This site contains erotic stories and other materials of an adult nature. If you are not of legal age to view such materials, or are easily offended by such materials, then do not read them. In addition, many of the activities featured in these stories are illegal, dangerous, and in general, shouldn't be tried at home. They are merely fantasies, and the author urges all who read the stories to remember this. The author in no way condones, encourages, or advocates such illegal and dangerous acts.
![]() ![]() (JavaScript required) Sensual erotica is all well and good, but sometimes the tongue needs to be planted firmly in the cheek, before it gets planted firmly somewhere else warm and wet. Sometimes stories need dirty words. A lot of dirty words, to describe even dirtier concepts. These stories will make you laugh, make you sick, and might even turn you on. Maybe.
I try to write the type of erotica that I like to read, that is, writing that stimulates the mind on an intellectual level as well as a primal one. Both are important, and some of my writing speaks to one more than the other, but I like to think that I have a wide range in what I am able to write. In my writing, I hope to capture a wide range of human thoughts, traits, and desires. Questions, comments, requests, and such are always welcome at Flames will be ignored, so don't even bother sending them. All that being said, on with the show! |