Welcome to my web site, kindly hosted by ASSTR. It's early days, and I'm no expert on web design, so at the moment I've simply posted all of the stories I've written for ASSTR.
Can I repeat an oft-mentioned request. I love to hear your thoughts on my work. Whether your comments are good, bad, sexy or dry, it's great to know I'm not writing in a vacuum. (Okay, I'll admit, I prefer the good and/or sexy comments). Don't be shy, even one sentence is enough.
What I like to do, also what I like to write about!
I make it a point to always reply to e-mails, so whatever you want to say, say it! And even if you've written me before, don't let that put you off writing again. It's as simple as clicking on this link.
Finally, a warning. All these stories contain scenes of explicit sex. If you shouldn't be here reading them, for whatever reason, then go away.