* * * *
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sexual activity
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* * * * * Robbie by Willie B Florida comments welcome to: williebflorida@gmail.com ______________ PART FIVE "Oh crap, where did those kids go?" "No worries, honey. They're at Mochi. It's
just around the corner." The air conditioning was blasting away and the
interior was far too pink and plastic, but for some reason the two naked
youngsters were gulping down large containers of frozen yogurt and didn't seem
to be a bit cold.The adults went
through the line and piled toppings on their own frozen desserts and sat down
next to Trin and Robbie. "We've got a treat lined up for you,"
Marie informed them. "A better treat than this?" Trin
squealed. Robbie's dad expected the boy to be suspicious
and had been trying to figure out how to get him into Gallery J without putting
up a huge fuss, but whether it was the dessert, Trin or Marie's
"treat" approach, Robbie seemed interested enough. "Yup, even better than this," Marie
asserted. Sex, sugar and rock and roll. They tossed their empty containers into the
recycling bin and sauntered down the brick sidewalk to Gallery J.Two large recliners faced the street on the
other side of the huge display window and Robbie's dad imagined the kids inside
getting all over rub-downs. He had only a vague idea what the 'boy wake up' and
'girlathon' entailed, but he guessed that it was relaxing and just a bit on the
sensuous side.After all, these were
only kids after all! The group were greeted by a trio of
enthusiastic twenty-somethings dressed in matching form-fitting black spandex
outfits. Gallery J was printed across the fabric in a bright-white calligraphic
font, the letters undulating over the bosoms of the two female employees and
rippling more gently over the toned physique of the one male. "Good morning," Robbie's dad greeted
them. "We were recommended by the office across the street -- um, your
'boy wake up' service?" "Sure, my name's Trish, and I'll be happy
to explain. Have you ever visited one of our Galleries before?" "Um, no, I have not," Robbie's dad
replied. "We're located in cities all across
Florida, each one with a letter, Gallery A, Gallery B, and so on.So, this is Gallery J." "Shouldn't it be Gallery G," Robbie
interrupted, "You know, Gainesville." "That would have been great," Trish
giggled, "But they're in the order the locations were opened." "So, am I right, you're the one getting
pampered in our spa service today?" Robbie looked at his dad. "That's right!" Jim confirmed. "And what's your name?" asked one of
the female attendants, coming around the desk and speaking directly to Robbie. "I'm
Annette." "Um, Robbie." Marie noted that the
boy was consciously trying to lower his voice and stand up straight. "Pleased to meet you, Robbie. You're a
very good looking young man." Robbie followed the woman's gaze and looked
down at his naked body."Our goal
today is to make you feel absolutely fantastic. If you'll come with me, we have
a little video game to get you ready for today's experience and then we'll move
you into our massage lounge." Giving Marie and his dad a nod and a smile,
the woman guided Robbie down the corridor. "While Robbie's helping us out with some
pertinent information, let me just go over the services we'll provide today and
take care of some details. What about the young lady?" the male attendant
inquired. "Trin?" Marie asked the young girl,
"what would you like to do, get the 'girlathon' spa treatment, or watch
Robbie get his?" "Um, I dunno, what's he going to
get?" "Okay, well, I'll do the rundown here with
y'all.So, Robbie's playing a video game
right now that helps us to determine a lot about his attractions and
predilections--basically, what turns him on. It's in the form of a game rather
than a questionnaire because that gets into his subconscious likes and dislikes
a lot more quickly and effectively. Once we've created his profile, we'll get
started with his spa treatment. Our formula works on all the erogenous zones.
The skin is the largest, of course, and our massage creme goes deep into the
pores, warming and stimulating the entire body surface. Based on Robbie's
profile we'll have added our patented line of hormonal components to the creme
as well as subtle scents. These work on the olfactory system and the deepest
parts of the brain stem, awakening the erotic stimulus at the most basic level.
As our therapists work the creme into his skin, they'll pay special attention
to those special erogenous zones. Some are obvious: ears, toes, nipples, belly.
But some are surprising, and very individualized to each person, so we'll be
working on those surprise areas as well.Don't worry," the attendant assured them, "we get to the more
exciting zones as well." He paused for a moment and looked Trin straight
in the eyes.She grinned back.
"Yes, the buttocks, perineum, prostate, scrotum, testes, mons pubis,
phallus . . . let me ask, is this a special present for your boy, or are
awakening him for a specific purpose?" "I guess I accidentally stripped my son
and he's just not getting used to it," his dad responded. "Actually, my niece asked to have him
stripped, and in our family the girls get what they want," Marie laughed,
giving Robbie's dad a serious nudge in the ribs with her elbow. "Don't
they?" "They sure do," he replied, looking
at the attendant with a look of rueful resignation. "But, he still won't fuck me," Trin
declared, hands on her hips."It sure
is a difficult decision. I really want to watch, it sounds so exciting.But if the 'girlathon' is anything like this,
I mean, how can I pass that up?I just
don't know!" "Thanks for letting me know the
situation," the spa attendant replied. "We'll be sure to give Robbie
the full treatment. All you really need to decide is whether you want him
brought all the way to orgasm, or just hanging there at the end, dying to
cum." "Wow, this thing is a lot more, what shall
I say, x-rated . . . ?I mean, he's just
14 you know?" "4, 14, 24 . . . no problem," the spa
employee smiled. "That's Florida! In any case, let's get the papers
signed. You'll need to initial all the various boxes to indicate you've given
permission for staff to stimulate each erogenous zone.Sign at the bottom. Then we need you to slide
your ID and his through our system.If
the young lady wants a spa treatment, too, we'll need her ID as well and get
her started on the profiling." "Will it work if she's my niece?" Marie
asked. "Her moms aren't in town with us." "Unless you're her legal guardian, I'm
sorry.We're not permitted to provide
the services without the IDs matching up." "Looks like your decision is made for
you," Marie prodded Trin. "That is such a relief!" Trin
exclaimed. "I really do want to watch. It is going to be so
exciting!" "Well, that takes care of that," the
attendant laughed. "Let's slide those IDs and settle the payment. The
package is $179.00.We give a $25.00
discount for the referral from SFF, so the total is $154.00. And, a final
decision? Is the boy to be brought to orgasm at the end, or are you leaving him
hanging?" "I think it's up to you," Marie said
to Robbie's father. "You're a male, what's your opinion?" "Well, I guess that depends on the
ultimate goal. Is it to get Robbie to fuck Trin, or to make him happier as a
stripped Florida boy?" "I think it's to make him happier,"
Marie offered. "What? That boy so needs to fuck me!"
Trin protested. "Well, if happier is the goal," his
father continued, "let him come. He'll be feeling really good and revel in
being naked--at least for a while. If he doesn't come, he'll be feeling
frustrated. The naked thing will get all mixed up with the aggravation and . .
. let's face it, Trin, I don't think you want to get fucked just because he's
frustrated." "It's not fair!" Trin pouted, but
without her usual vehemence. "You want to see him cum, don't you!"
Marie teased. "I do," Trin admitted, "I'm glad
you couldn't sign me up for the spa thing. This is going to be so
awesome!" "And, Robbie's going to be happier!" Marie
concluded. "I sure hope so." Robbie's dad pulled
out his new Florida ID, the court papers, and Robbie's California school ID
card as well as his VISA credit card. The attendant gave a glance at the complex
paper work. "I'll just take this into the office for them to sort out and
we'll prep the spa space for your son. We start with a one-way mirror, so y'all
can watch from the street outside. About halfway through the treatment the
mirror goes transparent and Robbie realizes he's on display to the public. You'll
enjoy the reaction, I'm sure.If you'll
just wait a moment, sir, we'll make sure the paperwork goes through and then
you can move outside and enjoy the show!" "I know I'm going to!" Trin giggled
with excitement. * * * The three lingered in the lobby, hoping to
catch Robbie before he was taken into the "treatment room" but after
another ten minutes one of the young ladies at the front desk told them that he
was already on the table and that if they didn't head outside they'd be missing
the show. Jim, Marie and Trin hurried outside. A much more compliant Robbie than his father
had expected was lying fully naked--of course--on the luxurious faux leather
recliner in the large display window of Gallery J.The recliner had been adjusted to lie flat
and Robbie's head was nestled in a face cradle.Two spandex-clad Gallery J therapists, one male and one female, were
slicking Robbie's skin with oil from head to toe. Even his hair was fully
greased and one of the therapists took her time to work her nails into Robbie's
scalp and grasp tufts of hair and gently pull on them.While the male attendant worked all around
the neck and shoulder muscles, the female gave Robbie a thorough foot massage. Soon
enough, however, the two were working in tandem, one on each side of Robbie,
giving him a simultaneous deep tissue massage up and down each side of his
body.Trin noticed with interest how
much attention they spent on his upper legs, thighs and buttocks. She let out a
squeal as each masseuse (or was it masseur?) reached under Robbie at the same
time and snaked his phallus out and between his legs. They'd been watching the spectacle alone, but
as if on cue with the phallic grasp onlookers began to gather from among those
walking down the sidewalk.Robbie was
rolled over onto his front and his penis throbbed in the air, parallel to his
abdomen.The two spa workers seemed to
ignore the throbbing organ as they again worked in tandem, starting at the
toes, working up the legs, thighs, outer hips, ribs and shoulders.Now things started to get interesting.Two little rubber tube-like appendages were
attached to Robbie's nipples.The boy
visibly started and his penis made an extra leap in the air. Watching closely, Trin exclaimed, "I think
they're alive!Look, they're pulsing or
something." "Batteries or something?" Marie
wondered. "They're like guppies!" Trin
giggled.Whatever they were, they were
like two little mouths nibbling and pulsing at Robbie's nipples and it was
obviously making him very aroused.The
first attendant was now massaging deep into Robbie's abdominal muscles, working
closer and closer to his erection. The second was stroking up Robbie's thighs,
converging on his crotch. "Oh my god, that doesn't hurt does
it?" Trin cringed in spite of herself. "I think it's probably super
delicious," Robbie's dad observed. Marie grinned at him. "You're giving me ideas!" "I wouldn't mind!" Robbie's dad
teased back. The subject of the conversation was Robbie's
balls, which were now being held distinctly away from his body with one oiled
masseur's hand, and being cradled, and stroked and massaged with the second
oiled hand.The other pair of hands
moved down the abdomen and were now working just under the erected phallus,
incidentally rubbing up against it with each stroke. The woman took a flask of oil from beside the
table and poured its contents liberally along the full length of Robbie's
shaft. Without missing a beat she followed with strong grasps, hand over hand
and then extended his erection straight upwards. Robbie looked like he was
moaning, but no sound came through the sturdy plate glass window. His body was
now writhing on the table, as if it were some entity independent of Robbie
himself.The man massaging Robbie's
balls slid his hands down the boy's legs and folded them up against Robbie's
chest, the woman deftly continuing the upward milking of his shaft. The
onlookers at the window just had time to see Robbie's puckered anus before a
large yellow dildo, no doubt generously lubed up, was slid in one straight
motion all the way up into the boy's opening. Robbie's mouth opened with a moan
that those outside could not hear and his eyes clouded over in pleasure.A moment later they blinked open and then
went wide. Robbie tried to struggle, but with his legs still folded up against
his chest, his penis being pulled upwards over and over again, and the dildo
being held firmly inside him, he didn't have much room to maneuver. "I think the mirror just went
transparent," Robbie's dad noted. "He can see us!Hey, Robbie, Robbie, over here!" Trin
jumped up and down and waved her hands wildly.Robbie's eyes grew even wider, if that were possible! But the arousal was too great, he fell back
against the table and tried to buck his hips upwards.The man lowered Robbie's legs and spread them
wide. The woman continued to massage Robbie's erection upwards, hand over hand,
while the man now forcibly thrust the yellow dildo in and out of the boy's
anus.With a massive thrust of his hips
upwards Robbie seemed suspended in mid-air while bursts of white ejaculate
fountained into the air. Trin clapped her hands and jumped up and down
in excitement, scremeing loudly for the gathered audience, "that is so
cool, that is so cool. God, I want that boy to fuck me!!!" The woman's hands held steady as Robbie
continued to shoot, while the yellow dildo continued to be thrust into his
backside.After what seemed like a full
ten minutes the boy slowly lowered his body onto the table. Sweat glistened in
a sheen across his skin and his chest visibly heaved as the boy sought to catch
his breath. "Well, if that doesn't get him used to
being naked, I don't know what will," Marie proffered. "Shall we retrieve our boy?" Jim
inquired. "I want him to fuck me!" Trin
exclaimed. "Be gentle with him," Marie
suggested."I know you want him,
but he's just had the most explosive experience of his life -- and in case you
aren't aware of it, these kinds of things take a lot out of a boy," she
glanced at Jim and gave him a wink."He
can't just get it up and go at it again in a few minutes." "But," Trin persisted, "he's on
the pills, right?" "He is," Marie went on, "and
he'll look hard, but still . . . this time, Trin, you're going to have to be
patient." Trin pouted, but was silent. • • •