy
 and the pink-lipped cuntslit that neatly bisected the furry, blonde mound.
 Johnny moaned deep in his throat and stepped up close behind her. Running
 his left hand over her tight, creamy ass, he reached down with his right
 into the steamy valley between her thighs, cupping Tina's plump
 pussy-mound firmly in the palm of his hand. The moist heat of her cunt
 excited him and Johnny felt his cock twitch with lust as he lovingly
 fondled his mother's genitals. He rubbed and probed her moist, velvet
 folds until she whimpered softly, trembling with intense arousal.

    "Mmmmm, that feels nice, baby.... You have such a soft, gentle
 touch....", murmured Tina, wiggling her ass and cunt against his hands.
 "... and by now you know just where Momma wants to be touched, don't you,

    "I sure do, Mom!.. I sure as hell do!"

    Johnny kept up his dual hand action, squeezing and caressing his
 mother's cunt with one hand while the other massaged her tight, round

    "God you've got a beautiful ass, Mom! How do you keep it so slim and

    "Oh, fucking mostly.", she said, smiling at him in the mirror. "I'm
 usually kept kinda busy in that department lately."

    "Yeah! Don't I know it!... You can't blame us... I don't know about
 Dad, but I could never pass up a hot, willing piece of ass like you, Mom!"

    "Neither could your father, honey!... Hey, anyway.. it's not my ass
 you're gonna fuck, it's my cunt!"

    "I'm gonna fuck everything you got, Mom!", promised Johnny, dragging
 his fingers through his mother's drooling, pussyslit. Tina groaned loudly,
 pressing herself onto his hand as Johnny stiffened his middle finger and
 inserted it into her clinging cunt, impaling her up to the second knuckle.

    "Stop it, you're teasing me you rat!", complained Tina, with a wiggle
 of her ass. As much pleasure as her son's finger was giving her, Tina
 needed more... a whole lot more! "Your cock, Johnny! I want your big, fat
 prick, baby! Stick it up my juicy cunt you horny stud, and fuck me real

    Johnny knew from the way she was cursing and screaming, that his mother
 was more than ready to fuck. It would be a good one, he thought. She
 always fucked better if he could arouse her to the point where she begged
 him for it. She was squirming her ass and cunt around like a bitch on
 heat, and Johnny smiled, realizing that that wasn't too far from the
 truth. God, what a sexy piece she was! His own mother was the best fuck of
 his life! He looked down at her pussy poking out from between her parted
 thighs, it was wide open and ready to be reamed by his hard cock.

                         FAMILY FUN REVISITED #2
                              Bathroom Fun
                               (by Eros)

                                Part 4.

    Tina whimpered as Johnny moved in and pushed his cock at her cuntlips.
 At last! My darling stud, she thought, reaching underneath to guide her
 son's prick inside her sopping hole. She grasped his cock with her right
 hand, directing the flared tip between the tight pink folds of her cunt.
 As the tip of his cock parted her pussylips and popped inside, Johnny
 hunched forwards, looking down between the cheeks of her ass as his cock
 quickly disappeared into her hot, clasping snatch. Tina saw him staring
 down at her.

    "Watch, baby! Watch momma's pussy swallow every fuckin' inch of your
 prick!" He did, groaning with pleasure as her hot, velvet sheath closed
 tightly around his straining cock.

    "God, I love your cunt, Mom!"

    "Ooooh, and I love your big hard cock, sweetheart!... Really give it to
 me, Johnny!... Fuck momma deep and hard!... Uhhhhh! Fuck me!... Fuck me!"
 "I'll fuck you, Mom!... Unnnnggh, will I ever fuck you!"

    Tina was wriggling around like a snake, grinding her cunt back onto her
 son's pumping prick. Johnny grabbed her hips and held on tight, using them
 as levers to pull her cunt hard onto his ramming cock with each stroke.
 Her legs were trembling now, her ass weaving from side to side as Johnny
 really began to pound his meat into her.

    "God, oh, God! Baby! What a cock! I don't think I can stand you fucking
 your sister anymore. I want your wonderful prick all to myself!"

    "Don't worry, Mom!" grunted Johnny. "There's more than enough to go

    Tina was rapidly building up to a powerful climax. Since she had
 started fucking Johnny, she found she could have as many as five or six
 orgasms before her son finally released his hot, incestuous load into her
 ravaged cunt. It was the forbidden excitement of sex with her own son that
 turned her on... that and the size of his cock. It was huge, and Tina had
 always loved big cocks, that was one of the reasons she had married Dave.
 Before they were married they used to fuck every chance they got. She
 couldn't wait for school to end so Dave could shove that huge prick of his
 up her tight, teenaged cunt. It nearly split her in two, but Tina loved
 it. Sometimes when they were fucking, she would slip one or two of her own
 fingers inside with his cock, just to find out what a bigger cock would
 feel like.... She was feeling that right now!

    Johnny's was the biggest cock she had ever had, it stretched her cunt
 just the way she had always dreamed a cock should. Like a baseball bat,
 she thought. His prick felt like a huge bat up her twat, stretching her
 cunt until she could feel every ridge and wrinkle on it scraping
 deliciously back an forth along the walls of her vagina. Her crotch was a
 mess, the insides of her thighs soaked with her cuntjuice. It flowed out
 of her cunt in torrents, coating his cock and balls, the excess dribbling
 down her inner thighs. She reached down with her hand to feel his balls,
 squeezing the swollen orbs one at a time. Her tits were swollen too, so
 tight and hard that they demanded immediate attention.

    "Play with my tits, Johnny! Squeeze my titties while you fuck my cunt!"

    Johnny dipped his hand between her thighs first and smeared a couple of
 handfuls of cuntjuice over her belly and up onto her tits. Her nipples
 were fully erect and pressed into his palms as he cupped the firm,
 slippery globes. She began to moan loudly as her first orgasm overtook
 her. Johnny felt the contractions deep within his mother's bucking cunt
 and began to fuck her harder, using long, deep strokes which penetrated
 Tina to her very womb.

    "Fuck!... I'm coming, baby!... Yes! Yes, oh fuck, yes!... I'm

    Tina hunched and jerked her cunt around his pistoning cock, wagging her
 ass as her virile young son fucked her to a screaming orgasm. Johnny
 rammed his cock deep his mother's tight, spasming hole, urging her on.

    "That's it, Mom!  Come for me!  Come all over my mother-fuckin' prick!"

    Lights blasted in Tina's brain as wave after wave of intense pleasure
 washed over her. God, I love sex, she thought, especially with Johnny. He
 was such a lusty fucker. This was the best reason to have children, wasn't
 it? Her own son's hard cock had just screwed her to orgasm, and still he
 fucked her quivering cunt... it was glorious!

    "That felt like a good one, Mom!", smiled Johnny.

    "It sure was, honey! Jesus, you made me come like a fuckin' freight

    "We aim to please, lady.", he grinned. "Any thing else I can do for

                         FAMILY FUN REVISITED #2
                              Bathroom Fun
                               (by Eros)

                                Part 5.

    "Mmmmmm, just keep fucking my pussy like that, baby and I'll think of
 something in no time!"

    "We'll have to do it this way more often, Mom!", suggested Johnny.

    "It is nice, isn't it, sweetheart?  Your cock seems to get in deeper at
 this angle."

    "Sure does, Mom!... and the sight of your cute ass stuck up in the air
 this way, gets me hot real quick!"

    "Honey,... the sight of a cute ass at ANY angle gets you hot real

    He laughed. She was right of course, but he had to admit that his
 mother had one hell of a cute ass. Johnny looked down at it while he
 fucked her cunt, admiring the smooth round curves separated by the dark,
 humid crack of her ass. On impulse, he pulled the creamy cheeks apart and
 gazed down at his mother's tightly clenched asshole.

    Johnny watched the dark ring of muscle winking at him as he stroked his
 cock lazily back and forth in her cunt. Using his thumb, he smeared some
 of the white gooey froth from her pussy up over her tiny asshole, and
 began to rub it inside. Tina smiled at him in the mirror. From past
 experience, she knew exactly what the boy had in mind, but she also knew
 that without adequate lubrication, her son's huge cock would cause her
 more pain than pleasure, which was the last thing she wanted right now!

    "If you're going to fuck me in the ass, honey, use some oil. I don't
 want you tearing me apart."

    "Sorry, Mom! I forgot how tight you were back there... Ok, where is

    "In the top drawer. Keep fucking me, baby... I'll get it!"

    Tina reached down and opened the dresser drawer, passing the bottle of
 to her son, who immediately poured a liberal quantity of the scented
 massage oil over his mother's naked back and asscheeks, spreading it over
 her soft, creamy flesh with both hands.

    Still fucking his beautiful mother with deep, satisfying strokes,
 Johnny reached round in front of her and applied some of the oil to Tina's
 neglected boobs, sliding both hands over his mother's slippery tits. He
 squeezed the firm mounds, one in each hand, and pinched her erect nipples.

    "Are you going to give me a tit massage or an ass-fuck, baby?" asked
 his mother impatiently. Tina was dying for his prick in her asshole now.
 She wanted her son's fat cock drilling up, her shitter, right up into her
 fucking belly!

    "Patience, Mom! Can't a guy have a little fun first?"

    "I want your prick up my ass, sweetheart! Fuck me in the ass....

    "Ok, you hot bitch!", groaned Johnny, pulling his cock abruptly out of
 his mother's tight cunt. "You asked for it!"

    Johnny had his prick covered with oil in no time, and began rubbing his
 greased cockhead up and down his mother's asscrack, getting her ready for
 him. Tina groaned with pleasure as she felt the tip of her son's cock push
 urgently against her quivering anus. She returned the pressure, doing her
 best to relax her ass as Johnny continued pushing his cock-knob at her
 tiny shithole... and then suddenly he popped inside, sliding his big prick
 slowly into the hot, buttery grip of his mother's bowels.

    "Uuuuuuuhhh!... Mom!... Christ, that's good!", moaned Johnny as half of
 his cock disappeared into her steamy asshole.

    "Easy, honey. Just go easy at first."

    "Hell, Mom, you're wide open!"

    "Not yet, baby. Be careful. Just give it a little more time."

    She yelped as Johnny pushed the rest of his cock straight up her ass.
 He was determined to give his mother the best ass-fucking she'd ever had,
 but Tina wasn't quite ready. Her rectal chute was still contracted and if
 he kept ramming her with that mammoth cock of his, he'd split her in two!

    "Take it easy, Johnny!", she pleaded. "Not so hard. I'm not a rag doll
 you know!"

    "Sorry, Mom!... What do you want me to do?"

                         FAMILY FUN REVISITED #2
                              Bathroom Fun
                               (by Eros)

                                Part 6.

    "Move your cock in and out of me a bit slower, honey. At least until I
 get used to it. Then you can fuck me as hard as you like, ok?"

    "Ok, Mom. How's that?", asked Johnny, ass-fucking his mother as gently
 as possible. Her rear end felt like a hot, velvet glove around his cock,
 and it took all his willpower to stop from ramming into her with all his

    "Ooooh, that's nice! Nice and slow! Fuck Momma's ass nice and slow,

    Tina continued making an effort to keep her anus relaxed, but as
 Johnny's cock began to feel more comfortable inside her, her asshole
 became looser and looser, all by itself. Soon she was moaning with
 pleasure, arching her back and pushing her hips back onto her son's
 deliciously penetrating cock.

    "Mmmmmm, Johnny! That's it, baby! You can fuck me harder now,

    "Are you sure you can take it, Mom?"

    "I think I can take anything you can give me now, baby!", replied Tina,
 "Do it! Let yourself go, and give your momma the best ass-fuck she's ever

    His cock felt so hard up her shitter, like a hard pole rammed up her
 ass. 'My God, it's the best!', she thought. 'It's the goddamn best there
 is!' Johnny thought so too as he began to fuck his mother with faster,
 deeper strokes, reaming out her tight, hot shithole with rapid thrusts. He
 kept his eyes on his mother's asshole as it strained around his jabbing
 prick, clasping his pistoning cockshaft in a fantastically tight grip.

    Johnny grabbed his mother by the hips, pulling her ass toward him as he
 thrust forward, and pushing her away form him as he withdrew. Tina was
 gasping now. Her son's wonderful, stabbing cock was so hard and thick in
 her ass, it was driving her crazy with pleasure. 'God, you're a slut!',
 she thought to herself. 'What if the neighbours could see you now... bent
 over the dressing table with your son's fat prick up your wiggling ass!'
 Tina smiled. She was nothing but a whore with a hot cunt and asshole, and
 she loved it!... and so did her horny young stud of a son, by the way he
 was shoving his meat into her shitter! She rolled her hips around his
 deeply buried cock.

    "Fuck me harder, honey!"

    "How's that, Mom?"

    "That's good! Keep it moving like that!"

    Johnny's thighs slapped noisily against his mother's oil-slick
 ass-cheeks each time he lunged forwards. Tina squirmed against him,
 grinding her tight, lubricated asshole around his thrusting cock. The
 boy's teeth were clenched as he fucked into her, gazing all the time at
 her hot, sucking hole. His mother's shitter was completely relaxed now,
 the dark ring sucking ever so sweetly on his stiffly sliding prick. Each
 time he hunched forward a low moan escaped her sweetly parted lips,
 betraying the intense pleasure his cock instilled in her with every
 powerful thrust. Johnny watched his mother's ass-cheeks tremble as he
 pounded into her. Her shithole was as wide open as a cunt, hot and wet and
 lovely to fuck, quivering around his deeply buried cock like a tiny,
 sucking mouth.

    It wasn't long before Johnny felt his balls begin to swell with cum. It
 wouldn't be long now, he thought, and he wanted his mother to come with
 him. He reached down over her belly, into the steamy swamp between Tina's
 wide-spread thighs and rubbed his fingers through the woman's gaping slit.
 Her prominent clit pulsated and throbbed under his fingers as Johnny
 stimulated his mother's pussy, at the same time fucking her tight,
 writhing ass.

    "God your ass is tight, Mom!... I'm gonna come any minute!", he
 screamed, trying to hold back the tide of jism rising rapidly in his young

    "It's ok, baby!... Come!... Come up my fuckin' ass!... Fill me,

    The sound of his mother's words begging him to come was all Johnny
 needed to push him over the edge. In an instant, his balls exploded,
 sending a thick stream of red-hot jism out the end of his prick.

    "Oh, baby, I can feel it!", screamed Tina. "So hot... so fuckin' hot!"

                         FAMILY FUN REVISITED #2
                              Bathroom Fun
                               (by Eros)

                                Part 7.

    Johnny cried out as he emptied his balls into his mother's shit-tube.
 What a joy it was to fuck her ass like this. Even as he was coming, he
 kept his eyes on her asshole to watch his spunk ooze out in a bubbling
 froth around his sliding cockshaft. His climax seemed endless, his young
 cock spurting jet after jet of incestuous sperm deep inside his mother's
 sucking ass. Johnny collapsed finally over her back, his hands gripping
 her tits, his teeth nibbling her neck, and his cock still buried deep
 within her fantastically tight asshole.

    "Oh, Christ, Mom!"

    "Was it good, baby?"

    "God, yes!... It's always the best with you!... Did you come too, Mom?"

    "No, I have to admit I didn't, but I was very damn close, baby!"

    Johnny pulled his limp cock from Tina's battered ass and she turned to
 face him. Her arms went round his shoulders and she hugged her son

    "Want me to suck you off, Mom?", grinned Johnny, knowing how much his
 mother loved to have him lick her cunt.

    "Mmmmm, mmmmm! My pussy's still red-hot honey!... Feel up to a little
 pussy sucking?"

    "I've got a better idea! How 'bout we suck each other off. Looking at
 your tits is making my cock hard again! See....", said Johnny, proudly
 showing her his semi-erect penis.

    "You horny little prick!", laughed his mother. "Doesn't it ever go

    "Not with a hot fuckin' cunt like you around, Mom!", replied Johnny
 with a cheeky grin. He loved to talk dirty to his mother like this... it
 turned him on something fierce, and he knew his mother liked it too.

    "Well, honey, if I'm gonna suck that gorgeous cock of yours, we better
 get it cleaned up first, hadn't we?" said Tina. She took hold of his
 shit-streaked organ and began soaping it up with shampoo and warm water.

    "Mmmmm, that feel's good, Mom.  You haven't washed me like this since I
 was about eleven or twelve."

    "I know, baby. That's because you started to get hard every time I
 touched it!"

    "Why did you stop? Just think, we could have been fucking each other
 years earlier, Mom!"

    "I don't know. It didn't seem right, then. You were only a child."

    "I would have fucked you if you'd just let me, Mom! I remember lying in
 bed sometimes after you'd washed me, jerking my little prick like crazy!"

    "Did you think of me when you were jacking off, baby?"

    "Sometimes, Mom. I remember sneaking looks at your tits and up between
 your legs when you sat on that stool beside the bath, washing my cock."

    "No wonder you got a hard-on!... Maybe I should have let you screw me.
 If I remember correctly, you were almost as well hung then as you are
 now!", said Tina wiping off her son's rapidly swelling cock.

    "Not quite, Mom! But I would've given you a fuck to remember all the

    "I'm sure of that, sweetheart!", smiled Tina, leading him towards the
 bedroom by his prick. "... and now that I've got your little peter all
 nice and clean again, I want you to come to bed with me and show Momma
 what a virile young stud you are!"

    Johnny followed his mother into the room, watching her smooth, naked
 hips swaying provocatively before him. Her large, firm tits hardly even
 jiggled as she moved sensuously over to the bed and turned to face him.
 She oozed sex, and from the look of burning lust in his mother's eyes,
 Johnny could tell that he was in for one hell of a good time.

    "Kiss me, baby!", she husked, pressing her tits against his hairless

    With one hand still firmly grasping her son's hard cock, Tina threw the
 other around his neck and pulled him to her, plastering her hot mouth
 firmly over his. The boy felt his mother's tongue enter his mouth as he
 returned her open-mouthed kiss, frenching her with equal fury. The heat of
 her soft, naked body against his skin was intoxicating, and Johnny could
 feel every contour, every curve, every delicious bump as his horny mother
 pressed herself suggestively against him.

                         FAMILY FUN REVISITED #2
                              Bathroom Fun
                               (by Eros)

                                Part 8.

    Tina was shameless in her lust for her handsome young son, grinding her
 pubic mound against his rigid cock as they kissed, rubbing the hard tip
 though her tight, juicy slit, begging him to fuck her! Tina pulled her
 lips from his.

    "Lie down, darling!", she gasped, almost pushing her son backwards onto
 the bed. "Let's get a little bit more comfortable, shall we?"

    Johnny loved it when his mother got rough with him. It meant she was
 really turned on, and that he was in for some really wild sex with her. He
 lay in the middle of the bed, flat on his back with his hard cock sticking
 straight up, jerking with intense hardness. Tina licked her lips at the
 gorgeous sight, her cunt twitching with incestuous need! She longed to
 jump on top of her son's waving cock and fuck it till she dropped. But she
 was determined to wait, to hold back until she had experienced every
 possible pleasure his insatiable mouth and tongue and cock were capable of
 giving her. Even if it took all night, she was going to fuck him dry!

    Johnny watched as his mother crawled onto the bed on all fours, her
 eyes blazing like a tigress about to devour some poor defenseless animal.
 She straddled his thighs, pausing as her cunt hovered above his throbbing
 cock. Rolling her hips, Tina teased him, her eyes like twin points of

    "Are you gonna fuck me, Mom?", groaned Johnny, raising his hips eagerly

    "You'd like that, wouldn't you?", purred Tina. "You'd like it if mother
 sat on your big, fat hard-on and fucked you, right?"

    As she spoke, Tina inched her way up his body, finally resting her
 open, leaking snatch on his stomach.

    "Oh, yes, Mom!", he groaned, opening his mouth wide as he felt the wet
 heat of his mother's cunt on his flesh. "Jesus!... I want you to f..fuck

    "I might fuck you...", Tina said in a thick, husky voice. "I might just
 fuck you good. But..."

    "But what, Mom?"

    "... only if you're nice to me.", whispered Tina, rotating her pussy in
 tiny, wet circles over his tormented flesh. "... and, if you're really,
 really nice to me, baby.... maybe I'll fuck you."

    "I'll be nice, Mom!... I promise."

    "Of course you will, lover!" she breathed , sliding her cunt higher
 until she had it on his chest. She twisted her ass, smearing her hot, wet
 pussy in searing trails up over her son's naked flesh.

    "You'll do anything mother wants... as long as you get fucked. Right,

    "Ohhhhh! Yes, Mom!"

    "You'd even suck mother's cunt, wouldn't you?"

    Johnny's eyes widened as he stared at his mother's face. She was
 totally engrossed in her 'forceful mother' act. Johnny knew she got a
 tremendous kick out of pretending she was seducing him, so he played along
 with it. His mother was always a much better fuck when she was really
 turned on... and if he played his cards right, she'd be so fuckin' hot, he
 could suck and fuck her tight, juicy cunt till dawn!

    "Well, wouldn't you like to suck your mother's tasty cunt, Johnny?"

    Tina waited for his reply, rubbing her drooling snatch close to his
 neck now. Her cuntslit was so close to his face, Johnny could smell her
 urgent need.

    "Oh, Mom! Give it to me!", he yelped, sliding his arms around her hips,
 pulling her gaping twat towards his mouth. "I'll eat your cunt... I'll
 lick it and suck it and tongue your clit and.... God... fuck, sit on my
 face, Mom!"

    "Oooooh, my darling boy!... I knew you would."

    Tina gurgled with pleasure, lifting her pussy off his chest, sliding
 higher. She knelt with her hairy crotch directly over her son's upturned
 face and held the lips of her pussy wide open.

    Johnny gazed up at his mother's cunt, his eyes burning and his tongue
 licking at his parched lips. A drop of pussy-juice dripped onto his
 tongue, and Johnny pulled it into his mouth, shivering with anticipation.
 The taste of his mother's cunt always turned him on. It was almost like an
 aphrodisiac to him, and as usual, his prick began to harden and swell to
 mammoth proportions.

                         FAMILY FUN REVISITED #2
                              Bathroom Fun
                               (by Eros)

                                Part 9.

    "Oooooh, Johnny! Kiss Momma right on the cunt, baby!"

    Holding his mother's naked asscheeks with both hands, Johnny pushed his
 face into her wide-open crotch. Tina gasped in delight, dropping her cunt
 over his sucking mouth as her young son rubbed his face about in her soft,
 wet pussy-flesh. His tongue darted and probed, sliding repeatedly over her
 clit as her ass jerked back and forth.

    "Inside!", squealed Tina. "Push your tongue inside!... Fuck me with
 your tongue!"

    Johnny opened his mouth wide, and plunged his tongue deep into his
 mother's squirming cunt, his hands gripping her firm, creamy ass as he
 noisily slurped up her free-flowing juices. Tina whimpered with ecstasy as
 she whipped her ass about, rubbing and twisting from side to side,
 smearing her drooling pussy onto her son's willing lips. She looked down
 between her bobbing tits at his face, seeing only his eyes above the soft,
 curly mass of pussy hair. Her son's long tongue felt fantastic in her
 cunt. She especially loved the way he licked the full length of her slit
 before burying his tongue deeply in her quivering fuckhole, sucking all
 the while.

    "Uuuuuuhhhh! Eat me... eat me!", she squealed. "Suck my cunt, Johnny!
 Oooh, baby, baby!... Suck mother's hot cunt!... Fuck me with your
 tongue!... Mmmmmmm, suck it, suck it, suck it!..."

    She had forgotten all about sucking his cock, all that mattered now was
 the blinding pleasure of his mouth and tongue on her cunt. Clinging to his
 mother's grinding ass, Johnny sucked and licked hungrily, driving his
 tongue hard and fast into her mound, his fingers squeezing deeply into her
 asscheeks, leaving red marks in the soft yielding flesh. Her juices
 flooded into his mouth but he swallowed every tasty drop with relish,
 eager for more. He twisted and twirled his tongue inside his mother's
 pussy, sucking at her rigid clit, licking over every delicious inch of her
 lust-swollen twat.

    Tina began to jerk her cunt up and down on her son's face, rubbing
 hard, her hands now behind Johnny's head, mashing his mouth as tightly as
 possible against her burning cunthole.

    "I'm gonna come, Johnny!", she screamed. "Uhhh, make mommy come! I want
 to come on your face... in your mouth! Ahhhhhh! Uhhhh!"

    Tina bucked like a mare in heat, her tits jiggling and her long hair
 flying. Johnny held on to her hips for dear life, his mouth glued to his
 mother's spasming pussy as she came. Wave after wave of intense pleasure
 filled her cunt as the most powerful orgasm Tina had ever experienced,
 engulfed her panting, trembling body.

    "Oh, Jesus, baby! That was fantastic! You suck momma's cunt better than
 anybody!" Johnny lifted his juice-smeared face from her cunt and smiled.

    "Even better than Dad does, Mom?" he asked, reaching up to fondle his
 mother's dangling tits.

    "Yep!... Don't get me wrong... your father's good, but in the cunt
 sucking department, you've got him beat a million ways, baby!"

    "I don't get many complaints, Mom!", grinned Johnny.

    "I bet you don't!... What about Julie, does she like you to suck her

    "She sure does, Mom! Sis goes crazy when I eat out her hot little cunt.
 I'm surprised she doesn't wake up the whole house some mornings."

    Tina slithered her cunt down over his body until she was lying on top
 of him, rubbing herself all over his hard, sweaty flesh.

    "Does she like to suck you off too?" gasped Tina, reaching for his

    "Mmmmm, oh, yes! She sure does, Mom!... Ohhh, that's nice!..."

    Tina moved her fist up and down the length of her son's stiff young
 prick, squeezing the bloated head of his cock gently each time. God he was
 hung! She could hardly get her fingers around it's thick circumference. As
 she stroked his cock, Johnny's hands roaming his mother's body, massaging
 the smooth, tanned flesh of her tits and ass, pressing her naked,
 trembling body against his own. Tina kissed her son briefly on the lips
 and whispered hotly into his ear,

    "Do you want me to suck your cock, honey?"

    "Oh, yes, Mom!", breathed Johnny, his prick throbbing wildly in her
 hand. Tina looked down at it.

                         FAMILY FUN REVISITED #2
                              Bathroom Fun
                               (by Eros)

                                Part 10.

    "Mmmmmmmmm, baby! You're so nice and big and hard for Mommy!!"

    She slid down between his legs and feasted her eyes on her son's mighty
 erection. She took it in both hands and, with her mouth directly above the
 tip, she looked up into his excited face, her eyes burning with lust.

    "I'm gonna suck you, Johnny!... I'm gonna suck you till you cum right
 in my mouth, and then..."

    The boy shook with desire as his mother spoke. Her mouth was so close
 to the head of his prick, Johnny could feel her hot breath blowing over
 his tortured flesh.

    "What, Mom?... what are you gonna do then?" panted Johnny, lifting his
 hips in anticipation.

    "Well, honey... I hope you've got lots of cum in these big round balls
 of yours... 'cause after you've come in my mouth, I'm gonna suck you some
 more till you're good and hard...."

    Johnny's prick throbbed and jerked wildly in his mother's hand. Her
 tits were pressed against his lower thighs and she rubbed her leaking
 cuntmound against his leg as she spoke.

    "Christ, Mom!.. You're making me hot!... I can't wait to fuck you

    Tina smiled wickedly. "You won't have to fuck me, sweetheart. Momma
 will fuck you! I'm gonna sit on your big, thick cock and ride you like a
 pony!... You'll just have to grab onto momma's tits and hold on, baby!...
 'cause momma's gonna fuck your balls dry!... Would you like that, baby?"

    "Oh, God yes! Jesus, Mom!.. Do it!... For christ sakes do it!", he

    "Alright honey!" smiled Tina. "But I want you to play with my cunt
 while I suck you. It's hot and bothered and needs a little attention right

    "Ok, Mom!", panted Johnny. "Slide around a bit so I can reach you

    Tina shifted her position so that she lay alongside her son with her
 head over his crotch and her feet near his head. She lay partly on her
 side and opened her creamy thighs, bending her knees and spreading them
 wide so that Johnny had free access to her pink, glistening cunt. She
 turned her head towards him, a wicked gleam in her eye.

    "Play with my pussy while I suck your cock, honey!... tell me what
 you'd like to do to me... tell me everything!  I want to hear all your
 fantasies baby... 'cause momma's gonna make 'em all come true... every

    Her excited young son groaned loudly as Tina dipped her head and closed
 her hot moist lips over the tip of his cock. She sucked on the large
 flared knob for a few seconds before opening her mouth and sliding her
 tight lips slowly down over the length of his shaft, swallowing the boy's
 hard cock as best she could.

    At first, Tina couldn't get all of him into her mouth, but once she
 relaxed her throat and became accustomed to the size of his prick, she was
 able to deep-throat her son's cock all the way to the base of his
 throbbing shaft. Her lips pressed into his fuzzy pubic hair. His balls
 were hot on her chin and her mouth was very, very full. She ran her
 fingers up his thighs, caressing the smooth, hard muscles. Then, cupping
 his naked ass, Tina began to move her mouth eagerly up and down on her
 young son's prick. Johnny loved it!...he was in seventh heaven!... his
 mother's hands squeezing his tight asscheeks and her hot mouth wrapped
 around his cock like a tight wet cunt, were an unbeatable combination and,
 with a grunt, Johnny began to fuck his prick in and out of her mouth.

    "Suck it, Mom!", he groaned. "Suck my big, hard cock!... Ummmm, swallow
 it all!"

    Tina moaned, his prick pushing down her throat with each lunge. She
 closed her lips tightly around it her tongue pushing the shaft to the roof
 of her mouth, making it as tight as possible for him. Her mouth watered
 with the hot, musky taste of him, reminding her how much she loved to suck
 cock, especially the one in her mouth right now... that of her own horny
 young son. Forbidden fruits always tasted better, she thought with a
 smile. She had sucked many cocks, but Johnny's cock felt and tasted better
 than any of them. It tasted fresh and salty, and each time she took him
 fully into her mouth, Tina nostrils filled with the excitingly musky, male
 odour of her son's hairy young crotch.

                         FAMILY FUN REVISITED #2
                              Bathroom Fun
                               (by Eros)

                                Part 11.

    The smell made her cunt twitch and she began to twist and writhe her
 ass, bunching it tightly, pressing herself against his arm, silently
 begging him to touch her pussy... to feel how hot she was for him. Tina
 was so strongly aroused by now, that the insides of her thighs were
 saturated with her fuck-juices, the blonde pubic hair on her cuntmound
 moist and matted around the deep, glistening slit. Johnny quickly got the
 message and reached down, inserting two fingers inside his mother's
 well-lubricated cunthole.

    "Mmmmmmmmm! Urrmmm! Mmmmm! Mmmmmm!", moaned Tina, her mouth too full of
 cock to make any sense at all.

    "You like that, don't you?", Johnny panted. "You like it when I
 finger-fuck your cunt, don't you, Mom?"

    Tina only grunted an unintelligible reply, her mouth a blur as her head
 bobbed up and down on his hard, saliva-covered prick. Johnny's fingers
 made distinct slurping sounds as he stabbed them deeply into, his mother's
 gaping slit, adding a third finger as he felt her cunt loosen up a little.

    "You know what would really be a turn-on, Mom?", he said, pausing for
 effect. ".... having you suck me off in public!"

    Tina almost choked on his cock. She looked up at him with wide,
 questioning eyes... she was shocked, but even so, her mouth never missed a

    "Jesus, Mom!", chuckled Johnny. "You should see your face!" He smiled
 down at her, happy in a way that he had shocked his normally supercool

    "I wasn't talking about in the middle of the street, Mom.", smiled her
 son. "I meant... in a public place, but kinda hidden, so nobody could see
 us do it... Wouldn't that be cool, Mom?"

    Tina took her mouth off her son's cock long enough to ask him a

    "Mmmm, sounds interesting, baby... what did you have in mind?"

    "Well, I really don't know, Mom. We could do it in on a bus or an
 elevator... Ummmmm!... or better still, mom... how 'bout in one of the
 change cubicles in the women's clothing department down at the mall. You
 could pretend to try on some clothes... I could sneak in while nobody was
 looking and you could suck me off wearing nothing but a pair of black lace
 panties... or I could suck you, Mom... or fuck you up against the mirror!"

    Tina's head was spinning with the possibilities. She loved the depraved
 images her son was planting in her brain. The thought of sex with her own
 son in the middle of a huge department store, with all those people only
 feet away and none the wiser, was just too much! Johnny could see the
 effect his words were having on his mother, and it excited him too.

    "Maybe we could coax a cute little sales assistant in to join us,
 Mom!", he continued. "She could suck my cock while I sucked your cunt....
 then I could fuck you while you licked her hot, dripping slit... what do
 you think, Mom?"

    Tina loved it, but she was too busy sucking his cock to tell him. She
 hadn't really thought about sucking another woman's cunt before, but the
 more she thought about it, the more she liked the idea, especially if she
 was getting her son's huge prick stuffed up her cunt at the same time.
 'God, what a time they were going to have!', she thought, grinding her
 cunt savagely onto his hand. Johnny redoubled his finger movements inside
 his mother's snatch, rubbing and probing her twat with deep, regular

    "How about if Julie came along, Mom?... Then I could fuck and suck you
 both... one at a time or both together, whatever we wanted.  Wouldn't it
 be great, Mom? Just think of it, we could have ourselves a nice cozy
 family orgy and all those sexy women shoppers passing by would never even
 know." Tina pulled her mouth off his prick once more, panting for breath.

    "You'd like to fuck those women, wouldn't you, baby?", she gasped.
 "You'd like to fuck them all... wouldn't you, you horny little stud?"

    "I sure would, Mom!", replied Johnny. "If I worked down there, there'd
 be more fucking going on in those change rooms than in a brothel!
 Especially if the women all looked and acted the way you and Julie do,

    "Thank you, sweetheart!", said Tina. "I'll take that as a compliment."

                         FAMILY FUN REVISITED #2
                              Bathroom Fun
                               (by Eros)

                                Part 12.

    She smiled at him and winked suggestively before returning her
 insatiable mouth to his prick. Her tight lips closed around his cock once
 more, and using her hands under his ass, Tina urged her son to fuck her
 mouth.. Johnny watched her full, red lips squeeze his cock. He pumped his
 cock into her throat, listening to the soft, gurgling sounds his mother
 made as he rammed all four fingers into her squirming pussy. Tina sucked
 her son's rigid cock for a few more minutes, enjoying the feel of his hand
 in her cunt. But pretty soon, her super-heated pussy demanded more! It
 quivered and twitched around Johnny's delving fingers, just aching to be
 filled by the thick pole of cock-meat the boy had crammed into her gulping

    Suddenly, Tina wrenched her mouth off Johnny's erection and sat up. His
 fingers pulled out of her tight, juicy gash with a wet plopping sound. She
 was hot and horny, and desperate for cock... hard young cock! She knew
 only too well,that at his age, her virile young son could fuck her all
 night long and still have a hard-on at dawn. She wanted him now... she
 wanted his lovely, big prick filling her pussy, stretching her cunt like
 she knew it would!  Her eyes were glazed and wild looking as she clambered
 over him, her thighs spread wide.  Tina was so highly aroused by the
 prospect of fucking her young stud of a son, she could hardly think
 straight. She quickly straddled his thighs until her drooling snatch was
 directly above the tip of the boy's perpendicular cock. It jutted up a
 good ten inches from his crotch now, an angry red spike, ready to split
 her in half. Tina stared at it eagerly.

    "Momma's gonna fuck you now, baby!", she muttered, grabbing hold of her
 son's thick throbbing shaft. "Momma's gonna sit on your big ol' cock and
 fuck you good, honey!"

    "Ohhh! Jesus, yes! Fuck me with your cunt, Mom!", stammered Johnny,
 staring at his mother's large, swollen tits. They were hanging close to
 his mouth as she bent forwards, squatting her cunt over his cock. Tina
 rubbed the flared tip into the gaping lips of her twat, teasing them both
 with the exquisite contact. "God, that feels nice, Mom!", gasped Johnny.
 "Your cunt is so hot and wet! Ummmmm! Do it! Sit on my cock, Mom!... I
 can't wait to feel it inside you."

    "Me either, lover!", groaned Tina, spreading her thighs even wider.
 "Lift your hips when I bear down, honey. I want you as deep up inside me
 as possible this time, okay?"

    "You bet, Mom!", said Johnny, grabbing the cheeks of his mother's ass
 for leverage. Tina moaned deep in her throat and grasped his cock at the
 base, holding it upright between her thighs. Then, inserting the fat,
 purple head between the gaping lips of her cunt, she sank down slowly on
 top of him, letting her weight do all the work. Her tight, juicy cunt
 enveloped his cock steadily, an inch at a time. Tina didn't stop until she
 felt Johnny's pubic hair press against her flared cuntlips and she knew
 his prick was in her all the way. Her cunt finally felt complete, open and
 stretched, and very, very full... filled with the bulk of her son's hard,
 pulsating cock.

    "Oooh yes!... God, that's good! I love fucking you like this, baby!
 Your prick is in me, so fuckin' deep!", wailed Tina, squirming her cunt
 down as hard as she could. Johnny hunched his hips upwards, causing his
 mother to give off a sensuous sigh of satisfaction. She sat on him like
 that for several long seconds, his hard, young prick buried to the balls
 in her cunt. Her son's cock felt so much bigger to her when they fucked
 this way, and for the moment, Tina was content to let her body adjust to
 the size of it. She leaned down towards him, letting her lush tits brush
 tantalisingly against his hairless chest.

    "How does it feel, baby?", asked Tina, gasping for breath. "How does it
 feel to have your cock stuck up your mother's horny cunt again?"

    "Hot, Mom!... It feels hot and wet, and fuckin' tight!", moaned Johnny,
 pulling her tits lower so he could suck on her nipples.

    "Just the way you like it... hot and ready to fuck, right, baby?"

    "Christ, yesss!... Jesus, Mom, I can't stand it any more... Get that
 sweet, juicy cunt moving on my cock and ride me, baby!... Fuck it hard as
 you can!" Tina giggled like a teenager and began to bounce up and down on
 her son, sticking herself again and again on the rock-hard column of his
 wonderful prick. Tina sat up and clutched her tits in both hands, bearing
 down on his cock with all her strength.

    "Watch me Johnny!.. Watch your cock fill my cunt!", she screeched.
 "Watch mother fuck you, baby!"

    Johnny looked down between his mother's creamy thighs, his eyes wide at
 the lewd sight of is hard, glistening shaft disappearing time after time
 into her belly. His hips moved in time with hers, pumping his hard meat
 into her writhing hole as best he could. Tina gave out a loud squeal and
 began to pound up and down, faster and faster, slapping her pussy onto the
 base of her son's driving cock, then lifting her hips until she almost
 lost it, only to ram down again, grinding her swollen clit hard against
 his pubic mound. Tina gasped hotly, fucking on Johnny's prick.

                         FAMILY FUN REVISITED #2
                              Bathroom Fun
                               (by Eros)

                                Part 13.

    "Ahhhhhggghh! Uhhhhhh! God, give me your cock, baby! Give momma your
 big, fat, mother-fuckin' prick!!"

    Her cunt juices flowed like a river, forming a white froth around the
 base of his cock, coating his young balls with a thick, creamy lather.
 Tina gurgled and sobbed with pleasure, clutching at her naked tits. Her
 back was arched in ecstasy as she rode him, fucking her young son with all
 the energy she could muster.

    "Oooh, baby, this is fantastic!", she whimpered. "God, what a cock you
 have, Johnny! So hard... so long! I can feel it pressing way up inside my
 belly! Fuck me, baby ! Fuck Mommy!"

    Johnny began to thrust his cock upwards as she came down, his crotch
 making loud, wet sounds as it slapped against her juicy cunt.

    "I am fucking you, Mom!", he shouted. "I'm fucking you good!... Throw
 that tight, hairy pussy at my cock like that, Mom and I'll fuck you all

    She fell forwards supporting her body on straightened arms either side
 of her son's head, dancing her ass about, grinding her cunt into his
 crotch every time she plunged down.

    "Suck my tits, Johnny!", panted Tina. "Suck my tits while I fuck you,

    The boy did as he was told, licking his mother's hanging breasts and
 sucking her stiff nipples into his hot mouth. Her eyes were closed as she
 fucked faster and faster, her cunt on fire, burning with wild, incestuous
 lust for her son. God what a stud!... He knew how to fuck her better than
 any male alive! Frantically, she brought a hand to her pussy, rubbing and
 agitating her swollen clit as she stuffed her cunt with his cock... over
 and over. Her naked ass whipping about, sliding back and forth... up and

    Johnny held his mother's thighs, his fingers gripping near her cunt,
 his eyes wide as he watched her hairy fuckhole devour his prick. He moaned
 and gasped as her cunt rammed up and down the length of his impaled shaft,
 pounding so hard she was making the bed bounce. Her cunt was so tight and
 so hot he couldn't hold back the creamy tide rising in his young balls
 much longer. Tina felt it too and reached back behind her whipping ass,
 clutching his swollen balls, squeezing them, pulling them.

    "Johnny! Ohhhh, Johnny, your balls are so swollen!", she gasped. "Give
 me your jizz, honey!... Squirt your hot cream up mother's cunt!... Come in
 momma's pussy... I want it in my cunt, baby!"

    "Are you gonna come, Mom?"

    "God, yes!... Any second... come with me, Johnny!"

    Tina sat upright again, her ass bounced faster and faster. She was
 stabbing herself down on his cock in a frenzy, grinding her cunt against
 him and squealing loudly in total abandon. Her hands flew once more to her
 jiggling breasts and she squeezed the hard, digging her fingers into the
 the firm flesh, her nipples protruding between her knuckles. She stiffened
 and screamed at the top of her voice as her orgasm peaked.

    "Ahhhhhhhh! Fuck me! Oh, Johnny, fuck me! Momma's cumming, baby!"

    "Me too, Mom!... Oh God, I can feel it!... Jesus, you sexy fuckin'
 bitch!... Come!... Come for me, Mom!... Fuck! I'm cumming tooooo!"

                         FAMILY FUN REVISITED #2
                              Bathroom Fun
                               (by Eros)

                                Part 14.

    As she came, Tina's pulsing twat gripped him in flexing waves, gripping
 and squeezing her son's prick as wave after glorious wave of contractions
 gripped her jerking cunt.

    She screamed loudly, her head twisting and her long, blonde hair flying
 wildly. Johnny almost lifted off the bed, his hands darting past his
 mother's hips to grab her churning ass. With a grunt, he came, spewing his
 thick, incestuous load deep into his mother's cock-filled cunt. As his
 head and shoulders came off the bed, Tina stuffed one of her tits into his
 mouth. Johnny began to suck frantically on her large, pink nipple, his
 fingers digging into the hot crack of his mother's ass. His cock squirted
 time and time again until Tina thought he was never going to stop,
 flooding her pussy. She cried and gasped, her orgasms coming stronger and
 stronger, her cunt almost squeezing his cock off at the base.

    "Suck my tit, lover!", she squealed. "Suck my fuckin' tit and come in
 my cunt!"

    Johnny sucked his mother's tits one at a time as he emptied his balls
 into her sweet fuckin' cunt, and, as the final spurt of cum splattered her
 hungry womb, Tina fell forward, crushing her son beneath her shaking body,
 the spasms of her quivering cunt still working at his softening cock.
 After a minute or so, Johnny rolled his mother's almost dead weight off
 his body. Her final climax had been so powerful, she had fainted with
 sheer pleasure and now lay beside him, radiating flushed beauty as only a
 freshly fucked woman can. Johnny looked at her cunt. It was open, and
 leaking a sticky mixture of sperm and cunt juice. The boy lowered his face
 to his mother's gaping slit and tested the liquid with his tongue. It
 tasted good.. just like she always did, except maybe a bit saltier. That
 was probably because of his jism, he thought.

    Johnny found the taste exciting, and licked his lips as he stared at
 his mother's naked body, spread out so lewdly before him. Her tits were
 firm and swollen, rising and falling as she breathed, the rosy nipples
 stiff and erect with latent passion. But it was her open slit that
 attracted his full attention, the pink lips gaped sweetly, and the dark,
 glistening hole continued to ooze that wonderful elixir he had tasted only
 moments before. Johnny rolled his unconscious mother onto her back and
 spread her legs, pushing them back and bending them at the knees until her
 swollen cunt lay before him, exposed to his hungry gaze like a juicy, rare
 steak on a platter. He lowered his lips and kissed her gooey mound,
 licking the juice from her cunthair before dipping his tongue into her
 liquid cunt.

    Tina began to come 'round at the touch of her son's mouth on her pussy.
 At first she was still a little dazed, but when she realized what he was
 doing, she smiled and pressed against the back of his head, pushing his
 mouth deeper into the bubbling swamp of her cunt.

    "Mmmmmm, that's nice, baby!... Suck momma's cunt!", she moaned

    When Johnny realized that his mother was awake he turned around and
 straddled her head, lowering his cock into her mouth before she could say
 another word, and returned his mouth to her cunt as if nothing had
 happened. They sucked each other off and climaxed simultaneously, Johnny
 cleaning out every last drop of juice from his mother's cunt, and Tina
 gulping down a second load of her son's creamy jism. Then they fucked and
 sucked till morning, indulging in every sexual fantasy they could think
 of, taking only brief rests between sessions to recover. It was a night of
 depraved, incestuous delight they both would remember for a long, long

The End

From: "Col. Brewster" <>
Subject: Family Fun Revisited #3 (mf,incest)
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 1996 06:31:30 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Disclaimer: I did not write this story. I'm just posting it for those of 
you who enjoy such stories. If you are a minor (under 18) do not read, 
this story is for adults only.

                        FAMILY FUN REVISITED #3
                           Kissin' Cousins
                              (by Eros)

                               Part 1.

       As Johnny, followed Lisa and Jenny down the hallway to his room,
 listening to records suddenly became the last thing on the young boy's
 mind. The sight of their tight, little butts bouncing invitingly along in
 front of him, made Johnny's cock swell alarmingly in his pants. He
 couldn't make up his mind which of his two cute little cousins had the
 nicest ass. A sudden impulse seized him, and unable to resist, Johnny
 reached out and playfully squeezed Jenny's jiggling backside, feeling the
 taut young flesh give very little under the pressure of his fingers.
 'Yep, not a single ounce of fat...', he thought with a smile, '....and
 tight as a drum!"

       Johnny expected Jenny to turn around and hit him, or at least pull
 away from his intimate touch, but to his pleasant surprise, she did
 nothing, letting her cousin's exploring hand roam over her compact little
 backside as if nothing was happening. "Nice ass, Jen!", said Johnny with
 a slightly embarrassed chuckle. Jenny glanced back over her shoulder and
 gave him a sexy smile, wiggling her cute little behind back against his
 hand. Emboldened by the girl's obvious invitation, Johnny ran his middle
 finger down between the crack of her ass, rubbing it into Jenny's hot
 little crotch from behind. Although he couldn't quite reach it, he could
 feel the wet heat of her pussy through the fabric of her shorts. 'This is
 going to be easier than I expected', he thought with an impish little

       By the time they reached his room, Johnny's cock was bulging from
 the front of his shorts like a tent pole, and it was impossible to hide
 the fact from the two girls. Lisa's eyes opened wide as soon as she saw
 it, trying not to stare at the growing lump in the front of her cousin's
 pants, but it was far too obvious, and finally she had to say something.
 "Johnny's got a hard-on!", giggled the pretty young girl pointing at her
 cousin's bulging crotch. Johnny smiled and looked at Jenny. "It's Jenny's
 fault!", he said, sitting on the bed with his legs wide apart, giving
 them both a good look at the huge swelling in his shorts. Lisa turned to
 her sister.

       "What does he mean, 'it's your fault', Jenny?", she asked, totally
 confused. Jenny sat down beside Johnny on the bed, a curious smile
 playing over her pretty lips. "What he means little sister, is that his
 cock is hard because I let him feel me up on the way down the hall!"
 "Jenny!", gasped her sister, "You didn't... did you?" "Yeah, why not?....
 I saw the way Johnny's been looking at us all night", replied Jenny,
 "Besides, I haven't had a decent fuck for weeks!" Jenny smiled at the
 look of utter shock on both their faces. Lisa's mouth moved, but no sound
 came out. Finally, the younger girl found her voice.

       "God, Jenny! You're really disgusting sometimes!", spat Lisa,
 heading for the door. "Where are you going?", Jenny asked quickly, "Don't
 you want to see his prick?" The smile on Jenny's pretty young face was
 positively wicked, and Lisa hesitated, with her hand on the doorknob,
 looking uncertainly back and forth between Johnny and her shameless
 sister. She had to admit that recently, anything to do with boys
 interested her, and the bulge in Johnny's pants had certainly effected
 her strongly. Her pussy tingled with a pleasant but unfamiliar sensation
 every time she looked at it! "Johnny wouldn't show us his co.. uhh, I
 mean... his thing.", she stammered, "... would you Johnny!"

       "Oh, I don't know. I guess I could, for a couple of cute chicks
 like you two!", he smiled, stroking his cock through the material of his
 shorts. Lisa let go of the doorknob and moved back towards the bed,
 watching her cousin's fingers as they rubbed up and down the lump in his
 crotch. "Why don't you take it out for me, Jenny!", said Johnny, placing
 the girl's hand on his cock. He lay back on the bed to give her more
 room. Lisa moved closer, a look of excitement building on her sensual
 young face as Jenny undid Johnny's pants and pulled them down over his
 muscular thighs. Both girl's gasped aloud, as Johnny's long, hard cock
 sprang into view.

       Lisa's mouth dropped open as she stared at her cousin's impossibly
 large organ, and even Jenny, who was used to seeing the occasional stiff
 male member, couldn't believe her eyes! It was the biggest cock she'd
 ever seen! "Jesus!... It's huge!!", she gasped, letting out a little cry
 of delight as Johnny's prick filled her tiny hand. Lisa watched her
 sister's tiny fingers wrap around their cousin's cock and moaned softly
 as Jenny began to jerk her fist up and down the throbbing shaft. "What
 does it f... feel like, Jenny!", asked young Lisa, so close now that
 Johnny's knees brushed her thighs. "It feels like the biggest, hardest
 cock I've ever had! That's what it feels like!", groaned Jenny, dropping
 her mouth hungrily over the upthrust shaft.

                        FAMILY FUN REVISITED #3
                           Kissin' Cousins
                              (by Eros)

                               Part 2.

       Lisa looked on in awe as her big sister tried to swallow Johnny's
 prick whole! But it was too big, and she had to be content with just the
 first six or seven inches. The eagerness of her attack on his cock
 surprised the boy. "Ohhh! Jenny!", he groaned as the girl's tight young
 lips slid up and down his cock. "God!.... I didn't think you'd do it!
 Uhhhh!... Suck it, baby!" Johnny looked up at Lisa and saw the look of
 desire in her young, inexperienced eyes. Her hand had dropped
 automatically to the crotch of her shorts, and she was rubbing herself
 openly as she stared at Johnny's cock disappearing in and out of her
 sister's sucking mouth. "Take them off, Lisa!", muttered Johnny, "Take
 off your clothes! If you're gonna watch, I wanna see some tits and cunt!"

       Normally such a request would have sent Lisa into a frightened
 panic, but seeing her sister sucking so eagerly on her cousin's mammoth
 erection, had reinforced the strange feelings the young girl had been
 having for some time. Even though she was still a virgin, boy's and men's
 cocks had filled her dreams and been the centre of her waking attention
 for months now, and the sight of Johnny's big, lust-stiffened cock had
 fueled her unconscious desire to breaking point. Almost in a trance, she
 began to take off her clothes, her eyes glued to Johnny's glistening
 cock. Her pussy had been throbbing and itching like crazy, ever since she
 had set eyes on it. Lisa's shorts were so tight that they cut into her
 crotch, digging sharply into her moistening cleft, making the girl
 more aware of her body's insistent demands.

        Lisa quickly unfastened her shorts, slid them down over her
 shapely thighs and stepped out of them in one fluid movement. Johnny
 watched her firm little tits wobble provocatively under the thin material
 of her tee shirt as she straightened up. "Jesus, baby! Let me see those
 tits!", breathed Johnny. The sight of little Lisa undressing so willingly
 in front of him was a powerful turn-on for the young lad, and his cock
 swelled even more inside Jenny's hot, bobbing mouth. Lisa pulled her tee
 shirt off over her head and tossed it onto the floor, standing proudly
 before him clad only in her white cotton panties.

       As her creamy young breasts came into view, Johnny's mouth watered
 at the delicious sight. They stood out without the trace of any sag....
 firm, young tits, with big, pink nipples, just made for sucking. With a
 moan, Johnny reached out and pulled Lisa towards him, running his hands
 over her soft, round ass as his mouth closed over her left nipple.
 "Ooooooooh! Johnny! What are you doing?", squealed Lisa, surprise quickly
 giving way to delight as her cousin's tongue flicked around the sensitive
 bud. "Mmmmmmm! Jesus, that's nice!... Ooooooh, suck them both, Johnny!!!"
 Johnny moved his mouth to her other nipple and sucked it into his mouth
 too, all the while squeezing and kneading the girl's firm little ass
 through her panties.

       Jenny tugged Johnny's pants down over his legs and then began to
 remove her own clothes as best she could while still sucking him. It was
 difficult, and at times she had to temporarily remove her lips from his
 prick, but soon she too was clad only in a pair of pink panties. Jenny's
 tits were almost as big as her sister's, and Johnny felt her hard nipples
 scrape tantalizingly over his naked thighs as her head bobbed up and down
 on his cock. Her mouth action was so good, that Johnny had to pull her
 face from his prick before it was too late, and he wasted his load down
 her tight, hot little gullet. "Sorry, baby!", he said as Jenny looked up
 at him, disappointment showing clearly on her pretty young face. "I you
 don't stop, I'm gonna come, and I don't want to do that just yet!"

       "Ok, Johnny! You're the boss!", giggled Jenny, flopping onto the
 bed next to her sister. She lay in front of him, with her legs wide open
 and began to rub herself shamelessly through the wet crotch of her
 panties. "Jesus, Johnny! I've been so fuckin' horny all day!.. I need a
 cock badly!", whimpered Jenny. Beside her, Lisa had slipped a hand under
 the waistband of her panties, and was fingering her own lust-moistened
 slit. He smiled at them. 'Christ, what a pair of nymphos! Wait till Uncle
 Ray finds out what he's had under his own roof all this time!', thought
 Johnny. Since they seemed to be well and truly hooked on sex, he decided
 to have a little extra fun with them. It would make his final pleasure
 all the more intense.

       "Take your panties off!... Both of you!", he ordered, "I want to
 see your juicy little cunts, naked!" Jenny acted immediately, sliding her
 panties down and off over her thighs without a second thought. Lisa on
 the other hand hesitated, still a little unsure of what she should do.
 Johnny smiled at her and fisted his cock, jerking his hand up and down
 the massive shaft. Lisa took one look at her cousin's erect cock and
 slowly began to remove her panties, her eyes wide with adolescent lust.
 Johnny stared excitedly at the smorgasbord of pussy revealed before him.
 Jenny was brunette, like her mother, and her dark bush of pubic hair
 curled lushly up over the base of her belly, almost concealing her
 scarlet-lipped slit.

                        FAMILY FUN REVISITED #3
                           Kissin' Cousins
                              (by Eros)

                               Part 3.

       Lisa on the other hand was blonde, like her father, and the hair on
 her pussy was very sparse and light, failing completely to hide her
 glistening, pink, cuntslit. Johnny was drawn to it like a fly to honey.
 He had never seen such a cute little cunt. "Spread your cunt-lips and let
 me see some gash!", he barked, his eyes gleaming with lust. Both girl's
 did as they were told, but Johnny's eyes were fixed on Lisa. Her fingers
 parted the soft, puffy lips of her slit, exposing the dainty, flaring
 inner lips. They resembled petals of some rare, delicate flower.... rosy
 pink, and moist with juicy arousal.

       Jenny saw Johnny's interest in her sister's cunt and dropped her
 other hand to Lisa's pussy, inserting a finger into the little girl's
 tight, wet hole. It only penetrated to the first knuckle before
 encountering a thin rubbery barrier. Lisa moaned, pressing Jenny's hand
 into her cunt. "She's cherry, Johnny!", grinned Jenny, "Wouldn't you like
 a taste of virgin pussy?" She removed her finger from Lisa's wet slit and
 held it out to him. Johnny leaned forwards and opened his mouth, sucking
 Jenny's finger clean of the younger sister's musky, cuntal juices.
 "Yummy, isn't it!", asked Jenny, dipping her finger back into Lisa's
 juicy pussy. Johnny watched the older girl carefully as she pulled it out
 again and put it in her own mouth, sucking her sister's tasty secretions
 just as eagerly as he had. He looked from Jenny to Lisa and back again,
 his mouth agape.

       "Why don't you eat out her cunt, Johnny!", suggested Jenny, "I've
 got a feeling that after tonight, my dear little sister won't taste like
 a virgin anymore!" Johnny was all for it, but he looked at Lisa, seeking
 her consent. "Can I, Lisa?", he asked with excitement, "Will you let me
 suck your cunt?" Lisa's young eyes were flashing with eager lust as she
 answered him. "Oh, yessss, Johnny!... I want you to!... I want you to
 lick my pussy!" Johnny literally fell between his little cousin's
 wide-spread legs, pressing his mouth into her juicy, pink cunt. The girl
 screamed in ecstasy as his stiff tongue sliced between the slippery,
 elastic lips of her virginal pussy, locating the hard little button at
 the top of her juicy gash. "Aaaaah! Yes, that's my clitty, Johnny!", she
 gasped. Her hands slithered up through his hair and took hold of his
 scalp, pushing his mouth into her virgin slit like a sex-starved little
 demon. "Oooooooh, lick it some more!"

       The boy dutifully obeyed, holding onto his cousin's firm young
 asscheeks with both hands as she writhed her tasty little cunt against
 his mouth. Johnny sucked Lisa's tiny clitoris into his mouth and rammed
 his tongue deep into her tight little cunthole until he felt the hard,
 flexible barrier of her hymen prevent further entry. Lisa writhed her
 hips up around the delightful lingual penetration, screwing her virginal
 pussy hard against her cousin's loving tongue, her cuntal fuzz caressing
 his smooth cheeks. Lisa's raging genital heat surprised him. She was so
 hot and wet down there, that Johnny seemed to be drowning in her warm,
 sweet flesh, and this pleased the lad a great deal.

       Lisa was on the verge of the strongest orgasm of her young life.
 Johnny's lips and tongue were sending her into orbit. Her own fingers,
 which she used often to stimulate herself to climax, didn't even come
 close to matching the pleasure her sixteen year-old cousin was generating
 deep within her cunt with his wonderfully long tongue. The final straw
 that drove her over the edge was Johnny's nose mashing hard against her
 throbbing clit as the boy attempted to dig his tongue deeper inside her
 hot little hole. "Oooooooh....oooooohhh...OOOOOOH!", she moaned loudly.
 "Johnnnnnneeeeee!" Johnny felt the gush of hot girly cum engulf his
 tongue as Lisa climaxed on the spot, squealing like a little pig as his
 expert mouth brought her suddenly to a state of mindless, quivering

       While Johnny was sucking off her little sister, Jenny watched their
 every move with mounting passion. She had been making out with boys since
 she was Lisa's age. They were usually a lot older than her, and that was
 the way she liked it. Boys her own age were still more interested in
 television and baseball than sex, so Jenny had found it necessary to
 tempt older boys and sometimes men to satisfy her considerable sexual
 hunger. With her looks it wasn't hard either. As soon as they realized
 she wasn't just teasing, they couldn't wait to get into her hot little
 pants. She had even let her netball coach fuck her in the storeroom at
 school when she was just thirteen. He was thirty-five and happily married
 with two kids, but he soon forgot them as soon as he got a look at what
 was under those tight little panties he was always stealing glances at.

       Her coach was the first to suck her cunt, and after that Jenny was
 a true convert to oral sex. So, as Jenny watched her handsome hunk of a
 cousin tongue-fucking her sister, she knew only too well the intense
 pleasure his stiff tongue was generating inside Lisa's furry little
 honeypot. Watching them soon made Jenny so excited that she dropped a
 hand to her pussy and slipped two fingers into the slippery, steaming
 gash. It wasn't long before the excited young girl had worked her hot
 little cunt into a creamy foam, occasionally stroking Johnny's dangling
 cock with her other hand. The size and hardness of it surprised her. It
 was at least as big as her netball coach's, and he had the biggest cock
 she had ever seen in her life! She couldn't wait to feel it slicing deep
 into her itching cunt.

                        FAMILY FUN REVISITED #3
                           Kissin' Cousins
                              (by Eros)

                               Part 4.

       Just then, Ray opened the door and strode into the room. He had
 been watching them secretly for some time, waiting for the right
 moment... and this was it! His two lovely teenaged daughters were stark
 naked, one was getting her cunt eaten out, and the other was frantically
 fucking her tightly stretched little snatch with her fingers while she
 jerked off her cousin's stiff cock. 'What a wonderful domestic scene', he
 thought smiling inwardly. On the exterior he looked like most fathers
 would look upon catching their daughters in this sort of situation...
 angry. But inside Ray was seething with desire.... unnatural desire for
 his two beautiful daughters.

       "Just what the fuck is going on here?", he barked moving closer.
 The three naked young girls on the bed snapped their heads around in
 unison. Their mouths were still agape as Ray stopped beside the bed and
 looked down at them angrily. "Well?", he repeated, "What do you think
 you're doing?".  Lisa jumped up and ran to her father, tears streaming
 down her pretty little cheeks. "Oh, daddy!", she wailed, "We didn't mean
 to do anything bad." She flung her hands around her father's shoulders
 and pressed herself against him. She hadn't done it deliberately, but her
 little pussy mound was snuggled firmly up against the pronounced bulge in
 Ray's pants which proceeded to grow rapidly in response to the wiggling

       Jenny joined her sister, throwing her arms around Ray's neck as she
 kissed his cheek, sniffling as only young girls trying to appease their
 fathers can. Ray winked at Johnny and slid his hands slowly down over
 both sets of firm, round buttocks, squeezing their tight little asscheeks
 in a warm, fatherly manner. "Don't cry." murmured Ray in a low reassuring
 tone. "I'm not really angry at what you did." "You're not?", asked Jenny
 incredulously. "No, baby. I think it's normal for a couple of good
 looking young girls like you to want sex, especially at your age. That's
 when the urge for sex is at its strongest." As he spoke, Ray's fingers
 became more and more daring, stroking and fondling his daughters' trim
 young butts with growing urgency.

       Ray looked down at their puzzled faces and smiled. "In fact, I
 think you should have sex as often as you want.", he said, exploring the
 dark, humid crack of Lisa's ass with his fingertips. His other hand
 slipped round to Jenny's cunt and began stroking her wet mound. The two
 girls looked at each other and giggled. "But, there's one condition.", he
 added. Jenny was beginning to like the feel of her father's hand on her
 pussy and pressed herself against it. "What's that, Daddy!", she
 murmured. "I want to join you." "You... you mean, you want to fuck us,
 Daddy?", asked Jenny, trying to conceal her excitement at the very
 thought of it.

       "Don't you like the idea, baby?", replied her father, slipping a
 finger into her tight, hot wetness. Jenny squirmed herself onto his fat
 digit. "Oo....ohhh, yesss Daddy!... I love it!", she squealed. "What
 about you, honey?", said Ray looking at his youngest daughter. Lisa
 hugged her father with all her might and kissed him on the lips, she
 opened her mouth wide and her pert little tongue suddenly came alive,
 slithering wetly into her father's mouth, halfway down his throat. Ray
 crushed his daughter's naked body against him, one asscheek in each hand.
 They necked like long lost lovers for what seemed like ages before Lisa
 reluctantly broke the steamy kiss. "Does that answer your question,
 Daddy?" "You bet it does, sweetheart!" , said Ray breathlessly.

       Ray stood back and began stripping of his clothes. The two girls
 helped him, tearing off his pants like two hungry little animals. Lisa
 gasped as she saw her father's erection spring into view. "Daddy!... It's
 so big!", squealed Lisa, wrapping her fingers possessively around his
 large shaft. Jenny tried to get closer, but Lisa pushed her away. "I want
 to feel it too, Lisa!", cried Jenny, a note of disappointment in her
 voice. Lisa was too busy trying to cram the head of her father's cock
 into her little mouth to bother with what her sister was saying. "Hey,
 Jenny! I got one just as big and hard over here!", grinned Johnny. Jenny
 spun around and saw her cousin lying flat on his back, his huge erect
 cock in his fist. It was at least ten inches long and as hard as steel.

       Jenny gave a small whimper of lust and scrambled onto the bed, her
 firm, conical titties bouncing cutely as she straddled Johnny's prick.
 She squatted above it, grasping the hard, thick shaft in her fingers, and
 began rubbing the tip of her cousin's cock through the hot, juicy slit of
 her cunt. She loved the feeling of expectation as it slithered up and
 down her gash, and soon, low moans of delight escaped her pretty young
 lips as she probed and teased her hard little clit with it, pressing it
 into her cunthole until the boy's whole cock was covered with her
 slippery juices. "Come on, Jenny...", he gasped loudly, " cock is
 dying for some pussy!" "Ohh, yes Johnny, put it in me!.... I want your
 cock in my cunt, now lover!"

                        FAMILY FUN REVISITED #3
                           Kissin' Cousins
                              (by Eros)

                               Part 5.

       Johnny grabbed his young cousin's squirming asscheeks and thrust
 his hips upwards at the same time as Jenny bore down on him, impaling
 herself on his throbbing organ. The hot, little teenager squealed with
 pleasure as Johnny's lust-hardened cock entered her cunt, filling her
 tight little hole with more hot cockmeat than the young girl had ever
 experienced in her entire life! "OHHHHH! GOD!", she screamed, "FUCK, BUT
 YOU'RE HUGE!!.... JESUS!!!!" Jenny moaned with a mixture of pain and
 pleasure as she felt the rigid thickness of his long prick stretch her
 tight little cunt until finally he was buried inside her to the hilt,
 their pubic mounds meshed tightly together.

       "Ahhhrrrrhh! Shit, that's tight pussy!", groaned Johnny as his
 sexy, young cousin began to wiggle her hot little cunt on his deeply
 imbedded cock. Jenny felt every ridge and vein of his prick scraping
 against the wet, slippery walls of her snatch as Johnny began to move his
 cock inside her. He reached up and pulled her boobs into his mouth,
 squeezing and sucking them hard. Jenny was so hot, she hardly even felt
 it, her ass was bouncing up and down, slamming her pussy onto his fucking
 prick as hard as she could. Johnny sucked her little pink tits into his
 mouth, his hands gripping her firm young ass real hard, guiding her
 tight, clasping cunt up and down over his stabbing cock.

       Ray had maneuvered Lisa over to the edge of the bed, where the
 little girl sat, sucking on her father's massive erection like it was her
 favourite lollypop. The tight, wet pressure of his daughter's mouth
 moving up and down the length of his cock was absolutely fantastic. After
 Lisa had been sucking him for a few minutes, Ray began groaning and
 grunting deep down in his throat, and soon Lisa didn't have to bob her
 head back and forth anymore because her father began jerking his hips and
 pumping his cock deep into her mouth, fucking her throat. Ray reached
 down between his daughter's creamy thighs and pressed a hand into her hot
 little pussy. Immediately, Lisa slid her naked little butt to the edge of
 the bed and spread her dimpled knees wide apart, parting her thighs in
 shameless invitation to her father's eager incestuous fingers.

    Ray ran his hand over her hairless little pussy-mound before parting
 the tight, puffy lips of her cunt and slipping his middle finger inside.
 The delicious penetration was enough to make Lisa pull her mouth off his
 cock for a second, as she looked up at him seductively. "Mmmmm, yes,
 Daddy", she sighed, "play with me. Put your finger up my cunt! Oooooh,
 God, your finger feels so big... so good up there! Fuck me with your
 finger, daddy!  Ahhhhh, yessssss!" Lisa's slimy cuntflesh closed around
 her father's invading digit like a hot, velvet vice, clasping it tighter
 and tighter as Ray inched his finger into her cunthole as far as
 possible. "Jesus, Lisa!", moaned her father, "Fuck, but you're tight,
 honey!" He probed deeper, but only managed to get his finger in her cunt
 halfway before it was stopped by the tightly-stretched barrier of her

       Lisa returned her lips to her father's cock and sucked it deep into
 her mouth, feeling the hot fuck-juices begin to rise and bubble inside
 her cunt, coating his finger's with her hot, sticky cream. Ray glanced at
 the other two, fucking noisily on the bed beside them. Jenny was wrapped
 around her cousin's muscular young body like a boa-constrictor, her sweet
 round ass was bobbing and weaving wildly over his cock as Johnny rammed
 the huge, pole of fuck-muscle deep into her tight, young cunt. Her legs
 were spread wide apart so as to get more of Johnny's hard prick into her
 hungry hole, and Ray could see his eldest daughter's cute little pink
 anus winking at him each time she raised and lowered her hips.

       He wished he was close enough to bend over and probe the puckered
 little opening with the tip of his tongue. He wondered if she had ever
 had a cock up her hot little ass before. He hoped she hadn't, because
 then it would mean he would get two cherrys tonight.. one from each of
 his horny little daughters. Ray worked another finger into Lisa's
 juice-filled little twat, rubbing and jabbing until the young girl began
 to squirm her crotch hard against his hand, grinding her erect little
 clit against his massaging palm. "Ohhhh, Jeez, Daddy!", gasped Lisa,
 removing her pink swollen lips from her father's cock, "My poor little
 pussy's on fire!. It needs your cock, Daddy!" Ray knew she was ready,
 just by the way her hips writhed and squirmed onto his hand. He little
 cunt was so wet that his fingers made little squelching sounds each time
 they pressed into her juicy pink flesh.

       "Tell me, baby!", he breathed, "I want to hear you say it! Tell me
 exactly what you want me to do!" "Oooooh, God, I can't stand it any
 longer! I want you to fuck me, Daddy! I want you to stick your big, fat
 cock into my pussy and fuck me till I come!" Ray smiled down at his
 highly aroused little daughter. "I'll do better than that, Lisa honey!",
 he replied, "I'll fuck you till you come, then fuck you some more...
 Baby, I'm gonna fuck your tight little cunt until you can't come any
 more!" Lisa squealed with delight and fell back onto the bed, her slim
 tanned legs flung wide, exposing the narrow, pink slit of her cunt. Ray
 took a second to explore his daughter's naked young body with hungry

                        FAMILY FUN REVISITED #3
                           Kissin' Cousins
                              (by Eros)

                               Part 6.

       Lisa's firm, pointed tits stood straight up from her heaving chest,
 wobbling only slightly with each heavy breath the girl took. His eyes
 travelled down over her smooth, flat stomach to rest finally on her
 shamelessly exposed little pussy. The young girl had watched him intently
 as Ray's eyes moved down over every inch of her naked flesh. Her father
 had never looked at her like that before, and Lisa found she liked it!
 She especially liked the way he was looking at her pussy... like a hungry
 lion. Lisa bent her knees and pulled them up beside her body, at the same
 time spreading her thighs as far apart as she could. She slid both hands
 down to her juicy slit and parted the lips of her cunt in wanton
 invitation. Lisa heard her father gasp and felt his weight on the bed
 between her legs as he stared at the dark, glistening hole she had so
 shamelessly exposed for him.

       "Oh God, baby! You're beautiful!", panted Ray, as he bent low over
 his daughter's glistening scarlet cuntslit. "So, pink and fresh and
 juicy!" Lisa felt his hot breath on her tortured flesh and moaned with
 expectant pleasure when she realized what he had in mind. He pulled the
 lips of her cunt open even wider, and Lisa listened as her father told
 her what he was going to do to her. He whispered real low, talking real
 dirty.... telling her what a nice cunt she had.... how hot and wet it
 was, and how he couldn't wait to stick his tongue inside and lick up all
 of her juices. "Jesus, yessss!  Do it!  Suck my pussy just like I sucked
 your cock, daddy!"

        Ray dragged his tongue once through her lewdly offered gash, just
 to savour the taste of her. Then he turned around and straddled her head,
 lowering his cock over her pretty little face, his own face directly
 above her eager young snatch. "Now we can suck each other, baby!", he
 said, returning his mouth to his daughter's virginal pussy. As his tongue
 pushed between the tight, elastic lips of her cunt and entered her
 cunthole, Lisa wrapped her lips around his hanging cock and sucked it
 deep into her mouth. She quivered with pleasure, as much from the
 exquisite sensations his mouth and tongue were producing in her pussy, as
 the thought that she was having sex with her own father... and loving it!

       He made her feel so damn good, and the fact that they shouldn't be
 doing it, was all the more exciting to her young mind. After Johnny had
 eaten out her cunt before, and she had sucked on her father's cock, Lisa
 found that sex, particularly with members of her own family, excited her
 to such a degree that she couldn't wait to get her brother, Billy to fuck
 her too. It wouldn't be hard, he was a randy kid, and had copped a free
 feel many times as he passed her in the bathroom doorway at home. Even
 her Uncle Dave was fair game, he just as handsome as her father, and just
 as well hung too if the bulge she saw in his shorts this afternoon was
 anything to go on.

       As father and daughter settled down into a mutually satisfying
 sixty-nine, Jenny and John were still at it close beside them. The two
 young teenagers were really fucking up a storm. Both had come at least
 once, but at their age, their staying power was at it's peak and after
 Johnny had squirted a load of hot come up into Jenny's bouncing twat, his
 cock remained erect... much to the young girl's obvious delight. Johnny
 had rolled her off him onto her back, and quickly got between her legs,
 ramming his hard, gleaming prick back into her gaping pussy before she
 had time to even take a breath. His hands were on her tits as he fucked
 her, grasping the twin conical mounds strongly as he thrust his cock into
 her hot, clinging cunt, pounding her with everything he had.

       "Ahhhhhh! G....God, Johnny, where did you learn to f... uhhh...
 fuck so good?", Jenny whimpered, draped her legs over his shoulders.
 "Right here, baby... right here at home!", gasped Johnny. "What do you
 mean?" "I learned most of it from fucking my Mom.", he said, smiling
 devilishly down at her bemused young face. "You mean, you fuck Aunt
 Tina?" Jenny looked up at her cousin in disbelief. "Yeah, sure! Mom let's
 me fuck her any time I want." said Johnny, grinning down at her. His cock
 never missed a beat as it slid in and out of Jenny's tight little cunt
 like a hot, greased piston. "She says she can never get enough of my
 cock.", Johnny added proudly. "D...does your father know?", asked Jenny
 with a moan, grinding her clit up against the base of her cousin's
 thrusting prick.

       "Sure!" he replied. "Sometimes Dad and I even fuck Mom at the same
 time! Johnny watched the look on her face. Her shocked look was turning
 him on! "I fuck Julie too...", he added,"... and so does Dad. She's a
 real nympho!" Jenny groaned with mounting lust as her cousin confessed
 the lurid details of his family's incestuous sex life. How the whole
 family had sex wherever and whenever the urge overcame them, whether it
 was son fucking mother... father fucking daughter... brother fucking
 sister... husband fucking wife... it didn't matter, and by the time he
 had finished, Jenny was almost out of her mind with lust. Johnny's
 graphic description of goings-on in the Simpson household had excited her
 so much, that the young girl orgasmed immediately. But this time, as her
 girly cum gushed around her cousin's deeply buried prick, her mind was
 filled with visions of other forbidden cocks.

                        FAMILY FUN REVISITED #3
                           Kissin' Cousins
                              (by Eros)

                               Part 7.

       She pictured her Uncle Dave, her brother Billy and even her own
 father, taking Johnny's place between her open thighs, filling her with
 their big long cocks, fucking her powerfully, one after the other until
 she fainted from the sheer pleasure of it all. Jenny clung to her cousin
 like a leech as a massive climax rocked her young adolescent cunt. His
 steel-hard prick continued to plow into her spasming hole even after she
 came, sending her over the edge once more, and Jenny screamed as wave
 after wave of pleasure engulfed her quivering little snatch... again and

       He felt Jenny's pussy twitch around his cock as she came real hard,
 her young cunt muscles squeezing his prick in a tight, hot grip until her
 powerful contractions finally faded. Johnny smiled down at her again,
 this time with that mischievous look he got as soon as he realized that
 his hardon was going to last for hours. His mother knew that look only
 too well, and many were the times Johnny had fucked her until dawn,
 stopping only when they were both totally exhausted... he felt like that
 now. Jenny had the hottest, tightest cunt he'd ever had the pleasure of
 slipping his cock into, and he wasn't about to give up until he'd fucked
 his hot, sexy little cousin senseless!

       Johnny rolled the panting girl onto her side. She was still limp
 from the series of intense orgasms she had just experienced. He rolled
 her further over onto her belly and lifted her hips up until she was
 kneeling with her back to him, her face pressed into the bed, and her
 cute little ass stuck up into the air like a bitch in heat. Her venus
 mound was puffy and swollen, and stood out like a ripe succulent peach,
 the gaping pink slit of her tiny cunt glistening wetly with their
 combined juices. Johnny pressed the head of his prick between her legs
 and rubbed it up and down her wet gash. The girl moaned with pleasure
 until Johnny slid the hard knob up between the creamy cheeks of her
 little ass. Jenny suddenly came out of her stupor and realized how
 vunerable she was in this position, his cock nudging at the entrance of
 her nether hole.

       "Johnny! What are you gonna do?", cried his young cousin with
 alarm. Realizing what she meant, Johnny laughed, trying to reassure her.
 "Don't worry baby! I'm not gonna backdoor you just yet!... Trust me!" As
 tempting as her puckered young anus was, Johnny wanted to keep that
 pleasure for later. Right now, he was eager for more of her hot little
 teenage cunt.... this time from a different angle. He knelt behind her
 and spread the girl's thighs apart, slipping his cock easily into her
 drooling cuntslit from behind. Gripping her around the waist, Johnny
 thrust forward, pulling her against him as he rammed his cock-shaft
 savagely into her slippery hole. Jenny's eyes rolled back into her head
 as the massive pole of hard muscle penetrated her pussy to the hilt.
 "Ohhhh, Jesus, God!", screamed Jenny as she felt her cousin's fat
 cockhead slam against her tiny cervix. "God, it's in deep!... and it
 feels so big... Uhhhhhhhh, Johnny, Fuck me!... Fuck me like a dog!....
 Ummmm! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!"

       Ray turned to look at them as Jenny squealed out her lewd request.
 He was just in time to see Johnny's cock disappear balls deep into his
 eldest daughter's hungry cunt. Her cuntlips seemed to envelop the boy's
 cock like a juicy, pink mouth, and Ray knew from the look on Johnny's
 face that she was tight... real fucking tight!  Lisa wondered why her
 father had taken his wonderful mouth off her throbbing cunt, especially
 when she was so close. "Put it back, Daddy! Please put your mouth back on
 my pussy and suck me!" Ray took another look at Jenny's cunt wrapped
 tightly around Johnny's cock and made a decision. "It's time, baby! I
 can't wait any longer. I've got to fuck you, honey!" He leapt off Lisa's
 slender form and turned round, crouching over tiny naked body like a
 ravenous beast about to devour its prey.

       Roy was beside himself with lust for his sexy little daughter. The
 fact that she was more than willing to let him fuck her, turned him on
 like nothing had ever done before. With a loud moan, Roy lowered his hips
 until the head of his enormous prick poked against his daughter's juicy
 little cunt-slit. Lisa gazed up at her father, a look of smouldering
 fuck-lust in her pretty blue eyes.

       "Fuck me, Daddy! Fuck me with your big, fat cock!", she begged.
 "Make me a woman Daddy!... Ooooooh, take my cherry so we can fuck
 properly." Ray resisted the urge to fall on top of the horny little kid,
 shove his cock into her belly to the hilt, and fuck her sweet young
 brains out. Anyone else might have, but he was her father and he loved
 her, he wanted her first time to be something wonderful to remember, not
 something painful and unsatisfying. For all her brave words, Lisa began
 to get a little apprehensive as she looked down and compared her father's
 enormous cock to her tiny little slit. "Ooooo, Daddy! It's very big! Are
 you sure it'll fit into my pussy?"

                        FAMILY FUN REVISITED #3
                           Kissin' Cousins
                              (by Eros)

                               Part 8.

       "Don't worry, darling!", replied her father, "It'll fit perfectly.
 I'll be real gentle with you, baby... I promise." Ray crawled forward,
 between her open, trembling legs and positioned the tip of his cock
 against her hairless little cuntslit. "Hold onto it baby!", gasped Ray.
 "Use both hands if you have to. Just slide it up and down in your cunt
 for a while, ok?" Lisa eagerly wrapped her hands around her father's
 long, hard prick, pulling it eagerly against her pussy. "Ok, Daddy!", she
 breathed. "Is that alright?" Ray was having great difficulty in
 resisting the animal urges that began to cloud his lust-heated brain.

       "Mmmmmm! Yes,! That's p.... perfect!", he stammered,
 feeling his daughter's tight young cuntlips open as she rubbed his
 cocktip along the length of her pussyslit. Soon, Lisa began to breath
 heavily, and churn her little ass madly around on the bed as she dragged
 her father's prick through her flooding gash. Ray could feel the hard
 little bud of her clitoris at the very top of her slit and noticed how
 she lingered on it more and more each time, rubbing the head of his cock
 against her love-button harder on each pass through her moistening twat.
 It wasn't long before young Lisa instinctively needed more than just the
 tip of her father's cock in her squirming little cunthole. She tried to
 push his entire cock into her tight, wet little hole, but only a few
 inches would penetrate before the thin, rubbery barrier of her hymen
 prevented further entry.... much to the young girl's obvious frustration.

       "Oh, Daddy! Do it now!", pleaded Lisa, in wild abandon. "Bust my
 cherry, Daddy!.... Uhhhh, God!.. I need your cock!.. Fuck me, Daddy! Fuck
 me good!" Ray couldn't wait any longer either, his daughter's words drove
 him over the edge. He grabbed his cock with one hand and pushed it into
 her cunt, lunging forwards with his hips at the same time. Lisa screamed
 out at the sudden sharp pain that ripped through her. Her father's cock
 seemed to falter for a second before the fragile membrane split, and his
 massive prick slid easily into her, filling her young cunt completely
 with his throbbing hardness. "Ohhh! Godddd!... Unnnhhh!... Oooooh!  F....
 fuck!", Lisa gasped for breath. Her father's cock, buried deeply in her
 belly for the first time, seemed to take her breath away. The pain was
 gone, replaced by a warm, full feeling.

       "Christ, baby! You're like a goddamned vise!", he grunted,
 struggling to get the last few inches of his prick into her. "Fuck,
 that's nice pussy!" Ray couldn't move. His daughter's cunt was so tight,
 his cock hurt. It was a wonderful warm tightness he'd never felt before.
 Even in his early years Ray had never been lucky enough to score a
 cherry, and it made his prick swell and throb just to think that it was
 his own baby daughter's virginity he had just taken. He left his cock
 inside her clasping cunt, letting it soak in her hot juices, as Lisa's
 tightly-stretched cunt slowly grew accustomed to the long, hard thickness
 filling her narrow tube. Ray flexed his prick inside her occasionally, an
 action which brought little whimpers of delight from his daughter.

       "How does it feel, honey!", asked Ray. Lisa gasped and looked up
 into her father's eyes. "Is it all the way in, Daddy", she whispered,
 raising her hips up off the bed. Ray looked quickly down between their
 joined bodies before answering. "Yes, baby! It sure is!... How do you
 like your first cock, sweetheart?" "Ohhhh, Daddy, I love it!.... It's
 wonderful!.... Move it in me, please!" Ray began to grind his hips gently
 down onto her small slim frame. He was still a little afraid of hurting
 her, but Lisa had other ideas. "No! I want you to really do it me, Daddy!
 God, I want you to f..fuck me!" Now that the initial pain was fading, the
 thought of her father's big, hairy prick shoved up her twat made Lisa
 wild with lust, Ray too lost all control. "Ok, baby!...", he said
 suddenly, " asked for it!.. Now you're gonna get your hot little
 cunt fucked... but good!... Are you ready, sweetheart?"

       "Ohhhh, yes, Daddy!... Fuck me now!... Fuck me like you fuck
 Mommy!" The first couple of thrusts were a little painful for Lisa, but
 then as if it had never been there, the pain left, and a new kind of
 sensation began to sweep through her young loins. Lisa could feel every
 ridge and groove on the shaft of her father's cock as he slid it in and
 out of her tightly-stretched fuckhole. With mounting pleasure, she felt
 it moving against places that had never before felt the touch of a man's
 cock. Ray moved slowly at first, but as their excitement mounted, he
 began to stroke a little quicker. Her father's prick felt wonderful to
 the young girl. She really had nothing to compare it with, but it was
 making her pussy feel so... so cummy.

       His long, hard rod felt warm inside the juice soaked recess of her
 young cunt. Each thrust and retreat made it feel warmer still, and the
 thrusts were coming faster and faster. The world was beginning to look
 and feel different now. His throbbing penis was making her feel alive...
 alive with an all-consuming hunger for sex. It was the most erotic
 pleasure her young body had ever felt. It was more thrilling than having
 her pussy licked... better than having a finger in her twat, and far more
 exciting than having a hand squeeze her tits. Nothing felt as good as her
 wonderful Daddy's prick as he fucked her for the first time... nothing at

                        FAMILY FUN REVISITED #3
                           Kissin' Cousins
                              (by Eros)

                               Part 9.

       She could feel her cunt adjusting to the size if his cock, helped
 by her abundant juices which bathed and lubricated the thrusting pole
 until it slid in and out of her cunt like a well-oiled piston. Her pussy
 walls were spreading to give her father's cock room enough to move
 freely. His cockhead poked at the very deepest part of her pussy, and she
 felt his bristling pubic hairs press against the lips of her hairless
 little pussy with each downward plunge. He drove so deep, Lisa could
 scarcely believe that the huge, fearsome organ she had watched disappear
 slowly into her tiny virgin pussy, was buried so completely inside her
 now. The base of her father's cock rubbed repeatedly over her clit with
 maddening effectiveness, and soon little Lisa began to moan and buck her
 hips up at his thrusts with youthful vigour, her passion multiplying with
 each delicious stab.

       Lisa felt very small beneath her father's masculine body. It made
 her feel very dainty. Her buttocks worked instinctively to push her hips
 and pubic mound up toward her father's heaving body until finally, the
 young inexperienced girl was moving rhythmically, in time with her
 father's pistoning prick. With every deep penetration, Lisa loved it more
 and more. She was glad it was her father that took her virginity and not
 some 'slam bam... thank you mam', teenager. Her father was the only man
 she had really loved for all of her young life, and it was only natural
 that he should be the one to take the most precious gift a woman can give
 a man... besides, her Daddy sure knew how give a girl pleasure!

       Holding onto Jenny's smooth round buttocks, Johnny continued to
 ram his prick into his little cousin's lewdly raised cunt from behind.
 Jenny had her head buried in a pillow to stifle her loud cries as the
 boy's cock pierced her young twat to a depth the girl had never known
 before. Hearing Lisa's moans, Johnny looked down at her. Her eyes were
 wide open like a frightened animal, staring intently at her father's face
 as they fucked. But soon her moans became louder and the look on her face
 changed. Johnny knew that look well, he had seen it on his mother's and
 sister's faces every time he fucked them, just before they came. The boy
 smiled as Lisa saw him looking at her and they exchanged lustful glances.
 Almost of one mind, they dropped their eyes to each other's genitals...
 Lisa staring at Johnny's enormous cock as it slid into her sister's
 raised rump, while Johnny stared at Lisa's hairless, little cunt,
 completely filled by her father's massive cock.

       When their eyes met again it was as if each was fucking the other
 rather than their partners. Johnny pushed Jenny forward onto the bed
 until she was lying on her stomach with his cock still buried in her cunt
 from the rear. He continued to fuck her savagely, except now he could
 twist over and reach Lisa's sexily parted lips. The two horny teenagers
 kissed passionately, each fucking another yet together in their lust for
 incestuous fulfillment. When they finally broke for air, Lisa whispered
 into his ear. "Uhhh! Fuck me next, Johnny! I want your cock! Promise
 you'll fuck me next!"

       "Mmmm! You bet, kid! Ufff! I'll fuck you just like I'm fucking
 your big sister", panted the boy, giving Jenny's cunt a couple of extra
 hard jabs for emphasis. Jenny wailed with pleasure at the sudden deep
 penetration, pushing her drooling cunt eagerly back against her cousin's
 ferocious stabs. "Ohh, Johnny!.. God! Yes, just like that! Fuck me hard!
 Ohhh, yes, deeper!", squealed Jenny. Johnny increased his tempo, fucking
 the whimpering girl just like she'd asked... long and hard... all the
 time staring hungrily at Lisa's squirming, cock-filled cunt. He watched
 with envy as his uncle's thick, hard prick stretched Lisa's tight little
 twat to the limit. On each stroke, the little teenager's taut pink
 pussylips clung to her father's cockshaft like a small, sucking mouth.
 The lewd sight had a tremendously exciting effect on Johnny and he began
 to fuck his cock into Jenny with deeper, harder thrusts.

       Lisa looked up at her father, adolescent lust burning brightly in
 her baby-blue eyes as she jerked her slim young hips up to meet his
 pile-driving cock-thrusts. Her father's huge prick was giving her hot
 little cunt so much pleasure, Lisa felt like she was going to faint with
 sheer ecstasy. "Ohhhh, Daddy! Fuck me hard! Uhh! Uhh! I'm gonna cum any
 second!", squealed Lisa. "Goddd!... Fuck meeee!... I love it!...
 Unnhnhnnnnhhhhh!" Ray grabbed his whimpering daughter by the asscheeks
 and lifted her up, driving his plunging cock deep into her squirming cunt
 as she came. "Ooooooh, God! I'm cumming, Daddy! It feels so good!...Yes!
 Yes! Yesssss!"

       "Uhhhg! Jesus!... I'm coming too, baby!", yelled Ray, hunching
 into her, "Up your cunt!... Cumming up your tight, sweet, little
 cunt!...Arrrggghhh!" Lisa's eyes fluttered wildly as her father's cock
 jerked inside her, filling her quivering twat to the brim with load after
 load of hot, scalding cum. "Uuuuhh yesssss, give it to me Daddy!... Come
 in my cunt!!!" Lisa screeched, her little pussy convulsing around his
 throbbing prick. "Cum, Daddy! Cummm!" As they climaxed together, Ray
 continued to drive his spurting cock into the girl's frothy hole, never
 letting up for an instant as he fucked his squirming daughter with all
 the strength he could muster. Lisa thrashed her ass about, writhing and
 squealing in frenzied abandon, her titties so firm and tight that there
 was almost no movement in them at all.

                        FAMILY FUN REVISITED #3
                           Kissin' Cousins
                              (by Eros)

                               Part 10.

       As her father repeatedly rammed his prick into her to the hilt,
 Lisa felt a familiar sensation begin to spread rapidly from deep inside
 her juice-filled cunt. Her blue eyes opened and closed and her blonde
 hair flew as another powerful orgasm wracked her tiny body. "Oh God! Oh
 God!...Ooooh, I'm cumming again, Daddy! Uuhhhh, I love cock..... love
 your big hard cock, Daddy!... Fuck me and come in my cunt... Ahhhh!.. and
 I'll suck you off... and you can lick my pussy and...ohhhh, I don't ever
 wanna stop cumming!"

       Ray smiled to himself as he listened to her excitingly depraved
 words. "Oh yes, Honey", he grunted, slamming into her cunt, "Yes, yes and
 yes!" He marvelled at the change in his sweet little daughter. Lisa was
 no longer the demure young teenager he knew and loved. In only a few
 short hours, she had lost her virginity and gained an appetite for sex
 that seemed almost unquenchable. At the touch of his cock, his little
 girl had turned into a wild, passionate young woman, willing to do
 anything and everything to fulfill the powerful feelings of adolescent
 lust that pervaded her nubile young body, and Ray vowed to give her
 everything her little heart desired.

       Johnny felt Jenny's cunt tighten around his cock as his horny young
 cousin climaxed for the second time. Her tits were flattened against the
 bed and she moaned loudly into the pillow as she came, bucking her ass up
 to meet his every thrust, trying to get his cock in better contact with
 her throbbing little clit. "Johnnnnny! Uhhhhhggghhh! I'm... ohhhh,
 fuck.... i'm cummmming again!", she wailed, "Yesss, yesss!... Fuck
 me!.... Oh fuck, yessss!" Johnny wanted deeper penetration. Knowing he
 had brought her off a second time, triggered his ejaculation, and he
 wanted her to really feel it when he came inside her tight little cunt.
 He put his palms under her trembling thighs and lifted her ass up off the
 bed, spreading her legs wide at the same time.

       Jenny's legs and lower body were suspended in mid air, and her
 wide-stretched cunthole clung desperately to his long, hard cock as
 Johnny began thrusting deeply into the moaning girl. Each time he hunched
 forward, Johnny pulled Jenny's pussy onto his ramming cock with equal
 force. The new angle of penetration was so tight that after only five or
 six powerful jabs, Johnny climaxed violently. "Unnngh! Get ready, Jen!
 Here it comes! Arhhgggh! Here it fuckin' comes!!". Jenny was ready
 alright!  She shook with wild incestuous passion as she felt her handsome
 young cousin coming inside her. Johnny gave her cunt one last powerful
 thrust, fucking her to the hilt as his deeply embedded prick began to
 spurt hot jism, way up inside her belly.

       "Ohhh! Jesus, Johnny.... give it to me... come in me, pleeeease!
 Ooooh, yes!" she screamed, as the boy shot load after load of hot, sticky
 jism up into her quivering young fuckhole.

        It was just the beginning of some new "family fun".......

The End