Entrance to:

Spunk ' s Place

. ASSTR is the soil; the authors’ imaginations are the seeds; their stories are the flowers; and encouraging feedback is the water, sun, and fertilizer.  "Spunk’s Place" is my garden, and I am the gardener.  You are invited to visit and see what is blooming.  Current varieties in bloom are humiliation, blackmail, embarrassment, damsels in distress, cuckolding, teasing, exhibitionism, forced nudity, a little bondage, and revenge. Stories are formatted in both HTML for ease in viewing, and in TXT for easy picking.  All I ask is that you honor the wishes of the authors’ here, and restrict your use of the stories to your personal, non-commercial enjoyment, protect them from persons who should not be viewing them, and remember that authors write stories, generally, to entertain you, and appreciate your encouragement in order to continue the process.

What you'll find at "Spunk’s Place" are stories by me, as well as, story favorites that I have received permission from other authors to post for you to enjoy.  If you like the garden on your visit, you may decide to bookmark the site for return visits to watch the flowers grow and multiply keeping the ASSTR terms of visiting in mind.

In a cyberworld of people racing to lock up their piece of cyberspace for economic gain, I hope you'll join me in thanking the efforts of the administrator and contributors to asstr-mirror.org, which make this, and the other sites here, available at no cost.

- Spunk N. Wagnels

P.S. - The ASSTR is a non-profit entity, and aside from the hard work and devotion of Rey Del Sexo, the administrator, asstr-mirror.org survives solely on the gifts of appreciative donors. If you like what you find at  asstr-mirror.org and want to support this free site for adult expression, donations are gratefully accepted by the administrator to keep the bandwidth flowing. (See here: http://www.asstr-mirror.org/donations.html )


. This is a site of adult erotic fiction, brought to you through the generosity of the ASSTR, containing words and ideas of an explicit sexual nature meant for adults who wish to view this kind of content and are legal to be doing so at the time and place they do so from.  To enter you must agree to the following:

1.  That you agree to abide by all of the terms of the host of this site, asstr-mirror.org, (see here: http:/www.asstr-mirror.org). 

2.  That you insure that all of those who access this material at this asstr-mirror.org sponsored site as a result of your actions are legal to be doing so and that they will abide by the conditions set forth herein as well. 

3.  That you agree to honor the rights and wishes of those authors whose works are posted here. 

4. That you can separate fiction from reality and understand that the author neither participates in nor advocates the kinds of behavior depicted in the stories contained here. This author does advocate taking the necessary precautions in your decisions and actions toward sex that will keep you and yours safe and happy. 

5. That if you bookmark past this page, that you do so agreeing to all of the terms here and asstr-mirror.org for each subsequent visit.


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This site created 10/24/98 - updated 9/20/07

All content on this site Copyrighted (c) 1998-2007, by Spunk N. Wagnels or separately by the other authors for their stories presented here with permission
