Cassia’s Curse 2: The Perfect Campout

By  Aldric

Copyright 2011 by Aldric, all rights reserved
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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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This story depicts minors in unusual conditions that may include unprotected, unsafe sex or extreme humiliation. Obviously, this does not describe real life and should not be taken as such. In the real world, behaviors as described in the story are not acceptable, tolerated, or legal. The reader should never confuse the difference between fiction and real life. This story is fictional.

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Cassia’s Curse: The Perfect Campout


Seventh-grader Nicky Freedman was a fun-loving little imp who always seemed to have a smile on his face. However, his joyful presence wasn’t always appreciated by his classmates. One in particular was Cassia, who had been hit with several water balloons while she was wearing a white cotton shirt. Nicky didn’t help matters by yelling out that he could see her bra.

When she retaliated by shoving four water balloons inside Nicky’s bathing suit and bursting them, he called her a stupid cow. Her response was immediate.

“You called me a cow? You? For that I curse you to have one misfortune after another! You will suffer the worst string of bad luck you’ve ever even heard of. And nobody will want you around them because the curse will fall on them too! That’s what you get for calling me a cow!”

But Nicky knew that curses were for fairy tales and movies and wasn’t the least bit put off by her threat. He was however, slightly disturbed that when she let him up that somehow the string on his bathing suit had broken and it slid down to his knees when he stood up. But in no way was that related to any stupid curse, it was just bad luck.

 The Perfect Campout

It had been a whole week since the ‘Perfect Tree’ incident and Nicky and Roger Evans were still being teased about being seen nearly naked and covered in piss by the entire class. Nicky knew that in seventh grade things like that get forgotten quickly and he was ready to move on.

He and Billy Talbert were planning the perfect campout. They had already gotten permission from their parents and were scouting for the best place to put up the tent.

Since it was just the two of them, the best places were close to home and not back in the woods. Neither Nicky nor Billy was too keen on being alone in the woods after it got dark. But at last they found the perfect place—the empty lots at the end of the subdivision they lived in.
They scouted around following the trail that led through the brush and found the perfect spot. It had been cleaned of brush and was mostly grass and someone else had even built a fire pit. The empty beer cans could have meant that it was used by hobos or bums, but since nobody fitting that description had been seen for longer than Nicky and Billy had lived here it was more likely that older teens occasionally used the spot. Nothing indicated that it had been used recently so the boys moved in.

Their fathers came and brought a ton of fire wood. Once the fire was ready they sat on the lawn chair and ate hot dogs and potato chips, then, just as it began to get dark, their fathers gave the usual warnings about staying out of trouble and headed home. The perfect campout had begun.

Nicky and Billy told stories as the fire burned down. When the mosquitoes came out they went in the tent and lay on top of their sleeping bags and talked about everything. It was hot in the tent so Nicky suggested they strip down to just their boxers.

“What about that curse thing?” Billy asked.

“You mean Cassia?” Nicky asked. “That’s just bullshit. There is no such thing as curses.”

“Roger wasn’t so sure when he told me about it. He said the way you both fell and got hung up like that was really weird.”

“That doesn’t mean it’s a curse,” Nicky said. “It was just bad luck. Cassia had nothing to do with it.”

“You still want to go peak in Laura Gilbert’s house?” Billy asked after a moment of silence.

“Yeah, when it gets a little later,” Nicky said. “It’s only nine o’clock; she won’t be getting undressed this early.”

“You think what Hutch said is true?”

Hutch Schmidt, known to his parents as Hank, had said that he heard that Laura Gilbert got completely undressed with the curtains open in her room because there was nothing behind their house. The fact that her house was the last house on the street and just a little ways from the camp site was another reason why this was the perfect spot for a campout.

“I think that less than ten percent of what Hutch says is true,” Nicky said. “But just in case this is the small percentage that IS true, we should check it out.”

He lay there and felt his dick harden slightly just thinking about it.

“I dare you to go just like you are,” Billy said.

“You mean with nothing on?” Nicky asked.

“Just your boxers. And shoes, in case you have to run away. Since you don’t believe in the curse it should be okay.”

“I’ll do it if you will,” Nicky answered. “I double dare you!”

“It would sure make the perfect campout even more perfect if we got to see her,” Billy said.

“Maybe we should leave now,” said Nicky. “You going like that or are you too scared of a stupid curse?”

“I’m not scared of nothing!” Billy said, although in fact he was scared of a lot of things. Being caught outside in his underwear peaking in a girl’s window currently topped the list.

“Then let’s go,” Nicky said. He opened the tent flap and peered outside to make sure nobody was there. He was surprised at how quickly it had gotten dark.

“What’s the matter, getting scared?” Billy asked. He pushed out past Nicky and started putting on his shoes. He hadn’t dressed.

“Naw, I just wanted to make sure the fire was okay,” Nicky said. He slid his feet into his shoes and said, “Let’s do it!”

“Laura, I see them,” Janet Goodson said to her best friend over the radio she had ‘borrowed’ from her brother. “And guess what? They aren’t wearing anything but underpants.”

“Really?” Laura asked. She and Janet had heard the lies that Hutch was spreading, and when they heard that Nicky and Billy were camping almost right behind her house they decided to have a little fun.

Laura was wearing her bikini under her clothes. The plan was for her to start putting on a show to keep the boy’s attention while Janet snuck up behind them and caught them in the act. They weren’t sure what would happen next, but blackmail was on their mind.

“Change in plans,” Laura said quickly. “Go to their tent and take every item of clothing they have there. I’ll keep them entertained here as long as I can.

“Okay,” Janet replied. “It should only take a few minutes. I’m already outside.”

“Look, there’s Laura’s room,” Nicky said as they approached the back of the house. The room was lit by a low-wattage bulb and the window covered by a very thin curtain. They could see Laura silhouetted through the curtain.

“Holy shit, Hutch was right!” Nicky said as Laura took off her shirt,” Billy said. “I wish the curtain wasn’t there.”

“You can still see her,” Nicky said. “It looks like she has a bra on. I wonder if she’ll really get naked.”

Laura slid her shorts off. The boys were so close she could hear them whispering in the back yard. She now only had the skimpy two-piece bikini on. She decided to give them even more to drool over.

“She’s taking the bra off!” Billy said, maybe a little too loudly.

Laura had turned her back to the window and removed the top piece. Then she reached down and slid the bottom off as well.

“Oh, damn, turn around please,” Nicky said, completely unaware that Laura could hear him. “Let’s move closer.”

Upon hearing that Laura sat on her bed and switched off the light. For just a brief moment the boys had been able to see the silhouette of her budding breasts. In the dark she laid back on her bed and let her hand go to her slit. Knowing that two boys were watching but unable to see anything was exciting, even if it was Nicky and Billy, two of the smaller and most annoying boys in her class.

“I got everything,” Janet said over the radio. “I’m on my way back.”

Laura reached for the volume control, but too late. The boys were right outside her window.

“What was that?” Billy asked.

“I don’t know, but let’s get out of here,” Nicky responded. They hurried across the back yard, both of them running awkwardly because of the erection they both had pushing against the fabric of their briefs. Laura got up and watched them run off until a cloud blotted out the moon and they were gone.

“Uh, hold up a second,” Billy said. “I, uh, gotta do something before we get back to the tent.”

“Yeah, I know,” Nicky said. “I gotta do it too.”

The two boys sat back to back as they took care of their need.

The first thing they noticed when they got back to the tent was that the fire was brighter. Someone had put more wood on it. Thinking it was one of their fathers they both became worried about being caught wandering around, something they had been warned not to do.

“How are we going to explain being in just our underpants?” Billy asked.

“I don’t know, we’ll think of something. But keep it down, just in case it isn’t our dads. Maybe it’s the bigger kids who drink beer.

“Shit, I sure hope not,” Billy said, suddenly even more conscience of being nearly naked.

They made a quiet circle but didn’t see or hear anyone, so they moved into the camp area.

“Our clothes are gone!” Nicky said as he peered into the tent. “Look around and see if they hid them somewhere.”

They spent an hour searching but found nothing. “Maybe it was our dads,” Billy said. “Punishing us for wandering off.”

“My dad would still be waiting here for me,” Nicky said. “Do you still get spankings?”

“Yeah, sometimes,” Billy admitted. “You’re right, if my dad found us gone, he’d still be here too. And yeah, I’d probably get spanked for being gone. So it must have been big kids. What if they come back?”

“I don’t know. But either we leave everything here and walk back in our underpants or we wait until it gets light and we can see better and see if they dropped them somewhere.”

“If it was big kids, they must have come from the road. Maybe we should go and have a look there before it gets light.”

They left again, following the trail in the dark. The end of the circle had two streetlights that lit up the ground around them. No clothing could be seen. “Do we dare go further?” Nicky asked.

“Let’s wait until dawn,” Billy answered. “If we get up right away we’ll be able to see further but other kids will still be asleep.”

They headed back to the tent, until suddenly Nicky remembered what they had heard from inside Laura’s room.

“It was a trap!” Nicky said. “Hutch set us up. He took our clothes while we were watching Laura. That’s what we heard—‘I’ve got everything,’ meaning our clothes.”

“I don’t know, that sounded like a girl’s voice to me.”

“Hutch sounds a bit like a girl,” Nicky said. “When we get him….”

“Hutch lives close by, but why would he steal our clothes?” Billy asked. “I think it’s the curse. Rodger was right; hanging out with you is dangerous. We should go home now before it gets worse.”

Janet had heard enough and an idea formed in her mind. “You’ll get your clothes back in the morning,” she said from behind the boy’s tent. “But it will cost you. First, come out and throw your underpants on the fire, and stand there until I say you can go back to bed. If you don’t, you’ll wish you had.”

Nicky and Billy both jumped out of their skins the moment she started speaking. Then it was dead quiet.

“What do we do?” Billy asked.

“I don’t know.” Nicky raised his voice and asked, “How do we know you’ll do what you say?”

Janet had moved to a new location, one where she’d be able to see around the fire better. “You don’t, you have to just trust. Do it now or we’ll make things even worse for you!”

“Shit, there’s more than one of them,” Nicky said.

“I don’t want to be naked,” Billy said. “Why don’t we just run?”

They heard a noise right outside the tent and could see the silhouette of someone between the tent and the fire.

“I see you Hutch Schmidt,” Nicky yelled. “I’m coming out to get you.”

“That’s not Hutch,” Billy said. “Not unless his hair grew down to his shoulders since this morning. I think it’s Laura and she just took our shoes. I guess that means we’re not running home.”

“Come on Laura,” Nicky yelled. “We didn’t even see anything. Give us our clothes back, please!”

From beyond the fire they heard, “Toss your underpants into the fire and stand there with your arms in the air until I tell you to stop, and you’ll get your clothes back in the morning. Otherwise, I’ll call your parents and tell them what you were doing.”

As soon as she stopped talking, Janet moved again. She kind of hoped the boys would do it; even though they were little pests she hadn’t ever seen a real boy naked and it would be kind of fun to see them. She was overjoyed when she saw them both come out of the tent and start looking around.

“Psst, I’m behind you,” Laura said so as not to scare Janet. “This could be interesting.”

The boys stood there for a minute before pushing their briefs down and stepping out of them. They tossed them into the fire and put their arms above their heads.

The flickering firelight made it was hard to see much, and Nicky and Billy didn’t have much to see anyway, but the girls enjoyed it anyway.
“Come on, let’s go,” Janet said softly.

“Aren’t you going to tell them they can go back inside the tent?”

“No, let them stand out here all night if they’re stupid enough to. We’ll come back in the morning with their clothes.” Janet moved off silently and Laura followed after one last peek at the two naked boys.

The boys stood there waiting to be told they were done. After about ten minutes, Nicky asked, “Anyone out there?”

When he didn’t get an answer, they stood there another few minutes before daring to go back into the tent.

“Do you think they’ll really bring out clothes back in the morning?” Billy asked.

“Yeah, probably,” Nicky said. “But it will probably cost us some more embarrassment to get them back.”

Worry about what the morning would bring kept both boys awake much of the night, but eventually they both did fall asleep. They woke to find Janet and Laura inside the tent.

“It’s about time you two woke up,” Janet said. “We were just about to unzip your sleeping bags and try to take off with them.”

“Did you bring our clothes?” he asked. Even though he was inside a sleeping bag, he covered his groin with his hands as he began to get hard.

“Yep, just like we agreed,” Laura said. “They’re nearby, and you can have them as soon as you do one little thing for us.”

“Uh, what’s that,” Billy asked.

“Get up and stand at attention outside. Once we get bored with looking at you we’ll go and get your clothes.”

“I, uh, look, maybe…”

“No deals!” Janet said. “Get outside standing at attention right now! Unless you want to find your clothes decorating various clothes lines all the way down the street.”

Billy took one look at Nicky, who shrugged his shoulders, and they both crawled out of their bags and left the tent. Once outside, they very slowly and reluctantly came to attention. Both had erections.

“How nice, you guys look like you’re ten,” Laura said.

“Maybe even nine,” Janet added. “Maybe we should make them stand here until they at least grow some hair.”

“I don’t have four years to devote to these two,” Laura said. “Are you satisfied?”

“Yeah, I guess. I do like seeing their faces bright red like that. I’m guessing they will probably leave us alone now for a while.”

“You’re clothes are right behind the tent,” Laura said. If you come back to bother me again you’ll have to hunt for them.”

The boys ran behind the tent, and found their clothes, only there was a minor problem. The girls had rolled their clothes up into a ball and wrapped the ball with grey duct tape. And then coated the duct tape with shrink wrap and heated it until the shrink wrap had shrunk tightly around the bundle.

The girls sat and watched as the humiliated boys struggled to tear into the shrink wrap and then to remove the duct tape before they could extract their clothes.

“Serves your right!” Laura said when the boys had finally completed the task and were pulling on clothes. “See you in school on Monday,” she added with a smirk.

(The End)