Copyright 2011 by Aldric, all rights reserved
* * * * This
story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains depictions of sexual
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to
view such
material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read
further, and
do not save this story. Comments
may be made to This
story depicts minors in unusual conditions that may include
unprotected, unsafe
sex or extreme humiliation. Obviously, this does not describe real life
should not be taken as such. In the real world, behaviors as described
in the
story are not acceptable, tolerated, or legal. The reader should never
the difference between fiction and real life. This story is fictional.
* * * * Cassia’s Curse: The Perfect Hand Introduction Seventh-grader Nicky Freedman was a fun-loving little imp who always seemed
to have a smile on his face. However, his joyful presence wasn’t always
appreciated by his classmates. One in particular was Cassia, who had been hit
with several water balloons while she was wearing a white cotton shirt. Nicky
didn’t help matters by yelling out that he could see her bra.
One thing lead to another until Cassia voiced her now-famous statement: “I
curse you to have one misfortune after another! You will suffer the worst
string of bad luck you’ve ever even heard of. And nobody will want you around
them because the curse will fall on them too!”
But Nicky knew that curses were for fairy tales and movies and wasn’t the
least bit put off by her threat. He had suffered a few mishaps since then, but
he knew that in no way was that related to any stupid curse, it was just bad
luck. And after a string of bad luck always came some good luck to even things
The Perfect Hand Hardly any time at all had passed since the perfect campout on which Nicky
and Billy Talbert had been caught naked by Laura Gilbert and Janet Goodman. The
girls had told everyone at school about it, and Nicky and Billy had been pantsed
several times in the boy’s bathroom to see if they really were as hairless as
the girls told everyone they were, which only added to their embarrassment
since everything the girls had said about them turned out to be the truth.
Nicky still believed that in seventh grade things like that get forgotten
quickly, but he wasn’t as sure as he once was.
But he couldn’t stop having fun and camping out with his friends was
something he enjoyed a lot. Since Monday was a teacher’s work day Trent Castor,
Adam Rich, and Cory Short had invited him and Billy Talbert to camp out (in Cory’s
backyard) with them and Nicky quickly got permission from his parents. This
time he promised himself he would pay attention and not take any chances.
Cory had a big tent, big enough to easily sleep eight boys, so there was
plenty of room. Even though it was in his back yard it was set up behind the
garage and the fence behind and to the sides made it seem like they were own
their own. Besides, Nicky had camped out here before and knew that Cory’s
parents didn’t bother them unless they made too much noise. They only other
thing that had ever brought his parents out was the time they had a campfire
that got away from them and almost burned down the garage. Since then fire in
any and all forms was prohibited. But they had a cord run from a plug in the
garage that gave them a small microwave oven and light. And while microwaved
hotdogs weren’t as good as cooked over an open fire, they were still good.
Once it got dark Cory suggested a simple game of strip poker. “We don’t even
have to worry,” he said to Trent and Adam, “Because of the Cassia Curse we
already know that Nicky will be the one to end up naked!”
Nicky was tired of hearing about the stupid curse. “There is no curse. I’ve
just had some bad luck.”
“Yeah, but bad things happen to the kids with him too,” Adam said.
“There is no stupid curse,” Nicky said. “I’ll play just to prove it. Nobody
else believes in it, just you guys.”
“Yeah, then how come Billy Talbert didn’t come tonight?” Cory asked.
“He asked, but his mom said he couldn’t because they’re going to his
cousin’s tomorrow and she didn’t want him crabby all day.”
“So are we going to play or not?” Trent
asked. “Nicky said he would. Maybe it’s time to find out if he’s right or if
there really is a curse. Unless you guys are too chicken.”
No matter what they believed or thought, being called chicken by Trent
Caster was too much. Each of them knew he was scared of the dark and still
slept with a night light in his room. There was even one in the tent. To be
called chicken by him was hitting below the belt.
“I’m in,” Cory said. “But there is too a curse so we’re all probably gonna
end up wishing we didn’t invite Nicky.”
Adam couldn’t back down then. “Me too,” he said, but there wasn’t much
enthusiasm in his voice.
“Okay, same rules as always. Shirt, tee shirt, pants, underwear, and socks.
Six items of clothing.” None of them wore shoes in the tent.
“I don’t have a tee shirt on,” Adam said. He hadn’t been here as often as
the other three.
“Then when you lose your shirt you just unbutton it. When you lose again you
take your shirt off. Okay?”
They began to play. For a while it stayed fairly even and nobody wanted to
bet much. By the end of the forth hand Nicky had lost both his socks to Trent and Trent
had then lost them to Cory. By their rules, you could bet clothing you won from
others before you bet your own, so Trent
was fully dressed.
Adam was not doing as bad as normal, and he, like Nicky, was down two. Cory
held his socks (not literally, nobody would actually touch Adam’s socks) so
Cory was in good shape being up four.
At first Nicky thought his fifth hand sucked until he noticed that the cards
were all red. Three diamonds and two hearts. He opened with a bet of two and Trent raised him one more.
Adam folded. Then Cory surprised them by raising two more.
Nicky wasn’t too worried. Cory frequently bet more than his hand was worth
and besides, even if he did lose all that meant was that he would have to go
around the tent naked a few times. Nobody could see them so it was no big deal.
Nicky called, placing the bet at five. He had a pair of two’s and no other
pairs and decided to take a chance and through away the two hearts, leaving him
with a two, eight, and jack of diamonds.
Trent also
kept three cards and drew two, indicating a potential three of a kind. Cory
drew three cards and Nicky and Trent
both knew he had bluffed. But of course, he had the four socks, so he could
afford to.
Nicky looked at the two cards he got and had to force himself to remain calm
and not show anything. He now had a queen and a ten of diamonds. Five diamonds,
a flush. Only a few hands would beat that. It was a perfect hand for betting as
long as he was careful and didn’t make everyone else fold.
“Let’s find out about that curse,” Nicky said. “I bet four.”
“That’s not going to prove anything,” Adam said. “Walking around the tent
four times or forty times, what difference does it make? Bet something really
dangerous and we’ll see if there is a curse.”
“Like what?” Cory asked. He knew he could always fold anyway, and he
certainly had to. He had the two kings he started with and had picked up a
third one. But the other two cards he drew were a five of spades and a two of
clubs, so all he had was three of a kind.
Not a bad hand, especially with kings, but not one that you bet something
‘really dangerous’ on.
“I’ve got it,” Trent
said. “We talked about it last summer—the most embarrassing thing that could
really happen and Cory said being locked outside naked. The one who loses locks
himself outside naked tomorrow and spends all day like that. He has to be out
of the house no later than 9 o’clock. And no hidden clothes, not hidden key,
nothing. You can’t get in until someone comes home to let you in.”
“What if it’s you?” Cory asked him.
“I’m folding, and not because of the curse. I don’t have anything, I only
took two cards to try and bluff you but the way you two are betting I’m out.”
He tossed his cards face down.
“But if the curse affects everyone with him, then no matter who wins or
loses, we all lose,” Cory said.
“Call Cassia,” Nicky said. He could see the fear in Cory’s eyes and knew
Cory was going to fold. He wanted to prove to them that there was no curse. Of
course, he was going to insist that this was the last hand. “Call her and ask
her to protect you from the curse if I lose.”
Cory was hesitant, but when Adam handed him his phone he called. When she
answered he explained the situation.
“Do you believe in the curse,” Cassia asked him.
“Yeah, I guess, but…”
“If you believe in it then I’ll protect you,” she said. “You won’t lose,
Nicky will. If you don’t believe in the curse, well, you’re probably going to
have problems tonight anyway. I’ve told everyone not to invite Nicky over or
they would suffer along with him.”
“But you haven’t seen my cards or his,” Cory began. “How do I know…”
“If you believe in the curse, you’ll be protected. If you don’t then you’re
screwed anyway. Follow your gut.” Cassia hung up.
“Come on Cory,” Nicky said. “Just fold. I’m not going to lose. She can’t
protect you because there is no curse. I’m not bluffing but you are, so just
fold and you have to walk around the tent a few times naked. Otherwise, call
and one of us will be naked outside tomorrow. But it won’t be me because there
is no such thing as curses.”
But Cory did believe. And Cassia had sounded so sure. Without looking at his
hand again he said, “I call.”
“You’re an idiot Cory,” Nicky said, setting his cards down face up. “I’ve
got a flush.”
Cory looked at the cards and felt sick to his stomach, but he didn’t show
his own cards. Adam snatched them out of his hand and turned them over one at a
“King, king, king—wow, that’s already better than I thought,” Adam said. He
flipped the next one over and said, and a five, and, holy shit, another five!
He wasn’t bluffing!”
Nobody looked more surprised than Cory. He picked up the last card and
stared at it. It wasn’t a two. He had been so sure it was a two. It was a five,
which gave him a full house, and enough to beat a flush. It could have been a
trick of the lighting, where the shadows made the five look like a two. Except
that it was the curse. It had to be.
“You gonna do it?” Cory asked. “I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t.”
“Of course he’s going to do it,” Trent
said. “He bet and he lost, fair and square. We don’t renege on bets, do we
Nicky.” It was a statement, not a question. “And it had nothing to do with any
stupid curse. After all these years of bluffing Cory finally made them pay
Nicky knew Cory had been bluffing, even Cory knew he had been bluffing;
Nicky saw the look on his face when the last card was turned over. Maybe it
really was—no! “There is no stinking curse!” he said. Of course, that still
left the bet. How could he have lost on the perfect hand?
“But, uh, you know, it is a pretty vicious bet,” he said. “Maybe we could go
double or nothing? Play another hand and if I win I don’t have to do it?”
“But what if you lose?” Cory asked. “It will be hard enough to explain how
you locked yourself out naked the first time. How would you manage to explain
it twice?”
“Maybe he could do a different dare,” Adam offered. “We could call Cassia…”
“We’re NOT calling Cassia,” Nicky said. He thought for a second but couldn’t
come up with anything. “If I lose then we’ll think of something.”
“You’d accept a bet without even knowing what it is? Trent asked. “You’re being stupid.”
“I know one,” Adam said. “Tell The Weasel that you’re not afraid of him and
then walk home from school.”
Tom Wesel wasn’t real big and was only a year older than Nicky. But he had a
small gang made of kids who defended and supported him in exchange for help
with school work. The Weasel was a straight-A student. Tom’s favorite game was
pantsing kids they
caught on the trails that lead from school to the residential neighborhoods
and that was the single biggest reason that seventh graders rode the bus rather
than walk home.
Nicky thought about it. He’d get caught, nobody got past them if they wanted
to catch someone. But Nicky knew that the longer and harder they had to work to
catch their prey the worst they treated it once caught. He could get to the
tree line and then let them catch him and they’d pull his pants down and let
him go. Or make him walk part way in his undies. Embarrassing, but not fatal.
“Okay, deal,” he said. “But all I have to do is beat Cory—I don’t have to win
the hand.”
“No, you said you would play another hand and if you won you wouldn’t have
to do Cassie’s bet,” Cory said. “Just doing better than me isn’t good enough.
You have to win the hand. But I’ll go easy on you—no betting, just best hand
wins. That way you can’t bluff me into quitting.”
That made it even better. Nicky readily accepted and Trent started dealing the cards face up since
there was no betting and thus no strategy. After the first five cards Nicky was
winning with a pair of jacks. Trent
was next best with a pair of nines. Adam and Cory didn’t have a pair and
nothing that easily lead to a straight or flush.
Adam had the first move and pulled out his three lowest cards and discarded
them. He ended up with a pair of three’s. Then Nicky kept the jacks and added
another jack to make it three of a kind. He wished now that they’d been allowed
to bet.
Cory did something Cory was known for. He kept two diamonds and tossed the
other three. Trent
turned over the first replacement card, a king of diamonds. The next one was
the seven of diamonds.
“Can he do it?” Trent
asked as he slid the last of Cory’s replacement cards off the top of the deck.
He flipped it over. The five of diamonds. A flush. Better than three jacks.
Nicky had lost again.
Just to see, Trent
kept his pair and drew three more but ended up with nothing better.
Nicky was devastated to have had such a good hand again and still lose to
Cory. They played for another hour, but without any dares and none of them
complained when Nicky asked if they could just talk instead.
The next morning he went home with a heavy heart, wondering what story he
could use to explain why he was naked. His dad left after reminding him of his
chores and his mom told him to stay around the house. He said he would, and
this time he really meant it.
It was 8:15 and he decided he’d better eat a big breakfast. He figured it
wouldn’t be cheating if he put some water and sodas in a cooler full of ice,
along with some snacks. As he was putting the cooler on the back porch the back
door slammed shut from the
wind. And that gave him his cover story—he was going to get a sun tan, all
over, but the wind blew the door shut and it was locked.
Nicky looked around. The porch provided a little protection because it had
three rows of concrete blocks topped with the railing. Those two feet of
concrete would be the only protection he would have from anyone in the back.
The neighbor’s on each side had fences and his parents ran them to the edge of
his house, but the back was wide open.
He did his chores and waited until the last moment. No sense starting early.
At exactly 9 o’clock he dropped his clothes on his bed and headed outside. It
felt really odd and scary being naked, yet somehow exciting too. He pulled the
door until just before it latched, knowing that once it did he had no way to
get back in. He was just about to pull it completely shut when he heard the
doorbell ring. He went back inside and looked through the peep hole to see who
it was.
“I’m doing it—I was almost outside when you guys rang the bell,” Nicky said
as he hid behind the front door while Trent, Adam, and Cory came inside.
Cory was all smiles, but Trent and Adam looked like their dog had died.
“What’s up?” Nicky asked.
“You won’t be alone today,” Cory said. “Cassie wants to remind everyone
about hanging around with you. So Adam and Trent will be joining you.”
“What about you?” Nicky asked. “You’re the one who invited me over!”
“Yeah, but I’m protected,” Cory said. He didn’t say that Cassie would only
protect him if he made the day one to remember. “It’s already past nine, you
guys are late. So get undressed and get outside. Cory made sure the front door
was locked behind him. He went out the back door and ran to the garage, where
he took the remote from Nicky’s bike and opened the door.
Nicky, Adam, and Trent all stepped out of the back door of the house naked,
each of them staring at the neighbor’s houses to see if anyone could see them.
They each had their hands cupped over their privates. Cory made sure the back
door was locked before telling them to have a nice day. He exited through the
garage, leaving the door open behind him. Even if they closed it, he had the
remote and could open it at any time.
Nicky’s mom wouldn’t be home until 4, so they had seven hours. And each of
them knew they wouldn’t spend them alone. Cory might be their friend but that
wouldn’t stop him from coming over to tease them. And Cassia knew they were out
there too. They wondered if she would come and hoped she wouldn’t. They lay
down along the concrete block wall and waited.
It was a cloudless, hot day, and house faced the west, so the back porch was
bathed in sunlight. By 10 o’clock Nicky wished he’d brought some sun block.
There was no place to go to escape the sun, except for under the big tree in
the back of the back yard. That would be in the shade. But then they would be
exposed to anyone one in the backyard behind Nicky’s house.
By 10:30 they discussed their options, and each knew they had to do it. The
sun was baking their skin and even if they had sun block it wouldn’t matter.
The excitement of being outside naked was gone, now it was just torture.
They ran to the tree and got into the shade, which put them almost to the
property line. They had brought the cooler with them—not that it provided much
protection but they were willing to take all they could get. Nicky looked to
the right and saw three girls three houses down, but they were playing and
hadn’t noticed the three naked boys now visible to them. He looked to the
“Hi Nicky, how’s it going so far?” Cory had come through the garage and
across the back yard. “How come you’re back here when anyone can see you?”
“It’s too hot on the porch. There’s no way to get out of the sun. We’re
hoping that we can lie here and maybe not be seen.” He completed his look to
the left and was thankful nobody was there to hear Cory’s shout.
Nicky turned and saw Cory carrying the cooler out to the garage. “Where are
you going with that?” he asked.
“The bet was that you don’t have anything to cover yourself with,” Cory said
with a laugh. “I’ll put this on the front porch where it’s out of the sun. If
you get thirsty you can go there to get a drink. I just came over to see if
you’re doing okay—and to tell you I’ll be back later with a couple of girls who
want to see you.” Cory carried the cooler out through the garage and was gone.
Nicky dreaded his return now that he knew Cory would be bringing girls over.
It probably didn’t matter much anyway because he had no cover at all so it was
just a matter of time before someone saw him.
It came sooner than he expected. Not even two minutes after his Cory left
Adam pointed out Scott Butler and Noah Patterson riding their bikes on the
street behind Nicky’s house. They were two of the weasel’s gang.
“If there’s really a curse they’ll see us,” Adam said.
“There is no curse!” Nicky said. But the words were barely out of his mouth
when Scott looked their way and called to Noah.
Noah turned sharply and he and Scott headed down the street pedaling as fast
as they could. A few minutes later they were in Nicky’s back yard, staring at
the three naked boys laying there in the grass.
“Cassia’s curse again?” Noah asked.
“There is no curse,” Nicky said flatly.
“Yeah, I can see. And I’ll bet you’re just as tiny as Janet Goodman said you
were. Are you out here to show it off?”
“The wind blew the door closed and locked us outside. Could we borrow…”
“We’re not giving you anything. Cassia would do something to us if we did.”
Noah looked around, still smiling. “You know, you can hardly be seen lying down
in the grass like that. But if you were tied to that tree it would be
different. All we need is a little bit of clothes line and then nobody would
miss you.” He and Scott headed back to their bikes.
“Noah, please don’t,” Nicky pleaded, but Noah ignored him and rode off.
Five minutes later they were back. Tom Wesel and his younger brother Eddie,
who was in fifth grade, had joined them. And they had brought Trent’s
sister, Carrie, who was fourteen, and his next door neighbors, Linda and Lydia. Linda
was in their grade and her sister Lydia was in Carrie’s grade. They
had a coil of clothesline with them.
“Roll over, all there of you, and don’t cover up,” Scott said. “The girls
want to see it. And they want to see what you do with it when it gets hard. And
we want to see if you were telling the truth about how much you said you shoot”
The three boys laid there face down, with their hands over their bare rumps.
It had been at lunch a week ago and they boys were all bragging about how big
their dicks were, how much hair they had, and much cum they shot. Cory, Scott,
and Noah had lied too, but it they were in charge and nobody was going to make
them prove it.
“Show us or we’ll drag you over to the tree and tie you there,” Noah said,
showing them the rope.
“You’ll all get in trouble,” Adam said. His voice cracked, displaying his
fear. “I’ll tell.”
“Go ahead, Noah said. “Cory will tell how you did it to yourself to prove
how brave you were. And with the slip knots we’ll use people will believe it.
We’ll all say that we found you here and teased you and that’s why you’re
blaming us. All we’ll be guilty of is leaving you.”
Nicky was already hard and it was a given that they were not going to leave
before they saw him. If not for Scott and Noah Cory probably wouldn’t even consider
tying them. But Scott and Noah were making the decisions. “If we do it will
The weasel didn’t let him finish. “If you don’t, it will be worse, trust me.
Cory has already told me about the other bet the three of you have to do.”
“But only Nicky has to do that,” Trent
said, his voice also displaying his fear. “He was the one…”
“You lost the hand, and so did Adam,” Noah said. “At least that’s what Cory
told us.”
“That stupid curse!” Adam said. “Cory should have to suffer too. He’s the
one who invited Nicky over.” Adam had tears streaming down his face as he
rolled over and let the crowd watch him as he beat off. Trent saw him and also rolled over.
Nicky followed suit. The girls, along with Eddie, crowded around him. Then
he began to stroke his three inches of twitching flesh. He was so nervous that
it took nearly five minutes before he felt it coming. He closed his eyes,
trying to forget that he had an audience, and let it happen. Unlike what he
told his friends though, he only had a little bit of clear cum, and only the
initial burst shot forward, the rest ran down over his fingers.
Adam and Trent had finished about the same time. Trent at least was able to shoot some thicker
cum, but Adam finished dry.
The girls all laughed, but their expressions made the boys believe that this
was the first time they had ever seen it happen.
They started to leave, but it was the weasel’s brother who said, “We should
tie them to the tree anyway.”
“But you promised!” Nicky began.
“Yeah, we did,” Trent
said. “And they did what we wanted. We had our fun and they’ve got the rest of
the day to get through.”
“Adam threatened to tell on us,” Tom Wesel said. “Maybe my brother’s right,
we should tie them up.”
“I don’t know, I mean, come on, they did what we told them too,” Cory said.
“I think we should just leave them alone.”
“You help or you join them,” Noah said. “Which is it?”
Against four boys and three girls, Cory had no choice. In fact, probably the
only two he had any chance of all of defeating were Tom and Eddie. And maybe Trent’s sister. He helped
them, and in a few minutes the three boys were tied around the tree, with Nicky
facing the back yard and Adam and Trent
the two side yards.
“We should make him do what they did,” Tom said, pointing at Cory.
“Yeah, Cory didn’t want to make them do anything,” Eddie said. “He should
join them. Or at least put on a show like they did.”
“Hey, Cassia said…” Cory began.
“Cassia isn’t in charge, we are,” Noah said. “What do you girls think?”
“It would be a lot more fun to watch Cory do that than it was to watch my
brother,” Carrie said.
Linda and Lydia
couldn’t believe their luck at being invited. They voiced their agreement too.
Cory tried to run, but he was tripped by Scott. Noah and Scott held his arms
and a very eager Eddie gleefully stripped him of all of his clothing.
“Keep yelling,” the older Wesel
said as Eddie stripped him. “I don’t think the girls three doors up heard you
yet.” That quieted Cory down.
“Wow!” Carrie said once Cory was naked. While Nicky and Adam were a bit
underdeveloped for seventh grade and Trent
was probably average, Cory surprised them all. He had a big crop of hair that
grew along his dick and extended down to partially cover his balls. And his
dick, which was fully erect, would have looked good on a boy Carrie’s age.
“Show her how it works,” Tom said to him.
It was just as inevitable for him as it had been for the others, so Cory
quickly gave in and started rubbing it. Unlike the other boys, when his fist
closed over it the shaft they could still see the mushroom head. He ended up
squirting several globs of thick cum over his chest.
“Should we tie him up now too?” Eddie asked, hoping the answer would be yes.
“Naw, I’ve got a better idea for him,” Tom said. “You told us you moved the
cooler to the front porch. These guys are probably thirsty by now. Go and get
them a drink.”
“Out front? Naked?” Cory asked, his whole face turning crimson.
“Yeah, naked,” Tom answered. “We’re going to leave you here with them, but
untied. You will go and get them a drink whenever they want one. And you are
not to untie them. We’ll come back later and refill the cooler just to make
sure they don’t get dehydrated.”
Cory stood there, hoping they weren’t serious. But Tom smashed that hope by
saying, “If you aren’t back in 30 seconds with three drinks we’ll send you out
for more, but with your hands tied behind your back.”
Cory ran to the garage and looked down the driveway. He could hear kids
playing from somewhere nearby but he knew he didn’t have time to worry about
it. He sprinted to the porch and grabbed three cans of soda as fast as he could
and then ran back to the garage. He never even looked to see if anyone saw him.
When he got back, everyone was gone except for his three friends tied to the
tree. His clothes were gone as well.
“They took your clothes and left you,” Nicky said. “They gave me the
controller and asked if I wanted to lock you out front naked. I wanted to in
the worst way. But that’s what they wanted too.”
“They said we had to drink all the drinks in the cooler before they get
back,” Trent
added. “Serves you right for setting us up with them.” Trent had worked out that Noah and Scott
hadn’t been lucky enough to spot them, they knew they were there. Cory had told
them they would be.
“I had to,” Cory said and he held a can of pop up to Trent. “They already knew. I think Cassie
called them. I’m starting to think Nicky’s right, there really isn’t a curse.
It’s just Cassie doing all of it.”
“No there is a curse,” Adam said. “You were fine until you stopped believing
in it. Then you ended up just like us.”
“How are we going to explain this to your mom?” Trent asked Nicky.
“We could tell the truth, blame it on the weasel,” Nicky responded. “But of
course we’ll pay for that later.”
“I should just untie you now,” Cory said. “At least then it will be easier
to explain.”
“And what happens when they come back?” Adam said. “They took the controller
for the garage door with them. They’ll send you out and close it and then the
only way back here is to go to a house where there isn’t a fence and come in
through the back yard.”
“Oh shit,” Nicky said. They all turned to look and saw four girls from their
class coming in the back yard. One of them was Cassie.
“My, isn’t this interesting,” Cassie said. She and Laura Gilbert, Janet
Goodman, and April Thompson went from one boy to another, looking up and down
at them. When they got to Cory, he obliged them by standing frozen in place
with a mixture of fear and embarrassment.
“I see what we heard was true,” Laura said when they looked at Cory’s dick.
“Nice tool.”
“Untie them,” Cassie said after she and the other girls had looked long
“But, Tom said…”
“Do you think I care what the weasel says? Untie them or we’ll make you the
centerpiece on the tree.” Cory quickly untied his friends.
“We hear you can put on quite a show. We want to see it for ourselves. The
one we enjoy the most will get a special prize. The one who disappoints us the
most will also get a special prize.”
“I, uh, I…” Adam was confused.
“They want to watch us jack off,” Trent
All four boys were already hard and it didn’t take long before they each
finished. The results were as before—Trent and Nicky produced a small amount of
watery cum, Adam, produced none at all, and Cory made a mess.
“Cory, we enjoyed watching you most of all. There are two packages on the
front porch. Go and get them. And don’t take all day; we don’t have a lot of
“But I’m—oh, hell, you don’t care, do you,” Cory said. Without waiting for a
response, he took off once again for the front yard. He saw two brown grocery
bags on the porch. Both were stapled shut so he grabbed them both without
looking inside. When he turned around he saw Tom Wesel on a bike on the
“I’ll see you tomorrow after school.” The weasel rode off and Cory hurried
back to the back yard. As he passed through the garage he heard the door going
down behind him so he knew the weasel still had Nicky’s controller.
Cassie took the heavier bag and opened it and dumped the contents on the
ground. Inside were Cory’s clothes, or, as he soon realized, most of them. His
white briefs were not there. He quickly pulled his shorts on and added a shirt.
“As you discovered, you precious underpants aren’t there. They will hang on
the fence at the edge of the practice field all day tomorrow. You will tell
anyone who asks that they are yours and that they were taken from you by a ten
year old boy. And speaking of
tomorrow, you will go to school wearing shoes, socks, shorts, and a shirt
and nothing else. Any questions?”
Cory shook his head.
“You two,” Cassie pointed to Adam and Trent, “will be wearing these under
your clothes tomorrow.” She opened the second bag and dumped its contents on
the ground. There were two bright yellow bikinis. “You will also not wear any
underpants tomorrow. Try these on now to make sure they fit.”
The bottoms were too small and barely contained their junk, and the tops
were tight but fit around their back. Cassie determined they fit just fine.
“You three can go now or stay here, we don’t care,” Cassie said to them. She
turned to Nicky and said, “You are a major disappointment. So whatever plan you
had for when your mother gets home you can use it. And tomorrow you can wear
whatever you want to school.”
Nicky knew that it didn’t matter what he wore to school, what would matter
is what he would wear home from school.
“I hear everyone but you four have a free pass through the woods tomorrow,
so I would imagine a lot of kids will go that way instead of riding the bus,”
Cassia said. “I know we will. Don’t any of you disappoint me by taking the bus.
And don’t forget to tell everyone what happens if you hang around with Nicky.”
With that the girls turned and left.
“Shit, I thought I was protected,” Cory said.
“You were never protected,” Nicky said. “I told you last night, she can’t
protect you because there is no curse.”
“But I didn’t have the full house,” Cory said. “I swear, one of the fives
was a two. But Cassie said I wouldn’t lose, so I called and she was right.”
“You just didn’t see it because of the light. A two looks a lot like a five
in the dark. There is no curse, but she sure is convincing everybody that there
is one. After everyone sees you guys nobody will want me around. In fact, I’m
guessing it must be nearly four and my mom will be here soon. You should leave
“Our clothes are in your room,” Trent
said. “Besides, I couldn’t go home wearing this.”
“I think tomorrow we’re going to be given a choice between that and
nothing,” Adam said. “If I’m right, I’m not choosing nothing. But at least we
can take off the tops.” He pulled his over his head and Trent quickly copied him.
“If you guys want to risk being seen by my mom, you can hide here behind the
tree and when my mom lets me in I’ll try and throw your clothes out the back
door,” Nicky said. “But if you stay, you should take off the bottoms too and
hide them. I don’t think I can explain them to my mom.”
Nicky headed back up to the porch to away from the back yard and the other
boys followed him. He told them what his story was, and Trent and Adam decided
that was better than trying to explain to their mom’s whey they came home in a
bikini. They took the bottoms off and handed both pieces to Cory, who hid them
in his pockets. He decided it would be better if he left rather than explain
why he was dressed and the others weren’t.
A few minutes after he left they heard the garage door going open. Three
pairs of hands covered exposed privates and they waited with red faces.
“Hi Nicky,” his mom started until she got a good look. “Nicklaus Freedman!
What exactly do the three of you think you’re doing?”
“We, uh, just wanted to get a complete sun tan but the wind blew the door
closed and it locked.” Nicky suddenly realized that the pop he had earlier was
now ready to come out and he needed to pee right away.”
“Well, I guess this is just your unlucky day,” his mom said. “I gave my key
to Gloria Petri last week so she could put some stuff in our basement. And she
doesn’t get home until 6 o’clock. Unless you want to go up there and see if
Laura or Lydia
is there and get the key from them!”
Without thinking, Adam said, “They can’t see us again.” As soon as he
realized what he said he tried to fix it, but Nicky’s mom had heard it.
“So they were here and saw you already? Who else saw you?”
“Nobody else was here; just them and they only saw us from a distance. I
have to pee. Can’t you just go and get the key? Please?” But Nicky was out of
time. He turned and ran to the tree just as the piss started shooting out.
Trent and Adam joined him. When they got back to the back porch Mrs. Freedman
was just hanging up her cell phone.
“Lydia and Laura say they
both saw you today, along with Trent’s
sister. I’m sure that was very traumatic for you. But they also had an answer
to another question I had—why are there pop cans in the back yard with the
cooler in the front yard. And they said you were taking turns going out front
to ‘make it more daring.’ Their words, not mine. So since you were so brave
then, I’m going to go to the store and pick up a few things and they are
bringing the key over.”
“But mom, that isn’t true. Tom Wesel took the cooler out front, not us!”
“Like usual, your stories change by the minute. I don’t care, I also have to
pee, but I’m not going to go in the backyard. I’ll do it at the Quick mart. And
the house had better be unlocked when I get home or I’ll send you up to get the
key and send your friends home!” She turned and went back to her car.
She was only gone a minute before the two girls, accompanied again by Trent’s older sister,
came through the garage. “We heard everything,” Linda said. “And if any of you
cover up even once we’re leaving and we’ll see if you mom is serious about
making you come to our house to get the key.”
“Okay, you’ve already seen us, so have a good look,” Trent said, making sure not to look in his
sister’s eyes.
“Oh, we’re going to do more than look,” Lydia said. “Eddie gave us a great
idea. He’s going to be so sad he missed seeing it. We want you guys to jack off
each other.”
“What? No way!” Nicky said, but when the girls turned to leave he had to
take it back. “Okay, wait, I, uh…”
“You lie in the middle and make Adam and Trent shoot that stuff. And the one who
shoots first has to make you do it.”
“But Adam doesn’t shoot yet, that’s not fair,” Trent complained.
“Would you rather be in the middle?” his sister asked him.
Without further compliant the boys lay down and Nicky got started. He had
never touched another boy’s penis before, and even though he knew how to make
himself feel good it was a lot different doing it to another boy. And he was
trying to do Trent
left-handed. It was taking far too long and finally Linda let him stop before
his mom got back.
“We’ll see if the weasel will let us make you do it tomorrow in front of the
whole school,” Lydia
“No, please, not that,” Adam said. “We can’t do that while everyone
“Then promise me that you will invite us back, and Eddie since it was his
idea, and you’ll do it again until you’re done,” Linda said. “Otherwise, you
can do it tomorrow.” The boys had no choice but to agree.
“I have one last thing for them to do before you unlock the door,” Carrie
said. “I’ll bet Mrs. Friedman never really got to see them because they kept
their hands over their things. Make them wait until she is home and they can
help unload the car. And they aren’t allowed to cover up at any time.”
“You heard her boys,” Linda said. She put the key in the door but did not
unlock it. “Go wait for her in the garage. And we’ll be watching to see if you
cover up or not.”
The three girls followed them into the garage and made them stand along the
back wall where they could be seen from the street. With a final warning not to
move or cover up, they left but only went out to the tree lawn. And they
pointed out the line of naked boys to two other girls who were walking past.
The two other girls decided to wait with them.
Time seemed to be standing still, but finally Nicky’s mom pulled in. With
the girls watching, the boys were scared to death of what might happen if they
covered. If Mrs. Freedman noticed or cared, she didn’t say anything to them and
they each grabbed a sack from the trunk and followed her into the house and
then ran to Nicky’s room and got dressed as rapidly as they could.
The next day dragged on for ever for the four boys. During every break
between classes and all through lunch kids kept coming up to them and making
jokes or comments about what was going to happen after school.
The final bell rang and most of the buses stayed empty. Even kids who lived
in the other direction shunned the bus rather than miss the show they had been
promised. With great difficultly Adam, Trent,
Cory, and Nicky headed out the back and onto the path through the woods.
As soon as they reached the tree line the weasel’s posse came in behind
them. “Aren’t you going to run and make it more fun for us?” Noah asked. He
sounded very disappointed.
They were lead to a clearing beyond where they could be seen from anyone at
the school and the weasel didn’t waste any time. He started with Cory.
“Prove to everyone that the underpants on the fence were yours,” he said.
Cory licked his lips. His whole mouth had gone dry.
“Don’t keep me waiting. If we have to do it for you you’ll lose the shorts.”
Cory’s hands moved slowly to the snap. He tried to block out the fact that
there were easily a hundred kids watching as he slowly unzipped the shorts and
lowered them.
“All the way to your ankles,” Tom Wesel said.
Cory let them drop to his ankles, and there were only a few giggles and no
outright laughter, not that that helped make him feel any better.
“Stay like that until we’re done here,” the weasel said. He turned next to
Adam and Trent. “Shirts and shorts off and toss them over.”
This time there was laughter, and a lot of it, as the crowd got a look at
the two boys standing there in bikinis. Both of them immediately got hard,
which was totally obvious to everyone and caused a lot more laughter.
Once he had their clothes, Tom asked, “What did you do to deserve being
punished like this?”
Adam and Trent knew this was a question Cassie had told him to ask. Trent answered it. “We
invited Nicky over to a campout and this is what happens to kids who hang
around with Nicky.” He nearly started bawling as he said it, which would have
made it even worse.
“And now we come to Nicky,” Tom said. “Same for you, give me your shirt and
Nicky thought about making them take them from him and trying to preserve at
least some dignity. He was going to be naked anyway, how much worse could it
be? But the weasel scared him and the truth was he might have a way to make it
a whole lot worse. At least this way if he didn’t put up a fight he’d get his
clothes back. That rule made most kids being chased by the weasel’s gang give
up and obey, which save time and effort.
He removed his shirt and tossed it to Tom. He hesitated at his shorts, but
before Tom made another threat he lowered them and got them off over his shoes.
The laughter was even louder as the crowd saw that he was naked. He tossed the
shorts to Tom.
Tom gathered all of the discarded clothing and put it into his back pack,
which caused Nicky a lot of worry. He couldn’t really send them home like this,
could he?
“Turn to the crowd and say that Cassie’s curse is upon you and that you are
naked and your friends humiliated because of what you did to Cassie.”
Nicky turned, but instead of Tom’s speech, he simply said, “There is no
He heard Trent
behind him say, “Just say there is Nicky and maybe we’ll get our clothes back.”
Nicky hadn’t considered that and was just about to change his mind when the
weasel closed his back pack and said, “Then I guess you are about to have some
more bad luck. Have a nice walk home.”
“No wait, I didn’t mean it,” Nicky said. He raised his voice and said
“Cassie’s curse is upon me and my friends are being humiliated because of what
I did to Cassie.”
Tom just kept walking, and behind him he saw Cassie shaking her head at him.
“Tell him—I said the words, at least let Adam and Trent get their clothes
back,” he said to her.
“You said it, but you don’t believe it. You only said it to gain favor. When
you truly believe, there will be one more task and then I will consider lifting
the curse. But today your chance has come and gone.”
Some of the girls, and even a few of the younger boys, touched his erection
as they passed by laughing. “I’ll tell that you did this,” he yelled to the weasel.
“You idiot—you just stripped in front of a hundred kids without any threats
or cohesion. If you tell, how much trouble do you think he’ll be in?” Adam
“Yeah, way to go asshole,” Trent
added. “We could have gone home dressed except for you. There is a curse and
Cory didn’t see that card wrong. We should have listened to Adam and not
invited you!”
They walked off leaving him standing there naked. Cory, who had pulled his
shorts back up, walked by and said “You should have said it the first time. I
guess I’ll see what happens to you next.” He ran to catch up with Adam and
About twenty or so kids were hanging around, waiting to see what Nicky would
do. He was absently fondling his erecting without even being aware he was doing
it until he heard someone laugh that he was jerking off in public. But he
stopped too soon, he was ready to cum and when he stopped it leaked out in a
long string that gained him even more laughter. He started jogging down the
trail towards home.
The woods ended about three blocks from his house. He paused there,
wondering what he should do. As he was thinking about it he saw the weasel turn
back to Adam and Trent and open his pack and handed them their clothes. Tom
looked back towards the trail and smiled at him.
Nicky decided that was the answer, all he had to do was cover the half block
and the weasel would give him back his clothes. He started jogging down the
sidewalk towards Tom, only to see Tom jog to the corner and turn to the left.
Their houses were to the right. Now he had to make a choice—follow the weasel
and hope or just go home. He decided to go with hope for at least one more
But that block passed and so did the next one without Tom turning and Nicky
was forced to give up. He was now further from home than when he left the woods
and more and more kids were cheering him on as he ran towards his house.
It wasn’t until he got there that he realized something important. The key
to the house was in the pocket of his shorts, and his mom might not be home for
an hour yet. For once he hoped traffic was light and she would be early. With
nowhere else to go he went up to the front porch and sat there trying not to
Sometime later he heard the garage door going up, but his mom’s car wasn’t
around. He ran to the side and got there just as the door started going back
down. Tom and his brother Eddie were there on bikes.
“Just dropping off your clothes,” Tom said as he and Eddie ran towards the
street. “Run around the block and maybe I’ll give your garage door opener back
to you.”
Nicky wondered how much longer this nightmare could go on, but he ran naked
down the street chasing after Tom and Eddie. As he reached the cross street Tom
and Eddie turned back towards him.
“Keep going and when you get there the controller will be in your mailbox,”
Eddie said to him as he rode past. He held up the controller to prove he had
By now so many kids had seen him naked it shouldn’t have mattered anymore,
but it still did. Every time someone yelled or laughed he flinched. He knew he
had to slow down or he wouldn’t have enough breath to run all the way, but he
didn’t want to.
At the half way point Tom rode past him. “You’re doing good, keep going. And
stop covering up or I’ll make you go around again.”
Nicky knew they were keeping an eye on him so he couldn’t take any shortcut.
And finally exhaustion got him. He had to stop and was bent over taking in air
as fast as he could breathe it in. Some little kid ran up and slapped his butt,
and then it was like an invitation as every kid around started running to him
and slapping him. He couldn’t run from them, he could barely walk, so he had to
endure yet another humiliation. He staggered to the next corner and started
down the street towards his own house.
He had enough breath to get up to a slow jog as he ran down his street. He
raced past the last house as fast as he could and yanked open the mailbox and
was surprised to find that Eddie had kept his word. The controller was in
there. But as he reached for it, the garage door started up on his own.
“Get the mail while you’re there,” his mother said as she pulled the car
into the garage. Her voice had been icy though and Nicky knew he was in
trouble. She stopped short and grabbed the bundle of clothing that the weasel
had tossed into the garage and then pulled her car the rest of the way in.
Nicky had no idea what to say. He couldn’t even dress before going in
because his mom had taken the clothes in with her. He put the controller back
in the saddle bag of his bike and headed to the back door, praying it wasn’t
His mom was coming back out just as he was coming up the step. She had a
long wooden spoon in her hand.
“Get back out front,” she yelled to him.
“No mom, I can’t…” he began, but she grabbed him by an ear and pulled him
“I saw what you were letting the neighborhood kids do. If you want a public
bare-bottom spanking then I’m going to give you a real one.”
“No mom, I wasn’t letting them. I was out of breath. Oww, that hurts, mom
please stop.”
“The hurt hasn’t even started yet,” she yelled as she dragged him out to the
front of the house. “Bend over that railing.” She pushed him against the
railing and pushed his back until he had no choice but to bend over. The first
slap of the spoon caught him by surprise and the pain didn’t even register
until she landed the second hit. He tried to cover his rump but she pushed his
hands down.
“Keep your arms on that side of the railing or I’ll tie them there and then
whip you twice as much.” She waited until he put his arms back to the other
side. “Hook your hands behind your head and don’t move them until I say you
It was all he could do to keep his hands in place. He didn’t know how many
times she hit him, but his ass was on fire when she finally let him up and
twisted him around to face the street. A crowd of kids, including of course the
weasel and his little brother, had been drawn by his yells and were now
watching with interest.
But he didn’t care about the crowd any longer; he rubbed his ass with both
hands leaving his front totally exposed.
“So was your daring little run as much fun as you hoped it would be? It’s
too bad for you that traffic was light today or I might have missed it. I’ve a
good mind to make you go to each house on both sides of every street you ran
down and apologize for your actions.”
“Mrs. Freedman, he ran home from school naked,” a girl said. “He took his
clothes off in the woods and gave them to a friend and then his friend put them
in the garage and put the controller in the mail box.”
“What? Around the block wasn’t enough for you? All the way from school? And
you planned it out didn’t you. Only I got home early and spoiled your fun,
didn’t I! Well, if it’s that important to you, go around again. Show everyone
in town how little you are. Run around like you did when you were five.” She
swatted him on the ass again and shouted “GO!”
The next few weeks were hard. His mom asked him every day if he wanted to
run around like a naked little kid and the kids in the neighborhood laughed at
him every time they saw him. School was no better since nearly everyone had
seen him strip naked. He only hoped as the days went by that the kids would
start to forget about it and he could start to live down his shame. At least nobody brought up the promise he had
made to continue where he left off with Adam and Trent.