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Anarchy for Beginners

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Selected Stories by rache:

A Basic Guide to Dog Sex (True, Non-Fiction, Bestiality) + A Boy Named Lunch (MF/b, Violent, caution, rape, fist, NC) + A Crucifixion Story (M/F, Crux, Romance, BDSM, Consensual) + A Father's Debt (M/F, violent, crux, snuff) + A Little Spell (M/F, Fant, Magic, Size, Light BDSM, Spank, Oral, Reluct, Rom?) + A Modest Proposal (F/F, F/M, EH, Amp, NC) + About Penguins (F/MM, humor) + About Shoes (F/M CBT) + Amour-Propre (M/F, Romance, Body Modification) + Amy Welch (f/FM+, Mast, Lez, TG, Bestiality) + Amy's Proposal (M/g, Romance, First, Oral, Safe Sex) + The Apprentice (f/M, Oral, First) + Ardent Bane! Intergalactic Bounty Hunter (M/F, SciFi, Strange) + The Babysitter's First Time (M/f, first, romance, consensual) + The Bad Party (M+/F, Slut, Gangbang, Preg?) + Ball Crushing (F/M, Castration, NC) + Beautiful is to Purpose (M/F, Romance, BDSM, No Sex) + Beaches of Kenya (M+/F, Reluctant, Interracial, Size, Cheat, Flash) + (includes artwork by Calen West) Beginning Bestiality (F/Dog, Betiality) + Betsy's Bad Intentions (m/f, incest, rom, rape, violent, D/s, MDom) + Betsy's Best Intentions (m/f, teen, first, [b/s] incest, rom, cons, petting, impreg) + Big Bad Wolf (F/M, fantasy, NC, drugs, Caution) + Birth Control (MF/F, Incest (sisters) NC, Forced Impregnation, Sleepy Sex) + Blue (No Sex, snuff) + Bobbing Charlene (F+/f+, Caution, Violent, NC, Snuff, Pedo) + Brittany and Me (FM/F, NC, violent, celebrity, snuff) + Bullets With Butterfly Wings (F, Solo, Suicide) + Busting Cuz... (f/m, FemDom. Ball Busting) + California (M+/F, Cowboys, Horses, Poker, Bestiality) + Cassie (m/f, Teen, Romance, plot twists!) + The Chair (MF/f, Fantasy, Alien, Medical, First) + Charades (F/M, NC, violent, humor, snuff) + Children of Eve (F/M, Incest, Violent, Castration) + Choo-Choo Girls (M/ff, Incest, Sad) + Coming Out (F/M, F/F, Romance, Reluctant, Lesbian, Fantasy) + Cuckold by the Dogs (F/dog+, cuckold, bestiality) + Cuckolding Dad (F/m, Incest, Rom, Cuck, Oral, Anal, Public) + Cunt Busted (f/f, Violent, Cunt Busting) + Dabara (F/solo, Mast, Fantasy) + Daddy's Little Whore Index (M+/f+ Interr, Size, Safe Sex, Drugs, Gangbang, Lesbian, WS, Coercion, Reluct, Incest) + Daddy Possessed (M/F, NC, violent, rape, inc, snuff) + Dancing (M/F, [Bro/Sis] Incest, Rom, Reluc, No Sex, Slow) + Dani (MF/f, Teen, Police, Mast, First) + Dare One (Dog+/F, M/F, Fantasy, Romance, Ds) + Dare Two (Dog+/F, M+/F, Fantasy, Romance, Ds) + Dead Pool (FM+/F, violent, amp, BDSM, torture, snuff) + Death of a Family (Multiple, NC, violent, romance, snuff) + Debbie's Story (M+/f+, Teen, First, Gangbang, Interracial, Size, Drugs, Coercion) + Dick (M/f, Police, Consensual) + Dirty Little Whore (m/f, M/f, Rom, Prost, Oral, Anal, First, Cheat) + Disappointed (M/F, No Sex, Superman) + Dogfucker - Julie (F/dog, m/Dog. F/m, oral, intercourse, petting, best, rom) + Dog Whore (M+Dog/F, Best, Oral, Public, Exhib, Prost, Sperm Fetish) + Dogsmith (F/Dog, M/Dog, F/F, Bestiality, Romance, College, Toys) + Dolcett U (FM/F, Incest, Hanging, Dolcett Themes) + Dream Monogatari (M+/F, Reluctant, Public, Humiliation, MDom, Interracial - Japan) + Dyke Street (F+/M, NC, CBT) + The Education of Samantha (F/f, BDSM, First, School, FemDom, Consensual) + Family Enslaved (F/FM+, Incest, BDSM, Femdom, Oral, Anal, Spank, Strapon, Rom) + Fuckface (M/f, Incest, Rom, Teen, Spank, WS, Oral, Slut, humil) + Gasping Girlfriends (f/f, first, romance, breath play) + Gayle's Scene (M/f, first, oral, public) + Gen19 (M/F, romance, incest, suicide, true/fantasy) + Get Some (FM+/f, NC, violent, snuff) + Getaway (M/F, NC, violent, snuff) + Girl Fag (M/f, m/f, F/f, f/f, F/m, incest, mast, oral, anal, first, rom, humor, BDSM, toys, voyeur, exhib, public, fist, pierce, consensual) + Girl Genius (f/M, romance, first, penectomy, castration, reluctant) + Girl Trouble 1-4 Index (F/tg, First, Teen, Romance, Pregnant) + Hamlet's (F/M, Romance, Ball Busting, Reluctant, No Sex) + Hardcore (In Progress - Caution! See notice through link provided) + Help Wanted (F+/F, Dolcett, humor, snuff) + Hired by Fate (M/F, no sex, drama, snuff theme) + Hit and Run (F/F, Violent, NC, Lez) + Hit Wife (F/M+, Violent, Criminal, Snuff, FemDom) + Home and Back (M+/F, Public, Oral, Anal, Cheat) + The How of Why (FF/g, Romance, Incest) + I Am Zero/2002 Remix (M/F, NC, rape, crux, religion, snuff) + In the Library (M/FF, romance, violent, snuff) + Incidental Accident (M/F, BB, romance) + Interview with the Rapist (M/F, no sex, rape/snuff theme) + Into the Woods (F/f, Lesbian pedophilia themes, MC) + Jennifer's Story (M/f, slow, romance, first, consensual) + Job (M/F, Romance, [non-sexual] Violence) + The Joy of Being Late (F/F, pregnant, strap-on) + Julie (complete) (F/m/Dogs, Romance, Teacher, Bestiality) + Kelly's Poker Party (MM/F, Incest, First, Inter, Oral, Amp, Preg?) + The Last Ten Percent (M/F, Med, Amp, Rom, Reluct, BDSM) + Lenia Bound (M/f, Teen, First, Rom, Cons, Med, Dogs, Beast, Oral, Preg, Fantasy, SciFi) + Letter of the Month 0508 (M/FF, Incest, Romance, Pregnant) + Libertine Girls (f/g, pedo, oral, mast, first, WS, reluctant) + Licorice and Tiffany Stories (f/Dog, Rom, Best, Oral, humor) + Like Magic (M/F, F/F, Incest, Mind Control) + Lisa's Castration Fantasy (f/m, romance, first, castration) + Little Birds (M/F, romance, sleepy sex, reluc, drugs, necro theme) + The Long Fall to Forever (F/M, Nun, Vampire, Fantasy, Oral, Anal, Violent, Caution) + The Longest Dance/Making Movies (F/F, MM/F, Public, Rape, BDSM, Reluct?) + Losers (Mm+/Ff+, Teen, Cheerleaders, Cons, Interr, Size, Group Orgy, Cream Pie, Impreg) + (includes artwork by Calen West) The Lost Weekend (M/F, romance, BDSM, true) + Love Letter (F/f, First, Teen, Romance, Public) + Middle Sounds Bad (F, Fantasy, Humor, Violent) + Midnight Swim (M/F, romance, cheat, NC, snuff) + The Ming Prophecy (Multi-chapter) + Miss Blind America (F/dog, humor, bestiality) + Mixed Bag Complete (See TOC for story codes) + Mommy Misplaced (F/solo, g/solo, masturbation, transformation fantasy) + Mommy Misplaced - The Lost Episodes #11 (M/Fg, Incest, Pedo, Fant, Oral, Anal, Public) + Monsters in My Bed and Other Stories (See Prologue for Codes) + My Beautiful Dog (M/dog, Oral, Intercourse, Bestiality) + My Dead Hands (F/M, fantasy, ghost, EH, violent, snuff) + My Gay Dog (FM/dog, Oral, Anal, Reluc?) + My Midnight (F/dog, romance, true) + Of Sand and Pipers (M/F, BDSM, romance) + One Night Stand (F/M, BB, romance) + Outting Lisa (F/F, Reluctant, First, Humiliation) + Pandora (MF+, violence, sci-fi, snuff) + Past Tense (F/M, necro, romance) + Perfect Match (M/F, Cheat, Romance, Reluctant-Coerced, Castration, Infibulation) + Pleasing Her (M+/F, M/M, cuckold, reluctant, pregnant) + The Post Apocalypse Dream (M/F, Slow, No Sex) + Practical Women (F/Dog, Romance) + Predators (F/F, Caution, Pedo and Snuff Themes, Drugs, Coercion, Violent) + RBVS (Complete) (See Index Page for story codes) + Reasons Until After (fff/m, teen, rom, reluct, oral, cd, cheerleaders, and angst) + Respect (M/F, Cheating, BDSM, MDom, Castration theme) + Roxanne (F/F, menstruation, romance) + The Runaway Dream (F/f, Lesbian, Vampire, Romance, Prost, Violence, Drugs, Fantasy) + Sable Society (M+/F+, Animist Orgy, Anal, First) + Salt Water Taffy (m/f, Teen, First, Rom, Cons?) + Sandy (M/F, reluctant, tort, amp, violent) + Scenes From a Life (F/f, Rom, Lesbian, First) + Second Chance (F/f, romance, religion, first) + The Secret Way of It (F/MFb, Femdom, Violent, Humil, NC, Rape, Blood, Fant, Incest, Caution) + Selling the Drama (F/M+, prostitution, WS) + Shiny Faces (f/f, First, Romance, Masturbation) + Sister Victoria's Secret (F/F, Oral, Romance, [F/f] Age Play, Incest Themes) + Six Days (M/F, Alcohol, Coercion, Cheat, Slow) + Snowballs in Hell (kinda) (M/F, Celebrity, Fantasy, Oral (barely), humor) + Sorority Girl (M/F, Romance, SciFi - Fantasy, Dabara Universe) + Soul Searching (M/F, religion, NC, violent, snuff) + Sperm Bank Adventures (F/M, CBT, Medical, Reluctant - NC, Null, Humor) + Spring Break Diary (F/F+, violent, BDSM, NC, cast, cannibal, fisting) + Stacy's Story (M+/F, reluctant, gangbang, military) + Starving Artist (M/F, romance, cannibal, NC, snuff) + Stockholm (M+/F, NC, rape) + Sugar and Spice (M/F, m/f, F/f, Incest, First, Romance, Teen) + Sunshine6 (M/F, police, snuff) + Sweet Little Bitch (F/f, FemDom, Sadistic, Violent, Humil, Scat, WS, Reluctant) + Tama Vigit in progress (No Sex Yet) + Tank Girl (F/F, Fantasy, Reluct, Anal, Military) + Temple of the Snake (F/snake, fantasy, best) + The Tenderness Apart (F/F, Romance, No Sex) + Three Women and a Dog (F+/dog, romance, first) + Too Late (M/F, College, Romance) + (includes artwork by Calen West)Turning Japanese (F/F, FemDom, M+/F, BDSM, Bukake, Bestiality) + Twenty Five Pairs (MF+/m, Rom, Incest, [Teen TG] Oral, Anal, Mast, Petting, SciFi/Fantasy) + Twin Favors (F/F, M/F, reluctant, incest) + Veronica (Codes: FF/g, Inc, Pedo, Rape, Violent) + Waking Up (with a dick) (F/F, fant, TG, rape, snuff, violent, cast, cannibal, rom, BDSM) + Washing a Horse (FF/Horse, First, Lez, Oral, Intercourse, Best) + Wendy and Greg's Dog Jack (F/Dog, Best, Rom, Preg, Lactating) + What Goes Around (M+/f, F/f, first, NC, inc, rape, fist) + What the Seven Thunders Said (F/Angels/Demon/Vampire, Magic, Fantasy, Relig, Etc) + Wishes Come True (Dog+/F, F/F, romance, fantasy, bestial rape) + Witchcraft (M/F, Incest, Vampires, Fantasy, Ninja, Pedo, Violent) + The World Beneath (MF+/f, Fantasy, Rom, Mast, Oral, Vampirism) + 

The End

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Please note you must be a legal adult to view this site. Where I live, that's 16 years old. It may be something else where you live, I'm not sure. In view of my ignorance, I now require a note from a parent or legal guardian stating categorically his/her express lack of interest in your moral upbringing. A note from a physician or signed prescription attesting to the necessity of viewing such materials for your mental and or physical well being. A quart of blood. Urine samples from three references not related to you by birth. A recently soiled condom belonging to yourself or someone you know. A naked photograph of your spouse in a compromising situation. (unmarried users may submit photos of people they wish they were married to) Proof of citizenship of a country other than France. A Hostess Twinkie or Ding-Dong in the original unopened wrapper accompanied by dated proof-of-purchase. Six dollars in small, unmarked bills (loose change may be acceptable provided it's not Canadian) and a signed affidavit assuring me that you will use this site towards it's super-secret, intentionally designed purpose and not for world domination, research for a novel or doctoral thesis, intellectual masturbation or anything stupid like that. I hear it all the time and it's annoying.

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Note: It's entirely possible that you might become disoriented and even a little lost when attempting to negotiate my website. Please remain assured that this is largely intentional on the part of my Web Mistress, Sloppy Dick. She can be a real bitch. If you become nervous or suffer panic, please close your browser and visit another website. There are a million of them out there, many of which are doubtlessly better crafted, more informative, and less offensive than this one. I won't be anything but sympathetic, I promise you.

Are you still reading this?

Riva. That was her name. No more and no less. Just Riva and she'd picked me out of a lineup of the usual suspects on a Saturday night, taking me back to my place and fucking my brains out. I'm not a lesbian, but I'm not a flaming hetero by any stretch. I'm just me. Lying there in the afterglow I reached across her for a cigarette.

"You love anything?" she asked me in her high pitched London accent.

"I love you." I laughed at her and felt around the nightstand for my lighter.

"Do you hate anything?" She sounded annoyed, or as much as a 20 year old can after three or four good orgasms.

"I hate Yoko Ono." I fell back hard, just letting my body go so that the mattress bounced. We played footsie under the damp sheet while I lit my cigarette.

"I hate everything," she sighed, looking up at the darkness. I wanted to make love to her with the lights on, because Riva was the most beautiful person I'd ever seen, but she wanted the lights out.

"Everything?" I took a drag and my small room lit up orange.


"Even me?"

"Are you a thing?" She turned onto her side, her hand reaching out to hold my right breast, cupping it with spread fingers and squeezing.


"Then I won't hate you," she almost laughed. "Just the world."

"Fuck the world." I smoked. "We don't need it."

And then I put out my cigarette and we were making love again, because I believed that's what it was. Making love.

Back up.

I was a freshman and just waiting to be discovered. That's what it felt like and I'm sure you understand. Away from home finally, walking around the university campus and being amazed and shocked and pleased and frustrated at every turn. Every 19 year old thinks that they're destined for something great and we don't even have to look for it, greatness will find us. What found me was Riva. 

She was singing with a band in an underground club called, typically enough, The Basement. They played to the post-hip crowd, doing covers of old Meat Puppets, The Clash, and the English Beat. You haven't appreciated Straight To Hell until Riva sings it for you, accompanied by a 12 string guitar and a lethargic drummer. It's torturously beautiful and I wondered if I was in the right place.

I looked good for who and where I was. Kind of tall, but that was mostly my shoes. Short black hair, combed straight back behind my ears, streaked with blue so dark it just made the black seem to shine. A pretty face with good bones, or so photographer had told me once when I'd had thoughts of modeling, but he might have just wanted to fuck me. I had blue eyes, like they belonged to a blonde or something, bright and wholesome. I liked my eyes because they could were made for lying. I could say almost anything and my eyes would swear it was the truth.

Some guys were hitting on me cause it was that kind of place. You know, college. It was open season on girls and we didn't mind. Any girl dumb enough to go out by herself? She was just asking for it. I was down there practically begging.

"White Russian..." Riva was behind me as I stood at the bar, taking a break from the stage and getting something to drink. "You want something?" she asked and it took me a second to realize she was talking to me, mostly because I was busy talking to some guy named Ralph.

"What?" I turned my head, feeling her hand on my shoulder.

"Do you want something to drink?" she asked me slowly and the bartender was standing there waiting.

"Uh, whatever," I shrugged, turning back to Ralph and his barely clever innuendos, but he was cute anyway and...

"You don't need him." Riva was touching me again. "My dick's bigger than his anyway."

"Really?" I smiled at that, but I wasn't really sure if I should be amused or annoyed.

"Hey..." Ralph started saying, evidently not liking the interruption.

"What, you wanna step outside?" She leaned closer and I blinked because it looked pretty clear that this punked-out girl, who looked like she was 14 maybe, wouldn't have minded kicking Ralph's ass right about then.

Ralph didn't say anything, he just picked up his drink and walked away.

"See?" The young woman nodded. "I gotta do one more set and then we'll go to your place, okay?"

And that was how I ended up with Riva.
