Welcome to Valen's Haven

I am known as Valen Thyan. I'm a new author at a.s.s.* trying to bring out yet another fresh perspective on erotic literature.

I began writing seriously in 1995 and had a short story and a few poems published, but my main focus was song lyrics. My band broke up in 1997 and between 1998 and 2001 I wrote very little. My rediscovery of words is as recent as 2002, when I began learning calligraphy. This led quite naturally back into writing, and I have kept up with it since.

In my stories I explore concepts outside the sexual, so it can be slow to build. If you like my stories, and have something to say about any of them, or if you would just like to say hello, feel free to email me.



The Driver

Impossible Lovers Trilogy

First Date (06-21-02) (MF rom)
Eric and Jane have been friends for a long time, but things are about to change between them. This story was my contribution to the Summer Solstice Rom Festival on June 21, 2002.

Works in Progress

Lost Memories (MF MF cheat)
This is the story of Edward Dostovi, a wealthy old man with a dangerous sense of adventure who finds himself torn between two women-- for all the wrong reasons. The intricate pattern of deceptions in this tale will appeal to the mystery fan in anyone, and the sex is never 'just sex'.

School Play (f-solo MF mf+ magic)
Garrett and his mother Elisa move from Denver to Elisa's Colorado countryside hometown, Teriss. There Garrett meets some interesting new friends that help him grow from an awkward boy into the man he becomes. Magic is everywhere in the Pondorosa pines of Teriss and nowhere is it more obvious than in this modern fantasy.

Bad House (MF ??)
"There are certain places in the world that have a life of their own-- some sort of aura that fucks with peoples' brains. I'm not sure what it is; maybe magnetic fields or something, but it people who are sensitive to that sort of thing can feel it."


If you are for any reason unable or uncomfortable sending email using standard methods, you may submit feedback or say hello with the web form below. Please note, the name and email fields are optional.


I disclaim any undesired consequences as a result of displaying this web page. The stories accessible from this page contain material that some people may not find suitable for children. I disagree with these people, but they're entitled to their opinions, as long as they don't cause trouble.

This page was designed with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5. It uses absolute css positioning for the image layout and css inline and header styles for text layout. If you choose to use another browser, be sure it supports these features.

A few notes about this page: The lips in the upper left are mine. The title was written by hand with a dip pen and black ink, scanned and darkened by myself. Finally, the little divider thing between sections was also done in Photoshop using a straight line and six cut off ellipses.

All work is copyright © 2002 to the author.