Cassia’s Curse: The Perfect Tree

By  Aldric

Copyright 2011 by Aldric, all rights reserved
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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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This story depicts minors in unusual conditions that may include unprotected, unsafe sex or extreme humiliation. Obviously, this does not describe real life and should not be taken as such. In the real world, behaviors as described in the story are not acceptable, tolerated, or legal. The reader should never confuse the difference between fiction and real life. This story is fictional.

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‘‘Got ya!’’ Nicky yelled. He was running around with the other kids throwing water balloons and didn’t care that Cassia wasn’t playing. Or that she had a white cotton shirt on. ‘‘Cool----I can see your bra!’’

‘‘Nicolas Freedman! Get away from me you little runt!’’

‘‘Ha, I’ll bet I’ll get a better look if I hit you again,’’ Nicky yelled. He hated being called Nicolas; he had made that plain enough at school. And Cassia was the smartest kid in seventh grade so she was certainly capable of understanding. So he threw another water balloon and hit Cassia right in the chest.

‘‘There, take that! What’re going to do about it?’’ he yelled as he dodged past her and went yelling to all the other boys that Cassia’s bra could be seen through her shirt.

‘‘I’ll show you what I’m going to do about it,’’ Cassia yelled as she chased after him. ‘‘Give me those!’’ she said to a boy as she grabbed the four balloons he had in his hand.

Somehow Nicky tripped, he never understood how, but he went down and landed on his last balloon, which burst under him. Then Cassia was on top of him.

‘‘I’ll show you not to mess with me,’’ Cassia said. She pulled out the front of his bathing suit and stuffed the four balloons right inside before pounding them with her fists until they burst at once inside his pants.

Nicky couldn’t believe she’d done that. She had pulled his suit open right out there on the front lawn where anyone could have seen inside. And she stuck her hand down in there. He had felt it on his dick!

‘‘Let me up you stupid cow,’’ he said. He struggled to get up from under her but was unable to get her off his chest.

‘‘You called me a cow? You? For that I curse you to have one misfortune after another! You will suffer the worst string of bad luck you’ve ever even heard of. And nobody will want you around them because the curse will fall on them too! That’s what you get for calling me a cow!’’

Cassie got up and left the party. She never even turned back and looked when she heard the other kids laughing at Nicky. Apparently when she grabbed the front of Nicky’s suit the string had broken and when he stood up they fell down around his knees.

The Perfect Tree

It had been a whole week since the ‘Cassie Curse’ incident and other than a few jokes in the hallways most people had forgotten about it, including Nicky, even though he still remembered the string breaking on his suit such that three or four kids had actually seen his privates. Fortunately, all of them had been boys, the girls had been limited to just seeing his butt. But in seventh grade, things like that get forgotten quickly.

The class was on a field trip just a short bus ride from the school in a grove of trees that bordered a highway. They were here to see how many different trees they could spot and identify and to collect a leaf from each different species.

Nicky and Roger Evans had left the main group and followed a trail that weaved in and out of the edge of the trees along the highway. They each had three leaves, and knew that they would have to stop fooling around and get busy or they’d get a bad grade. Nicky couldn’t afford too many more bad grades.

They were just about to turn back when they saw it----the perfect tree. It was thirty feet high, with a good grouping of strong branches sticking out from the trunk every three or feet. It was a perfect climbing tree. And the leaves on it were unlike the other leaves they had collected so far.

‘‘I’ll bet we could spot a hundred-dozen trees from up there,’’ Nicky said.

‘‘Maybe two hundred-dozen,’’ Roger responded. ‘‘And the brightest leaves are up on top where they get the most sun. We should climb up and take one each from the top.’’

Nicky readily agreed, and they dropped their books and collected leaves at the base and pulled themselves up onto the first branch.

They climbed easily for the first ten feet, but then the branches starting getting thinner and they bent as the boys stepped on them instead of supporting their weight like the lower ones had.

After another ten feet they had to hang on to the trunk as the tree swayed from side to side from the wind and from their movement. But they were too close to the top to stop there.

But after another five feet Roger decided that the leaves here were just as bright and clean as the ones a little higher and Nicky quickly agreed. They each grabbed two of the biggest and brightest ones they could reach (‘‘just in case,’’ Nicky said without any explanation) and then paused to look out over the small forest.

‘‘It seemed so much taller when were down there,’’ Roger said when he realized they couldn’t see any further from where they were than they could from the ground.

‘‘Yeah, maybe,’’ Nicky said. ‘‘But we climbed to the top, didn’t we!’’

His attention was diverted by a bird that landed just above them and yelled loudly at them, and the next thing Nicky knew was that he was falling backward. He did the logical thing and reached out to grab Roger.

Roger had seen his friend’s feet slip off the branch and knew what the logical reaction would be, so he attempted to step backward to avoid Nicky’s grasp. In retrospect that didn’t seem like such a good plan, as Roger found that the branches aren’t as wide as roofs and therefore there was nothing to step back onto.

Falling from a tree seems like such a quick process to someone on the ground, but when one is doing the actually falling it takes longer. Both Nicky and Roger had plenty of time to practice flying while wondering how much it was going to hurt when they actually reached the ground.

But after falling just ten feet the boys unexpectedly landed on another branch. Rather than balance and stand there like a cat would have, thus making it look planned rather than accidental, both boys slipped off the outer reaches of the branch as it bent under them and quickly found themselves falling head first instead of feet first.

While this offered a totally different vista, neither boy would have described it as beautify or breath-taking. They now had time to contemplate how much more it was going to hurt when they reached ground zero.

But miraculously, eight feet from the ground a protruding branch managed to ram itself down the back of each boy’s shorts and bring them to a gradual stop rather than the jarring stop they were hoping to avoid when they struck dirt.

This would have been wonderful, maybe even ‘fun’ except that they were now hanging upside down almost within reach of the ground. And their shorts were around their ankles, holding them to the branch that had undoubtedly saved their lives.

‘‘I can’t see anything!’’ Roger yelled. ‘‘I’m blind!’’

‘‘Your shirt is over your face,’’ Nicky said. He had experienced the same moment of concern, but was lucky he had figured it out moments before yelling something stupid.

Unable to keep their shirts around their body while hanging upside down they each tugged their shirts off over their head and let them drop to the ground.

‘‘Can you get free?’’ Nicky asked.

‘‘Nope, not a chance,’’ Roger answered.

‘‘Well then, that’s a problem,’’ Nicky said.

‘‘Why, they’ll find us eventually,’’ Roger said. ‘‘Won’t they?’’

‘‘Yeah, but we went where we weren’t supposed to go and went further than we were allowed to go, and we didn’t tell anyone where we were going. So it’s going to take them a while to find us.’’

‘‘So, now we’ve got a good excuse for not finishing the assignment,’’ Roger said, hoping more than believing. ‘‘At least we’ve got a nice breeze blowing in our face so we won’t get too hot.’’

‘‘Except for one thing,’’ Nicky said. ‘‘I’ve got to pee.’’

Roger wished Nicky had never said that. Roger had been fine right up until the moment Nicky said it, and then he suddenly had to pee too.

They made small talk, practiced their multiplication tables, and quizzed each other on history, all in an attempt to take their minds off of peeing, but once they knew they had to go each minute became worse.

‘‘I wish they’d hurry up and find us,’’ Roger said. He was squeezing his penis through his tan underpants. ‘‘I don’t think I can hold it another minute.’’

‘‘I can’t wait,’’ Nicky said. He pulled his penis through the opening on his blue briefs and just in time too. It no more than cleared the opening before the pee came out in a stream.

And then Nicky remembered the ‘nice breeze’ Roger had mentioned. The stream of pee broke into a million drops and the wind blew it right back on him, where it collected on his chest before running down his face, through his hair, and finally dripping down to land on his shirt.

Nicky tried to push it back inside his underpants, but all that did was let them get soaked before the hot pee followed the same path.

Meanwhile Roger, unaware of the problem Nicky had discovered, lifted the top of his briefs and let the piss fly, with exactly the same result that Nicky had.

‘‘Shit!’’ Nicky said.

‘‘Thank god it was just piss for me,’’ Roger said, misunderstanding what his friend meant. ‘‘That’s bad enough!’’

‘‘No, I didn’t----did you hear that?’’

‘‘Hey, we’re over here,’’ Roger said as he heard the same thing Nicky had heard.

‘‘Shut up,’’ Nicky said. ‘‘We’ve just peed all over ourselves and we’re just in underpants. Don’t call them over yet, wait until the piss dries up first!’’

But it was too late as they heard their classmates following the trail towards them.

‘‘They’re over here,’’ Steve Miller said, ‘‘And you’re not going to believe this!’’

The whole class gathered around and laughed at the two boys hanging there in pee-soaked briefs. Ms. Jefferson, their teacher, had no sympathy for them.

‘‘You two,’’ she said, pointing at two of the bigger boys, ‘‘Lift those two up on your shoulders and let them untie their shoes, then we should be able to get them down.’

The boys quickly followed their teacher’s direction, but as Roger and Nicky’s shoes came off something unexpected happened----the two suspended boys slipped out of their shorts and fell the last few feet to the ground, landing in a puddle of their own piss. The branch that had supported them, now free of their weight, suddenly straightened out, and in the process flung the two pair of shorts up twenty feet into the tree where they collected on another branch.

Amongst the laughter, one of the boys offered to climb up and recover the shorts, but the teacher immediately said no. ‘‘These two are lucky enough as it is they aren’t hurt,’’ she said. ‘‘No tree climbing was one of the rules and I’m not going to change it now. If their parents want to come back and get their pants then they can, but we’re going back to the bus. We’re already late!’’

‘‘But, Ms. Jefferson,’’ Nicky said, picking up his soaking wet shirt, ‘‘We can’t go back like this.’’

‘‘Does anyone here have any extra clothes they can lend to Roger and Nicky?’’ As would be expected, none of the kids offered any. ‘‘Then I don’t think you have any choice. You can call your parents to pick you up when we get back to the school. It serves you right for breaking nearly every rule we had for this trip.’’

Not allowing any further argument, Mr. Jefferson lead the sixteen students, two of them smelling foul and wearing soaked briefs, back to the bus. And she didn’t even attempt to stop the other kids from teasing the two hapless boys.

‘‘I told you what would happen for messing with me,’’ Cassia said to Nicky as he walked in shame along the trail. ‘‘You’re cursed now and there’s nothing you can do about it.’’

The walk through the woods followed by the bus ride back to the school was bad enough, but once back at school they were sent to the gym to take a shower, something no seventh-grader ever did. Their briefs, still soaked but now with water instead of pee, were too wet to wear, so they both had to walk down the hall to the office wearing just a gym towel (which clearly wasn’t big enough!) and then wait until their respective parents arrived with fresh clothes for them to wear.


(The End)