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* * * * * Robbie by Willie B Florida comments welcome to: williebflorida@gmail.com ______________ PART EIGHT Robbie stood in the kitchen, as he did every morning, while his mother
applied the creme to his lengthening penis.Robbie--and his mother--continued to prefer the creme and the way it
gave the boy a gentle erection sticking straight out from his body. It was a
contrast to the exaggerated full erections sported by boys who had pulsing
penis rings and were on the full dose of pills or the even stronger shots
provided by Stripped for Florida.Robbie--and his mother--also enjoyed the daily sessions of applying the
creme, and Robbie let himself feel the pleasure of having his penis massaged
every morning. "Trin is going to move in with us," his mother informed him,
gently working the creme into his lengthening member. "What?" "The school she goes to isn't challenging enough. They want to skip
her a grade, but it would really be better if she came here for the rest of
middle school. Then she'd be all set to go to high school here." "But, mom . . . " "I know . . . but it's Trin we're talking about." Left unspoken was the awkward situation with Trin's mother and her
partner.Charlene and Cherie had made
half-hearted apologies for their treatment of Robbie the summer he first
arrived in Florida.Robbie spent time in
Jacksonville with his dad and Marie.They even spent time with the entire group, Charlene, Cherie, Trin and
Stace, as well as Marie and Jim.But
Robbie and his mother were cautious. They'd go on an outing or out to dinner,
on a picnic, a day at the beach, or swimming at a spring -- but Robbie made
sure never to be alone with Charlene and Cherie and avoided as much as possible
all discussions of girls getting what they wanted, what boys deserved, or any
of that. "I don't want her here, mom. She's demanding and thinks she can
have anything she wants . . . especially me!" "Robbie . . . " "No!"Robbie
yelled.His penis was erect now and
jutting straight out from his body. But his mother still grasped the shaft with
her two hands. "Listen, Robbie." "It's not fair. Girls get whatever they want," he recited
sarcastically. "Some parents would have you whipped for being
insubordiNatee," his mother stated. "Yeah . . . or paddled." "Or have your penis tattooed and pierced and a bar put through
it," Diane added. "Ouch!" "Or have you bound and gagged and strung up on the wall for a
couple of hours to think things over." "Mom!" Robbie protested. "I just want you to bear in mind that all of that is perfectly
legal in the state of Florida.And it's
not just because you're a boy," she reminded him. "Parents do that to
their girls, too, all the time." "What's your point?" "My point is that I don't believe in spanking you, hitting you,
tying you up, or deforming your body without your permission, but . . . " Incongruously, Robbie allowed himself to enjoy the superb sensations of
his mother continuing to stroke his penis."That feels good, mom.Don't
stop." "My point," his mother emphasized, although she continued to
stroke him, "is that I don't believe in doing all that to get your
attention because I believe that you are capable of having a reasonable
conversation with me. So, if you'll allow me to talk to you without breaking
into a fit . . . " "Okay," Robbie assented."I'm listening." "Marie's been talking with Trin, and with Trin's moms. She's a
smart girl and the school she's going to isn't a stellar academic institution.
I mentioned that Gainesville has very good public schools, and I offered that
Trin could live with us . . . hang in there Robbie, I'm not done," his
mother tweaked the end of his dick for emphasis, " . . . but that she
would live here on our terms. I would be her loco parentis--basically her
parent while she is here--with all the rights and responsibilities that
entails." "Okay," Robbie replied warily. "That means that I will be looking after both of your best
interests.Also," she continued,
"I believe that Trin has matured considerably. Haven't you noticed that
she has a different outlook on things lately?" "Maybe," Robbie wavered. "So, she will be moving in next week so she can get adjusted before
school starts." "Next week!" Robbie exclaimed. "Where will she
sleep?" "We have a small apartment, so the two of you will need to share a
room." "You mean my room." "It will be your room--as in 'your' plural," Diane clarified. "God--I don't even get to have my own room again--ever?" "Well, not forever.You will
be graduating high school at the end of next year." "That's two whole years, mom." "Yes, I'm fully aware of what grade you are in, son." * * * They drove over to the forest and Robbie helped load up the car with
Trin's things.She was a stripped girl,
just as he was a stripped boy, so she didn't have any clothes.They weren't taking any furniture, so really,
it was a very small amount of things.And when they got back to Gainesville it didn't take long to put her
stuff away alongside Robbie's stuff. It is surprising how much room there is in
a bedroom when there are no clothes to store. The first few days weren't bad. They went bike riding, swimming at the
public pool, searching for shark teeth in the Hogtown Creek, and exploring in
the woods. Robbie was surprised how much more enjoyable all these activities
were when he wasn't trying to do them alone. It was evenings and mornings that
were awkward. "Mom, can you just get this done?"Diane was rubbing the creme into the boy's
dick and seemed to be taking all the time in the world. "You usually enjoy this, Robbie. What's the rush?" his mom
asked. "Mom!" Robbie nodded his head toward the bathroom where Trin
was taking a morning shower. "You know . . . " "You're shy?" his mother asked incredulously. And as if mornings weren't awkward, Robbie discovered that he absolutely
could not get to sleep if he didn't cum first.They'd gotten a blow-up mattress for Trin and she was just two feet away
from his bed.He lay awake every evening
waiting to hear the even breathing that meant that Trin had fallen asleep, and
even then he stroked himself as quietly as he possibly could, until he would
finally be close to orgasm.He'd roll
over on his side with his back towards Trin's mattress and with the last rapid
strokes on his erection shoot towards the wall.As his breath would slow down he'd finally doze off and sleep for the
night. It was the end of the first week since Trin had moved in.School was starting the next morning. "You two need to get to sleep on time tonight," his mother
admonished them. "You each have a bus to catch in the morning and they
arrive super early." "Yeah, yeah," Robbie acquiesced. "As if . . . " "Hmmmm?" his mom questioned. "I mean, it's not as if we stay up talking." "I don't know what you two do in there," Diane stated.
"Just make sure you get enough sleep." Robbie lay in bed. He wanted to sleep, but he was totally awake.He decided that Trin must be asleep and
slowly began stroking his penis.He was
just beginning to feel the wonderful sensation of extra blood flow into his
erection when Trin's voice startled him into temporary paralysis. "You don't have to worry about me," Trin spoke, her voice
coming from near the floor in the darkness. Robbie stayed motionless. "I don't mind at all that you need to cum at night," Trin went
on. Robbie let himself start breathing, but said nothing. "If you want me to sleep in the living room, I can ask your
mom," Trin spoke quietly. "No!" Robbie blurted out. He was so surprised by his own
answer that he had to retreat into himself to discover what he was thinking. "I really appreciate being here, but I don't want to be in the
way." "You could sleep next to me," Robbie suggested. "Really?" "if you want," he added hastily. He realized he was still
nervous about presuming to know what any girl might want. There was a rustle of bedding and the scrape of the air mattress on the
floor and then he felt Trin scramble onto the bed next to him.He felt her hand reach out and touch his bare
torso.He reached back and felt
skin.After a moment he realized what he
was touching and withdrew his hand. "It's just my breast," Trin laughed softly."It's okay!"Trin had begun maturing physically as well as
emotionally, and her breasts were large enough to be past the budding stage. "It's nice to have you here," Robbie told her. "I'm glad to be here. I missed you," Trin replied. They fell asleep holding hands. It was early, at the crack of dawn, that the alarm rang.Robbie reached to turn it off and was
immediately confused. Who was in the bed?Oh, shit, Trin.Then he
remembered the night before and smiled, and then realized he had a huge morning
erection.He maneuvered carefully to get
out from between the wall and Trin without waking her up, but just as he was in
the most awkward position she opened her eyes to see the sight of his morning
wood right overhead. "Wow!" she intoned.He
couldn't tell if she was teasing him or not. He scrambled out of the room and stepped into the bathroom to pee. "Time to get up, kids!" his mom called.She was bustling about the kitchen getting
their lunches made and breakfast on the table."Trin," she called, "get cleaned up and come eat." Trin rolled out of bed, squeezed past Robbie as he walked out of the
bathroom and started her ablutions. "Robbie," said his mother, "let me get this creme on you
and then you can eat." Robbie stood there, enjoying the sensations of having his penis brought
to erection again and thinking that it felt better than usual.Oh my god, he realized, I fell asleep without
cumming last night.As he thought about
his evening routine his penis filled with more blood than usual. "Does he ever cum when you do that?" Trin asked. Robbie jolted out of his reverie. "Mom . . . " he protested. "I'm almost done, honey.Stand still," she admonished."When I first started doing this, a few years ago, he'd cum fairly
often. I guess he's gotten used to it now because it's pretty rare." "Uh, mom, please," Robbie protested. He felt oddly close to
ejaculating. "Just a few more strokes, Robbie," his mother replied.
"I'll hurry it up so you can get your breakfast down." That was all it took. His mother's speeded up pace brought him to the
point of no return."Mom . . .
" he warned and then shot ejacula straight ahead, squirting all over his
mother's hands, arms and legs. "Like I said," his mother said, without breaking pace,
"Once in a while he'll still cum." * * * "How was school," Diane wanted to know. She looked across the
table at Trin and Robbie. "The usual," Robbie shrugged. "It's officially IB this
year--that's InterNateional Baccalaureate," he told Trin. "I know, Robbie," she replied, her voice only slightly
elevated. "That's why I moved here, or maybe your mom didn't tell
you," she added more understandingly. "Sorry." Robbie said. "It's okay." Diane watched this interchange with interest, noting the increased
patience and maturity of both kids. "Anyway, I think I have good teachers this year.Not sure about Ms. Murphy--English
teacher."Robbie rolled his eyes. "Robbie always has it out for his English teacher," Diane
explained. "Not really.It's just, I
don't know why the dumbest people teach English. Or, maybe it's the subject.
I'm just not enamored of it." "The kids say I'm a hippie," Trin put in. "A hippie!" Diane exclaimed. "What makes them say
that." "They call me a hippie, too," Robbie shrugged, "among
other things," he added under his breath. "What? I don't get it," Diane said. "Cuz I'm not shaved -- or bare, or whatever," Trin explained. Robbie nodded agreement. Diane looked from one to the other. Both kids looked neat and trim,
clean, no piercings, no tattoos, proper haircuts. "It's not what I would
have called Hippie," she observed. "They don't know about any of that stuff you talk about, mom,"
Robbie explained, "from the old days. It's all about body hair." "Most stripped kids--I don't know about the other kids," Trin
went on, "but, most of the stripped kids have all their pubic hair, and
sometimes all their body hair, laser removed.I don't think they shave it all the time.I think its permanently removed.But either way, having a muff or a bush like
mine is considered way too weird: hippie!" "Same for boys," agreed Robbie. "But, I don't care.My dick looks better than most people's
anyway." Robbie sat back with a smug grin on his face. Trin was tempted to tease him, but she agreed. He was a damn
good-looking boy. "I don't know why you aren't more popular," she
wondered. "I just don't have that many friends. I don't mind," Robbie
stated defensively. Especially now that you're here, he thought. "You're just happy I'm here, aren't you?" "I am," Robbie admitted. "Well, I'm happy this is working out," Diane exclaimed
appreciatively. "It will be while before dinner. Do you two want to go
downtown for frozen yogurt -- I'll give you some money." "Sure, that would be great!" Trin exclaimed. Robbie nodded in
agreement.Mochi had great frozen
yogurt--and toppings--but it was expensive. If his mom wanted to treat them, so
much the better.Plus, downtown had one
other great attraction. Robbie managed to steer them so that they passed by the large picture
window of Gallery J. He slowed down to check out the blond boy who was being
strapped into the leather recliner. "I wonder what treat is in store for him today?" he wondered
out loud. They watched with rapt attention as the boy was settled into the
recliner.His wrists and ankles were
strapped into place and two attendants in the black Gallery J uniforms began to
work oil into the boy's skin.He must
have been only 11 or 12 years old, just beginning puberty, with a dusting of
blond pubic hair. "They're going to be doing more than just massaging him,"
Robbie declared, "or they wouldn't have him strapped in." As if to confirm his observation, a third attendant stepped into view
and slipped a ball gag into the boy's mouth.The action got more intense now and the boy's dick rose straight up into
the air.Two of the attendants moved to
the sides and unstrapped each of his ankles and the third produced a large
yellow dildo. Trin glanced at Robbie and saw that he was completely immersed in the
proceedings. "It's not just the kid," Trin had a sudden realization,
"it's as if you're holding the dildo, too, right?" Before he could respond two older boys sauntered past."Well, if it isn't the faggot of
Eastside!" the older one mocked Robbie. "Fuck off, jerk," Robbie muttered, his connection broken with
the deflowering of the young boy. "What? Did you say something to me?" The boy's tone was
threatening. "Who's the chick?" the other boy put in. "You better find
someone else," he addressed Trin, "Faggie boy doesn't know what to do
with girls." "He's my sister, for your information, and" she added loudly,
"we were just going into Gallery J -- they're offering Robbie a job." The two boys were left standing on the sidewalk, unable to think of a
quick retort. Inside the lobby Robbie turned on Trin. "What was that all about? I
don't have a job, and I'm not your . . . " For some reason he couldn't
finish the sentence. "Who were those turds!" Trin exclaimed. "I wanted to
fucking kill them!" "The Simon twins." "Oh my god, really?" "Yeah, they make my life hell at school on a daily basis. Wait, do
you know them?" "I've never laid eyes on them, but one of them raped my friend
Suzie's sister.God, I really should
kill them." "Stop!" Robbie held out his hand. He was afraid Trin was going
to run after them right this minute. "They're really nasty. I don't want
anything to happen . . . "He was
still afraid to act as if a girl might need any type of protection. Trin sat down in one of the comfortable chairs in the waiting room."Let's think this through. What is their
weak point?What would they want more
than anything?" "Well," Robbie pondered.He realized that he knew exactly what Natee Simon wanted. "I'm not
sure how I know this, but . . . " "What?" Trin pressed him. "Can I just ask you something, first?" "Sure, what is it?" "Did you mean what you said, back there, to the Simon twins?" "That I wanted to kill them?" "No. That I am your . . . sister?" * * *