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Subject: {ASSM} REVENGE by Karen Black CH 6
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2000 17:10:06 -0400
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By Karen Black

Chapter SIX


This fictional story is intended for mature adults
over the age of 18.  If you do not meet these
criteria, then go elsewhere. This story is
fiction, but deals with adult subject matter. If
such offends you then you should stop here. If you
begin to read and start to feel offended then stop
reading at that point.

Author's note:  This is a multi-chapter story
about a couple's revenge on another couple.  It
involves control, deception, sexual games,
humiliation, domination, incest, nc and cons sex.
If I get feedback that you like the direction of
the story, I'll submit more.  Let me know, either
by posting at this site, or email:

Chapter SIX

All the couples stopped talking.  They all knew
that something was very different about tonight's
meeting, but they didn't know what.

"As you know," continued Gina, "whoever hosts the
evening is in charge of making the rules.  And,
yours truly is making the rules tonight.  They are
going to be very different from anything we've
done before."

"That's okay with us, Gina" said Rachel, with a
raucous laugh, "you've always thrown good parties
before.  We trust you."

Gina laughed.  "Thanks for your support, Rachel,
but you'd better listen to the whole deal before
making up your mind.  Whenever we've partied in
the past, we've had little icebreaker games, but
we've always let people pair up as they wished.
Tonight."  Gina paused for effect.  "Tonight we
are adding a big twist.  We are going to play a
game called `Betrayal'.

Gina could hear the buzz among the couples.  "The
risks are going to be a bit higher than games we
have played in the past, but the rewards..well,
they will be a lot higher, too.  My husband and I
have fared very well in the last year or two with
this company, and tonight we are going to share a
little of the wealth we have accumulated.  But we
are going to do it in the style we love---with a
little risk."

Now the room was definitely humming.  Gina loved
it.  "Tonight's game is going to be played with
wagers on ---for now, let's call it fantasy
performances.  Real money and real wagers by each
couple.  And Ben and I are going to give each
couple one hundred thousand dollars as a bankroll
to start the evening off."

"Whoah.are you shitting us?" exclaimed Tom.
Everyone in the room laughed, but was equally

"Why, no," said, Gina, imitating his drawl, "A'hm
not shitting you."

Tom laughed, not missing the mimicry.  "Okay,
then, darling.  Then, tell us what the real deal

"The real deal is that you are each going to get
one hundred thousand dollars."

"Then, we go home, right?" he said, straight faced
to much laughter.

"," said Gina.  "that's where the game comes
in.  If you will recall, earlier tonight, we gave
each of you a booklet of over a hundred video sex
scenes, each on a tear-out page.  We asked you to
tear out six scenes that appealed to you and to
put them in a large box." Gina held up two large
black boxes.  "One for the men; one for the

"And I must say," Gina said with a lascivious
smile, "one of the boxes is filled with some very
naughty stuff."

The women snickered, knowingly.

"I was talking about the women's box," said Gina
with a hearty laugh.

The men let out whoops of laughter.  Then, as the
laughter settled, Tom said,  "Hmm.that kind of
makes you think, doesn't it guys?"

"About time," said Cathy.  And then it was the
women's turn to laugh.

"Ahem," interrupted Gina, "If I may continue.  We
didn't want either of the sexes getting inhibited
in what video scenes they selected, so we gave you
separate boxes.  But now."  Gina took the lid off
another large black box near her feet and emptied
the contents of each of the two smaller boxes into
it.  She looked up and smiled mischievously.
"Now, we have a big communal box of video scenes
to draw from."

"Personally," said Gina, with undisguised delight,
"here's where I think the game gets really
interesting.  We ladies are going to turn the
tables on the gents a little bit tonight.
Usually, it's the men who do the straying off the
ranch.the .betraying, if you will."

"You got that right," said Candi, without

Gina looked at her with a little bit of surprise.
"Hmmm..and so young, too.  Well, it just proves my
point, guys.  We get cynical pretty early."

"Hey, come on," said Hugh, a little defensively,
"we haven't all screwed around on our women."

"Oh, please," said Cathy, looking at him with an
arched eyebrow that every man in the room

Hugh looked at her with an expression that said,

Cathy cocked her head and her eyes widened in

"What?" Said Hugh.

"Give it up, boy," said Tom in his slow draw,
"women don't forget nothin'.  Guarantee it."

Even the men laughed at Tom's zinger.

"Geez..," said Hugh, trying to laugh his way out
of his predicament, but failing.  He shrugged his
shoulders.  "Okay, okay.  But it was when we were

Cathy snorted, as if trying to clear her system of
something distasteful, and took a big gulp of her
drink.  "I forgave you long ago," she said to
Hugh, "but you really were a shit then, you know

"Can't win an argument against a woman's packaderm
memory," said Tom.  "Nope.  No can do."

"And he oughta know," said Rachel, "cuz he's lost
a trunk full of arguments."

The couples were laughing again and Gina took that
opportunity to jump back in.  She held her hand
out to the audience and said, "I rest my case.
Men are more likely to betray than women."

"They are just sneakier, is all," said Tom, unable
to resist a final retort.

"Mmm..," said Gina, relenting a little, "maybe so.
This game will give you a chance to find out.  And
I guarantee that you guys won't be left out of any
of the action tonight.  In fact, you'll do all the
wagering.  It's going to be a little like poker
with four cards up.  You know what the hands are,
but you have to guess what the last card will be
before you wager."

"Okay," Chad said, jumping into the mix, "I like
poker.  Tell us how we play the game."

"Love to, Chad," said Gina, "We will have two
hats, one filled with a husband's name on each
slip; one filled with a wife's name on each slip.
At the beginning of each round, we select a
woman's name from the hat and announce it.  Then
we escort her offstage into a private room we have
down below."

Gina scanned the audience for a reaction.  She saw
shrugs of indifference from the women.  So far, so
good.  She continued.  "Then we draw a video scene
from the big box and play the matching video clip
that we have stored on a dvd.  The woman will be
watching a TV showing the same clip that the
others are seeing on the big screen in this room."

The talking had stopped now.  Gina could see that
they were hooked.  Maybe not participants, yet,
but interested.  "Those are .the cards, if you
will, that are face up.  The guys know what the
scene is and who the woman is.'s the
first wager..or bet."  Gina smiled devilishly.
"The guys have to bet on whether or not the woman
will agree to re-enact the video scene."

"Whooh.," said Tom, appreciatively, "That's a hot
bet, all right."  He glanced over at his wife and
was disconcerted to see that she was absent-
mindedly stroking the inside of her thigh.

"You said `first bet' honey," drawled Rachel,
"what's the second?"

"Well", said Gina, glad that Rachel was acting as
her shill, "while the woman is still in the
offstage room, she draws a name." Gina looked
steadily at each of the women and gave them a
knowing smirk.  ".Or names from the men's hat,
depending upon the video scene.  She calls up the
name or names to me and I make an announcement.
And then, the men make their second wager of the
round as to whether or not the woman will complete
the scene with the chosen men."

"Wow." said Cathy, under her breath.

But Rachel heard what Cathy said.  "Ditto to that

This was going right on track, thought Gina.  Even
though she was the owner's wife, she was plugged
into the women's network at work.  She knew who
the randiest women in the company were.  And as
much of a surprise as it might be to their
husbands, they were all here.  Right in this room.

"We have to do the scene?" asked Candi,
tentatively, "I mean, regardless?'

Gina knew Candi might be the weak link.  She
didn't hesitate.  "No, of course not.  "The woman
selected for the scene has total control.  If she
wants out, that's it."

"Hmm.." Said Candi, mollified for the moment.  And

"So, how does the wagering work," asked Derk.  "I
mean, I'm just a visitor tonight and won't be
playing, but I was curious."

"Well, Derk," said Gina playfully, "You get a
hundred thousand, just like the others.  We don't
discriminate against officers of the company."

Gina went with the ensuing laughter.  "But you
have to stay, if you want to play.  Anyway, we
have a minimum total wager for each round of five
thousand.  The first wager pays triple, if your
guess is right; the second wager pays double.  And
the guy whose mate is performing gets a bonus ten
thousand if he's right.  The house pays those
wagers---and Ben and I are the house.  Whoever
wins the most from those wagers wins the round,
and takes the other players' bets."

Gina could see the couples doing calculations.
"That's right," she purred, "with nine or ten
rounds coming up, several of you are going to
leave with a lot of dough."

"Can we stay and watch if we lose?" asked Chad.

The other men snickered.

Ahh, the innocence of youth, thought Gina.  But
actually, Chad's question was well timed.  "Well,
that brings up a good point.  This is a game of
risk.  Actually, you can stay if you lose,"  said
Gina, "but only if you drop out because you've
lost all your money."  Gina's good-natured smile
disappeared momentarily.  "If your mate won't do a
scene, you're out.  We'll let you keep twenty
thousand for being a good sport, but that's it."

Gina let the group absorb the darker side of the
game.  Then like `good cop-bad cop', she came back
with honey for the sour lemons she had just dished

"But, sweetie," Gina said brightly, flashing her
winning smile again, "if your mate hangs in there
and does the scenes---even if you've lost all your
money---we are going to give you a promotion.  And
the grand winner of the evening-whoever makes the
most money---will be guaranteed tenure at the
company for the next five years."  Gina looked
around the room and then settled her gaze on Derk.
"Guaranteed tenure." she repeated, ".for five

The room buzzed again with husband-wife
conversations.  Then, a familiar voice punched
through the voices.

"What if," said Tom, speaking even slower than
usual, ".what if the woman does the
know.." He looked around for help from the guys,
but he faced blank stares.  "I mean, what if she
does the scene, but..just.."  He flipped his hand
over, palm up.

"Dogs it?"  offered Candi.

Tom laughed, relieved to be let off the hook.
"Yeah, what if she dogs it?"

Good old Tom, thought Gina.  She could count on
him to bring up the negative.  He probably
wouldn't be here except for his ravishing and
extremely randy wife.  But Gina was ready for his
question.  The other guys would have thought of it
eventually anyway.  Before Gina could answer, she
heard a familiar voice from the back of the room.
It was Ben.  He was back from the dressing rooms.

"Actually," said Ben, "Gina and I gave that matter
a lot of thought.  I think we came up with a
rather simple solution."  Ben walked toward the
stage and pointed to a row of small green LED
lights mounted above the TV.  "There are five
green lights.  We have invited a special guest ---
let's call her the moderator---to participate in
tonight's activities.  Her role will be to control
the lights.  If she feels the performance is
anything less than what is in the video, she will
change the lights to red, one by one.  If four red
lights are on by the end of the performance, then
the woman will be judged as not having completed
the performance."

"Agreeable?" asked Gina, pleasantly.

"Sure," said Rachel, "why not?  The more women the

"But who is she," said Candi, genuinely curious.

Gina jumped in quickly.  "A swinger that Ben and I
know from another group.  Since she's new to this
group and will be privy to some special stuff
going on tonight, we want you to meet her and vote
on her participating.  Fair?"

Tom shrugged and said, "Sure."

Gina looked around the room and saw a similar
reaction.  "Okay, then," she said, relaxing a
little.  "I'll be back in a second.  I just have
to make a couple of arrangements with my husband."

Actually, thought Gina, the moderator was her
idea.  Oh, she and Ben had talked about it all
right, but he had left the recruiting up to her.
This was one of the more risky points in her game
plan.  She needed this person to set up the
Gavin's ultimate humiliation.  Ben was in for a
big surprise.  If she could get him past this one,
he'd have the ride of his life with the Gavin

Gina sidled up to Ben and put her hand around his
back.  "Going like I said it would?" she said,
stroking his back, and letting her hand dip
slightly into the waistband of his briefs.

"Oh, yeah," said Ben, grinning.  "You should have
seen the expression on Carol's parents."  He
stopped.  "And you devil.  Not telling me about
Derk's parents."

"I thought you'd get a kick out of that," Gina
said.  She let her hand slide further down into
his briefs until she cupped one of his ass cheeks.
"You trust me with the rest of the evening?"

"Completely," he said.

"Yes, I see," said Gina looking at the growing
bulge in the front of his briefs.  She took her
other hand and stroked his cock through the
fabric.  "Still want to fuck the Gavin women?" she
said innocently.

"Shit, you'd better, believe it."

"Then just go with the flow tonight, honey."

"Sure," Ben said.  "Why wouldn't I?"

"Just checking," she said.  "I've got to go
introduce our moderator."

"Who is it, anyway?"

"You'll see," said Gina, giving him a smile with a
hint of mystery.

Gina walked to the stage and stepped back into the
pool of light that had become her showcase.  "Are
you ready to meet the moderator," she asked,
acting a bit like a cheerleader introducing the
football captain.

"Yes," said several of the guests in the audience.

"Great," said Gina, savoring the moment.  "Here's
how the introduction and voting is going to go
down.  The moderator is going to come out.  I'll
introduce her to you.  Then, she is going to be
given an opportunity to .let's just say, show her
stuff a you know she's a capable judge
of tonight's activities.  Then we vote.  Simple

"Yep," said Tom.

"Why, thank you Tom," said Gina kiddingly, "for
speaking for the group so forcefully.  By the way.
Since our moderator doesn't know whether or not
she will be part of the group until you vote for
her, we're asking everyone---including her---to
put on these silk hoods."  Gina slipped a scarlet
silk hood over her head.  It was tight fitting, so
that the eye, nose and mouth openings would stay
in place.

"Voila," said Gina.  Then she handed the hoods to
Cathy for her to distribute.  After a bit of
mutual kidding, the group donned the hoods
agreeably, albeit with a bit of snickering about
S&M activities to follow.

When the group had settled down, Gina motioned
with her hand for a person, apparently offstage,
to come out.

The woman that stepped out of the shadows was clad
in the same red silk hood as everyone else.  So
the group couldn't tell anything about her face or
her hair color.  But her figure was stunning.  She
wore a tight pullover blouse and a short mini
skirt.  Her legs were long and smoothly muscled.
She wore stiletto-heeled shoes that forced her
tight ass to thrust out slightly as she walked.

When she joined Gina at the center of the stage,
she put one hand on her hip in a sultry stance
worthy of any runway model.

Gina looked at the group with an expression that
said, "nice huh?"

"Turn sideways, hon," said Gina.  The woman turned
sideways, revealing a spectacular profile of her
breasts.   Her blouse curved out and back in a
perfect cone that defied gravity.

"Fucking A", whispered Tom in admiration.

Rachel nudged him hard with her elbow.  "Contain
yourself, Bluto.  Silicone."

"Or a teenager," whispered Cathy.

Gina heard the women, but ignored them.  "Take off
your blouse and skirt, honey.. but slowly."

The woman obeyed and slowly pulled the blouse up
over her breasts.  She wasn't wearing a bra.  As
she pulled the blouse up over her head, her firm
breasts flattened and then relaxed only slightly
as she lowered her arms.  They stood out proudly
like white canon shells, tipped with lusciously
thick nipples.

Gina knew that the women in the audience knew
almost immediately that the moderator wasn't an
adult woman, no matter how well endowed.  But it
was taking the men a minute to realize that his
wasn't a silicone stuffed woman.

"Now, turn around and bend over, hon. Take down
your, skit."

The woman turned around and slid her skirt down
over her firm ass cheeks.  She was wearing bright
blue thong panties.  And the thong strap
disappeared tantalizingly between her tight

"Damn," said Hugh outloud.

"She's quite a package, huh," offered Gina.

"And a bit young for this, don't you think?" said
Rachel, surprising Gina by throwing cold water on
the growing erections in the room.

But Gina knew Rachel's weak spot.  At least, she
hoped her female informant was right.

"OK, she's a teenager.  So what? Why don't we let
her introduce herself to you," said Gina amiably,
"and then you can make a decision as to whether or
not she's too young."  Gina motioned to the
teenage girl to go over to Rachel.

The teenager went to Rachel and knelt down between
the older woman's bare legs.  Wasting no time, she
pulled down Rachel's bra straps and then
unfastened her bra, freeing what had to be the
largest set of tits in the room.

Gina heard several men let out a soft gasp of
appreciation as Rachel's DD cup breasts spilled
out of their silky lair.  Even in a relaxed state,
her brown nipples were almost three-quarters of an
inch in length.

The teenager leaned over, and through the mouth
opening in her hood, sucked in one the woman's
huge nipples.  Rachel tilted her head back and let
out a soft sigh of pleasure.

The teenager worked on the nipple of each of her
breasts for several minutes until the older woman
was almost gasping.  Then, the teenager put her
hands under the woman's knees and pulled her
forward on the couch, until her silk clad pussy
was at the edge of the seat.  She moved the
panties aside gently and plunged her head deep
into Rachel's furry red nest.  Soon, Rachel was
gasping again.

Pulling back her head, the teenager looked up at
Rachel and smiled.  Her red lips were coated with
pussy juice.  Rachel couldn't resist kissing her

"Hmmm." Rachel said, as she broke off the kiss.
She looked around the room, with a dreamy look on
her face.  "This kid has got one hell of a tongue,
I'll tell you that."

"Old enough," said Tom, laughing.

"And then some," said Rachel.

We're off to the races, thought Gina smugly, as
she watched the girl proceed to give Tom a loving

"Oh, man, is she good," said Tom, as he watched
the teenager's head bob on his throbbing cock.

"Sorry to do this," said Gina, giving Tom her best
look of empathy, "but we have to move along the
introductions if this party isn't going to last
until tomorrow night."  She motioned for the girl
to go over to Hugh and Cathy.

Soon, the couples heard moans and sighs coming
from their couch as well.  Yep, thought Gina,
right on schedule.

She went over to where Derk and Carol were talking
with Ben.  Pulling Derk aside, she said, "still
plan on leaving early?"

Derk saw the devious look on her face and didn't
take the bait.  "Just looking tonight.  I'm not
sharing my wife with any of the goons in here.

"Not even for a shot at tenure for five years,"
she asked coyly.

The smile disappeared from his face.  "I don't
believe that's an issue for an officer with my
record, is it?"

Gina looked at him and said evenly, "no, of course
not."  But she knew she had rattled him.  "Well,
then," she said, nodding toward the teenager who
was now going down on Candi, "how about for the
chance at doing her?"  She moved her hand down the
front of his stomach until she felt the thickening
rope of his cock under the fabric of his briefs.

"She's a stunner, I'll give you that," he said.

Gina felt his cock hardening.  "And how about the
chance of fucking me," she said lasciviously.  "In
my little asshole?"  She felt his cock jump at her
words.  That definitely got to him.

"Maybe another time?" he ventured weakly.

"Don't think so," she said firmly.  "You have to
stay play.  Remember?"

"Yeah," he said, like a man losing his shot at the

The teenager was now on her knees in front of Ben.
She struggled to get the tip of Ben's huge cock in
her mouth.  Even from a few feet away, Gina heard
Ben's moan, when the teenager's lips finally
managed to slip over his cockhead.  Ben did have
an amazingly thick cock, Gina thought.  There were
times when she had a hard time taking him in, too.
When Ben looked over towards her, he silently
mouthed a deliriously happy `thank you.'

Gina nodded `you are welcome.'

Gina motioned the teenager over to her.  The
teenager came over and dropped down on her knees
in front of Derk.  Before he could react, she had
taken his nearly erect cock out through the fly of
his brief.

Derk's cock wasn't as thick as Ben's but it was a
long horse cock, nonetheless.  The girl paused, as
if deciding how to attack it.  Then she just
plunged her head down on it greedily. Derk let out
a gasp as the girl managed to get almost five
inches of his cock into her steamy mouth.  He
looked over at his wife and was surprised to see
that the sight of his cock sliding past the girl's
eager lips didn't as shock her as much as
mesmerize her.

The teenager would have happily spent the rest of
the night sucking on this trophy cock, but Gina
had a schedule.

"Your turn," said Gina, looking at Carol.  Before
she could protest, Ben leaned her over a barstool
and pulled down her panties.

Ben grinned at Derk.  "You don't mind, do you
Derk?  I mean, what's good for the goose."

The teenager spread the blonde's firm ass cheeks
and buried her face in the woman's wispy haired
pussy.  In less than a minute, Carol was moaning
at the teen's tonguing of her clit.

"Oh..God, that's .good," she said, panting between
her words.

The teenager lifted her head momentarily and
licked the pussy juices off her lips.  "Hmmm..."
she said, and then plunged her head back into the
hot swamp of Carol's dripping pussy.

Finally, Gina pulled the teenager away.

"Please.oh, don't," protested Carol

"Don't stop?" teased Ben.  He looked at Derk good-
humoredly.  "Well, here's one-half of the team
that doesn't want to leave the party."

Gina looked at Carol and gave a dismissive snort.
She turned to Derk.  "I can't believe you'd give
up such a night of fun for that little slut.  I
mean, such honor and nobility are bestowing on her.  What
a regular guy, you are Derk."

She slid her hand down the front of his briefs to
where his glistening cock still poked out through
the fly.  Stroking the tip of the monstrous staff,
she said, "Funny thing.  The accountant that we
had doing an audit last week said that you weren't
a regular guy at all with the books.  In fact, he
said that there were some very irregular things
that you did with the Puerto Rico accounting.just

Derk's eyes opened wide.  "What?"

"Oh, we can talk about it later when you are
deciding on staying or not," Gina said sweetly.
"I've got to get back to the group."  She left
with the teenager in tow.

As Gina headed back to the stage, she was
surprised at how nervous she was.  Well, after
all, she thought, this is one of the pivotal
moments of the night.  But she hadn't been
tentative so far, and she wasn't about to pull up
short now, either.

On the stage, she teased the audience by tugging
gently on the teenager's silk hood, as if to pull
it off.

"Go on," yelled Hugh, from the back of the room.
"Let's see her.  She's in."

Gina laughed.  "Gee, thanks for the majority vote,
Hugh.  But we have one point to clear up.  I think
the women caught on pretty quickly that she is not
exactly as old as we are.  But since we've all had
a little fun with her.and it's.."  Gina looked up
at one of the cameras.  ".on the record.well, then
we are all in this together."  Gina looked around
the room, letting them absorb what she had said.

"If any of you have any second thoughts about
this, leave now.  Because as soon as I take off
this hood, it's too late.  You are in it as deep
as we are."

Rachel spoke up.  "Gina for a chance at that
tongue again I'd sign away my...Tom for five

The room exploded with laughter.   "How about the
rest of you?" said Gina, closing in for the kill.
"Do you vote her in as a participant for the
night?  Let's see some hands."

Everyone in the room raised their hands.  "Great!"
said Gina.  "Well, then," she said, milking the
moment for all it was worth, "I'd like you to
meet..."  Gina pulled off the teenager's hood.

The teenager shook her head and a glorious mane of
thick black hair cascaded down to her shoulders.
Her face was smooth and free of any blemish.  And
except for the provocative red lipstick, her face
was angelic.

"Tami," said Tom, "you are one fucking hot young

Rachel looked at the teenager's perfect skin and
bullet breasts and muttered,  "emphasis on young."

"Whatever, hon," said Tom, still dazzled by the
girl's beauty, "the cat's out of the bag now."

Gina looked across the room and found Ben.  His
face was sheet white.

Gina nudged Tami in the direction of Ben.  She
walked over and stood before him for a few seconds
in silence.   A coy smile slowly formed on her
face, as she dropped down on her knees and lifted
his still glistening cock with her small hands.

She looked up at him and said sweetly, "Hi,
Daddy."  And then she kissed the shiny knob of his
thickening cock with her wet schoolgirl lips.

End of Chapter SIX

Author's Note:

If you like what you have read so far, send your
Comments to me.  Either post at this site, or
Email me at :

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