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Recent news as of Fri, Nov 28, 2003

11/21/03 This site is mostly static, being a time capsule. A lot has changed to the redOne in three years...leaving Japan, the 'net boom, the bust, leaving home again... enjoy what's here. Currently recruiting interns. You must live in the EU... ;P

In other news, all the stories have the opinion form, so please leave your comments...

Welcome to my stories. Half truth, half lies, all for your entertainment if you are of legal age in your locale. If you are not -- please do NOT click on the links at left - stop reading and wait -- this site isn't going anywhere.

Please take these stories with tongue planted firmly in cheek, and well, if you can't, no es mi problema, amigo.

Please email me with your comments (authors do not live in a vacuum).


Senor Rojo

Your thoughts are appreciated....

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All content on these pages (c) 1996-2004 Juan Falcon Rojo del Religoso Sexo -- you may not use this content without my permission. Doing so curses you for life. (Pox on your firstborn, et cetera). Pay$ite slime: don't mail me.