* * * *
This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of
sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to
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* * * * * Stripping Tim by Willie B Florida comments welcome to
williebflorida@gmail.com * * * "Mom, please, no! Don't
do it." "It's completely
normal, Tim. You'll get
used to it in no time. What about your friend Mark? His mom stripped
him last
year and I don't hear him complaining." "That's different. Mark
doesn't like to
upset his mom." "And you do?" "No! But, Mark's an
only child--and she's
a single mom. It's different." "Mark is a very nice
boy, I agree. But I
still don't think he minds a bit about being stripped." "Well, I do
mind. Look, I'll do
whatever you want. I'll wear those shorts you bought me--the really
short ones.
I will, I promise, I will. They even let you wear them to school now." "They are very cute
shorts, I'll
admit." "And you can make me
wear that skimpy
bathing suit when we go swimming--the one that's like a girl's bikini. I'll
even go without a shirt at home. You'd like that, right?"
"I would like that."
"I'll sleep naked. Like
when I was a little kid. You're always going on about that."
"I don't know how you can
stand wearing anything to bed. Besides, it is so much healthier to
naked--that's a medical fact. But I want you naked all the time, not
just when
you're asleep."
"But, why?"
"Being stripped is a
completely normal thing. You're being ridiculous. Besides, it's
important for
your sexual development."
"Mom! That's private. What
do you have to do with my sexual development?"
"I'm your mother. I have
something to do with every part of your development."
"Look, you don't need to
worry. I already do it, I mean, not it it . . .
geez this is so
"You'd be a very unusual
boy if you weren't masturbating."
"It's nothing to be embarrassed
about. You need to be comfortable in your own skin."
"I am comfortable
in my own skin . . . I just don't want to parade it in front of the
"Exactly! You're way too
self-conscious. Being stripped is a good step in the right
direction--get used
to your body, other people's bodies . . ."
"Okay, fine! You want me
to have a girlfriend, is that it? I can find a girlfriend."
"I'm sure there are many
girls--boys, too, for that matter . . ."
"Just saying, you're a
very charming and good-looking boy!"
* * *
"He's a cutie,"
offered the clerk behind the Publix customer service counter.
I looked over at my son. I had
to agree. The turquoise colored shorts had only a one and a half inch
inseam. Just
enough to keep his but cheeks covered in fabric. I hadn't allowed him
to put on
underwear, so his no longer so tiny "equipment" was tucked into those
tiny shorts, too. His salmon pink crop top left six inches of
well-toned abs
and belly button exposed. Blond hair, slightly tanned. Long white socks
have made him just a tad bit sexier. On the other hand, bare feet in
flip flops
left his long legs exposed all the way up to those crotch hugging
shorts. He
looked fantastic. Almost adorable enough, but not quite.
"I'll take one strip chip,
please," I told the clerk. "Yeah, its for him," I answered her
unspoken question. "Here's my driver's license and his ID."
She slid the IDs through the
machine and took my proffered debit card while my son zoned out in that
oblivious state that teens so often inhabit.
"Okay, honey," I
tapped Tim on the shoulder. "Time to strip off."
"Huh? What?"
"You'll need to put your
clothes in this box," the clerk informed him, "Unless you want to
keep them?" she asked me.
"Oh, no. He won't be
needing them anymore and he's my only kid. Let someone else look good
"What, mom?"
"You're stripped, honey.
You need to get undressed. Hurry up, I've got shopping to do."
"You can't strip me, mom!
I did everything you wanted. I wore the shorts, slept naked; I even
wore this
half t-shirt to the store!"
"I know, it really is cute
on you. Come on, strip off. The chip's already behind your ear. They
won't even
let us out of the store if you're wearing clothes."
"You want his flip flops,
too?" I asked the clerk.
"He can wear them or
not--it's up to you," she answered. "SFF doesn't care."
"Okay, hand me the flip
flops, Tim. You can go barefoot in the store. Want me to help you with
crop top?"
"Geez, mom. I know how to
undress myself."
"Well, lets get a move
He pulled one arm and then the
other out of the short sleeves and pulled the top over his head.
"Want me to do the
zipper," I teased.
"Mom . . . " Tim
pulled the zipper down over his penis with exaggerated care and with
only a
slight moment of hesitation let them drop. He lifted his feet one after
other and pushed the bit of fabric aside.
I picked up the shirt and
shorts, dropped them into the clothing receptacle and thanked the clerk.
With one freshly stripped teen
in tow I set out to get the last few items on my list. The shorts had
cute, but that shapely little nude butt? No comparison. For the moment
it shown
like spotlight.
"We're going to have make
sure you get some sun, boy," I teased him. "That behind is so white
it's blinding."
No sooner did we head down the
first aisle than who should we see but Tim's classmate Tammie.
"Tim! You got stripped.
This is so cool. We'll be able to do some fun stuff together now."
"It wasn't my idea,"
he growled.
"Tim!" I chastised
him, "be nice."
He cast me a quick sideways
glance but said nothing more.
"You've been stripped for
awhile," I addressed Tammie. "You don't mind it, do you?"
"It took a little getting
used to," she admitted, "but now I love it."
"See, Tim, she loves
He nodded, still silent, but I
noticed there was a little chemistry between these two. Tim's penis was
hardening up a bit in spite of the overly air-conditioned interior of
"Would you like to come
over for supper," I asked Tammie. "We eat at 7:30."
"I'd love to Mrs. P. Thank
you. Actually, I have to ask my mom first."
"Of course. Just come by
at 7 o'clock if she says its okay."
"Thank you. Bye Tim!"
That was a flirtatious good-bye if I ever saw one. Cute girl. A little
than my son, but in good shape. Muscular, tanned up like all stripped
kids. Barefoot. No jewelry that I could see.
"She seems like a very
nice girl." I remarked.
"That was super
embarrassing," my son complained.
"Oh! I have a feeling you
like her."
"Hmph," he grunted.
* * *
I'd briefly considered putting
Tim on the starter pills, but I needn't have worried. As soon as Tammie
in the door he was hard as a rock. On the way home from the store I'd
to eke out of him that he and Tammie were "sort of" going out.
"I didn't think that look
she gave you was the first time you'd flirted," I opined.
"Just don't go thinking
that stripping me is going to change anything about my . . . um . . .
you know,
I nodded as sagely as I could,
but then broke into a grin. I couldn't help myself.
Tim has grown so fast in the
last six months. I thought everything was going into height, making him
and skinny. Seeing him naked I've revised that assessment: height and
He's long, especially now that he's immobilized in the middle of the
with his hard on sticking straight out in front of him and his feet
glued to the floor. On his lanky body his erection looks even bigger.
"I'm so glad you stripped
him," Tammie said. Her eyes feasted on my son's hard on. Her tongue ran
over her lips. "It means we're allowed to do almost anything, right?"
"That's what I
understand," I agreed.
"Do you think I could suck
him off?" the girl asked eagerly.
"Absolutely. You can do it
right here."
"Sure!" This girl was
not shy.
She strode across to my still
paralyzed son, knelt down and sucked his stiff member right into her
mouth. She
warmed up for a few moments and then went at it. Tim gasped and his
eyes rolled
back into his head. Tammie was no novice. She was obviously keenly
aware of
exactly what each ministration of her tongue and throat were doing to
sweetie.Just when
I thought Tim was
going to collapse to the floor he sprang forward, his penis clearly
straight down Tammie's gullet. I could see her throat expand to swallow
jet as my son bravely road out his orgasm. She pulled off with a loud
smack and
let Tim's reddened penis loose from her mouth.
"That wasn't so bad, was
it?" I teased my son.
Gasping, his heart visibly
beating in his chest, his eyes dazed and a lopsided grin on his face he
his head.
"You're no slouch in the blow
job department, Tammie."
The girl licked her lips clean
and swallowed one more time before answering. "I actually haven't done
that many different boys, Mrs. P.My mom
probably spent way too much on sexualizing me. It was the summer before
grade and she hired this guy. Really good teacher!" She exclaimed.
"And, I did have a boyfriend last year. Got some practice. Anyway,"
she changed to a more upbeat tone, "I'm really going to enjoy catching
up on his sexual development."
Tim looked at me suspiciously.
"I didn't say a
thing," I crossed my heart. "I didn't even know you had a
"What?" Tammie asked,
looking back and forth between us.
"Tim was just a little
concerned that getting stripped was going to be no big deal."
"Mom . . . please."
"I mean, I should have
known when he offered to 'find' a girlfriend so easily that he was
involved with someone."
Tammie laughed. "You want
involved, Tim? I'm going to teach you cunnilingus right after supper."
"Kunna--what?" Tim
"You're going to love
it," Tammie exclaimed, "trust me."
Yes, I like this girl. She's
definitely going to be a good influence on my son. "You go girl!" I
"Oh, yeah," she
"You know, Tim, as an
aside . . . " I set soup, salad and melted cheese sandwiches on the
and gestured to the two teens to sit down, " . . . I really don't think
you need to be on the pills, at least for now. You're already hard
"Okay, Mom, I get it. You
don't need to rub it in."
"What?" I asked
"I'm stripped. I'm hard.
It looks like I'm going to be having a lot of sex. So, you were right."
How smug can a mother get?
-- finis --