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From: "Dream Spinner" <>
Subject: {ASSM} ST:  "Making A Baby - 04" (m/b, t/b)
Date: Sun,  5 Mar 2000 23:10:04 -0500
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<1st attachment, "Making 04.txt" begin>
Caution/Welcome: This is an intergenerational tale involving sex between
men, boys and their infant sons.  In the first part of this story
(unnumbered since it was uncertain if there would be interest in
continuing this story line) a six-year-old boy was impregnated by a husky
forty-year-old truck driver.  Parts 2 and 3 described their developing
relationship as they experience the joys and excitement of parenting over
the first twenty-two months.  In Part 4 the bond uniting the man, now 42,
his eight-year-old boy-wife, and their infant son now 23 months of age,
strengthens as they begin to explore beyond their immediate family.  This
story is for posting at free adult gay story sites only and may not be
copied electronically nor in print form for redistribution or posting in
unauthorized sites.  Comments and story suggestions are always welcome and
can be forwarded to the author J.O.  Dickingson at

   Making a Baby - 04

   "We can't go?" Billy asked, his big turquoise eyes having become moist
upon hearing the news.

   "I'm sorry," Bobby replied.  "The motorhome needs a valve job."

   "You can't get it done?"

   "No, I'm afraid not.  I don't have the money."

   "I got some in my piggy bank."

   "I'm afraid it will cost a lot more than that."

   "Well, that's okay," Billy said, his lower lip quivering as he tried to
be brave.  "At least we're together.  We will be able to see each other
every day still won't we?

   You are going to take a holiday."

   "Of course," Bobby said as he drew the eight-year-old boy close to him,
his two-hundredand-sixty-five pound, six-foot-four frame dwarfing the
youngster.  Weighing in at fifty-nine pound and standing at
four-foot-three, the boy was trying his best to be a man, to hold back his
tears.  The husky truck driver felt a lump forming in his throat as he
looked down at the boy.

   Billy tried his best to handle his disappointment.  He had so been
looking forward to this camping trip.  He and Kevin had been emailing
almost daily, discussing their plans for when they finally met up.  It was
going to be so neat to play with someone his own age who knew the types of
things that he was experiencing, things that most boys his age had to go
without, things like having a lover who cared for him in a way that no
other man could, and of course having orgasms, lots of orgasms, and stuff
like that.  There were supposed to be others at the campground too, others
like him and Bobby, and he was looking forward to meeting other kids also.
Like many boys his age, the tousle-haired blond was a bundle of energy,
outgoing and gregarious, eager to explore the world.

   More than that though, more than meeting Kevin, more than anything else
in the world, he was looking forward to the two-week camping trip because
it meant he and Bobby would be together for two solid weeks, twenty-four
hours a day.  They would have breakfast together, spend the day together,
go to bed together, and wake up the next morning together.  Over the past
twenty-nine months since they had first met his love for the man had grown
daily to the point where he hated to be away from him.  Oh, he still loved
his mom and his dad, and he still wanted to be living with them.  He always
would, but he wanted to be able to spend more time with Bobby too.  He
sometimes would lay awake at night and imagine what it would be like if
Bobby could move in with them, be his older brother well, that wouldn't be
possible be his uncle or something.

   Of course living together in the same house could create a problem. 
There was no way that they could live in the same house and not have sex
together.  Billy smiled as he thought about that.  Sex was not the only
reason Billy loved the big, hairy trucker, but it certainly was a big part
of their relationship.  He loved being able to please his "furry bear" as
he'd begun calling Bobby.  He knew that he could, and he was so happy that
there was something he could do in return for the many things that his
furry bear did for him.  Of course Bobby never expected anything in return,
he never had, but that was why it felt so good to do stuff for him, just as
he imagined Bobby must feel when the big trucker did stuff for him.  That
was what love was all about, doing stuff for each other even though the
other person didn't ask or even expect it.

   Love was not just doing stuff for each other, Billy realized.  It was
much more than that.  Love was doing sex stuff too.  It was fucking and
sucking and jacking off.  Of the three, Billy loved getting fucked the
best. It was the most awesome experience in the world well, one of the most
awesome experiences in the world.  Going to Star Wars with Bobby was
awesome too, as was going to Disneyland with his parents.  It was just a
different type of awesome, an awesome that swept through your mind and your
body and made it explode.  Billy envied Bobby's wife, being able to spend
every night in bed with him.  He knew that Bobby loved her too though, just
as he loved his parents, and that was all right.

   Not only was it great doing it together, but they were introducing Billy
Bob to sex too, and that was so cool.  For one he knew Bobby and his wife
weren't doing that.  For another, Billy Bob was going to know right from
the beginning just how much fun guys can have together, not have to wait
for a whole six years like Billy had to.

   "We can go to the amusement park every day," offered Bobby, interrupting
Billy's thoughts.  "Just think, riding the Bumper Cars every day."

   He knew that Billy loved to ride the Bumper Cars.  What the hell, he did
too.  He could feel the kid trembling in his arms, and he knew it wasn't
out of excitement to go to any amusement park.  Fuck, he could not go
through with this.  He could not continue the lie.

   "I'll get it fixed."

   Billy looked up at him, his cheeks streaked where he'd been unable to
stop the tears.  The boy was not sure he had heard right, was not sure he
could hope for such a thing.

   "We'll be able to go."



   "But the money."

   "Don't worry.  I'll work it out."

   "I knew you would, I just knew you would," Billy said, tugging on the
big man's shirt, drawing him down to his level.

   He threw his arms about the big trucker's neck and gave him a kiss, a
sweet, happy boy kiss on the lips.  It was just that, a kiss of affection,
a kiss of appreciation.  His breath was fresh and clean.  Bobby returned
the kiss, normally delighting in the boy's tender lips but feeling too
guilty to enjoy it at that moment.  He kissed the boy's soft cheeks,
tasting the saltiness of his tears.  He kissed him again, and then again,
trying to kiss away the tears, trying to kiss away the pain he had caused,
trying to kiss away his guilt.  It had been a stupid idea, and if he could,
he would turn the time back to before he'd made the announcement to Billy.
He felt like such an heel for what he'd just done to the boy.  One thing
was certain, he would never do it again.

   "I just knew you would," Billy repeated.

   Bobby felt a pain rip through his heart.  The boy had no idea the pain
that comment caused, but it was fitting considering the pain he'd caused
his sweet young boy-wife.  Now not only did he have to live with the memory
of having caused that pain, but also the guilt that Billy now thought he
was some sort of hero for coming through for him when all along he'd been
the villain, a rotten, lying villain, and a coward.

   It hadn't been that he wasn't looking forward to the camping trip too.

   He wanted nothing more than to be with the boy twenty-four hours a day,
seven days a week also.  He wanted to eat with him, play with him, teach
him, explore new things with him, sleep with him especially sleep with him.
Sex between himself and his wife was a duty, a once a week husbandly
responsibility.  Sex with Billy was a delight, a reward at the end of a
long day.  He'd long ago lost count of how many times on a long, boring
haul he'd thought about the very first time he'd had sex with Billy there
in his room amongst the science fiction posters and models, there on his
little bed with the coverlet of planets and stars.  The best thing about it
was that the boy enjoyed getting fucked as much as Bobby enjoyed fucking

   Billy Bob cried from his crib, interrupting his thoughts.  Billy went to
get him.  Bobby wanted to spend more time with his little son too, getting
to understand him, teaching him things that fathers are supposed to teach
their sons, playing with him, watching the delight in Billy's eyes as the
two of them lay on the floor and stacked blocks, or as Billy Bob sucked his
dinner off Billy's little pickle.  He wanted to bond with the boy, not the
type of bonding as between himself and Billy, but the type of bonding
between a father and a son.  Well, with a bit of a difference than the bond
between most fathers and their sons.  Theirs was a very special
relationship, but then Billy Bob was a very special baby, a love child. 
Just looking at him one felt love and tenderness, and, although it seemed
crazy, Bobby also had to say horny.

   It would have been great the three of them camping together and just
having fun amongst the three of them.  That part of the camping trip he
really was looking forward to, but unlike Billy, he wished they could do it
alone.  He wished they had not agreed to meet up with Kyle and Kevin and
their little baby Korby, and to go on to camp where the others were.  It
wasn't that he didn't want to meet the three K's, as he and Billy had come
to call them.  He wanted to see Kyle as much as Billy wanted to see Kevin.
He wanted to see how the young man was doing, and to talk about the secret
things they had in common, boylove and having a miracle baby, for that was
what Billy Bob and Korby were.

   However, there were other secrets that he did not want to share, secrets
that involved himself and Billy and Billy Bob.  Bobby cursed silently.  Why
did something like what they had, something so wonderful, so full of love
and joy, have to be kept secret?  Why could they not just do things without
fear what others might think?  Why in this society in this time and place
did people have to think so wrongly about the relationship they had?  Why
could people not see the beauty that could be between a man and a boy? 
There was no harm in what the three of them were doing.  He had always
believed that or he would never have done what he had done, and his
experiences with Billy these past twenty-nine months only confirmed his

   He believed in the rightness of what they were doing, yet he had given
in.  He had given in to the majority opinion.  He had given in to his fears
and doubts, to the belief that others would condemn him for what he was
doing with Billy Bob even though they were boylovers themselves.  That had
lead to the lie about the valve job.  Like all lies, it had just caused
needless pain.  It had not solved anything, and now that he had retracted
it, the problem was all the worse.  He should have known that would happen.
Lies never were a solution.  He should not have been so weak.

   As Billy returned with Billy-Bob, the youngster spotted his big daddy
and broke into a wobbly run.  He literally leaped up into his lap and gave
him a hug.  Nothing can compare to a big warm hug of baby just fresh out of
bed.  Billy sat down beside Bobby and hugged them both, and Bobby forgot
his worries and his guilt.  It was all a part of adjusting to this new life
of theirs.  Bobby set his jaw.  They were a family, and no matter what lay
ahead, they would meet it head on, and they would meet it together.

   Several days later they pulled into the Idaho Falls KOA campground. 
They had agreed to meet Kyle and Kevin there before travelling together to
the unadvertised campground in the Teton mountain range.  Even though they
had thoroughly discussed everything, what they could tell and what they
could not, and why, Bobby was still nervous.  Billy would never disobey
him, but Billy was only eight.  Even the most mature eight-year-old slipped
up, and Billy was a typical youngster.  Checking in at the office, they
found Kyle and Kevin had already arrived and had reserved the campsite
beside them for Bobby and Billy.

   A mix of happiness and apprehension passed over Bobby as he drove up
beside the Bowler.  The two boys immediately changed and headed for the
pool, and as soon as Bobby had hooked up the motorhome, he and Kyle joined
them with their two toddlers, Billy Bob now twenty-three months and Korby
sixteen months old.  For the next hour the six of them romped and splashed
and swam and enjoyed the water and each other's company just like any other
pair of families.  The two youngsters stayed in the pool while the adults
took the babies back to the campsite.  Leaving them to get acquainted in
the play pen, Bobby and Kevin set up the barbeque and made the boys their
favourite, hamburgers and corn on the cob.

   It was Billy, returning to the campsite half an hour later arm in arm
with Kevin, who pointed out the two babies to them.  They were sitting
quietly in the corner of the playpen, Billy Bob with his right arm about
Kevin's neck and Kevin with his left arm about Billy Bob's, the two staring
into each other's eyes, as if hypnotized by each other, or as if they were
communicating by mental telepathy.  The others thought that the two babies
were simply mesmerized by each other, by the novelty of someone their same
size, but Bobby was not so certain.  The way the two babies had been
looking into each other's eyes was very strange, almost eerie.

   After supper they took the babies for a stroll about the campground
before putting them to bed, and then they sat about the campfire and talked
about what had been happening in each other's lives.  Kyle had finished his
second year of university in marine biology, and Kevin, like Billy, had
finished Grade Three.  Other than school, the main focus in both Kevin and
Kyle's lives had been their miracle baby, and being typical parents, they
had brought an album of photos of Kevin with his first tooth at five
months, saying his first word at six months (which they said with amusement
was "bum"), having his first solid food at eight months, and taking his
first steps at 10 months.

   "So how did you two meet anyway?" asked Bobby.

   "It was rea ," began Kyle.

   "It was so ," began Kevin.

   "You go," said Kyle.

   "No, you.  You tell it so much better."

   "Well, I'll start," Kyle said, giving in.  "I was at the arcade one
Saturday, like I was every Saturday, checking out the young boys, dreaming
and wishing.  I think you know what I mean."

   Bobby and Billy both nodded agreement.

   "Well, like I'm playing solo on this game called Road Warrior, and this
ancient oriental dude suddenly shows up.  Like one moment he's not there
and the next moment he's beside me, you know?"

   Bobby nodded again, remembering his own strange meeting with the

   "Well, he says, 'you're pretty good at that', and I replied, 'shit
pretty good, I'm the arcade champ', which is true, because the game records
the top ten scores, and I was the highest score."

   "Kyle's the best," said Kevin, beaming up at the twenty-year-old proudly
and Kyle smiled back in appreciation.

   "Well, he says maybe he can beat me, and I laughed and said what would
you like to bet?  Well, he takes out this small velvet bag that like you
imagine must have jewels or rare coins or something in it, and he says
he'll put that up.  I ask what's in it, and he smiles, and says 'your most
ardent dream'.  Well, that don't make no sense, and besides, my most ardent
dream was to find someone like Kevin."

   The two smiled and hugged and Kyle continued.  "Well, I says I don't
really have anything to bet, and he says, he'll bet the necklace I'm
wearing." He reached up and tugged on his necklace, a thick chain-link
necklace like many young men were wearing.  "Well, I got it from my best
buddy, so I told him it was something special to me and he says he knows,
and I ask him how, and he gives me some weird answer that don't make sense.
I don't remember exactly what it was now, but it was something like 'it is
the receiving of a gift from a good friend that gives the gift its true
value' or something like that."

   Bobby could related to the oriental's vagueness and mystique from his
own meeting with the man.  "Well, anyway, we play, and like this old dude
is good.  Like for each point I made he matched, and we play like on and on
chalking up the points.  I'd never played so hot before but this dude kept
matching me point for point until finally I gain a point and he fumbles and
the game is over.  So I take the bag, and there's this big ugly looking
frog in it, but of course you know what it really was."

   Again his audience nodded.

   "Well, like I figured fuck, I almost lost my necklace for some ugly
statue.  I'm about to tell him I think he's ripped me off, but then he
starts telling me things like the statue will bring me what I have been
desiring, and that I'm to concentrate on exactly what it is that I want and
I'll get the boy of my dreams.  Well, like I'm surprised when he says boy,
but like I still don't believe a word he's saying, especially since there
was no way he could know what type of boy I was dreaming of having, and
even though I desperately wanted to believe him.  Then he says I'm to give
this special boy these four suppositories which he'll sell to me for four
hundred dollars, and then like I figure I see his scam.  Let me win the
worthless statue but the drugs I got to buy or whatever.  Of course I said
no way and that I'm not into drugs or drugging kids but he tells me they
aren't drugs and like he persists and talks in circles that I can't follow,
but at the same time he's hinting about things that nobody knows except

   He paused and looked at them for some hint that they understood what he
was saying, and that they believed him.  Receiving it, he continued. 
"Well, anyway, like finally I buy the stuff on instalment and away I go. 
Well, I'm thinking about the boy in my favourite fantasy of course, and I
only walked a block and like there is Kevin, sitting on the curb, the most
beautiful boy in the world."

   "Ha, beautiful," said Kevin.  "I was dirty, my clothes were torn, and I
was sitting in a back alley beside a dumpster full of stinking garbage."

   "An angel amongst grime and filth," said Kyle poetically, his eyes
shining with love that was so evident to Bobby and Billy, the type of love
that can only come from a boylover.

   "I had been in a fight with my mom about smoking."

   "You were smoking?" asked Bobby.

   "No, she was," Kevin replied to Bobby's surprise.  "I was telling her it
was stinky and harmful and all that and she should quit and she was
hollering she was the adult and would do what she wanted and didn't need
some snivelling kid telling her what to do with her life, especially a kid
she didn't want in the first place."

   The anger in the eight-year-old's voice made it more than abundantly
clear how he felt about his mother, and how she felt about him.  More than
once Bobby had felt it a shame that there wasn't some sort of test you had
to pass before you could have children.  Travelling on the road like he
did, he'd seen far too many cases of parents who had no clue when it came
to raising children, and sometimes even worse, no desire to be doing it.

   "Well, I saw him sitting there, his face black with anger and his cheeks
streaked with tears."

   "I weren't crying," Kevin said defensively.  "I was mad.  Sometimes when
I get real mad my eyes water."

   "Yes, you were mad, as you should have been," agreed Kyle, astute enough
to understand the boy didn't want Billy to know he'd been crying.  That
afternoon he had met Kevin he had denied he'd been crying too, trying to
act tough because all his life he'd been taught that tough guys don't cry.
"Anyway," Kyle continued, "I sat down on the curb with him and like we
talked, and I offered to take him for an ice cream cone."

   "Watching me licking it gave him such a boner he couldn't walk,"
interrupted Kevin, a sparkle in his dark brown eyes and an impish grin
curling his lips.

   "And he noticed and licked the cone all the more seductively, the little
sneak," Kyle said lovingly, putting his arm about the boy's neck and
drawing him close.

   "Yeah, it was so cool," Kevin said with a wide grin.  "I know I got good
looks that turn guys on, and it's so cool turning someone on and knowing
they are feeling randy because of something I did." He and Billy exchanged
knowing grins.

   "Anyway, like after teasing me like that for a few minutes, he finally
looks at me, and says, 'when I finish licking this cone, can I lick your
dick?' as he flashes me this sexy grin.  Like I couldn't believe it.  That
was exactly what I wanted to hear."

   "You might have wanted to hear it, but I had to say it twice."

   "I couldn't believe my ears the first time.  Hell, I couldn't believe
them the second time either."

   "So we ended up sixty-nining in the bushes in the park on the way back
to my house, and that night we met again and made love for hours."

   "Hot, passionate love."

   "Oh yeah," agreed Kevin, his face brightening with a wide, open-mouthed
boyish grin and a merry sparkle in his eyes.

   "And you know the rest."

   "Yeah," Billy said with a grin too.

   "So like how did the two of you meet?" asked Kyle.

   Bobby described his meeting with the ancient in the second hand store,
and how he had searched for and dreamed about the boy of his dreams for
several days before meeting Billy in the hardware store.  The two of them
described that experience, each from his personal perspective, and then
between the two of them they described the meetings the two of them had

   "So, you on holiday now or what?" asked Bobby.

   "No, I have a summer job at the university," said Kyle.  "I was like
able to get away early today, and I got Friday off, but I got to be back at
work Monday.  So like we just got the four days, so we got to make the most
of it."

   "Especially the sex part," Kevin announced with a wide grin.

   "Oh yeah," agreed Billy, "whenever me and Bobby are together we do that

   Bobby's apprehension went up several notches and he glanced over at
Billy to give him a warning glance, but he was looking the other way.

   "That's the best part of all, getting horny together and then making
each other feel good."

   "Yeah," said Billy dreamily.

   Bobby and Kyle glanced at each other above the heads of the two boys,
feeling a bit embarrassed by their candidness, but also proud of their two
little boys.  They were so eager to have sex, and so animated about it that
it was difficult not to be as enthused as they were.

   "Well, on that note, maybe Kevin and I should turn in," Kyle said.

   "I imagine Billy and I can find something to occupy ourselves," said
Bobby with a smile.

   "Actually," began Billy, "Kevin and me was talking. . . ."

   "Oh?" the two adults said eagerly, both with a hint of concern in their

   "We'd like to do it together, the four of us, like we done last summer."

   Bobby and Kyle glanced at each other.

   "Please?  We only got four days, and we want to spend it together."

   "Well," said Bobby, "I think Kyle and I will have to talk about this."

   "It's cool with me if like it's cool with you," Kyle announced.

   "It's cool with me," Bobby replied.

   "Cool," the two boys chorused and the four of them laughed.

   They retired to the motorhome and Billy and Kevin immediately took the
lead.  The two boys put on a regular performance for the benefit of the two
special adults in their life.  Putting on a CD by the Moffats, Billy and
Kevin began to slowly and seductively strip each other in time to the music
by the young teens while their lovers watched.  Kevin raised his arms,
allowing Billy to pull his T-shirt off over his head, and then Billy
gyrated his hips suggestively as Kevin unbuttoned his shirt and removed it,
revealing the boy's thin chest and slim waist.  They removed each other's
shorts together, slipping them over each other's narrow hips and then
pushing them down together and stepping out of them.

   Clad now only in their jockey briefs, Billy's blue Fruit of the Loom and
Kevin's white Calvin Kleins, the two boys turned to their lovers, but to
the surprise of Bobby and Kyle, the other's partner rather than their own.
Bobby found it so hot to watch his jockey clad boy removing Kyle's muscle
shirt and then massaging the hot youth's smooth chest as he gradually
slipped his hands down to his jeans.  It was also so erotic having Kevin
undoing his belt and pulling down his fly, and then pushing down his
trousers in front of his lover and in front of Billy.  The two
eight-year-olds stripped the adults down to their boxers, seductively and
impishly stroking their butts and groping them between the legs, delighting
in the familiar feel of warm, damp crotches and the excitement of groping
someone totally new.

   Still moving in time to the music, Billy and Kevin removed each other's
briefs, and then continuing to sway and bob, they watched as Bobby and Kyle
slipped their hands inside each other's boxers and drew them down.

   Laying down on the bed side by side, the two couples began to make love,
kissing each other gently and caressing each other's body as they had done
countless times in private.  Kyle and Bobby were conscious of each other's
presence, but at the same time strangely uninhibited by the other.  Neither
was an exhibitionist, but they were comfortable with each other, and
confident in their individual approaches to foreplay.  They did some things
differently, and they watched and learned from each other, and they did
other things identically, and they smiled at each other with the knowledge
that the other knew exactly how they were feeling at that moment in time.

   So the two pairs explored each other's bodies in their own way, and it
did not take long for the four of them to become aroused.  While Billy
twirled his fingers in Bobby's chest hairs and licked and kissed his hairy
teats, Bobby drew the boy close to him, delighting in the heat of his tiny
body, and reached around behind and slipped his finger along the boy's
sweaty crack.  He swiped his finger up and down the entire length of the
crack several times, and then zoned in on Billy's little butthole.  He
twisted and wiggled his finger, working the tip into the boy's itching,
eager opening, causing Billy to squirm and giggle with the sensation.

   Meanwhile, Kyle slipped down to the foot of the bed, massaging Kevin's
young, slender body from his neck down to his ankles on his way.  Then
rolling Kevin over on his stomach, the youth spread apart the young boy's
butt cheeks with both hands and pressed his lips between them.  His
breathing drew heavier as he kissed and licked the eight-year-old's
asscrack, and then zoned in on his little pucker.  He kissed it, and with
his lips pressed against it, he darted his hot, moist tongue against it. 
Pressing his lips tighter in that erotic kiss, he worked his tongue into
the boy's eager hole.  Kevin squirmed and giggled joyfully with the erotic
sensation as his young lover rimmed him.

   Their foreplay continued for a long time, each partner striving to bring
pleasure to the other, and all four clearly succeeding as four cocks began
to swell and one by one began to rise up.  It was not long before all four
were standing tall and proud, from the foreskin sheathed oneand-a-half inch
boy cocks to the seven and eight inch cut man cocks, different sizes and
ages but all with the same desire.

   Billy and Kevin lay on their backs, side by side as they had done last
summer, and their lovers knelt between their raised, outspread legs.  Billy
and Kevin grinned at each other in anticipation as Bobby and Kyle shared
the tube of KY, lubing up their cocks and the love canal's of the two
eight-year-olds.  Then placing the tips of their hard, aching cocks against
the two eager buttholes, they began to ease forward.  Billy and Kevin
grunted and strained to accept their lovers, and Bobby and Kyle inhaled
sharply and held their breaths as they slowly eased their greased cocks
into the two boys.

   Although they had done this hundreds of times by then, they were slow
and gentle, taking care not to cause their boys any pain.  Their love
chutes could stretch far wider than they had been able to the first time
they had united, but they were still tight and the men were well-endowed.
Bobby eased half of his eight inches into his beloved boy's butt, and Kyle
similarly eased half of his seven inches into Kevin's love chute.  As Bobby
grasped Billy by the shoulders, the boy rested his slender calves on
Bobby's hips and the big trucker began to ease his body to and fro
rhythmically.  Kyle and Kevin similarly began to fuck slowly and gently,
enjoying the moment.  As the two men eased their thick, hard cocks in and
out of the tight, moist holes of their boy-wives, they inhaled and exhaled
slowly and deeply with the delightful irritation of their cockheads and the
pleasures rippling out from their union and through their bodies.

   At the same time the two boys grunted and panted with the exquisite
stimulation of their anuses, their little chests rising and falling as they
trembled and sighed with the ripples of pleasure pulsating from their love
chutes.  Their lovers' coarse pubic hairs and hairy stomachs brushed back
and forth over their tiny balls and stiff little cocks and the boys closed
their eyes and threw their heads back in ecstasy with the awesome ripples
of stimulation passing through their little pricklets.  The tremors of
pleasure passing through those tender little boy cocks came faster and
faster and grew in intensity with each thrust of the two adults, until at
last the boys bucked their hips wildly as their slender thighs quivered
uncontrollably and their little boy cocks throbbed and spasmed.  They
opened and closed their peeholes in desperation as they climaxed, causing
their buttholes to constrict and dilate too.

   Their violent orgasm caused their two lovers to climax while the boys
were still in the throes of ecstasy.  Bobby and Kyle grunted with abandon,
the overwhelming pleasure of ejaculating up the tight assholes of their
little boys accented by the simultaneous dry orgasms of their two
boy-wives. They threw their heads back and bared their teeth as they shot
their seed repeatedly and violently into the two trembling boys, filling
their narrow tiny love chutes with thick, hot cream.  Over and over their
cocks throbbed out their cum, squirting it deep inside their beloveds with
a force that even randy teenagers would find difficult to match.

   The four of them at last ceased their quivering and the two boys lay
motionlessly on their backs while their two lovers hovered over them on
hands and knees, the two pair still united asshole to groin.  The four of
them panted deeply as they relished the joy of orgasm, and the blissful
flush that follows until finally the two men withdrew and rolled over
beside their young boys.

   The four lay there for a long time, until the two boys reached over
simultaneously and began to fondle and fiddle with the limp, sticky cocks
of their lovers.  Just the touch of those hot, small hands on their organs
caused Bobby and Kyle to begin to harden once again.  It was not long
before their two boys had gotten them hard, and the two once more lay on
their backs, their slender legs spread and held in the air, exposing their
eager little buttholes.  The second time was just as delightful as the

   The next morning the boys wanted to travel together, so they agreed to
travel with Bobby for the morning, and then switch and travel together with
Kyle after lunch.  They wanted to tour a bit of Idaho before heading to the
private campground they'd been given directions for.  For lunch they
stopped at a Dairy Queen for take out and found a quiet corner in the town
park to eat.

   "Every time I have an ice cream cone now I'm gonna think how you two
met," Bobby said, taking a long sip from his vanilla milkshake.

   "That was neat what you and Kyle did last night," commented Billy,
wiping the smear of relish from his hamburger off his lips with the back of
his hand.

   "What was that?"

   "You know, when you rolled over on your tummy and you licked him," Billy
explained, looking at Kevin and then up at Kyle.

   "Oh, rimming," said Kevin.

   "Is that what that is called?"

   "Yeah," said Kevin.  "It really feels hot.  And Kyle is expert at it."

   "Looked like," said Bobby with a smile as Kyle blushed.  The two adults
shifted, their bodies reacting to the erotic conversation.  It was so hot
listening to the two eight-year-olds talking about sex.

   "Oh yeah, rimming's one of our fav things.  Korby's t ." Kevin clamped
his lips shut and quickly looked up at Kyle, his face blanching.  "Ah, that
is, ah, Korby, ah, Korby's finished eating," he stammered looking over at
Korby sitting on the blanket beside Kyle.

   "You rim Korby?" asked Billy without the slightest hesitation as he
looked at Kyle.

   Kevin and Kyle looked at each other, the boy pleadingly and apologetic,
the young man desperate and conceding the revelation.  Bobby shifted
uncomfortably, wishing he could signal Billy to drop the topic.

   "Okay, yes, I do," Kyle finally said.  "If you want to stop being with
us, that's all right."

   "Why would we do that?" Billy asked innocently.

   "It's okay," Kyle said, looking up at Bobby, knowing that he knew the
implications of what he'd just confessed.  "If you like think we're sick or
something, I understand."

   "You're not the only ones who have been doing something that could be
considered deviant," Bobby confided.

   "What do you mean?"

   "We've found Billy Bob enjoys sucking more than just Billy's nipples."

   The two couples looked at each other, uncertain if they should say more,
uncertain if they understood the other right.  Then all four began talking
at once, eager to explain what they had said, and eager to confirm what
they had heard now that their secrets were out.  There was an immense
feeling of relief and joy, especially for the two adults.  For Billy and
Kevin, they were just glad they didn't have to be so worried about what
they said anymore.  Bobby confessed that he'd been so afraid Kyle and Kevin
would find out their secret he had almost not taken the trip, and Kyle
confessed the same thoughts.

   "Well, I'm sure glad we did," observed Kevin.

   "Heck yeah," agreed Billy.

   "It's dumb being a big secret and everything anyway," said Kevin.  "It
so hot rimming Korby, and it don't do him no harm.  He loves us doing it."

   "Same with Billy Bob," observed Billy.  "He loves to suck my pickle, and
drinking Bobby's cum."

   "There is an irresistible charm about Billy Bob," observed Bobby.  "I
just can't stop myself, and he enjoys doing it so much."

   "Same with Korby," commented Kyle.  "Like every time I do it I say never
again, but next time he snuggles up to me I'm sure puts his little bum in
my face on purpose and like I just can't resist."

   "Well, I think it's dumb not doing it," observed Kevin with all the
conviction of an eightyear-old.

   "I agree," said Billy.  "It's something special."

   "Billy Bob and Korby are special," observed Bobby.

   "Miracle babies," said Kyle, and they all agreed.

   "Even so, I don't think this is something we should share with the
others we're going to meet," warned Bobby.

   "Well, considering like we don't really know them, I don't think that
will be so hard," observed Kyle.  "Not as hard as it was keeping the secret
from you guys anyway."

   "Yeah, we know each other good," agreed Kevin, "not like the others."

   "What do you know about the others?" Bobby asked.

   "Kevin was just chatting in a chat room like two months ago and found
this other boy who made some comments about how cool it was to raise a
baby, and how he and his friend were like starting a camp for just guys who
had babies," explained Kyle.  "Well, this boy said his lover wanted to like
talk to me, and after some hinting and hedging, this guy and I found we had
like this strange oriental and ugly looking frog in common, and, well, you
can guess the rest."

   Even though they had warned the boys and both Billy and Kevin had said
they understood why it would be best not to reveal their secret, Bobby and
Kyle were nervous and worried as they pulled into the private campground
late that afternoon.  It was a small campground, consisting of a
newly-built combination store, office, washroom and laundry room and half a
dozen plug in sites in a small meadow surrounded by pines and bordered on
one side by a small lake.  Besides themselves, there were only two other
couples there, one in a truck camper and one in a tent.  The owner of the
campground lived in a log cabin on a bit of a hill off to one side of the

   That evening the owner of the campground hosted a barbeque, and
afterwards they sat around the campfire and got acquainted.  The
conversation amongst the adults was largely about the weather and the joys
of camping and the recent Kennedy tragedy, all safe, comfortable topics. 
The boys were abnormally quiet, talking only about similarly safe things
such as places they'd camped at, and concentrating excessively on the four
babies present.  Although one boy, who looked to be about six, was very
evidently pregnant, his condition was conspicuously ignored.  Even his
baggy cargo pants and over size shirt could not hide his swollen stomach,
and everyone there knew why it was extended.  As they talked, the
conversation eventually got around to the topic of those miracle babies.

   The owner of the campground, a white-haired, square chinned individual
in his early fifties who looked like the outdoors type, tanned, plaid
shirt, and rugged, masculine looks, finally got things started.  "I know
we're all feeling uneasy, and considering the special interests we have,
that's only to be expected.  I think it might help us get to know each
other if we all told how we ended up becoming families." He looked around
at each of them, and hearing no objection, he continued.  "I was camping
down at Big Sur in California two summers ago.  As usual I was laying on
the beach admiring the young boys in their wet speedos, my favourite way of
spending my leisure time, and one of several reasons why my wife and I got
divorced, when this elderly oriental sat down beside me and immediately
began commenting on the array of young beauties to choose from, and how
that a beach was a particularly excellent place to 'shop' as the boys wore
as little as possible, giving a man a chance to check out their 'assets' as
he put it.

   At first I thought the old guy was figuring on capitalizing on my looks
and leading up to the proposal I lure a boy to my campsite where we could
have our way with him.  I was about to tell him I wasn't into tricking,
bribing or forcing boys into doing anything, let a lone having sex, when
the old fellow said that Big Sur was the type of place where a man's
wildest dreams could come true, no matter how wild or impossible.  Well, I
had to smile as I thought what the old fellow would think if he knew that
the wildest dream of the white-haired, fifty-year-old man he was talking to
was to impregnate a young, prepubescent boy.  That was when he looked me
right in the eye and said, 'even a dream as wild as making a baby.' Well,
that blew my mind!"

   The adults around the campfire all nodded, knowing from personal
experience how surprising, and how unsettling, meeting that particular
individual had been.

   Seeing everyone was comfortable so far, the fellow continued.

   "Well, to make a long story short, the old oriental invited me back to
his trailer, where he gave me the gargoyle of male fecundity and sold me
four suppositories.  As I left, I shook my head, figuring I was an old
fool, and that the old oriental had really suckered me.  I could not
believe it when later that very afternoon I saw the boy of my dreams, a
dark haired, darkly tanned seven-year-old building a sand castle on the
beach.  Now that could easily have been a coincidence, but when he began to
flirt with me, winking at me and running his hands along his thighs
suggestively as he gave me that 'you want my body mister?' look, I really
did a double take."

   He looked down at his boy-wife, who was snuggled up beside him, and
smiled warmly.  The boy smiled back with the wide, open-mouth smile of a
young boy.  Their nineteen-month-old baby began to fuss.  As the campground
owner picked him up and began to bounce him on his knee, the boy, nine now,
continued the story.

   "I knew men found me attractive back then.  I'd known that as far back
as I can remember, and if talking to a man or giving him a smile mean
getting a chocolate bar or quarter or whatever for making him happy," he
said with a shrug, "I wasn't going to question my special ability." The boy
wasn't bragging, nor was he feeling any guilt.  He was only stating the
obvious.  "Anyway, I'd been at the mall that spring with a friend and his
older brother.  My friend's older brother noticed how the men ogled me, and
that was when I found out some men wanted to give me something more than a
chocolate bar."

   He looked at the other boys with a suggestive grin, and they all
giggled. "Well, my friend's brother told me that to warn me, and made a big
deal about how bad it was and how it made him sick just thinking about it
and everything.  Well, I knew from listening to my dad and other adults
that girls could turn men on, but I sure hadn't known that boys could, and
I didn't see anything sick about it.  Actually I thought that it was sort
of funny that I could get men aroused, and so instead of just letting it
happen to them naturally by just looking at me and dreaming, after that day
I began to turn men on on purpose."

   He looked around, checking everyone's reaction to that before
continuing. "I didn't know that was being a cock tease.  I just thought I
was making guys feel good so that there wasn't any harm in it." He
cautiously looked around again and was pleased to see the looks of
understanding, not just from the adults, but from those his age also. 
"Well, I did just as Ray said, teasing him and trying to get him hard,
which I still find fun to do on the beach because guys can't hide their
arousal when all they got on is a tight bathing suit," he confessed
impishly.  The boys around the campfire giggled, and even the adults had to

   "With Ray it was different though," he continued.  "I felt so hot having
him admiring me, and instead of turning him on, I was turning myself on,
and before I knew I had a boner!" Everyone laughed at that confession and
as they pictured the scene.  "Well, I headed back to the campsite to have a
good wank, and Ray followed me, and that's when I figured it would be cool
to wank with an old dude." He said that affectionately as he grinned up at
his lover.  "So I stopped and stood there rubbing myself while I waited for
him to catch up."

   "When I did, I made the obvious comment that boys shouldn't be doing
that in public, and Michael just looked up at me with those seductive
bedroom eyes and asked if I wanted to join him in his trailer then.  Well,
I suggested we might be less likely to be interrupted in my motor home, and
that's where we ended up, sitting there in the middle of the afternoon on
the bed in my motor home wanking ourselves.  When Michael showed up at my
campsite the next evening for more of the same, I had to confess to him how
delighted I was that he'd returned, and that I'd been dreaming about
fucking him all the previous night and the entire day.  He was agreeable to
trying it, and for the rest of the week we banged two or three times a day,
and when you're fifty that's a major accomplishment," Ray said with a grin.

   "Of course I gave him the suppositories, but I didn't really think
anything would come out of it.  I just did it because the old oriental had
told me to, and even though I figured meeting Michael had just been a
coincidence, I figured why take a chance it wasn't the old fellow's doing?
Using the suppositories was sort of my way of saying thanks to him.  Then
our summer break was over and we had to return home, me to work and Michael
to school.  Turned out Michael lived in Washington State, same as I.  We
promised to keep in touch by email, which we did, and you can imagine my
surprise when Michael told me four months later he was getting a fat
stomach and could feel something moving inside him."

   They all knew exactly what he meant, and they all looked at the young
boy with the extended stomach that was sitting with his lover.  Embarrassed
by the attention, he flushed a bright pink and shyly stared at the ground
as he pressed closer to the man sitting beside him for security.

   "Of course I drove right over to meet with him, and we were trying to
figure out what was going on, and what we were going to do about what had
happened, when Michael's parents died in a traffic accident with an oil
tanker.  The blaze was so intense they were totally incinerated, and it was
assumed he had been in the car with them.  His parents had married late in
their life so there were no grandparents still alive, and both were only
children, so there was nobody to look after the boy.  So, we decided to get
married.  We made up our own little ceremony and I sold my home and we just
struck out without any real plan other than to go somewhere and have our
baby.  He's nineteen months old now." The baby by this time had settled
down and fallen asleep in his father's lap.  "Anyway, we figured there had
to be others like us, and that it would be great to have a special
campground just for people like us.  We found this place and bought it and,
well, we eventually made contacts with all of you, except Bobby and Billy,
and here we are."

   "That's really cool," observed the young boy who was very obviously

   "Taylor and I met at a conference this spring," said the man sitting
beside him.

   "Conference?" asked Ray.

   "I was there to pick up some new ideas for teaching, and Taylor was
there presenting a session on problems of being gifted."

   "You were presenting a session?" asked Michael in surprise.

   Taylor blushed and nodded as he glanced at the ground.

   "Being gifted is a problem?" asked Billy.

   "Sure," said Taylor, looking up shyly.  "Everyone is always teasing you,
or telling you how lucky you are to be smart, or calling you names, like
'brain', or 'teacher's pet' and stuff.  It's not easy being six and smart."

   "Taylor put on an excellent session," said the teacher, glancing at
Taylor admiringly.  "I attended it, and later the two of us attended this
session on ceramics, put on by an ancient oriental." He looked over at Ray
and Michael.  "Well, he noticed how I was paying more attention to Taylor
than him, and well, one thing lead to another and before I knew it I had a
ceramic frog and four suppositories.  That night I was thinking what a fool
I was, thirty-years-old and falling for this smooth talk about realizing my
dreams, when there was a knock on my hotel room door, and there was Taylor.
His chaperone had fallen asleep and he was bored so he'd come looking for
me.  We talked, and he saw the gargoyle sitting on the night stand, and
well, he more or less wheedled the truth out of me and after that things
just seemed to happen," he concluded with a shrug.  "It just seemed so
natural for the two of us to make love that night."

   "When is the baby due?" asked Bobby.

   "We're about half way there, four and a half months."

   Those present glanced at each other and smiled knowingly.

   "Fraid you're there, dude," said Kyle.

   "What do you mean?" asked Taylor.

   "It only takes four-and-a-half months.  You're due any time."

   The conversation turned to the mystery and wonder of getting pregnant,
and how wonderful the birth of their sons had been.  They all assured the
couple that it was a relatively painless procedure, and that they would be
there to help should it happen while they were camping.

   "If I hear a cry from your tent I'll be right over," said the fellow who
had spoken very little that evening.

   "What about the two of you, how did you meet?" asked Ray.

   "Well," began the man, "I'm an accountant, and a forty-year-old
bachelor. I was doing the records for this old oriental who owned an
antique shop, and while I'm doing his books he hints about knowing my
secret desires and things, as I gather he's done with the rest of you."
They all nodded in agreement.  "Well, when I'm done, he says in payment,
he'll loan me this ugly statue and give me these four suppositories.  Well,
I figured the old codger was trying to rip me off.  At the time I figured
the statue I couldn't give away, though later when I found out its powers I
was amazed the old oriental only charged for the suppositories.  As for the
suppositories, I figured there was no way they could be worth a hundred
dollars each.  However, you all know how persuasive the oriental can be,
and from the things he'd said or hinted at, I was intrigued, and against my
better judgement, I took them."

   "It's a good thing you did," said the young teenage boy sitting beside
him, and the two smiled.

   "Well, about a week later I find Derrick here huddled in a doorway.  It
was cold and sleet was blowing, and there it was mid November and all he
had on was a pair of blue jeans and a Tshirt."

   "Yeah, I'd been living on the street since summer.  Got kicked out of
the house by my mom's latest boyfriend because she was spending money on me
instead of giving it to him, and besides they couldn't get it on with a
thirteen-year-old living in a three-room apartment.  I was starving and
prostituting myself to any guy who wanted me for money for drugs and
feeling shitty about myself.  Hell, I was ready to off myself.  I was going
to be fourteen in four months and was hooked on crack, had no family, and
was a fag who liked older men.  I had nothing to live for."

   "Of course I didn't know any of that at the time.  I just saw this kid
and at first I felt sorry for him and was just going to give him a twenty
and tell him to go get a decent meal.  But when I looked closer at him, he
just seemed to be radiating sex, just the type of boy I dreamed about
sharing my bed.  So I stopped and asked him if he'd like to go somewhere
for a hot meal.  He said he'd love a cup of hot coco and a donut so we went
to a Robbin's shop and we talked and before the night was over we were in

   Their four-month-old baby laying in a basket beside them began to cry.
The man picked the boy up, and unbuttoning his shirt, offered a hairy teat
to the boy.  The others could not help showing their surprise as he began
to nurse and his fourteen-year-old lover looked at the two of them with a
father's pride.

   Billy in particular was awed by the idea that the boy had impregnated
the man, not the other way around.  As he thought about it, he wondered how
Bobby would feel about having his bumhole fucked.  He totally loved it
himself, and if his furry bear was interested, he'd be delighted to
pleasure him the same way.  Of course his little one-and-a-half inch dick
would probably not be much pleasure he reasoned sadly, and incorrectly.

   Bobby, on the other hand, had been thinking that the situation between
the accountant and the fourteen-year-old boy was one of those cases of an
adult taking advantage of a child.  Derrick was far from innocent, but he'd
been in a desperate situation and Bobby had figured the accountant had
taken advantage of it, picking the boy up and offering him food and shelter
in return for sex.  Now he was sorry he'd had such suspicions that the man
had used the boy.  On the contrary, the man had offered him more than basic
comforts, he had offered him love and attention, something he had not been
getting in his young life, something that all boylovers offer the boys they

   That night when they turned in, they went to the Bowler because Kevin
wanted them to visit in their trailer instead of always going to Billy's.
After having heard how the others had met, and knowing that there were at
least three other couples in the world who felt the way they did, none of
them were ready for sleeping.  They talked about how amazing it was that
they'd gotten together, and about the love that so clearly existed among
the threesomes as they bathed their babies.  They put them in Kevin's crib
while they visited a bit longer.  Kevin and Billy sat arm in arm on one
side of the table and as they talked their hands absentmindedly dropped to
each other's laps and they fiddled with each other outside their shorts. 
Their actions did not go unnoticed by Bobby and Kyle and they exchanged
knowing smiles.

   "You boys want to be a lone a while, Kyle and I can go over to the
motorhome," offered Bobby.

   Billy and Kevin glanced at each other.  "Actually," said Billy, "we was
wondering if we could do something together again, all four of us."

   Bobby glanced at Kyle, and the boy nodded.  "Sure.  Did you have
something in mind?" Bobby asked teasingly.

   The two boys glanced at each other.  "Yep," they said together with wide

   Although it was crowded in the Bowler for the four of them plus the two
babies, especially with Bobby's size, Bobby knew that Kevin and Kyle wanted
to be hosts so he didn't offer going to the motorhome.  Moving the crib
over by the table, they pulled out the fold-up bed and made it up, and then
the four of them stripped.  Laying down head to toe, or more appropriately,
head to crotch, Billy took Kevin's limp dick in his right hand and began to
lick it and suck on it as Kevin did the same to him while Bobby and Kyle
sat on the edge of the bed and watched.  It was not long before the two
eight-year-olds were sporting erections.

   The sight of each of the young boys eagerly licking and drawing his lips
up the other's hot little cock like it was a popsicle, and watching those
little popsicles swell until they were jutting out stiffly from the boys'
naked pubes had the expected result on the two adults.  As they sat there
stiff-cocked and watching the two eight-year-olds sixty-nining, they slowly
stroked themselves.  Finally the sight of their boys' pink, little butts
just waiting for their attention was too much for the two adults to ignore.

   Laying down on the bed in the same direction as their respective boys,
Bobby and Kyle began to caress those small, round melons and to run their
fingers up and down the smooth cracks.  Lubing his stiff cock with KY,
Bobby lay behind his boy and placing the tip of his cock against his little
pucker, he slowly began to slide his cock into the boy's hot love chute. 
He could feel Billy eagerly opening his anus and pushing out to accept him
as he continued to suck on the boycock of his buddy.  Kyle and Kevin were
doing the same on the other side.

   Once united, the two men began to slide back and forth on the small bed,
working their cocks in and out the two boys as they sucked eagerly on each
other's little cocklets.  The bed did not allow for much movement, and as
Bobby wrapped his beefy arm about Billy he found himself grasping onto
Kevin's hips, and he noticed Kyle was doing the same, reaching past Kevin
and grasping Billy.

   As Billy and Kevin gradually became more and more aroused they began to
make slurping noises in their excitement.  The two horny little boys sucked
desperately on the fleshy straws in their mouths, delighting in the fact
that they were bringing the other pleasure as much as in the throbbing
pleasure in their own groins.  Being able to take the other's stiff dick
totally in one's mouth right down to his naked pubes and little hairless
nuts was so different from sucking on the thick ends of one's lover's cock.

   Bobby and Kyle were getting hotter too.  As their cocks began to ache
with their impending ejaculation, they slid their hips the short four
inches back and forth rapidly, causing not only the small bed to rock but
the Bowler itself.  As the tension in their groins built they began to
trust harder and harder, the two men pulling back out of their little boys
at the same time, and then thrusting forward together.  The bed creaked.

   Suddenly the two boys began to buck with their dry orgasms, driving
their throbbing little cocklets in and out of their partner's mouth and
quivering with the shocks of stimulation shooting through their irritated
little shafts and dickheads.  The boys' orgasms triggered that of their
lovers, and Bobby and Kyle grunted and squirmed as they felt their cum rise
up their numbed cocks and squirt out their burning slits.  Squirt after
squirt shot up into their young boys as the two continued to buck with
their own orgasms.  As Billy drove his hips forward, he thrust his cock
into Kevin's mouth, at the same time easing his butt up Bobby's throbbing
cock, and as he drew back, drawing his burning cockhead back to Kevin's
lips, he sank back down on the hot, hard cock up his ass.  Kevin of course
was doing the same.  The two men grasped their boys' hips and could not
help crying out with the immense joy as their boy lovers' butts milked out
their thick loads.

   They lay there on the bed, the two men with their cocks still up their
boys' butts and the two boys motionless but with each other's cock still in
their mouths, for a long time.  They marvelled at the power of their
simultaneous orgasm, and at the fact that no matter how many times they had
sex, the next time was even better than the last.  Finally uncoupling, the
two pairs of lovers curled up boy and man.  The two boylovers silently
thanked the strange oriental for having united them with their boys, and
the two little manlovers offered up the same thanks for having found their
boylovers.  As they glanced over at each other, they smiled, also happy
they had found each other.  All four thinking the same thing, they turned
as one and looked at the other reason to be thankful, the two miracle
babies in the crib.

   The sight that met their eyes caused them to get up quietly and surround
the little bed.  Billy Bob and Korby were laying there on their sides sound
asleep, the two little baby boys snuggled up to each other with their arms
about each other.  Their diapers had somehow gotten loose and had fallen
off so that the two were naked and their chubby little legs were
intertwined.  Both little boys were sporting tiny erections, thin as a
fingertip and only slightly longer, the foreskins of their tiny little
cocklets still drawn up over the tips of their erect penises.  Both boys
were smiling contentedly.  The four gathered around them glanced at each
other with a strange feeling of joy and satisfaction as they wondered just
what thoughts were going on in those little minds.

   The next day the men sat around and talked while the boys headed off to
the woods to play a game of Power Rangers, Taylor promising to take things
slow and the boys promised not to go too far away from the campground. 
They laughed and skipped as they headed off, deciding who was going to be
what colour Ranger and making up some additional colours as they all wanted
to pretend to be on the side of good, and they all wanted to be male.

   They may have been lovers of men, but they were still boys.

   After fighting off the evil forces, they had lunch and joined the adults
for an afternoon of swimming.  Being a private campground, swim suits were
optional, and the fourteen men, boys and babies took advantage of the
opportunity to go natural.  Swimming in the lake and feeling the water flow
between one's legs, and then laying there in the sun and letting it warm
one's nuts and backside was how summers should be spent.  Although they had
only met, the five adults were quite comfortable going naked, and they
presented quite an assortment from wooly bear Bobby at six-foot-four and a
solidly packed two-hundred-and-sixty-five pounds to Ray with his white
chest hair and jiggling breasts and butt to the trim, dark-haired,
twenty-year-old Kyle.  As for the five boys, from fourteen-year-old Derrick
to six-year-old Taylor, if they could they'd prefer running around naked
twenty-four hours a day all year.  As for the four babies, there was a
practical reason for keeping them in diapers for most of the time, and
their skin was much too sensitive to take much direct sunlight, but their
fathers allowed them as much time as they could to go natural also.  Bobby
had noticed that little Billy Bob, the oldest of the babies, seemed to
always be losing his diaper since they had arrived at the campground, and
he was not sure that was just coincidence.  Of all of the babies, Billy Bob
seemed to be having the grandest time dashing around the campsite and the
beach on his still wobbly legs, totally fascinated by everything around him
whether it be a pebble, a dragonfly or one of Ray's boy magazines.

   The next day was another lazy day, much like the previous, the men
playing cards, swimming and socializing and the boys being boys.  At one
point during the afternoon Billy and Kevin slipped away for a while, and
although Bobby and Kyle had a good suspicion why, they did not question the
boys when they returned hand in hand, happy smiles on their faces, and
their little boycocks bouncing in the fresh air.  After supper Billy and
Bobby said a reluctant goodbye to the three K's, with the promise they
would stay in touch.

   That night Billy was feeling sad that his visit with Kevin had been so
short, but as Bobby snuggled up to him and began to kiss his neck and
caress him, he soon came out of his depression.  Billy Bob was still awake
and they placed him between them and played with him, fiddling with his
toes and stroking his little butt and tickling and wrestling with him. 
While Billy began to fiddle with the little boy's pickle, tweaking it and
bouncing it with his index finger much to Billy Bob's delight, Bobby
slipped down behind the eight-year-old.  He kissed his butt cheeks several
times, first one and then the other, and then spreading them apart, he ran
his tongue up the boy's smooth crack.  Billy squirmed with the new erotic
pleasure and Billy Bob giggled as Billy enveloped his tiny erection and
marble sized balls in his moist mouth and toyed with them with his tongue.

   Bobby pressed his lips against Billy's little pucker and kissed it, and
then as he ran his tongue down the cord from his pucker to his little
hairless nuts, he inhaled deeply.  He was surprised how erotic kissing and
licking a young boy's butt could be, and how delightful a young boy's buns
smelt.  He felt sorry for men who would never know such joy.  The hefty
trucker soon had a raging boner, but he resisted the temptation to fuck
that sweet ass and instead continued kissing it and nibbling and licking
Billy's tiny pucker.

   Meanwhile Billy Bob had squirmed around and had found Billy's pickle. 
He immediately slipped his little lips about it and began to suck on it. 
Billy squirmed with the pleasure he was receiving from both sides, and from
two of the people he loved most in the world.  His big furry bear was
darting his tongue at his asshole, making it tingle and itch like he had to
poop, and his beautiful baby boy was sucking on his pricklet, making it
tingle and itch like he had to pee.  It was wonderful.  He reached down and
began to finger Billy Bob's little butthole with his index finger while he
suckled the baby.  Placing the tip in his mouth, he savoured the delightful
meaty flavour it had picked up before slicking it up with spittle.  He then
reached back down and gently eased the tip of his finger into his little
boy's opening.

   By this time Bobby's cock was dripping pre-cum.  The moment that Billy
Bob noticed he scrambled on his hands and knees over to the big trucker. 
Grasping his huge, eight-inch cock in his tiny, hot hands, the
twenty-three-month-old baby stuck out his tiny pink tongue and licked up
the clear, sweet nectar, causing Bobby's cock to ooze out another droplet.
Billy Bob slipped his little mouth over the tip of the thick cone, and
sucked, drawing out the sticky, sweet nectar.

   Then as he returned to his other father's much smaller pickle, Bobby
lubed up his cock and snuggled behind his manlover.  He ever so slowly
eased his cock in, and as he paused, Billy eased his butt back, slipping it
down another inch along the hot, hard bone.  As much as the boy wanted to
ease all the way down, to accept all eight inches in his body, he knew that
he had to be patient.  As it was, he was delighted that he had been able to
accommodate the additional inch up his butt, that he was able to give his
boylover that much more pleasure.  He squeezed his sphincter about the
thick bone stuck up his butt and as Bobby began to withdraw, Billy's entire
body prickled with the sensation.  As for Bobby, the additional inch of
hot, young boyhole encircling and grasping at his pole had not gone
unnoticed, and as he grasped the young boy's narrow hips and began to sink
his cock back up his love chute, he made a mental note to be sure to tell
Billy that he'd noticed.

   So the three of them made love together that night, Billy slowly finger
fucking his little boy less than two weeks away from his second birthday
while the child sucked on his slender, tiny cocklet and behind him his
lover slowly eased his thick, hard cock in and out of his love chute. 
Billy squirmed and panted with the double assault on his body, with the
arousal of having his little pricklet eagerly sucked by the hot, moist
mouth of his little boy, and with the arousal of having his butthole slowly
fucked by his lover.  Billy reached down and finding his little baby's
cocklet was already stiff, he began to tug on it.  For the next several
minutes the motorhome was filled with the heavy breathing and slicking
sounds of sex.

   As Bobby began to approach his orgasm, he grasped his little manlover's
hips and began to fuck faster.  He closed his eyes and panted deeply with
the pleasure of the approaching orgasm, and when he came he shuddered and
sighed loudly with the violent release.  Billy shuddered also as he felt
his asshole being filled with his lover's cum.  No matter how often they
did it, he never ceased delighting in the feeling, and the knowledge that
his lover was depositing his baby-making seed deep in his body.  Seconds
later his little body began to jerk uncontrollably with his own orgasm, and
even though dry, it was just as delightful.  He could not control his
response, but despite the erratic thrashing of his hips, his baby son
managed to keep his hot little lips fastened to his cocklet.

   Suddenly Billy Bob squealed, a sharp baby squeal of delight that caught
his two fathers by surprise.  He squealed again, loudly and joyously as his
little body shook with his first orgasm.  His hot little body flushed from
giving his first blow job and from receiving his first wanking, he giggled
and squealed as he jerked his little hips to and fro, bucking wildly while
Billy held tightly onto his throbbing, burning little pricklet.  It was not
the type of event that your typical parents would record in their baby
book, but Billy and Bobby were hardly typical parents.  This was a night
all three were going to remember.

   The next afternoon the boys were playing cars and trucks in the shade in
the campground when suddenly Derrick leaped up and called for the adults.
Taylor was flat on his back and grasping his extended stomach, tears
pouring out of his eyes with the searing pain.  He and Tim had discussed
this, and had decided when the time came, they wanted the rest of the camp
to witness the miracle of their baby's birth, but at that moment Taylor
just wished it was over.  The adults all raced to the grassy spot where the
boys had been playing, bringing blankets and pillows and offering advice,
all comforting the boy as he grunted and strained and cried with the
stomach cramps.

   "Do we have to lube his hole, or what?" asked his lover anxiously, a
mixture of elation, concern and bewilderment vying for his attention.

   "I never thought to bring something.  That would certainly help,"
observed Ray.

   "Yeah, it hurt like heck when I had Korby," said Kevin.

   "Same here, even though I had Bobby's cum to make my bumhole slippery,"
said Billy.

   "Hey, that's what we used," observed Derrick.

   "Us too," said Kevin and Michael together.

   "Seems like that's another thing we all have in common," observed Ray,
looking at the other three adults.

   "Actually, cum is a fitting lube for a newborn baby," commented Kyle.

   "Do it, Tim," urged Taylor, "fill my bumhole with your cum."

   His lover glanced at those around him.

   "Go head," said Ray as he got to his feet.  "We'll leave and give you
some privacy."

   "No," said the thirty-year-old teacher.  "Stay.  Taylor and I said we
wanted you to witness this.  If that's what the four of you did, then
that's what we'll do." He quickly pushed down and stepped out of his shorts
and underwear.  They were the only things he'd been wearing, and Taylor had
been spending the day naked.  "How did you do it, jerk off, fuck or what?"
he asked.

   "Fucked," came the chorused reply.

   Dropping to his knees, he reached down and slid Taylor up his thighs. 
He rubbed his limp cock against the six-year-old boy's hole.  His little
manlover was about to have a baby, and the birth of their first baby was
going to be witnessed by men and boys who in these few short days had
become his best friends.  Those thoughts, and the idea of lubing his boy's
love canal with his cum in front of all these boylovers and their boys,
were so highly erotic it overcame his excitement and his fears for Taylor.
His cock quickly stiffed.

   "I don't have the KY," he said suddenly as he was about to place the tip
of his six-inch cock against the boy's rapidly opening and closing anus.

   "Forget it!" cried Taylor urgently as he slid his body up along his
lover's thighs, and feeling his lover's hot, hard cockhead at his entrance,
he practically impaled himself on his lover's pole.

   "Fuck!" exclaimed the teacher in surprise as he felt Taylor's hot hole
begin to slip over his knob.

   "Yes!" screamed Taylor.  "Oh fuck yes!"

   The others watched as the teacher's knob seemed to be sucked into the
boy's rectum, and then as Taylor began to quickly work his body, sliding it
up and down his lover's thighs, working just the teacher's knob in and out
of his aching hole.  Stimulating that most sensitive part of his organ, it
was not long before his lover was filling his opening with a generous load
of cum, and by that time there was not a limp cock in the campground.

   "You supposta have stomach cramps?" Taylor asked, gritting his teeth,
his face contorted in pain as he slipped off his lover's still stiff cock.

   "Oh yeah," several of the boys acknowledged.

   "You gotta push with your stomach muscles," advised Derrick.

   "Yeah, push as hard as you can, as if you got to poop," Billy offered.

   "Push just like the very first time your lover stuck his cock up your
butt," said Kevin.

   The advice was hardly what you would normally hear during a normal
birthing, or coming from the mouths of young boys, but this birth was far
from normal, and the boys were far from typical.  Taylor was laying with
his butt still elevated and resting on his lover's thighs, the opening
dripping with his cum as it opened and closed desperately.  The
six-year-old boy grunted and strained, panting loudly and crying out as he
pushed with his stomach muscles.  His body was dripping with sweat.  Bobby
had brought a towel and was kneeling at the boy's head, dabbing his

   "Ooooh!  I think its going to happen!" Taylor cried.  "I can feel it
moving out, pressing against my oh shit, oh man, oh shit!" he panted.

   "Push!" they all urged.  "Push!"

   "It really hurts," the boy cried plaintively, and every person there
wished they could relieve his pain.  Taylor grunted and strained like he
was taking the biggest dump in his life, and in a way he was.  "Oh shit, I
think the baby's in my rectum.  I can feel it.  Oh shit he's big!" He
rapidly constricted and dilated his anus.  He was panting deeply, his face
contorted in a combination of pain and ecstasy.  "Fuuuuuck!" he cried out
as he constricted his stomach muscles and pushed as hard as he could.  He
inhaled deeply and then cursed once more as he pushed again with all his
strength.  "Yes!" he called out in triumph.  "Yes!"

   They gathered closer as the baby slowly emerged, sliding through Tim's
slippery cum and aided by the rectal mucous and soft shit from Taylor's
intestines.  Tyler clamped his eyes shut and pushed as he forced the
strange object in his rectum out through his dilated sphincter.  He inhaled
sharply and quickly as he felt the baby inside him slowly being forced out
and he pushed with his stomach muscles again.  The stretching seemed less
now, and he could feel his baby sliding out faster.  He suddenly realized
that he was erect.

   "Yes!" someone cried out and they all cheered as a slimy, red, howling
ten-pound threeounce baby boy covered in boy shit and man cum eased the
rest of the way out of the straining six-year-old boy and into his
thirty-year-old lover's hands.

   Tom, the accountant, had run to his truck camper and returned with a
basin of warm water and a face cloth and towel.  He helped Tim wipe off the
newborn infant, and the teacher handed the little squirming baby to Taylor
who was now leaning up against Bobby, half sitting and half laying on the
grass and gasping and panting as if he'd just run a mile.

   "It's a boy!" the six-year-old beamed as he took the child.  "Oh, he's
so darn cute!  Look how little his fingers and toes are!  Look at his
little dinky!"

   Tim sat beside him and wrapped his arm about the new birth father.  The
others quietly left to give the couple a chance to be alone and to delight
in the new addition to their family.  Each couple remembered their own
experience, the wonder and the awe of the birth of their miracle baby.

   That evening their host put on a barbeque to celebrate the newest member
of their elite group.  They had already begun to feel close to each other,
and the event brought them even closer.  Even the most prudish and moral
outsider would have sensed the feeling of love and joy among the men, their
boys and their babies cuddled in clusters about the campfire roasting
marshmallows that night.

   The next week rapidly went by, the boys doing what all boys do on
holiday, getting together to play Nintendo, or heading off into the forest
to play Ninja Turtles or Power Rangers or Jedi knights.  They swam and
splashed about in the lake and built sand castles.  In the evenings the
group met for a game of baseball or to play cards, and there were many
midnight swims and weenie roasts on the beach as families or in varying

   Finally it was time to leave.  Putting on his clothes, Billy headed out
into the forest one last time and sat at the fort of fallen branches where
he and Kevin had had their special and secret time together the day the
three K's had left.  As he thought about the great time they'd had together
this holiday he reached down and fiddled with himself outside his black and
white Adidas shorts.

   "A beautiful place, with beautiful memories," came a whispery voice
beside him.

   Billy looked up at the stranger, immediately withdrawing his hand out of

   "No," said the old oriental with a smile, "there is no need to stop what
you were doing."

   "You don't mind?"

   "No, it is something that all boys and all men do at some time," the old
man said, his eyes twinkling.  "That is one of many wonderful things that
unite men and boys." He looked at the haphazard fort of twigs with a
slight, wistful smile for a few moments.  "Now, let us talk about your
deepest and fondest wish."

   "Which wish is that?" Billy asked.  He had a boner but refrained from
playing with it.

   "The special one you've been hoping and wishing could happen almost
every night since Easter," the old man said softly as he sat down beside

   "How'd you know about that?" asked Billy, wide-eyed in wonder.

   "The purity of a boy's heart can be heard around the world for one who
is willing to listen." The ancient's wrinkled but still bright steel grey
eyes met the eight-year-old's wide turquoise ones and the corners of their
lips slowly began to curl.

   Billy, Bobby, and Billy Bob headed home half an hour later.  Tucked away
amongst Billy's Space Wars toys and wrapped in his underwear so it wouldn't
get broken, was a fat, ugly ochrecoloured frog with an extra pair of legs
and a grotesquely large penis and a vial of four suppositories.

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