By  Aldric

Copyright 2011 by Aldric, all rights reserved
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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
Comments may be made to Pietar@spamex.com
This story depicts minors in unusual conditions that may include unprotected, unsafe sex or extreme humiliation. Obviously, this does not describe real life and should not be taken as such. In the real world, behaviors as described in the story are not acceptable, tolerated, or legal. The reader should never confuse the difference between fiction and real life. This story is fictional.

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“Tory Steven Nash!” Tory suddenly woke up. “What the hell is this!” his sister yelled. He sat up before he remembered that he was naked so he tried to pull the blanket over him as he opened his eyes. His sister was not paying attention to him but instead was watching the slide show that was running from the thumb drive in his LCD television.
He wasn’t having any luck getting the blanket pulled free from being tucked under the mattress, which he hated, and instead ran naked to where he had kicked off his clothes and pulled his shorts on, skipping his boxers.
“That’s mine, turn it off,” he yelled at his sister.
“Hey, wait a second!” his little brother said from the upper bunk, “That’s Catlin Schmidt!” He was about to add “And that’s me!” when the next picture came up but bit his tongue. Fortunately his sister had turned around just before his picture came up and she didn’t see the picture of him. “Why do you have a naked picture of Catlin?” Ted asked him.
“Why do you have ANY pictures of naked girls?” Teresa asked Tory. She pulled the thumb drive out of the TV and dropped it into a pocket.
“Give it back!” Tory yelled, even though he knew she wouldn’t. “It’s none of your business!”
“It’s MY business,” Ted said as he jumped down from the top bunk.
“We’ll let mom and dad decide whose business it is,” Teresa said.
“I want to delete two pictures first!” Ted said.
“Don’t show those to mom,” Tory pleaded. Please Teresa?”
“Look, I’ll consider not showing this to Mom and Dad,” Teresa said. “Maybe. But don’t think you’re going to get off easy.”
“You can’t blackmail me,” Tory said. But he knew she could. She was only fourteen months older than him but a lot stronger. And even though Tory had been a teenager now for five weeks, he still hadn’t hit a growth spurt. In fact, he was just a little bigger and stronger than Ted, who was eleven (“eleven and a half” Ted would say).
“Fine then, have it your way,” Teresa said. “You can explain to mom why you were sound asleep on your bed, totally naked, with dirty tissues laying next to you and this slide show running.”
“I--I--I; how did you get in here anyway? I had the door locked!”
“And it’s Ted’s room too. He came home from camp early because he didn’t feel well and he knows how to unlock it. You were so sound asleep you didn’t even wake up when I came in to see how he was feeling.”
“You asshole,” Tory said to Ted.
“You pervert!” Ted responded. Then to his sister he said, “But could you delete two of the pictures?”
“Mom will never watch them all the way through,” Teresa said. “Besides, don’t you think Tory would be in a whole lot more trouble if she knew he had those?”
“Okay, look, maybe mom and dad don’t need to know,” Tory said, hoping for a deal. “What is it you want from me? My TV? My Gameboy?”
“Hey, those are half mine!” Ted said. “You can’t give them away.”
“Don’t worry, I don’t want them anyway,” Teresa said. “I’ll think of something tomorrow and let you know. But first, I want you to open your computer up to me. Every password, every file. I want to find out how much of this filth you have.”
Tory knew it went a long way. Much further than he wanted his sister to see or even know about. But she saw the look on his face and said, “Or dad can give you the same command. Take your choice, but choose now.”
There was no choice. He knew if his parents didn’t think of it on their own she would help them think of it. His only chance would be to purge his computer, but he knew Teresa was too smart to give him a chance to do that. He sat down at his desk and began unlocking his computer, giving he access to everything except his hidden directories where the really good stuff was.
But what he gave her access to was still pretty embarrassing. As she looked through it she saw Ted leaning over her shoulder. “Go downstairs Ted,” she said. “I want to talk to Tory in private.”
“No way,” Ted said. “He had at least one picture of Catlin, what if he as a whole bunch? I don’t want you to see them.”
“I already saw the one, what difference does it make if I saw another? Besides, she’s just like all the other pictures he has. It wouldn‘t make any difference if I saw another one.” But Teresa was no fool, she’d heard Ted say two pictures several times and she saw the look on his face just as she turned around. The picture she didn’t see was the one he wanted, not the one she did see. And she was going to find out what was so special about the second one.
“It would make a difference to me. If you make me go I’m calling mom.” Ted was never one to tattle on his brother. For the most part, Tory had been a pretty good brother, a lot better than nearly all of Ted’s friends big brothers. So when he said he would call, both Teresa and Tory knew he wasn’t bluffing. Besides, he knew exactly where Tory had gotten the picture of him and Catlin and he didn’t want his sister to find out they had been sexting.
“You know, come to think of it, why isn’t that picture of Catlin in any of these files?” Teresa asked.
“I deleted it after I copied it to the thumb drive,” Tory said. Then he saw her open up PowerPoint and he knew he was screwed even worse.
“The file you created was saved on the P drive, which doesn’t make sense since you only have two DVD drives and two hard drives,” she said.. “You don’t have enough places to plug in other drives to get to P, so it’s a named drive. Where is it?”
Damn it,” he thought. “She’s such a nerd.” However he stayed quiet while he considered his options. It didn’t take him too long since he didn’t have any real options to choose from. He showed her how to open his ghost drive, where all the really good stuff was.
“Uh, look, you don’t need to look at this…” he began.
“Yeah, right, that’s why you didn’t open if for me when I told you too. I think Ted is right, it’s time to call mom. After I delete any pictures of his friends.”
Tory went and sat back down on his bed, sick at what they were going to see. Not just the five pictures of Ted and two of Catlin, but the twenty or so of himself. And even worse was the movie of him jacking off to pictures on the drive.
Teresa watched the movie with interest and commented on her middle brother’s lack of development, much to his total shame and Ted’s total amusement.
“There’s something really weird about this file,” she said as she opened a folder. “It looks like this is what Ted was so desperate to erase. Do you still want to call mom?” she asked her youngest brother. Ted just hid his head and didn’t say a word to either of them the rest of the night.
The next morning Teresa let Tory sleep in until after Ted left the house. It was after nine in the morning before she woke him and told him to come to her room.
“First off,” she said when he got there, “Is there any way you would ever hurt Ted or his friends? I mean, how far would you go?”
“I’d never do anything to him,” he said. “I’ve never done anything with anyone. I just, you know, collect pictures.”
“If you ever do hurt him with those pictures then mom finding out will be the least of your problems,” she said. “I’ll deal with him over those pictures, but you’re going to have to deal with him for how you got them. But enough about that, let’s talk about what to do with you. Tell me, which would you prefer--explaining those pictures to mom and dad or being totally humiliated a few times but in the end being allowed to keep all the pictures except the ones of Ted and Catlin?”
“I uh, guess total humiliation,” he answered.
“I mean horrible, terrible, unspeakable humiliation,” she said. “Something that won’t go unnoticed by your friends or your enemies.”
“Won’t mom and dad stop it if they know about it?” he asked.
“They’ll try of course. But they will fail because you would rather be humiliated than have them see the stuff on your computer. You sure you want to go this route?”
“Uh, I guess,” he said. “But for how long?”
“Three times. But if you fail or refuse to do one of my tasks you’ll have to start over. And you‘ll still have to deal with Ted for the pictures you took of him.”
“What are the tasks?” he asked nervously.
“You’ll find out about them one at a time. I’ll download them onto your MP3 one at a time. Each one will be named SWIATH. You’ll tell everyone who asks that you heard a voice in your head telling you to do it or else and you were scared to death of the ‘or else’ part. You can say anything else as long as you stick to the basic idea that you’re just following the voices in your head.”
“But people will think I’m crazy!” he said.
“And what will they think when they find out about the pictures you beat off to?” she responded. SWIATH stands for ‘Something Weird Is About To Happen’ and you will say that, out loud, before starting every task. Complete three of them and we’re done. No more blackmail after that.”
“What if get rid of the files first?”
“Go ahead and try. But I think you’ll find out that you need a different password to open the P drive from now on. And if I find out you’ve been trying to guess it I’ll add a fourth task.”
“So how bad are these tasks?” he asked.
“Are you in? If so, here’s your first task. It’s very simple and quick. The others will be worse.” She handed him his MP3 and left him to listen to it.
He heard her voice as he launched the title. “Go out of the house in just a pair of white briefs and walk to the mail box on the corner. When you get there, take off the briefs and put them in the mailbox. Then walk back without covering up at any time for any reason. Remember to tell anyone who asks that “Something Weird Is Happening” and that you are just doing what the voice in your head told you to do. Delete this song before you go.”
Teresa looked at the expression on his face as the message finished. “So are you in or do I take mom up and show here what you have on your computer?”
His ears turned bright red but he didn’t answer her. Instead he deleted the file on the MP3 player and gave it back to her and stripped off his tee shirt and sweats that he slept in. All he had on as he left the house was his underpants. His face turned an even brighter shade of red as he realized how late it was and saw kids out playing. The mail box was two blocks up from his house.
He was spotted before he even reached the end of the driveway. Stephan King, his next door neighbor, was shooting baskets with two other eighth graders. “Hey Nash, did mommy forget to dress you?” he shouted as soon as he saw Tory.
Tory remembered his instructions. “Something weird is about to happen,” he answered without making eye contact. He had to walk past the King’s driveway. The three boys met him at the sidewalk.
“I’d say something weird has already happened,” Stephan said. “Nice whities, too bad you don’t have something to pack inside them.”
“The voice said I have to do this,” Tory said as he walked past. “Or else.”
“Did he say ‘the voice’?” one of the other boys asked.
“Yeah, that’s what he said. He’s finally listening to somebody. Too bad for him it’s a weirdo.” They laughed and went back to shooting baskets.
But Tory wasn’t done being laughed at yet, not by a long shot. He had only just started and he had girls and boys gathering around him and asking him what he was doing. He kept giving the same answers and tried to ignore the laughter. He began walking faster but the crowd around him continued to grow.
Finally the mail box was just one yard ahead at the corner. Not that was a good thing. As humiliating as it was now, he soon would be returning home completely naked. He figured he’d be able to cover up at least until he got close to home but still, he’d be NAKED! Walking down the street with no clothes on at all for a little over two blocks.
He reached the mail box and pretended to read the posting for the pickup times while he wondered if he was brave enough to do this. But he pictured his mother watching the video of him beating off to all the images of naked girls bound or tied up and decided this was a lot better than that. It was bad enough that Teresa had seen it. In one quick motion he pulled down the briefs and stepped out of them and pulled out the mail drop slot and let them go. It was over now; he couldn’t get them back unless he waited for the postman to come.
Just as he was about to cover up he spotted his sister in the back of the crowd of kids. She had come to check up on him. He kept his hands to his sides as the kids all gathered around to get a look. He was too ashamed to even get hard, at least at first. But as the realization that he was naked in front of several dozen of his neighbors his dick decided to wake up and party. All three and a half inches of it.
He didn’t notice when his sister had run home, but when he finally got there she was in the house waiting for him. She had been strongly tempted to lock him out, but that wasn’t part of the task so she left the door unlocked. Well, not the front door.
“I hate you!” he said as he grabbed his sweat pants which were still lying on the kitchen floor. Without another word he ran up to his room and slammed the door. Teresa laughed silently. She knew now that no matter how bad she made it he would have to finish. And she knew exactly what the next task would be.
She gave him three days to get over it before leaving the next message on his MP3.
Tory saw the player setting on top of his book bag. It hadn’t been there when he’d gone to bed. So Teresa had been in his room while he and Ted slept. He was surprised there were two messages on it. He listened t the first one and gave a sigh of relief. It was bad, horrible even, but nowhere near as bad as what she had made him do for the first task.
Then he listened to the other task and nearly fainted. He could only hope that he couldn’t complete the first task. If he did, well, he didn’t want to think about that now. He made sure the things he needed were in his bag and went down for breakfast. He imagined she was sitting there smiling at him, but he never really knew because he was afraid to make eye contact with her.
The day dragged on until finally it was time for gym class, his second last class of the day. Gym was always a class he hated since he was shy, modest, small, and mostly scared and gym made it easy for other boys to see that. Today was a lot worse.
When it was over he took off his gym clothes and put them in his locker. Showers were mandatory and the punishment for trying to skip one was to undress in front of the entire class and shower while they watched. Three kids had done it so far this year and as much as he hated showering with other boys he never wanted to have to do it while they all watched. And laughed.
After gym it was time. Instead of his street clothes he took out the garments his sister had said to wear. A pair of old pajamas, socks, and shoes and nothing else. The pajama top was too small and only came down to his waist. If he lifted his arms for any reason it would expose his belly. But the worst part was the bottoms. They were not only small, but thread bear. There was a hole in the back that would let everyone see his butt. And as he put them on he saw his sister had modified them—the two buttons on the fly were missing, there was just the draw string to hold them up. The gap in the fly would allow anyone to see that he had nothing on underneath. Not that it mattered much, the material was so worn that you could almost see thorough it anyway.
He saw Sid West looking at him and said, “Something weird is about to happen.” Sid smiled but looked confused, so he added, “The voice in my head said that I have to do this or else.”
He put his street clothes in his book bag and stood by the door waiting for the bell to ring. He repeated his mantra several times and soon the whole class was there waiting to see if he was really going to walk out of the locker room and into the hall dressed like he was. When the bell rang they held the door open for him and he stepped out and turned right and headed for his history class, stopping only by the drinking fountain to swallow the blue pill his sister had given him. He was pretty sure he knew what it was and he hoped it took a while before it began to work because getting a boner while wearing his pajamas would cause it to stick out the fly. And one of the rules was he couldn’t cover it up if it did.
Two minutes later he knew he was going to get a boner. It couldn’t possibly be the pill, no pill worked that fast. But being as close to naked in the hall as he was for some reason was exciting and his dick was responding. And thinking about it only made it worse. He hurried to class, hoping for the first time that old Mrs. McClain would notice something odd and tell him to get dressed or just to leave.
But she sat behind her desk looking as bored as always and didn’t even notice the laughter coming from everyone who saw him. He was suddenly the most popular kid in school and everyone wanted a seat near him.
The seat was cold where the hole in his bottoms allowed the plastic to touch his butt, but it was his dick sticking up through the opening that gave him the most discomfort. And as the class dragged on he knew the pill was starting to add to his own natural boner. Before class was done the kids near him couldn’t stop from laughing out loud as his dick began to jerk on its own.
And still Mrs. McClain continued teaching, never once looking up or responding to the noise and commotion in her classroom. And as the minute hand on the clock approached twelve, he knew it was about to get worse. A lot worse.
When the bell rang he took two fives and a ten from his wallet, a ruler, and the last item his sister had left for him. Then he headed for the bus, his erection proudly leading the way. Once on board he took a seat in the middle and waited for Ted.
Ted, who had already heard but didn’t believe, searched out his brother as soon as he climbed the three steps into the bus. He hurried with his friends down the aisle and took a seat on the opposite row. Without saying a word Tory handed him his book bag which contained his clothes and sat there without making any effort to cover up. A drop of precum appeared at his piss hole and slowly dripped down to his leg, leaving a sticky and shiny runner behind.
Once again he was the center of attraction and the bus driver had to yell three times for kids to take their seats. Finally the bus started moving, and it was time for Tory to get on with the next, and hopefully last, phase of his punishment.
“Something weird is about to happen,” he said. By now most of the kids had heard his rant about weirdness and voice and knew something really fun was about to happen. Fun for them, but not for Tory.
He pulled out the first five dollar bill and said, “The voice said I should give this to anyone who will take my bottoms from me.”
Several willing participants moved in but a girl from the seat in front of Tory got there first. She willing pulled on the pajamas and Tory lifted his butt off the seat and let them slide down and off. The girl’s eyes never once stopped looking at his dick, even when he handed her the five.
“The voice said I should give five dollars to anyone who will measure me,” he said, holding a plastic ruler out.
There was a pause before three girls jumped at the chance. An eleven year old won and grabbed the ruler with one hand and Tory’s dick with the other. He moaned as she touched him and his dick jerked wildly as the girl held the ruler up to the side.
“Two and seven-eighths inches,” she said, gaining a round of loud laughter from everyone who could hear her that made the bus driver look up in his mirror again.
“You did it wrong,” Tory complained. “I’m bigger than that! You have to…”
The girl cut him off by slapping the ruler across his still twitching dick which was now leaking thin strands of cum. She then captured some of the cum on the ruler and held it out to him. “Lick it off,” she said.
Tory turned his head away but she said, “Lick it off or I’ll take the shirt too.” She unbuttoned the top of the three buttons on his pajama top to show she would do it.
It really wouldn’t have mattered as everything Tory wanted to keep hidden was exposed, but the idea of being naked, completely naked, scared him. He turned his head back and licked the strand of cum off the end of the ruler. The girl seemed satisfied but she didn’t return to her seat.
“There’s one more thing I have to do,” Tory said a minute later. “I’ll give ten dollars to anyone who will put these on me and hang the key around my neck.” He held out the bill in one hand and a pair of lockable thumb cuffs and a key in the other.
The girl reached for them, but Luis Coaler pulled her hand back. Luis was thirteen; the same as Tory, but that was the only similarity. Luis was bigger and stronger than Tory. And he and Tory hated each other and had since they had been in fourth grade, back when they were the same size.
“You’ve had your turn,” Luis said to the girl. “This one is mine.” He grabbed the bill and stuffed it down his into his pants pocket and then grabbed the thumb cuffs. “Turn around,” he said to Tory.
Tory had assumed his hands would be bound in front, he hadn’t considered they would be behind him. But there wasn’t much he could do now, so he turned towards the window and winced as Luis forced his arms to the back. He snapped the cuffs over each of Tory’s thumbs and pushed him back to face the front of the bus.
“If you want this,” he said, holding up the thin loop the key was attached to, “You’re going to have to stop at my house.” Luis shoved the key into the same pocket as the ten dollar bill and got up. “He’s all yours until we reach my stop,” he said to the girl. “Make him eat all his cum and I’ll give you the ten dollars.”
The girl knew exactly what to do and didn’t waste any time doing it. It only took a slight stroke of Tory’s dick with her hand to start him twitching again and then a gentle squeeze caused his dick to erupt. She obviously hadn’t ever seen it happen before however because she assumed she would be able to collect it on the ruler and was surprised when the first blast shot onto the back of the seat in front of them and the next two up and on to Tory’s legs. But she scooped up as much as she could onto the ruler and feed it to the now captive and humiliated Tory.
Tory hoped that the girl would now leave him alone so he could think about whether or not to get off at Luis’s stop, but instead she told him to slide forward on the seat and spread his legs out.
“I hear these things can cause a lot of discomfort to boys,” she said as she used the ruler to push his sack as far out onto the seat as she could. “Does this hurt?” she asked as she pushed the ruler gently down on one of the lumps she could see inside the sack.
“Yes, oh god yes, please stop,” Tory moaned.
“I’m not even pressing hard,” the girl said. “What if I press harder, like this.” She pushed a little harder, making the plastic ruler begin to bend in the middle.
“You’ll make him vomit,” a boy said from behind her. “I’m feeling a little sick just watching you.”
The girl pulled the ruler back away from his balls and Tory gasped for breath, the pain still there. He could feel the thumb cuffs biting into his thumbs from behind his back as he tried to free his hands.
Then the girl moved the ruler over to the other ball. “Tell me that when we get off the bus that you’ll give me your shirt,” she said. “I want to see you completely naked.” She pushed down on the ruler ever so slightly.
“I promise you can have the shirt,” Tory said without hesitation. That answered one question for him since he knew the girl got off at the same stop as Luis. Now he was going to have to get off there too.
“Then let’s get ready now,” she said as she unbuttoned the last two buttons on the pajama top.
She noticed that Tory’s dick was still mostly hard and began stroking it with the edge of the ruler, bringing it back to a full erection by the time they reached the stop.
“Let’s go,” she said, stepping into the aisle behind the seat and allowing Tory to get out in front of her. Luis was behind them and she turned and whispered something to him that Tory couldn’t hear from the noise on the bus as he made his way towards the front.
He couldn’t imagine what the bus driver would do when he saw them, and he actually hoped he would interfere so that he wouldn’t have to get off here with this girl and Luis, but when he got to the front row he saw the bus driver was watching his side mirror making sure no cars were passing the bus. He never even glanced at Tory as he passed and stepped carefully down the steps and onto the sidewalk.
“Turn and face the bus,” Luis commanded from behind him. When Tory didn’t move fast enough Luis grabbed his shoulders and forced him around. They stood there in front of the laughing and jeering students still on the bus until at last the bus drove off.
You know where I live,” Luis said. “I’ll see you when Coleen is done with you.” Luis crossed the street leaving Tory with the girl who had been bugging him most of the way on the bus. Along with ten or so other curious kids, both boys and girls, all of them eager to enjoy the thrill of having a naked boy standing on the corner.
“Come on,” Coleen said as she pulled on his elbow. “My house is over here. We have to hurry; my mom will be home in less than an hour.”
“What are you going to do with him?” asked a girl Tory knew only as Alice .
Coleen whispered to her and Alice ’s face brightened into a smile. “You can come too if you want,” Coleen said.
The two girls pulled Tory along to a red brick house two doors down and across the street from Luis’s.
Once inside Coleen led him to a bathroom in the back of the house. “Now we can get rid of the shirt,” she said. She opened a drawer and took out a pair of scissors and cut the shirt off his arms. “There, finally, you’re naked,” she said, standing back and looking at him.
“Now for a before picture,” she said. “I’ll be back in a second.”
It was a few seconds, but she came back with a digital camera. “No, please,” Tory said, but she ignored him and took three pictures.
“Now for the next part,” she said as she guided him into the tub. “Hand me that pump bottle there,” Coleen said to Alice .
“This may burn for a few seconds, but, well, that’s just too bad if it does.” Coleen pumped down on the nozzle on the top of the bottle with it pointed at his groin. Tory felt something cold hitting all around his groin and on his balls, but the cold was quickly replaced by a slight burning sensation and a horrid smell.
He was left to stand there for five minutes before Coleen said, “There, that should be long enough.” She turned on the shower and pointed the spray nozzle at him to wash off the chemical she had sprayed on. After the burning the water was ice cold and Alice had to hold him while Coleen sprayed him.
“Perfect!” she said as she turned off the water. “Doesn’t he look better to you?” she asked Alice .
“Oh, yes, much better. I’ll get the ‘after’ pictures.” Alice picked up the camera and took a few more pictures. As they helped him out of the tub Tory looked in the mirror and saw that all of his pubic hair was gone. He was as bald as he had been before the first beginnings of puberty had started.
“We have a few minutes left with him,” Coleen said. “Is there anything you want to do to him?”
“That thing you did on the bus where Luis told you to make him eat something—I’d like to see that!” Alice said.
“Sure, that’d be fun! And I have an even better idea on how to do it.”
Tory was taken from the bathroom into what was obviously Coleen’s room. It was painted a light shade of lavender and there were stuffed animals on the bed. Pictures of boys, many of them topless, decorated the walls. “Lay here with your feet towards the pillows,” Coleen commanded, pointing at a spot at the end of her bed.
“Help me slid him,” Coleen said to Alice . Working together, they slid his body down until his head was on the floor and his butt was half on and half off the mattress.
“Now, open your mouth and keep it open,” she commanded. “If you close it I’ll spank your balls till you puke!”
Tory had already guessed what her plan was, and unfortunately, he knew from experience that it would work. Under Coleen’s tutorage, Alice was stroking his dick, making sure it was pointed up (or down, since his head was on the floor) towards his wide open mouth. There was no sense in fighting it, he was going to lose anyway, so he closed his eyes and let the feeling of Alice ’s hand on his dick bring him to climax.
His muscles tensed as he approached the end point, and then it came shooting out in five big bursts. The first one landed on his chest, but Alice corrected the aim and got each of the others on his face with two hitting directly in his mouth.
Coleen congratulated Alice on her aim and laughed as Tory swallowed his own cum.
“Should we clean the rest off of him?” Alice asked.
“No, let the boys see it,” Coleen said. “Maybe they’ll add some of their own.”
“Okay, that was fun,” Coleen said after they helped Tory to his feet. “We’ll have to find a way to make the voices tell you to do this again. But my mom will be home any minute now so you have to go.”
“Hurry, go out the back and get out of here,” Coleen said when they got to the kitchen. He left, stepping naked and hard into the sunlight towards another nightmare.
Luis was waiting for him, along with his brothers Luke and Lukas. Luke and Lukas were twin eleven year olds. “Look at him,” Luis said to his younger brothers. “You guys have more hair than he does!”
“What’s that?” one of the twins asked, pointing at Tory’s face and chest.
Luis reached out a finger and touched it. “It’s cum!” he said laughing. “Did Coleen feed you?” There three boys all laughed.
“Come on downstairs,” Luis said. “We’re going to have some fun.” He followed Tory making sure that Tory didn’t fall going down the steps.
“Over here,” he said, pointing to a metal post supporting the ceiling. “Kneel down in front of it.”
“Luis, I’m sorry about what happened, but that was years ago,” Tory said.
“Save it, I don’t care how sorry you are. “You got me in trouble and you were too chicken to tell the truth. But that was four years ago. I’ve gotten over it by now. Now I just simply don’t like you. But this has nothing to do with that. Kneel down on your own or we’ll make things a lot worse.”
Again, Tory didn’t have much choice. He was surprised when Luis unlocked one of his thumbs, but his hopes were quickly dashed when his hands were forced around the pole and the thumb cuff reattached. His legs were also pulled alongside the post and a piece of rough rope was used to tie them in place. Tory was completely secured and unable to prevent the three Coaler boys from doing anything they wanted to do to him.
“I’m going to go call the others,” Luis said to his brothers. “You guys can start if you want, but remember to go easy; don’t get worn out on him. There’s much more fun to come later.”
Tory was scared. Luis was a bully and had a grudge against him that extended back years. But Luis was more than just a bully; he took great pleasure in dominating the boys he bullied. Tory didn’t know a lot about the twins except that they were also bullies in their grade.
He wasn’t a fool, and it didn’t take much imagination to figure out what he was going to be expected to do from the position he was in. Outside of church, kneeling in front of bullies could only be used for one thing. Tory and his best friend Neil Griffon had done it once on a sleepover back when they were eleven. It was exciting but a little gross too. But it had been mutual exploring instead of being forced by bullies.
The twins were behind him giggling about something. When they came around to face him each of them wiped a finger across one of Tory’s nipples, leaving a wet spot that smelled of wintergreen.
“What was that?” Tory asked, his voice breaking revealing to the twins his fear.
“You’ll see,” one of them answered.
“It’ll just take a few seconds,” the other said.
And a few seconds was all it took before Tory could feel a burning sensation where they had smeared something across his nipples. And the heat was getting worse by the second.
“Wipe it off, please,” pleaded Tory. “I’ve never done anything to you guys.”
“Have you ever sucked a dick before?”
“No, of course not!” Tory said.
“Wrong answer.” The twins each dipped a finger in the container.
“Okay, I did, once. That’s all, I swear!”
“I told you he did it before,” one twin said to the other, showing that Tory had just given up a secret they hadn’t really known. “Did you enjoy it?”
“NO!” Tory answered. His thumbs were getting sore from pulling on the cuffs trying to get free.
“Whose dick did you suck?” the other twin asked.
Tory paused. The burning on his nipples had reached a maximum and still hurt but not as bad as before.
“We’ll wipe our fingers on your balls and stick your dick in the jar if you don’t tell us,” the twin said. “And it better be the truth too!”
“Neil Griffon,” Tory said. He’d give up anything to keep from having the double burn on his balls and dick.
“That figures,” a twin said to the other. “He sucked off his best friend.”
“Do you want to suck more?”
“No!” Tory answered.
“Too bad because you’re going to. You’re going to start with Luke, but I’m going to be watching his face. If it doesn’t look like he’s enjoying it then I’m going to ram my finger up your butt. The finger that has the heat on it. Keep that in mind.”
Luke had already dropped his shorts and boxers and stood waiting for Tory to start. He was completely hairless and his balls were in a tight sack just below his three inch long penis.
Tory didn’t know for sure what to do, but he knew he didn’t want that burning finger up his butt so he quickly pulled Luke’s dick into his mouth and began sucking on it. Not sure what to do with his tongue, he tried to move it to one side but when it passed over the head of Luke’s dick Luke moaned and thrust harder into Tory’s mouth.
“This is a lot better than when you do it Lukas,” Luke said to his twin.
“Shut up about that Luke!” Lukas said.
Using his tongue more and more, it didn’t take long until Tory had Luke standing on his toes moments before he finally reached the ultimate end point. It was a dry cum but Tory could tell it was a very satisfying one for Luke.
The twins switched places. Tory noticed that the twins were not exactly the same—Lukas actually had a small amount of fine hairs on his balls, which hung down an inch or so below his dick. But that was the only difference, Lukas enjoyed it every bit as much as Luke had and his orgasm was also dry.
The twins were instantly ready to go again so they changed places, joking about how much fun it was to have an older boy servicing them. Tory was almost done doing Lukas for the second time when they heard several sets of footsteps above them. Lukas pulled out and he and Luke pulled their shorts back on.
Four boys came down the steps. First was Luis, right behind him was Tory’s best friend Neil Griffon. Next was one of the few kids Tory had never liked, Gary Whitman. There was no special reason Tory didn’t like Gary, but he did and picked on Gary at any opportunity. Bringing up the rear was Tory’s brother Ted.
It was worst than Tory could have ever imagined. He was naked, still with a boner, and bound to post on his knees. That would have been bad enough, but there was only one reason Gary Whitman was here—revenge. And the form of revenge would be a humiliating act that would never be forgotten.
“I see from the look on your face that you understand what we want from you,” Luis said with a big grin on his face. “Even your brother and your best friend want some lip action from you.”
Luis turned to his brothers and asked, “How did he do?”
“Really well, once we convinced him to try. He told us he already sucked Griffon off, but he lied about it the first time.”
Both Tory and Neil blushed. Neil hadn’t told them about that night two years ago. In fact, he didn’t even want to be here. But Luis had threatened to hurt Tory repeatedly unless he went along with them. Even then Neil was tempted to leave, but then Whitman showed up.
“I thought you said that Nash was going to suck me,” Gary said when he saw Neil. “Not that I mind getting one from Griffon.”
“No, it’ll just be Nash, unless Griffon here decides not to play along,” Luis said. “Then maybe you can get one from each of them.”
Neil realized he had a choice with no good options—he could join in on whatever humiliations they were about to impose on Tory (and probably lose him as a friend because he participated) or he could join Tory and share his fate. He decided to protect himself, although it made him feel sick.
Luis was eager to let the fun begin. “Since they’re best friends and all, I think we should let Neil go first,” he said. “Then he’ll suck off his brother, then Gary and finally me. These two horn dogs here have probably already had three or four turns.” He pointed to the twins.
“Only two,” Luis said.
“And he didn’t even finish my second one,” Lukas added.
“You’ll get another turn, but after us,” Luis said. He turned to Neil and Ted and said, “You two are first up. Strip—everything comes off.”
That actually lightened Tory’s heart a little. Knowing that Luis was ordering Neil and Ted and making them strip naked in front of the others meant that they probably were not willing participants. But still, of all the people to have to suck, his brother was the going to be the worst.
Tory hadn’t seen Neil naked since that night two years back, and he suddenly felt even more embarrassed. Neil’s dick was bigger than his, and he had more hair then Tory had, even before Coleen had removed it.
As much as Neil didn’t want to do it to his friend, the thought of a blow job had him half hard as he moved in front of Tory. He was surprised that Tory didn’t say anything or even resist, he just leaned forward and took his dick into his mouth.
And it was a whole lot better than the last time. Neil immediately got hard as Tory’s tongue ran over his dick and he pushed in as far as he could, enjoying the feeling despite his embarrassment. In just a few minutes Neil had forgotten where he was and was riding the feelings as much as he could, rocking forward as Tory drew him in deeper until he felt his legs tighten and his toes curled. Then he shot the first big burst, followed rapidly by four lesser blasts. But it was still the best cum he could ever remember having. But as quickly as it ended his awareness of where he was returned and suddenly he felt very guilty for having enjoyed it as much as he did.
Neil backed away from Tory without looking him in the eyes. He instead looked for his clothes, but they were gone. He didn’t bother to ask about them; he knew that they would be returned when Luis decided to return them and not before then.
Ted had watched his brother suck off Neil with mixed feelings. One, he was truly looking forward to his turn, especially after seeing the look of pure pleasure on Neil’s face as he shot into Tory’s mouth. But he also knew that his sister had designed a punishment for him and wondered what it would be like to be in Tory’s place. As he stepped forward he hoped he’d never find out and he pushed that thought out of his mind and concentrated on what was about to happen.
Even though he knew he was being forced to do it, Tory felt like Ted was about to dominate him. That feeling was even worse than sucking him off. And he also noticed that his little brother was more developed than either of the Coaler twins. He thought about closing his lips tight and not letting Ted in, but he knew the burning ointment would get him to open up eventually, and probably with even more humiliating tasks to do as punishment. So he took his brother’s dick into his mouth and once more used his rapidly improving talents to get it done as fast as possible.
It didn’t last as long as Ted would have liked it to, but when he was done, unlike Neil, Ted didn’t have any regrets. His first thought was that he could force his brother to do this again as his punishment for stealing the pictures of him and his girlfriend.
Ted stepped back and looked for his clothes but Luis had other ideas.
“I understand that Ted here has been a bad boy too,” Luis said. “How would you like to join your brother as your punishment?”
Ted was horrified. “I, I, NO,” he said.
“What do you guys think?” Luis asked the twins. “There’s another beam right over there,” he said, pointing to one fifteen feet away.
The twins didn’t hesitate. They were bullies too, and Ted was in their class. They had learned long ago how to work together to corner the kids they bullied and they split as they advanced on Ted.
“Fight us and you’ll regret it,” Lukas said as he closed in from the right.
“Yeah, we’re going to have you one way or the other, but don’t make us chase you and we’ll be nice to you,” Luke said as he moved in from the left.
Ted had heard their promises of ‘being nice’ before and knew the twins were never nice even if their targets did submit. He chose the middle ground, but Luis stepped in front of him and picked him up off the ground and held him until the twins got there.
With Luis holding him from behind with his feet six inches off the ground it only took moments for the twins to have soft ropes tied to one wrist and one ankle. Luis carried him over to the next support beam and Ted was soon in the same position as Tory.
“I guess it’s your turn now Gary ,” Luis said. “And you have a choice to make.”
“I have to choose between them?” Gary asked.
“Well, you at least have to choose which one you go to first,” Luis said. “I have to go get something.”
“Hell, that’s easy enough,” Gary said. “Tory Nash has picked on me for the last time. Now it’s payback time!” He moved over to Tory while the twins turned their full attention to Ted.
Tory knew this was going to be different as soon as he saw Gary open the fly to his pants. Gary Whitman might be small and somewhat weak, but he had a dick that was far bigger than his own or Neil’s. Tory guessed it was almost five inches long, and he could see long tufts of hair around it as well. “Stop staring at it and open wide,” Gary said to him.
Tory nearly gagged as Gary pushed in all the way to the back of his throat. He banged his head against the post behind him as he tried to back away while Gary started driving into him. He caught a short breath as Gary pulled back before his next drive, and Tory didn’t have to do anything except wait for Gary to cum. And he didn’t have to wait long.
Ted was facing Lucas first while Luke was behind him warning him what would happen if Lucas looked anything but happy. He remembered what his brother had done to him just a few minutes ago and did his best to imitate it, only to be rewarded a few minutes later by watching Lukas have a cry orgasm in his mouth. Then he got to repeat the process with Luke.
Once Gary had shot his load down Tory’s throat he backed off and began to stroke his dick back to keep it erect. “Now to go see how good your brother is,” he said.
“No Whitman, you’ll choke him,” Tory said. “Leave him to the twins.”
Gary looked over and watched Luke getting blown for a few seconds. “Okay, but you’re going to do me again then. This time, I want you to do all the work. But if I get bored then I’ll drive it down your throat again.”
Gary stepped forward and Tory took about half of his dick into his mouth and began using his tongue as he had on all the other boys. Gary never got bored and it wasn’t until just as he was about to cum that he thrust himself forward. Tory’s head again bounced off the post as he tried to keep Gary from driving so deep into his mouth.
After that, the twins were still having fun with Ted but Gary was spent, so he told Neil to return to Tory and get another blow job from his best friend. Neil didn’t want to, but Gary pointed out that there was still one post with nobody tied to it. After watching what had happened to Ted, Neil decided again to save himself first and returned to Tory.
By the time Tory had finished Neil’s second blow job, Luis was back, and with him was Ted’s best friend, Cory Epstein. Just as Neil Griffon had been, Cory was threatened with taking a place alongside his best friend if he didn’t go up to him and demand a blow job. And seeing Luke and Lukas there convinced Cory that he would be next unless he did it. So he did as Luis told him and removed his clothes before stepping in front of Ted and saying, “Suck it Ted!”
Ted had not known that Luis had threatened Neil, but he had guessed it. So it seemed logical that Cory had also been threatened. Ted had almost given Cory a blowjob just a few months ago on a lost bet, but just as he put his mouth over Cory’s dick Cory backed off. “I just wanted to see if you would really do it,” he said. “It was a stupid bet, why don’t we do something else instead.” Ted was forever grateful and for that reason he was sure that Cory wasn’t taking advantage of the situation.
Still, it was his best friend, and he was naked and about to be blown, and that was humiliating enough. To have the Coaler twins watching meant that it would never be a secret.
While Ted was sucking off his best friend, Tory had just finished doing Neil and Luis was right there for his turn. To Tory’s relief, at least Luis had a ‘normal’ dick, much like his own only with just a little more hair. Nothing like what Gary had.
The Nash brothers finished about the same time and Luis looked at his watch and said, “You’ve got about three minutes if anyone wants one more. If not, I recommend you get dressed—except for you two.” He pointed at Neil and Cory. Cory realized for the first time his clothes were missing.
“Stand them up,” Luis said when none of the boys stepped forward for another blowjob.
The ropes around Tory and Ted’s ankles were removed and they were pulled to a standing position. Then Luis had a better idea.
“Tie them to the rafters side by side,” he said as he removed the thumb cuffs from Tory. He assisted as more soft rope was found and the two brothers were tied off with their arms stretched out to the sides and above their heads. They had only just finished when the doorbell rang and Luis ran up to answer it.
Seconds later Luis returned; followed by Tory and Ted’s sister, who was followed by Catlin Schmidt, the girl Ted had been sexting with!
He and Catlin had never seen each other naked in the flesh, only the pictures, and they had both promised they would never show them to anyone. The fact that Catlin was here with his sister almost certainly meant that she knew.
Catlin stared at him, and her stare brought Ted’s dick to life. It sprang to erect so fast Ted was surprised she couldn’t hear it. He was as fully exposed as he could ever be.
Teresa was also looking, comparing her two brothers now that they were side-by-side and equally naked and hard. But then her attention was drawn to Neil Griffon and Cory Epstein, who were trying to hide behind the other boys now that two girls were present.
“Why are these two naked?” she asked, pointing to Neil and Cory.
“No special reason,” Luis said. “I just thought they must be guilty of something. Is it a problem?”
“No, not really,” Teresa said, getting a good look at Neil. Her comments also caught the attention of Catlin, who was now staring at Cory.
“Hi Cory,” she said.
“Uh, hi,” Cory said. His arms covered his groin, but he knew it was too late, she’d already seen him.
“I see Tory lost his pubic hair,” Teresa said as she turned her attention back to her brothers.
“Yeah, that’s the work of Coleen Vanderberg,” Luis said. “She lives across the street.”
“I like it,” Teresa said. “Catlin, do you think we should send Ted over there too? I see he has a little bit of hair.”
Ted felt like he was going to pass out as his sister and his girlfriend were looking at and commenting on his privates in front of an audience.
“Or I could do it myself,” Catlin answered. “Does your mom have anything?” She asked Luis.
“Probably, but I wouldn’t know what. I’ll show you her bathroom and you can use what you find,” Luis said.
While they were gone Teresa told Neil and Cory to come forward. “Do you two want to leave?”
“Yes, please,” Neil said. “We didn’t do anything.”
“Then both of you stand there at attention, none of that covering up, and as soon as Catlin is done with Ted I’ll tell Neil to get you your clothes and you can go. But if you cover up again then you can wait and go home when we’re done with both of my brothers.”
They were both uncomfortable, but a few minutes of discomfort would be worth it to get their clothes back and get out of there. But after a few seconds, Teresa changed her mind.
“I know I said to stand at attention, but I think your hand behind your head would be better.” She waited until each boy had complied and ignored the laughter coming from the twins and Gary Whitmore. “If you lower your arms before I tell you its okay then I’ll let Catlin remove your hair too.”
“You should let her do it anyway,” one of the twins said.
“You’ve had your fun with them, I’m in charge now,” Teresa said. “And I don’t need help from any of you on what to do with or to my brothers or their friends.”
“Hey, you can’t talk to them like that,” Gary started.
Teresa stepped right in front of him, her face an inch from his. “I’m bigger AND stronger than Tory,” she said. “And if you think that I’m afraid of you, or the twins, or even Luis, then you’ll learn to regret it. There’s an empty post if you want to battle to see who will occupy it!”
Suddenly Gary felt even worse than when Tory had picked on him and immediately backed down.
Luis and Catlin returned and Catlin had a straight razor and some cream, plus a fluffy towel. She immediate went to work on Ted, who jerked with her every touch. When she was done it wasn’t perfect, but close enough—Ted was nearly hairless again. Only some short hairs on his ball sack remained.
Teresa turned her attention back to Neil and Cory. “You two have behaved nicely, but I see you’re both erect and you can’t be allowed to leave like that. So either jerk off now, or ask your friends to do it for you. Then you can go.”
That again directed Catlin’s attention to Cory, who was still standing there with his hands behind his head. His face turned so red Teresa wondered how he had enough blood left to keep his dick hard.
“I, uh, it’s okay, I can go like this,” Neil said.
“Yeah, me too,” Cory added. “Just get us our clothes and we’ll be okay.”
“No, if you want to go like you are you can leave,” Teresa said. “But if you want your clothes back then you need to get rid of those boners. You can do it yourselves, have my brothers do it for you, or you can do each other. Or, you can leave like you are.”
“Shit, this isn’t fair,” Neil said as he gripped his dick and began jerking off. Cory quickly followed suit. Both Teresa and Catlin very much enjoyed watching the two boys do it. And the twins each had a hand down their pants as well.
It seemed to the two boys that it took forever, but finally they both managed to orgasm. Of course, neither boy’s dick went soft, but Teresa was done with them and told Luis to get their clothes. Neil and Cory dressed in record time and were out the door. Once they were gone everyone’s attention returned to Tory and Ted.
“This must feel like a dream to you,” Teresa said to Tory.
Don’t say it in front of these guys,” Tory was thinking. If the guys found out that he fantasized about girls being bound and under his control he could end up tied up in basements like this a lot.
“More like a nightmare,” one of the twins said.
“And you,” Teresa said to Ted, “You must be proud to let Catlin see you in the flesh. She seems to be enjoying it.”
Ted was also hoping his sister wouldn’t tell the other boys about his sexting and the pictures he used to have of her until his sister made him delete them. He wondered if she had made Catlin delete the ones she had of him. Not that it mattered much anymore—she would never forget standing two feet in front of him with him naked and hard.
Teresa turned to Luis next. “There’s no physical evidence that they were ever here? No pictures, videos, or the like?”
“Nothing at all, just like you said from the start,” Luis replied.
“That’s good, because if I were to find out otherwise there could be problems for you. You guys can brag about what you did, but I warn you that we will stand united and say everything was your idea and that you forced the boys to perform. So I strongly recommend that you just enjoy your memories and never try to use this against them in any way.”
Now Tory and Ted knew this was a planned portion of their punishments in exchange for their sister not telling their mom and dad.
“Coleen Vanderberg had pictures,” Tory said. “She took them at her house.”
“Then I’ll take care of that later,” Teresa said. “I guess we’re about done here. I need their clothes.”
“Don’t we get a goodbye, uh, present from them? Just one to remember them by?” Gary asked.
Teresa thought for a second. “Sure, I suppose. But to get it you need to strip completely naked first.”
Gary blushed, but didn’t move or respond.
“Anyone else feel they need one last ‘present’?” She asked.
The twins looked at each other and shrugged. “Yeah, we do,” one of them said. And much to Teresa’s surprise and Catlin’s pleasure they both began to strip, hesitating only when they got to their boxers. But one of them (Catlin was sure it was Lukas) went first, pushing his boxers down and then kicking them off and the other quickly followed suit.
“Untie them,” Teresa said. “They can each do one of the twins.”
Tory and Ted each thought that sucking off the twins before was the worst humiliation, but to do it again in front of their sister and Catlin was much more disgusting, especially for Ted. But they so much wanted to be out of here so they each bent to the task, finishing about the same time.
With that Luis got Ted’s clothes and Tory’s backpack, which contained Tory’s clothes. But he handed Tory the pajamas that he had been wearing when he got on the bus. Tory realized with horror that his nightmare wasn’t over yet. He looked to the backpack but Teresa shook her head so he put on the pajamas. He was still erect, and with the buttons from the fly missing his erection poked out the opening.
“I think this is in order too,” Teresa said, picking up the thumb cuffs she had put in Tory’s backpack the night before. “Hands behind your back,” she said to Tory.
She gave the key to Ted along with Tory’s backpack.
“This is his punishment for what he did to you. You can take as long as you want to get home and can take him anywhere you want, but you have to stay with him. Mom will be home by now, so have his dressed properly before you get there.” With that, Teresa and Catlin left.
Ted and Tory didn’t want to spend another second in the basement with the twins, Luis, and Gary, so they hurried to follow the girls outside. Ted held Tory back once they were in the backyard and let the girls get ahead.
“I don’t want anything to do with this,” Ted said to his brother. He used the key and unlocked Tory, then he handed him the backpack. “But I don’t want to go straight home—I don’t think I could face Catlin right now. You’re on your own.”
Tory quickly dressed in real clothes. “You going anywhere special?” When Ted shook his head, he said, “Me too. I’m not in a big hurry to get home either right now. Why don’t we head somewhere where there are no bullies around?”
“Is something weird about to happen?” Ted asked.
“God, no! At least, I hope not. I hope nothing weird ever happens again.”
“At least you get to keep your pictures,” Ted said. “Except for the ones of Catlin. I got nothing. She saw me boned and naked and all I have are memories.”
“Well, maybe,” Tory said. “Except that even Teresa wasn’t nerdy enough to think of backups. I don’t really want the pictures of her so I can either delete them or recover them—whatever you think is the best thing to do.”
“Maybe I could see some of your collection too some time?” Ted asked. “Of course, we’d have to do a better job of locking the door.”
“Sounds good to me,” Tory said. “And that way nothing weird has to happen to either of us.”

(The End)