MATTHEW IN JAIL [ part 3 ] What a last couple of weeks I've had! Got arrested, strip searched, spanked, but best of all I got fucked and ate some great cum! Yeah I know what a slut. Well I guess I am, for a 13 year-old. I've always had these nasty fantasies of being made to service men and what it'd be like to be whipped and treated like a total fag whore. Now I know and I like it! If you forgot, I got sentenced to two months at a special boy's reformatory. Suppose to be very tough. I hope so. I'm kinda excited. At the moment I'm just arriving in the prison van at St. Christopher Boys' Correctional Facility. I'm wearing that traditional orange jump suit that jail bait like me have to wear. I don't know why, it's not like I'm violent, but they have me handcuffed behind my back, which is attached to a chain around my waist which goes down to hook to a pair of leg shackles. I can barely walk in all this iron. Some mean old guard is pushing me down out of the truck and telling me to move my little girl butt (it is sort of pretty like a girl's). I'm brought into an induction room for new prisoners. Two guards greet us. "Is this the new prissy boy I've heard about Sid?" Remarked an older guy, around fifty, named Carl. "Well, I was told a lot of great things by Bob about this kid", answered my van driver. I guess Bob is the name of the cop that arrested me and started me on my quest for man cock and to appreciate a nice spanking. "Sure is a sweet looking piece of boy ass", piped up Sam as he looked me up and down. I have to admit this made me blush. "Alright you two, stop your drooling, get his shackles off", ordered Carl. They unlocked my iron chains and removed them. I rubbed my wrists to restore the blood flow, though missed the strange pleasure of being in bondage. "Matthew I want you to strip now so we can make sure you're not trying to sneak anything into St. Christopher", commanded Carl. He shared a grin with the other two guards. I unzipped my outfit and slid it off my back, and then down my legs. I kicked off the pair of cheap running shoes I was issued and stepped out of the prison uniform. Having not been given any underwear, I now stood nude before these three men. The only body hair I have is some light blond pubes near my dick, which are almost invisible at a distance, which makes me look like a young kid. "Check him out Sam", Carl said as he slapped him on the shoulder. There was a great big smile on his face as he stepped over to me. He ran a hard hand over my smooth boy body, teasing my nipples a bit. Sam felt under my arms and down my legs. He suddenly grabbed my ball sack and squeezed. I couldn't help but emit a little yelp. He continued to roughly feel around my privates, several times pulling my dick. He leaned into my ear, "you enjoying this fag?" "Yes sir, a bit" I replied nervously. "How about I check that little butt hole of yours to see if anything is hiding up there?" With those words he pushed me over at the waist and thrust two fingers hard up my ass. "Ahhh!" I moaned at the hard feel. It hurt at first, but my hole opened up to his probing fingers. I didn't say anything improper; I felt a great opportunity was developing to have fun with these men during my stay. My cock, which had been getting harder, was now ramrod straight. Sam pulled out and stood me back up to only stare lasciviously at my engorged dick. "Nice cock on you fag, gonna enjoy playing with that later", he said giving my prick a final grope. "Yes we can play with our little boy toy later fella's, but we have to get him to meet the warden. Get the cuffs back on him", instructed Carl, the leader of the three I guess. I went to grab my prisoner's suit, "hold on Matthew, leave that here, you'll get a new outfit when you get to your cell", Carl said. I felt real silly being led through the prison corridors buck naked, with my hands locked behind me. I noticed lots of stares from other inmates and guards that we passed. I sort of felt proud that my young body was garnering such attention. We soon arrived at the warden's office. A knock on the door was answered by a gruff bark, "enter". All four of us went into the spacious office to be met by a balding man in his early sixties sitting behind a large ornate oak desk. He looked up from his papers to look me over. "Matthew, I am Warden Jeffrey, you shall be staying with us for the next two months as ordered by the court. We have some basic rules to be followed. First, you shall obey all guards and prison officials. Second, you will conduct yourself with proper decorum and good behaviour. Third, you will not get into any fights or arguments with other inmates, nor is sexual relations allowed. If any of these rules are broken, they shall be met with swift and hard discipline. Understand me boy?" "Yes sir I do", I meekly answered, gazing at my feet feeling more ashamed at my nudity before this man. Warden Jeffrey reached into a drawer and pulled out a leather collar with studs around the rim. "This collar is standard issue to all inmates. It denotes your lowly status in this institution as a prisoner, and no longer as a person. Wear it always." He tossed it to Sid who wrapped it around my neck and snapped it in place. I felt like a dog. "Each week, commencing today, you shall receive 50 lashes on your back and buttocks as part of your sentence. You may take him to the prison yard for his first whipping. You may leave, and remember the rules!" I was very scared at the prospect of getting whipped every week. My stomach was doing flip-flops as I was dragged out of the office and once again led through the winding halls of St. Christopher. In minutes I was outside in the prison yard. There must be about 300 boys from ages 10 to 16 milling about the field. They were looking intently at a boy of about 11 years on a wooden scaffold in the centre of the yard. He was completely naked and was kneeling over a rail. A large guard was whipping his buttocks with a birch stick. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! I could hear him cry over the general din of the crowd. As I moved closer I could make out the deep red marks on his otherwise white bum. I gulped at the scene. My guards hauled me up the stairs to the top of the platform by my arms. The mass of boys began chanting the guard with the whip to keep hitting the poor blond hair boy: "Again! Again! Again!" They shouted over and over. The large muscled man roared into the kid's quivering butt with ruthless violence, marking the once cute behind with terrible looking stripes of red. He shrieked with agony and his face contorted into physical proof that he was hurting. Finally the whipping stopped and the guard yelled out, "Mark's punishment is complete. Let it be a lesson to all never to talk back to a guard and to do something the first time when asked." I couldn't believe that he got beat that bad for just mouthing off. I guess this place is pretty tough. I watched him as he limped down the stairs, his hands pressing against his flaming ass. My eyes were locked on his round butt when I was startled by having my cuffs removed, only to find myself being put into a pillory. My head was pushed down in the cut out groove and wrists also, then locked in by the top portion. I felt my legs being pulled back and apart, my ankles being chained to iron rings in the floor. I don't mind saying I was scared. I couldn't move my head very well, though I could see out into the sea of boys. My ass was arched up, and could feel my butt crack open and showing my hairless hole with my cock and balls hanging below. A loud voice shook me from my fear, only to plunge me into terror. "Today this new prisoner will receive 50 lashes as part of his sentence. You may all share in the witnessing of his torment". A large cheer went up from the inmates. They wanted me to be beaten! As I looked around at all the people, I began to feel aroused at my predicament. I was getting turned on at my bondage, my nudity in front of all these men and boys, the impending thrill of having someone whip me. My cock began to get hard, and was soon pointing at the crowd, showing them my 13-year-old boyhood. SWACK! My mind reeled from the sudden impact on my back. It had begun. SWACK! I opened my mouth to scream but couldn't find any air. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the weapon raised in the guard's hand, a cat-o-nine tails. I heard it swish through the air and slap into my back, SWACK! I could feel each of the little knotted leather ends raining onto my flesh, causing my nerve endings to send waves of messages of stinging pain to my brain. My lungs captured some oxygen for which I used to utter some animalistic noises of torture. I couldn't help it but scream and yell at each blow. The crowd loved it even more to hear the condemned moan from the lick of the whip. Suddenly I was caught off guard when my boy butt became the new target for the cat. SMACK! The leather lashed my cheeks hard. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! I dreaded the sound of the whistling leather straps sailing through the air, travelling at lightening speed to ravage my bum. With each crashing blow my body jerked forward, only to be held in place by the firm hold of the pillory. SMACK! I let loose a blood-curdling scream. One of the leather tails had flicked down my crack and snapped my asshole. My head was filled with stars. I could feel the welt growing hot and hard. Yet my cock remained rigid, even a drop of precum dropped onto the wooden floor. My head was spinning now from the overflow of pain stimuli. My ears were deaf from the shouts of delight from the boys. I could sense that the guard was now aiming the whip in such a way that the knotted ends would wrap around into my ass crack, stinging that most sensitive area of flesh. It was almost unbearable, yet erotic. Through tear stained eyes I saw the cat-o-nine drop to the floor. Was it done? I thought I only counted 40 lashes. Oh god he was retrieving the birch stick that he had used on the younger boy. SWISH! SWISH! The pain was like a branding iron of white-hot heat slicing into my tender boy bum. SWISH! SWISH! SWISH! SWISH! SWISH! SWISH! SWISH! SWISH! For the final blow he angled the stick right down my butt cleft. I lifted right off my feet, yelled and shot a huge gob of cum all over the base of the pillory. More sperm flowed out of my spasming dick as I came down from my euphoria high. My weak and aching body was pulled from the pillory and dragged backwards down the stairs; my heels bumping down each stair. My dick began to soften. I could hear various comments about my condition, but mostly what a pervert I was for cumming after my lashing. My mind too was confused about my body's reaction to this punishment. I actually got off by being beaten. Carl looked down at me as he carried me away, "Jesus kid, you are some piece of sick work. You've got to be the purest slut of a fag boy that I've ever seen!" I had to be a slut. As I was hauled away I looked back at the guard who whipped me and stared at his package and desired to suck his cock. I was brought to a small dingy cell with a little spring cot bed, a filthy toilet with no seat cover and a tiny window with bars set into the cement block wall. I was flung onto the bed and heard the heavy door swing shut and locked. A pair of cotton shorts and white shirt was waiting on my bed. I slipped on the grey shorts that were two sizes too small. They hugged my bum tightly and clearly showed the outline of my dick and ball sack. The shirt was a tank top that came down to just below my rib cage. With my collar, I resembled some common cheap rent-boy. I fell asleep on the lumpy mattress. The next day I was rustled from my sleep and taken to the shower room. My shorts were clearly showing the bulge of my morning erection. I was ordered to undress and get clean, along with about 20 other boys of various ages. The hot water felt pretty good and I lathered my teenage body with soap. I looked around and marveled at all the different sized dicks. Some big ones, little pointy ones, fat ones and thin pricks, some with bushy hair, others with a few wisps of pubes, and many that were bald. I licked my lips with lust. I lingered to enjoy the sight of all this boy meat. One other boy took his time as well. He looked like about 15, with a good-sized cock between his legs that got thicker each passing second. He inched down to me until he was standing beside me. "My name's JR. I saw you getting whipped in the yard yesterday." "Pretty rough wasn't it?" "I thought so. But you looked like you were enjoying part of it. Are you gay?" "Yeah, maybe. What do you care?" "Just that I like getting my cock sucked. You wanna taste?" My own cock jumped at this request. "Yeah I want to suck you". I wet my lips as I knelt down before this strange youth. I reached out and held his dick and brought it to my mouth. I sucked in JR's 6-inch cock and swirled my tongue around the head, pushing into the piss slit. I let him push all the way into my throat, holding onto my head as he thrust his hips. "God this feels amazing! You suck cock good. Better than any girl I've had", moaned JR as he continued moving his cock in my mouth. My hands went up to grip his butt and squeeze them. I began working my mouth up and down his shaft quickly, getting it slick with my saliva. His dark pubic hair tickled my nose each time I deep throated him. "Oh god yeah! I'm cumming!" I felt his dick jerk and then gushes of teen juice shot into my mouth and down my gullet. I pulled off and jacked him off with my hand, letting his jism land on my tongue. I licked it all up and slurped it down with enthusiasm. "What a show! You sure love sucking cock", cackled Carl. I looked over and saw Carl, Sid and Sam standing by the shower door grinning at me, still with my tongue catching JR's drippings. Carl walked over and looked at JR, "get out of here kid, we want to play with fag boy now. Let's see how he does with man cocks and not some boy dick." My chest tightened as my breathing increased. I was apprehensive but also very turned on. I knew I was about to be gang banged by these men in the boy's shower. My dirtiest fantasy about to come true. "Look at him guys, he's rock hard and horny as some cheap whore", laughed Sam. "I bet he can't wait to get his slutty mouth on our cocks. I know I want to stick mine up his boy cunt", responded Sid. I sat back on my haunches; my legs open, consciously wanting to show them my sex organs, almost like an offering. I watched as they stripped out of their uniforms, showing me their muscular hairy male bodies. Their massive cocks coming into sight. Sid's was the smallest at eight inches. Sam's looked near ten, and Carl was at least 11 inches of solid man meat. My ass twitched as I wondered if I could take such huge cocks up my little child-like anus. I wanted them regardless of any pain. Carl walked up to me. He gripped his huge member and slapped it against my face and ran it between my lips. "Tell me fag boy, what do you want?" "I want your cock to suck on." "I think you can ask better than that faggot." I thought for a moment, "fuck my queer mouth! Use it like a whore's pussy. Cover me in your thick cum! Make me your boy bitch!" I was delirious with lust. I wanted their cocks so bad that I was prepared to demean myself anyway to get that meat. "Oh yeah! That's the slut-boy Matthew I've heard about. Well kid prepare to get the daylights fucked out of you! And remember, you are our BITCH!" With those words Carl plunged his massive cock into my mouth and clear down my throat! His powerful hands held my head still as he began forcefully fucking my teenage mouth. He just used my throat to stimulate his dick, not at all caring about me. Somehow that thought of being just a fuck doll excited me all the more. While my mouth was getting pumped full of Carl's penis, I felt Sam spreading my baby butt cheeks. "There's that little pink fuck hole I want." I could feel him stick a finger deep inside my rectum, feeling around and pushing. Then it was two, wait then three, shit he had four fingers inching inside me. Harder he thrust into my ass, spreading my hole wider and wider. I tried to shout from the discomfort but that wonderful huge cock wouldn't allow any sound out of my throat. It took me a minute to realise, but Sam had now worked his whole hand up inside me. He now proceeded to fist my boy hole. Sid was enjoying my abuse and now decided to help out. "Give your hands a rest Carl." He then grabbed the back of my collar and began shoving my head forward and backward on Carl's 11-incher. Carl stood with his hands resting on his hips watching me being impaled on his erection. At the same time my ass was being reamed out by Sam's arm pistoning in and out. My bowels have never felt so full. "That's it queer-bait, fuck yourself on my arm. Your ass was made for fucking!" I heard a plopping sound as Sam pulled his arm out. My greatly dilated anus was now receiving a sloppy rim job by the guard. His rough tongue explored my anus thoroughly, eating out my ass expertly. "You have a mighty tasty ass boy." Sid spoke, "Carl turn around and let this homo clean your butt. Since he's getting rimmed, he might as well give as well as receive." Carl bends over and spread his hairy ass in front of my filthy mouth. Sid guided my face to the crack of his ass. "Stick your tongue out ass wipe and start licking." Still using my collar as leverage, he pushes my head deep into the meaty ass before me and I lap away the sweat of his butt. Sam has stopped eating me, and I can hear him moving some clothes around. Suddenly I feel the sharp sting of his belt landing on my bum cheeks. SMACK! Again he swings, SMACK! "Go on pussy-boy eat that asshole! Yeah I'm gonna spank these pretty butt cheeks with my belt. Gonna beat this little fag-boy!" I could hear Sam's voice echo off the tiles. I kept my tongue buried deep in Carl's large shit hole. I rimmed him like a pro, getting lots of spit. It was hard to concentrate on my tonguing with my ass being assaulted. SMACK! I grunt. SMACK! "AHH!" SMACK! SMACK! "Umph!" Sam was hitting very hard and making sure to hit all over my butt and the back of my thighs. "Sid, I hate to have this bitch stop licking my hole, but let him give you a blow job." "Thanks, I think I will. Hey Sam, keep whipping his butt while I fuck his face!" "No problem. I'm really into belting this kid's butt." A new cock entered my mouth as my ass continued to be smacked. I swirled my tongue around the head as a greeting to this delicious dick. I began sucking furiously, just as I knew he wanted. "That's right slut, suck my cock real good. Moan for me just like the young whore you are! Show me how much you love to suck a man's dick while getting your ass spanked." I tried to make moaning sounds of pleasure to show these men how happy I was to be their fuck toy. I loved the sound now of that belt whizzing through the air to slap my buttocks. SMACK! WHAP! SLAP! WHAP! WHAP! SMACK! SLAP! SLAP! My ass was so hot now, it must have been beet red by now. I couldn't believe my sexual arousal at being spanked on all fours by this man, having a cock thrusting down my throat, being called filthy names. My own dick was like iron. I heard the belt being tossed away. Sam was now aiming his cock at my hole and he shoved it all in with one thrust. A muffled cry escaped through my stretched lips. He wasted no time and began fucking my 13 year-old ass with wild frenzy. His big hanging balls slapped into my own testes. With his big hand he continued to slap my sore bum. "Look at me ride this dog!" He screeched. "Let me back into that hot fag mouth", said Carl. Sid stepped over slightly, still with his dick in me. Carl slipped his giant boner into my wide-open mouth. Two dicks at the same time! Both men face fucked me in alternate strokes: one in and the other out. They each held onto my prisoner's collar to help position my head for maximum thrust. I gagged several times as their dicks ravaged my aching throat, but did my best to regain my concentration so not to piss them off. For ten minutes they fucked both ends of me with hard, long pumping. I truly was their sex slave, their bitch, and their whore! Sam pulled his fuck tool from me and wiped some shit on my left cheek. "You two can fuck his ass now, I want that sweet face to use on my dick." I reluctantly let those two big horse cocks be pulled from my mouth. I watched as Carl lay on his back. "Get over here faggot and sit on my cock." I scooted over and straddled the man's waist and reached behind and held his gargantuan cock. I pointed it at my back door and lowered myself upon it. With all the stretching my hole already had, it was still a tight fit. I grimaced as I sank my weight upon this freak of nature. Carl grabbed my hips and pulled me down hard on the last eight inches. I rested my hands on his shoulders and began fucking myself on this big cock. "Shit, your boy cunt sure feels good Matt. You're a born fag fucker!" I looked up and saw Sam standing over me, his erection staring at me. "Open up cock-sucker, here's some meat for you to feast on. You young boys need all the meat you can get to make you strong and healthy." I opened wide and engulfed his sex organ. I could taste my ass on his dick as I licked it all over. I felt so sleazy, and it was making me hot! I wasn't sure what Sid was doing, but soon found my answer. He was crouching behind me running his hand over my ravaged bum. He then started to spank me. SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! His hand cracking into my aching cheeks, smacking each one in turn. "You filthy little fag, you need a good spanking!" SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! Tears were coming down my face to mix with some snot from my dribbling nose, landing on Sam's dick and acted as a lubricant. He even took his dick out and wiped my nose with it and plunged it back in my mouth. Carl was moving his hips up and down, forcing his big dick into my slender body. Sid stopped the spanking. I could feel added pressure at my anus. Oh shit he was pushing his dick up my ass. I could feel him straining to force my sphincter muscle to open wider and allow him access to my bowels. In a minute I had two huge cocks buried deep in my young boy ass. Another first for me. I was so proud. It took a bit of doing, but Carl and Sid got a rhythm going. My prostate was getting smashed and rubbed. My cock felt like it would pop. My ass got the fucking of its life. The shower reverberated with the sound of sucking, flesh rubbing and loud moans of delight. I was dizzy with lust as these three cocks fucked my holes. "Jesus Christ this kid is hot! I want to fuck him till I die!" Gasped Sid. "He's the best god damn boy fag I've ever had", agreed Carl. Sam let out a howl, "oh yeah I'm cumming. Going to fill your mouth full of hot sperm kid! Go on suck that seed out of me, I know you want my ball gravy!" I did and I sucked harder and was rewarded with copious amounts of thick white goo gushing into my mouth. "Now don't swallow kid until I tell you", he ordered between grunts. He continued shooting into my hungry mouth. I didn't eat it and kept swishing it around, enjoying his strong musky flavour. "Oh yeah, I'm ready to shoot too", announced Sid. "Shit, my cock's ready to pop its cork too. Lets pull out and give this lad a real cum bath", suggested Carl. They both slid their dongs out of my gapping hole and made me kneel in front of them. I watched intently as they rubbed their dicks up and down inches from my boyish cute face. My cheeks were puffed out holding in Sam's big load of jism. With loud grunts both cocks began to shower my face with warm semen. Shot after shot of big splashy gobs of sticky cum landed all over me. Two deposits were made on my forehead; some connected on my impish nose, but most coated my cheeks and rosy lips. They kept shooting, emptying their big balls of baby making sperm. It was now dripping down my chin onto my chest. Feeling their cum spray my face took me over the edge, I grabbed my dick and jerked it up and down like mad. In seconds my own boy juice was erupting everywhere. It was my best orgasm ever! "Alright you little cum-whore, you can eat up my nut sauce now", directed Sam. I swallowed his cream in three gulps. I opened my mouth wide to show it all gone. I began wiping off the goo from my face and licking my fingers clean. The men just looked on amazed. "What a fag slut! Loves sucking cock, ass fucking and eating cum!" Marveled Sid. "Well get cleaned up now, we have to get you back in your cell boy", said Carl. I took another quick shower to remove the excess cum and spit covering my body. I put on my skimpy outfit and was escorted back to my cell. When we got there another guard met us. "Take him up to the Warden. He's in big trouble as I hear". In minutes I was again standing before the Warden. He looked at me in my tight clothes. My cock pushing out the cotton material caught his eye for a moment. "I just found out that you performed oral sex on one of your fellow prisoners' in the shower bay. Is this true Matthew?" I looked down ashamed, "yes sir its true, I'm terribly sorry". "Well sorry doesn't help. You know the rules, no sex with the other inmates. You leave me no choice but to discipline you." "Oh please sir, I just forgot. I was feeling horny that's all. Give me a second chance", I wailed on begging the Warden. "There are no second chances at St. Christopher. You shall be dealt with very harshly. You homosexual boys need some tough attention to set you straight." He turned to Carl, "take him to the Punishment Room..." |