This story is intended exclusively for open-minded adults. If you're under 18, you'd be better served exercising your own imagination rather than being corrupted by mine. This story is purely a work of fiction, and the actions described herein are not condoned, encouraged or even considered morally acceptable by the author. This story may be reposted as long as it is unaltered and unedited (including this disclaimer), and as long as credit is given to the author.
After we finished making love, I was laying on his chest, hearing his heart beat and running a fingernail across his nipple. I turned to him and said, "Honey... this is getting pretty serious. Are we really going to fuck Ashley? Or is this just a fantasy?"
"I don't know, baby. It's.. it's still just a fantasy. I think it will stay that way," he said. We both knew it was a lie, and we both pretended to believe it.
'Almost'... I still think it would only have stayed at the fantasy level if it weren't for Ashley and a little innocent question she asked one day.
"Mom, what's for dinner?" she asked one afternoon. Summer had just started a couple weeks earlier, so we generally had the whole day to ourselves. She had taken a dip in the hot tub earlier, and was wearing her skimpy little bikini since then.
"It's a surprise." I said. 'Surprise' really meant I hadn't decided yet. 'Surprise' was just as likely to be a tuna casserole as it was to be a pizza. This is the sort of stalling tactic good parents learn.
"It's not cat, is it?" she asked, then almost started crying... "Mommy, I don't want to have a cat for dinner!"
"What the fu-- I mean, what? Cat? Why do you think I'd cook a cat?"
"Last night I woke up and had to go to the bathroom. You and Daddy were making those funny little noises you sometimes make when you're playing, and I heard you say something like 'I can't wait to teach Ashley how to eat pussy', and Dad said 'Yeah, Ashley and I could eat your pussy together, and make getting you off a father/daughter project,' and you said 'oh, yeah, my--"
"Oh, god, Ashley! No, that's not what we meant. It was something else entirely," I said. My heart was racing, she wasn't supposed to hear that. But I was also glad she did.
"Well, what did it mean?" she asked.
"It was supposed to be between me and Dad," I said.
"But you were talking about me! Please, just tell me what it meant?" she asked.
"OK, I'll tell you, but it's going to seem really weird." I said. I knew she wouldn't drop it, so I figured, just be honest... Honestly.
"Here, let's go into your bedroom for the explanation." I reached out my hand for her to take, and we walked connected to her room. Just holding her hand was getting me wet. The way she jumped into my lap when I sat down on her bed made me even wetter.
"Now, you ever notice how when Daddy or I kiss you, it's a quick little kiss, like this?" I said and gave her a warm little kiss, feeling a hot spark of sexual electricity pass between us.
"But sometimes when Daddy or I kiss each other, it lasts a lot longer?" I asked.
"You mean French Kissing?" she asked me.
"Oh, you know about it already?"
"I know what it's called. I haven't ever done it."
"Do you know how it's done?" I asked.
"You just kiss for a lot longer than usual." she said, so sweetly. My pulse was racing, and I tingled with the thrill of a new sexual frontier. I felt like I did when I was back in Jr. high, about to go down on one of the local high school girls as a dare. "There's a little more to it than that," I said.
"What? Tell me?"
"Better, let me show you. Open your mouth a little. Good, now..."
And then I leaned in and kissed her.
Not a little peck, not a little friendly hello... It was a kiss, it was with tongue, it was as passionate as the kiss Steve and I shared at our wedding. It was as sexy as the kiss between us on our wedding night. I felt a rush of warm pleasure run through my body, and I pulled Ashley closer to me. She wrapped her small arms around my neck, and gave a small moan of pleasure. Her tongue slid into my mouth, and I was amazed at how naturally she did it. But then I remembered my first french-kiss, and how it was so easy because your body just took over. She moaned, I moaned, I ran my fingers through her hair, she ran her hands all over my back. She shifted herself, turning herself closer to me, which rubbed her ass against my pussy. If we didn't have a few layers of clothing between us, I'd have come right then.
Suddenly I knew how guys must feel, wanting to touch every part of a girl, but unsure if it would be too much. I decided to be bold (knowing first-hand how much the girl wants to be touched) and put my hand directly on her chest, which was almost totally flat, but still sensitive. I slid my hand down, caressing her flat stomach, ending on her inner thigh. I could tell from the way she parted her legs slightly that her body was telling her where she'd like that hand to be.
I gently broke off the kiss there, so that we could move on to the rest of the 'lesson'.
"Wow! I never knew it was like that! Does it feel that good when you and Daddy kiss like that?"
I nodded 'yes'.
"How come you don't do it all the time?" she asked.
"Well, because.. um, after a while... actually, that's a good question. It's hard to explain, but it's not something you can do all day every day."
"I bet I could!" Ashley said, which was so sexy and cute, I just had to kiss her again. I wanted to kiss her for a lot longer, but I made myself stop to ensure that we got to the really good stuff.
"Anyhow, if you thought that was fun, we're just getting warmed up. But, before we go on, there's something I need to tell you," I said.
"OK," she said.
"We've never kissed like that before, and daddy and you have never kissed like that before, and there's kind of a reason for that. First of all, you have to be a certain age and maturity to be able to appreciate it, but I think you've shown you're capable there. The other reason is that most moms and dads don't have the sort of relationship that I think we have. In fact, many people wouldn't approve of what we just did," I explained.
"Did we do something bad?" she asked.
"No, not at all, it's just they have different views. You know, like the Indian family down the street, how they're vegetarians, and don't eat hamburgers? It's like that, one's not more or less right, it's just how they choose to live is different than how we choose to live. However, it is very important that we not let anybody else know about it. So you can't mention this to your friends at school or anything. This is something that you, me and daddy all want to keep quiet and to ourselves. But it is definitely not something bad at all, and the only thing is to make sure that everyone wants to be doing it. So, if you ever feel uncomfortable with something, or for whatever reason don't want to do something, just tell us, and we'll understand. This is the most important thing, that everyone in our family understand that they aren't required to do these things, even if they've done them before or not."
"What things? Like the dishes?" she asked.
"No, that's different. I'm talking things like the kissing we just did, and the things I'm about to show you. There's a lot more than just kissing, are you ready for it?" I said, now that the preliminaries were out of the way.
"Does it feel as good as the kissing?" she asked.
"Even better."
"I'm definitely ready for it then."
"Great,.. well first, um," I couldn't believe what I was about to say, "why don't we start by taking off our clothes."
"OK!" Ashley said, hopping out of my lap and peeling off her clothes as quickly as they could go off. I thought I'd have to do a little explaining why first, but evidently she's a born exhibitionist slut. It must be in the genes: I once had two guys fuck me in the ass (at the same time) while I sucked off a third, by the poolside of a swinger hotel. It was a great honeymoon.
But still I was surprised at how excitedly she took off her clothes, and for the first time I could let myself linger while admiring her sexy little body. I drank it in, every line that would soon be a curve, the areas that were already curvy, how smooth her pussy was, how nicely that showed off the shine her wet pussy had acquired.
And as I took my clothes off, Ashley watched me. She had hunger in her eyes. I made a little show of it, but it wasn't my best strip-tease ever because I was dying to get naked with her. Watching her eyes roam over my tits and my well trimmed bush was incredible. I felt sexier than I've felt in years. I felt even sexier when I saw her literally lick her lips. I've got to say, if you ever get the chance to take your clothes off in front of a sexy naked little girl, do it! It's exquisite.
"Now, let's go to my bedroom, I've got some visual aids that are going to help in explaining things." I said.
We walked arm in arm down the hall to the bedroom. My hand drifted down to her smooth, tight ass, and I stroked and caressed her warm cheeks. We turned the corner into the bedroom, and I sat down on the bed. She took the lead, coming close to me, sliding herself in between my thighs, letting her bare stomach come into contact with my soaking pussy. In the same time, she started kissing me, and then in an even bolder move, started licking and sucking my tits.
"Oh, god, Ashley," I said.
"What? Was I not supposed to do that?" she asked, genuinely concerned.
"No, it was great, honey, I loved it. In fact, that was going to be my next subject, but I think you've pretty much got the hang of it," I said as I pulled her mouth to my nipples again. She suckled a little more, with incredible instincts for how to really make them tingle.
She pulled her tongue off of my tits and asked, "Mommy, do you think my breasts will be as big as yours?"
"Maybe, and maybe smaller or larger. It's not the size that matters, it's that you know how to have fun with them. Anyways, you still have a little time before it's anything you need to worry about," I said, punctuating it with a playful squeeze of her flat nipples.
"I wish I had them now, so I could be pretty," she said.
"Ashley, you're very pretty. Having breasts now wouldn't make you prettier, they'd just be out of place."
"But I thought breasts were really important," she said.
"Well, honey, what makes you pretty right now is that you don't have them yet. But in a couple of years, you'll have a fantastic set. So that means that right now is the only time you'll look like this. So for Daddy and me, getting to play with you now is really something special, because each day is the only day that you'll look and act exactly like you do on that day, and that makes you just as sexy now as you will be when you're all grown up."
"I'm sexy? Really?"
"Oh my god, yeah! Honey, you're incredibly sexy. Do you know what that means exactly, to be sexy?" I asked, trying to find out what she know.
"Well, sort of... It means that you're pretty, but in kind of a different way... Like that blue dress I have is pretty, but the bikini we just bought is more sexy. Right?"
"That's pretty much right. Do you know why it's called 'sexy'?"
"Because of sex? I don't know, but it has something to do with sex."
"How much do you know about sex?" I asked. The real meat of this conversation. It was killing me not to just skip the lecture and start licking her pussy, but I wanted to be clear about all this.
"Well, I know it's how babies are made, and I know it's when a man sticks his thing inside of a woman, and I know that some sperm comes out of the mans thingie and swims into the woman's egg."
"All that is true, but there's more to it, and it's all the fun stuff. Now, do you remember the other night when you heard me and daddy talking about teaching you to eat pussy? You know those funny noises I made? That was daddy and me having sex. Only sometimes will it make a woman pregnant, most of the time that doesn't happen. And even though most of the time it's between a man and a woman, sometimes it's between two women, sometimes there's two men, sometimes, two girls and a guy, sometimes a whole party will all be doing it. People do it when they love each other, and when they just like each other a lot, and sometimes just because they like to do it. But regardless of the reason, they also do it because it feels good. I've got some videos that have people having sex on it, do you want to watch a little of one to see what it looks like?"
She nodded an enthusiastic 'yes', so I put a video from under the bed in, and instantly a scene filled the screen, with a woman on her back on a sleeping bag, getting fucked by a generic porn guy with a huge cock. I turned back to the bed and saw that Ashley had already moved to the head of the bed, against the backrest to get a good view of the tv. Her legs were nicely apart and I got a beautiful view of her beautiful pussy. I momentarily wondered if she noticed me staring when I realized she was staring at me in the same way, taking in every inch of my body. The sexual pride of knowing I was being checked out made me get wetter instantly. I got on the bed next to her and through an arm around her, bring her little body to rest against my tits. With my other hand, I gently stroked her chest and stomach, caressing it, marvelling at how smooth it was.
"Wow, that's sex? It doesn't hurt?" she asked.
"No, but it might the first time a man sticks it in," I said.
"So, um... how do two girls do it?" she asked.
"Well, a lot of ways. You asked about eating pussy? That's one way. Basically, this is your pussy," I said, bringing a finger in contact, with her beautiful cunt lips, which were red and swollen with excitement, "and this is eating it!"
I moved myself, practically dive-bombing her vagina, and started slurping away. Finally! It was so hot, even beyond my imagination. I was rewarded by a surprised but happy "oh my god!" from Ashley. Then another one, and another.
Her smooth slit was like eating a woman out for the first time: I was suddenly aware how warm it could be, how many nerves spread themselves across the skin of her pussy, how fragrant the musty smell of her cunt drove me wild with excitement. I let my tongue explore the outer lips of her pussy, and heard a very happy moan each time my tongue slide across them. I licked inside them, spreading her out and working my tongue into the small hole there. I loved thinking that I was the only mommy on the block that new what the inside of her daughters pussy tasted like.
Then I moved to her clit, and started licking and sucking there, and Ashley, sweet fucking Ashley, gave me the best sound track I've ever heard for eating a girl out:
"Oh my go--! Mommy, oh my god this feels so good. Oh my god, thank you! Ooooh! God, thank you for doing this, I can't believe how great it makes me feel! Aaaah! Uuuunnh, wow, mommy, I love you, I love you so much, god this feels so good, mommy!! Ohhhh! Yes! Oh my god, Ohhhhhhhh mommmmmyyyyy! Yes! I love it, I love you, I...."
And then I felt her pussy lips twitch, slightly, and knew she was just minutes from her first orgasm. I used my fingers and slid them over the outside of her cunt, spreading the lips open and letting me access her clit, tightening the skin against it, raising the sensitivity of it. She kept getting wetter and wetter and I drank all the juice I could get.
"Oh, god, mommmmmyyyyyy yes!!! What is this? This feels so good, mommy, oh god mmmm!!!!!! Aaaaahhhh, yeah, please, don't stop it, I love it, oh my god it's more, more, it feels so good. YES! GOD, MOMMY! MOMMY, YES, I LOVE IT NEVER STOP, GOD I WANT TO DO THIS TO YOU TO!!! UH, UH, UH, UUUUUUUNNNNNNNNHHHHHH!"
Her body spasmed, as I ran my tongue everywhere I could. She ran her hands al over her body, through her hair and through mine. Her body tensed and she rolled even further to her orgasm. She raised her hips, shoving her pussy hard against my mouth. I put a hand under her to support her, and selt houw tightly she clenched her ass in anticipation. I used my thumb to stimulate her pussy lips and grabbed one of her other hands with my other hand. She held on to that hand TIGHT as she came.
"OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH, AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, AH, AH, AH, AH, UNNNNGHHHH, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommeeee!"
My face was slick with her pussy juices. She left a wet spot, and so did I, and the sharp sexy smell of that room made me wish I had started this long ago. As her orgasm subsided, I kept licking, not wanting to stop. Eventually, she signalled to me that she had all she could take, so I pulled my face away from her crotch, and she pulled me to her, my face to hers and we kissed some more. Our tongues slid into each others mouths, and we shared the taste of her orgasm together. She ate it up hungrily, and we rolled onto my back, she went after my neck with her mouth, then my tits, and then...
"Mommy, can I do what you just did? Can I lick you down there? Can I eat your pussy?"
"Ashley, baby, I'd love you to do that. Are you sure you want to?"
"I really do, I want to so bad!!" Ashley wiggled herself down my body, between my legs. She put her hands on my pussy, rubbing it gently, then started likcing and kissing. She was a natural, and instantly I was on the verge of an orgasm. I played with my tits and groaned and slid my legs along her back, rubbed my heel in her ass. I started to cum, trying my best not to yell and scream too much, felt my juices really flow, and all the while Ashley was going down crazier and crazier than before. I felt her fingers climbing around my pussy. After orgasm number one, I gently grabbed her hands, and helped her to slide one set of her fingers into my cunt, and set the other one rubbing my clit. With a combination of fingers and mouth, she gave me orgasms two and three. It was the same for orgasm four, except by that time, she was horny as hell, and we 69ed into the fucking hottest mutual orgasm. I had to bend really far forward and hold her in a really odd position because of the height difference, which got difficult because she throws her whole body into her orgasms, cumming hard, bucking like a wild animal. She gets it from her mother. I don't know how we managed to keep from falling off the bed. But finally, after cumming all over each other, we ended up in each others arms, giving each other small kisses while recovering from our series of incredible orgasms.
After a while we started watching the tv again. We were spooning, I had a hand held between her legs, another across her chest, and we joked about doing the things to each other that the three women on the screen were doing. Then the scene ended, and another started, with a women blowing a man in an empty barnyard.
"So, does that look like something you want to do to Daddy?" I asked.
"Yeah, I want to eat him out!" she said.
"Actually, when it's done to a man, it's called 'giving him a blow job'. So what you want to do is to 'blow daddy'."
"Why's it called that?" she asked.
"You know, I'm not sure. But the point is, men love it, and Daddy will feel incredible if you do it to him." I said.
"Like when you do it to me, does it feel like that?" she asked.
"It sure does, it feels that good," I said, running my fingertips across her pussy, lightly brushing her clit. She raised her hips to get as much contact as possible, which I kept just out of her range. I grabbed her around the waist again, pulled her into me, so rested a hand on her inner thigh. I put my mouth by her ear, and while speaking, would occaisionally flick a tongue out and lick her lobe or her neck.
"Now, if you want, tonight we can teach you to suck daddy's cock."
"Is that what his thingie is called?"
"Yup, it's got a lot of names: Cock, dick, shaft, schlong. It's real name is the penis. And this," I said, cupping her crotch with my hand, "this is our pussy, cunt, slit, cunny, beaver, fuckhole, vagina."
"You just said the f-word," Ashley giggled.
"That's right, honey, and guess what? When we're playing like this -- and only when we're playing like this -- you get to say it to. You want to try it?" Ashley nodded enthusiastically. Her devilish grin turned briefly to shock when I said, "Good, say 'I want you to fucking eat my pussy!'"
"I want you to fucking eat my pussy!"
"Great! Now say, 'Please fuck me! Fuck your little girl! I want you to fuck the shit out of me!'"
"Fuck me, please! Fuck your little girl. I want you to fuck the fucking shit out of me!"
"Yeah, you're getting the hang of it! You're such a smart girl!"
"Thanks, mommy!"
"Now say, 'Daddy, I want to suck your fucking cock! I want you to cum in my mouth."
"Daddy, I want to suck your fucking cock! I want to cum in your mouth. I mean, I want you to cum in my mouth... What does 'come in my mouth' mean?" She turned to me to ask, and before answering, I gave her a little wet kiss.
"Well, first thing's first. Let's talk about sucking dick, and then talk about cumming. Now, look at the woman on the screen. Notice how wide she's opening her mouth. The penis is really sensitive, so it's important not to let your teeth scrape along it. Also, notice what she's doing with her hands. Holding his dick and stroking it up and down like that is also really important, and I've found it's best to vary between using your mouth, hands and both. Got it?"
Ashley nodded. "Good, now, what you can't see is what she's doing with her tongue. The most sensitive are of the penis are it's head, and the area right underneath it, so she's using her tongue to massage it while she moves it in and out of her mouth," I sucked grabbed her hand and sucked on her first and second fingers to demonstrate. I went to town on them, licking all over the fingers, sucking, flicking my tongue back and forth, circling my hand around them and jacking them off.
"Let me try, too" Ashley said, and grabbed my free hand ad started sucking also. Her soft tongue slid all over my fingers. I realized she was about to become a very talented little cocksucker, and that my husband was the luckiest man in the world.
I decided to finish off the lesson by explaining the big one to her: "So, Ashley, the reason why you stroke or suck his cock up and down like that is because that's what happens when a man is having sex with a woman."
"You mean that he doesn't just stick it in?"
"Nope, he goes in and out and in and out and it feels incredible for both of people. That's 'fucking'. Here, watch this," I said, grabbing the remote and hitting fast-forward. I scanned until the porno chick got her face off the studs dick and slid her pussy onto it. She started fucking away.
"See? What do you think?"
"She sounds like she's having a lot of fun. So daddy fucks you like that?"
"Yup. And one night, when he did that, I became pregnant and had you nine months later. Oooh! The best part of the video is coming up! Now, you remember when you talked about sperm coming out of the man's penis? Well, that's what happens when the man 'cums'. He has what's called an 'orgasm', and this milky stuff shoots out, and he feels a big throbbing wave of pleasure like you did earlier when I ate you out. What you felt was you 'cumming'."
"Ohhhh! Cool!" she said. "So he cums inside the woman?"
"Well, not always, but you have to if you want to get pregnant, but that's not something you have to worry about yet. But he can cum anywhere, in your mouth, in your cunt, or he can squirt it all over you. In these movies, they guy usually cums outside of the woman, so that the audience can see it."
"Does it feel better when the guy cums inside of the woman?"
"Well, a lot of times, yeah. But a lot of times they like to cum on your face or something, because of how sexy it looks. And they like to cum in your mouth and they love it when you swallow their cum."
"Does it taste funny?"
"Well, it's an aquired taste, some women (and men) like it, others don't. Personally, I love it, I think it tastes great. Hey, watch, the guys gonna shoot soon."
On the screen, the slut was jacking the guy off over her wide open mouth, and very quickly he was cumming all over her face. He came in her hair, her mouth, got a little in her eye. She tried to catch as much as possible in her mouth, but there was too much. It dripped down her neck and over her tits. He got off the last final drops by whacking his cock on her cheek.
"Wow! Is daddy going to fuck me like that? Do I get to get fucked also?"
"Well, absolutely, but not quite yet. YOur daddy and I have to make sure you're ready, and that your body can handle it. Daddy has a pretty big dick, you know."
"Well, I hope I'm ready soon, I want to try everything."
"You'll get to honey, I promise. But you have to be willing to wait for us to say you're ready, ok? Just like if when we think you're ready, and you want to wait some more, we'll respect your decision to. Is that a deal?"
"That's a deal!"
"That's my girl. Hey, instead of shaking on it, why don't we 69 on it?"
Ashley looked at me, knowing she was going to like this. "What's '69'?"
I spun her around on top of me so that her face was right on my cunt. I had to bend to reach hers,, so I sort of was cradling her little body with mine.
"That's when we both can eat each other out at the same time." I wasn't even through with my sentence before she was eagerly lapping me up. Over the next 10 minutes, I came three times and she came twice, and we ended up making out, covered in sweat and shared pussy juices and filled with the blissful pleasure of really great sex.
After we finally got through, it was time for a shower. I followed her into the bathroom, amazed at the sexy swing of her hips she seemed to have developed in the last two hours. We washed each other for longer than necessary, and while she was soaping up my tits, and I washed her swollen pussy, we discussed how we were going to surprise her daddy with the news. We decided on our plan, added a couple of details as we were toweling off, then got on the bed, wrapped our arms around each other, and napped for a couple of hours with the sort of sweet sleep that comes after really great sex.
Steve usually got home about 6:30, so when we woke up at 4:30, we had some time to kill before getting ready. I popped in another videotape, this one of Steve and I having sex in a variety of different locations and sometimes with different groups of people. I wanted her to get a feel for what she'd be working with, so I fast forwarded to a nice close-up of me sucking his cock.
"See, now Daddy has a pretty big cock, so it's going to take some getting used to. But it's really nice, it's very smooth, a lot of fun to suck. You know, I was giving your dad a blow job within 45 minutes of the start of our first date? We never even got a chance to leave my apartment. He was fucking me less than 12 hours after we first met."
"Really? Is that fast?" Ashley asked.
"Yeah, for most women, it takes a few dates. But, well, when your dad and I met, we just knew. Plus, I'm pretty slutty, so it doesn't take long anyways, but still, your dad was a record. Isn't that sweet? But seriously, here's a couple of pointers: See what I'm doing right now? He really loves it when you're licking just below the head on the underside, back and forth. Also, it feels really good to gently lick and suck his balls also. But gently, ooh, this is important, I almost forgot. Yeah, treat his balls gently. For men, it feels great when you barely touch them, but if you squeeze them too hard it hurts a lot."
"Mommy you look so sexy sucking daddy's dick like that," she said.
"You're going to look even sexier, baby. You're going to look so fucking hot sucking on his cock. Just think! Tonight, that'll be you!" I said. She grinned and rubbed her pussy, but never took her eyes off the screen. I looked at myself gobbling his meat.
"Oh, this is important, watch what I do next. It's called the 'corkscrew'" I said.
We spent another half hour watching me blow her dad and various other men, all the while I was giving her pointers. It was torture keeping our hands off of each other, but we had decided that it would be more fun to wait for Steve to get home.
After that, we took a nude dip in our secluded hot tub for a while. We both needed the relaxing whirlpool to help us come back down to earth and at first we just closed our eyes and let the hot water work our muscles loose. But after a few minutes and some gentle but naughty caresses, she and I began to hatch a plan for seducing the man that she called Daddy and I called... well sometimes I call him Daddy too. Anyhow, we wanted him to get to "uncontrollably horny" in record time. , then wrapped our towels around ourselves, sat on the couch and waited for Steve to get home so we could give the man we both loved the night of his life.