Getting Boys Naked Chapter 6
by Aldric
Copyright 2008 by Aldric, all rights reserved.
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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains depictions of sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this
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This story depicts minors in unusual conditions that may include unprotected, unsafe
sex or extreme humiliation. Obviously, this is not real life and should be taken as
* * * * *
GBN Chapter 6, Keith and Ian
Gwen, Brandy, and Nicole hurried over to Ian McAlister's house after his mom called and said she wanted to put a collar on him just like Keith Gamble was wearing. But when they got there a car with a shield indicating it was from Child Protective Services and a police car were there.
"This can't possibly turn out well," Brandy said.
"We can't run. We have to go up there as though we have total belief in our mission and process. We are here to help parents get control of unruly kids. Keep that in mind and don't even think about getting boys naked and we'll be okay," Gwen said.
"There they are!" yelled Ian as they approached. The police office was standing in the
background watching, the woman from CPS stepped forward to meet them.
"Hello, I'm Mrs. Bates from Child Protective Services. I assume you are Nicole, Brandy, and Gwen?"
The girls introduced themselves and asked what the problem was.
"Well, Ian called us and said his mother was supporting child abuse by allowing you three to put some sort of collar on him and force him to run around the town naked. He says you have done that with at least three other boys already."
"Well, he has some facts and some myths," Gwen said. "After listening to my mother wish there was something she could do with my brother to keep him out of trouble and to be more courteous at home, we carefully researched methods of behavior change and came up with one that works. We presented it to my mother, who was skeptical at first. We do use a collar that provides low voltage shocks to the neck. Each of us tested that collar on ourselves. When we explained everything to my mother she told us we could try, but she monitored it very carefully. And we did see my brother naked; we found that humiliation was more of a behavior modifier than pain. But we did not make him or any other boy run around town naked. What we have learned is that with the collar on the boys have no control over their lives and we use humiliation to impress that fact on them. They hate the collar because of the control it gives us. Some boys, my brother for example, had to go back on the collar for refresher training once. But none have had to go back for a third try. It works that well."
"We have had several successful customers," Nicole added, "including Dr. Johnson's sons. He also reviewed our research and approved it. We recommend you contact him and get his medical opinion."
"Actually, I already have and he confirmed everything you've said. He said the shocks are completely harmless and the results even surprised him. He and I are meeting tomorrow to allow me to meet his oldest son."
"Is what we're doing wrong?" Brandy asked.
"I'm not a lawyer," Mrs. Bates said. "It certainly is unusual. And I think you could get into trouble charging people for this 'treatment'. But as long as the parents are aware, involved, and everything takes place in the privacy of the home, I don't think CPS needs to be involved at this time. If his mother agrees to it I will come back and monitor the process directly however."
Ian and his mother had come closer while the girls and Mrs. Bates were talking. The police officer remained in the background looking bored.
"You mean you're not going to do anything to protect me?" Ian screamed. "What kind of shit is that?"
Mrs. Bates turned toward him and said, "Now, Ian, calm down. There are options still available to you, but you need to stop yelling and swearing."
"The hell with you bitch, I'll show you some options!" With that Ian swung his fist, hitting Mrs. Bates in the stomach. He turned to run but the police officer had come to life and immediately cut him off.
"Hold it right there boy," he said. "If you was mine, I'd wup your bare ass right here on the front lawn and wouldn't care who saw your little dink. But you ain't mine, so the choice is up to your mother. I can release you to her custody or I can take you to Juvenile Hall. The charge is assault, and that is a serious charge."
Ian suddenly stopped moving. "Juvy?" he asked.
"That right boy. Right down on Elm Street. And if Mrs. Bates decides to press charges they won't be filed until tomorrow, which is Friday. Then you don't get out until you have a hearing, and that won't be until Monday at the earliest.
"Mom, I can't go there today," Ian said.
His mom didn't even realize how strange that sounded. "Then enter the girl's program. Let them put a collar on you like Keith had on and try that. We can always have you put away later."
"Uh, Mrs. McAlister, it's totally up to you," Gwen said, "but if he has a way out without changing his behavior I don't think the program will work."
The police officer snorted and said, "If he thinks going to Juvenile Hall is a way out, he is sadly misinformed. No matter what you girls do to him, it won't be nothing like what happens to short-tempered, pudgy blond kids when the lights go out a night in Juvy Hall."
Ian blushed and turned to face Gwen. "Just do it," he said to her, and then turned around and let her put the collar on.
"You do look kind of pudgy and white," Brandy said to him. "It looks like your yard needs to be mowed. Let's you and I go find a lawn mower and you can cut while Nicole and Gwen finish up some details with your mom and Mrs. Bates."
While Gwen and Nicole explained the process to Ian's mother, they heard a yell from the garage. "That would be Ian's first shock," Gwen said. "It won't be his last. But if you or Mrs. Bates wants to go and see if there is a mark or lasting pain, please go and see."
Mrs. Bates said she had enough for now but would be back after her meeting with Dr. Johnson. Ian's mother had a few questions and explained what she wanted the girls to accomplish.
"Basically, you saw it here today. He's becoming aggressive and violent. In fact, I'm not sure that getting him into better physical shape is such a good idea now that I think about it. If you could just get my little baby back I'd be forever grateful."
Nicole was surprised, she had expected Ian's mother to say something about drugs. She wondered if Ian's mother even had a clue about her son's activities. "Does Ian get an allowance?" she asked.
"No, he doesn't do anything to deserve it. But he has a job helping out at the high school and gets his spending money from that so he doesn't need any from me."
Just then the roar of a lawn mower started up and a few seconds later Ian was following it down the side lawn, wearing nothing but shoes and his boxers. His chest was completely white and his belly overhung his boxers slightly. His face was bright red and he kept his head down as he approached the front yard.
"It looks like he could use some sun," Gwen said. "Since Brandy has things under control out here, Nicole and I are going to check out his room."
"Oh, he doesn't like anyone in his room," Mrs. McAlister said. "But then, he doesn't like being in the front yard in his underpants either. I'll leave you girls to do what you do and hope you are as good as Keith's mom said you were."
The girls had gained a lot of experience searching boy's bedrooms and had even gotten some
tips on where to look from Gwen's brother Lloyd, but they came up empty in Ian's room.
The only thing they found were two magazines of girl and women's underwear.
They turned on his computer and found it didn't need a password so they searched his folders and found nothing interesting our unusual. A log book in the desk drawer listed all of his passwords, and it was a short listEmail, on-line videos, and book stores. He also had a blog which seemed to deal exclusively with motorcycles, pizza, and soccer.
"Every other kid we have checked out was weird, your brother included," Nicole said. But Ian is weird because he isn't!
Well, one thing that is for sure strange," Gwen said, "is that we know he sells dope. But we didn't find any. And he doesn't have anything expensive here. Maybe he has a secret room someplace?"
"Let's go try the basement," Nicole said. They hurried downstairs but only found the laundry room and an old couch and small TV with an old game box connected to it. They decided to check out the garage next.
That search also turned up nothing. They were about to give up when Gwen spotted where he had dropped his clothing when Brandy made him strip to cut the grass. She picked up his pants and searched the pockets, finding five small bags of grass and three one-dollar bills.
"That's why he changed his mind so quick," Nicole said. "He had the weed on him and no way to get rid of it. If he went to Juvie they would have searched him and found it."
About that time they heard the lawnmower shut off and a few seconds later Ian and Brandy showed up. Ian noticed right away that his pants had been moved. He looked up and saw the five bags in Gwen's hands.
"Uh, you can't have those," he said. "I have to sell them. If you're going to bust me for them than you may as well call the police now."
"No, actually your mother didn't say anything about drugs. What she wants is for you to stop being so aggressive and mean. So you'll get these back, but probably not today.
"No, you don't understand, I have to sell them today. It's important."
"Why? What difference does it make if it's today or next week?"
"I can't tell you that," Ian said.
Brandy sighed. "Ian, let's make one thing perfectly clear. You can, and you will, tell us anything we want to know. One of the things you have to get used to is doing what you are told. The sooner you accept that, the sooner this all ends."She pointed down at his boxers and continued. "I let you keep the three buttons closed while you cut the grass. Let's see if you're ready to start following directions. Unbutton all three buttons."
"But then 3;" was all he got out before she shocked him. Instead of reaching for the buttons he reached for the collar, trying to get it off. She shocked him two more times.
"I'm waiting, and I'm not very good at waiting," she said. There are four more settings on my controller and each one hurts worse than the one before it.
With shaking hands, Ian slowly undid the two lower buttons on the fly, then moved up to the button on the waist band where he hesitated until he saw Brandy's hand move. He slid the button through the hole and held the two halves of the band together.
"Move your hands to behind your back," Brandy said.
He slowly moved his hands, one at a time, to the back, where he used them to hold up the boxers. The girls had a partial view of his privates, but not the full view they wanted.
"I guess you need to put your hands behind your head," Brandy said with another sigh.
He moved in slow motion, one hand at a time. When he finally let go with the last hand his boxers slid down past his knees.
Once again, the girls were not overly impressed. Ian's dick was thick, but very short. The head had pulled up inside the foreskin, making it look like he had not been circumcised. His balls hung low, but were no bigger than Lloyd's. And his light blond hair was visible, but it was so thin and wispy that he still looked bald.
Gwen spoke first. "There now, that wasn't so hard, was it. Now if you want to be wearing those boxers when we go back to the house, then I suggest you answer our questions. First, why do you have to sell the grass today?"
Instead of answering the question, Ian looked down and said, "You've, uh, seen me now. Can I put my pants back on please?"
"Ian, you just don't seem to get it," Nicole said. "Our job is to teach you to do what you're told, and yet you keep on resisting us. Every time you do that, there is a consequence, don't you realize that yet? Step out of your boxers and spread your legs apart, and keep your hands on behind your neck."
"But I don't see why I can't 3;" he began, but Brandy shocked him again. "Why don't we move out to the driveway where the light is better," she said.
"But other people will be able to see me then!" Ian said.
"Start picking up on the clues, Ian. If you have to be told the rules again we'll move this discussion front yard."
Reluctantly Ian stepped to the edge of the garage, looking around before stepping out the door. He took one step and stopped. "Is this good enough?" he asked.
"For now. Now spread your legs and answer the questions," Brandy said.
Hoping to get this over with Ian spread his feet as far apart as he could. "I'm being blackmailed and I need the money today," he said.
"Don't waste our time Ian," Gwen said, "If you have something important like that to say, don't make us ask the obvious question, just give us the details all at once. Like, who, how, and what exactly you need the money for.
"Last year I went to a sleep over at somebody's, uh, Trent Hosender's house, and I fell asleep first. Actually, I think he put something in my coke because I'm normally a very light sleeper, but not that night. When I woke up I had a bra and girls panties on, and they showed me mirror and I had makeup on too. They made me go downstairs to breakfast like that and his sister saw me. Anyway, after everyone else left he got my clothes from where he had hidden them, but he showed me two pictures he had. They showed me with the girl's clothes and makeup on, but my mouth was open and he had his dick in it. You couldn't tell from the picture that I was sound asleep. It looked like I was sucking him off. He said everyone else was asleep when he took them and nobody knew about it, but he wanted $50 a week or I have to give him a blow job for real."
The girls were quiet for a few minutes, taking it all in.
"What a small world we live in," Brandy said.
"Do we believe him?" asked Nicole.
"Nobody could make up that story that quickly. I think he's telling the truth," Gwen said. "The question now is, what do we do about it?" She looked at Ian still standing there with his hands behind his head.
"Why don't you go in the house and start cleaning your room," she said to him.
"But my mom is in there," he said.
"This is going to take a lot longer than the other boys. He can't even get past the first rule," Brandy said. "Go in the house and start cleaning your room. But use the front door, not the back door."
Ian immediately dropped to his knees. "Please, I forgot. I won't do it again. Please can I use the back door?"
"Okay, just this once. But from now on I'm holding you to it."
Ian turned and looked back at his clothes, but decided going back into the garage would be a mistake. He got up and hurried towards the house. He was just to the door when his mom opened it to come out. She stared at her teenage son as he hurried past here with his arms behind his head.
"Uh, I don't know how you girls feel about this, but my sister just called," Mrs. McAlister said. "I had completely forgotten that I promised to take her daughters tonight so that she and her boyfriend can go out for the evening. I told her about Ian and she laughed and said it serves him right. You see, he's always been mean to his cousins. But if you don't think it would be a good idea for her to visit I could cancel."
"How old are they?" Gwen asked.
"The oldest one is nearly the same age as Ian, just going on fourteen. The younger one is eleven."
"As long as her parents don't have a problem with her seeing him naked, its fine with us," Brandy said. "Ian won't like it much though."
"Like I said, their mother has already been told and thinks it's an excellent idea. She has no problems with the girls seeing him naked at all."
"Maybe we could let Keith Gamble spend the night here too," Nicole said. "We could let the girls become part of their humiliation. We would stick around for a few hours and show them what to do. Would you or the girl's mother care if we used them to help?"
"Actually, I would prefer it. You girls are doing a good job, but I feel uncomfortable doing it myself. I understand what you're doing and I concur, I just don't think I could do it him myself."
"I know completely how you feel, Mrs. McAlister," Gwen said. "When we trained my brother I felt the same way. Brandy and Nicole stepped up and took over for me."
Brandy and Nicole knew that was a lie, Gwen was as much involved with her brother as they had been, but it made Mrs. McAlister feel more at ease and they remained quiet.
"Then I will call Keith's mom and invite him over. He can stay the whole day if that's okay with her and you."
"You can call and tell her what's up, but we need to get over there anyway. We promised her we'd be back this morning, but we came here first. Besides, we need to take Ian out for some exercise this morning. If Keith's mom agrees, we'll bring both boys back here at lunch time."
Gwen said she had to go home and get some supplies, and Brandy and Nicole were left with figuring out how to let Ian sell his weed. They all agreed to meet at Keith's house.
When Gwen got back home the house was quiet and she figured her brother was off somewhere with his best friend Tyler. She hurried down the steps to Lloyd's room and went in without knocking. As soon as she entered the room she saw Tyler, completely naked, laying on Lloyd's bed. He had a collar and a pressure pad on, and because he fully erect his arms were stuck pulling down the tabs to keep from being shocked.
Lloyd, who was also naked, had a paint brush in his hand. He jumped up as soon as his sister burst in to his room.
"This isn't what it looks like," he said.
"We're taking turns," Tyler said, "seeing who can go the longest. And now that you've stopped him, I'm gonna win."
"Hey, that's not fair. I only stopped because Gwen came in!" Lloyd pulled the corner of the sheet up over his groin.
"Look you guys, I don't care as long as you're just having fun. But the collars aren't toys you know."
Lloyd looked at his clock. He blushed deeply, but went back to using the paint brush on Tyler's dick head, making Tyler squirm. "We're doing the same thing with this collar as you girls are doing. We're just having fun. But could you knock next time?"Lloyd pushed the soft bristles of the brush against the bottom of Tyler's dick, causing Tyler to squirm even more. Suddenly Tyler yelled out, "Uncle, Uncle, I give."
Lloyd stopped at once and looked at his clock. "I'm still the champion," he said. "And you have to get rid of that boner on your own."
He turned to look at his sister. "Please, Candice doesn't need to know about this, okay? We're just having fun."
"Fair enough, it can be your secret. As long as it stays fun. But you know the power someone has over you when the collar is on; if you want to remain friends you need to remember that." She picked up another pressure pad and two more soft brushes from Lloyd's desk."
"I take it things are going okay with Ian," Lloyd asked.
"You could say that. He and Keith are going to play a similar game with Ian's cousins tonight," Gwen said. "By the way, just out of curiosity, how long can you go before yelling uncle?"
"I made it for three and a half minutes once, but mostly give up right around three minutes," Lloyd answered.
"What if the tickling didn't stop? How bad is it?"
"It could cause them to pull the tabs completely of the collar," Lloyd answered. "It really is bad. But it's worse to lose because then you can't beat off. Can you, loser!" he said to Tyler.
"Well, you two have fun; I've got to get back." Gwen left, still wondering about her brother.
When she got to Keith's house, Brandy and Nicole were supervising him as he washed his
mother's car. He had white briefs on and nothing else. And the briefs had gotten wet,
exposing his cheeks. As soon as he saw the ball crusher in her hands he turned white.
"Come on; I'm doing everything I'm told. You don't need to put that on me again."
"Yours is still here from yesterday," Gwen said to him. "This one is Ian McAlister's."
Keith suddenly looked happier. "You mean you're going to put a collar on Ian today?"
"He already has one on. You and he are going to spend some time together."
Keith looked confused. "But you said I'd get the collar off as soon as I helped you get one on Ian."
"So how did you help? You were just there, it was your mom who did it, not you," Gwen said.
"That's not fair," Keith began.
"Now he's telling us what is fair and what isn't," Brandy said. "I think he does deserve another session with the ball buster. Go into the house and find yours and bring it out here."
Keith dropped the hose and slowly headed towards the house. While he was gone Brandy told Gwen that they had decided to let Ian get dressed and go try and sell his grass. They told him to be here no later than noon or he would be in serious trouble.
Nicole said she had stopped by Hill Street Clothing store and talked to Ms. Gardner about another photo shoot. "She said she would be ready by three and then we can take the boys back to meet Ian's cousins."
Keith came back out carrying the ball buster that Lloyd had designed. He walked up to the girls and, even though they were outside, he pulled down his wet briefs and put his hands behind his head.
"Please, you don't know how much that hurts," he said. "Look, I'm doing everything you want. I'm not even going to try and stop you from putting it on me. I'm just begging you not to. I'll do anything, ANYTHING! But that thing is a lot worse than the collar."
Brandy considered it for a second. "You really hate it that much?" Keith nodded his head. "And you want to know what you have to do to get the collar off, don't you?" Again he nodded his head."Then we'll leave it off this time. But, in order to get the collar off, you need to follow every order you're given, even if we're not here. We want you to be kind, helpful, and cheerful about everything you do. You need to be a perfect boy scout."
"Hey, that's an idea," Nicole said. "Maybe you and Ian should join the boy scouts."
"I wish we'd thought of that earlier, we could have used it," Brandy said. "We'll discuss that later. But no matter what, when we are satisfied with your behavior, we will give you one last test, one last order. You do it without complaint and the collar comes off. If you don't, then the ball crusher will go on and you'll have to do more to get the collar off."
"Thank you," he said, sounding very sincere. "Can I pull my underpants up now?" As soon as Brandy said he could he pulled them up. "What will be the final order? I mean, how will I know?""Just follow all orders and you won't have to worry. Now finish the car quickly, Ian will be here soon and then you two are going to go earn some money."
As the clock passed noon the girls thought they might have to go looking for Ian, but he arrived at 12:15 sweaty and out of breath.
"I know I'm late, I got here as quick as I could. I had one last sale and the kid wanted to try some before he would buy."
"You're still letting him sell dope?" Keith asked. "Can I buy some?"
"No, you can't buy any. Your mother wants us to get you clean of drugs," Brandy said to him.
"Keith, do you like selling on the street?" Nicole asked.
"No, I hate it. I have trouble every week meeting, uh, you know, my payments. During the summer it's harder to sell and I had to get a job at the high school cleaning lockers just to keep up. And I have to sneak out at night to buy the stuff, and eventually I'll get caught. I wish I could stop, but I can't."
"What payments are you talking about?" Keith asked. "You should be rolling in cash with what you charge me."
"Ian is deeply in debt to Trent Hosender," Brandy said. "And you need to get undressed, I shouldn't have had to tell you," she said to Ian.
"Hosender!" Keith said as Ian undressed. "I wish you girls would pick on him instead of us. I hate him."
"But you bought that video from him," Gwen said.
"Yeah, for $100. I had to. And I didn't have the money, so he loaned it to me. With the interest he charged that video cost me $175."
"Why did you have to buy it?" Brandy asked.
Keith glanced at Ian and said, "Uh, because, uhcould I answer that in private? Away from Ian?"
"We'll skip the answer for now, but I think by tonight you guys won't have any secrets. Come here Ian," Brandy said. She had a pressure pad in her hands.
"What's that?" Ian asked fearfully. "Will it hurt?"
"Ian, you need to stop questioning us and just do as you're told. Now get over here." As Brandy put the pressure pad on him he began to get hard. As soon as she connected it the collar the shocks began. She showed him where the tabs were and explained the purpose of the pressure pad.
Watching made Keith begin to get hard. He still had the pressure pad on from the night before, and he too had to reach up and hold the tabs down to stop the shocks.
"And don't think that we're going to allow you guys all day to get rid of the boners without playing with yourselves. Go in and make us all some lunch, we're hungry. And the longer it takes you the less you'll be wearing when we leave here to go to the store."
The two boys went inside the house. "Do you think they'll work together to get rid of their problem?" Gwen asked.
"No way, not without some better reason," Nicole said. But with us out of sight, I think they will be able to get soft and make us lunch. I say we give them an hour and see what happens."
Nicole was right; it wasn't long before they had lunch. After that, it was time to head over to the photo shoot for the next advertisement brochure from the Hill Street Clothing Store.
The girls let them wear their boxers and long tee shirts they found in Keith's room. The shirts came to just below the bottom of the boxers. Both boys wanted to complain but wisely said nothing.
Ms. Gardner was ready for them when they arrived. Her photographer, Julie Anderson, and Julie's daughter Susan were almost done setting up the equipment.
"Oh, wonderful, these two are older than the last two boys," Ms. Gardner said. "This will work out very well. It's summer, so let's start with swim wear." She reached into a box and pulled out two bathing suits.
"Remember boys, we expect you to do what you're told and not argue with us," Nicole whispered to them.
"I need a light check," Julie said. "Why don't you boys change up here so I can adjust the lighting without wasting time."
The area where she wanted them had a backdrop that showed a crowded pool scene. It was very well lit, and Susan, who was just a few years older than the boys, was there as well. It was a good thing Nicole had warned the boys because both of them wanted to run. But instead they stepped up to the front of the screen and started to undress.
The idea of undressing in front of the two adult women and Susan caused Keith to get hard, which caused him to stop and grab the tabs on his collar.
"Oh, sorry about that," Gwen said, "This will just take a second." She pulled down Keith's boxers and removed the pressure pad. His erection sprang up against his belly.
The bathing suits turned out to be racing suitsvery tight and very skimpy nylon. When Keith put his on the top of his dick poked out of the top of the suit.
"I'm afraid he's going to have to get rid of that," Julie said.
"I guess this is your lucky day, you get to play with yourself after all," Gwen said. "Go ahead, do it."
His eyes went wild with fear, but he did just as he was told and started to masturbate right in front of all the women.
"Susan, don't let him make a mess up there, grab something to catch it," Julie said to her daughter.
Susan picked up Keith's boxers and held them right in front of his dick, waiting for him to shoot. She had a wicked smile as she stared down and watched the boy.
Ian was holding his own until he saw Susan step right in front of Keith. For some reason that caused him to go erect too and Brandy had to remove his pressure pad as well. "Grab your boxers and go stand next to Keith and take care of this," she told him.
Ian's legs were wobbly as he did as he was told. When Susan reached out for the boxers he said, "That's okay, I can hold them."
"I'm here to make sure there isn't a mess. I can hold them until you are finished," Susan said. Ian reluctantly handed them over and Susan now had a two boys standing right in front of her beating off. Her face made it clear to the boys she was enjoying their suffering.
They both came at almost the same moment, both of them shooting several blobs of cum into the boxers in Susan's hands. As they finished, Susan used the boxers to wipe their dicks clean, which almost caused them to get hard again. But with a little effort they were able to get the suits on and pose for several pictures.
Ms. Gardner reached into her box and brought out the next item. She tossed a red object to Ian and a blue one to Keith. The objects had a very narrow waist band, a cloth pouch, and a single strap that went from the bottom of the pouch to the back of the waist band.
"I bought a few dozen of these, but they never sold. If anyone buys any after the ad runs, I'll pay you extra," Ms. Gardner said.
Much to the boy's embarrassment, Susan helped them put them on. The pouch was just big enough to cover their dick and balls, and the thong strap ran up their crack.
"I'm seeing a little hair from the dark haired boy," Julie called out. "I don't think you can run the ad with pubic hair showing and I don't think I can air brush it out."
"This one has a little hair showing too, but it's blond so it may not show up," Susan said about Ian.
"We're sorry," Gwen said. "We shaved Keith yesterday but I guess we didn't do a good enough job."
"No problem, I have just what we need right here. We'll do them both, it will only take a few minutes if you girls will help," Ms. Gardner said. She handed out some hot wax kits the store sold.
"Here boys, just lay down here," she said as the girls opened and plugged in the heater to get the wax strips ready. "This only takes a few seconds."
"Uh, what are you going to do?" Keith asked as he laid down on the bench Ms. Gardner had pointed out.
"We're just going to use some hot wax to remove the hair from around you privates. It only takes a second, and it's a lot cleaner than shaving. Although it won't grow back for a few months."
"Does it burn?" Ian asked.
"No, the wax is only heated enough to melt on the strips. It won't be enough to burn you."
The strips were ready and Gwen, Brandy, Nicole, and Susan grabbed one each and applied them to the top and sides of the boy's groin, getting them as close to the boy's dicks as possible. "Should we get it off their balls too?" Susan asked.
"Maybe just a short strip on the front, don't go all the way around," Julie said.
Once the strips were in place and had sufficient time to cool, the girls all grabbed one and got ready to remove them. The boys had no idea what was about to happen.
"One, two, three!" Brandy said. Each boy had four strips, and the four girls were able to pull them all off at once.
The boys yelled in pain as the wax strips pulled the hairs out of their groins and off the top of their balls.
A second later the back door opened and a boy they all knew from school came in. "Is everything okay in here?" the boy asked. "Oh, hi Ian, what's going on?" The boy took in the fact that the two boys were completely naked in front of five girls and two women. And he saw the wax kits and knew what just happened.
"We're just doing a photo shoot for the sales broacher," Mr. Gardner said. "We could use another boy if you want to make a lot more money than I pay you for emptying trash cans."
"Uh, I think I'll stick to emptying the trash," the boy said. "Can I stay and watch?"
"I think you'd make these two boys feel uncomfortable," Ms. Gardner said. "But you can clean up this mess here so we can get back to work."
The girls quickly spread some soothing lotion on the areas where the wax strips had been and then brought the boys back to the stage.
"Uh, can we wait until Robert's done?" Ian asked, referring to the boy who was slowly cleaning up the wax kits.
"No, he'll be done in a minute or two, let's continue shooting," Gwen said. Robert Kincaid was in their class and she wished he had volunteered to join the shoot, seeing him naked would have made the day even brighter.
Robert was enjoying seeing two fellow classmates naked. He saw the fear and humiliation on their faces and he wanted to see more. He continued to work as slowly as he could.
Ian and Keith were horrified to have a boy from their class witness their humiliation. They thought it couldn't get any worse, but they were wrong.
"Okay, I guess we're done with swim wear," Ms. Gardner said. "Robert, the boys messed their boxers, would you dispose of them and then go out into the store and bring back some briefs? They look like they're the same size as you."
Robert recognized the smell from the boxers. He didn't know exactly how it had happened, but he knew that the two boys had beat off and he guessed the girls had watched. He tossed the boxers into the garbage bag and hurried out into the store.
He had to search for a few seconds but finally found what he was looking forbikini briefs. He chose a size that he knew would barely fit Ian and Keith and hurried back.
The backdrop had been changed to show a hallway filled with lockers. Robert had to look for a second before he realized it was a picture of the main hallway in their school.
"The last time we did this it got so much attention that I want to do the same theme again. Boys, the idea here is the dream you've probably had beforeyou wake up and find yourself in school in just your underpants. Robert, what have you got for us?"
Robert tossed the package to Ms. Gardner. She opened it and said, "Oh Robert, this is perfect. And I love the yellow you chose. Although, I'm not sure these will fit, we may need to go up a size. Let's find out." She handed a pair to Ian and Keith, who had to struggle to get into them. They covered just the center of the boy's groins and left very little to the imagination. Robert couldn't wait to see a picture of this in the paper. And next year at school, well, he'd make sure everyone knew his role.
"Boy, it sure is a good thing we waxed them," Susan said. "You know, with Abe and Ty we did this in the locker room downstairs and there wasn't a lot of room. With this backdrop, we have a lot more space. Would the theme work better if there were other students in the shot?"
Ms. Gardner thought for a second. "You know Susan, I think that is a wonderful idea. Brandy, Gwen, Nicole, why don't you gather around next to them. And Robert, you may as well be in this too. Come on up here and join them.Robert was overjoyed. This was even better than his plan. But Susan burst his bubble when she said, "His clothes are dirty, and they don't even come from this store."
"Another good observation Susan," Ms. Gardner said. "I can see why your mom brings you along. Robert, quickly grab a pair of pants and shirt from the store, something you like. I'll let you keep them instead of paying you for being in the shot."
Robert moved faster than he ever had before while working. He knew just what pants and shirt he wanted but thought he'd never earn enough to afford to buy them. He hurried back, not wanting to miss anything.
"Just hurry up and change, I'm almost set up," Julie said. Robert hesitated, but his desire to be present was greater than his reluctance to be seen by the girls in his boxers. He turned his back and changed clothes and then joined the others on the stage.
The camera began to click as Julie took a dozen pictures, moving people around as she saw fit. Realizing how this was going to look when the advertisement ran, Ian began to get erect again, which cause the same response in Keith.
"Robert, do you have any rags in your cleaning supplies?" Julie asked. He ran over and got some. "Give them to the boys so they can take care of themselves again."
Robert handed the rags over and watched in disbelieve as Ian and Keith masturbated while the girls stood and watched. For the first time in his life he couldn't wait for school to start so that he could tell his story.
"Okay, we're almost done here, just the athletic supporters and sleep wear. Let's do the supporters first," Ms. Gardner said. She gave each boy a basic supporter without a cup and one with a cup. Again, Robert couldn't believe the boys were really going to allow these pictures to go into print.
"How much does modeling pay?" he asked.
"I pay $50 each for the shoot and an additional $25 for each picture that gets used in an advertisement. All that's left is sleepwear, do you want to join in?"
Robert only made $40 a week as it was. This could be a couple of weeks pay for him. So what if kids saw him in pajamas, the money would be worth it. "Yeah, I'm in," he said.
"You'll have to go select something from the store," Ms. Gardner said. "It's a summer time ad, so something in shorts." He hurried off while she got the clothes she had selected for Ian and Keith out.
When he got back the backdrop had changed to a bedroom setting. Ian had just a pair of boxers on, and Keith had blue pajama shorts and a tee shirt. Robert again turned his back and changed, but when he came up on stage Nicole said, "Wait a second, I can see your boxers through the fabric."
"Yeah, she's right," Julie said. "Susan, help him out."
"No, no, I can do it over there," Robert said, but Susan didn't listen. Instead she simply pulled the pajamas and the boxers down in one quick motion.
Nicole, Gwen, and Brandy were getting an added bonus to the GBN plot. And while Robert was never on their list, they realized he should have been. Robert's dick was at least five inches long and already beginning to swell. It was surrounded by light brown hair that ran up two inches above his dick. His balls were hanging down and were bigger than any other boy they had seen.
Robert was in a near panic. This wasn't supposed to happen to himbeing seen naked by girls in his class. And his dick rose to the occasion. It wasn't made easier by Susan, who had one hand on his bare backside as she pulled the pajamas and boxers off one of his legs.
"I know what he needs," Keith said. He ran over to the cleaning supplies and brought back a rag and tried to hand it to Robert.
"Yes, thank you Keith, he does need that I see," Ms. Gardner said. "Hurry up and take care of that so we can finish the shoot."
Robert suddenly found himself naked, surrounded by girls, and with a boner. And they wanted him to beat off. He tried to pull back, but Susan moved the hand from his backside around and grabbed him by his throbbing dick.
"It isn't that bad, and then we can go on with the shoot," she said as she began stroking the shaft. "You want to get paid, don't you?"
Money was no longer on Robert's mind, but he couldn't pull away. It only took a few seconds before his dick twitched once and he began to shoot. His cum pumped out of his dick and most of it missed the rag. And he kept shooting and shooting till he thought he was going to faint. It was the most intense jack off session he had ever had.
When he stopped shooting, Susan calmly wiped the tip of his dick clean. "You'll be able to clean that up later," she said, pointing to the globs of cum on the floor. "Let's get you ready for the shooting." She completed removing his boxers and then helped pull his pajamas up.
Robert was in shock and never knew exactly what happened during the rest of the shoot. He had been stripped and jacked off by a girl, and while it was embarrassing, he still enjoyed it. In fact, he enjoyed it a lot! Later, when the advertisement ran, he saw that the outline of his dick was visible inside the loose-fitting fabric of the pajamas he wore, but he didn't care. He'd been paid for his time and had three pictures in the ad, plus he got to keep the shirt and pants he picked out. And, he knew a whole bunch of really embarrassing stories about Ian and Keith that he could tell at school. It had been a very profitable day.
Gwen had to do some shopping to pick up some stuff needed for the boys that night, so she
left the boys with Nicole and Brandy. Before leaving the store, the girls put the
pressure pads back in place on the boys.
For Ian and Keith, their day was not over. The shoot had gone so much better than the girls had planned that they even bought some shorts and let the boys wear them home. But when they got back to Ian's house they found Ian's cousins were there.
Alisha was the same age as Ian and even looked like she could be his twin. Her sister Brooke was eleven and was going to be a knockout when she became a teenager. Neither of the girls particularly liked Ian because he was always mean to them.
Ian's mom started to explain what the collars the boys were wearing were for, but Brandy interrupted her and recommended the boys explain why they were wearing collars.
"Naw, my mom was doing a pretty good job," Ian said, embarrassed at telling his cousin what the collar did.
"We weren't planning on leaving a controller with the girls tonight, but if we're going to start off with problems then maybe we'll have to change our minds," Nicole said. She pulled a controller out of her purse and showed it to the girls.
"See, this button here determines how much pain there will be, and this one causes a shock to the neck. The shock hurts them, but doesn't cause any damage. We always leave it on position 1, which is the least pain, unless the boys are being difficult. Here, go ahead and push the top button," she said, handing the controller to Alisha.
Alisha eagerly pushed the button, causing both Keith and Ian to yell with pain. She pushed it again before Nicole took it out of her hands. "We only use it when they don't do as their told."
"Hey, I didn't do anything bad," Keith said. "How come I got shocked?"
"Usually the collars are on different frequencies and we have to match a controller to the collar. I guess we didn't pay that much attention and you guys both have a collar set to the same frequency. I don't see any reason to change it, so be aware, if one of you screws up, you will both get a shock."
"Now, you boys say hello to the girls, say something about how nice they look, and then explain why you have a collar around your neck," Nicole said to them.
As the boys did what they were told, Gwen returned with a big bag. "Oh, good, I see the girls are here," she said. "Do they know what is going on?"
"Yeah, the boys did a good job explaining how we are correcting their bad habits and behavior," Brandy said. "What have you got there?"
"Something a little different for tonight. Let's wait until after dinner and the boys have finished cleaning up the dishes and I'll show you."
All through dinner the boys keep looking at the bag Gwen had brought, wondering what form of torture it presented for them. They had to clean the table and wash the dishes before they found out.
Gwen brought them to the guest room, where there were two twin beds. "You girls will sleep here tonight, but until then this is a very good setup for this evenings activities. Brooke, why don't you tell the boys to undress," Gwen said quietly.
The eleven year old looked doubtful, but turned to the boys and said, "You guys get undressed."
The boys didn't move very fast, but much to her and her sister's surprise the boys started removing their shirts and shoes. Just before removing his shorts, Ian dared to ask, "everything?"
Brooke looked at Gwen and repeated the question. "Would you like them to remove everything?" Gwen asked her.
"Yes, very much," Brooke said.
"Then tell them."
Brooke broke into a wide grin as she looked at her cousin and said, "Everything!"
As the boys dropped their shorts, the pressure pads on their penis came into view.
"Why do they have a bandage on their things?" Brooke asked. "Have you been hurting them there?"
"No dear, and keep this in mindwe do not hurt the boys. That includes you," Gwen said. "Do you know what an erection is?"
"Uh, kind of," Brooke answered. "I mean, we hear about them, but I've never really seen one."
"When a boy gets an erection, his penis, that's this part," Gwen said, pointing to Ian's groin, "it gets thicker. This is a pressure pad that can tell he's getting an erection and it causes the collar to start shocking him until he pulls down on these little tabs on the collar." She showed the girls where the tabs were.
"But why?" Brooke asked.
"Because, when a boy gets an erection, he wants to stroke it, play with it. It's called masturbation, and boys really love to do it. But if his hands are busy holding the tabs, he can't enjoy it. They hate that. But tonight, I thought we'd do something a little different." With that, Gwen dumped the contents of the bag on one of the two beds.
The bag was filled with a variety of soft leather straps that had buckles on them and steel rings attached to them. There were also some blindfolds, several paint brushes, and two contraptions that the girls couldn't figure out.
"Here, you two put these on the boys," Gwen said, handing the straps to the girls. "The short ones on their wrists, the middle sized ones on their ankles, and the longest ones just above their knees."
The girls busied themselves buckling the straps in place. Once they were done, Gwen showed the girls a little key. "The pressure pads are held in place by a little wire that is locked in the back. We're going to remove that for now, but when it's time for you girls to go to bed tonight we want you to put the pressure pads back on the boys." Gwen demonstrated how to remove and put the pads back on, and then had each girl do it.
Satisfied they knew how to attach the pads Gwen cleared the rest of the stuff off the bed and told the boys to lay down on their backs.
Gwen picked up the two biggest items she had left. It had a long elastic line running down the center with other elastic lines fastened to it. Each of the lines ended with a snap hook. Gwen pulled the first one under the back bed, spacing it in the center. She pulled the first two hooks over the backboard and snapped them to the straps on Keith's wrists. Then she stretched it until she could bring the next two up to the straps above his knees. Finally the last two came up the at the bottom corner and connected to his ankles, but it forced Keith to spread his legs to the sides. Gwen really had to pull on the center strap to stretch snap the hooks, but once done Keith was immobilized with his hands at the head board and his legs pulled out to the side and held tight.
The girls got the idea and worked together to bind Ian the same way Keith was.
"Now we don't need the pressure pads," Gwen said as she removed them.
"Couldn't we just leave the boys like this all night?" Alisha asked.
"No, if there was an emergency they can't get out. So you have to free them. And your aunt knows what you're doing, so you don't have to worry about getting in trouble as long as you aren't hurting the boys."
"Now for the finishing touch," Gwen said. She put a blindfold on each boy. "Here's the game you can play tonight. Each of these boys has a secret the other one doesn't know, and neither of them wants you girls to know it. But maybe you can get them to talk. Let me show you how."
Gwen took one of the nylon paint brushes and rubbed the edge of it along Ian's balls. Ian, unable to see, jerked at the touch and moaned a little. Gwen moved the brush to his glans, touching it as gently as she could. The effect was immediate as Ian's dick began to fill with blood and expand.
"See, Brooke, that's an erection," Gwen said. "Do you know what ejaculation means?"
"No, I've never heard that word," Brooke said.
"We learned about it in health," Alisha said. "It's when he produces sperms, isn't it?"
"Yeah, and the sperm comes out as a thick white fluid. It's also called cum," Gwen said.
"Oh, I've heard of that," Brooke said. "Can we make them do the cum?"
"You can; but it might be best to wait until later. See if you keep rubbing it like this," Gwen went back to stroking Ian's dick with the brush until it twitched, "and watch the twitching, you can tell when he's just about ready to shoot. Then if you stop, he'll hate it." Gwen stopped, and heard a satisfying whimper from Ian. "My brother told me about the longest he can stand it is about two or three minutes."
"Now, you girls can use this to learn their secrets. And don't take the first thing they say as the real secret, keep torturing them until you're sure they are telling you the truth. I'll give you hintKeith's secret has to do with why he has a collar on and Ian's secret is about why he's broke all the time."
"And remember, they probably have a lot of secrets they don't want you to know, especially Ian," Nicole said.
Gwen handed her brush to Brooke while Alisha chose one of her own. Gwen, Nicole, and Brandy took a back seat and watched the girls go to work.
"I like this game," Nicole said.
"Let's save our cousin for last and start with Keith," Alisha said.
Keith had heard enough to know what was going to happen, but with the blindfold on he didn't know exactly how it was being done. When the girls first started brushing his dick and balls, he immediately became erect. As they continued, he tried to do math problems in his head, think of sad thought, anything to distract him from their manipulations. But it was no use; he could feel that he was right on the verge of shooting when they stopped.
"Now we can work on Ian," Alisha said. Leaving Keith to his misery, they went to work on Ian, bringing him right to the point of ecstasy before going back to Keith.
By the end of the third round, Ian broke. "Okay, I'll tell youI'm always broke because I have to pay Trent Hosender $50 a week and I don't earn that much."
"See, that was easy," Alisha said.
But her younger sister was the smarter of the two. "No, the secret isn't that he has to pay the money, the secret is why he has to pay! We'll get back to you Ian."
As they started on Keith, he said, "Look, stop a second and I'll tell you." The girls stopped and allowed him a moment to catch his breath.
"I knew that they were humiliating boys somehow and I coned my mother into hiring them."
"Why would you do that?" Alisha asked.
Before Keith could answer Brooke said, "That's the real secret, the part he didn't tell. We'll come back to you after we get some more details from Ian."
Ian's body was rocking back and forth as he tried to find a way to complete the sensation, but nothing worked. A little bit of cum was running down his dick, but he needed to shoot. He started talking as soon as he felt the girls next to him.
"Trent Hosender has a picture 3;"
"Save it Ian. We're going to do this round whether you talk or not. Maybe then you'll choose to tell us everything," Brooke said. She and her sister began using the brushes again, driving Ian crazy.
Brooke saw the thin line of cum leaking from Ian's dick and started to ask what it was, but Alisha stopped her. Using her finger, Alisha got as much of it as she could. "Here, Ian, suck my finger," she said and thrust her finger into his mouth.
Ian had tasted his cum before, just to see what it tasted like, and he recognized it immediately. He tried to push her finger out but was unable to and was forced to suck it clean.
"Now you can tell us your secret if you want," Brooke said.
Ian gave up. He was more worried about Keith knowing then his cousins, but he couldn't take the brushes any more. He told them about the sleepover, and the picture Trent was using to blackmail him.
Brooke coated her finger again and without warning him she pushed it into Keith's mouth. Keith didn't know what it was, but he too was forced to clean it. The girls used the brushes for ten seconds and saw that he was ready and stopped to let him talk.
Keith was also afraid of Ian hearing his secret, but he too had to surrender. "CFNM," he said. "It means clothed female, naked male. I read stories about it all the time. I fantasize about it. So when I saw what they were doing to another boy, I checked them out. Then I deliberately misbehaved and made sure my mom heard about them. She hired them, and I thought it would be fun, but they won't let me beat off."
"You mean you're enjoying this?" Ian asked. "That's pretty weird."
"At least I didn't have Trent Hosender's dick in my mouth," Keith said.
Brandy stood up. "That's enough of that boys, you two are in this together and slamming each other isn't going to help you get the collar off.
"Can we do this all night?" Brooke asked.
"No, you have to go to bed on time. And it really is frustrating for the boys. But you can see what other secrets they have as long as you finally let them do what they want while you watch. Then remember to put the pressure pads on so they can't enjoy themselves during the night. We're going to go home, but we'll be back early tomorrow to see how you made out."
Before the boys got some well deserved relief, they eagerly told their most embarrassing moments, embarrassing dreams, what they thought of when masturbating, experiences playing doctor, and everything else the girls were interested in. By the time they were allowed to beat off, they were so badly in need of relief that they didn't even care that the girls were watching.
After leaving Ian and Keith in the capable hands of Ian's cousins, Gwen, Brandy, and Nicole headed back to Gwen's house to plan how to end their GNB time with Keith and Ian. They had seen them naked, which was their goal, and were now somewhat bored with them. Plus, they wanted to move on to the cutest boy in their class, Trent Hosender.
Along the way they caught up with Candice and Jenny, who had taken over the 'training' of Ty Johnson since they were in his grade.
"The Doctor is very pleased with how things turned out with both Abe and Ty," Candice said. He talked for hours with a woman from Child Protective Services, and we talked with her for a while too. She was looking for you girls but missed you.
"Does it look like she's going to cause trouble?"
"I don't think so, she doesn't know that we've had some boys naked in public places, she thinks everything we do is in the house. If she knew what we did to Tyler, Lloyd, and Abe in the park she'd probably have a cow." Candice was referring to a game of strip horse they made the three boys play. While nobody had seen the boys naked, it was still the most public place they had gotten a boy naked.
"Anyway," Candice continued, "it looks like tomorrow is the last day for him to wear the collar. His behavior has been perfect and I think he is actually going to get A's on his summer school report card. I think we're going to have to go after another boy, but I'm not sure we dare while CPS is investigating GNB."
"Does Ty still believe that the collar caused his dick to shrink and his pubic hair to disappear?" Brandy asked.
"He sure does, and he's especially eager to get the collar off because of it. And, he also believes that the only way to not get worse is to get hormones from other boys. He bugs his brother Abe every night. Even Abe is tired of getting sucked off."
"I've got an idea," Brandy said. "If his collar is coming off tomorrow, tell him you're going to give him a chance to get some hormones from a big kid, and you'll make it sound like it's a requirement for getting the collar off. Tell him he can refuse, you're not making it a requirement, but you'll make it sound like one if he agrees."
"Okay, but why?"
"One of our boys needs to learn what it's like. If he sees you make Ty do it to get the collar off, I think he'll do it too. It will be fun to watch. Bring him over to Ian McAllister's house tomorrow."
Candice and Jenny agreed and the girls split up to make their final plans. Before going to bed, Gwen told Lloyd that he and Tyler should come to Ian's house too.
The next day they all met at Ian's house. Ian's cousins Alisha and Brooke were still there, and Candice and Jenny brought Ty and his brother Abe with them. Lloyd and his best friend Tyler came with Gwen, along with Brandy and Nicole.
Brandy began the meeting. "To start with, I think everyone wearing a collar should be naked for this."
Ian and Keith only had boxers on, and they both hesitated for just a few seconds before pulling them off. They still had on the pressure pads Ian's cousins had put on them the night before.
Ty looked at Alisha and Brooke, whom he didn't know, and instantly regretted agreeing to come with Candice. However, he was here now. He had absolute faith that the only way he was going to get his dick and hair to grow back was to get enough testosterone to counter act the estrogen in the collar was to get it from other boy's sperm. That and not beat off and waste his own. With the collar off he wouldn't be getting estrogen any more, but this was a chance to get a big amount of testosterone and he didn't want to miss out. Once the collar was off it wasn't like he could just ask a boy to let him give him a blow job. He slowly began to strip, watching with increasing horror as Brooke came over to get a better view. His tiny dick began to harden as she stared at it.
Once Ty, Keith, and Ian were naked, Brandy continued. "This is possibly a very big day for each of these three boys, for they have met all but one last test for getting their collar off."
Ian and Keith looked at each other; this was the first they knew that the hated collar might come off today.
"Since he's been wearing a collar the longest, we'll start with Ty," Brandy said. "Candice and Jenny, is there any last order you have planned to see if he is really ready to go free?"
Candice stood up. "Yes there is, and it is the hardest test of all. But Ty as assured us there he wants the collar off so much that there is no command we can give him that he won't follow."
Ty knew exactly what the command was going to be, Candice had told him this morning. He could have the collar off now if he had said no, but he agreed to it. Still, he didn't expect this large an audience and it made him especially nervous.
"Ty, you have only one thing left to complete. Of the boys who are here now, choose one
of them and give him a blow job. When you are done, the collar will be removed and you'll
be free to get dressed."
Ty had already made his mind up. Of all the boys present, Keith was the most developed and would have the most testosterone to give him. He was at first disappointed that there was no visible hair on Keith or Ian's groin, but he figured the girls had been using the estrogen cream on his collar too. Without saying a word he got up and moved to Keith, his boner swaying as he walked.
"You're really going to do this?" Keith asked, not believing it. Nicole was already removing his pressure pad.
"Yep, I'm really going to do this. And when I'm done you'll have a collar on but I won't." Ty pushed Keith's legs apart and got on his knees, hating what he was about to do, but happy knowing it was necessary.
He used his hands to get Keith's dick hard and then tried to take it all the way into his mouth like he had done with his brother Abe. But Keith was too big and Ty nearly gagged when Keith's dick hit the back of his throat. He then put just the head into his mouth and used his hands to rub the shaft.
Keith had been over-excited from what the girls had done to him yesterday, and had only had one chance since then to beat off. It didn't take long before he was rock hard and felt the pressure building up in his balls. "I'm gonna shoot," he said, meaning it as a warning to Ty.
But Ty didn't back off, he started stroking Keith even faster. And when Keith started shooting it took all of his effort to swallow it all down without wasting any.
As soon as he was done, Candice produced a key and took the collar off Ty's neck. Ty hurriedly dressed again.
"One down and two to go," Candice said.
"Keith, you're next. You had the collar on a day longer than Ian."
Keith was confused. "Okay, I'm ready. What do I have to do?"
"I thought that was clear," Brandy said. "You have the same choice to make that Ty just made if you want the collar off today."
Keith turned white. He hadn't thought he would have to do that to get the collar off. He remembered teasing Ian last night about Ian's secret, now he was being asked to suck a dick for real, and worse yet in front of seven girls and five other guys.
"Do you want the collar off or not?" Gwen asked him.
"Of course I do," he said. "It's just that, I don't know."
"It's not so bad once you get used to it," Ty said, happy now that he was dressed again.
"I don't want to get used to it!" Keith said.
"Can I see you for a moment?" Lloyd asked his sister. He headed for the hall and she followed him. Once they were far enough away to not be overheard he said, "This is pretty cruel, even for you. Sucking a guy off is gay, nobody wants to do that."
"You did," Gwen said, watching her brother's face as it turned red. "Besides, we found out from last night's activities that both of them have tried it beforegranted, they were a few years younger, but they both have done it."
"Boys playingit's different when you're ten. But these guys will be in high school next year. And with everyone here watchingit just isn't right. Can't you make them do something else? Run through the mall naked or something?""Let's see how this plays out. Maybe if they both refuse we'll do something different. But I think they'll do it. And Tyler might get some action he'll enjoy out of it." Gwen knew that Lloyd's best friend was secretly gay; he was most certainly enjoying the prospect of watching or perhaps being sucked.
"Hey, don't even say that out loud when there are other people around. He doesn't want anyone to know."
"And how about you? I saw the game you two were playing. Are you gay too?"
"I don't want to talk about this here," Lloyd said. He headed back to the join the party.
As they came back in the room, Nicole was talking. "Maybe we should let Ian go first." Everyone looked at Ian, who was staring at the floor. "But if he goes first and does it, then you lose the opportunity to choose whose dick you put in your mouth. We'll decide for you, and the collar will stay on until you do it."
Keith suddenly realized that if Ian did it, the girls would choose Ian for him to suck. There was no way he would do that. He looked around the room. When he got to Ty, he remembered how small and hairless the kid washe wouldn't produce any sperm. All he had to do was suck the kid's dick, there wouldn't be any cum.
He got up and headed towards Ty.
"No! I don't have any to spare," Ty said desperately.
Keith had no idea what he meant, but he had made his mind up to do it and get it over with. "I'm doing you, so drop your pants and let me get this over with," he said.
Ty looked back at Candice, who nodded her head. He forgot he didn't need to listen to her anymore and automatically started to undo his pants.
Keith closed his eyes and used his hand to guide Ty's dick into his mouth. He licked, he sucked, he blew on it, but nothing he did made Ty get hard.
"I think he made his point," Lloyd said. "He's done it as well as he can."
Gwen gave in to her brother. "He's right, this is getting boring. You can stop Keith."
Keith got up as fast as he could. "I gotta go rinse my mouth out," he said, heading for the bathroom without even waiting for the collar to be removed.
"Okay Ian, it's your turn finally. You can choose anyone here except Ty."
Ian had already decided he wanted to do it to Ty for the same reason Keith hadhe didn't want some boy shooting sperm into his mouth. Now he was going to have to choose someone else.
He looked around and decided it came down to the two younger boys, Lloyd and Tyler. He didn't know much about either one of them. Lloyd looked a little taller than Tyler, and Ian made his decision based on that.
"Tyler," he said, getting up and walking to him.
For Tyler, it was almost a dream come true. If only the girls weren't here to watch. He quickly shed his pants and pushed his boxers down, noticing that Alisha and Brooke both came over to get a good look at him. The other girls had all seen him naked, and Jenny was the only one who didn't know his secret.
Ian noticed that he wasn't going to be as lucky as Keith had been. Tyler was already hard, his dick sticking up waiting for him. And he noticed that Tyler had a little bit of hair around his dick.
It was too late to chicken out now. Ian got down on his knees and went to work. At least it didn't take as long as when Keith was doing TyTyler was ready and eager, and gave himself over to the feeling right away. After just a minute he released his load of thin, white cum without a warning.
Ian stood up and looked for someplace to spit, but Nicole said, "Uh uh, swallow it." She got up and held his nose closed until he finally relented and swallowed.
Brandy got her key out and motioned for Keith, who had returned from rinsing his mouth, to come over. Nicole got another one and called Ian.
"Remember that just because the collars are coming off today, if your parents tell us you've had a relapse, we'll be back to collar you again," Brandy said.
"Who's next on your list?" Lloyd asked.
"Trent Hosender," Gwen said without thinking.
At the same time, Nicole said, "We don't have a list; it depends on which parents need us to help get their son back on a good path."
"Uh, if it does turn out to be Trent, uh 3;" Ian wasn't sure how to say it, but Brandy helped him out.
"If we do end up with a collar on Trent, we'll talk to him about blackmail. And I'm sure you'll agree, we'll be able to establish the truth. If we get a collar on Trent, you won't need to worry about him anymore."
Ian was visibly relieved. And she hadn't even said how Trent was blackmailing him. "Hell, if it's Trent, I'll come and help put the collar on him myself."
"Like I said, we don't have a list," Nicole lied. "We need for the parents to hear about our work and call us if they need help."
"Hell, none of the boys in our class like him," Keith said. "I'll bet there's a lot his mother doesn't know about him."
"Yeah, a lot," echoed Ian.
The GBN girls left, sure that the boys were going to take care of their next boy for them.