Subject: {ASSM} "Mall" (mf, fingerfuck, public) Flash story. [4K] (pure text)
Tue May 31 22:10:01 2005 (GMT), "H. Jekyll" <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Impossible Dreams 8/8 (Romantic Comedy, MF, cons, interr, rom, slow) [18K] (pure text)
Tue May 31 21:10:05 2005 (GMT), Bingain <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Impossible Dreams 7/8 (Romantic Comedy, MF, cons, interr, rom, slow) [27K] (pure text)
Tue May 31 21:10:04 2005 (GMT), Bingain <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Impossible Dreams 6/8 (Romantic Comedy, MF, cons, interr, rom, slow) [28K] (pure text)
Tue May 31 21:10:03 2005 (GMT), Bingain <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Impossible Dreams 5/8 (Romantic Comedy, MF, cons, interr, rom, slow) [25K] (pure text)
Tue May 31 21:10:02 2005 (GMT), Bingain <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Impossible Dreams 4/8 (Romantic Comedy, MF, cons, interr, rom, slow) [26K] (pure text)
Tue May 31 20:10:05 2005 (GMT), Bingain <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Impossible Dreams 3/8 (Romantic Comedy, MF, cons, interr, rom, slow) [28K] (pure text)
Tue May 31 20:10:04 2005 (GMT), Bingain <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Impossible Dreams 2/8 (Romantic Comedy, MF, cons, interr, rom, slow) [20K] (pure text)
Tue May 31 20:10:03 2005 (GMT), Bingain <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Impossible Dreams 1/8 (Romantic Comedy, MF, cons, interr, rom, slow) [29K] (pure text)
Tue May 31 20:10:02 2005 (GMT), Bingain <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} The Delightful Seduction of Mr. Arthur, Part One [f/f pett] [6K] (pure text)
Tue May 31 13:10:04 2005 (GMT), "Miss Naughty Bits" <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} STORY: Reverse Rapism [24K] (pure text)
Tue May 31 13:10:03 2005 (GMT), i b <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} AnnD"Common Ground" FF - (1/1) [36K] (pure text)
Tue May 31 02:10:02 2005 (GMT), "Ann Douglas" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Girl's Soccer Coach by Bingain 5/5 (Mf, 1st, cons, rom, slow) [41K] (pure text)
Mon May 30 20:10:04 2005 (GMT), Bingain <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Girl's Soccer Coach by Bingain 4/5 (Mf, 1st, cons, rom, slow) [32K] (pure text)
Mon May 30 20:10:03 2005 (GMT), Bingain <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Girl's Soccer Coach by Bingain 3/5 (Mf, 1st, cons, rom, slow) [27K] (pure text)
Mon May 30 20:10:02 2005 (GMT), Bingain <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} My Perfect Slut Lisa - Part 25 - Exposure and Incest {DayDreamrxx} (MFffMF Exhib Ped Inc Cons) [51K] (pure text)
Mon May 30 19:10:05 2005 (GMT), DayDreamer <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Girl's Soccer Coach by Bingain 2/5 (Mf, 1st, cons, rom, slow) [35K] (pure text)
Mon May 30 19:10:04 2005 (GMT), Bingain <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Girl's Soccer Coach by Bingain 1/5 (Mf, 1st, cons, rom, slow) [50K] (pure text)
Mon May 30 19:10:03 2005 (GMT), Bingain <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} The Cabin...By Lujan (incest/pedo/oral/anal/sex/pantyhose) [87K] (pure text)
Mon May 30 19:10:01 2005 (GMT), Lujan <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Mother's Wardrobe Part 1 (M/F, mother/son, inc) [7K] (pure text)
Sun May 29 22:10:04 2005 (GMT), "NC" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} "Cheating" (MF) [4K] (pure text)
Sun May 29 22:10:02 2005 (GMT), "H. Jekyll" <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Country Music Entourage (David Gooes) [11K] (pure text)
Sun May 29 21:10:01 2005 (GMT), Joby <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Schoolgirl Slave Chapter 25 [78K] (pure text)
Sun May 29 07:10:01 2005 (GMT), Fantasy Story <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} RP: A Slave Girl Molested - MMF, bond, nc?, reluc, humil [12K] (pure text)
Sun May 29 01:10:04 2005 (GMT), "Aimee" <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Patty_j (Mg7g5;m,v,o;cons) [C.Dodgson] [35K] (pure text)
Sun May 29 01:10:03 2005 (GMT), Charles Dodgson <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} "Pete" A Young Man's Story Chapter 73 [40K] (pure text)
Sun May 29 01:10:02 2005 (GMT), Magi <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} The Fascination of Judy, Big Boobed Beauty [10K] (pure text)
Sat May 28 21:10:02 2005 (GMT), "tilisuffocate" <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} THE TAKING OF TRISHA pedo/g=12, abduct, v, rp, hum, anal, ws, scat, tort [21K] (pure text)
Sat May 28 18:10:02 2005 (GMT), (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Close to Home Chapter 9 (ff, first, rom, con) [50K] (pure text)
Sat May 28 15:10:02 2005 (GMT), "" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Our Good Neighbor Policy 29 - The Reunion Trip - Theme Party [83K] (pure text)
Fri May 27 21:10:06 2005 (GMT), (ken k) (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Our Good Neighbor Policy 28 - The Reunion Trip - Friday, After Dinner [39K] (pure text)
Fri May 27 21:10:05 2005 (GMT), (ken k) (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Our Good Neighbor Policy 27 - The Reunion Trip - Mick and Rose Arrive [32K] (pure text)
Fri May 27 21:10:04 2005 (GMT), (ken k) (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Our Good Neighbor Policy 26 - The Reunion Trip Begins [47K] (pure text)
Fri May 27 21:10:03 2005 (GMT), (ken k) (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Drowning in Lust (FF) by Serene Cherry [65K] (pure text)
Fri May 27 09:10:02 2005 (GMT), "Serene Cherry" <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Mommy's Pantyhose, By Lujan (FFbbg,incest,pedo,ws,spank,oral,anal,pantyhose) [116K] (pure text)
Fri May 27 06:10:02 2005 (GMT), Lujan <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Nicole's Story [103K] (pure text)
Thu May 26 22:10:02 2005 (GMT), "kelli paine" <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Rivals and Farewells [29K] (pure text)
Thu May 26 15:10:01 2005 (GMT), Emi Tsuruta <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Jenny's Jugs 2 [7K] (pure text)
Thu May 26 10:10:02 2005 (GMT), "tilisuffocate" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} The Ripe Girl part 2. Varangian (Mf MF Violence Oral) [27K] (pure text)
Thu May 26 05:10:04 2005 (GMT), ". Varangian" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} School of Tender Rocks (Mf+g+ ped girl-scouts) [18K] (pure text)
Thu May 26 05:10:03 2005 (GMT), Vivian Darkbloom <vdkblm-OBLITERATE-SPAM!> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} PED XING (nosex humor) [3K] (pure text)
Thu May 26 05:10:02 2005 (GMT), Vivian Darkbloom <vdkblm-OBLITERATE-SPAM!> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} The Club Universe - Nipples and Safety Pins - A vignette (piercing, MF oral) [5K] (pure text)
Wed May 25 18:10:02 2005 (GMT), (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} The Pleasure Day [F, mast, intense, ws, rom, mild scat] [27K] (pure text)
Wed May 25 05:10:02 2005 (GMT), "Wild Woozle" <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Mom's Exposure [5K] (pure text)
Tue May 24 19:10:02 2005 (GMT), anon <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} A Golfer's Dream Book III Chapter Twelve - Double Double [54K] (pure text)
Tue May 24 19:10:01 2005 (GMT), TheCaddy <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} rp Her Best Friend (MF, MMF, mast, exhib, voy) [20K] (pure text)
Tue May 24 14:10:02 2005 (GMT), "bonfils" <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Carribean Mission [51K] (pure text)
Tue May 24 07:10:01 2005 (GMT), Ginny Walker <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} The Further Adventures Of Alice - Part 8 (Bondage, MF, Spanking, Device) by Bluewords [29K] (pure text)
Mon May 23 21:10:02 2005 (GMT), Bluewords <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} An Interview With Gorshin (Part 12) By Katzmarek (MF, Hist, Rom) [29K] (pure text)
Mon May 23 06:10:01 2005 (GMT), "Katzmarek" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Vampyre Daze Chapter 14 of 50 [Yotna El'toub] (FF, MC) [17K] (pure text)
Sun May 22 23:10:02 2005 (GMT), "Yotna El'toub" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} His and Hers [10K] (pure text)
Sat May 21 23:10:02 2005 (GMT), "Lap Dancer" <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} (New) (Shakes Peer2B) Body Guards II: Stolen Secrets - Chapter 4 (MF) [33K] (pure text)
Sat May 21 13:10:02 2005 (GMT), Shakes Peer2B <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} ["The Program"...By Lujan (FFggg/incest/pedo/oral/anal/spank/fist/pantyhose) :O)] - The Program Part 1.txt (1/1) [111K] (pure text)
Sat May 21 06:10:01 2005 (GMT), (Lujan) (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} The Club universe part 2 I give out the new rules (slow, oral) [11K] (pure text)
Fri May 20 19:10:02 2005 (GMT), (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} "The Conversation" (MF, oral) [33K] (pure text)
Fri May 20 07:10:03 2005 (GMT), "H. Jekyll" <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Nice Guys Come at the End (1st, MF, cons, Rom) [16K] (pure text)
Fri May 20 07:10:02 2005 (GMT), "Otzchiim" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Out of Town Relations [8K] (pure text)
Fri May 20 00:10:04 2005 (GMT), "tilisuffocate" <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Close to Home Chapter 8 (ff, first, rom, con) [50K] (pure text)
Fri May 20 00:10:03 2005 (GMT), "" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} ADAM_j (mg, Mf, bbg, MFg;con) [C.Dodgson] [12K] (pure text)
Fri May 20 00:10:02 2005 (GMT), Charles Dodgson <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Spitfire and Messerschmitt Ch 37 {Gina Marie Wylie} (teen, mff, cons) [61K] (pure text)
Thu May 19 23:10:04 2005 (GMT), "Gina Marie Wylie" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Sex and Politics (MF) [23K] (pure text)
Thu May 19 23:10:03 2005 (GMT), "Ball Four" <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Her only friend - nc rape best inc Mf [5K] (pure text)
Thu May 19 23:10:02 2005 (GMT), "David Lavenham" <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} The Hot Kitten Cafe {Mfff ped} [13K] (pure text)
Thu May 19 14:10:03 2005 (GMT), Vivian Darkbloom <vdkblm-OBLITERATE-SPAM!> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Thanksgiving {Mg, inc, ped} [12K] (pure text)
Thu May 19 14:10:02 2005 (GMT), Vivian Darkbloom <vdkblm-OBLITERATE-SPAM!> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Subjugating Allison. M+F FF BDSM Control Exhib [35K] (pure text)
Thu May 19 14:10:01 2005 (GMT), "David Lavenham" <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} The Club universe part 1 <MF oral> [12K] (pure text)
Wed May 18 23:10:01 2005 (GMT), (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Their Mother's Mountainous Mamms [5K] (pure text)
Wed May 18 22:10:05 2005 (GMT), "tilisuffocate" <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} California Zephyr, 3 of 3 (Mf 1st) {Rod O'Steele} [16K] (pure text)
Wed May 18 22:10:04 2005 (GMT), Rod OSteele <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} California Zephyr, 2 of 3 (Mf 1st) {Rod O'Steele} [30K] (pure text)
Wed May 18 22:10:03 2005 (GMT), Rod OSteele <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} California Zephyr, 1 of 3 (Mf 1st) {Rod O'Steele} [20K] (pure text)
Wed May 18 22:10:01 2005 (GMT), Rod OSteele <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} New: Grace's Hard Lessons, Chp 11 (MF, lingerie, D/s, vibrator) [20K] (pure text)
Wed May 18 19:10:02 2005 (GMT), (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} The Taking of Pelham 3-2-G [6K] (pure text)
Wed May 18 10:10:03 2005 (GMT), "tilisuffocate" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Repost: Grace's Hard Lessons, Chp 10 (MF, nc, molest, exhib) [16K] (pure text)
Wed May 18 10:10:01 2005 (GMT), (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} The Further Adventures Of Alice - Part 7 (Nudity, mild bondage, FF) by Bluewords [29K] (pure text)
Wed May 18 07:10:05 2005 (GMT), Bluewords <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Joy's Trip To Cancun (Part 6) (BBW, plumper, M+/F, F/F, voy, exhib) [62K] (pure text)
Tue May 17 22:10:06 2005 (GMT), "Joy Kiskaden" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Joy's Trip To Cancun (Part 5 - 3 of 3) (BBW, plumper, M+/F, voy, exhib) [41K] (pure text)
Tue May 17 22:10:05 2005 (GMT), "Joy Kiskaden" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Joy's Trip To Cancun (Part 5 - 2 of 3) (BBW, plumper, M+/F, voy, exhib) [42K] (pure text)
Tue May 17 22:10:04 2005 (GMT), "Joy Kiskaden" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Joy's Trip To Cancun (Part 5 - 1 of 3) (BBW, plumper, M+/F, voy, exhib) [38K] (pure text)
Tue May 17 22:10:02 2005 (GMT), "Joy Kiskaden" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Joy's Trip To Cancun (Part 4) (BBW, plumper, M+/F, voy, exhib) [31K] (pure text)
Tue May 17 21:10:06 2005 (GMT), "Joy Kiskaden" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Joy's Trip To Cancun (Part 3) (BBW, plumper, M+/F, voy, exhib) [30K] (pure text)
Tue May 17 21:10:05 2005 (GMT), "Joy Kiskaden" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Joy's Trip To Cancun (Part 2) (BBW, plumper, M+/F, voy, exhib) [29K] (pure text)
Tue May 17 21:10:04 2005 (GMT), "Joy Kiskaden" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Joy's Trip To Cancun (Part 1) (BBW, plumper, M+/F, voy, exhib) [27K] (pure text)
Tue May 17 21:10:03 2005 (GMT), "Joy Kiskaden" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} RP - Playing the Game by R.C.Mather 30/30 (mf soccer) [60K] (pure text)
Tue May 17 15:10:05 2005 (GMT), "Rev. Cotton Mather" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} The Bestiality Club – Best MF FF Group Preg Incest Lac Exhib [22K] (pure text)
Tue May 17 15:10:03 2005 (GMT), "David Lavenham" <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Sexual Perversions #31 (mmm,bd,ws,anal,oral,nc,sm,young) [152K] (pure text)
Tue May 17 15:10:02 2005 (GMT), (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} The Best Big Sister [13K] (pure text)
Tue May 17 07:10:05 2005 (GMT), "tilisuffocate" <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Repost, W/apologies After the Fantasy by Al Deacon. A Sequel to H. Jekyll’s Fantasy, corrected and reformatted. [69K] (pure text)
Tue May 17 07:10:04 2005 (GMT), Al Deacon <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Journal Entry 078 / 1322 [ Wishing Well: Going Home ] (MF(furry'taur), MF(furry)(anal)) [38K] (pure text)
Tue May 17 07:10:03 2005 (GMT), "Elf M. Sternberg" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Jenny's Jugs [8K] (pure text)
Tue May 17 07:10:02 2005 (GMT), "tilisuffocate" <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout (A Sick Sexual Parody) [3K] (pure text)
Mon May 16 23:10:03 2005 (GMT), "Spawn Of Satan" <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} (New) (Shakes Peer2B) Body Guards II: Stolen Secrets - Chapter 3 (MHH, oral, anal) [30K] (pure text)
Mon May 16 21:10:04 2005 (GMT), Shakes Peer2B <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} A New Dawn (FF, MF, exhib, food) [45K] (pure text)
Mon May 16 19:10:02 2005 (GMT), "Daphne Conrad" <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} "Talk About My Birthday" (MF rom) by Creampie Eater [15K] (pure text)
Mon May 16 05:10:02 2005 (GMT), Creampie Stories <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} "Preparation" (MF strap rom) by Creampie Eater [18K] (pure text)
Mon May 16 00:10:05 2005 (GMT), Creampie Stories <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Avatar - Book 2 Chapter 14 (M/Ff BDSM ws SciFi) [32K] (pure text)
Mon May 16 00:10:04 2005 (GMT), "Dark Pen" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Avatar - Book 2 Chapter 13 (M/Ff BDSM ws SciFi) [32K] (pure text)
Mon May 16 00:10:03 2005 (GMT), "Dark Pen" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Avatar - Book 2 Chapter 12 (M/Ff BDSM ws SciFi) [31K] (pure text)
Mon May 16 00:10:02 2005 (GMT), "Dark Pen" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} "Soft Swing" (MF voy exhibit) by Creampie Eater [19K] (pure text)
Sun May 15 23:10:05 2005 (GMT), Creampie Stories <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} "Fugly" (MF incomplete) by Creampie Eater [27K] (pure text)
Sun May 15 23:10:04 2005 (GMT), Creampie Stories <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} [Pantyhose Incest Quickie #1 (MFg/anal/spank/mast/pantyhose)] - Pantyhose Incest Quickie 1.txt (1/1) [8K] (pure text)
Sun May 15 23:10:03 2005 (GMT), (Lujan) (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Laura - Chapter 297 [43K] (pure text)
Sun May 15 23:10:01 2005 (GMT), "Miranda Mars" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} [Pantyhose Incest Quickie #1 (MFg/anal/spank/mast/pantyhose)] - Pantyhose Incest Quickie 1.txt (0/1) [2K] (pure text)
Sun May 15 22:10:06 2005 (GMT), (Lujan) (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Cousin Maggie #5 [8K] (pure text)
Sun May 15 22:10:04 2005 (GMT), Joby <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Cousin Maggie #4 [15K] (pure text)
Sun May 15 22:10:03 2005 (GMT), Joby <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} An Interview With Gorshin (Part 11) By Katzmarek (MF, Hist, Rom) [37K] (pure text)
Sun May 15 22:10:02 2005 (GMT), "Katzmarek" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} An Interview With Gorshin (Part 10) By Katzmarek (MF, Mf, Hist) [30K] (pure text)
Sun May 15 21:10:04 2005 (GMT), "Katzmarek" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} After the Fantasy by Al Deacon. A Sequel to H. Jekyll’s Fantasy [68K] (pure text)
Sun May 15 21:10:03 2005 (GMT), Al Deacon <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} A Golfer's Dream Book III Chapter Eleven - Grabbing Tiger by the Tail [47K] (pure text)
Sun May 15 21:10:02 2005 (GMT), TheCaddy <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Cousin Maggie #3 [10K] (pure text)
Sun May 15 20:10:05 2005 (GMT), Joby <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Cousin Maggie #2 [16K] (pure text)
Sun May 15 20:10:04 2005 (GMT), Joby <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Cousin Maggie #1 [18K] (pure text)
Sun May 15 20:10:03 2005 (GMT), Joby <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} A Golfer's Dream Book III Chapter Ten - New Friends [39K] (pure text)
Sun May 15 20:10:01 2005 (GMT), TheCaddy <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} The Knights of St. Jillian. Part Fifteen by A. J. Deacon. codes TF/F T/F T/FF TTTTTTTT/FF TT/FF F/F bd con rom [40K] (pure text)
Sun May 15 15:10:02 2005 (GMT), Al Deacon <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Hawaiin Heat {Richard Short} (MF cons rom piv oral) [66K] (pure text)
Sun May 15 14:10:12 2005 (GMT), Richard Short <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} The Knights of St. Jillian. Part Fourteen by A. J. Deacon. codes TF/F T/F T/FF TTTTTTTT/FF TT/FF F/F bd con rom [35K] (pure text)
Sun May 15 14:10:09 2005 (GMT), Al Deacon <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} My Daughter's First Pantyhose (MFg/incest/pedo/oral/anal/sex/pantyhose) [101K] (pure text)
Sun May 15 14:10:07 2005 (GMT), Lujan <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} ELEVATOR_j - part 2 (Mg,MF;o,v;cons,rom) [C.Dodgson] [35K] (pure text)
Sun May 15 14:10:06 2005 (GMT), Charles Dodgson <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Rp Our New Toy Part 04 (Norm DePloom)(MF FF oral exhib hum) [57K] (pure text)
Sun May 15 02:10:03 2005 (GMT), "Norm DePloom" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Rp Our New Toy Part 03 (Norm DePloom)(MF FF oral hum) [68K] (pure text)
Sun May 15 02:10:02 2005 (GMT), "Norm DePloom" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Rp Our New Toy Part 02 (Norm DePloom)(MF FF hum) [47K] (pure text)
Sun May 15 01:10:08 2005 (GMT), "Norm DePloom" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Rp Our New Toy Part 01 (Norm DePloom)(MF FF hum) [48K] (pure text)
Sun May 15 01:10:06 2005 (GMT), "Norm DePloom" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} New "Our New Toy" Part 05 (Norm DePloom)(M+F MM FF hum oral anal nc) [55K] (pure text)
Sun May 15 01:10:05 2005 (GMT), "Norm DePloom" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} ELEVATOR_j (Mg,MF;o,v;cons,rom) [C.Dodgson] [39K] (pure text)
Sun May 15 01:10:03 2005 (GMT), Charles Dodgson <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Road Trip (MFg/incest/pedo/oral/anal/pantyhose) [14K] (pure text)
Sat May 14 22:10:02 2005 (GMT), Lujan <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} The Knights of St. Jillian. Part Thirteen by A. J. Deacon. codes T/FF TF/F F/F T/F TTTTTTT/F bd con rom [36K] (pure text)
Sat May 14 07:10:02 2005 (GMT), Al Deacon <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} The Knights of St. Jillian. Part Twelve by A. J. Deacon. codes T/F F/F TF/F T/FF bd con rom [31K] (pure text)
Fri May 13 19:10:03 2005 (GMT), Al Deacon <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Emily Ch 1 After Our Week (MF mf) [89K] (pure text)
Fri May 13 19:10:01 2005 (GMT), Geff Oh <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} {FAQ} Story Codes for Readers. [9K] (pure text)
Fri May 13 09:10:02 2005 (GMT), (Uther Pendragon) (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} STORIE. TRUCKING MOM [8K] (pure text)
Fri May 13 07:10:02 2005 (GMT), "NANCY MORE" <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Obsession (m/F, mother/son, inc) [20K] (pure text)
Thu May 12 21:10:04 2005 (GMT), "NC" <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Spitfire and Messerschmitt Ch 36 {Gina Marie Wylie} (teen, mff, cons) [59K] (pure text)
Thu May 12 21:10:03 2005 (GMT), "Gina Marie Wylie" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} The Knights of St. Jillian. Part Eleven by A. J. Deacon. codes T/F TT/F F/F bd con rom [28K] (pure text)
Thu May 12 21:10:01 2005 (GMT), Al Deacon <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} rp: The Subway (M+F, FF, nc, reluc, mdom, toys) [20K] (pure text)
Thu May 12 19:10:02 2005 (GMT), "bonfils" <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} A New Desire (Mf) [43K] (pure text)
Thu May 12 05:10:02 2005 (GMT), "Ball Four" <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} RP - Playing the Game by R.C.Mather 30/30 (mf soccer) [60K] (pure text)
Wed May 11 20:10:04 2005 (GMT), "Rev. Cotton Mather" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} The Knights of St. Jillian. Part Ten by A. J. Deacon. codes T/F 10 teen boys/f bd con rom [30K] (pure text)
Wed May 11 20:10:02 2005 (GMT), Al Deacon <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} The Further Adventures Of Alice - Part 6 (Spanking, Nudity, mild bondage) by Bluewords [20K] (pure text)
Wed May 11 06:10:01 2005 (GMT), Bluewords <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} St: The Beaver Finds the Spanking Machine (machine/b, paddle, strap, school, fanfic, LITB) [11K] (pure text)
Wed May 11 02:10:03 2005 (GMT), "Y. Lee Coyote" <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} St: Something for Everyone -- Almost (spank, fantasy, sadistic, sex) [42K] (pure text)
Wed May 11 02:10:02 2005 (GMT), "Y. Lee Coyote" <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} RP - Playing the Game by R.C. Mather 29/30 (mf soccer) [21K] (pure text)
Tue May 10 16:10:05 2005 (GMT), "Rev. Cotton Mather" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} The Knights of St. Jillian. Part Nine by A. J. Deacon. codesT/F T/tf TTTT/F bd con rom [37K] (pure text)
Tue May 10 16:10:04 2005 (GMT), Al Deacon <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} "Anna (Kournikova) Revisits Marineland" {best/MF/toys/anal/oral} [108K] (pure text)
Tue May 10 16:10:03 2005 (GMT), TMFU <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} The Knights of St. Jillian. Part Eight by A. J. Deacon. codes t/F TTTT/F bd con rom [34K] (pure text)
Tue May 10 07:10:02 2005 (GMT), Al Deacon <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Pain Factor Part 5 by Platypus (MMMFF/mmmm, torture, cbt, extreme) [27K] (pure text)
Tue May 10 02:10:02 2005 (GMT), (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Pain Factor Part 4 by Platypus (MMMF/mmmm, mast, cbt, medical pain) [32K] (pure text)
Tue May 10 01:10:05 2005 (GMT), (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Pain Factor Part 3 by Platypus (mmmm/mmmm, mast, oral) [19K] (pure text)
Tue May 10 01:10:04 2005 (GMT), (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Pain Factor Part 2 by Platypus (MMMF/mmmm, torture, cbt, extreme) [27K] (pure text)
Tue May 10 01:10:03 2005 (GMT), (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Pain Factor Part 1 by Platypus (MMMF/mmmm, torture, cbt, extreme) [17K] (pure text)
Tue May 10 01:10:02 2005 (GMT), (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Girl Scout Keepers (humor, nosex) [4K] (pure text)
Mon May 9 19:10:02 2005 (GMT), "Franz Kafka" <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Connie's First Step of Many {Gatorfanjim} (MF, inter, wife-sharing) [16K] (pure text)
Mon May 9 19:10:01 2005 (GMT), (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} The Knights of St. Jillian. Part Seven by A. J. Deacon. codes t/F tttt/F bd con rom [21K] (pure text)
Mon May 9 02:10:04 2005 (GMT), Al Deacon <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} ANDROID TOY_j (FA,Ag;o,v,a;s-f,cons) [C.Dodgson] [35K] (pure text)
Mon May 9 02:10:03 2005 (GMT), Charles Dodgson <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} A Trip From The Basement (M+g+ nc ped ws) [186K] (pure text)
Mon May 9 02:10:02 2005 (GMT), I have no name <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} The Knights of St. Jillian. Part Six by A. J. Deacon. codes t/F ttt/F bd con rom [41K] (pure text)
Mon May 9 00:10:02 2005 (GMT), Al Deacon <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} A Golfer's Dream Book III Chapter Nine - The Roller Coaster of Life [58K] (pure text)
Sun May 8 22:10:03 2005 (GMT), TheCaddy <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} An Interview With Gorshin (Part 9) By Katzmarek (MF, Hist, ) [25K] (pure text)
Sun May 8 08:10:03 2005 (GMT), "Katzmarek" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} {EZ}NEW How High a Price (Adul, no sex) [34K] (pure text)
Sun May 8 02:10:02 2005 (GMT), "E. Z. Riter" <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Victoria by Yasmine (Vampire, M/F, Oral, Anal, NC, Caution) [16K] (pure text)
Sat May 7 06:10:01 2005 (GMT), Yasmine <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} „New Year’s Eve at the Red 5“ (MF, FF kiss, oral, anal, caution) [24K] (pure text)
Sat May 7 00:10:04 2005 (GMT), "Franz Kafka" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} The Further Adventures Of Alice - Part 5 (Nudity, Spanking) by Bluewords [31K] (pure text)
Sat May 7 00:10:03 2005 (GMT), Bluewords <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} (New) (Shakes Peer2B) [30K] (pure text)
Sat May 7 00:10:02 2005 (GMT), Shakes Peer2B <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Male Harem Fdom HIst MF MFFF MMMFFF [23K] (pure text)
Fri May 6 19:10:03 2005 (GMT), Don <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} The Knights of St. Jillian. Part Five by A. J. Deacon. codes M/F T/F bdsm con [28K] (pure text)
Fri May 6 05:10:05 2005 (GMT), Al Deacon <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} The Driver by Rose of Sharon (MF, cons) [16K] (pure text)
Fri May 6 05:10:03 2005 (GMT), Rose of Sharon <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Story: Best Times - Chapter 5 [8K] (pure text)
Fri May 6 05:10:02 2005 (GMT), "XingKing" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} CHANGES-j-2 (mf,Mf,fM;nc,con,rom;v,o) [C.Dodgson] [31K] (pure text)
Fri May 6 04:10:05 2005 (GMT), Charles Dodgson <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} CHANGES-j (mf,Mf,fM;nc,con,rom;v,o) [C.Dodgson] [38K] (pure text)
Fri May 6 04:10:04 2005 (GMT), Charles Dodgson <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Best Times - Chapter 6 [9K] (pure text)
Fri May 6 04:10:03 2005 (GMT), "XingKing" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} "Dynasty Warriors 5 - His Way" (M/F nc, M+/F nc, oral, anal, inc, les, impreg) [49K] (pure text)
Fri May 6 04:10:01 2005 (GMT), "Video Gamer" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Spitfire and Messerschmitt Ch 35 {Gina Marie Wylie} (teen, mff, cons) [63K] (pure text)
Thu May 5 20:10:03 2005 (GMT), "Gina Marie Wylie" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Wynter and Jimmy: Part One 03/03 {Hoisington} (Mg rom ped inc pett) [61K] (pure text)
Thu May 5 02:10:01 2005 (GMT), "Russell Hoisington" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Our Good Neighbor Policy - Chapter 25 (FM/FM/FM/FM/FM, exhib, voy, etc) [18K] (pure text)
Wed May 4 19:10:02 2005 (GMT), (ken k) (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} A Golfer's Dream Book III Chapter Seven - The Wake Forest Adventure Begins [58K] (pure text)
Wed May 4 15:10:03 2005 (GMT), TheCaddy <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} A Golfer's Dream Book III Chapter Eight - A Tough Decision - New Highs - New Lows [48K] (pure text)
Wed May 4 15:10:02 2005 (GMT), TheCaddy <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} The Year 2011: Fool Me Twice {Krosis} (mf, Ff, reluc, impreg, inc, lac) [15K] (pure text)
Wed May 4 10:10:03 2005 (GMT), Krosis <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} The Snowbound Couple [29K] (pure text)
Wed May 4 10:10:02 2005 (GMT), grag newell <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} The Snowbound Couple Part Two [35K] (pure text)
Wed May 4 09:10:05 2005 (GMT), grag newell <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} The Office Party [41K] (pure text)
Wed May 4 09:10:04 2005 (GMT), grag newell <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} The Knights of Saint Jillian.....Part Four M/F bdsm con [37K] (pure text)
Wed May 4 09:10:03 2005 (GMT), Al Deacon <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} The Bigger The Better [27K] (pure text)
Wed May 4 09:10:02 2005 (GMT), grag newell <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} The Bigger The Better Part Two [13K] (pure text)
Wed May 4 08:10:05 2005 (GMT), grag newell <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} THE PAYBACK [29K] (pure text)
Wed May 4 08:10:04 2005 (GMT), grag newell <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Paying The Rent... [46K] (pure text)
Wed May 4 08:10:03 2005 (GMT), grag newell <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} I Never Wanted To Watch Her [16K] (pure text)
Wed May 4 08:10:02 2005 (GMT), grag newell <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} How My Wife Became A Whore [27K] (pure text)
Wed May 4 07:10:05 2005 (GMT), grag newell <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} His Boss, Her Boss [62K] (pure text)
Wed May 4 07:10:04 2005 (GMT), grag newell <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Halloween Whore [19K] (pure text)
Wed May 4 07:10:03 2005 (GMT), grag newell <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Amsterdam Vacation [34K] (pure text)
Wed May 4 07:10:01 2005 (GMT), grag newell <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Story..Couples First Big Cock [17K] (pure text)
Wed May 4 05:10:04 2005 (GMT), grag newell <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Story...Dialog of a Drunk Wife... [12K] (pure text)
Wed May 4 05:10:03 2005 (GMT), grag newell <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Story...Country Cocksucker No.2 [28K] (pure text)
Wed May 4 05:10:01 2005 (GMT), grag newell <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Story...Country Cocksucker No. 5 [41K] (pure text)
Wed May 4 04:10:05 2005 (GMT), grag newell <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Story...Country Cocksucker No. 4 [43K] (pure text)
Wed May 4 04:10:04 2005 (GMT), grag newell <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Story...Country Cocksucker No. 3 [32K] (pure text)
Wed May 4 04:10:02 2005 (GMT), grag newell <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Story Submission..Country Cocksucker No. 1 [37K] (pure text)
Wed May 4 04:10:01 2005 (GMT), grag newell <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} The Further Adventures Of Alice - Part 4 (BDSM, ws, FFF) by Bluewords [40K] (pure text)
Wed May 4 01:10:03 2005 (GMT), Bluewords <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} After the Porn (Mf, inc, ped) [16K] (pure text)
Tue May 3 21:10:02 2005 (GMT), voyeur_2cu <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} RP - Playing the Game by R.C. Mather 28/30 (mf soccer) [32K] (pure text)
Tue May 3 18:10:01 2005 (GMT), "Rev. Cotton Mather" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} My Perfect Slut Lisa - Part 24 - Selling the Girls {DayDreamrxx} (MFMFffff Exhib Ped Gang WS Cons) [48K] (pure text)
Tue May 3 05:10:02 2005 (GMT), DayDreamer <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} But I'm Married {Richard Small} (MFM wl oral) [45K] (pure text)
Mon May 2 15:10:02 2005 (GMT), Richard Short <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} The Ripe Girl by Varangian (Mg) [30K] (pure text)
Mon May 2 03:10:02 2005 (GMT), ". Varangian" <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Special Detention (multiple FM/mb, torture, cbt, anal, extreme, mast, humil, nc) [83K] (pure text)
Mon May 2 00:10:10 2005 (GMT), (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Repost: Taking Back Control Part 3 (multiple FM/mbg, torture, cbt, extreme, spank, mast, humil, nc) [70K] (pure text)
Mon May 2 00:10:09 2005 (GMT), (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Close to Home Chapter 7 (ff, first, rom, con) [33K] (pure text)
Mon May 2 00:10:07 2005 (GMT), "" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} Vampyre Daze Chapter 13 of 50 [Yotna El'toub] (FF, MC) [17K] (pure text)
Sun May 1 23:10:01 2005 (GMT), "Yotna El'toub" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} The Further Adventures Of Alice - Part 3 (MF, Enforced Nudity, Toys, Spanking, FF) by Bluewords [51K] (pure text)
Sun May 1 19:10:02 2005 (GMT), Bluewords <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} RP: "HORSING AROUND" (M+/F; non cons; school; teacher) By David Shaw [12K] (pure text)
Sun May 1 10:10:04 2005 (GMT), "DavidShaw" <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} Tall Tale by Zebulon (MF, BD, Rom) [21K] (pure text)
Sun May 1 10:10:03 2005 (GMT), "Zebulon" <> (email, other posts)
Subject: {ASSM} New Year Book 2 chapter 44 (Mg Mb fg oral fist rom lact ped cons anal creampie) {martinmac} [78K] (pure text)
Sun May 1 10:10:02 2005 (GMT), "Martin Martinmac" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)
Subject: {ASSM} NEW: Sleeping Over by Al Steiner (fff, first) 1/1 [69K] (pure text)
Sun May 1 05:10:01 2005 (GMT), "Al Steiner" <> (email, other posts, others in this series)