Taisto Vähäjärki

Pornographic fiction:

Kaapelitehtaan katolla, 2001 (in Finnish)
Outdoor fucking.

Subculture Fuck, 2002 (in English)
Crashing the heart of teenage America. Gang bangs, BDSM, the whole shebang.

My original erotic fiction is archived here. Some of these stories have also been published elsewhere, such as eroticstories.com.

My fanfiction has been published elsewhere, in the Grey Archive. A Buffy: the Vampire slayer fic called Psychic Piercing and an Angel: the Series fic called Visiongirl may be found under Paranormal and an ElfQuest fic called Rayek's Excess under Fantasy.

I greatly appreciate feedback. Mail me at <vahajarki@hotmail.com>

Updated the 8th of June, 2002