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From: Dorsai <>
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X-ASSTR-Original-Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2011 15:16:26 -0700
Subject: {ASSM} NEW STORY: The New Girl - by Dorsai (mh, fh, mf, mfh, mast, oral, inc)
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Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2011 06:10:02 -0500
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Reading this story may result in any or all of the following: rapid
breathing, localized swelling, impure and/or unclean thoughts,
itching, chafing, increased heart rate and/or blood pressure,
tenderness in one or more localized regions of the body, condemnation
to the Bad Place To Go After You Die (as defined by local religious
authorities), or any one of a number of Bad Things (depending on local
conditions). Author sincerely hopes Intelligence agency computers get
a hard-on reading this story. Any resemblance to any persons past,
present, future, living, dead, or reanimated (regardless of means or
method) is too fucking bad. Greetings to the National Security Agency.
Use of this story does not mean you will actually have sex. Actual
persons may vary in personality, intelligence, sexual preference(s),
or appearance from those portrayed in this story. Author not
responsible for direct, incidental, or consequential damages resulting
from reading the story. Attempts to repeat, engage in, or duplicate
the actions in this story may produce different results. Readers are
cautioned to make sure the door is locked before starting to read the
story, and to wash hands thoroughly afterwards. Do not confuse this
story with Real Life.

I wrote it, and I'm passing it along in case anyone else happens to
like any of the other stuff I've written, and wants to have a look at
this one. If you don't like any one or more of the characters,
plotline, names, personalities, title, spelling, premise(s), grammar,
punctuation, language, theme, sexual topic(s), reactions, formatting,
responses, dialog, description(s), or anything else about it, you're
entitled to a FULL refund of your original purchase price. (That last
part was sarcasm, for those [hopefully few] that didn't get it.)

Positive feedback, and even _constructive_ criticism, are welcome.
Constructive criticism (to me, anyway) isn't just telling me what you
didn't like ("It sucked because _____ didn't/isn't ______"), but
taking that additional step of offering a correction or helpful
suggestion ("I'm into B&D, and what I see mostly is whips, not riding
crops") that applies to more than just one story. If offered a story
idea, I may have a try at it, but I'm not going to suddenly be able to
write a plausible accounting of a testosterone-fueled gay S&M guy's
foray into watersports just because someone makes the suggestion; that
kind of stuff just doesn't spin my propeller. If you've read my stuff
before, that's (roughly) what you're going to get. 'Kay?

"Maybe it DOES suck - but at least I *tried*." -- me


The New Girl

My name is William Wilkins, and at the age of 15 I had an experience
that wasn't just "out in left field", but clear out of the ballpark.

Like most guys about that age, I was stuck with the trials and
tribulations of puberty. Unlike most guys, I had the benefit of having
grown up with a sister (Eva, which I shortened even further to just
"Eve", just a bit more than one year older than me) that I got along
with pretty well. Not that we were best buddies, or anything, it was
just that our folks hadn't tolerated any kind of fighting or arguments
between us as we grew up; as a result, we were a LOT more tolerant of
each other's foibles. Not only did we play a lot of "show me yours and
I'll show you mine", but even got to be comfortable with playing
"Doctor" to a degree that I doubt our folks would have approved of.
That attitude continued even after each of us started puberty, so that
seeing each other only in our underwear or half-nude (or completely so
when I could manage it) was no big deal of either of us; it wasn't
that each of us didn't have other friends, but simply that we'd grown
up that comfortable with each other. Since there were hardly any kids
our ages in the immediate neighborhood, that was a good thing.

Our relationship was such that neither of us ever said anything (even
to each other) about the small holes that developed that gave each of
us a viewport from our respective closets into the others bedroom. I
got plenty of chances to see how Eva's physical development compared
to that of her friends during sleepovers, and even learned how girls
masturbate; I don't doubt that Eva had much the same experiences.

That was how things worked in our house right up until a new family
moved into the neighborhood in the middle of the Spring semester at
school, of all things.

Naturally enough, what really got my attention about them was that
there was only one kid: an attractive girl about my age. She wasn't as
physically developed as my sister, but still clearly female; she had
long, glossy black hair, trim legs, an ass that I immediately fell in
love with, and a pretty face with slightly full lips and grey eyes. It
didn't take long to learn that her name was Charlene Johnston, and
that she was just a few months younger than my sister.

Eva and I were both looking forward to getting to know her, but we saw
precious little of her outside of school. After several school days
had passed, Sis told me that Charlene didn't seem to have been
assigned to one of the mandatory physical ed classes -- nobody that Sis
knew had her during their PE period. That made Charlene something of a
mystery, but since she remained aloof from everyone pretty much all
the time, there wasn't a whole lot more we could learn about her,
other than she got damn good grades in all her classes.

It wasn't until several weeks after school had let out that Sis
finally got the chance to meet Charlene through the simple expedient
of simply walking up to their door, introducing herself, and asking if
Charlene would like to come over. Sis later told me that she could see
that Charlene wasn't exactly thrilled at the invitation, but didn't
have a polite way of declining.

The two of them didn't spend much more than a couple of hours together
at first, but as the rest of the summer passed, the frequency and
duration of their time together gradually increased. That continued
after school started again, as well; Charlene gradually got somewhat
friendlier with the other girls at school, but Eva was by far her
closest friend. From the amount of time Charlene spent at our house,
she and I also got to know each other better and get comfortable with
each other. Sis informed me that Charlene and her parents had moved
from several states away during the school year because of some
unspecified event that happened at her previous school. Both of us
wondered what possibly could have happened, but couldn't figure out
what it might have been.

By the time it got close to Christmas, Sis and Charlene had become
pretty good friends. Along the way, Eva's repeated invitations for a
sleepover were declined -- but each time it was with less enthusiasm,
according to Sis. Shortly after New Years, Charlene agreed... but that
she (Charlene) would have to talk to Sis first, and that Sis would
have to promise to keep what she (Charlene) had to say as a Top Secret
to never, ever be told to ANYONE else under any circumstances. The
sole exception Charlene was willing to grant was for Sis to tell me,
provided I was willing (and able, in Eva's opinion) to maintain the
same degree of confidentiality.

Needless to say, both of us were wondering what the hell Charlene
could have to say that even might call for that kind of demand for

It was a couple of days before the two of them sequestered themselves
in Eva's bedroom; I don't think it was any coincidence that some of
Eva's stuff not only blocked the peephole I had into her room, but she
had her radio turned up higher than usual so I couldn't hear anything,

The next evening, Sis came into my room after supper and sat on my bed
while I was doing my homework. When I got to a stopping point and
turned my attention to her, she pointedly told me "Billy, you know
Charlene and I talked yesterday after school. What she told me
surprised the HELL out of me, and I've got to talk to somebody about
it. What she said... it's really, really important that you don't say
anything about it to ANYONE else. That means NOBODY, not even Mom and
Dad; and not now or ever. I know you'll want to, 'cause I sure as hell
do, but you CAN'T -- not even a little bit. It's not something that you
absolutely have to know, so if you don't think that you can keep it to
yourself completely and forever, tell me now. Until I have your word
on that, I can't break my promise to Charlene. All I can tell you that
it's bigger and more important that the stuff we did together when we
were kids."

From the way she was talking, I knew she meant all the times we'd
looked at (and had our hands on) each other's bodies when we were
younger. She wasn't one to exaggerate things, so if she said that
whatever it was was bigger than that AND had to explicitly tell me how
private I had to keep things, I knew I had to seriously think it over
before giving her an answer. I did just that for a couple of minutes
before answering "Okay, Eve. You've told me how serious it is, and how
important it is that I don't tell anybody else. I'm not sure what
could be THAT big, but you have my promise: whatever it is you want to
talk to me about, nobody will ever hear about it from me."

Even then, Eva looked into my face intently for several seconds before
deciding that not only was I as serious as she was, but telling the
truth about keeping whatever Charlene's secret was.

As she took a deep breath in preparation, I couldn't help but wonder
what the hell it would be... and was completely unprepared to hear
"Charlene is a hermaphrodite."

From the way she said it, I knew I was supposed to be shocked, but I
really didn't know what she was telling me. Seeing the look of
puzzlement I must have had on my face, Eva explained "Charlene has
both girl AND boy parts."

Unfortunately, I said the first thing that came to mind: "Of course
she does. Everybody has the same parts. Hearts, lungs, kidneys -- all
that stuff."

Showing her exasperation, she acidly told me "Not THAT stuff, you
dummy. I'm telling you she's got girl and boy sex parts. She has a
vagina like a girl, but she's also got a penis, like a guy."

As should be expected, I spent a lot of seconds trying to get my mind
around that idea -- and only achieved minimal success. Thankfully, our
folks had taken whatever chances they could to help us learn about new
and different stuff -- we made a family trip to Mexico one time, and
went with them on a cruise ship in the Carribean, for example, so we'd
learn about different cultures; on top of that, they took the time to
explain to us about different kinds of handicaps we saw. So the
problem I was having wasn't that Charlene WAS physically different,
but how. I mean, I could kinda-sorta visualize that it was physically
possible, but I just couldn't take the additional step of imagining it
actually happening. All I could do, finally, was stammer "What... how...

"Yeah, really" was the answer I got. Eva went on to say "She didn't
actually take her clothes off to show me, but she did lift her dress
up so I could see that there was an extra bulge in her panties. She
said that she's mostly female, which is why she has tits and
everything like a girl, but she also has a penis. She explained it all
to me and what happened was that while she was still being made inside
her mom, something went wrong; instead of growing all girl stuff like
she should have, things got confused and a penis was started, instead.
That's about all that's really different about her -- I mean, she
doesn't have testicles or make semen like a guy; she said that it's
more like she has a really big clitoris, is all. She's always felt
like a girl and acted like one, it's just that being different the way
she is, she's never been comfortable about getting too close or
personal with other girls. The only reason she told me about it, she
said, was that she's just so tired of being alone all the time and not
being able to do all the stuff she hears about -- like going on a
sleepover and things like that."

Taking a deep breath, she continued "She also told me what happened
that made them move here. She was exempted from gym classes at her
other school, too, but one of the student aides in the offices got
into her school records and found out why. After that, everybody in
school knew about it, and they even had to fire an employee over it...
but it was too late for her, of course. All the other kids were giving
her such a hard time that her dad got a transfer from the company he
worked for so they could move here. That's why she hasn't wanted to
have much to do with the kids at school: she isn't stuck-up or a snob
or anything, she's just been shy and scared. It's really taken a lot
for her to learn to relax after that, and start trying to make
friends. She told me that she REALLY had to work herself up to telling
me all that stuff about herself so that she could start getting out
and doing things. She had friends and everything, before, but it
wasn't like normal because of how she is -- from the way she talked, I
could tell that she missed being able to do so much of the kinds of
things that WE got to do growing up."

After she finished, Eva and I both sat there, trying it imagine what
life must have been like for Charlene as a kid. Several minutes went
by before Eva told me "Anyway, now you know why she's been so slow
about being friends and doing stuff with me. I know it's going to be
hard for you, 'cause it will be for me, too, but don't stare at her or
do anything to make her feel bad or embarrassed, Billy! This is going
to be a really big deal for her, and you know she's taking a HUGE
chance telling me about herself that way and then me telling you... so
don't mess this up for her. If you do, I promise you that I will make
you seriously regret it!"

I was a little hurt by Sis' warning, and I think she could see it
because her expression softened a bit when I answered "I won't. I know
I'm kind of a dummy sometimes, and I have to get used to the idea, but
I'm not gonna be JERK or anything." Mom and Dad had taught us pretty
well that it was okay to notice that someone was different, but to be
polite about it.

With that assurance from me, Sis gently told me "Well, when she spends
the night, maybe you'll get the chance to learn something that'll make
it easier for you to get used to it" before standing up and leaving my

It wasn't until after she was gone that I realized I could use the
peephole from my closet to her room to see for myself how Charlene was
different. From the time she came over until then, though, I'd just
have to make sure to keep myself under control.

The following Friday night was to be the main event. I could tell that
Eva was nervous when she got home from school, but when Charlene
showed up to join us for supper, she'd pulled herself together again.
All I had to do was act the way I usually did by staying away from the
two of them for the most part. The little bit of conversation I had
with Charlene during supper was as brief and casual as any other time
she'd been over. I'll confess to trying to check her out a couple of
times when she wasn't looking, but otherwise avoided causing any
embarrassment for her -- which earned me a relieved and pleased smile
from Sis when all of us were done eating. I don't know if Mom and Dad
had heard anything from Charlene's parents; if so, they did a FINE job
of hiding it.

Charlene and Sis went back to her room almost immediately after
supper; I hung around and watched TV for a little while to continue my
(pretend) indifference to Charlenes presence in the house. It was an
hour and a half before I finally made my way back to my room; as soon
as I'd closed the door, I was in my closet and looking into Eva's
room. To my disappointment, the two of them were fully dressed and
sitting on the bed in animated conversation. From the (very) little I
could hear, it was about the usual girl stuff that I'd heard Eva talk
to her other friends about. Still, it was getting late in the evening
and I stayed where I was in anticipation of the show that I just knew
had to be coming.

It was after Mom and Dad went to bed (wishing all of us a good night
through our closed doors) that things changed in Sis' room.

After Mom and Dad had plenty of time to fall asleep, I watched as Eva
gestured and said something to Charlene. It took a few seconds for me
to figure out that she was suggesting the two of them go ahead and get
ready for bed -- and you can bet I had every intention of staying right
where I was for THAT little event!

With my eye glued to the peephole and holding my breath, I watched as
Eva was the first to move by removing her blouse; as she reached
behind her back for her bra fastener, Charlene gave in and began
removing her own clothes -- starting with her blouse, just as Sis had.
When she slipped it off, I was delighted to see that her choice in
undergarments was appreciably more adventurous than Eva's: it was a
frilly pale yellow thing with lace edges that barely covered her
nipples. Reaching between the cups, she unhooked it and let it slide
down her arms and land on the floor behind her. That left both of them
standing there topless, generally facing each other and angled so that
it was easy for me to compare the two sets of young mammaries. Eva's
generally conical B-cup breasts were more-or-less familiar to me,
sporting quarter-diameter dark pink areolas that looked like they were
capped with small pebbles of pink bubblegum. Charlene's breasts were
more rounded, and were actually larger than they'd seemed; at the peak
of each was a pale dime-sized areola that sported a nipple that had to
be half an inch long. Looking at them, I could only dream of what I'd
like to do with them.

After several seconds of back-and-forth, it was up to Sis to get
things going again by slipping her thumbs under the waistband of the
slacks she was wearing; a little more negotiation, and Charlene
followed suit with the skirt she had on. I could see as Eva counted
down before each pushed her respective garment off her waist, over her
hips, and down her legs. When they stood up, the additional bulge in
Charlene's panties stood in stark contrast to the smooth arc formed by
Sis' mons. Several times, Charlene acted like she wanted to move her
arms so that she could use her hands to cover her pelvis, but she
never quite finished the movements. Instead, she just stood there as
she and Sis looked each other over for a minute or so.

I heard Eva say something, and knew it was a question by the way
Charlene slowly nodded her head. I learned what it must have been when
Eva began to slip her panties off as Charlene watched. It didn't take
long to rid herself of the brief panties she'd had on, and casually
toss them onto the bed where her other clothes were. Even peering at
the two of them through a tiny hole in the wall, I could see how
nervous and apprehensive Charlene was; Eva just stood there calmly,
and after several seconds I clearly heard her say "I know you're
scared, Charlene, but it's okay... really. You told me about yourself,
and I'm okay with it -- honest. I'm not going to push you or anything;
I'm just going to stand here until you decide that you're ready to go
on. I like you, and I want to be your friend -- it's up to you to
decide if you want to let that happen."

A full minute passed, and after several false starts, Charlene slowly
moved her hands to the waistband of the plain white cotton panties she
had on and eased her thumbs under the waistband. Many more seconds
went by before she began to gradually ease them down ever so slowly.
It was easy to see the conflicting emotions on her face as the tops of
her panties slowly moved lower and lower on her body, eventually
reaching the point where the top of her dark black pubic thatch began
to be revealed. When tops had reached the point that they were just
above the beginning of her added bulge, she must have found a
reservoir of courage, because she suddenly bent over and pushed them
all the way down to her ankles and stepped out of them. Once she stood
up again, it was easy to see what had caused it: what could only be
described as a male penis.

Seeing it sticking out that way while there were a pair of perfectly
lovely breasts showing farther up was something of a shock to me, at
first. But once I got past that, it didn't seem like all THAT much of
a big deal. I was watching and listening for what Eva's reaction would
be, and watched her check it out for a few seconds before looking into
Charlenes face and saying "Yeah, it looks like a penis, all right. But
it's not even a couple of inches, and not very big around... no, it's
not going to bother me."

Charlene's relief was as obvious as it could be as she said "I'm SO
glad to hear that! I was so afraid that once you saw it, you'd freak
out or something."

Eva laughed briefly, and told her "No, I wouldn't freak out. Our folks
have been real good about making sure that Billy and I learn and
understand that there's more going on out in the world than just what
happens around here, so we have open minds about stuff. Dad tells us
that an open mind can hold things that a closed one can't make room
for. So, yeah, you being a hermaphrodite is definitely something new
that I've never thought about before, but as far as I -- or even Billy,
probably -- are concerned, it's just something different, not bad or
WEIRD or anything. If you're okay with showing me, I guess it wouldn't
bother you too much if I had some questions? Like I said, this IS new
and different for me..."

Charlene didn't hesitate in the slightest to answer "No, I don't mind.
Actually, it would be kind of a relief for me to be able TO explain it
to someone. Um... I, uh, I won't have any problem if you want to look...
you know, closer... if, um, it would be okay if I, um, looked at you. I...
I've never had the chance to see what a regular girl looks like -- you
know, there..."

"Shucks, I don't mind. After all the gym classes I've had, having
another girl looking at me between my legs isn't any big deal. You
want to look first?", Eva asked, smiling.

"No, you first. I just want to see, which won't take long. You're
going to see and have a bunch of questions and everything, so let's
get that part out of the way."

To my and Sis' surprise (and my delight), Charlene calmly turned and
sat down on the edge of Sis' bed before pulling her legs up and
spreading them -- giving Sis AND me a clear and unobstructed view
between her thighs. Just as Sis had said, Charlene also had a vagina;
I didn't have any trouble not only making out where it was, but that
the inner lips she had weren't all THAT different from Eva's (or any
of her friends that I'd seen). It took only a few moments for Sis to
take a seat on the floor (where she wasn't blocking MY view,
thankfully) and lean forward.

With both of them fairly low like that, they were in a good position
for me to hear what they had to say and I got QUITE an education for
nearly an hour. I learned that it wasn't all that rare for babies to
have some degree of hermaphroditism, that Charlene's penis sometimes
got harder but never fully erect, that she had periods like any other
girl, and she most certainly experienced the same physical desires,
among other things. As part of the Q&A , Charlene wasn't the least bit
reluctant about reaching between her thighs and manipulating things to
clarify or emphasize the things she was saying; she even went so far
as to tell Eva that it was okay if she wanted to touch and move
things. After a little initial trepidation, Sis did take advantage of
the opportunity she was being given.

When they were done, Eva readily matched the position Charlene had
been in -- giving me the best view I'd ever gotten (at least, since she
started puberty) of the area between her thighs. Eva had opted to sit
on the "near" side of Charlene, so I didn't have any trouble making
out the cleft of her sex amid the dark blond curls of her pubic area.
At the top, the hood over her clitoris was barely visible; her labia
were thin and the area between them appeared to already be glistening
faintly. It took only a few moments for Charlene to get herself seated
on the floor between Sis' feet. Again, their positions ensured that I
had a good view of what was happening as Charlene initially contented
herself with simply leaning forward and just looking at Sis. After
just a couple of minutes, I heard Eva tell Charlene "Go ahead and
touch me, if you want to -- it's only fair."

With that, Charlene slowly moved her hand between Sis' legs... and after
a brief hesitation, made contact with Eva's mons. The sight as
Charlene's slender fingers tenderly probed and manipulated Eva's
womanhood soon had me sporting what I was sure was the biggest and
hardest erection I'd ever had; it was only a couple of seconds effort
to free it from my pants and underwear and begin stroking myself as I
kept my eyes locked on the sight before me. Charlene whispered
something I couldn't hear to Sis and got a nod in reply; it was when I
saw the ends of her fingers gently ease toward Evas opening that I
couldn't hold back any longer, and sprayed the wall of my closet with
what felt like quarts of my cum. Even as that was happening, however,
I had my eye glued to my viewport into Evas room, and was able to see
that even though Charlene barely had the first digit of a single
finger through the portal to Evas sex, it was enough to have Sis'
breasts visibly hard and tight, and her nipples erect -- as well as
thoroughly anointing the invading digit with her female essence.

It wasn't just Eva that was feeling the effects of Charlene's
manipulations: it was plain as could be (even from where I sat) that
Charlenes breasts were tight and sporting hard and erect nipples, too.
With her sitting at an angle to me, I couldn't see what was going on
with her extra appendage, but the fact that Sis made several lengthy
looks that direction suggested pretty strongly to me that something
was happening with it.

Still, as Charlene had said, it didn't take her anywhere near as long
to learn what she wanted to know about normal female genitalia as it
had for Eva to learn about hers; it couldn't have taken as long as
fifteen minutes before Charlene slowly withdrew her hand from between
Evas thighs and sat back again. When she did, the two of them simply
sat there looking into each others eyes and faces... Charlene sitting on
her feet on the floor while Sis remained on her bed, legs spread wide
and revealing the glistening opening between her thighs. It was when
Charlene finally stood up a minute later that I saw that the small
penis protruding from the dark wedge of her pubic hair had changed.
Though it hadn't gotten noticeably longer or thicker, there was no
denying that it had gotten stiffer and was protruding nearly
horizontally from her pelvis instead of pointing at the floor as it
had been before.

Eva slowly brought her legs together and her feet to the floor, then
stood up to face Charlene. I could see her look down to the protrusion
of Charlenes cock for a few seconds before looking into Charlenes
face. Several seconds of quiet were broken when Charlene spoke, her
tone of embarrassment obvious as she softly said "I... I'm sorry about
that, but it's not something I've ever been able to do anything about.
I've asked the specialist that I see about it, and he says it's just a
part of who I am, and that nothing he can do will change it: if I get,
you know, excited, then the boy part of me will react along with the
girl part. I... I've kind of figured out by myself that because my body
is different enough to have a penis, there's some little part of me
deep down inside that just can't help trying to respond to some
things. I mean, I don't do it on purpose, or anything..."

A couple of seconds went by, and Eva told her "It's okay, I guess. I
mean, I could tell that you weren't doing it 'cause you wanted to. I
knew things were going to be different with you being a hermaphrodite
and everything, and I guess that's just part of it. Besides, it's not
like you tried to DO something, or anything. I don't figure that'll be
the only time it happens, so I'll just learn to get used to it, is

Immensely relieved, Charlene told her "I... I'm glad you understand, and
you're willing to be so cool about all this. I've never had a real
friend that I could do stuff with like you before, and I've missed out
on SO much stuff because of it."

Smiling, Eva told her "Well, you don't have to miss out on it any more
unless you want to", and the two of them quickly hugged each other.
Charlene's head was toward me, and I could see how happy and pleased
she was about how Sis was acting about the whole thing.

When they finally released each other, it was so they could get into
their respective nightgowns. I watched a little longer to see if
anything else was going to happen, but all they did was break out some
magazines and start comparing what they thought of the guys in them.

After using my shirt to clean the semen running down the wall in my
closet, I undressed down to my underwear and went to bed. Laying there
in the dark, I stayed awake for quite a while as I thought not just
about how lonely and isolated Charlene must have felt growing up, but
what I thought and felt about her physical difference, too. It took a
little while, but I finally got things settled in my mind: first was
that it wasn't like she chose to be born that way; it was more like
Mother Nature played a particularly cruel practical joke on her.
Second was that I'd decided she was a nice, smart person with a really
pleasant personality and keen sense of humor before finding out that
there was anything physically different about her... so there really
wasn't any reason to change how I thought about her. Finally, she was
pretty good-looking if I could put her difference out of my mind --
which gave me pause to think about her condition and what I really
thought about that. After a lot of back-and-forth and wrestling with
the idea in my mind, I finally decided that it really shouldn't
matter; as she'd said, it wasn't something she had any control over,
and she certainly seemed female enough in every other way. Not
figuring that there was any chance in hell that I was ever going to do
anything else with her, there was nothing for me to do but just treat
her like just another one of my sisters girl friends.

When the two of them came dragging out of Evas bedroom late the next
morning, they acted as though they'd been best friends forever instead
of having known each other not even a year. They were sharing private
jokes with each other, and judging from the way they'd share just a
brief look before smiling or laughing, had gotten onto the same
"wavelength", too. I just responded to them the same way I did any
other time one of Evas friends spent the night: ignoring them as much
as possible, and returning whatever comments they directed my way in

After Charlene went home shortly after lunch, Eva stopped by my room
(where I was putting together a plastic model of an airplane) and
asked me what I thought. I didn't have a problem telling her "I guess
I did learn a few things, after all. Yeah, Charlene's different -- but
not in any way that's really important. I'm cool about it, and

Pleased (though faintly blushing, I noticed), Sis told me "I'm glad to
hear that, Billy. She really is a good person, and this is the first
time she's really been able to break out of the shell she built around
herself. I'd hate to see anything happen to mess it up for her."

"Well, if anything like that DOES happen, it won't be because of me",
I assured her.

She just smiled, and left.

After that night, Eva and Charlene became even better friends. Sis got
Charlene to participate more in the things she and her friends did in
and out of school, though never to the extent of getting involved in
anything that risked revealing Charlenes condition. The only one
Charlene was really willing and comfortable about seeing her less than
fully dressed was Eva, and it didn't take long before the two of them
were spending a LOT of nights together, either at our place or
Charlenes. Mom and Dad got concerned about it, called Charlenes folks,
and learned that they were more than delighted to have Sis at their
house as often as she was, and had been concerned that Charlene was
visiting US too often. It didn't take long for all of them to reach
the decision that since neither side was feeling "put-upon" (and would
say so if things changed), there wasn't any reason not to let the two
girls continue.

I certainly didn't mind, since it meant that I'd almost certainly get
chances to check out Charlenes nude body, as well as Evas.

That proved to be the case, and it didn't take long for me to accept
the presence of a small finger of flesh protruding from Charlene's
pelvis -- regardles of what state that protrusion happened to be in.

As was to be expected, there came the time that I happened (not by
accident, either) to run across Charlene in the hallway as she was
making a (braless) bathroom visit one night. I didn't make any
pretense of not looking her over before saying "Nice boobs, Charlene!"
and continuing on my way. I learned the next day that I'd responded
perfectly: I'd obviously seen the over-full condition of her panties,
and then calmly proceeded to ignore it in favor of complimenting
Charlene on her breasts. Though Charlene tried to be more careful
about having her bra on after that, it didn't take long for her to
stop worrying about me seeing her in her panties.

My comment to Charlene also had the effect of making it okay for her
and I to begin interacting more than we had before. It wasn't that she
and I ever hung out together or anything, but rather that if she
wasn't busy with Sis for some reason, it was acceptable to her for the
two of us to be together in the same room and not just ignore each
other -- if one of us got up to get something to drink, for example,
we'd ask the other if there was anything they wanted while we were up.
There were even several times that the two of us just sat and talked
to each other for a little while. I found out from Eva that Charlene
thought I was a pretty nice guy, and that she was relieved that I
didn't act different toward her.

By the end of the school year, the two of them were all but
inseparable the vast majority of the time; it also became S.O.P. for
whichever household was missing them to call the other as a first
attempt to find them. Once school actually let out, there wasn't any
telling where they might be: Eva had not only gotten her drivers
license, but Mom and Dad had gotten her an inexpensive (but still in
excellent condition) used car: an older Volvo, the blue boxy-looking
one. It wasn't fast and sexy, but Sis was still happy to have her own

The break from school for the summer also gave Charlene and Sis that
much more time to spend together during the day... and no reason for
them not to spend even MORE nights at one house or the other.

It was about the middle of July, and Dad had taken Mom on a promised
date to listen to our town's little orchestra do a "Symphony in the
Park". Charlene and Eva were at our house and had isolated themselves
in Sis' room while I was watching a movie on TV. I'd figured that with
the two of them back in Sis' room, I'd be able to watch the whole
thing without interruption; but that didn't prove to be correct.
Roughly halfway through the movie, the two of them came into the
living room where I was and stood in their bathrobes off to the side
just watching me. I finally paused the movie, turned my head to face
them, and plaintively asked "What?"

After they'd looked at each other, it was Charlene that told me
"There's something we'd like your help with."

"What, now? It can't wait until the movie is over, or tomorrow, or something?"

"No, not really", Eva answered. "It's something that we'd need to be
sure Mom and Dad will both be out of the house for a while."

Wondering why they could possibly need ME and Mom and Dad gone, I
asked exactly that: "Why would you need me while Mom and Dad are gone?
What's going on, Eve?"

Both of them looked nervous for some reason, but Charlene was the one
to tell me "Come with us, and you'll see", immediately followed by
both of them blushing furiously.

The looks they were giving me finally convinced me to do as they
asked. After taking note of where I was in the movie, I shut it off,
then stood up and followed them -- all the way back into Eva's room,
much to my surprise. Eva was the one to close the door behind us, and
after she'd joined Charlene again, she told me "There's something that
Charlene and I both want to find out, but neither one of us knows
anyone that could help us with it... except you. We want to ask you
something, and we already know it's a lot to ask, and we'll understand
if you don't want to do it. But if you do, we're willing to do
something for you in return."

Well and truly baffled at that point, all I could think of was to ask
them "What is it you want from me?"

They gave each other a Look, then carefully faced me and undid the
belts of their robes. Before I could even take a breath, they'd
shrugged their shoulders -- leaving both of them standing there stark
naked with their bathrobes puddled around their feet. As I stood there
(undoubtedly looking as stunned as I felt) looking the two of them
over, Eva told me "We... we want to learn about guys. The, um, sex
parts, I mean. Charlene only ever saw them on babies, and it's been a
long time since WE saw each other -- I told her about it -- and I know
that I've changed since then, so I figured you have, too. That isn't
something we can ask any other guy to do, so if you won't do it, we'll
have to try and figure something else out. But if you'll agree, then
it'd be okay if you wanted to do the same thing with me."

To that, Charlene added "You know I have little bit of a penis, but
I've also got a vagina... so if you wanted to look at me, too, it'd be

Eva finished up by telling me "We want to look close, and ask some
questions, and... if it's okay, even, um, touch. However far it's okay
for us to go with you, you can go with us. We figure that kind of
encourages you to let us learn what it is that we want to know while
keeping us from going too far with it. We're willing to trust that the
time we spend looking at you will be about the same as you spend
looking at us, but it's okay if you think we should actually keep
track of the time."

Hearing that, the first thing to come to mind was that it actually
sounded fairly reasonable. But a few more seconds thought, and I had a
question: "You said that you were willing to trust that the time would
be the same, but would my time be for looking at each of you, or

They had some kind of silent negotiation thing using just their eyes
before facing me again so Eva could tell me "There'd be the two of us
looking at you at one time, but we know it wouldn't be fair for you to
have to try to look at both of US, we'd be okay with it if you wanted
to use almost the same time for each of us. It's not like we're
COMPLETELY different; after all."

That wasn't as much as I could hope to get, but was more than I'd have
settled for... and easily enough to get me to seriously consider their

Like most guys my age, there was a certain amount of trepidation at
the idea of a girl (or worse still, TWO of them) actually eyeballing
my works due to the basic insecurity most of us guys have at that age.
But that was far overshadowed by the prospect of having those same
girls doing more than just looking. When I added in the opportunity to
really look (and touch, if they went that far) THEIR parts... well, it
didn't take me long to decide to agree to their request. Yeah, Eva was
my sister, and that was kinda weird -- but she was still female and
attractive, and that was what was most important to me. Charlene left
me with mixed feelings, though: the chance to check out another female
was definitely enticing, but getting close to her snatch meant also
getting close to what was above it -- and I wasn't real wild about THAT
idea, regardless of my acceptance of it otherwise.

It took a minute or so for me to work through all of that (and looking
them over in the process) before I told them "Okay, I'll do it."

I could see that my agreement was met with a mix of emotions: relief
that they hadn't exposed themselves to me for nothing, happy that
they'd get to find out what they wanted to know, apprehension about
(almost literally) opening themselves up to MY exam, and nervousness
(which I also felt) about the situation and what would happen.

Since they'd had me come into Evas bedroom, I figured that was where
they wanted it to happen; with them already naked, there wasn't
anything for me to do but take my own clothes off -- a simple matter of
slipping of my sandals, pulling off my T-shirt, and slipping down my
walking- and under-shorts. I managed to quash the impulse to cover my
cock and balls, choosing instead to simply stand there with my hands
at my sides as I asked "Where and how do you want me?"

"Lay down crosswise on my bed, about halfway", Eva told me, with
Charlene adding "If... if you could kind of lay with your knees at the
edge and, um, open your legs, it would be better, too."

Without saying a word, I walked the few steps to where Sis' bed was
and got myself arranged as requested. It didn't take but a single look
at them to realize that paying any obvious attention to what they were
going to do would pretty much mess things up, I simply put my hands
behind my head and closed my eyes. To my surprise, it helped ME relax
a little bit, too. A few moments later, I felt as they joined me
(though they were careful not to make any contact).

For the first few minutes, all that happened was that I heard a fair
amount of whispering back and forth between the two of them as I felt
them move around a little bit. I was starting to wonder if all they
were going to do was talk when I felt a cool pair of fingers gently
grip my flaccid penis and lift it up. Without opening my eyes, I
quietly told them "You don't have to be that careful about touching
me. As long as you don't squeeze my balls, I mean my testicles, too
hard, it's okay."

The grip on my penis got marginally firmer, but that was all the response I got.

Over the next little while, I felt my cock and balls being moved
around in different ways by two different hands as Eva and Charlene
asked questions and got familiar and comfortable with the male
reproductive anatomy; the way they were going about it was enough to
keep me from getting fully erect, though I did get as far as
semi-erect under their touch. The amount of movement had tapered off
when Charlene hesitantly said "We... we'd like to see it when you're,
uh, hard, too. Can you do that?"

Again keeping my eyes closed, I answered "Not by myself -- not like
this. But if you want to help me, it'll happen."

"What do we need to do?", Eva wanted to know.

That question had me spending the next few minutes talking them
through the process of how to start masturbating me. When they began
to get the desired results, I caution them about what could happen --
both if they took it all the way to the end, and how it would feel for
me if they went too far without finishing things. Both expressed their
understanding, and I left them to it; what they were doing wasn't
painful, but it wasn't particularly stimulating, either. As they went
along, their questions gradually became more and more direct and
explicit: "What happens when you have a climax?", "How can you tell
when you're getting ready to squirt your stuff?", "How long can you
stay hard?", "How many climaxes can you have?", and so on. I answered
as best I could (knowing that they could see me blushing at times),
and tried to correct any mistakes they made or misinformation they
had. A few times, it was necessary to give them a somewhat lengthy
explanation to make sure they understood what I was telling them.

While all of that was happening, they were also asking me if they were
doing things right, what else they could do, and such. They seemed to
pay attention to the feedback I gave them, because their handjob
skills slowly but steadily improved. They got good enough at pleasing
me, in fact, that I found it prudent to tell them "What you're doing
feels real good, now. But if you keep going and don't let me finish,
it's going to be really uncomfortable for me, like I told you. It's
what us guys call 'blue balls', when we get aroused like this for too
long and don't have a climax."

The only response that comment/reminder drew from them was a simple
"Okay" from Eva; neither one of them stopped what they were doing (or
even slowed down, that I could notice). I could only conclude that I
was destined to either receive my first-ever handjob from my sister
and her friend, or one HELL of a set of aching balls. I was hoping and
praying that it was going to be the first of those two choices.

I couldn't resist cracking my eyes open a little, and saw that both my
sister and Charlene were absolutely fascinated with my erect cock. One
of them would slowly and softly stroke me while the other gently
caressed my balls, then they'd swap for a little while before changing
back again. It was an exquisite kind of torture to have them slowly
and steadily move me closer and closer to cumming. I could also see
that there were two pairs of very erect nipples to testify to the fact
that they were enjoying what they were doing, too. While keeping my
eyes narrowed to mere slits, I took a slow, deep breath -- and realized
that there was a distinct aroma in the air; young and inexperienced as
I was, it took a few moments for me to realize that it was coming from
Eva and Charlene... and what it must be. THAT understanding got me even
more aroused until I saw the end of Charlene's miniature penis
sticking up. I nearly lost my thrill at that point until I remembered
what Charlene had said about her arousal affecting BOTH sets of her
genitalia and that it had never gotten completely hard before; I
figured that if that was the first time her penis had ever stood up
like that, then it had to mean that she was far more excited than
she'd ever been.

Knowing that Charlene was that aroused, it seemed likely that Eva was
pretty worked up, too The idea that my own sister was getting hot from
playing with my dick got into my head, and it was less than a minute
later that I had to tell them "I'm going to cum!"

Whichever one of them had her hand on my erection didn't slack off in
the slightest, and only a few more seconds passed before I was trying
to coat the ceiling in Evas room with my semen. I didn't actually
spray my cum that far, but from the gasps I heard from both of them, I
can only figure I made a damn good job of trying.

My cock was pointed nearly straight up, so the first was of my jizz
landed just a little below my navel; the ones after that hit
progressively closer to the source. The last couple of spurts simply
leaked out the end and coated my slowly-shrinking penis and the soft
hand that continued to stroke me. Only then did I open my eyes and
look down to see that it had been Charlene that had finished me off to
Sis' rapt attention. I realized that neither of them was paying the
slightest attention to the rest of me when I saw Eva, then Charlene,
reach out and collect a blob of my cum on the end of one finger. Both
ran it between thumb and finger to check its feel and consistency
before hesitantly touching a tongue to it. Charlene appeared to be
fairly indifferent to the experience, but I could see that Eva found
the taste of semen to be more than a little pleasant. Only when they
heard me take a breath in preparation for talking to them did they
turn their heads toward mine, blushing furiously. Taking pity on them,
I pretended that I hadn't seen what they'd done and simply told them
"That felt really good... what BOTH of you were doing. I want to make
you two feel like that, too, when it's my turn."

Each of them looked pleased at my assurance, and both eager and
intrigued by my expressed desire please them. After several seconds,
it was Charlene that asked "Does... does your stuff always shoot out
like that? That hard, I mean?"

"Not usually. That time, it was stronger than most because of how good
you were making me feel and how excited I was", I answered.

Then Eva wanted to know "Is there always that much of your juice?"

After looking down to where it was puddling on my belly first, I told
her "If it's the first time I've had a climax for a while, yeah,
pretty close. If I had another one tonight, it wouldn't be as much or
as thick as this time -- a guy's body only holds so much of it, and it
takes a while for him to make more of it, too."

Eva followed her question with another: "Um... how long would it take
before you could climax again?"

From the expression on her face and the tone she used, I knew she
wanted me to cum again, and I somehow managed to keep myself from
smiling as I answered "If I just waited, I'd probably start to get
hard again in an hour or two." To the forlorn expression she started
to get, I continued "But if something was to happen to help me, it
could be anywhere from fifteen or twenty minutes to half an hour
before I could start to get hard", something that had her perking up
considerably. I hastened to add "Either way, it'd take a while before
I could climax, unless I got even more help."

That was when Charlene spoke up again, saying "Billy, if you want to
stay here, I'll go get something to clean you off with. There's some
other stuff I want to ask you, and since I'm getting a little sticky,
I figure you are, too."

I just smiled at her and said "I wouldn't have any problem cleaning
myself off, but if you want to do it, that's fine."

With that, both of them got off Eva's bed and headed for the bathroom.
Since Charlene was going to wipe me off, I just stayed where I was
until they were back several minutes later. As long as they were gone,
I knew they'd taken the time to talk about what me, them, and what had
happened at least a little bit. True to her word, Charlene had a
washcloth and face towel in her hands, and as soon as she was seated
on the bed she went about wiping up my cum -- not just from my belly,
but out of my pubic hair and getting my softened penis cleaned off and
dried. When she was done, she wrapped the barely damp washcloth in the
towel and set them aside. I was surprised to discover that having my
sister and her friend both able to see my drastically shrunken penis
didn't bother me as much as it would have before; whether that was
because of all of us apparently used to being naked together or from
them already having seen me fully erect (and climaxing), I didn't
know... and didn't particularly care.

When Charlene asked me her first question, I sat up and mirrored the
cross-legged position she and Eva were in; the three of us formed a
rough circle, making it easy for us to see and hear each other as
questions and answers were exchanged in BOTH directions. Along the
way, I noticed (couldn't help noticing, really) that Charlene's
miniature penis shrank down a lot slower than my full-sized version.
It was when I finally asked her about it that I learned from her and
Sis that girls didn't get aroused as fast or easy as us guys -- and
more importantly, they were a LOT slower to "come down" from being
excited, too. Blushing slightly, Charlene told me "Because my glands
and everything think I'm all girl, that part of me reacts like my
vagina does. I'm still feeling pretty, um, excited, you know, from
before, so you can see from my penis how aroused I am INSIDE."

I considered that for a few moments before telling her "I guess that
could work out okay for you, then. I mean, it makes it pretty easy to
tell when you'd be ready to have sex, instead of the guy having to
guess about it."

Eva started to give me a dirty look, but didn't when she heard
Charlene answer "Yeah, I guess it does. I never thought of it that way
before. Of course, that'd only happen if there was a guy that wasn't
bothered by a girl having a penis -- even a miniature one like mine."

"I expect you'll be able to find somebody, Charlene. I mean, you're
sure pretty enough, and you're nice, and fun, and about all the kinds
of stuff us guys like in a girl. If I'm okay with it, it's a pretty
safe bet that there's other guys out there that it wouldn't bother,

That earned me a pleased smile from her, and she even went so far as
to lean over and give me a hug before we picked up where we'd left

I think all of us were surprised when Sis looked over at her alarm
clock and announced that over three-quarters of an hour had gone by.
Shortly on the heels of that, I could see that Charlene was having a
hard time hiding a smile at Eva's obvious desire to get me stretched
out and aroused again. I certainly didn't have any problem with it,
and quietly got myself situated the same way I'd been before.

Sis wasn't the least bit bashful about getting her hand on my penis
again, and quickly began applying the lessons she'd learned from
earlier. To her dismay, though, her efforts weren't having as much of
the desired effect as she wanted; a couple of minutes went by before
she (somewhat plaintively) asked "Is something wrong, Billy? I'm doing
what I did before, but it isn't working!"

Resisting the urge to laugh, I answered "Eve, remember I told you I
only could get hard if I had some help. Us guys, we're just the
opposite of you: once we've gotten excited and had a climax, it takes
even more for it to happen for us again. That feels good and
everything; it's just going to take a little longer for it to work, is

"Isn't there anything that could make it happen so that it doesn't
take so long?"

"Sure -- anything that felt even better than you using your hand that
way. The more sexy and exciting something is for me, the faster and
easier it is for me to get hard and have a climax."

"Would it work if I used both hands, or Charlene helped?" she queried.

"Not as much as you might think. I mean, whether it's one hand or two
or three, it's still just hands. If you really want me to get hard and
have another climax THAT fast, you'd probably have to do something

"Like what?"

Hesitating briefly, I answered "Understand that I'm not saying it has
to BE this, but something more... like -- just for example! -- maybe using
something other than your hand... like, um, your mouth."

The way she just sat there and looked at me had me thinking that I'd
seriously pissed her off. But to my surprise, she finally spoke up to
say "That would work? I mean, I've heard about that, but I wasn't
really sure if it was something a girl did to make a guy feel good, or
slow him down. I... I've never actually done it, but it doesn't, like,
gross me out or anything. I'm okay with at least trying."

Right after she finished, Charlene added "I... I'm willing to try it,
too. Just let us know before you're going to squirt, okay?"

I was thrilled (!!) at the idea of actually getting a blowjob, and
didn't hesitate to assure her "Of course, if that's what you want." A
moment later, I told them "When it's my turn, I'd like to do that for
you, too, if it's okay with you."

I saw the peaks of their breasts crinkle and erect slightly, and knew
that I'd finally get to find out what not just ONE pussy tasted like
(as I'd wanted to since I'd first heard about "eating pussy"), but
two. I already thought the smell of their arousal was terrific; if
they tasted anything like they smelled... well, I was going to be one
seriously happy camper before we were done. Even just the thought of
getting my head between their thighs was enough to start inflating my
cock, something that brought a smile to Sis' face.

With the encouragement of feeling me stiffening in her hand, Eva
leaned forward and began to lower her head. I'd kept my head up as I
was talking to them, and couldn't help watching as Sis' mouth moved
closer and closer to my penis. When she was close enough, I saw her
lick her lips before taking just the head of my cock into her oral
cavity, then held my breath as I waited to see what she'd do. To my
infinite relief, she somehow managed to smile around my penis before
taking even more of me between her lips.

The sensation of having my manhood wrapped by something so warm and
wet was indescribable, and all I could do was lay my head back on the
bed and close my eyes so I could focus my attention on the pleasure
emanating from my groin.

Even as young and inexperienced as I was then, I knew that I was
extraordinarily lucky that Eva and Charlene were willing to try using
their mouths on me. It wasn't until later in life that I came to
understand how fortunate all three of us were to be in that situation:
both sides were getting the opportunity to learn about the other (such
as thought processes and feelings) directly from the source as we were
also discovering what our own feelings and reactions were about sex
and intimacy in as low-key, friendly, and non-threatening of an
environment as possible. I was learning the pleasure I could feel from
receiving oral sex -- but the necessity of correcting the girls'
mistakes and suggesting other things they might try kept me from
losing myself in the experience; in turn, that meant that I not only
got to enjoy it longer, but had the chance to learn how to control
myself and my reactions as they again took turns learning, and
applying the feedback I gave them. As a result, I was able to really
enjoy my first blowjob, instead of simply being overwhelmed by it.

Just as had been the case when they were using their hands on me, Eva
and Charlene's talents improved greatly over a relatively short period
of time. Much sooner than I would have liked, I could feel myself
getting close to unloading again. Despite the pleasant sensations I
was experiencing, I managed to remember my promise, and was able to
announce my impending eruption with an emphatic "I'm gonna cum!"

The lips that were sliding up and down my erection didn't hesitate in
the slightest, though I did hear and feel the "mmmm-hmmmm"
acknowledging my warning; that added little bit of vibration was all
it took to trigger my climax, and I heard myself groan as the first
wad of my jism erupted from my cock. Before the second could escape
me, the warm mouth that I'd enjoyed pulled off, allowing my semen to
arc onto my belly. My disappointment at the loss of the living
receptacle for my cum lasted only a moment; my pulsating penis was
again tightly gripped by a pair of lips, and the head enveloped by a
warm and wet mouth that stayed around me until the last feeble spurt
of semen had leaked out of me. When it was clear that I was finished,
the lips clenched me a little tighter and milked my shrinking penis of
the last few drops of my juices as it pulled off of me.

After I'd gotten my breath and senses back, I raised my head to look
down to where Charlene and Eva were sitting; even after looking at
both of them closely, I couldn't tell which one of them had taken the
first shot, and which had finished me -- both were sitting there with
cat-that-ate-the-canary grins on their faces as they looked at each
other. Only when I moved to sit up did their attention shift from each
other to me.

Both were looking rather pleased with themselves when I told them
"Thank you -- both of you. That was even better than what you did the
first time."

I got a self-satisfied smile (and small blush) from each before Eva
told me "I'm glad you liked it. It wasn't like what I thought it'd be
at all. It was actually kinda fun, and it made me so excited, knowing
that I was able to make you feel that good just using my mouth. And I
really like the taste of your juice!"

After a moment, Charlene told me "I really liked doing that, too" -- I
knew she was telling the truth, since her penis was again standing at
attention -- "I wasn't real wild about tasting your stuff before, but
somehow it's different when I get it straight from you... I actually
kinda like it, even."

After that, the next several minutes were spent with the two of them
comparing what they thought about what they'd done. A few questions
were directed toward me, but MY opinion of things was simply that I'd
enjoyed the hell out of the experience, so there wasn't much for me to
add to what they were telling each other. Listening to them talk,
however, did leave me feeling both surprised (that they both concluded
that it was a perfectly reasonable thing to do with a guy) and pleased
(that they'd enjoyed it and were quite willing to do it again

Their conversation had mostly tapered off when Eva turned toward me
and asked "Billy, do you... do you want to learn about girls now?"

"Yeah, I'd like that -- a lot. Especially with you two!", I assured
her, and earning myself a pair of VERY pleased smiles.

"Which one of us do you want to start with?", Charlene asked.

I looked at her, and apologetically answered "I think Eve, if it's okay."

Charlene didn't bat an eye as she told me "Sure, that's fine. I mean,
she is your sister..."

I looked into Charlene's eyes and sincerely told her "Yeah -- and
that's the only reason", so she'd know it wasn't because of anything

When I returned my attention to Eva, I saw that she was watching me
closely and that she seemed to be sitting differently. It took a few
moments for me to realize that she wasn't just tolerating having me
looking at her and touching her body, but actually looking forward to
it. The very first thing I just had to do, of course, was raise my
hands and put them over her breasts. I think BOTH of us released a
soft gasp at that first contact, and as I began gently and carefully
examining those most obvious signs of her femininity, Eva closed her
eyes and pressed herself against my hands.

I was delighted with the feel of her mounds; they were somehow both
firm and soft when I cautiously squeezed them, as well as smooth and
warm under my touch. The peaks of her mammaries were already tight and
crinkled, but when I started examining them with my fingertips, I was
surprised and delighted to learn that they could get even tighter, and
that her nipples could stick out more than I'd ever seen them before.
I happily spent several minutes acting pretty much as you'd expect any
adolescent boy would with his first pair of real, live breasts in his
hands. But as nice as Sis' tits were to touch and hold, their dark
pink summits were something I just had to get my mouth on.

As soon as I had Evas nipple between my lips, she released a gasp that
was followed by a soft moan as I began to nurse at the pink peak of
her breast. It was only a matter of a few seconds before I could feel
her nipple getting longer and the areola grow harder as I laved them
with my tongue. When I shifted my attentions to the other half of her
bust, she raised her hands so she could put her fingers in my hair and
hold my head in place -- as if there was any danger I was going to stop
any time soon!

I'd taken the few minutes necessary to bring both of Sis' nipples to
full extension and was thinking of easing her onto her back so I could
move my investigations even lower on her body when I got an idea. I
was still reluctant to release the hard rubbery nipple of her left
breast from between my lips, but did it anyway so that I could raise
up and move my attention to Charlene; it had occurred to me that I
could alternate between them, rather than do ALL of my exploring with
just one of them at a time.

Charlene initially looked a bit uncertain, and something told me to
lean forward and give her a gentle kiss on the lips. Nothing overtly
sexual or too affectionate, just a brief touch of my lips to hers to
let her know that I cared and wasn't going to hurt her. She accepted
the kiss, and when I pulled my head back, I could easily see that it
had done just what I meant it to: let her know that I liked her, and
that everything would be okay.

When I raised my hands again, I paused for a moment and looked into
Charlene's face; she gave me a smile and brief nod, letting me know
that she was willing for me to continue. Just as I'd done with Eva, my
first contact with Charlene's bust was to simply hold her mounds in my
hands. To my surprise, they somehow felt different than Eva's breasts
-- still both soft and firm at the same time, warm in my hands and
smooth under my fingertips, but different none the less. I was more
than happy to try and both qualify and quantify the difference as
Charlene pressed herself into my hands with her eyes closed. Her
longer nipples and darker areolas still fascinated me, though, and I
soon gave in to the desire to really investigate them the way I wanted
to. Even more so than the larger mass of her breasts, the peaks of
Charlenes breasts differed from Evas and I spent several minutes
fascinated as I toyed with them before finally giving in to the desire
to see if they tasted different, too.

They didn't, really, but I was still glad to discover that they had a
completely different texture and density than Evas, and cheerfully
devoted myself to sucking and licking her areolas and nipples as she,
too, softly moaned her pleasure at (and appreciation of) my efforts.

When I finally released the hard cylinder of Charlene's right nipple
from my mouth and raised my head again, a slight motion at the corner
of my eye caught my attention. When I turned to see what it was, I
learned that Sis had already moved to lay on her back; the movement
had apparently been a result of her moving one of her legs so that
they were even more separated.

After surprising Charlene with another brief kiss, I started to move
to where Eva was stretched out. As I did, she unhesitatingly lifted
her knees and spread them before shifting her feet apart, too --
leaving her fully exposed to my gaze.

As I moved to position myself in front of Sis, I saw that her nipples
weren't much (if any) less erect than they'd been when I left them.
When I lowered myself to the bed so that my head was close to her
pelvis, I was greeting with the part of the aroma I'd noticed before:
the unique scent of aroused female. As I was getting my first close
and intimate (!) look at the particulars of a grown woman, I was also
comparing the scent that I found so alluring to what I'd detected
earlier. It wasn't difficult to recognize Evas contribution, and that
left me with some idea of what awaited me with Charlene; but until
then, I had the opportunity to familiarize myself with my first-ever
real, live female pussy.

The cleft of Eva's sex was readily visible in the strip of blonde
curls that ran from the bottom of her opening to just a couple of
inches short of her navel; even as I was looking at her inner lips, I
saw them get a trifle darker, as well as marginally thicker and
darker. As I was watching that happen, I understood that that was just
one of several ways that a girls body changed as she became more
aroused -- and it also told me that Sis was getting turned on more than
a little bit from having me looking at her that way.

I needed only a very few minutes to learn what I wanted to know about
what was easily visible. Remembering how patient and gentle Sis and
Charlene had been with me, I slowly reached toward Sis' pelvis with my
hands to softly and carefully use my thumbs to spread her labia so I
could see what lay beyond. As I did, a small droplet of fluid trickled
out the bottom of her opening, accompanied by a sudden increase in the
intensity of her smell. With a much clearer view of a girls workings
in front of me, I didn't bother following up on the thoughts that ran
through my mind just then and chose to simply take note of the event
so I could think about it later. That left me free to focus all my
attention on examining and learning what I could about a girls sex
parts. Like all the kids in our school district, I'd gotten the basics
of sex education including generic drawings of the parts of both
genders. That made it a fairly easy matter to identify her clitoris
and all the rest of the parts before I started really looking at them.

Not having anyone else to compare her to, all I could do was take note
of the fact that Eva's clitoris looked to be about the size of a small
pea; her inner lips looked to be somewhat thin and short. She jumped a
little bit when I made my first tentative touch on her clit, and told
me "It didn't hurt, exactly, when you touched me there, but it was
uncomfortable because your finger was dry."

After considering the possible solutions to that problem, I went with
the one that seemed to be the most fun and educational: collecting
some of the liquid I could see leaking out of her. When I softly ran
the tip of my finger across her opening, Sis moaned softly as she
lifted her hips slightly. I repeated my action, and got a nearly
identical response from her before I went back to try and learn what I
could about her clitoris. With my finger lubricated with her oils, I
again softly touched the small pebble of flesh at the top of her cleft
-- and got even more of a reaction than when I'd brushed across the
entrance to her vagina. That was all it took to get me involved in
finding out how much of what kinds of things I could do to pleasure
her. As it turned out, just about any kind of gentle rhythmic pressure
or contact was enough to add to her arousal. Under her tutelage, I
learned what she liked in particular, and it didn't take long for me
to bring her to an orgasm. When her clitoris disappeared back under
its cover of flesh, there wasn't much for me to do except watch as her
woman's opening clenched and relaxed in time with the waves of
pleasure I could see going through her body. I also saw that she was
apparently getting wet enough inside that her oils were leaking out of
her. When all that was left of her orgasm was a few residual shudders,
I carefully collected as much of her oils as I could on one of my
fingers and brought them to my nose -- and almost immediate had to
stick my finger in my mouth to find out if she tasted as good as she
smelled. I was thoroughly delighted that she did, and didn't hesitate
to move my head so that I could try to lick up whatever of her nectar
I could find.

The first pass of my tongue went across her opening and on up to brush
against where her clitoris was hidden -- and earned me an impassioned
"Oh God yes!" as she arched her hips up off of her bed. Thus
encouraged, I did it again and again and again... and each time, that
small and simple action on my part drew a sound of pleasure from her.
Remembering how she'd reacted when I'd drawn my finger across the
entrance to her vagina, I went about trying to find out what I could
do there with my tongue to add to her arousal; it didn't take me long
to discover that she particularly liked it when I tried to see if I
could worm my tongue through the incredibly tight ring of her portal.
It turned out that I couldn't, but it wasn't from lack of trying on my
part, or willingness on Evas: simply pressing against her opening
aroused her tremendously; actually trying to penetrate her had her
arching herself up in welcome as she did her best to open herself up
to me. She got so excited, in fact, that there was a nearly constant
trickle of her oils escaping the confines of her womanhood, which I
eagerly lapped up.

My tongue began to get tired long before I was ready to give up trying
to get it into her, and I finally decided to shift my attentions back
to her clitoris. When I looked at it, I could see that it had shed its
cover and was readily available to whatever tender actions I chose to
administer. My first considered action was to simply give it a few
light caresses with just the tip of my tongue; that quickly had Sis
moaning throatily as she pressed her pelvis up toward me. Since I
didn't need my hands for what I planned to do, I moved them alongside
Evas body so that I could hold her breasts in my hands. Then when I
used my tongue to begin toying with her clitoris again, I also started
playing with her nipples -- gently pinching and pulling on them,
rolling them between my fingers, and so on. Having both (all three?)
sensitive areas being stimulated added to her excitement and arousal
tremendously, and it wasn't long before the only sounds she could make
were unintelligible noises of pleasure.

There was no mistaking the fact that Eva liked what I was doing, and I
was certainly enjoying it, so I took my time about learning everything
I could about how to eat pussy. Along the way, Eva had not just one,
but two orgasms; the first was a little stronger than when I'd used my
hand, the second was a LOT stronger -- enough so that I reluctantly
decided that I'd better stop "just in case". Even then, I simply
couldn't resist making one last pass across her vaginal entrance so I
could collect a final taste of her essence.

When I lifted my head from between Sis' thighs, I looked over at
Charlene and saw that she in awe of what she'd seen Sis go through.
She finally noticed that I was looking at her, and when she turned her
head to look at me, she blushed before saying "I... I never knew that a
girl could have that many orgasms in so short a time, or that they
could be that strong! Are... are you going to do that to me, too?"

"If you want me to, I can sure try", I answered.

Seemingly stunned by the possibility of experiencing anything like
what she'd witnessed, Charlenes eyes got big before she slowly nodded
and softly told me "I... I think I'd like that..."

I just smiled at her before answering "Let's get Eve back together
first, though, okay?"

Both of us turned to where Sis was laying, and I could tell that her
last orgasm had really had an effect on her. Although her eyes were
open and she was alert, it was pretty obvious that she was feeling
kind of weak and still trying to catch her breath. Charlene and I both
moved close to her and helped get her sitting up again; when she was
mostly vertical, Sis told us "I never even dreamed that somebody doing
that to me could make me feel that good. I mean, it wasn't any one
thing you did... it was how everything you were doing was, like,
MULTIPLYING all the rest of the things you did. That was the first
time I've ever had two orgasms so close together like that, never mind
having the second one be so STRONG." Turning to Charlene, Sis told her
"You are going to be so glad when he does you... seriously. He tries all
kinds of things to see what you like, then he does them -- a LOT. And
I'd SWEAR that he likes doing it, too!"

I couldn't help chuckling when she said the last part, and telling
both of them "I do like doing it. Eve, I thought you tasted as good as
you smelled, so it was fun for me to be able to do that and make you
feel good. I'd be glad to do it again any time you want, even!"

That got me an appraising look from her before she looked between
Charlene and me and said "I heard what both of you said... and you were
a dear to want to make sure I was okay, Billy. But I'm sitting up now,
so you two go ahead now -- I'd really like Charlene to find out what
it's like to feel as good as Billy made ME feel."

Charlene suddenly looked shy and a little apprehensive. Without even
thinking about it, I leaned over and gave her a little kiss on the
cheek and softly told her "It'll be okay. You'll see."

That reassured her enough that she was willing to shift herself
around, and then lay down and stretch herself out. She still looked
more than a little nervous, and it wasn't difficult to figure out why:
her abbreviated penis was once more standing fully erect from her
mons. Somehow knowing that it was the right thing to do, I stretched
myself out next to Charlene, but propped up on my elbow. Looking down
at her, I asked "You're worried how I'm going to react to this, aren't
you?" as I gently took her erection between my fingers.

She nodded apprehensively, and I told her "Well, you don't have to be.
Yeah, it looks enough like a regular penis that it's going to take me
a little bit to get used to it. But there's not so much, and the
resemblance isn't so close, that I can't get used to it, either. If
you've got the courage to let me, I'm willing to learn what I can do
to make YOU feel good -- all of you. If I do something dumb, or hurt
you in ANY way, I need you to let me know... because the last thing I
want to do is make you regret sharing yourself with me this way. I
already told you that I think you're pretty, and fun, and nice; I
really do like you, and I don't want to mess that up. Okay?"

She managed to give me a smile before telling me "Thanks, Billy. I'll
be okay now, I think."

I lowered my head and gave her a soft, chaste kiss on the lips; that
was followed by another kiss to her cheek, her throat, and collarbone
as I slowly blazed a trail down her body. I detoured briefly to bring
her nipples to full erection again before moving down her abdomen and
the dark wedge of pubic hair at its base. As I got close to her
pelvis, she readily moved her legs apart and didn't have any visible
reaction when I moved my body between her legs. A minute or so later,
I found myself facing the erect appendage that I'd so recently had in
my hand. I looked up to see how she was responding and saw that she
was watching me, but without any overt sign of nervousness or concern.

Taking that as implicit permission to really look, I did just that:
looked at the miniature version of the manhood that I sported. Taking
it between my thumb and forefinger, I moved it around so that I could
examine it from several different angles and learned that it really
was more like an extended or oversized clitoris than a penis: it
didn't have the opening at the end that my own cock did, for starters.
Nor was the end of it shaped like my penis, or any of the others I'd
seen. Up close like that, I could see that it was even smaller than my
little finger, too, and had only the rudiments of any kind of covering
like a foreskin. Looking up at her again, I asked "It isn't covered
all the way, like Eves clitoris is. Doesn't it get sore?"

To my surprise, Charlene smiled slightly as she answered "Not usually.
I'm okay as long as I wear the softest panties I can find."

I just nodded my head in acceptance, and went back to checking her
out. I finally decided that there wasn't anything for me to do but
give in to the temptation to give the shaft of it a few strokes before
asking "Does that do anything for you?"

"Not really. I mean, it kinda feels okay, but nothing more than that --
not like it seemed to for you, anyway. The whole thing... it's more like
I've got my clitoris on the end of some kind of extension, than
anything else."

Hearing that, I simply said "Oh. Okay", and shifted my attention to
the area between her wide-spread thighs.

As I'd seen via my peephole into Eva's room, Charlene's womanhood
didn't appear dramatically different than Sis', as far as the outer
and inner lips looked, other than her inner lips being a lot smaller
and thinner. Of course, Charlene's miniature penis stuck out where
Sis' clitoris had been, but everything below that point appeared
pretty similar. It was when I used my thumbs to softly part Charlene's
inner labia that I found that there was one significant difference:
Charlene's opening was distinctly smaller than Eva's -- perhaps only
three quarters as big. Even so, I could see that Charlene, too, was
leaking a trace of fluid. I moved my head closer, and readily caught
the scent of her arousal; it was similar to, but distinctly different
from, Eva's... and certainly no less appealing.

Moving my head a little farther, I was able to extend my tongue and
run it along Charlene's cleft, not only collecting a sample of her
oils,but using the opportunity to gently press against the entrance to
her vagina. Charlene responded to the slight pressure much as Eva had:
by moaning and arching her pelvis up. The major difference was that
that also brought her pseudo-penis closer to my face, too.

Rather than tie myself up in knots worrying about it, I just went
ahead and lifted my head a little bit and ran my tongue across the tip
of Charlene's shaft, where she was presumably the most sensitive. That
turned out to be true, and I heard her gasp loudly at the contact
before exclaiming "God that's good!"

I made a couple more passes across Charlene's extended clitoris (to
her quite audible pleasure) before lowering my head so that I could
return to the more comfortable task of gathering her nectar. When I'd
cleaned up the immediately available supply, I figured it was time to
find out if she was as receptive to any of the things that I'd done
with Sis. The first thing for me to try, of course, was to see if she
had any objections to me trying to worm my tongue into her under-sized
vaginal opening. To my surprise and delight, she didn't; in fact, she
seemed to enjoy it even more that Eva had: not only did she spread her
legs even more and tilt her pelvis up, she exclaimed "Oh, yes, Billy!
That feels so good!"

I don't doubt that it did, either, since my efforts resulted in a
dramatic increase in the amount of her oils that escaped her
girl-chamber. I'd happily lap them up before placing my mouth over her
opening and trying (again) to see how much of my stiffened tongue I
could get into her. I don't think it was ever enough to satisfy either
of us, but it wasn't from lack of trying on my part.

Whenever my tongue started to get sore or tired, I'd give it a little
bit of a rest by moving my attention back to Charlene's clitoris.
After a bit, I was finally able and willing to try taking part of it
into my mouth; the things I was able to do with it that way pleased
Charlene immensely. I was slowly swirling my tongue around it while
applying a soft, rhythmic suction when she surprised the hell out of
me by having an orgasm... and not a small one, either. She nearly
screamed at the start of it, and flopped around like a fish out of
water while it was happening; it was all I could do to keep the end of
her appendage between my lips and continue what I was doing.

The majority of her climax had passed, and she was mostly just laying
there shuddering every so often when Eva told me "Billy, I think you
should stop for a little bit. You're not hurting her or anything, but
I can see that she's practically exhausted from how hard that hit her.
Let her get some energy back, okay?"

When I raised my head for a better look at her, I could see that Sis
was right about Charlene -- she did look pretty worn out just then.
Worried that I'd possibly done something wrong, I thought I might be
able to perhaps "make up" for it by sliding myself up so that I was
laying next to her and holding her in my arms. Just a couple of
minutes later, I heard her softly tell me "Thank you, Billy. That was

"You're not mad at me or anything?"

"Not even a little bit! Why would I be mad at you for making me feel so good?"

"I dunno... I was just worried that maybe it was too much, or something."

"You are such a dear! Yeah, that was a lot bigger than any orgasm I've
had before, but it wasn't too much. Is that why you came up here, so
you could hold me? Because you were worried about me?"

"Well, yeah..."

I felt her kiss my chest before telling me "You're such a sweetheart.
I'm really glad you're holding me, and I'm sorry if you thought you'd
done something wrong. Honestly, you've done just exactly what I hoped
and wanted: help me find out what feels best for ME, so I could have
the best climaxes I can. I know it couldn't have been easy for you to
have me in your mouth like that, but you did it anyway for me, and
made me feel SO good. I asked if you were going to make me feel as
good as you did Eva, and you said you'd try -- and I think maybe you
made me feel even better than you did her. I was afraid about all this
at first, but you've made me feel so happy!"

I'll admit to being a bit relieved that I hadn't upset her, so I gave
her a brief hug and kissed the top of her head before asking "Was that
enough, or do you want me to keep going?"

I'd barely finished the question when she answered "Keep going!"

Just to make sure I didn't screw up, I then wanted to know "Do you
want me to do less, or more, or about the same?"

A couple of seconds passed before she replied "If... if you really can
do more, I think I'd like to find out what it's like. But I know you
were worried about me this time, so if I think it's going to be too
much, I'll say something, okay?"

After giving her another brief hug, I said "Yeah, that'd work."

She tilted her head back enough to look at me and solemnly told me
"You really are being a dear about all this, and I really appreciate
everything you're doing for me, Billy."

I took the opportunity to kiss her on the forehead, then said "I'm
glad I'm able to make you happy, and I appreciate what you've done,
too", and got a smile in return.

With Charlene rejuvenated and knowing what she wanted from me, I moved
to my side and began kissing my way down her body again. Just as I had
before, there was a delay when I paused long enough to cover her
lovely breasts with soft kisses and suckle on her dark nipples before
continuing my journey. Once I was back between her thighs, I was
pleased to discover that there was another collection of her juices
for me to gather before I started trying to help her have the best
orgasm I could. It took only a small adjustment in my position between
her smooth legs for me to be able to reach up along her sides and get
my hands on her breasts, much as I'd been able to do with Sis. As I
started gently pinching and tweaking Charlene's chocolate-colored
areolas and nipples, I lowered my head and began my oral assault.

Having a pretty good idea of what I could do and what she liked, I
took my time for the second go-around: I started a process of doing
one thing to increase her arousal, then let her slide back a little
bit before starting on something else to get her excited just a little
bit more, and repeating the process by doing something different to
her -- kind of a sexual two steps forward, one step back approach. She
had to know that I was deliberately teasing her, but she never
complained; all she ever had to say to me was words (at first; later,
it was just noises) of appreciation and encouragement.

I must have spent nearly half an hour that way, slowly moving
Charlene's arousal higher and higher before I recognized the signals
that she was getting damn close to having another orgasm... one that
would put the previous one to shame, if I was reading the signs
correctly. I'll confess to being more than a little concerned about
what might happen with her, but she'd not only said that that was what
she wanted, but she'd told me that she'd let me know if she thought it
was going to be too much; despite my reservations, I kept my word to
do the best I could for her. Knowing just how excited she was, I
deliberately slowed my actions as I moved her to the brink of her
release -- then let her slide back again, prompting her to release a
deep, frustrated moan as she tried to press herself up against me. I
didn't let her find the relief she sought, and when I heard her soft
whimper, went back to stimulating her again. The second time, I slowed
my actions even more, and managed to hold her at the very brink for a
couple of seconds before nipping at her clitoris with my lips pushed
her over the edge.

She DID scream with the start of her orgasm, but it was cut off by the
force of the first incredible spasm that nearly folded her in half.
She didn't have time to even begin to straighten out before a second
wave of pleasure overwhelmed her. She was about halfway straightened
out again when a third spasm froze her in place with a deep groan;
from that point on, the rest of her climax tapered off fairly quickly...
due mostly, I think, to simple exhaustion of her body. She was
stretched out, shivering while intermittent shudders and spasms ran
through her body when I again got myself laying next to her and into
my arms. As I was holding her, Eva reminded me of her presence by
saying "Yeah, you hold her like that, and I'll go get a damp cloth...",
then clambering off her bed and heading out the door.

She reappeared a few moments later, handed me a washcloth, and said
"Start wiping her face while I get something for you two to drink" and
disappeared again.

Doing as I was told, I gently wiped Charlene's face until Sis got back
with cold sodas for all of us. She set them on her night stand, then
took the washcloth from me and said "You just hold her now, and I'll
take care of the rest."

It couldn't have taken much more than another minute before I saw
Charlene's eyelids start to flutter; a few seconds more, and they
opened -- though it was pretty obvious that Charlene really wasn't
seeing much of anything just yet. Sis wiped her face again, and that
seemed to help; when Eva began to carefully wipe up the collection of
fluids from between Charlene's thighs, Charlene tried to protest but
couldn't quite make it happen.

Once Charlene was cleaned up, Sis left us again to do something with
the washcloth; while she was gone, I went ahead and opened up a soda
and managed to get Charlene propped up enough that she was able to
take a couple of sips from it. Just as Sis was coming back into her
room, Charlene said "That was way more than I thought it'd be. I mean,
I knew you were teasing me, and it kept feeling better and better; and
I could feel it building inside me, and I KNEW it was going to be a
big one -- but I really didn't expect anything like that."

After she was seated on the bed with us, Sis looked closely at
Charlene and asked "You're okay? Really?"

"I'm fine", Charlene answered. "I think the only reason it left me
feeling like this is because of how big the other one was. Besides, I
knew it was going to be the biggest ever, and I didn't tell Billy to
stop or anything even though I could have. I don't think I want to go
through anything like that again any time soon; but, honestly, I'm not
sorry it happened."

Following that, she turned to look at me and said "More than anything,
I'm glad it happened. I've, you know, given myself orgasms before, but
I've never had anything like what happened tonight because Billy did
things that I just CAN'T do. I've always been afraid and worried about
what it would be like if I was ever with a guy, but Billy has made me
feel so much better. He wasn't afraid to touch me, or kiss me, or do
anything else with me. He even did stuff that I KNOW wasn't easy for
him -- but he did it for ME, and made me feel so good and so happy. I
pretty much thought he was better than most guys I've ever known or
met, but I found out tonight just what kind of guy he really is, and
how special."

That was when Sis surprised the hell out of me by adding "Yeah, he
surprised me tonight, too. I thought it was going to be kinda weird
doing stuff with him, but it wasn't. I mean, sure, at first it was;
but he never said or did anything to make me remember he's my brother.
It didn't take long until I was just thinking about him as a guy, and
not Billy. He was somebody I could trust completely, and not have to
worry." Then she turned her attention to me and said "When we asked
you in here, I was still a little worried about all of this... I mean,
we HAVE been doing, you know, sex stuff with each other, and I was
afraid that it was going to be like when we were kids. Except that it
wasn't; I was afraid that you weren't going to be as polite and
understanding and everything as you've been. I was sure that you would
say something to us about being naked, or doing things, or something --
but you haven't, and it makes me glad you're my brother."

I had to look back and forth between them for several seconds before I
could think of anything to say in response to what they'd told me. I
finally managed to come up with something, and looked at Charlene as I
told her "I can't know what it's like for you... but it isn't hard to
figure out how I'd feel if it was me, and go from there. No, it wasn't
easy to start doing some of the things I did with you -- but it wasn't
all THAT hard, either. You trusted me enough to share yourself with
me, and I like you and care for you enough that I'd never do or say
anything to betray that trust. You did things that made ME feel good,
and I was happy to do stuff that made YOU feel good, so there's no
reason you have to thank me for that. Whatever I did that was
different happened only because you're different... no so much the
physical part, but as a person, different from Eva or anyone else."

Then I turned to Sis and said "Yeah, it was kinda weird for me, too,
doing this stuff with you. But because YOU didn't make anything out of
us being brother and sister, it was easier for ME not to. I know we
fuss and argue sometimes, but I know we still love each other, too.
Tonight, I was glad you're my sister, because I knew that no matter
what else, I could trust you."

Finally, I told both of them "What we did tonight... I was nervous about
it, too. What you said about not having anyone you could learn about
guy stuff with, that's how I was about girls. I would have been glad
to learn and do the things I did with just about ANY girl, but it
being you two was something that actually made me happy. IF anything
like this ever happens between us -- either me and one of you, or all
three of us -- I'd like that; but if you decide that you don't want to,
then I can accept that and won't bother you about it. I really am
grateful for what happened tonight, and proud that you trusted me
enough that you were willing to let us learn about each other as much
as we did."

I had my arms around Charlene, and when I was done talking, she gave a
contented sigh before snuggling a little closer. The smile I got from
Eva told me that she appreciated what I'd said, too. The three of us
just sat there for a little while, content to simply have each other's
company; it was Sis that finally broke the silence to say "As much as
I hate to say it, Mom and Dad are going to be back before long. I'm
not sure that there's enough time for separate showers even if
Charlene and I shared one, so I think we'd better all clean up
together -- that is, if you two don't mind."

I spoke first, saying "Well, I suppose I could take a shower with both
of you..." in pretend reluctance, and drawing a laugh from them.
Charlene was next, saying "After tonight, taking a shower or bath or
anything else with either or both of you is fine with me."

It took a little longer for all of us to get motivated, but we did
finally get moving. Sis insisted on starting the shower and getting it
adjusted, which left me free to simply stand back and hold Charlene in
my arms. I started to get hard again from having her cute butt rubbing
against my cock, and she turned her head to look at me impishly and
say "We don't have time for any more fun, remember, Billy?"

After giving her a hug, I started to play with her nipples before
answering "I'm not trying to get any more fun going, Charlene. That's
just letting you know that I think you've got a really nice butt --
particularly when it's pushing against me like it is!"

Before she could make any kind of reply, Sis let us know that the
water was ready; I helped Charlene into the tub, then she and Eva
steadied me as I got in. As was to be expected, there was some
figurative and literal grab-ass as we helped each other rinse off, but
we somehow managed to keep it to a bare (heh!) minimum. Once we were
all dried off again, I got dressed and headed back into the living
room where I went ahead and ejected the movie -- it was well past when
it would have ended, and Mom and Dad had seen me starting it when they

With that out of the way, it was back to my room; as I passed Eva's
room, I saw that she and Charlene hadn't bothered putting anything on,
and both of them posed for me briefly, then smiled and blew me a kiss
when they saw me looking at them. I went ahead and closed the door to
Eva's room, then went into my room and closed my door, as well.
Perhaps twenty minutes later, we heard Mom and Dad get home and call
out to see if we were still up. When they learned that we were, they
said they were going to bed and wished us a good night. I couldn't
help thinking to myself "I've already had one, and it was way better
than just 'good'!"

It was roughly a month later, and Charlene was spending the night with
Sis again. Our folks were going out to a retirement dinner for one of
the people that Dad worked with, and the two of them wanted me to join
them again. Our second session together went much like the first; the
big difference was that because we didn't have to start from the
beginning, we were able to get a lot more pleasure out of the lesser
period of time we had: each of them gave me a blowjob all by herself
while I was eating the other's pussy. Between rounds one and two of
that, we used the opportunity to get even more familiar with each
other's bodies and comfortable about touching each other. Before we
went in to clean up, Sis was on my lap toying with my semi-erect penis
as I played with her nipples; Charlene was stretched out next to us,
softly stroking my balls while I gently caressed her incredibly firm
and smooth ass. We got dried off and dressed just a few minutes ahead
of Mom and Dad getting home.

I was just hanging out in my room during the day when Sis came in.
Charlene was out with her mother getting ready for the start of school
(just a few days away), so it was just the two of us at home, since
Mom was at the Senior center where she volunteered 3 days a week. I
just looked at Eva with an eyebrow raised in question, and she gave me
this strange grin as she said "I'm feeling really horny, and I really
want to, um, taste your juice. It's just us, and nobody'll be home for
at LEAST a couple of hours... think you'd like to, uh, fool around for a

Her question threw me for a number of reasons. For starters, it was
the first time she'd ever indicated she wanted anything to happen
between us without Charlene present; and for her to come right out and
ask me that way...

Even knowing that something else was going on with her, the idea of
getting a blowjob and a taste of Eva's pussy was too much to pass by.
As soon as she saw my grin, she started taking her clothes off --
suprising me again when I saw that she didn't have panties OR a bra on
under the dress she had on. Well before I was rid of my undershorts,
she was laid out on my bed; when I climbed onto the bed with her, she
said "You've heard about '69', haven't you?"

I said that of course I had, and she continued "I want to try that... it
sounds like it would be really fun..."

"It does to me, too", I answered. "I think you should probably be on
top, though, since you don't weigh as much as I do."

She nodded her agreement, and I got myself positioned next to her but
'facing' the opposite direction. She quickly moved to her hands and
knees, and then moved over me; it was only a few moments before we
were properly situated.

Both of us took a few moments to look at the other from our new
perspective, and I found myself delighted by the new view I had of
her: I could still easily see the trim strip of her bush around the
glistening labia that split it, but I also had a great view of her
tight little ass. Charlene's ass was terrific, but Sis' wasn't far
behind (so to speak). The first thing I did was to move my hands up so
that I could start caressing and squeezing the wonderful globes of my
sisters butt; once I'd done my best to memorize the sight of it, I
raised my head and stuck my tongue out so I could run it along the
cleft of her sex, starting at her clitoris. Even as I was learning
just how wet and aroused Eva already was, she moaned her pleasure at
what I was doing before lowering her head and taking my entire cock
into her mouth.

I knew that I was in for a truly novel experience when Sis went about
getting me hard, but without using her hands even once. Purely through
judicious use of her tongue, lips, mouth, and suction, she managed to
bring me to full erection without ONCE losing contact with my manhood.
It was something no other woman has ever done, and I still treasure it
to this day.

Knowing that we had plenty of time and privacy (Sis had closed my door
before letting her dress drop to the floor), both of us took the time
to not only pleasure our partner, but enjoy ourselves as we slowly and
steadily got each other more and more worked up.

Without bothering to say anything to each other, we both went about
pleasuring the other so that our climaxes would happen more-or-less
together: Eva was content to basically just entertain herself with my
cock to start with, while I was more interested in getting her aroused
and bringing her as much pleasure as I could. That made it possible
for me to bring her to an initial orgasm that had her nectar
practically flowing out to where I could happily lap it up. Once she'd
recovered from that release, she gradually increased the amount of
outright stimulation she gave me. After a bit, I realized that I could
tell how relatively excited SHE was by how much she was doing to get
ME going. What she was doing felt damn good, and I finally reached the
point where what I wanted more than anything else in the world was to
unload my balls in her warm mouth; to encourage her into making that
happen, I got serious about what I was doing to her by doing more and
more of everything that I'd learned she liked.

After a bit, it turned into something like a race -- but not the kind
anybody really loses: both of us knew that we were both going to cum
like gangbusters; the only question was which one of us would be

As it turned out, it was me. When she took as much of my hard penis
into her mouth as she could (I could feel it touching the back of her
throat!) and used her tongue to massage it all along the underside, it
was more than I could stand and I sprayed what felt like gallons of
cum directly into her throat as she eagerly swallowed every drop of

She got her "payback" as soon as I could manage it, however. I decided
to try something new by trying to fit as much of my tongue through her
vaginal entrance as I could... while using my bottom lip to kind of
massage her exposed clitoris. That combination had the desired effect,
and it wasn't but a minute or so that she began nearly convulsing on
top of me from the force of the spasms her body went through.

Once Sis had gotten herself back together, she let me help her move
off of me; I swapped ends, and she indicated that she wanted us to
spoon -- something I was happy to do. When I put my arm around her and
cupped her breast in my hand, she released a happy sigh before putting
her hand on mine. The two of us had been laying there for a few
minutes when I heard her ask "Billy? What would you think about it if
a brother and sister were doing even more stuff together than we do? I
mean, do you think it would be wrong or anything if they actually had
sex with each other?"

Coming out of nowhere like that, the question completely threw me...
though it did seem to explain what was going on with her; it didn't
take a genius to figure out that she was thinking about the two of us
becoming even more intimate than we already were. Still, the question
itself wasn't something I'd given any thought to -- I was already
experiencing more with her and Charlene than I'd even dared dream

When I'd been silent for a couple of minutes, thinking about what
she'd asked, she turned her head a bit to query "Billy? Did you hear

That prompted me to run my thumb across her nipple as I answered
"Yeah, I heard you. I never thought about anything like that before,
so I'm trying to figure it out NOW."

"Oh. Okay."

I continued to caress her breast and idly toy with her nipple while I
figured things out, and got my thoughts organized so I could talk to
her without botching things. When I was ready, I cleared my throat and
told her "I don't think that a brother and sister having sex with each
other is automatically a bad thing, but I do think that it could turn
pretty bad awful easy. More than anything, I think it's something
they'd have to be real careful about, in a lot of different ways."

"What do you mean?"

"About the first part, or the second?", I asked, already knowing what
the answer would be.


Taking a deep breath, I began by telling her "For it not automatically
being bad, that's just what I mean. If both of them are doing it
because they want to, and neither one of them is forcing the other, or
taking advantage, and both of them feel that it would be okay if they
wanted to stop any time, I think it would probably be okay. If it was
any other way, or they weren't doing it because they really cared for
each other enough to WANT to share their bodies that way, then no, I
don't think it would be right."

Eva waited patiently for the few seconds I needed before continuing
"As for being careful, there's a lot of stuff that any guy and girl
that aren't married have to worry about; for a brother and sister,
that stuff would be even MORE important because they are related and
in the same family."

"Such as?"

"Such as something as simple as going out on dates. If they didn't go
out with other people, and even do things with those people, folks
would start to talk and wonder why. But if they DID go out like that,
then they'd have to be extra super careful about who they were with... I
mean, if one of them was with the wrong person and caught some disease
and then gave it to the other one, that'd make it pretty obvious what
was going on with them. On top of that, there could be the problem OF
going out with other people -- could they be grown up enough to know
that what they had wasn't the kind of relationship that could go on
for their whole lives like a regular couple? Then there's having to be
extra super careful that they were never in a situation where anybody
-- especially their parents -- would think that they might have been
doing anything with each other; they'd have to always look like
everything was like it always was between them, instead of being a lot
more friendly and everything like they'd probably want to act; I mean,
how easy can it be to call somebody a bad name like you always did
before when what you really want to do is kiss them? And what happens
when one of them wants the two of them to be intimate, but the other
one either isn't interested or can't for some reason? What if one
wants to be intimate a lot more or less than the other? All of the
stuff that a regular guy and girl can go through can happen with a
brother and sister -- except that if the brother and sister are also
having sex with each other, the problems can have even bigger
consequences if something goes wrong. And that's all on top of the
fact that they are brother and sister, and pretty much forced to be
around each other a lot of the time even if there's something bad
going on between them."

Eva was quiet for several minutes before she said "Yeah, I see what
you're saying. Unless they were really open and honest with each
other, and completely trusted each other, and were absolutely sure
about what they were doing, it'd be better if they didn't get that
involved with each other."

"Yeah, that'd probably be best. I suppose they could have SOME fun
with each other, as long as it didn't get too steady or too serious."

We stayed like that for a little while longer before I asked Sis
"Think you'd like to take a shower with me?"

She turned her head and grinned at me, then said "Yeah, I would!"

The two of us got out of bed and held hands as we made our way to the
bathroom we shared. It was an affectionate and happy cleanup for us,
and after we'd dried off and gone back to my room, we "helped" each
other get dressed again. Sis gave me a happy grin when I patted her on
the butt after she turned to leave my room.

With the start of school, the number of sleepovers dropped
significantly -- but didn't stop. It was a pretty fair bet that on any
given weekend one or the other of Eva or Charlene would be spending a
night with the other. I used the peephole into Sis' room a few times
to see if there was anything interesting going on (and to check them
out, of course), but all I ever saw or heard was them talking about
the usual girl stuff: clothes, guys, and that sort of stuff. When the
opportunity arose, the three of us would get together for another bout
of mutual pleasuring.

When Thanksgiving came around, Charlene's folks invited our family
over to their place for dinner, and all of us had a good time; for
Christmas, Charlene and Eva exchanged gifts, as did our family and

It was a tradition in our house that for New Years, Mom and Dad would
go out to one of the parties and leave me and Sis at home. Mom and Dad
got invitations to a party for Charlene's folks, and when Sis asked if
Charlene could spend New Years Eve at our place, it was readily
approved. I had to figure that we kids were going to have our own
celebration, since Mom and Dad invariably left about mid-evening and
only rarely got home before two o'clock in the morning.

Charlene and her parents got to our house a bit after seven, and she
and Sis immediately hid themselves away in Sis' room. I stayed around
to chat a little with Charlene's folks for a while before making my
own exit. It wasn't much before eight o'clock when the parents came
back to let us know they were leaving.

It was coming up on an hour after our folks had left that I heard a
knock at my door. I told whoever it was to come in, and it turned out
to be Charlene, who asked me "Billy, can I talk to you for a little
bit? And then ask you a question?"

Curious but not concerned, I assured her "Sure you can."

I was sitting in my chair reading a book, but got up so that Charlene
could have it; she just gestured for me to go ahead and sit down again
before she took a seat on the edge of my bed. I set my book aside, and
turned to face her, giving her my full attention.

After a couple of false starts, she told me "There're a bunch of
people that know, in general, that I'm a hermaphrodite. There's only a
few that have ever actually seen me, and you're the only guy even
close to my age that has. You know that I was pretty scared and
nervous about becoming friends with Eva because of it, and that it
took me a really long time before I was brave enough to let her even
know about me, never mind actually SEEING. But she was so calm and
understanding about it, and just accepted me the way I am, and now
I've got the kind of friend that I've always wished for but never

I nodded to let her know that I was paying attention, and she went on
"I was almost as scared and worried about Eva telling you about me.
But you were as nice about everything as she was -- more even, because
you're a guy, and you were still okay with us doing stuff together. I
can't tell you how happy and good you made me feel when you were
willing to use your mouth on me, just like you did Eva, even though
I'm different down there. You're even okay with kissing me and
touching me and all the rest of it, too. And on top of all of that,
you're nice -- you tease me like you do Eva, you joke with me, you're
not afraid to hold me or touch me, and just treat me like I was any
other girl. For somebody -- especially a guy -- to do all of that even
though he knows I'm a herm... it means more to me than I could even
begin to tell you. I've always felt so alone because it didn't seem
like there was ANYBODY I could talk to and be with because of being a
hermaphrodite; I remember once when I was still just a little kid and
was playing with another little girl in our neighborhood that was my
friend. All we were doing was playing with our dolls, but when her mom
heard that I had a penis, she wouldn't let us play together any more...
not at our house, and not at hers. I didn't really understand what it
meant at the time, but I remember her telling my mom that she didn't
want the little freak around her kids, and how it made my Mom cry. So
when Eva was okay with my condition, it really meant a lot to me. But
she's a girl like I am; it was when a guy like you was able to accept
me and treat me like anyone else that I started to feel like there
really WAS a chance I could meet someone and have a life with them.
That's something I really, really want you to understand: that it's
because of you and how you've acted that I think I won't have to spend
the rest of my life all alone. I know it maybe doesn't seem like much
to you, but the way you've treated me has meant SO much to me."

I'd known that treating Charlene the way I had had been good for her,
but didn't have even a clue HOW good until just then. All I could
think to do was to tell her "I told you, Charlene -- I think you're a
good person... smart and nice and pretty and all that. All I was doing
was responding to that."

"Well, whatever your reasons were, it helped me a lot, and told me
what kind of person you are. And that's why there's a question I want
to ask you. Actually, it's not so much a question; it's more like
there's something I'd like you to do."

Interested, but still not concerned, I simply asked "What's that?"

After hesitating a moment, she took a deep breath and told me "I was
hoping that you'd be the first guy I ever make love with."

To say that I was unprepared for something like that would be a
massive understatement. I'd thought that maybe she needed help picking
out a gift for Eva, or something equally simple. But to be the first
guy she was ever with? From listening to Eva and other girls, I had a
pretty good idea of how important that first time was to a girl -- and
there I was with Charlene sitting on my bed, asking me if I could and
would be the one to deflower her.

I think she must have been able to see how surprised I was by her
request, because she waited quietly the couple of minutes it took
before I was able to respond.

"Charlene, are you sure you want to do that? And with ME? Why not wait
until you do find the guy that can accept you for who you are?", I

"Yes, I really am sure that I'm ready to stop being a virgin. The
doctor told me that I don't have a hymen, so you wouldn't be getting a
cherry, but it would still be the first time I ever actually had sex
with a guy. And I'm absolutely positive that I want it to be with you,
for a couple of reasons, and not wait until later."

I just had to ask "What reasons?"

"The most important one is that you already know about me, and you're
okay with it: that I've got a penis, and how my vagina isn't
full-sized, and all that. I know that you'd know to be patient and
gentle and understanding with me, and that if it COULDN'T happen for
some reason, you wouldn't be mad or upset. The other part is that
because of how nice you've been and how much you've done for me -- not
just the physical things, but the rest of it, too -- I want you to have
something as special as what you've given me; you've let me have so
much from YOUR heart that I want to give you something from MINE. I
don't mean for it to sound like I'm trying to, like, trade what I want
for what you want, either; you gave me part of yourself because you
cared, and that's what I want to do in return."

Her answer settled my mind about the why, but there were another
couple of things that I figured I had to know before I could really
give her an answer: "Okay, you're sure about it. Would we, um, need
anything? And is this something you want to happen just once, or

I was surprised at the pleased grin she showed me before answering
"No, we don't need anything. A few months ago, I asked my mom about
birth control. She said she'd make an appointment for me and sign
whatever forms were needed if I was underage. Then she told me that
she loved me, and that all she was going to say to me was to be
careful and make sure. I said I would, and that's all there was to it.
When I went to the doctor, he put me on birth control pills and told
me that they might help -- that I'd always be a hermaphrodite, but that
the hormones and things in the pills could help keep my penis from
growing along with the rest of me. It wasn't a sure thing, though,
because they just don't have enough experience with that kind of stuff
with herms. I've been using them for a couple of months now, so I'm as
protected as I'll ever be. As for the other... if it goes as nice as I
think it will, I hope that it won't be just the one time; but it won't
be, like, all the time, either. If you've got something going on with
someone else, I wouldn't bother you with it, but if both of us want
to... yeah."

Like any guy that age, I'd had dreams and fantasies about having sex,
and wondered if it was ever going to happen. The idea of actually
being offered the chance to lose my virginity was something that I'd
never even considered -- never mind the possibility of it happening
with someone that wasn't quite entirely female. So despite the ease of
my initial questions for Charlene, I still had to think about what
she'd asked of me. I'm sure she realized it, too, since she sat
quietly and (mostly) patiently while I thought. To my surprise and
relief, the things that I'd already done with her and Sis made the
purely physical part of the problem moot for the most part; "all" that
I was left to deal with was the NONphysical aspects of it. Having
turned 16 just a couple of months before, it was a lot for me to deal
with -- and it took me several minutes to get it all worked out in my
head as Charlene fidgeted every so often.

After taking a little more time to get my thoughts organized and
figure out HOW to tell her what I'd settled on, I told her "You know
that I wasn't anywhere near being ready to hear something like that
from you, and I appreciate your patience while I figured things out."

She nodded, and I went on to say "I know that this means a LOT to you;
I don't know if you understand that it's a big deal for me, too."

In response to the surprised look on her face, I explained "Yeah, most
guys would jump at the chance to have sex -- with any girl, any time,
any where. But you should remember that YOU'VE told me that I'm not
like most guys. Sure, I want to start having sex, too-- but because of
what you and Sis and I have done, and how we got started, I want MY
first time with a girl to mean something, too-- and for her to be
someone special to me. I mean, if all I wanted was to get laid, I
could probably take Lisa Ann" -- she was known to be willing to do
anything with anyone, having been caught in flagrante delicto several
times -- "out some night. But I want more than that. Not just for the
first time itself, but afterwards, too: I want to spend the rest of my
life remembering not just the act, but the other person and how we
were with each other later. I want to remember it with happiness and
pride, not sorrow and regret. You understand?"

"Yeah, I do, Billy", she replied.

After a deep breath, I went on "I also had to think about what you and
me would do to US -- you and me, you and Sis, Sis and me, and all of us
together. And on top of that, how it might affect us at school -- and
afterwards. Then on top of all that, there's the fact that you are a
hermaphrodite: because you're different, whatever happened between us
would be different, and maybe change everything that followed to some
degree, too. It was a lot for me to consider, and I wanted to make
absolutely SURE before I gave you an answer."

As I finished, I could see that Charlenes expression had changed; it
took me a moment to realize that she was preparing herself to be
disappointed. I didn't delay in telling her "But I am sure that I'd be
delighted and honored to be the one that you give yourself to the
first time."

It took her a second to actually understand that I was agreeing to her
request, and not turning her down; her face went from resignation to
delight in the tiniest fraction of a second before she exclaimed
"Really? You will?"

I couldn't help laughing for a moment before answering "Yes, really, I will."

When I opened my arms in invitation for her to sit on my lap, she
didn't hesitate a moment to do so. With my arms gently wrapped around
her, I said "I've told you before: you're a smart, pretty, and nice
girl. You're the kind of girl that any guy is going to like -- a LOT.
The hard part is dealing with how you're different. It's not something
that bothers ME, and I'm sure you can figure out how to find out
whether or not another guy will be okay with it, later. What matters
now is that I love you. Not like I think we should run off and get
married, but enough that I care enough about you to want to make you
happy. And I think that you feel the same way about ME enough" -- "I
do!" she declared -- "that I really do think us having our first time
together is something that I'll be glad to remember. I'm going to do
my very best to make it something that you'll be happy about, too. To
do that, I'm going to need your help, though. The last thing I want to
do is rush you or hurt you or make you uncomfortable about any of
this; so what I want and need is for you to TALK to me, and let me
know when I start to get things wrong. That doesn't mean we'll have to
stop, or anything, only that we'll do things DIFFERENTLY, okay?"

"I know you wouldn't do anything like that on purpose, Billy-- that's
part of why I wanted my first time to be with YOU. But if something
isn't right, then I promise: I'll let you know", she answered with a

I followed up by asking another question: "I'm trusting we don't need
to worry about being interrupted?"

"No, we don't. Eva knows I'm in here, but not exactly why -- all I told
her was that I wanted to find out about something... physical with you,
but that I'd be embarrassed if she was there. She said she understood,
and she'd just wait until I got back."

With that, there was nothing for me to do but move my head in and give
her a soft kiss on the lips. She readily returned it, and when it
broke several seconds later, we were well on our way toward getting on
the same wavelength. Several more kisses followed, each a bit longer
and more "involved" than the one before; when the last one finished,
it was plain as could be that both of us were ready to get things

When our lips met again, I moved my hand so that it was gently resting
on her waist; she was the one to move it to her bust before softly
squeezing it to let me know she wanted me to do more than just hold it
there. I certainly didn't have any problem with that, and it took me
only a few seconds to conclude that she didn't have a bra on under the
light dress she was wearing. As our kiss waxed and waned, that
conclusion was confirmed as I patiently and tenderly re-explored both
of her mammaries with my hand and brought her delightfully long
nipples to erection.

Our lips separated, and there was no mistaking the smokey look in
Charlenes eyes: she, too, was ready for us to move things along. It
took only the lightest of nudges to her back to get her to stand up; I
followed her example before moving behind her. There, I didn't delay
in beginning to undo the buttons that ran down her back. Once they
were all unfastened, I slowly eased my hands between the cloth and her
skin, then slid them around and cupped her breasts before running my
thumbs across the hard cylinders that had dented the fabric of her
dress. In response, Charlene released a soft moan and leaned back
against me. Several seconds later, she reached around and began
rubbing her hand along the length of my inflating penis. That was the
cue for me begin sliding one of my hands down her body (and
discovering that she didn't have any panties on, either) toward her
pelvis; there I found her extended clitoris was half-erect; I gave it
a few soft tweaks before continuing onward. Between her smooth thighs,
the entrance to her vagina was already beginning to leak her liquid

After toying with her opening for a bit, the end of my finger was
well-wetted with her essence. That was all I needed to move my hand
back up so I could take the shaft of her pseudo-penis between a couple
of fingers and begin applying her own oils to its end. That was enough
to draw an impassioned moan from her, followed by her extra appendage
getting even stiffer under my ministrations.

After only a couple of minutes, Charlene managed to pull herself
together enough to tell me "Billy, you're making me feel real good --
but it isn't what I came in here for."

Reluctantly, I released my hold on Charlenes extended clitoris in
favor of giving both her breasts a last gentle squeeze before easing
my hands out from under her dress. Nuzzling her hair out of the way, I
gave the back of her neck a soft kiss as I slid the shoulders of her
dress down her arms. Not only didn't she make the slightest effort to
prevent her dress from forming a puddle of cloth around her feet, she
added to the mound of fabric by slipping her feet out of the sandals
she had on -- leaving her standing there stark naked in front of me. I
had time to put my hands on her waist and give her bare shoulder a
soft kiss before she moved forward a couple of steps, then turned
around. The first thing I did was to look into her eyes, where I saw
the smoldering desire she was feeling. From there, it was on to look
at her whole face, then the rest of her... including the semi-stiff
finger of flesh protruding from the dark curls of her pubic thatch.
When I moved my gaze back up again, I could see that she needed a
little reassurance; I didn't have the slightest hesitation about
telling her "You're even prettier than I thought you were the first
time I saw you. I know just how lucky I am to see you like this, and
I'll always appreciate all the things that we've done together. I
really do consider it an honor that you'd choose me as the first guy
you're ever with, and I'll do my very best to deserve it."

That earned me a pleased and relieved smile from her before she told
me "Thank you. Now it's time for me to get YOU naked!"

Feigning a reluctance I certainly didn't feel, I answered "Well, I
guess that'd be okay..." -- something that drew a soft laugh from her
before she took a step toward me and reached for the collar of the
shirt I had on.

It took appreciably longer for Charlene to rid me of my shirt than I'd
needed to get her out of her dress; that was due to the fact that
every time she got a button undone, she'd use the opportunity to kiss
the newly-exposed skin and reach inside to caress however much of my
chest and abdomen as she could easily reach. Even so, there came the
point that I was as bare above the waist (if somewhat less appealing)
as she was. The delight and anticipation she felt were plain as could
be as she moved her hands to the buckle of my belt...

It took her much less time to get my pants unfastened and down around
my ankles -- what she was so patently interested in was forming a
not-insignificant bulge in the shorts underneath. She paused a few
seconds to simply look at my crotch before reached up to slide her
thumbs under the waistband of my briefs; slowly, obviously teasing
herself, she began to move her hands down. As she did, I took the
opportunity to slide my feet out of the slippers I had on before I was
hobbled by my own underwear. I was barefoot and looking down at her
when she finally got my shorts pulled down far enough that my
semi-erect cock popped free... something that drew a soft gasp from her,
even though she already knew what it looked like. Once my balls became
visible, it was a matter of but a couple of seconds before my
underwear was resting on my pants.

With her eyes locked on my manhood, Charlene slowly slid her hands up
my legs; as she brought her hands up, I felt her fingers softly press
against my skin and muscles every so often as though she was trying to
memorize the feel of me.

When her hands finally came together, it was so that she could cup my
entire package in them. The way she was looking at my works was almost
worshipful for the several seconds that went by before she slowly
leaned forward and tenderly kissed the head of my penis. After she'd
done that, she tilted her head back to look up at me and say "The
things we've already done... to and with each other... I've already gotten
so much pleasure from this. And now I get to find out what it feels
like when it's inside me, where I want it!"

With that declaration, she tilted her head back down before leaning
forward enough to take the head of my cock between her lips. A moment
more, and she began to use her tongue and a gentle, rhythmic suction
to start moving me toward full erection.

The next few minutes were a delight for me as she used everything
she'd learned about pleasuring me, only amplified by her desire to
have me filling her womanhood coupled with her enthusiasm to make it
happen. As my manhood grew longer and harder, she took more and more
of it into her mouth so she could stimulate me even more. By the time
she let me slip from her oral embrace, I was almost achingly erect --
and MORE than ready to try and satisfy her need to feel me inside her
virginal chamber.

Satisfied with her handiwork (well after I was!), Charlene stood up.
Taking me by the upper arms, she got us turned around before backing
us toward my bed. When she felt it against the backs of her legs, she
released her soft hold on me and sat down followed by scooting herself
to the center and laying down. After bringing her knees up and
spreading her legs, she told me "I'm ready, Billy. MORE than ready,

Thinking that she just meant she was ready for me to get her going, I
got onto the bed, too, and knee-walked my way to where she was.
Looking down at her, I couldn't help but notice that she was a lot
more ready than I'd thought: not only was the shaft supporting her
clitoris standing straight out, the entrance to her womanhood below it
was readily visible and clearly glistening with her female dew. There
was no mistaking the fact that she didn't need any help from me on
"getting going" -- she was obviously already there!

Even with Charlene clearly ready to have me try deflowering her, there
was something I wanted to do: lean down and run my tongue across the
entrance to her vagina so I could collect a goodly taste of her
essence. Once I'd treated my taste buds to her nectar, I continued
onward to position myself so that we could give each other our

I could feel the tips of Charlene's erect nipples brushing against my
chest as we looked into each others eyes for several seconds before
she told me "Billy, I really want to do this. I'm ready -- God, I'm
ready! -- and even though I know this isn't going to be easy, for
either of us, I'm just as sure than we can make it happen."

"I want it to happen, too, Charlene", I told her, "but not so much
that I'm willing to rush things or do anything to hurt you. I don't
know... maybe it's wimpy, but I'd be okay with it if you wanted to kinda
run things and tell ME what you need or want me to do."

"No, it's not wimpy; it's actually kind of sweet; but I don't think I
need to 'run' things -- I know I can trust you if something isn't
working right."

Looking into her eyes, I nodded my commitment to doing just that. With
a lusty grin, Charlene reached between us and took my hard cock in her
hand before telling me "Now that we've got that out of the way, let's
see if you can get this thing where it's supposed to go!"

Grinning back at her, I shifted my position enough that she could
lever my erection down. After a little adjustment by both of us, we
got the end of it securely (but gently) wedged against her wet
opening. Though I wasn't pressing against the entrance to Charlenes
vagina very hard, I could still feel not just how incredibly wet she
was, but also how small she must be inside. Knowing how much larger my
cock was compared to her vagina, it really sank in for me just how
careful and gentle and patient I was going to have to be if we were
going to be able to see things through. I silently swore to myself
that I'd call the whole thing off rather than hurt her.

But that was going to be my last resort; until then, I had the
delectable bundle of Charlene underneath me... ready and willing and
eager for me to begin trying to fill her with my manhood. Slowly and
carefully, I began pressing myself forward as I carefully watched her
for any signs of pain (or even discomfort).

As I slowly ramped up the pressure I was applying, I began to feel it
as Charlene both tried to spread her legs to make herself even more
available to me, and relax her opening to let me in.

I could feel myself beginning to slip into her when Charlene told me
"Billy? Could... could you stop? And maybe even back up a little bit? It
doesn't feel good for me."

Of course, I immediately quit what I was doing and let off until I was
only wedged against her entrance again. A moment later, she told me
"That's better. You weren't actually HURTING me or anything; it just
didn't feel right -- like something was wrong."

"Wrong how?", I asked.

She looked thoughtful for a few moments, then told me "Wrong like all
of you was trying to get inside me at the same time." She seemed to
consider it for a couple of seconds, then added "When you started
pushing yourself into me, it felt like your penis was trying to push
the part of ME where we were touching inside me, too."

I immediately understood the problem (too much friction) and the
solution (lubrication). How to implement the solution took only a
fraction of a second more: reaching between us, I eased my hips back
slightly and took hold of my erect penis -- then carefully swirled it
around Charlenes opening, getting the head well and truly lubricated
with her oils before settling myself against her again. Looking down
at her, I told her "I kinda forgot something: two things will slide
against each other a lot better when they're lubricated. I think it'll
be a lot easier for you, now."

It took a second for Charlene to really understand what I told her;
when she did, though, she surprised and delighted me by blushing
faintly as she told me "I, uh, wondered what you were doing just now..."

Grinning at her, I answered "Well, that's what it's for, isn't it?"

Her blush got even darker as she answered "Yeah, I guess it is."

Managing to wipe (most of) the grin off my face, I asked "Ready to try
it again?"

Realizing that we were likely to make more progress, and without
causing her any discomfort, Charlene readily answered "You bet!"

Once again, I started trying to ease my erect penis into her -- and
immediately realized that the first problem we'd experienced had been
solved: I could feel the difference her female oils made as I actually
began to slip into her a lot more easily. From the look on her face, I
could tell that the solution was working for Charlene, too. Even so, I
was still careful to maintain a fairly steady pressure so that I
entered her only as fast as Charlene was able to relax and accept me.

Progress was slow, and Charlene asked me to stop a couple of times so
she could "catch her breath"; but she never again had to ask me to
back up. I'm not sure, of course, but I think that the times that we
stopped, the little bit of wriggling around that we did made it
possible for my manhood to be re-coated from her abundant supply of
womanly lubrication.

Even with the necessity of stopping so that Charlene could relax and
adjust to having my penis stretching the phenomenally tight ring of
her opening, it didn't take but a few minutes before both of us felt
it as the last bit of the head of my cock slipped into her. When it
did, I immediately stopped and held still, knowing that the relative
difference between her insides and my outside meant that she was going
to need some time to get comfortable with my presence inside her. It
was also at that point that I remembered that she didn't have a hymen,
and silently thanked the Universe that we hadn't had that to deal with
in addition to everything else. The feeling of having even just the
head of my cock in her made me glad that I'd already experienced the
pleasure of receiving oral sex; that made it a LOT easier to keep
control of myself and not just blow my load in her.

While I could tell that Charlene wasn't experiencing any discomfort,
it was easy to see that she was still a way from actually being
comfortable, too. To help distract her (and just because I wanted to),
I lowered my head and began kissing her: first on the lips, then
branching out to anyplace else that I could touch them to. It took a
few seconds, but my efforts began to have the desired effect: Charlene
kissing me back when my lips touched hers, or making small noises of
pleasure when my lips found a different target. I'm pretty sure we
were well past her being comfortable before she got me to stop kissing
her long enough to tell me "You can keep going now, if you want."

I kissed her on the lips again before lifting my head so I could watch
her as I began pressing myself into her again. To my relief (and our
mutual pleasure), getting the rest of my erection into her proved to
be a lot easier that the first part had been. Sure, we had to stop a
few times so she could get used to my (relatively large) presence in
her (relatively small) womanhood, but it still took only as long to
get the rest of me buried in her as it had the first part.

When we felt my pelvis finally pressing against hers, we looked into
each others eyes for several seconds before she told me "God, you feel
HUGE inside me -- but it feels so good, too!"

I could only tell her "I feel huge inside you, too -- and it feels more
than good."

It felt like my entire cock was encased in one of those Chinese finger
trap things; except that THIS particular trap was hot and wet and
oh-so-tight. As wonderful as it felt to have my cock buried in her
sheath, she was also almost painfully tight around me. Even though I
wanted to begin moving my manhood in the incredibly wonderful
environment she was providing, I knew that the right thing to do would
be to remain still until she let me know SHE was ready, too. And I
will always be proud of myself for doing just that: holding still in
her while every fiber of my being was demanding that I just start
fucking her.

As I held myself over Charlene, I could feel something brushing ever
so lightly against my lower belly; when I looked down between us, I
saw that her erect clitoral shaft was faintly touching me. The sight
of it just then almost threw me... until I remembered that it was her
clit, and that its erectness was a blatant sign of just how aroused
she was. Being able to see so clearly that she was THAT aroused and
ready changed my outlook dramatically: rather than putting me off, I
actually found it stimulating. By lowering myself a little, I was able
to increase the contact against Charlenes clitoris; from there, it was
a simple matter to begin making a variety of small movements that I
knew would add to the pleasure she felt.

Even that small effort on my part earned me a number of soft moans and
other pleased noises before Charlene told me "I... I think it would be
okay if you wanted to, um, start moving, Billy. I'm feeling okay,

After lowering my head and giving her a kiss, I slowly and carefully
began to ease myself back out of her, so she'd have plenty of time and
opportunity to let me know if she needed me to stop again. Instead,
her only response was to close her eyes as she lifted her hips
slightly. My movement stopped when I again felt the ring of her
opening tightly clenched just behind the head of my manhood. I paused
for a moment, then started pressing myself back into her; she reacted
by releasing a soft moan and softly saying "Oh, god, that feels so
good!" and reaching up to put her arms around me.

When our pelvises were touching again, she opened her eyes and looked
up at me as she said "Having you inside me, and feeling you moving --
it feels even better than I dreamed it would. I really am okay now, so
you don't have to go so slow or be so careful, okay?"

I didn't think that she was lying to me, or even exaggerating how she
felt; rather, I was concerned that she might simply be feeling a bit
more enthusiastic than she could actually handle: the slight touch of
her shaft against my abdomen, and her incredible tightness, were all
the reminder I needed that she was a hermaphrodite with a
smaller-than-normal vagina. As much as I didn't want to hurt her, I
didn't want her to think that I was babying her, either; I figured
that the best thing I could do was to increase my efforts quickly
enough to stave off any complaints while trusting her to let me know
if I did need to slow down or stop.

And that's just what I did: each time I slid myself out and back into
her, it was a little faster until I got into a rhythm that clearly
pleased her as much as it did me while still being slow enough to let
ME enjoy my first sexual experience, too, without having to worry
about cumming too soon. I knew I was getting it right when she brought
her legs up so that she could wrap them around my waist.

As I continued to piston myself in and out of her, she gradually got
comfortable enough with my presence in her to begin arching her hips
up with each penetration. That accomplished a couple of things --
first, it allowed me to slide into her enough that I could feel the
end of my cock touching the deepest part of her despite the fact that
I was about as close to average size as I could be. Second, lifting
her hips the way she did caused the bottom of her clitoris to softly
rub against my belly, greatly adding to the stimulation she was
feeling. In turn, that only made her get even wetter and warmer
inside, adding to MY pleasure.

My previous experience with Charlene and Eva made it easier to keep
some control over myself; that doesn't mean that it wasn't something
of a struggle for me to not only keep from starting to fuck into her
the way my cock wanted me to, or letting the pleasure I was feeling
from having my cock buried in a pussy the first time overwhelm me.
Even then, I couldn't prevent myself from slowly increasing the pace
of my thrusts as Charlene moaned beneath me; fortunately for both of
us, the pleasure she was feeling meant that her desires and arousal
kept up with my own. I could feel myself reaching the point where
wanting to cum changed to have to cum when Charlene began releasing a
series of groans, and pressing herself up against me each time I
refilled her womanhood.

Try as I might, I simply couldn't keep the added stimulation from
affecting me; it couldn't have taken but a couple of minutes before I
knew I was going to empty my seed into her.

I could only manage a few more strokes before I had to press myself
into her as far as I could... just ahead of the first spray of my semen.
Even as I was preparing to erupt in her again, I heard her cut off a
small scream as she pulled herself so close to me that she lifted
herself completely off the bed -- leaving me to support BOTH of as her
vagina began a rhythmic clenching that ran from the base of my cock to
the tip. It was the first time I'd ever felt anything like that, and
it resulted in the rest of my climax being far stronger than anything
I'd experienced before then.

Even while the last few drops of my semen were being deposited in
Charlene, I could feel her arms and legs begin to loosen; rather than
just let her fall back onto my bed, it seemed like a good idea to
lower both of us down so I could continue to keep my cock in her for
as long as I could. I did just that, and in the process, happily
discovered that both of us were covered with a fine sheen of
perspiration that made the places where we were touching erotically
slippery. I was enjoying the experience of using Charlenes nipples to
draw designs on my chest when she opened her eyes and looked up
without seeming to recognize who I was. After a couple of seconds of
that, I lowered my head long enough to give her a kiss before asking
"Are you okay?"

It took another second or two before her eyes focused on me; a couple
more passed before she hoarsely answered "Yeah, I'm okay -- I think.
What you were doing... it kept feeling better and better... not just from
the way you were rubbing my clit, but even inside me. There at the
end, I knew that you were going to cum, and it was okay because of how
good you've made me feel; but then when I felt you begin to squirt in
me... all of a sudden it just... hit me that we'd actually been fucking,
and that I'd made YOU feel that good, and I had an orgasm like I've
never had before. It didn't feel like it was as strong as some you've
given me, but it was somehow... DEEPER. I hoped that my first time with
a guy would be nice, but I never expected anything like that!"

I couldn't help grinning at her enthusiasm as I told her "I'm glad it
was good for you. I sure enjoyed it!"

She smiled back at me before answering "Oh, it was WAY better than
just 'good'! And now you're being such a dear staying with me like
this; I can feel you still inside me, and it feels really nice."

I kissed her again, and the two of us were content to stay like that
for a couple of minutes until she quietly told me "Billy? I'm starting
to feel kinda hot."

When I raised an eyebrow in question, she blushed slightly before
explaining "I mean physically -- like I'm sweaty, and everything."

I had an idea, and asked "Do you need me to quit touching you, or just
need to cool off?"

Somewhat perplexed, she answered "I just need to cool off a little, is
all. Why?"

"Because if you want to, we can stay close like this, but so you don't
feel so hot."

"How? Nevermind, let's just do it!", she replied, before blushing at
her accidental double entendre.

Grinning again, I moved my legs outside of hers, then bundled her in
my arms before carefully rolling the two of us over so that she was
laying on top of me. She got a delighted expression on her face, then
quickly got her legs repositioned outside of mine -- leaving her
straddling my hips with my semi-erect penis still firmly secured in
her womanhood. Visibly pleased with the results, she smiled at me as
she sat up and wriggled her pelvis a little closer to mine. I couldn't
help but notice that the shaft supporting her clitoris was standing
tall and angled slightly up. Charlene looked down at it, too, then at
me. I simply told her "That just tells me what I already knew: that
what we did made you feel good, too. I'm fine with it" before reaching
up and cupping her breasts in my hands. She gave me a brief nod before
putting her hands over mine and giving them a soft squeeze to let me
know she wanted me to do more than just hold them. Ever the gentleman,
I did as she wanted by gently squeezing and caressing them, and
teasing her nipples for the next few minutes as the two of us got our
breath and energy back.

While that was happening, Charlene was careful to hold her hips still
as my penis slowly shrank until it was just barely able to keep our
combined juices corked inside her. As she explained to me (without
being too embarrassed) "I'm not ashamed to have your stuff leaking out
of me, I just don't want to make a big mess on your bed after you made
me so happy. Besides, I like sitting on you like this!"

After a bit, she leaned forward and supported herself with her arms as
the two of us began talking. That made it a LOT easier for me to
continue toying with her breasts and nipples (and earning the
occasional soft moan). We also exchanged more than a few soft,
affectionate kisses along the way, as well.

Between getting to play with her tits, the nature and duration of some
of the kisses we shared, and the inevitable small movements of our
bodies, not only didn't my cock fail to shrink down as much as it
usually did after I climaxed, but it even began to respond a little
bit after a while. It was over half an hour since I'd filled her with
my cum before I was sure that it was starting to firm up again. Not
being sure what (if anything) more Charlene wanted to do, I kept quiet
about it and waited to see how she responded. I got my answer several
minutes later when I realized that I could feel an increase in the
number -- and duration -- of the faint clenches of her vagina around it.
Even then, I wasn't sure if it was something she was doing
deliberately, or happening for some other reason; only when I'd worked
up the courage to do so did I ask "Charlene? I can feel you inside,
kind of, um, squeezing me, and it, uh, feels pretty good. Are you
doing that on purpose?"

With a slightly embarrassed smile, she answered "Yeah, I am. It... it
felt like you were maybe getting a little bigger in me again. I've
read how some women have learned to control their muscles inside, so
I've been trying to see if I can do it, too. You can really feel it?"

"Yeah, I really can. And like I said, it feels good."

Her smile got even bigger before she told me "Good. As nice as you
made me feel the first time, I want to find out how much better it can
be when you can go longer. I mean, if you want to...", the last a trifle

I pretended to think about it for a couple of moments before
judiciously answering "Well, if you're sure you really want to, I
guess we can."

It took her a moment to realize I was teasing her; when she did,
though, she gave me an impish grin before saying "I guess I'll just
have to SHOW you how serious I am, won't I?"

With that, Charlene apparently got serious about learning control of
her vaginal muscles.

After several minutes had gone by, I'd have cheerfully given her a
grade of "A" for the enthusiasm, dedication, and progress she showed.
Without moving her body or using her hands, she ultimately succeeded
in "milking" my manhood into full erection: the more progress she was
able to make, the more effect she was able to have -- to her visible

As pleasant (!!) as it was to feel her giving my erect cock a
hands-free massage, there came the point that I was ready to be more
than a passive partner in our activities. When she felt me start to
press myself up into her, she gradually ceased her efforts and
admitted "Yeah... that feels good. That wasn't as hard to learn as I
though it would be, but actually harder to DO than I expected."

"I expect you got the results you wanted", I told her, "so if you want
to do something different, it's okay with me."

That drew a smile from her before she began slowly arching her hips to
slightly lift herself off my erection. Despite the sudden outflow of
our combined juices that began to soak into our pubic hair, she
quickly expanded her efforts by raising herself higher and faster. In
short order, she was steadily raising herself far enough that only the
head of my cock remained inside before she let herself settle onto it
again. While she was doing that, I expanded the range of my touches on
her body to include first her waist and hips, then on to her thighs,
and even back. Each time my hands cupped the smooth globes of her ass,
I marvelled again at how firm it was as I felt it clench with her
efforts. With my hands roaming her body, that meant that it was
possible for me to lift my head enough to get my lips on her bust; I
happily spent a few minutes getting both of her nipples glistening
with my saliva as I brought them to erectness.

We continued like that for several minutes, stopping only when
Charlene once again held herself still over me, panting slightly as
she told me "It feels as good now as it did before -- better even. But
I'm not used to moving like this; can we do this some other way?"

Running my thumbs over her nipples, I answered "Sure. If you want to,
you can get on your hands and knees and I'll get behind you."

When she visualized what I was talking about, I saw her areolas pucker
in response before she told me "Yeah... I'd like that."

I waited patiently for the few seconds it took for her to lift herself
off me completely (releasing a minor flood of juices to dribble down
my cock) and move off of me. As I sat up, she moved to her hands and
knees before turning her head to look back at me. I saw her eyes lock
on my glistening, swaying erection for a few moments before moving to
my eyes again. She didn't even blush when she saw that I knew where
she'd been looking; she just gave me a sultry gaze and said "You don't
have to wait or anything -- I'm ready now."

Hearing that, there was nothing for me to do but move close enough to
lever my erection down and settle the head of it between the
parentheses of her parted labia while I put my other hand on her
waist. Before I could do anything else, however, Charlene rocked back
enough to impale herself on me. Figuring if she was going to take THAT
kind of an attitude, I'd just go along with her, I took hold of her
waist and arched my hips forward... filling her with a single firm
thrust. When I was fully embedded in her, Charlene tilted her head
back and released a deep groan of pleasure as I felt her deliberately
clench herself around me.

Getting a response like that from her, I eased about half my cock out
of her before pressing myself back into her again -- then did it again,
and again, and again...

In short order, I was sliding myself back and forth through the tight
ring of her entrance as Charlene pushed back with each thrust of my
hips. After only a couple of minutes, I could hear as our union
created a distinctly liquid sound as Charlenes womanhood got wetter
and wetter with her steadily increasing arousal and desire. Leaning
forward a bit, I was able to reach around and cup her breasts in my
hands and start gently squeezing them and pinching her nipples.
Coupled with the movement of my hard cock, the stimulation got her
even wetter -- enough so that I could feel faint trickles of her oils
begin to trickle down my balls, where they were transferred to her
bush each time my scrotum swung forward.

Even as young as I was, I couldn't maintain that position as long as I
would have liked; eventually my back complained enough that I had to
raise up again. I had my hands on Charlenes hips and was steadily
pistoning in and out of her when I happened to look down to where we
were joined, and saw that her small, thin labia were being pulled out
every time I slid out of her, only to disappear again when I moved my
hips forward. For some reason, I found it to be an incredibly erotic
sight and greatly slowed my actions so I could watch it happen in
"slow motion" several times. I'd likely have watched it a lot longer
if Charlene hadn't released a slightly frustrated groan and pressed
herself back at me to let me know I wasn't pleasing her as much. When
I picked up the pace again, I heard Charlenes impassioned "Oh, God,
yes... like that..."

I continued to look down every so often at where my cock was
see-sawing back and forth through Charlenes opening, and a little bit
later, something else caught my attention: the dark pink pucker of her
anus, and how it was almost winking at me as I moved in her.

To this day, I don't know how or why I got the idea to put a generous
dollop of my saliva on my thumb and then rub and press against her
rectum. I just remember asking myself "I wonder what she'd do..."

The answer I got to that question surprised the hell out of me.

When I first ran my wetted digit across her anus, Charlene froze where
she was; when I graduated to making a few tentative presses against
it, she groaned something unintelligible before letting her upper
torso fall to the bed so she could grab a double handful of the
bedcovers and arch her back to angle her posterior up (and making it
easier for me to get to).

Even as young and inexperienced as I was then, there was no mistaking
her actions for anything other than encouragement for me to continue.

So I did.

With the liberal application of my own saliva for lubrication, it
didn't take long for me to go from simply pressing the pad of my thumb
against her rectum to having the entire digit buried in her; then it
was on to begin wriggling it inside her. Each increase in my
activities dramatically increased intensity of her passion and
desires. But it was when I got the idea to slide my opposing digit
back and forth in time with the movement of my cock that I had the
most effect on her. I knew that did more for her than anything else
because she quickly became utterly incapable of making anything other
than incoherent groans and other noises of overwhelming pleasure.

It didn't take but a very few minutes of that before I felt her vagina
begin an intermittent clenching around my cock; figuring that she was
getting close to having an orgasm, I simply continued what I was
doing. Not much more than a minute later, she experienced what I could
tell was one HELL of an orgasm when her entire vagina clamped down on
me just ahead of a series of spasms running through it from just
behind her opening to the deepest part of her. It wasn't appreciably
different from the first time she'd climaxed after I was in her, but
there was certainly more OF it -- if I hadn't already climaxed so
recently, it would have easily pushed me over the edge. As it was, I
was content to keep myself buried in her so I could enjoy the
experience that was more like my cock being milked than anything else.

When the last of the spasms in her womanhood had died out, I carefully
slid my thumb back out of her... causing her to shudder from the
apparent stimulation. A few moments later, she somehow managed to prop
herself up with her arms again before turning her head to look at me
and shakily telling me "That felt amazing... but don't do it again
unless I ask you, okay, Billy?"

"Sure thing, Charlene."

Satisfied with my response, she went on to say "Now you can just fuck
me, okay?" before turning her head forward.

That was a simple enough command that even I could understand it, and
that's just what I did: begin fucking her again.

I'd pretty much expected that she was going to be wetter inside after
having an orgasm like that, but what flummoxed me was just HOW much
wetter she was: when I first slid my erection back out of her, it
almost felt like I'd dipped my cock in a bottle of some kind of
lotion. Pressing myself back into was like stuffing my erection into
one finger of a rubber glove that someone has filled with warm baby
oil, she was still so tight and warm and wet inside. Not that I was
complaining, mind you; she felt wonderful to ME, and I wasn't the
least bit reluctant to do just as she'd asked.

As the next several minutes progressed, Charlenes passion and desire
reasserted themselves and she began pushing herself back at me as she
gave voice to her increasing pleasure. I was finally starting to feel
a little tired when, to my relief, I felt Charlene begin using what
she'd learned about controlling her vaginal muscles. It didn't take
much of that kind of stimulation to move well along toward my second

I was enthusiastically fucking myself into her when Charlene stopped
with the Magic Pussy tricks; a few moments later, she brought one hand
off my bed and reached down between her thighs. Even preoccupied with
what I was doing, I wondered what she was doing, since I couldn't feel
her touching ME. Several seconds later, I started to feel her vagina
begin to intermittently tighten around me, and realized that she was
probably using her hand to stimulate her clitoris. The image of her
hand sliding up and down her small shaft while I was fucking her got
into my head, and started turning me on a lot more than I would have
thought it could. A very few minutes later, and I was about ready to
empty myself into her again when she released a (thankfully soft) cry
and clamped down on me again.

It took me only a couple more strokes into her hot, tight channel, and
I tried to stuff as much of my cock into her as I could as I released
a cry of my own with the start of my release.

Once both of us had finished our respective climaxes, we managed to
get ourselves down onto the bed and laying on our sides without having
to uncouple. I had one arm around Charlene as she lay in front of me;
she had her "top" leg draped over both of mine so I could stay inside
her for as long as possible. Both of us were still panting slightly
when she turned her head and told me "Thank you, Billy."

"Whatever for?"

"For making me a woman... and doing it so patiently and gently that I've
actually had orgasms -- and not little ones, either! -- while you did
it. For being as sweet as you are, and as understanding, and tolerant,
and all the rest. For just being you, I think."

I kissed her shoulder, then her ear, before answering "Charlene, you
don't have to thank me for ANY of that. You're the kind of person that
I wanted to give MY virginity to, too. You're smart and playful and
loving and adventurous and a whole lot more; that's why I love you and
care about you the way I do. Even if we'd never been together like
this, or done the other stuff together, I'd still like you -- and even
love you, a little bit. If you think I've been nice to you, it's only
because I've treated you the way you deserve for being who YOU are,

I could see her eyes get wet, and tried to head the tears off by
telling her "No, don't start crying. If you do, you'll get my pillow
all wet and soggy, and I won't be able to sleep with it tonight."

As I'd hoped, the (admittedly) little joke was enough to make her
smile and at least TRY not to let too many tears escape. In exchange
for her consideration, I raised up enough to give her a quick kiss
before laying back down and trying to snuggle closer to her. The two
of us were content to simply lay there in silence for the next few

As expected, there came the point where both of us knew that my penis
had shrunk enough that it was on the verge of slipping out of her. I
was the one that actually said something about it by telling her "I'm
probably going to slip out of you any time now."

She sighed before answering "I know, I can feel it. Well, NOT feel it,
actually. I just don't want to have to move."

"You don't have to on my account, if that helps any."

"No, I'm not going to make you have to change your sheets and
everything just because of me. 'Specially not after you've made me
feel so good, and made me so happy. Besides, I really should be
getting back to Eva -- I mean, I'm supposed to be staying the night
with her, and everything!"

I had a sudden thought then, and told her "I've got a couple of
propositions for you."

Giggling, she told me "You don't have to proposition me, Billy. I'm
yours any time you want me!"

I had to laugh, too, before I told her "Not that kind of proposition,
ding-dong. What I was going to say was that you're MORE than welcome
to use my shirt to, uh, catch anything on your way to the bathroom;
and if you want, I'd be delighted to take a shower with you if you

She considered it for a moment before telling me "Yeah, it'd probably
be a good idea if I didn't leave any stains on the carpet that your
folks would ask about. And I'd love to have you in the shower with

Uncertainly, I asked "Do you, um, need to be alone in the bathroom
before we clean up?"

She giggled again, and answered "I don't think so. After you've had
your thumb in my butt, I'm not going to worry about you seeing me
cleaning your stuff out!"

Just then, my cock finally pulled free of her intimate embrace; after
telling her "Hold still a sec...", I moved to where I could reach down
and grab the shirt I'd been wearing when she came into my room. I
handed it to her, and before I could move or turn my head, she
unabashedly spread her legs and got it tucked into her crotch before
closing her legs to hold it there. After that little demonstration, I
didn't have any doubt that she really was okay with having me see her
getting my semen out.

A moment later, without saying a word, she got up and took me by the
hand, leading the way to the bathroom. She wanted to be the one to
adjust the water, so I had to content myself with standing behind her
with my deflated penis tucked into the crack of her ass while I
reached around her and cupped her breasts (and teased her nipples).
That complicated her efforts with the shower, but she didn't complain;
I had to let go of her when we got under the spray, but then a
completely different set of rules applied. As the two of us got
cleaned up, there was the obligatory grab-ass -- both figurative and
literal: after I'd contrived to run my finger across her anus a couple
of times, she laughingly told me to knock it off before we had to take
a shower to clean up from the shower. As I'd expected, she didn't
hesitate in the slightest about using one of her fingers to ensure she
got all of my cum out of her vagina; when she saw that I'd started to
respond to the sight of her with one finger inside herself, her
disgusted exclamation "Men!" was nullified by her amused smile. Once
we were dried off, we held hands as I let her lead the way back to my
bedroom where our clothes were. Along the way, I had a nice time
watching her lovely ass clenching as she walked in front of me while I
brought my shirt along. My mom had gotten me started on doing my own
laundry, so I wasn't worried about anyone asking me what the stains
were on it.

After we were dressed again (she in her dress-sans-underthings, me
with only my jeans on), the two of us hugged and kissed for a minute
before she told me "I know I keep saying this, but again: thank you,
Billy. I was as nervous and scared as I could be when I came in here,
but you helped me relax. A girls first time is something special, and
she never forgets the guy it happened with -- but you made it something
wonderful for me, and I'll always remember you with love for how you
treated me. Whether you did that because, or despite, how I'm
different, I don't know... and I really don't care: it's enough for me
that you did it. Before we showered, I told you that I'm yours any
time you want me... and I mean that, because I know you'd always treat
me with love and respect. I don't know when, exactly, but I'm going to
tell Eva what we did tonight so that she'll understand and not be
surprised when -- not IF, but when! -- we make love again."

I gave her a tender kiss on the lips and replied "Charlene, I told you
it was MY first time, too, and I'll remember it and YOU the same way
and for the same reasons. If it happens that we make love again, which
I am NOT expecting or demanding, then I'll be both grateful and
honored that you choose to share yourself with me. Whether or not you
say anything to Eva, and how much... that's up to you; I can promise you
that she won't hear anything about it from me, in any size, way,
shape, or form. Nor will anyone else."

With a pleased smile, she said "I know you'd never say anything,
Billy. And I'm honored that you were willing to have YOUR first time
be with me."

With that, the two of us shared a loving kiss before releasing each
other. Charlene turned and left my room, closing my door behind her. I
moved to sit in my chair again, but didn't bother trying to pick up
where I'd left off with the book I'd been reading: I was simply too
busy with my own thoughts about what had happened with Charlene, and
how I thought things would change between us.

Over the course of the next couple of months, Charlene and I managed
to get some "private time" together a couple of times. One of them was
when her folks were going to be gone all one Saturday, and she claimed
to need my help with some school project or other; I don't know what
subject she told her parents it was for, but what I ended up helping
her with was sex ed: we spent pretty much the entire day fornicating
in her room. We made long, leisurely love. We had raw, unbridled sex.
We played and teased and joked. We tried every position either of us
had ever heard or thought of, and tried to see if we couldn't invent a
new one or two. By the time I had to leave, both of us were well past
mere satiation, and a good way into exhaustion -- as well as being more
than a trifle sore. Charlene had so many scented candles lit to get
rid of the sex smell that it almost looked like her room was on fire.
And to top it all off, when I got home, Sis teased me about whether or
not I'd been able to do enough to "help" Charlene with her "problem".

Eva and Charlene continued having sleepovers just as before; sometimes
they were at our house, sometimes at hers. If our place, it was
usually just the two of them. Only when Mom and Dad were going to be
gone part (or most) of the evening was there a chance that I might get
to join them... I always left it up to them whether or not we had any
intimate fun with each other.

I don't know exactly when Charlene told Sis what happened between us,
since I never noticed any real change in the way Sis acted: even when
it was just the two of us making each other feel good, she never even
hinted about wanting anything more to happen between us. And when it
was all three of us together, Charlene never did or said anything to
indicate that she wanted us to have sex while Eva was with us -- it was
always just hands and mouths when I was with both of them.

It was about halfway through the Spring semester when Dad let me and
Sis know that he had been selected to attend some kind of conference
for the company he worked for -- and that Mom would be going with him.
The way he explained it to us, it was a two day thing that had a bunch
of speakers on a Friday, with a lot of vendors and suppliers putting
on a kind of show the next day. He and Mom were going to fly to the
thing on Thursday afternoon, then come back Saturday evening after the
show was over. That was going to leave me and Sis alone in the house
for two nights, instead of the one that they had ever been away
before. Neither one of them was actually worried about us, but it was
pretty easy to see that Mom was... concerned. After just a brief glance
at each other, Sis and I both did what we could to assure them that
everything would be fine and that they could all but forget about us:
both of us told them about the different perfectly routine and
ordinary things we had to do, as opposed to telling them everything
would be fine (and possibly making them wonder if we weren't up to
something). They knew they could trust us to eat right, not throw any
drunken orgies, or that kind of thing, so it was just a matter of us
reassuring them that them being gone for two nights instead of one was
just going to be more of a familiar routine for Sis and me.

I fully expected it when Sis wanted to know if it would be okay if
Charlene spent Friday night. It being for just the one night, instead
of both, Mom and Dad said they were okay with it if Charlenes folks
were. A couple of days later, Charlenes mom called to let them know
they were fine with Charlene staying over for one night while it was
just us "kids" in the house.

From the time Dad let us know about the conference until they left,
neither Eva nor I went out of our way to do or say anything to "prove"
we'd be okay; we'd talked it over, and decided that doing anything
else would just make them worry that we WERE up to something. Sis and
I both fully expected that a lot of the time that Charlene was there
would be spent with the three of us together and naked, but as far as
we were concerned, that didn't count as "up to" anything -- at least,
nothing like a coed naked TwisterÂ(R) tournament, anyway.

Mom and Dad apparently left the house shortly after lunch, since Mom
left us a note that Sis found when she got home from school. Supper
that night was re-heated leftovers from the fridge (Mom thoughtfully
provided instructions that we didn't need), followed by the two of us
watching a little TV between bouts of making out with each other (and
losing various bits of inconvenient clothing along the way). The only
real surprise was when Sis invited me to spend the night in HER bed; I
didn't hesitate to agree wholeheartedly. Both of us readily got naked,
and we readily spooned with me behind Eva, my arm around her and
cupping her breast in my hand. With my cock nested between Sis' ass
cheeks, I couldn't help but get an erection, but all she did was turn
her head and in mock sternness tell me "Behave yourself, Billy!"

I assured her I would, and gave her a little kiss on her earlobe
before she turned her head away from me again. A little while later,
both of us were fast asleep.

The next morning, it was a delight waking up with her tucked into my
side with an arm and leg draped across me. I could feel her breasts
pressed into my side and her bush against my hip, and was content to
just lay there and enjoy the feel of her body next to mine until she
woke up a few minutes later. After a few moments, she looked up at me
with a pleased smile on her face before telling me "I could get used
to waking up like this REAL easy."

I just smiled back and gave her forehead a quick kiss, then answered
"I could too. Good morning, Sunshine."

She rested her head on my pec for a couple of minutes before saying
"As much as I'd like to stay here like this all day, I think we'd be
in trouble if we didn't show up for school", followed by throwing the
covers back and getting out of bed. Unashamedly standing there naked,
she turned and told me "IF you can get your lazy butt out of my bed,
I'll let you take a shower with me; then you can make us some
breakfast while I make my bed."

That was all the motivation I needed to clamber out of bed, too. We
put an arm around each other and made our way to the bathroom we
shared, where we had a much easier and nicer time waking up than we
usually did. After breakfast, it was off to school for both of us,
though we took different routes: Eva went one direction to meet up
with Charlene while I went another direction so I could walk with a
couple of friends from school. The rest of the day was about as normal
and routine as it could be.

As agreed, Charlene didn't come over until shortly before supper... that
so all of us could have plenty of time to get our homework out of the
way, so nothing would get in the way of our time together.

Supper was light, and quick; once we were sure nobody would be
stopping by, we made a mass migration to Evas room. It couldn't have
been more than sixty seconds before all of us were naked and molesting
each other on Sis' bed.

A little while later, they'd gotten me stretched out on my back while
the two of them were industriously engaged in getting my cock as hard
as they could. I was laying there with my eyes closed when I felt them
change positions; to my surprise, I felt someone move to straddle my
hips. Figuring that Charlene had been talked into actually showing Eva
what sex was all about, I didn't concern myself about it too much. It
actually felt pretty erotic when a soft hand gently took hold of my
saliva-slick erection and levered it up so the wet entrance to a pussy
could capture the end of it. The hand continued to hold me in place as
my manhood began to be enveloped by a warm, tight vagina. There was
something of a struggle at first, since my cock didn't seem to want to
slide into the wet chamber being offered to it; but after a few
seconds and a little more pressure, I felt it as I suddenly slid into
the hot, tight sheath. Knowing how small Charlenes vagina was, and it
having been a couple of weeks since we'd last made love, I didn't
think anything about it. Instead, I was treasuring the feel of hot,
wet, and delightfully tight pussy slowly encasing my erect penis. Just
as had happened with Charlene the first time, I'd get a little farther
inside, then there'd be a pause before there was a bit of backtracking
to make sure the two of us stayed lubricated, then some more progress.

I wasn't really paying any attention to how long it was taking, since
I was content that it was happening at all. Anyway, it was soon enough
that I felt a nice, smooth ass settle onto the tops of my thighs while
my cock was thoroughly encased in womanhood.

I'd never rushed Charlene, and was fine with just laying there and
enjoying the sensation of having my erection buried in womanflesh
while said womanflesh was going through an assortment of tightening
and clenching as she made small movements on top of me.

As I waited for the one straddling my hips to start moving, I felt the
other person shift toward my head, and thought "Oho! We're going to do
something different now!"

A few moments later, and the end of a nipple was softly dragged across
my lips; I opened my mouth in invitation, and was rewarded with the
end of a mammary being offered to me. I got my lips fastened around
it, and no more than ran my tongue across the nipple before knowing
who it belonged to: the nipple I'd just licked was hard and long
enough that it could ONLY belong to Charlene. Which meant that it had
been Eva that had straddled my hips and then proceeded to impale her
virgin pussy on my stiff member. I'd just taken my own sisters cherry!

While releasing my liplock on the breast I'd been offered, I opened my
eyes and immediately saw that I was right -- it was Charlene at my
head. After managing to get myself propped up on my elbows, I looked
down to see that Eva was looking at me with trepidation. Before I
could say anything, though, she spoke first: "I'm sorry to have to
surprise you like this, Billy, but I thought it was the only way that
I'd ever be able to make love with you."

The expression on her face and what she'd said were enough to keep me
from saying any of the things I'd meant to in favor of asking "What do
you mean?"

"I mean just what I said. When I asked you if you thought it would be
okay for a brother and sister to make love, you didn't tell me 'no' --
but you didn't exactly tell me 'yes', either. Sure, you gave me a
bunch of reasons why it might not be a good idea, but you never gave
me any sign that you'd be okay with it if that stuff was taken care
of, either. And you SURE didn't act like it was anything we could or
should talk about, either; you just said a bunch of stuff and then
shut up."

I thought back to the conversation we'd had, and as I replayed it in
my mind, I had to admit that she wasn't exaggerating. Regretting what
I HADN'T done or said (for a change), I looked into her eyes and
contritely responded with "I'm sorry, Sis. I really didn't mean for it
to come across like that. All I wanted to do was make sure you knew
that it was important enough that we had to really THINK about it
first, and be sure."

"Well, whatever you meant to happen, I did think about it... a LOT." She
took a deep breath and continued "Billy, I know we'd have to be
careful about all the stuff you said about being with each other, and
being with other people -- just like I KNOW that whatever happens
between us isn't something that we can keep doing for the rest of our
lives or anything. I love you, Billy, but like a brother that I know
loves ME, and that I can trust not to do anything to hurt me, and to
be there when I need you, and to make me happy and help me feel good --
not just about the sex stuff we do together, but everything else, too.
If we start making love with each other, I know it'll just be more of
what we've already done: something that makes both of us happy and
lets us learn about this stuff with someone we love and trust. I think
it's okay because we aren't grown and mature enough to be making big
lifetime kinds of decisions yet; the only reason this is right for us
NOW is because we are as young as we are and not ready to go out and
be on our own yet. We're old enough to appreciate that we're learning
things we need to know from each other, but still young enough that
all this CAN be is just one small part of us becoming adults. When we
were younger, it was the right time for us to learn how boys and girls
are different; now it's the right time for us to learn how to make the
best of those differences before we go on to find the people that we
want to spend the rest of our lives with. I know that, Billy, just as
much as you do. All I want is to be able to learn THIS part with
someone I know I can trust: you."

I could only lay there in silence as she went on "Billy, you had some
real good reasons why a brother and sister together might not be a
good idea. But I thought of some things myself why it COULD be a good

"Such as?", I wanted to know.

"Such as maybe if a sister and brother can make love with each other,
then neither one of them would feel like they have to do stuff they
might not want to with someone else. Maybe if they can make love with
each other, then they can learn how to make love better -- and make
their husband or wife that much happier when they get married. Like
maybe if a brother and sister are okay with making love, then they can
take care of their needs and desires with each other, instead of
getting a bad reputation by doing them with other people. A brother
and sister can help each other, so that whichever one of them might
have a problem, they can figure out how to take care of it, instead of
just going around and feeling bad about it. Don't those sound like
good things to you, Billy?"

I admitted that they did, and she just looked at me for several
seconds before tenderly saying "Billy, I know you wouldn't have wanted
us to start making love like this. It wasn't MY first choice, either.
But it was as easy as I hoped it would be, and you were as patient as
I could have asked; the thing that I was most worried about was that
you'd just... push yourself into me before I was ready, once I was over
you. I know you thought I was Charlene, but you still waited and let
me only go as fast as I was comfortable with, and now I'm so happy to
feel you inside me. I don't think you're happy about how it happened,
and I can understand that -- I just hope you can forget how we got
here, and remember how much you love me so you can make me feel as
good as I believe you can."

Knowing that I'd failed her and hearing what she had to say prodded me
in ways that I wasn't used to -- not by a LONG shot. Yeah, I was a
little pissed about how she'd contrived to get me to deflower her But
there was no denying that she'd done what she had only because I'd
stupidly left her feeling like there wasn't any other way for her to
get it to happen. I also reminded myself that she'd told me the things
she'd thought about, and the results she'd gotten... and how close those
results were to what I'd settled on. Without making a big deal out of
it (perhaps because of the presence of Charlene, who I couldn't blame
any of the situation on), she'd also obliquely let me know how much
responsibility I deserved for what had happened, and worse still, how
much I'd hurt her in the process. I was left feeling like a complete
jackass until I finally remembered the last things she'd told me: that
she still loved me enough to want to share herself with me, and that
she loved and trusted me enough to make the REST of the experience as
good for her as I could. I silently resolved to do just that before I
sincerely and apologetically told her "I'm sorry, Eve. Not just for
letting you down, and making you think that this was the only way I'd
be with you, but for making you think my mind was already made up and
that I wasn't ready and willing to talk with you about it. I love you
-- more than I could ever even begin to tell you. Even though I was an
idiot and a jerk, you still want us to be able to make love... and
that's what I want, too. If you'll let me, I want to show you how very
much you mean to me."

I could see the happiness and delight on Evas face as her eyes filled
with tears; somehow, she managed to blink them back before saying "You
don't have to apologize to me, Billy. I know you didn't do it on
purpose. What's important now is that we got it straightened out. And
yes, I want more than anything for you to make love with me, and show
me your love."

I heard some sniffling next to me, and knew without looking that
Charlene was starting to cry. Only a moment later, she softly told Eva
and me "I'll go now, so you can have some privacy..."

Sis quickly spoke up then, telling her "No, you don't have to go,
Charlene -- not after you and I have talked the way we have, and you
were so much help. I know you wouldn't do anything to, um, interrupt
or get in the way, so I don't think either one of us would mind if you

I turned my head to look at Charlene (as expected, she had tears
streaming down her face) and told her "It's okay with me if you want
to stay."

She nodded her head, then moved off the bed to take station in Evas chair.

When I looked at Sis again, all I could do was open my arms in
invitation to her. Smiling, she moved to lay on top of me, while
keeping my semi-erect penis in her intimate embrace.

With her laying on top of me like that, it was easy enough for me to
get my mouth next to her ear and softly tell her "I really am sorry,
Sis. If I could change it, I'd do it in a heartbeat -- the LAST thing I
ever want to do is hurt you, or make you think I don't care. I love
you too much for that."

Just as quietly, Eva answered "I know all of that, Billy. I'm sorry,
too, that I didn't think to just come out and ASK you to talk to me.
Maybe yours was a little bit bigger, but both of us made mistakes
about this. But we still love each other, and we're together now -- and
THAT'S what's important."

After that, she raised up a little bit, and I happily lifted my head
so I could give her a soft, loving kiss. When our lips had parted
afterwards, I looked into her eyes as I told her "I love you, Eva."

She graced me with a pleased smile before answering "And I love you,
too, Billy."

After raising herself a little more, Sis looked down at me and said
"Whenever you want to help me learn what it's like to be a woman, I'm

"I'd be delighted to -- except I'm not quite in, uh, shape to do much,
right now."

Realizing that my cock had lost most of its size and hardness while
we'd talked, Eva told me "I think I can help..."

She could, too. In the process of shifting her weight around slightly,
her vagina began rubbing against my semi-erect penis enough to get it
started growing again; in addition, her movements caused her sheath to
twitch and clench around me, stimulating me even more. It didn't take
long for Eva to realize that her efforts were having the desired
effect, prompting her to redouble her efforts. In return, I started
doing my part by moving my hands to her breasts so I could begin
caressing and gently squeezing them between sessions of teasing her
puckered areolas and protruding nipples.

As my cock moved closer and closer to full erectness, I expanded my
efforts to begin running my hands up and down Evas smooth back and
cupping the firm globes of her ass as I busied my lips and tongue on
her bust. Between what I was doing to her and what she was doing to
me, it wasn't long before both of us were ready to get things moving
(no pun intended).

With Sis on top of me and my stiff cock buried in her, she was in
position to take the active role by finally lifting herself a little
way off my manhood and then settling back down on it with a soft moan
of pleasure. A few moments later, she did it again, only rising a
little higher. Several more such efforts followed, each one resulting
in her letting a bit more of my erection slip out before she settled
herself down onto me again. Once she was letting nearly my entire
length escape, she readily got into a slow but steady rhythm of
self-impalement that clearly pleased her, as evidenced by a flush that
developed on her face and shoulders before gradually expanding to the
upper slopes of her breasts.

I'd gotten Evas nipples standing tall and glistening with my saliva
when she took them away from me by sitting up so she could slide
herself up and down on my shaft more easily. With her breasts out of
play for my lips and mouth, I had to content myself with simply using
my hands -- a sacrifice, to be true, but one I was willing to make.

As I caressed Sis' breasts, I happened to look down to where the two
of us were joined. Two things caught my attention: first, I could see
a trace of blood from Evas now-defunct hymen. It crossed my mind to
say something to her, but then realized that she certainly wasn't
behaving like it bothered her.

The second thing was the sight of her labia bracketing my penis. They
were visibly longer than I'd ever seen them before, and were shiny
with the overflow of her oils -- as was my cock. As Eva raised herself
over me, I watched her delicate inner lips being pulled out slightly
as they spread her female lubrication along my length, only to all but
disappear when she again filled herself with my manhood. As I watched
her go through several such cycles, the sight aroused me tremendously
and made me even harder. Before I turned my attentions back to her
bust, I thought that I should get her to look at it, too, knowing that
she'd find it as erotic and exciting as I did. Until that opportunity
presented itself, however, I was determined to do everything I could
to please and arouse her.

Returning my focus to Evas lovely mammaries, I set about doing all the
things I knew that she liked: softly caressing them from base to peak,
cupping them as I used my thumbs to toy with her nipples, giving them
gentle squeezes, and even rolling her erect nipples between my thumbs
and forefingers. I wasn't just limiting my efforts to her breasts,
either; I enjoyed running my hands over every part of her that I could

As Eva got more and more comfortable with moving herself up and down
my manhood, she increased the speed with which she moved. It didn't
take much longer before she was in nearly constant motion as she slid
herself up and down my stiffness, faintly glistening with the effort
of her movement and releasing a variety of pleased and aroused noises.
I chanced a glance over to where Charlene was sitting in Sis' chair,
and saw that her eyes were locked on the sight of my glistening penis
alternately being concealed and revealed by Eva's womanhood. Charlenes
breasts were visibly tight, their areolas puckered and her nipples
standing tall and proud. Even as I was looking at her, I saw her bring
her feet up and rest them on the edge of the chair and spread her
legs; a moment longer, and she hand one hand between her thighs,
alternately caressing the enlarged clitoris at the end of her shaft
and slightly dipping the end of one finger into her vaginal opening.

When I looked back at Eva, I could see that she'd developed a distinct
blush that extended to the upper slopes of her breasts; the peaks of
those delightful orbs were rotating in opposite directions in small
circles -- a sight that fascinated me.

Entrancing as Evas breasts were, I soon noticed that she was starting
to pant slightly from her efforts. Ready and willing (!) to become a
more active partner in our coupling, I got my hands on her hips and
applied a gentle pressure until she eventually stopped her movement
over me. When she looked down at me, I explained "You look like you're
getting a little tired. How about if I'm the one to move, now? You can
stay there, or we can change positions..."

It took her a second to decide before she told me "Yeah, I'd like
that... I want you on top, making love to me..."

She let me pull her into my arms, and as I hugged her, I softly told
her "I want to make love to you, too."

When she sat up again, I could see from her expression how much my
words had meant to her. Only after she'd settled herself onto me as
far as she could and held herself there for several seconds did she
raise herself up enough to let me slip free of her intimate embrace.
With both of us free to move, it took only a few seconds for us to get
our positions reversed: Sis laying on her back with her knees pulled
up and her legs spread wide. Kneeling in front of her, I had to take a
few moments to look at the sight she presented before telling her
"I've always loved you, and thought you were pretty and sexy; now,
seeing you like this... knowing that you love me enough to share
yourself with me... it makes me love you even more. Not because of the
physical things we've done with each other, but because of what they
represent -- the love and trust we have. I really DO feel honored that
you'd want your first time to be with me, and that you would have
enough confidence in me to believe that I could make this a good and
happy-making thing for you. So I want to make sure and tell you: I
love you, too, as much as you so obviously love me; and I'll do my
best to be worthy of what you've given me of yourself."

Eva started to tear up a little bit, and I was afraid I'd said
something wrong until she told me "Thank you, Billy. I do love you,
just as I know how much you love me."

With that, I moved my body over hers; and the two of us shared a deep,
loving kiss. When it ended, I looked into Sis' eyes as I got the head
of my cock positioned against her opening, and began to press myself
into her. In return, Sis kept her eyes on mine as she tried to open
herself even further to my entry. It took only a single steady slow
thrust to fill her with my stiffened member; I saw her eyes widen
slightly when she felt the tip of my penis touching the deepest part
of her sheath while her opening was clenched around the very base of
my manhood. Her eyes closed and she released an impassioned moan when
I continued by gently bumping her exposed clitoris with my pubic bone
a few times.

When I moved to start sliding my cock back out of her, Eva responded
by opening her eyes and lifting her hips as best she could to try and
keep me inside her for as long as she could. Only the head of my penis
was still inside the tight ring of her entrance when I remembered that
I wanted her to see what it looked like when we were mated. Holding
myself still, I told her "If you can look down between us, I think
you'll like what you see..."

Her curiosity piqued, she did as I said by holding herself up on her
elbows so that she had a clear view between our bodies -- and the area
between her smooth thighs. Knowing that she was watching closely, I
slowly and steadily eased myself back into her as I heard her first
gasp, then moan softly as I embedded myself in her once again. When
she started to lay back again, I cautioned her "There's more to see...",
and she didn't delay in getting positioned to resume her observations.
Once I'd reversed direction and begun sliding out of her again, she
softly muttered "Dear god, that is so sexy to watch... I never thought
it could look so pretty and sexy at the same time..."

When I was back to where I'd started, I didn't delay before pressing
myself into her again. She watched, clearly entranced, as my erect
cock filled and emptied her for several cycles before laying back
again. Once I was buried in her again, I held myself steady as she
quietly told me "It was incredible, being able to watch and feel it
when you were filling me up so nicely; and then watching when you
pulled out again... it looked like I had little flower petals trying to
hold you inside me! It was so pretty and so sexy at the same time..."

I smiled and told her "That's pretty much what I thought when I saw it
when you were on top of me. I figured you'd like it, too."

Smiling back at me, Eva told me "You were right. I'm glad I got to see
that, and I'm going to want to watch it again, sometime. But what I
really want right now is to feel you moving in me."

I didn't bother saying anything in response; I just did as she wanted.
Beginning with a slow, steady motion and gradually increasing the
speed of my movements, it didn't take long before I was pistoning in
and out of her in a rhythm that she plainly found acceptable as
evidenced by the noises she made and how she'd lift her hips in
welcome to each of my thrusts.

Lowering my head, I was able to fasten my lips around one of her
nipples and begin sucking on it -- something that quickly resulted in
an increase in the passion and volume of the noises she was making, as
well as how hot and wet she felt around my cock. When I shifted my
attentions to her other mammary and dared to suck on its peak even
harder, she surprised the hell out of me by having an orgasm -- and not
a small one, either. The sensation of her tight sheath clenching at my
penis was almost more than I could bear: it was only by slowing my
movements in her and distracting myself away from the indescribable
pleasure she was creating that I was able to barely able to avoid
emptying myself into her.

Once her orgasm began to taper off, I continued my leisurely
penetrations of her as I tried to get a little more control over
myself. When Eva got her senses back and realized that I was still
hard and still moving in her, she got an expression of delight on her
face before wrapping her arms around me and pulling me into a tight
embrace as she declared "Oh, god, yes! Fuck me, Billy!"

It was a command that I was more than willing to obey, and with her
aware of what I was doing again, I eagerly resumed my previous pace.

With my previous rhythm established again, I was further surprised at
how much faster and farther Sis' arousal increased; it seemed as
though it didn't take but a very few minutes before she was doing her
best to wrap her arms and legs around me as she gave full voice to the
pleasure she was experiencing.

Even with the hard pebbles of her erect nipples drawing erotic designs
against my chest and the feeling of her tight wet vagina
intermittently clenching at me, I was doing pretty well at not letting
myself get too carried away -- at least, right up until she got it into
her head to get serious about letting me know how excited she was.

I could feel her fingernails digging into my back, and that was okay.

Her legs wrapped around my waist and the feel of sinking myself into
her soft pubic muff wasn't too much for me, either.

Shucks, even when she started biting and my neck and shoulders, I
managed to keep control of myself.

But when I could hear her start saying things like "Fuck me, Billy --
fill me with your juice!" and "Cum in me, Billy! Cum in me!" and "Come
on, Billy! Squirt your stuff in me!"... well, it was a bit too much.

It didn't take but a couple of minutes of that until I was ready to do
just what she was telling me to. As my lust and desire increased, so
did the frequency and power of my thrusts into my own sister -- and she
not only welcomed the increase, but encouraged me to go even farther.
Finally, after almost pounding myself into her a few times, I stuffed
her as full of my cock as I could manage just before the first
eruption of man-lava. Before I could try to coat her tonsils again,
Sis fell into her own release... one that was even more powerful than
the first: she actually managed to lift herself off the bed, she
pulled the two of us so close. Around the steel bar that was my
manhood, I could feel her vagina begin not just an incredibly intense
clenching, but doing it with a rippling that started at the base of my
manhood and ran toward the head as though her vagina was trying to
suck the juice out of me! The sensation was incredible, and only
stimulated me into an even harder spray of semen; it was so intense
for me that I could feel myself get frighteningly close to actually
losing consciousness as I emptied my balls into her hot, wet chamber.

Being male, I reached my limits well ahead of Eva; she was still going
through strong cycles of release when I realized that I was supporting
BOTH of us. As much to get some relief for my straining muscles as to
spare her from falling back onto her bed, I managed to lower my body
far enough to at least get HER weight off my arms and legs; I somehow
managed to support myself over her so that our bodies stayed in close
contact without her having to suffer under my weight, either.

I was still panting when the tremors coursing through Evas body
finally tapered out. A minute or so later, her eyes opened again, and
I watched as she looked around -- not seeming to recognize me or where
she was for a few seconds. She was looking at me blankly when I saw
her suddenly realize where she was... and more importantly, what had
happened. In a flash she got an expression on her face that absolutely
radiated joy and happiness, and there was no mistaking the pleasure
and satisfaction in her voice as she told me "Oh, Billy! That was SO
wonderful! I knew I could trust you to make my first time as nice as
it could be, and you made me feel better than I even dared HOPE you
could!" just ahead of her eyes filling with tears.

Although I knew they were tears of happiness, the sight of Eva crying
went straight to my heart. The only thing I could think to do under
the circumstances was to lower my head and begin kissing her anyplace
I could get my lips to: eyes, cheeks, forehead, lips... with every soft
touch of my lips to her skin, I tried to let her know that I loved
her. I don't know how much it helped, but after only a few minutes, I
could tell that her tears were beginning to dry up; a couple more
minutes, and all that was left of them was a glittering in her eyes
that she soon managed to blink away. She never lost the expression
she'd had; and when she looked into my eyes, I could easily see how
happy she was and how much she loved me.

We were content to lay there and just look at each other for the
better part of a minute before I felt her slightly move under me --
promptly followed my her getting an expression of surprised delight
before she said "I... I can feel you, still in me. You're not as hard as
before, but it still feels good. I thought you were being such a dear
holding yourself over me like you were a living blanket for me, but to
stay inside me like that, too... I don't think I would have known to be
disappointed if you'd pulled out, but since you're still there, I want
to feel you inside for as long as I can."

I touched my lips to hers, and she eagerly kissed me back. When our
lips parted again, I simply told her "I like laying with you like this
-- but both of us know that I'm not going to stay big enough to be
inside for that long."

From the brief change in her expression, I knew that Sis understood
what I was getting at; but before she could say anything, we were
reminded that Charlene was there when she said "When you slip out of
her, Billy, I'll take care of cleaning her up so there isn't any mess
on her bed."

Sis and I both turned our heads to look at Charlene, who was still
seated in Sis' chair. The area between her thighs and a couple of her
fingers were shiny, and there were obvious bite marks on her hand. It
didn't take a genius to figure out that she'd undoubtedly masturbated
herself to an orgasm, and used her fist (and biting it in the process)
to keep from disturbing us. The sight of her did wonders for delaying
the shrinkage of my cock... but couldn't prevent it.

With Sis' and my attention on her, Charlene suddenly blushed slightly
and then hesitantly told us "I... I just couldn't HELP but watch you...
you were so into each other, I could tell that you'd completely
forgotten about me -- and I was glad. But it was so sexy watching you,
too, that I couldn't help start touching myself. It felt so much
better and got me so much hotter doing that while I was watching you
that I had an orgasm that I was afraid was going to kill me, or
something. I just barely managed to remember to put my hand in my
mouth so I didn't make enough noise to disturb you!"

I think Sis and I both smiled at her before Sis told her "It's okay,
Charlene. I'm pretty sure that if I ever get to watch you and Billy,
I'm going to get pretty worked up, too!"

Before I could say anything, however, I felt my softened penis slip
free of Eva. She turned her head to look up at me as I carefully eased
myself from above her and moved to lay on my side behind her.

Even as I started moving, I could see Charlene begin to get up from
Sis' chair. What baffled me was when she moved toward the bed instead
of making for the door to Evas room and the bathroom down the hall. I
got even more confused when she calmly moved to lay on the bed --
between Sis' raised knees and parted thighs. When Charlene moved close
enough to begin softly licking up my semen as it slowly dribbled out
of Evas vagina, the realization that the two of them had had their own
intimate times together suddenly made sense of some of the things that
I'd heard each of them say at different times. The images of the two
of them together that started playing in my mind were set aside when I
suddenly remembered that I had the real deal happening right there in
front of me.

That was all it took for me to focus my attention on where Charlene
was enthusiastically ensuring that the semen I'd left in Eva didn't
reach the bed. As I watched Charlene tonguing and licking Evas crotch,
it slowly got my attention that Sis was beginning to respond favorably
to her female lovers efforts: Evas areolas were starting to crinkle,
and her nipples were discernably longer than usual. Added to that was
a distinct increase in the aroma of aroused female in the air; it took
me only a few moments to decide that it was a mix of BOTH of them.

It had become apparent that Charlene was nearly finished with her
self-appointed task when Sis turned her head and tentatively asked
"You... you don't mind? About me and Charlene?"

Giving her a kiss on the cheek first, I answered "Not even a little
bit. It surprised me, at first, but then I remembered some of the
things I've heard each of you say -- so I guess maybe it wasn't that
much of a surprise. I love you, Sis, and I love Charlene. I've known
for a long time now that you women can have a lot more fun than us
guys can, so if you and Charlene can make each other feel good, then
I'm happy for you. I'd be disappointed if neither of you wanted
anything to do with ME, but that hasn't happened, so I'm cool about

A second later, I couldn't help grinning as I told her "Besides, I
think it's pretty hot!" -- earning me a faint blush before she
playfully slapped my chest.

A moment later, and I felt a hand applying a slight pressure against
my hip. I looked down, and saw that it was Charlene. When she saw me
looking at her, she smiled at me before saying "Now it's your turn."

It took only a moment for me to roll onto my back, followed by
Charlene taking my flaccid penis between her lips. While keeping her
hands on my thighs, she used her tongue and lips to meticulously clean
my cock of any residue from my lovemaking with Eva.

It had been long enough since I'd emptied myself into my sister that
Charlenes oral ministrations had no small effect on my libido. When
she finally released me from between her lips, it was pretty clear
that she'd gotten a reaction out of me. Charlene and Sis both looked
at my semi-erect penis for several seconds before Charlene gave Sis a
Look. A second later, I heard Sis say "I really wish I could make love
with you again, Billy. But even as much as Charlene and I tried to get
me ready, you still stretched me inside more than I expected. I think
I could make love with you again, but I'm afraid that it would leave
me feeling too sore. So if you want to, it's okay with me -- I'd like
it, even -- if you wanted to make love with Charlene."

When I looked down at Charlene, I saw that she'd be more than willing
for the two of us to make love, whether my sister was watching or not.
Nothing for me to do, then, but say "I'd be happy to be with Charlene,
if that's what you want", the last directed toward Charlene. She
nodded that it was, and I continued "It's just going to be little bit
before I can, is all."

Charlene and Eva looked at each other for a moment before Sis asked
"Didn't you tell me that you thought me and Charlene together was
pretty hot?"

Thinking I knew what she was getting at, I readily admitted that I
had. Evas grin looked like it was going to wrap all the way around her
head as she told me "Well, maybe we can give you a little extra...
inspiration. Think you'd like that?"

I grinned back as I answered "I think I could probably handle that --
for a while, anyway."

Neither of the girls bothered to say anything in response. Instead,
Charlene just raised up so she could knee-walk her way to the other
side of Eva from me. Before either of them had to say anything to me,
I carefully moved over a little bit to give them room for whatever it
was they were going to do. When I'd settled onto my side where I'd
have a good view, Sis shifted herself around a little bit so that she
was at right angles to me. As she started to bring her knees up,
Charlene carefully got herself positioned over Sis' head... then leaned
forward and got her head between Evas thighs as Sis lifted her own
head. A very few seconds later, and I began to hear the soft sounds of
mouths and tongues and lips being put to work on labia and clitorises
and vaginal openings.

The sight of the two of them, naked and nubile, in the classic '69'
position was something I know I'll never forget. Wanting to see what
really happened between them (as opposed to them putting on some kind
of 'show' for me), I stayed still and quiet for the next several
minutes as they pleasured each other. Only when I was sure that they
were too involved with each other to pay any attention to ME that I
finally moved from where I was -- slowly, quietly, and above all,
CAREFULLY, so I didn't disturb them.

The first thing I did -- HAD to do! -- was move down to where I could
see what Charlene was doing to Sis. It wasn't any problem for me to
find an angle and distance that let me watch Charlene tending to Evas
womanhood without drawing Charlenes attention. As much as I enjoyed
using my mouth on them, I wanted to see if there was anything I could
learn from watching how they pleasured each other. Over the course of
the next few minutes, I did indeed get the opportunity to learn a few
things that would help me when I was with one or the other of them. I
also found myself getting more and more aroused as I watched Charlenes
pink tongue dancing across and between Sis' delicate labia and dipping
into Evas womanhood. Close as I was, it was easy to see that more and
more of Sis' tasty oils were escaping her, only to be gently lapped up
by Charlene between bouts of Charlene tenderly teasing the nubbin of
Evas exposed clitoris.

Well after I'd decided that I'd learned all I could from watching
Charlene with Eva, it was time to see what was going on at the other
end. As before, I was slow and careful enough that I was able to get
into position without distracting or disturbing Eva. What Sis was
doing to Charlene was much the same treatment as she was receiving --
with the notable exception that Sis was also including the miniature
penis that made up Charlenes clitoris. From where I was, I could
easily see that every time Sis went to work on Charlenes shaft,
Charlenes vagina would all but drip the lubrication that Charlene
produced as a result of the stimulation. Periodically, Sis would
release her liplock on the undersized staff in favor of lapping up the
overflow of oils; from there, she'd go on to apply any number of soft
lip-bites, kisses, and gentle suction to Charlenes thin labia before
beginning another bout of fellatio.

I'd had Charlenes appendage between my lips before, and even managed
to suck on it and lick it -- but I'd never been able to muster the
courage to actually treat it the way Sis was. But seeing how Charlene
was reacting to it, I swore to myself that I would. Until that
opportunity came, however, I found myself getting more and more
aroused not only from seeing what Sis was doing, but knowing how it
was affecting Charlene. Sooner than I'd have thought possible, I had a
full-blown erection and was MORE than ready to put it to use.

As loathe as I was to interrupt what the two of them had going on, I
wanted to feel Charlenes tight pussy wrapped around my cock. Moving my
head close to Evas as she slid her lips on and off of Charlenes shaft,
I softly asked her "Would you like to keep doing that while I'm in

Sis pulled her lips off of the miniature erection Charlene sported to
answer "Yeah, I'd like that a lot -- and so would she!" before all but
inhaling it again.

Getting to my knees, I moved behind Charlene; as soon as she felt my
hands on her hips, she raised her head just long enough to let me know
"Oh, god, yes! I'm so ready for you to fuck me!" before lowering it to
Evas pelvis again.

Moving myself a little closer, I levered my erection down and got it
nestled between the small, thin lips bracketing Charlenes drooling
slit. With a firm but gentle arch of my hips, I slowly buried myself
into the tightness that was Charlenes womanhood. When I felt her ass
pressing against my lower belly, I stopped to savor the sensation of
being thoroughly encased in hot, wet, and TIGHT woman-flesh; I wasn't
worried about the little bit of my manhood that was still outside her
-- experience had taught me that once I started moving in her, she'd
loosen up enough to make it possible for the rest of my cock to slip
past the tight ring of her opening.

As I always did, I waited for Charlene to let me know she had gotten
used to having my erection in her undersized vagina; when she started
pressing herself back at me, I knew she was ready for me to continue.

I have to figure that it was simply because her vagina was physically
smaller than usual (as a result of her hermaphroditism), but every
time I made love with Charlene, she felt almost as tight around me as
she had the first time. So when I began sliding myself in and out of
her womanhood, it was slow and leisurely at first so I could enjoy the
feel of her hot and wonderfully tight sheath wrapped around me. Then,
as her more than ample wetness got better and better distributed along
my length, I was able to gradually increase the pace and force of my
strokes into her -- and was again pleased and surprised at how readily
(even eagerly) she accepted my efforts.

While I was still taking my time about pistoning myself in and out of
Charlenes channel, I could feel Evas head moving slightly between my
legs; knowing that she was enthusiastically using her mouth on
Charlenes abbreviated penis while I had my stiff dick in Charlenes
undersized pussy began to get to me in a way that I hadn't expected:
me and my sister were both having sex with the same person, but in
completely different ways. That knowledge got into my head, and turned
me on so much more than I thought anything could -- even more than the
sight of the two of them being intimate with each other had been.

Despite the fact that my dick was harder than it had ever been before,
and felt like it just HAD to be at least twice as long, I managed to
keep my "enthusiasm" for fucking Charlene under control. As I
continued to steady slide myself in and out of her girl-chamber, Sis
would occasionally let Charlene slip from between her lips in favor of
tilting her head back and using her tongue along the underside of my
cock; it took a couple of times of her doing that before I realized
that she wasn't just stimulating me, but also getting tastes of
Charlenes juices... which aroused me even more, knowing that my own
sister wanted to taste the same pussy that I had my cock in. Eva
wouldn't use her tongue on me for more than a few strokes at a time
before re-applying herself to the staff that terminated with Charlenes
clitoris; that she kept doing it over and over again, however,
contributed greatly to keeping MY arousal as high as possible.

Even with all the physical and mental stimulation I was getting from
the situation, the climax I'd had with Eva had been recent enough that
there was absolutely no chance that I was going to find another
release any time soon. That meant I was free to simply enjoy the hell
out of what I was doing with Charlene, and what Sis was doing with ME.

Over the course of the next several minutes, I gradually realized that
Charlene was getting even more aroused and responsive to what was
happening to her than usual. Once the knowledge got to the front part
of my brain, it took only a moment for me to understand why: it was
the simultaneous stimulation of my cock moving in her and the
attentions Sis was providing to male aspect of her sexuality. Charlene
had already shown me that she was MORE than capable of enjoying
coitus, just as I knew that paying attention to her underdeveloped
penis (and particularly its head) aroused and pleased her. That was
when I realized that the current situation was almost certainly the
first time that Charlene had had both aspects of her unique sexual
makeup stimulated that much and at the same time.

I was honest with myself enough to know that I'd get off, no matter
what; that was when it occurred to me that maybe -- just maybe -- making
Charlene (or even Eva) feel as good as possible would add to the
pleasure that I got out of making love with them. I understood that
there was likely a considerable difference between what I'd already
been doing (trying my best to make sure THEY enjoyed our time
together) and what I could do (trying to make them feel as good as
POSSIBLE). With that decided, it was a simple matter to begin
implementing the changes I wanted to make.

Maintaining my gentle bur firm hold on Charlenes hips, I began
experimenting to see if there was a different way of moving in her
that she would enjoy more. It took only a very few minutes to find a
combination of stroke and speed and force that really worked for her:
there was a rapid and dramatic increase in how wet she felt around me,
and the intensity and volume of the noises that she made.

As a result of that, Sis had ample reason to cycle more and more often
between what she was doing to Charlene, and what she was doing to me --
and then go on to lap up the flow of Charlenes feminine oils that were
beginning to trickle down and add a distinctly liquid tone to the
slapping of my balls when they swung forward.

The added stimulation and attention being paid to her prompted
Charlene to increase her efforts between Sis' thighs, ratcheting Evas
desires even higher in return.

I don't doubt that we would have presented quite a sight to anyone
that had happened to look in on us: me enthusiastically plundering
Charlenes treasure, Eva industriously fellating Charlene, and Charlene
eagerly applying her oral talents to Sis' womanhood. The air was thick
with the scent of aroused female, and the room echoed the moans,
groans, gasps, and other sounds of pleasure and arousal that all of us
were making.

It wasn't any great surprise to me that Charlene and Sis each
experienced an orgasm while we were all involved with each other: with
the double stimulation she was receiving, Charlene was the first to
find her release; when she'd recovered, she apparently dedicated
herself to returning the favor to Eva. I had reached the point that
having another climax was possible when Charlene slipped into a second
(and stronger) orgasm. Again, she devoted herself to getting Sis off
when it had tapered off. Evas second climax was patently stronger,
too, and it took a little time before she was able to pick up where
she'd left off between Charlenes firm thighs.

By that point, it was becoming clear to me that both of them were
beginning to tire -- not just from what we were doing, but from what
they'd experienced. While I'd been fucking myself into Charlenes tight
sheath, I'd also been caressing whatever parts of her I could get my
hands on: leaning forward a bit so I could cup her breasts in my hands
so their swaying dragged her nipples across my palms, teasing her anus
with my thumb, lightly drawing my fingertips up and down her back and
along her thighs, and even supporting myself with my arms so I could
gently bite her shoulders and ears and the back of her neck. So when I
leaned forward again, it wasn't any big deal for me to get my mouth
next to her ears and softly tell her "I'm going to be able to cum
again before too long. If you want to get Eva off again, it'll be just
you and me then."

In response, Charlene softly declared "Oh, god, yes!"

Hearing that, I nibbled on her ear a little bit before raising up
enough that I could roll her erect nipples between my fingers, and
tweak them a bit (and none too gently). Charlene pressed herself back
against me before lowering her head to Sis' pelvis again.

I raised myself up again, and continued cycling myself in and out of
Charlene as I waited for her to bring Eva to another (final) climax.

I doubt that I'll ever know if it was because Sis was already that
aroused, or Charlene did more of something (or did it better), but it
didn't take long at all before I heard Eva start making the noises
that signalled an impending orgasm. Even sooner than I'd expected it,
I felt Sis let her head fall back onto the bed just ahead of her
crying out in what was plainly and powerful release.

When Charlene finally lifted her head again, she turned to look back
at me -- and it was easy to see that the lower half of her face was
shiny with what had to be a mixture of her saliva and Evas oils. With
a self-satisfied grin on her face, she told me "I'm ready whenever you

With that, my sole purpose in life condensed down into one goal: to
try and bring Charlene as powerful of an orgasm as could be managed.
And I applied myself toward reaching that goal with a will.

Thinking back to the times that I'd been with Charlene, I went about
trying to remember everything I'd ever done that had drawn a positive
response from her... and then doing them. Except that I didn't just
repeat what had already worked; I went back to experimenting a little
bit to see if I could do them even better. As it turned out, there
were a few things that I learned how to improve -- and Charlenes
reactions made it MORE than clear that the changes were appreciated.
It took only a few minutes for me to get her to the edge of having her
third orgasm of the evening, and it was when I bit the back of her
neck while giving one of her nipples a somewhat harsh pinch that she
slid into a deep and powerful release. The tightening of her vagina
around my erection was greater than it had ever been before, and it
was only the sudden and dramatic increase in her lubrication that made
it possible for me to continue pistoning in and out of her. Even the
duration of her orgasm was longer than anything I'd seen her go
through before, and it only confirmed to me that trying to do more for
THEM actually resulted in me feeling even greater pleasure, too.

When the spasms coursing through her body had tapered off, I heard
Charlene absently announce "CHRIST, that was good!"

Figuring that if she was able to talk, she was recovered enough, I
quickly resumed my efforts.

It was easy enough to get her arousal back up to its previous level,
and then raise it even higher. Soon, both of us were in nearly
constant motion; all either of us could do was make nearly constant
unintelligible noises as we were all but overwhelmed with the pleasure
and desire that were a consequence of our coupling. I could feel
myself rapidly approaching the point that I'd I'd have to unload my
cum in her when I heard and felt Charlene fall into her fourth orgasm
that evening. The sudden rhythmic tightening of her sheath was all it
took to transport me to, and then beyond, the point of release.

With a deep and intense groan, I somehow avoided slamming myself into
her; instead, I once again filled her with my manhood in a single
controlled thrust that ended only when the clenching ring of her
opening was wrapped around the very base of my penis -- and just ahead
of spray of semen coating the deepest recesses of her womanhood.

The end of my climax had me wanting to do nothing more than unplug
from Charlenes grasping gash and lay down for a brief four or five
hour nap. But it sank into my consciousness that Charlene was nearly
done with her own pleasure, so I steadied myself by holding on to her
hips until I felt the tremors within her taper off -- then, with my
cock still buried in her, it was up to me to get the two of us down
onto the bed without doing anything to hurt Sis. By thinking through
what I wanted to do, and how, I somehow got both of us from over Evas
head and ultimately laying on our sides on the bed. Keeping my arms
around Charlene, I let my head fall back and closed my eyes... but
coming awake whenever Charlene moved or made a noise. I was watching
when she finally opened her eyes... not that I think she was alert
enough to notice. She blinked a few times before letting her eyes
wander around the room for several seconds, then focused her gaze on
me again. That's how I was able to see the change in her expression
when she started to move, only to realize that my mostly-erect cock
was still inside her. Her eyes got wide and she tried to say
something, but the only sound that came out was a weak croak. She
tried to give me a dirty look, but was still too out of it for it to
have the impact she would have liked.

A minute or so later, she swallowed and tired again; the second effort
was a success only because she managed to ask "What the fuck did you
do to me?" in a decidedly gravelly voice.

Learning from her example, I made sure my throat and mouth were wetted
before answering "I just tried to make it as good for you as I could,
is all."

It must have taken a full minute of her considering that until she
told me "Yeah, you made it good for me, all right. Damn near killed
me, but it was good."

Concerned that I might have gotten carried away, I asked "You didn't like it?"

"Oh, I liked it. I just wasn't expecting anything like that, is all.
If you can do that every time, or even just want to try doing it every
time, I'm fine with it!"

About that time, my softened cock slipped out of Charlene's intimate
grasp; almost immediately, I felt Sis move from where she was laying
on my other side; it was only a matter of a few moments until she was
positioned with her head between Charlene's thighs, returning the
"clean-up" favors.

Naturally enough, I had to look down to where Sis was enthusiastically
removing any traces of my or Charlenes juices, and the sight of her
eagerly lapping at Charlene's opening got a fair amount of my
attention; along the way, I also noticed that Charlene's stiffened
mini-penis had returned to its more normal flaccid state -- something
that told me that the orgasms she'd experienced really HAD satiated

When Sis had gotten Charlene (and then me) cleaned of any residue, the
three of us lay there for a few more minutes before going in to clean
up. Though all of us were tired, and well-satiated from our
activities, we still managed to incluse a fair amount of figurative
and literal grab-ass along the way. Once we were all dried off again,
The the decision was made that the three of us would all sleep in Sis'
bed; I was delegated to the middle, since both of them wanted to
snuggle next to me. With an arm around BOTH of my lovers, it didn't
take long for me to fall asleep after all the evening's activities.

The next morning, the three of us went through well over an hours
worth of fondling, groping, molesting, and other teasing before
reluctantly getting up and giving the house a good going over to
ensure it was presentable for when Mom and Dad got back. We also used
the opportunity to make extra sure that Evas room got aired out and
that there wasn't anything incriminating anywhere else.

Mom and Dad got home as expected (after Charlene had left), and were
pleased to see that Sis, Charlene, and I had apparently behaved

From then until Sis and Charlene went off to schools, the three of us
continued to get considerable pleasure with each other in varying
combinations -- sometimes it was me and Charlene, or me and Sis; but I
was fine with it when Charlene and Sis wanted to have their fun
together, too. That I never did anything to interfere or interrupt
them was appreciated; enough so that they were perfectly willing to
provide the entertainment/stimulation to get ME going.

Nobody in our school ever did find out what the "real deal" was with
Charlene, even though she ultimately became as much a part of everyday
school activities as everyone else.

That was all several years ago, and I've graduated college and got my
own wife and kids (one of each) now. Just as my parents did for me,
I've done the best I can to bring them up with open minds,
well-rounded personalities, and good characters -- and made sure they
understood that the could come to me or their mother any time for any
thing; and left them with enough space and freedom to explore wherever
their interests and curiosity take them.

Pursuant to the Berne Convention, this work is copyright with all rights
reserved by its author unless explicitly indicated.
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