Copyright 2015 by Running
Bare, all rights reserved
* * * * This
story is intended for adults only. It contains depictions of forced
spanking, and sexual activity of preteen and young teen children for
purpose of punishment. None of the behaviors in this story should be
in real life, as that would be harmful and/or illegal. If you are not
of legal age in your community to read or
such material, please leave now.
* * * *
A Dommy Mommy Cuts Up By, Running Bare My name is Doris Ivanov. At the onset of this
reporting I was the mother of three--Irena 13, Katrina (Katie) 9, and
11. My husband, Igor, was and still is in prison serving two
consecutive life
sentences for murder related to his activity in the Russian mafia. The
year of
his imprisonment in 1988, the children and I had moved to a middle
neighborhood in Cleveland, Ohio. Thankfully, Igor had hidden some of
his ill
gained assets in my name in a couple of offshore accounts, which
somehow managed
to survive the scrutiny of the Federal agents and remained intact.
Rumor had it
that Igor cut a deal with them and helped their investigation in return
their overlooking the stash. Hey, I wasn’t going to go out of my way to
question the reasons or call it to their attention. The amount, for the
was very significant—three quarters of a million dollars. Needless to
say, the
kids and I were able to live comfortably without me having to secure
employment. Igor and I had a rather difficult relationship.
used to beat my ass whenever he got drunk and angry. I was more an
servant and sex slave to the man, which I attribute to the reason for
distain for everything male. After years of domination by the bastard,
I found
a new purpose in seeking to turn the tables and show the world females
could be
strong as well. Unfortunately for Alexei this translated into having to
to what were to become many sessions with his naked ass and one of the
belts his father left behind. I really loved the feeling of power I got
when I
beat him. I aroused myself as I watched him writhe in pain as I
reddened his
backside and watched his ball sack and often erect penis bounce with
contact the belt made. His pleading for cessation almost drove me to
orgasm. His
sisters definitely were more than happy to revel in attending his
sessions as well. I had required their attendance as a way to show how
powerless boys could be at the hands of a strong woman. I was committed
to making
sure they never had to endure the crap their father had put me through. As we started to adjust to our new life, the
three kids were quick to make new friends. It was one of Katie’s new
relationships that was to change our life as a family, and Alexei’s
life in
particular, forever. Katie
came home and opened up about how her new friend Amanda’s brother, a
boy named
Jack, was naked all the time she was at their home. I asked whether
Amanda and
Jack’s mother was home while this was happening and she told me she was
that it was the mother who made the boy strip naked right in front of
the two
of them. Naturally, my interest was piqued. I was to find out that Jack
was the
same age as Alexei. As we talked my other daughter, Irena, and I
attentively. One thing that did catch our attention and cause a little
was her observation that Jack’s “boy thing” didn’t look like Alexei’s.
explained it was about as long, but the tip was different. It looked
“more like
a mushroom” than Alexei’s and didn’t have the skin covering it. I spent
next half hour explaining the circumcision process to her. I explained
boys in the United States were more often cut than boys from her
homeland, so we kept Alexei just like his father. She listened
attentively and
after a few questions just flatly said, “You should do that
circumcision thing
to Alexei’s. It’s much cuter.” I must admit the thought of doing that
to my son
definitely made me horny. After an hour of interrogation and my growing
interest, I was to find out that Amanda’s mother not only made her
strip but allowed the two girls to play with “his boy things and even
his butt
hole. And, he had to let us, or Amanda said he’d get a spanking. So I
got to
touch his boy things a lot.” Though she’d seen her brother naked when
he was
getting the belt, she’d never touched his boyhood, nor had her sister.
thought of permitting such behavior definitely got my erotic juices
flowing. I
had to know more. I had to talk to Amanda’s mother. Add to all of this the timely request from
Alexei’s swimming coach for me to be the team mother and the erotic
thrill that
was to give me. It turns out I was asked to supply some quick snacks
and juice
drinks for the boys which wasn’t really asking too much, but then I was
told I
was to be the locker room monitor. It turned out my lust to humiliate
embarrass little boys was to be fed a banquet. I was told to sit on a
chair at
the opening of the gang shower and monitor the boys as they showered as
well as
keep an eye on the changing area at the same time. I was further
charged with
inspecting these naked cherubs to make sure they cleaned everywhere,
but no
specifics were given. I took advantage of the lack of instruction to
develop my
own process. As each of the ten to twelve year olds finished showering
I made
them succumb to me lifting their penises, fondling their bulbous ball
sacks all
the time acting like I was checking for cleanliness. Then I had them
bend over
while I parted their cheeks to inspect their anuses. Of course as time
went on,
I pressed their anal buttons with my index finger just to get a closer
during the “inspection”. To avoid suspicion and add some legitimacy, I
say things like, “Your boy parts need some more soap and water.” or
“You have a
dirty poop chute, go clean it. Soap up your pointer finger and shove it
all the
way in there.” I’d often take Katie along. The boys were
shy when I started that. They’d wrap their towels around themselves or
their genitals with their hands. Unfortunately, that wasn’t an option
when I
inspected them after the shower. For the shyest among them, I started
Katie help inspect. She was in heaven as she “played” with the boys’
packages. Sometimes
she’d yank on an erect penis or pinch a testicle during the process and
have to act like it was out of line for her to do it. I assure you, my
corrective remarks to her were purely an act. Watching her feel, or
should I
say inspect, boys’ parts was one of the most erotic experiences I’ve
ever had,
especially when the boy was obviously disturbed by her attention. I
must admit
of the ten boys on the team, Alexei was the only one whose penis wasn’t
cut. I
began to appreciate all those circumcised penises as I’d squeeze the
glans of the usually erect kids while inspecting them as they left the
shower. You know it was funny. No other parent ever
complained of my technique with those boys. In fact, several times
thanked me for making sure they did a thorough job of showering. Two or three times a week
one of the mothers
would come into the locker room and help Katie and me. Once or twice
the mother
offering to help would break out a small camera to record the boys for
posterity. The flashes didn’t happen until the group was completely
naked. I
must admit Alexei was a favorite subject for those photos. I think his
piece was interesting to them. I’d often have to say to him, “Alexei
put your
hands down.” Or “Alexei you know what Mrs. _ wants in the picture,
spread those
legs.” I didn’t
feel like a perverted
mother after seeing the others just as committed to humiliating and
embarrassing naked little boys. For the next month or so two things permeated
fantasizing—making my boy suffer the humiliation that boy Jack suffered
forced nudity at home and elsewhere, and actually being able to cut
off myself. No anesthetic, no doctors, just peal it off. At the risk of
analyzing, I guess in a Freudian sort of way, I truly wanted to punish
boy’s maleness. I saw it as a way to get back at his good for nothing
father. I
imagined my two girls helping with the removal—assisting in the
operation. First,
though, I had to know more. I had to talk to Amanda’s mother. Was she a
spirit? What about her husband? Did he condone the whole naked boy
thing? There
were a lot of questions. I have to admit I also wanted to see what kind
of eye
candy young Jack provided. I had to visit and watch the little girls
lay claim
to the eleven year old’s body. After Katie’s next visit I anxiously awaited
report on the state of her new friend’s family. She was more than happy
share that Jack was naked the whole time and that she made him let her
feel his
hard “wiener” a lot. She mentioned putting her finger in his hole as
well. Now,
most people would take pause at all of this, but they would definitely
be lying
to say watching or participating in such things would not be erotically
arousing. My experience with the mothers of the swim team convinced me
of it. As
for me, that only spurred more curious questioning of my daughter. She
me that Amanda’s mother and father were divorced and that her mother
had gotten
“a straining order, or something like that”. I
suggested the word she was looking for was
“restraining order”. She then clarified, “the judge told him to leave
alone". That information got me to wondering, even more so, if Amanda’s
mother and I weren’t on the same page. I
sent her on her way so I could plot building a relationship with her
friend’s mother. Ah, I’d suggest that Jack might want to join
Alexei’s swim team. Katie had mentioned that the family had a built in
pool. It’d be the perfect way to get my foot in the door. I decided to call and invite, Vickie, Amanda’s
mother to drop by for coffee. She came. The kids were in school so we
were able
to visit without interruption. During
the conversation the topic of raising boys came up. She was quick to
say she,
as a woman, had no clue what to do with a boy. She
said the coach at school called because
her son Jack refused to strip for swimming in the school pool, because
the boys
were required to skinny dip. Being naked in a public way was not
something he
was comfortable doing. She
said she
talked to him trying to reason that none of the other boys had any
“equipment” than he did, and Mrs. Kilgore the swim coach had seen many
boys naked, so what was his problem. The girls had a different session
weren’t going to see him (my mind was in over drive thinking it was too
they weren’t, I’d love watching the humility their presence would have
out to the little urchins). Now, neither of us would claim to be boy
specialists, but we did know males found strutting around naked with
males to be macho. We females were not accustomed to such things as
modesty was
required of us from an early age. The pool rule requiring bathing suits
girls was every bit as strict as the rule that all boys had to swim
nude. When I asked how she handled it, she told me
started making the boy strip naked when he got home from school and
stay naked
until he went back to school. She allowed him to dress only for
occasions where
being naked would be socially inappropriate. Coach Kilgore was told if
she had
more trouble to let his classmates forcibly strip him, and, after they
did, she
should use a belt on his bare ass. I mentioned Alexei’s shyness about being naked
around his sister and me. To my knowledge Alexei was participating
naked at
P.E. At least Coach Kilgore hadn’t called and it wasn’t noted on his
progress report. (Note
to file: inquire
about swimming classes when Alexei comes home.) Then the conversation took a more pleasant
I guess as a natural extension I mentioned how exciting it was for me
to see
Alexei naked. I felt he was a living portrait that I painted and
showing off
his body was a rush to my libido. Vickie agreed. She said now that Jack
completely nude at home she looks for ways to embarrass and humiliate
him by
making him “display” in front of others. She specifically mentioned
making him
answer the door whenever the doorbell rang, or going out to the mailbox
day, mowing the lawn on weekends,… At that point I was getting hot from
mental images her words were painting. I’m sure I wasn’t drooling, but
I think
she noticed my arousal and offered for me to visit some afternoon or
weekend. She
also said if I brought Alexei, if I wanted he could join Jack and swim
nude, we
could watch, and the girls could play. I wanted it. I wanted it bad. The very thought of making my Alexei expose
himself before complete strangers, to hopefully add some color to his
thighs, backside, penis and scrotum that only exposure to the late May
could accomplish would definitely move my needle to the erotic red
zone. I was
committed. I knew he’d be stiff for the entire visit. Just imagining it
made me
anxious to end our visit so I could retire to my bedroom and relieve my
mounting sexual desire with my toys. That evening Vickie called. She suggested we
make a weekend of it. Though we only lived a block and a half from each
she suggested it would be fun just to sit around poolside, drink wine,
and bitch
about our no good, asshole ex-husbands. What she left out was the
our ten and eleven year old penis bearers would provide. Though I’d
never met
him, Jack was a specimen to behold according to Katie’s description.
But, what
would a nine year old know about boy “size” and beauty? She said I could have her guest room; the
girls could camp out with sleeping bags in the yard; and Irena could
sleep in
Amanda’s room. But
most exciting was
Jack and Alexei sharing the full size bed in Jack’s room, to which she
“unless sleeping with a nude boy would bother him”. I had a lump in my
just imagining it. I reassured her Alexei would be fine. What I didn’t
say was
her Jack wouldn’t be the only bare kid in that bed. And, if I played my
right, we four girls would direct a lot of play in that bed. I
envisioned us
sipping wine and the girls eating popcorn and drinking soft drinks
while seated
around that bed as we directed the sexual interaction of those boys. If
kids weren’t due home within the hour, I’d have returned to my room for
round of relief. That same Tuesday afternoon the kids did their
homework. Finishing early little Katie wanted to go to Amanda’s. Before
releasing her to her bike, I sat her down for a snack. I had to know. “When you are at Amanda’s and her brother is
naked what do you two do?” “We play in her room or watch TV. Sometimes her
mother tells us to rub Jack’s peepee and bag.” “When you do that, what does Amanda’s mom do?” “She sits and watches. Sometimes she tells us
pull his boy thing or pinch his bag. When we do that he screams and
around holding himself, we laugh and Mrs. Simmons just smiles.” “You told me his penis, his boy thing, is
different than Alexei’s…” “Yeah, it doesn’t have that skin on the tip.” “Is it long? As long as Alexei’s?” “How would I know? I haven’t seen Alexei’s for
long time. It’s about this long when it’s hard.” She held her hands
about four
or five inches apart. “Can I go now?” Not to betray my passion, I let her go. Amanda was a cute kid. As I’d never met Jack, I
was curious as to the attractiveness of what that four inch appendage
attached to. I was not to be disappointed. Before we left for the Simmons’ I had to forgo
the usual, “Do we all have to go?” “Can I stay home? I’m old enough.” I was able to convince Alexei by just
the built in pool. I did pique Irena’s attention by suggesting there
would be
fun things for her too. Of course, I avoided responding to her “Like
what?” Saturday morning, Alexei showed up for
in nothing more than his yellow Speedo. I loved that suit. The lower
part of
his tight young ass cheeks couldn’t be contained and were invitingly
showing. His
package was outlined by the Lycra material even when dry. I had to deny
instinctual drive to grab that bulge. To this day I don’t know how the
kid was
oblivious to it. For that matter I don’t understand how his sisters
the opportunity to tease him by calling his attention to it. If he
could see
what everyone else saw, he’d have been devastatingly embarrassed. In
short, if
the boy had to wear something in public this was the best I could ever
ask for.
We all know I’d prefer him being completely naked. I told him the
Speedo would
be all he needed to take. He was still clueless. I truly believe he’d
misunderstood that we’d be spending the night at the Simmons. As far as
I was
concerned, the Speedo was okay because I had no intention of allowing
him to
wear anything after we got there. If Jack could be nude for us girls,
so could
Alexei. All I thought was a Speedo would fit neatly in my purse while a
substantial piece of clothing might be cumbersome to keep up with. When the four of us arrived at the door it
magically opened before I rang the bell. What was immediately before us
took my
breath away. One of the cutest boys I’d ever seen was standing there
naked as
the day he was born. The kid had short cropped black hair. His hazel
eyes were
captivating. The facial characteristics were perfect. He was the
brownest white
boy I’d seen and there wasn’t a tan line marring that bronzed skin
tone. His
overall appearance was what one might call athletic. His muscular
calves led up
to equally well-pronounced thighs. They were crowned by a bulbous ball
with what must have been a three or four inch flaccid penis draped over
both as brown as his torso, all except his tip which had a more pinkish
tint. The
boy’s circumcision was what a military person might refer to as high
and tight
with no bunching of left over foreskin to be found. I just wanted to
rub my
hands over this kid’s body slowly and meticulously feeling every inch
of skin
covering it. When he turned around I admired his pert all-boy backside,
and dimpled on both cheeks. I was enthralled with the sight of this
young naked
boy and marveled that anybody could be that bronzed in May. His mother stood just behind him. All I could
mutter was, “Oh my God, he’s beautiful, Vickie. He’s flawless. Would
you look
at his tan?” The obviously humiliated the kid. He had a difficult time
eye contact. “And just look at that generous little boy package.” His
began to rise from its relaxed state and his hands moved to cover the
His mother slapped his bare backside and cautioned him not to cover his
Irena tried desperately to stifle a giggle but was unsuccessful. I believe it was at this point Alexei started
put two and two together. He immediately started his rant, “I’m not
doing that!
I’m not getting naked!” Without so much as a rehearsal, (I swear I
mentioned my intention to her) Irena approached from behind and jerked
brother’s Speedo down to his ankles. His four inch erection popped
right out. As
he went to retrieve his suit, I stopped him. “Just take it off Alexei.
Simmons said all boys had to be naked when at her home and we’re going
to be
here for a while. Besides, you don’t want Jack to feel awkward, do you?” He continued to try to raise his suit, but his
older sister held it down. Katie was mesmerized looking at her
package. I slapped my son’s bare ass and said, “I said take the Speedo
off and
give it to me!” About that time Amanda had arrived and was peering from
her mother at the exposed fresh meat on her front door step. “Can he
stay naked
too, Mom?” Before Vickie could respond to her question, I
answered it. “Yes, Amanda, Alexei will be naked all weekend too. You
and Katie
can feel his boy things too. I think you might find Alexei’s a little
than your brothers, but fun to play with.” Irena
then asked, “You mean we get to feel them? Touch their dicks and bags?
Mom! ” Vickie took that question with a response that
music to my ears, “Of course you can. You’re a girl aren’t you? You can
whatever you like to either of them, and, because you’re older, you can
them do things to each other too.” It was then I was certain it was largely a
dominance issue with Vickie, much the same as mine. The forced nudity
just to relieve Jack of his modesty problems. It was about fully
Jack’s embarrassment and humiliation. “Well Alexei, step out of the suit so we can go
in. Standing here on the front stoop is just exposing you to the
neighbors. But,
it’s up to you.” “I’m going home. I’m not staying here naked,
like this.” He began his pout. “Well, it’ll be interesting walking home naked.
when you get there, the house is locked. So, I’m sure you’ll be quite
the sight
as you sit naked on the porch waiting for us to come home Sunday
night.” A
sharp slap to his hind quarters propelled him forward enough to get him
It was then I corrected his attempt to cover his penis. “Don’t cover
that, you
know that’s the item of interest to all these girls. I want it showing
weekend.” I gloated as he blushed at the thought of having to expose
hardened appendage to everyone. It was Amanda’s turn to learn about boys’
appendages. “Hey, what’s wrong with his pecker? Look Mom he’s got skin
the neat part like a turtleneck sweater.” With a light chuckle Vickie quieted her
and explained the whole circumcision thing much the same as I had to do
Katie just a couple of days before. Not to be outdone Irena grabbed her
brother’s appendage and followed with, “Hey Amanda, watch this.” She
Alexei’s foreskin back exposing his moist dark pink glans. Alexei slapped at her hand and pouted a “Stop.
leave me alone!” Vickie jumped on that immediately. “Alexei as
long as you’re here, the girls can touch your boy parts or any parts
they like. Don’t swat your sister again. If she wants to feel your
penis she
can. Do you understand the house rules?” That just completely verified we were on the
same page with the dominance thing. We adjourned to the patio out by the pool.
Vickie handed me two wine glasses and grabbed a bottle from her kitchen
rack. When we got situated I couldn’t help but notice my youngest
arguing with
her brother over exploring his stiff member. “Alexei you let your
sister play
with it, if that’s what she wants to do. Get that attitude adjusted or
borrow a belt from Mrs. Simmons and do it for you.” Surprisingly, he
let Katie
grab it and grab it she did wasting no time playing with his foreskin.
eventually was invited to feel Alexei’s penis and was every bit
intrigued with
the sliding cover. She pinched the foreskin at the tip and stretched it
out a
good inch to inch and a half. He cried out, “Ow, stop it Amanda. That
hurts!” My sarcasm took hold. I responded to his
complaint, “Hey, suck it up, Sally! You’ll live!” That brought an angry
cast in my direction. Too bad for him, it didn’t annoy me when he did
that. I
loved that look. I was already cherishing this female dominance thing
and that
look reinforced me. I recall as we sipped our Merlot and stared at
the kids through our polarized lenses, the conversation was started by
me, “I’m
not kidding, Vickie. Your Jack is one beautiful specimen of a boy. I
can see
why you keep him nude. Good Lord, the tan and that penis just look at
it. I
don’t think I’ve seen, much less touched, a circumcised glans in years.
I think the last
time was a seven year old I
babysat when I was in high school. That was a cute kid too. He was just
developing modesty and fought having to undress in front of me. I saw
it as a
challenge so I insisted he let me bathe him. I loved just watching him
blush. I’d
bathe him right after his mother and father left. Then I’d make him
stay naked
until bedtime. I did get an erotic rush when I’d make him play out in
driveway naked while I fixed dinner. Back then nude little boys were
“cute” to
most adults, not “appalling” like they seem to be to adults today. His
and father were pretty liberal, in that, they were the only folks I
back then that made their kid sleep nude. I know he must have
complained to
them about me playing with it and making him go outside naked, but they
complained and they kept calling me back. Marry a Russian and you have a major cultural
change. You know, I think I’d like to get Alexei cut too. It’d
humiliate him,
but it’s really piss off that bastard of a father of his. I think, if I
I’ll video it and send a copy to the shithead in prison. What the hell,
probably wouldn’t let him have it.” “How long is he in for?” “He got two consecutive life sentences. So, I
divorced is ass. And all I can say is good riddance.” “You seeing anyone?” “No. I’m concentrating on the kids, especially
Alexei. I love to find ways to annoy and punish the kid. Since Igor
went to
prison, I’ve changed as a parent. I love to strip the boy naked and
take a belt
to his bare backside and I didn’t use to do that. Igor did it for me. I
being a spectator when he’d get the belt from his father. Made me
horny. But,
oh now that I do it I realized how much more intense that horniness
could have
been had I been doing the beatings all along. Now, I’ve got this
fetish. I kind
of like this thing you started with Jack. I don’t want my Alexei
growing up to
be a nasty husband. I owe it to society not to let that happen now
don’t I?” A
devious smile crossed my face. “I think I like letting the woman take
dominant role. If Igor wasn’t such a mean bastard toward me, I don’t
think it
would have been an issue.” Vickie half chuckled, “Makes sense.” Again my gaze was on her son, Jack. “Would you
look at that kid’s penis?” “Which one?” She knew which one. “Jack’s. It’s perfect. I love the clean lines
between the shaft and that cute little head. I think Alexei’s in for a
cut job,
and secretly I want to do it myself.” “Oh God, you’d mutilate his boyhood. Shit, you
can’t do that to him yourself. Don’t you want grandkids? My therapist
ask, if you think it’s part of this desire you have to punish Igor? You
want to
cut Alexei’s penis to emasculate Igor? Or is it just an act to say,
“Fuck you,
Igor. I’m changing the boy so he doesn’t have any semblance of you.” “A little bit. I guess I want Alexei to get the
message that, as a woman, I’m still in charge. That penis of his
doesn’t put
him on a higher plane than we girls and I’m still in-charge of that
too.” “Sounds like you have some issues to overcome
there, girl.” “I guess so, but there is the other motivation.
I like the look of
the cut penis and the feel
of the spongy head literally right at my fingertips. I mean look at
your boy. His
tip is neat, clean, and clearly accessible. You know, no ‘fumunda’
cheese to
deal with.” We both giggled at that. “Oh shit Doris, you
could have gone all day without sayin’ that!” “Just look at how the head of his penis is
clearly highlighted by that stiffy. Alexei’s hard as a rock, but the
tip is
barely visible. I just think Jack’s is cuter.” “Go for it, Doris. If you’ll feel better use
kid to do it. You are correct though. He needs to know we girls are
and won’t be his sexual minions.” As we continued to watch our naked
boys swim
with the now somewhat disinterested girls, Vickie interrupted the
giggling and
splashing. “Jack, come here!” The boy left the other kids and sauntered
us. That beautiful penis was flaccid again, but swayed to and fro as he
toward is mom’s lounge chair. I
take my eyes off him. Innocently
the boy
looked at her and in a guarded tone just said, “Ma’am?” “I want you to go into the kitchen and get the
bottle of wine I left on the counter and bring it out. When you come
back out,
sit on Mrs. Ivanov’s lap like I make you do at massage time.” Compliantly, the boy left to retrieve the wine
and I had to turn to watch his smooth little mounds alternating with
each step.
Upon his return, after handing his mother the bottle, he approached me.
His now
erect penis was inches from my face. “Doris just let him straddle your lap facing
away. Then you can explore to your heart’s content.” Anxiously, I raised the back of my lounge
With my legs still extended, I helped the boy into position. I was so
as he lowered his naked bottom on to my lap, my breathing quickened. I
hardly speak. Instinctively, I reached down to rub those tight, smooth
working one hand on each side. It wasn’t long that I had moved up to
his thighs
sliding my hands from his knees to his hips. I’m not going to lie I was
wondering how well I could transition my attention from his thighs to
bulbous ball sack and further. As my hands worked on those brown thighs
purposely bumped his stiff boyhood and could feel it snap as it was
by the contact and quickly bounced back to center. I could hear as Jack
breathed in through his teeth when I made my initial contact. I hesitantly reached around for and extended
feel of the parts which had been my target from the moment he climbed
aboard my
lap. The circumference of his still immature phallus definitely
reminded me of
the feel of Alexei’s when I’d found it necessary to examine him. The
boner was definitely longer than most ten year olds. I slid my hand up
the shaft
until I felt the cleft which separated the shaft from his meaty glans.
The boy
shivered as my fingernails lightly scratched it. It was evident the kid
was not
uncomfortable with the rubbing and tickling as I lightly stoked the
scrotum. Increasing
the pressure with my fingertips I could feel his ‘eggs’ gently slide
out of the
way beneath the soft, wrinkled skin of his sack. My breathing got
heavier as I
progressed. I lightly kissed the boy on the back of his neck. “You are
beautiful little boy, Jack. You’re so smooth and yet so firm. I love
your little boy things. I don’t blame your mom for wanting to keep you
naked. I’d
want to show you off too.” The boy’s gaze was still on the other kids
swimming and playing at the pool. All except Alexei who was docked
against the
pool wall in the 5 or 6 foot section. He really hadn’t moved and it was
he’d pressed his appendage against the wall to shield it from the sight
touch of the inquisitive little girls. Irena was lying on a towel in
the center
of the lawn sunning herself and reading. My hands were still busy rubbing,
squeezing and occasionally gently pulling Jack’s genitals. As I
caressed the
boy’s tight little ball sack, I extended my hand to allow the tip of my
finger to find his anus. I felt the tight little opening and teased it
with a
gentle press. The boy sat there and accepted the minor intrusion. My
hands made
the rounds again. Starting with his steel hard penis, pausing to knead
bulbous tip, moving gently over the scrotum, but this time I allowed my
finger to embed itself up to the first joint. The boy shifted in
discomfort. Vickie
caught a glimpse and said, “Geeezzzz, Doris, don’t be so gentle. Shove
it in
there if you want to. Don’t worry about him.” I shifted in my chair to
myself to do just that. Momentarily, I buried my entire index finger
into the
boy’s rectum. He groaned in pain but didn’t fight the intrusion. My
ecstasy was
shatter by the sound of Irena’s voice, “Oh gross, Mom, what are you
doing to
him?” Her remark alerted the younger girls to look, even Alexei turned
from the
pool’s edge to look. I quickly withdrew my finger. As
I sat there with my wet finger raised, Vickie said, “Just wipe it on
the towel,
and I’ll have Jack get you a clean one. Better yet, make him lick it
off. After
all it’s all his.” As hot as the suggestion made me, I was a little
timid about
asking this kid to do that. I just wasn’t that dominant. I used the
towel. Vickie
told her son to get me a clean towel, but I countered and politely
asked that
he stay on my lap. He could get it later. I wasn’t done with my
session. I
could not get enough of playing with his penis. The bulbous glans was
just too
intriguing to me. Hell, I’d played with many a foreskin, but just
about the cut little penises I’d experienced in my lifetime attracted
me more.
I liked looking at them, feeling them, and on occasion sucking on them.
that later bit of information was guarded from my daughters. As I toyed
Jack’s, my commitment to alter Alexei became cemented in my mind. I was obsessed with getting my eleven year old
cut. And a mean streak from deep within compelled me to want to do it
with Irena and Katie’s assistance. I justified the desire by insisting
ancients, men and women of various tribes, Jewish mohels, and Arabs who
medically trained could do it in peoples’ homes, why couldn’t I? In an effort to further assess what it would
take I shouted for Alexei to come to my side. He did so reluctantly
with that
look of “Uh, oh, what did I do now?” on his face. “Put your hands down. The girls want to see
boy thing and so do we. If I see you covering it again, I’ll tie your
behind your back, whip your backside and put you out front for everyone
to see.
Got it?” “YES! Okay, YES! Why don’t you leave me alone.” The hand print on his right butt cheek
from that little tirade would be visible for the remainder of the day.
down here and feel Jack’s penis.” With tears dripping from the swat, he pouted,
“I’m not going to feel his dick. What do you think I’m queer?” “I said, feel his penis. You and I are going to
have a meeting of the minds or a meeting where my belt meets your ass.
Cut the
attitude or I’ll cut it for you. I said feel his penis.” Our conflict
attracted the three girls and they were now surrounding the boys and
me. Alexei
briefly tapped Jack’s glans with the tip of his index finger. “I said
feel it
not touch it. Pinch the tip. Rub your hand up and down the shaft. You
can play
with his balls if you want. You know you really want to so do it.” My shy son pinched Jack’s glans as he was told.
fingered the boy’s balls, grabbed the shaft and ran his hand up and
down as if
to masturbate him. When he had satisfied my need to watch that
interaction, I made him stand next to us while I coached Jack to play
Alexei’s foreskin. Not only did he do that, but he replicated many of
movements in return. Amanda had to comment. “Jack, you can stretch that
skin on
his tip. Pinch it right here and pull it like this.” She demonstrated
stretching the foreskin and inch or so from the tip. That opened my window and said, “I kind of like
Jack’s better. I mean it looks plainer and feels spongier, what do you
Alexei?” Katie chimed in, “I do too. We need to make
Alexei’s like Jack’s.” Irena stood up for her brother, somewhat,
how often to your see or feel Alexei’s penis? Huh? His can be
different.” Oh
how wrong she was. It could remain different at my pleasure. If I
wanted the
wrapper gone, it was going to be gone. Irena had a lot to learn about
dominant. “Well, Alexei, I’m waiting.” “I like mine, okay. I like mine the way it is.
So everybody just quit talking about it, okay.” Actually, his fear and
discomfort about discussing it added to my commitment to doing the
deed. “What do you think, Jack? Your’s or his?” “I like mine, but his is okay.” “Well, let’s think about this. When you are
in the locker room at school, and in the showers with all those other
boys, how
many have penises like Alexei’s?” Jack muttered, “None.” I had no further argument to make. With a quick
pat on the side of Jack’s right butt cheek, I dismissed him from my lap
back to the pool. Alexei was quick to join him. The younger girls left
in the
same direction. I so wished they were going to accost their brothers’
genitals. Irena softly said, “Mom, you’re going to do it
aren’t you? You’re going to get Alexei’s skin cut off.” Trying to answer her kind of frustrated me.
to the rescue, “Honey, that’s your mother’s decision to make, not yours
and not
Alexei’s. There certainly is nothing wrong with it. It’s not major
She’ll make the best decision for her and Alexei. Why don’t you go back
to your
book so we adults can talk?” After Irena took her leave, Vickie skirted the
issue. “If you intended to pare his penis, you’d better be sure about
you’re doing. If you botch it, it’ll be hard to explain what the hell
you were
thinking when you end up in the emergency room. Just sayin’.” ********* The remainder of the weekend went well. The
girls really spent little time accosting the naked boys. Even Alexei
seemed to
become more comfortable with his nudity. He
became so comfortable I became
uncomfortable. The saving event? Bedtime. When Vickie announced them
arrangements she saved the best for last. Alexei
threw a huge tantrum when he was told
he’d be sleeping in the same bed as his new naked buddy and it was made
neither would wear pajamas or any other clothing. What made it even
better was
they were to be the evening’s entertainment. We just called it “boy
night”. Boy night was held by putting both boys to bed
and we girls would watch as Irena commanded the boys to perform acts
upon each
other while Vickie, Katie, Amanda, and I sat “in the audience” with
popcorn and
drinks. Irena was given a belt and permission to use it on either boy
if they
didn’t do what she told them. Thinking back, I’m sure the activities
commanded sexually enlightened the younger girls quite a bit. She started off innocently enough demanding a
wrestling match. She made it clear they could use any body part for
leverage in
trying to pin the opponent including, but not limited to, their penises
balls. To ensure maximum effort she announced the loser would lick the
anus until she told him to stop. The girl was a natural. The boys rolled around on that rather small bed
grabbing each other’s legs, arms, and, yes finally penises and ball
sacks. On
this one, much to my dismay Alexei came out on top. The younger girls
enlisted to hold his legs up with his feet touching his head while
young Jack
licked his rosebud. Vickie coached her son to push the tip of his
tongue into
the hole. At first it wouldn’t go. He couldn’t stiffen it enough to get
the sphincter. Vickie remedied that by shoving one of her fingers in
there to
the first joint, then thrust it two knuckles deep into my son’s
orifice. After
pumping it in and out a few times she put Jack’s face back in there and
commanded him to try again. Even though the boy was crying and
devastated about
doing it, he slowly complied. That time his mother’s loosening activity
him be more successful. In it went. When he removed his tongue, he
cringed and
spit several times. Vickie slapped his ass and told him to swallow.
From the
looks of things Alexei enjoyed it. His pecker was hard and pointing up
his face. Sunset was slowly approaching when Irena moved
both the contestants and the audience to the front porch. She announced
a foot
race that would take our contestants around a two block course. To keep
honest she had arranged for someone from every sixth house on the route
to sit
on their front porches, each house had a different color permanent
marker. The
resident was to place a colored line on each contestant’s scrotum with
marker as the runner came to their porch. Win or lose, failure to have
color on their little ball purse when they finished would result in a
belting of no less than five lashes. The loser of the race would have
attempt to lick the marks off the winner’s scrotum and then suck the
dick for ten minutes. She was insistent both boys be back at the house
the street lights came on or they’d get the belt. Jack was first to beg not to have to do it. He specifically cited the
fact that “everybody
will see us”. Vickie supported Irena stating that he was correct, but
he was
going anyway. I think she was amazed as I was at Irena’s creativity in
humiliating the boys. Both boys were crying audibly when Irena blew the
to signal the beginning of the race. Jack reluctantly tried to start
while covering his package with his hands. It wasn’t long for him to
figure out
it was impossible to do that and win the race. Eventually, he dropped
shield in favor of speed. Alexei just stood in Vickie’s front yard
pouting. I
had to intervene by describing what would happen if he didn’t complete
race. His sister was going to give him a ball busting whipping with the
and he’d end up sucking Jack’s boy parts on top of it. The street
lights would
be on within the hour and his tight little ass would be worn out as
well. The
gravity of the situation sunk in and he started the route crying
loudly. Both
boys returned with ball sacks of many colors. Each sporting yellow,
red, green,
blue, brown, purple, and black stripes marked on their scrotums. I must
when the colors were checked Irena almost couldn’t see the yellow or
lines on Jack’s. His tan almost obscured them. As soon as she completed
the colors, the street lights clicked on. The belt would remain at
rest. It
turned out Alexei’s stalling caused him to finish about two minutes
Jack, so guess who was introduced to orally stimulating another boy. I
was so
thankful I got to watch Alexei almost choke on Jack’s erection, it
aroused me. Both Vickie and Irena later admitted they were equally
watching his mouth and tongue action on Jack’s genitals. Of course his
continued crying made it all the better, at least for me. The little
ones were
mesmerized watching the licking and sucking while continuing to munch
on their
popcorn. Speaking of popcorn, the next challenge took
place back in Jack’s bedroom. The boys were made to lie on their backs
crosswise. We mothers were asked to position ourselves at their heads
and the
girls were told to position themselves between the boys bent knees
where they
dangled over the sides, Amanda between Alexei’s and Katie between
Jack’s. The
girls were each given what appeared to be a four foot piece of rope.
When Irena
handed the little ones the rope you could see the apprehension in both
eyes. Jack started to choke up, but Alexei got angry. He started
stirring and
threatening even before he knew what was going to happen. Irena must
have been
a quick study of female domination. She tapped Amanda on the shoulder
commanded, “If he gives you any trouble, just punch him in the balls as
hard as
you can. Got it?” The younger girl just nodded her understanding. The girls were instructed to tie each end of
rope securely around the boys’ knees leaving a tether between their
legs. They
were then told to pull the rope up and hand it to the respective
mother. Now,
truthfully, Vickie and I had no idea what was going on, but we took the
pulling the boys legs up until they were in, for lack of better words,
diapering position. Irena checked the positioning of each making sure
boys’ penises, ball sacks and anuses were openly displayed. Needless to
say the
position embarrassed both to the point of reddened faces. Vickie and I
loving it. Then we were told our job was to hold on to the rope and
keep our
respective captives in that position with knees back and spread wide
apart. Our curiosity and that of the girls was really
piqued when Irena pulled out two small cups from under the bed. Each
was filled
with whipped butter. The girls were told to coat their fingers with it
smear some around their respective holes. Amanda momentarily looked
at the idea asking if she could switch and do her own brother. Irena
stood firm
and told her no. Vickie more or less ordered her to comply. Both boys
“buttered up” with mild coaching from us. Then they were told to get a
dab of butter on their finger, and I think the word she used was “cram”
it all
the way up their holes. Amanda hesitated, but Katie was quick to break
Jack’s sphincter. Eventually, Amanda followed suit. They were
instructed to
follow the same activity three more times using both their middle and
fingers together. Irena was later to explain she didn’t feel the boys’
should be popped by someone in their families, too much like incest. Once the boys were lubed the girls were made to
rub their hands with the leftover butter so their fingertips were
slick. I
remember thinking this is getting cute. When they finished lubing their
Irena pulled a large bowel from under the bed. It was filled with
popping corn. The instructions were that a timer would be set for ten
the girls had to put as much corn into the boys’ holes as possible. It
had to be
shoved “all the way in”. To make it more sporting, they had to shove
kernels into the respective hole using one slicked up hand while
pulling up on
their erect penises with the other. Any kernels shoved in the hole
didn’t count
if the penis wasn’t being visibly stretched. Vickie and I were to make
sure the
boys’ penises were stretched to the maximum and she would watch, from
vantage point, to count and make sure that each piece inserted stayed
the boy. The consequences? The winning team, both mother and respective
were going to spank the losing boy with a belt while the mother and
losing girl
held him in the contest position. Winning mother got seven swings to
the boy’s
butt which, if she chose, included targeting his anus. The winning girl
five strikes with the belt to his penis and scrotum. As such the boys
had an
incentive to cooperate as well. For some reason once the whistle blew, the two
frantic little girls could not grasp the penises. Their hands kept
off. Even when they tried to pull them with their fingertips, they
couldn’t get
a grip. Even the boys joined in the laughter. Then they tried pinching
kernels of corn and they just slid out from their slippery hold. Three
in no one had pushed corn up either boy’s ass. But all seven of us were
laughing at the folly. One serious complication occurred. The boys had
flaccid as they laughed, making it more difficult for the girls to grab
We finally had to take a short break and we mothers had to rub our sons
back to
stiffies. We were off again. Irena added five minutes to
the timer. The whistle blew and the young girls were more committed
than ever.
Amanda was the first to get a kernel in place. Irena coached her to
press it
all the way in. She impaled Alexei using her index finger as a ramrod.
stretched his boyhood by pinching a bit of foreskin between her
That gave her just enough traction to stretch it further. I remember
that it was good for something. It wasn’t long before Katie picked up
on the
technique. She dug her nails into Jack’s penis at the cleft where the
shaft and
glans met and she did so hard he yelped in pain. At that point, Amanda
was in
the lead three to one. The laughter had stopped as the competition
As that timer ticked away, the boys actually started cheering the girls
on. I’m
sure the stakes had a lot to do with it. When time had expired, Irena announced the
count. “Amanda seventeen, Katie twelve.” That beautiful boy, Jack, was
to go
under the belt. Vickie’s demeanor was definitely that of satisfaction.
She was
to watch as her son was to be heavily disciplined. In that respect we
definitely kindred spirits. How I wished the results were the other way
around. Alexei was released and ordered to take
place. He did so with what appeared a sadistic gloat. Irena told him to
Jack behind the knees and pull them tight naturally exposing a
partially opened
anus topped with a tight, multi-colored, striped scrotum and
well-differentiated, hard penis. I found my dedication to female
compromised momentarily as I wondered if I could beat that beautifully
bottom, much less watch Katie’s inquisition to his balls. But, I was
winning was a major man thing and I was as good as any man at enjoying
spoils of victory. Jack was trembling as I took a position
and just left of his completely vulnerable backside. I still remember
the snap
of the leather as it connected with a vengeance across both cheeks. He
with the pain as I observed the dark pink stripe appear. I took a few
to contemplate my next lash to this beautiful boy. I turned loose and
the fold
of the strap connected dead on his still half opened orifice. The
scream pierced my ear drum, Alexei felt no empathy. He was enjoying it
his dick
was hard as a rock, “Good one, Mom. Five more just like that one!”
Little did
he know how I wished it was him instead of Jack. Another snap and once
more the
anus took the brunt of the impact. This time the boy begged for me to
stop. The
fourth was purposely aimed to give the kid’s hole a break, it landed
both thighs at which time Amanda complained, “Hey, I get to hit him
there, not
you.” While Vickie straightened out her daughter’s disrespect, I placed
fifth line across both cheeks. The sixth and seventh were again aimed
at his
hole. The sixth I purposely lightened up on. The seventh, my final, was
so hard my body turned into the swing. The result was the boy was
crying out so
hard no sound came out. He was literally stunned. I handed the belt off to his sister. Alexei
spread the boy’s legs wide. He had a sheepish grin about this phase. I
thinking if he’d be grinning in a couple of weeks, when I had him
exposed and
splayed for an entirely different purpose. Would he be eager then? I
not. Vickie positioned her daughter facing her
target. She went high with her rushed swing. She argued it hit his
belly button
not his “boy things”. Out of compassion for the ten year old basket
case, or
just fairness, Irena told Amanda it still counted. Carefully, the young
lined up her next swing, which was quite wimpy and only covered the
decorated scrotum. Not a total loss though, as it caused her brother to
under Alexei’s hold, and beg her to stop. Vickie helped Alexei
reposition her
son and hold him down. Amanda readied herself for her third attempt. It
cute. She was so concentrated her tongue was hanging out of the side of
mouth. This time the belt snapped encompassing her brother’s penis and
Again, the result was an ear piercing scream. At that point, Vickie
held up the
action to examine the boy’s package and determine whether that target
had had
enough. Jack jumped and sucked in air at Vickie’s very cautious touch
to his
testicles. She determined he could withstand two more from his sister. Amanda took a half-hearted fourth swing again
hitting Jack’s jewels and penis, but not nearly as hard as her previous
shot. Then,
rather than apply a fifth stroke, she unexpectedly handed the belt back
Irena and announced she didn’t want to do that to him anymore. With that Alexei and Vickie released the boy. He immediately curled into a
fetal position
and supported his genitals with his hands and cried and moaned as he
back and forth on his left side. He was a well beaten boy. Vickie left
the room
and returned with a Ziplock bag full of crushed ice. She gently pried
her son’s
hands from his genitals and pressed the bag to them. It was evident the
brought some significant relief as Jack took over holding it even
against his package. When the weekend came to a close, our hostess
and her kids walked us to the front door. Alexei kept loudly clearing
throat as he stood near the door with a very stiff boner. He cleared it
looked inquisitively at me. I asked him what the problem was and he
toward his erect penis. I told him it wasn’t my problem and that I
liked it
that way. Finally, he verbalized his intention asking where his Speedo
was. It
was then I decided to take a family vote. “Okay, show of hands, how
many of you
want Alexei to get his Speedo back now instead of going out in the
front yard
naked?” After a minute, “What? No one? Oh, I’m sorry Alexei, your hand
is up. Ooopppps,
it’s three to one. Sorry Alexei!” The girls just laughed as did the
Simmons. “Okay
then how many of you want Alexei to stay naked anytime he isn’t in
school?” All
three of us raised our hands. “Well, now it looks like that motion
carried!” Here’s
another item, “Those in favor of allowing anyone who wants to feel
naked boy parts and butt?” Wow, three to one again. Motion carries. It
settled that quickly. Poor Jack’s ball sack was noticeably swollen
from the beating the night before. Like Alexei’s it still sported the
color racing stripes he collected on the run around the neighborhood
during the
naked boy marathon. It was evident from his smile during the voting
that he
wasn’t still in pain and he’d be alright in a day or two. But, I’m sure
jewels would be sensitive to even the slightest touch for the rest of
the day. We took our leave. As we walked to the car
Alexei’s boner cutely swayed back and forth, evidently inviting Katie
playfully swat at it with her hand. As he made his way down the
driveway to the
street where the car was parked, he scanned the neighborhood for anyone
might be able to see his nudity. Sorry to report the street was quite
quiet. Little did he know that neighbors seeing his
butt, penis and ball sack would have been the least of his worries. His
was committed to finding out all she could about circumcising boys and
quest would start after the kids were bedded down that very night. Google popped up with many YouTube listings so
began watching them. Most were from foreign countries where peeling
boys’ dicks
was either a religious or cultural ritual. I wasn’t a bit skittish
watching the
scalpels as they effortlessly cut all the way around the head of the
frightened boy’s penis, and the foreskin was lifted off. The fear in
the boys’
eyes and the fact they had no choice but to succumb to the parental or
wishes was definitely a source of eroticism for me. The older the kid
was, the
more erotic I found it. What immediately caught my attention was the
stitching during the process in some of the medical videos. I wasn’t
to have to stitch and was pretty sure doing so was beyond my skills
level. I
took pause to wonder if Jewish mohels stitched the circumcised penises.
videos and stills of men of tribal villages showed they performed the
on older boys with some very primitive tools, but no stitches. What
bothered me
was those primitive cut jobs resulted in pretty rough and sloppy
products based on the photos of the penises of the already cut boys
present at
the circumcision. The foreskin remnants were ragged and many healed
covering a substantial amount of the glans. I mean why bother, unless,
course, those men and women got off on cutting little boy dicks? But,
fairness, if that was their motive, I was more like them than I’d liked
admit. In most every case it was a family affair.
in the videos appeared to particularly enjoy watching their boys get
cut. There
were times little girls, mothers, grandmothers, and others invited to
watch. Even
Jews of both genders and all ages gathered to watch ceremonial cutting
at the
bris. It was then I decided to invite Vickie and her kids to watch
circumcision. Of course Irena and Katie would be participating.
Following the
operation we’d have a party like many of the YouTube families did. It
seemed in
most ceremonial cases the recipient boys were left naked or sporting
but a shirt while entertaining invited guests. They showed off their
exposed glans as badge of honor. As I moved on, I came across several videos
highlighted a plastic guard that snapped in place, pinching the base of
foreskin closed to control bleeding. What intrigued me was you found
out what
the boy’s penis circumference was using a template with various size
holes in
it, selected the proper size ring, snapped that bad boy in place, cut
the ring, and, bingo, the kid’s tip was permanently exposed. It really simplified the
process. The device
was called a SmartKlamp. What was really attractive about it was there
was no
way I could cut anything but the foreskin. The glans and the shaft were
completely protected. Best of all it eliminated any need for stitches.
The down
side, for the kid at least, was he had to wear that plastic clamp on
his penis
for five days as the cutline healed. That would be no problem as Alexei
kept naked at all times so concealing it was not necessary. As a side
I also thought that little device might be a good conversation starter
people we’d bump into or have to the house. I needed to get one of those kits. I’d also
a scalpel and, from the looks of things, two or three forceps. The only
item, which I felt was optional, was the syringe and anesthetic to
deaden the
penis. Though stabbing that little appendage, at the base, right into
the tip,
and almost through the shaft as was demonstrated in the video was
something I’d have loved to do, it was beyond my resources. I reasoned,
hell, a
little pain would do him good. It would be quick. The anesthetic was an
extravagant extra and unobtainable to a non-professional. They didn’t
seem to
use it at a bris. The primitive peoples and third world circumcisions
were done
without anesthetics even the Arabic circumcisions appeared to forgo
them. So
why would Alexei need it? I rationalized that the pain of the
injections would
probably be about as bad as the pain caused by a quick cut with a sharp
scalpel. A medical specialist I asked told me that in some hospitals
sometimes didn’t even bother with anesthetics when cutting newborns. If
could bear it, so could my eleven year old. The day I (we) planned to do it we’d throw a
party afterward. We would invite Alexei’s teachers, classmates,
neighbors and
maybe a couple of the Ivanov relatives so word would get back to that
Igor. This would definitely piss him off. After the cutting, Alexei
would be
wearing the device so all could see his boyhood. I could invite the
circumcision audience to examine him up close and personal as they
wished. He
was going to be so humiliated and embarrassed having his boy parts on
to everyone attending the party. I loved just imagining it. I had little trouble securing a SmartKlamp kit.
the internet great? It was delivered to my door by my friendly UPS
driver. I
was able to purchase a medical scalpel and forceps from a local medical
house, no questions asked. I guess they thought I was going to use it
for some
hobby activity. Alexei still hadn’t a clue I was planning to alter his
prized body part, but neither did his sisters. The only one aware of my
intentions and the progress toward the big day was Vickie Simmons and
wasn’t telling anyone anything. She had become my best friend in a very
time. We talked daily and usually it was over coffee at her home or
mine. It was mid-June, Alexei had finally realized
the complaining in the world would not change his forced nudity
predicament and
so he stopped trying to negotiate his way out of it. His sisters, our
neighbors, and relatives were also adjusting to his being naked all the
time. I
know this because the contact the girls had exercised with his boy toys
dwindled off. Oh, sure Irena and Katie’s friends still were intrigued
with his
body and manhandled him, but even that was tapering off. He was being
as “that naked kid down the block”. He still was the object of many
photographers with their cameras, but how much harm could those do? One of the things we did often was to play
that put Alexei in precarious situations. Many entailed him being tied
up to
his bed or bound and rolling around on the family room floor as,
usually little
girls but occasionally boys as old as twelve, fished around at his ball
penis and anus. It
was all innocent
enough. His frequent erections signaled me that he kind of enjoyed it.
interest was in him becoming unsuspecting when secured with ropes and
cuffs. This was also the time I announced to Vickie
that my little circumcision party was a go for the third week of June.
I told
her I wanted her to bring her kids, Jack, of course, could wear his
suit and they could watch the girls and me do the unveiling. Being the
person she was, she again tried to get me to hire the job done,
insisting I
take him to a doctor for the operation. My argument was I wanted Alexei
to know
his mother and sisters had the power over his penis—his manhood. A
doctor, even
a female doctor, doing the cutting wouldn’t send that message. Besides,
already had the SmartKlamp kit and hardware in my bureau. Most nights I found myself
fingering the
packages and almost drooling at the thought of finally using them. No,
I was
committed and set the date as Wednesday morning of the third week.
Vickie and
the kids would attend. With that finalized, I looked out my kitchen
window at
two nude boys, Alexei and Jack, shooting baskets in my driveway and
soon their flopping appendages will look very much the same. It also
to me Alexei was not nearly as self-conscious as I would have liked.
accepted that he would have to be on display to the entire neighborhood
many passing motorists to play those games of pick-up with his friends
in our
very opened driveway. I longed for the humiliation, embarrassment and
self-consciousness of two weeks prior to return. The little plastic
cage he’d
soon have hanging between his legs should help with that. And, when
that came
off, the bulbous tip of his boyhood would certainly bring some further
embarrassment to him. So would having to answer the question, “Hey, who
did the
cut job?” he’d most likely to be asked, in the locker room, as his
accompanied him to the showers or swimming pool. He’d have to explain
his mother
and sisters did it to him, not because he wanted it, but because they
it would be done. That afternoon Vickie left with Amanda. Jack
going to spend the night with us. I was gratified that I would be able
to enjoy
playing with Jack’s boyhood that evening and imagining how Alexei’s was
to look and feel post operation. Yes, I was again feeling that erotic
rush. That Wednesday couldn’t have arrived fast
enough. I told the
kids we were going to
play some more games where Alexei was to be the victim. I had cleared
my queen
sized bed of all but the fitted sheet. In the process of preparation
I’d tied
short segments of rope to each side of the headboard and also to the
posts of
the footboard. Alexei was to be a captive of the queen of a woman’s
tribe on a
remote island. I was playing the part of queen and my two daughters
were the
minions. I remember hoarsely and authoritatively saying to the girls,
the boy to the chamber and secure him so we might tickle and molest
him.” Playfully,
the girls brought their relatively complaint naked brother in and made
him lie
down spread eagle on the bed. He laughingly complied. Again, I think he
becoming too accustomed to his nudity for my taste. I know both he and
girls were expecting another one of their tickle sessions where they
Alexei all over his body, and I mean all over, until he begged for them
to let
him go. They were excited as I ordered them to “tie the intruder down”.
arms were tied to opposite sides of the bed as were his legs. His penis
straight up almost as a flagpole dominating his plump scrotum and its
His little rosebud was fully on display. Timing couldn’t have been better. No sooner had
the girls secured him, the doorbell rang. Vickie and her two kids had
arrived. I
sent Katie downstairs to let them in and lead them to the bedroom. The
sight of
Alexei splayed out before them brought glee to the two children. Even
the fully
naked Jack approached and lightly flicked my son’s hard-on with his
finger. It was apparent Jack was enjoying the situation as his boy toy
assumed a position parallel to the floor. I paused a moment to approach
the boy
as he stood beside his mother and tenderly rolled his appendage around
my thumb and forefinger anticipating the outcome of today’s still
game. I remember it was then I proclaimed, “I love boys with
penises. As queen of Girl Island, I want this boy” I pointed to Alexei,
sacrifice his cover so he looks like this.” I cupped Jack’s erect penis. Alexei very apparently caught the drift and
began to tear up. He twisted violently trying in vain to free himself
of the
bindings. Irena was also quick to pick-up on my plans almost excitedly
“Are you going to circumcise him today, Mom?” I wasn’t sure where the
understanding was with Katie, Amanda or Jack, but all that would be
very clear
as I answered, “Yes. You, Katie and I are going to unwrap his cute
little tip.”
Amazingly even Jack was broadly smiling, almost wringing his hands,
Katie and
Amanda were holding each other’s shoulder and jumping up and down. “And
Amanda and Mrs. Simmons are going to watch us do it.” I walked to my
bureau and
retrieved the clamp kit and scalpel. “I don’t know how exactly to sterilize this
thing, but I’ve got a pot of water boiling on the stove down in the
Vickie, would you drop it in there and let it boil for ten minutes?
That should
be enough don’t you think? Oh, and you might as well take these two
forceps as
well. I’ll need them to keep his little turtleneck open when I insert
the guard
over his penis.” In the background Alexei was still struggling
with the ropes. His crying was now bawling. “Irena, in my bathroom is a bottle that says
Betadine on it. I need it and some cotton swabs.” After she left to retrieve the supplies, I
crawled up on the bed and lightly stroked my son’s penis and scrotum
while I
spoke calmly trying to console him a bit. As I did so, I pumped that
back as far as I could, until he cried out that it hurt. Then I’d
release it
and eventually work it again. His cry had become a whimper. “Jack, I
need you
to play with his peepee here. I need you to help by pushing this skin
way back
like this so it’s nice and loose for what we’re going to do. Would you
do that
for me? Don’t worry if he yells. Just keep doing it until you can see
part.” I lifted his clean cut penis and fingered the frenulum to
what I wanted to see. “Okay?” “Yes, Ma’am.” He dove right into the job. As he
worked it, he tried to calm his recently acquired friend’s nerves. “Hey, Alexei, it’s okay. Don’t be scared. When
she’s done, yours will look like all the other guys.” While I opened the SmartKlamp kit I listened to
the exchange between the boys. Alexei calmed down enough to ask, “When
did your
mom do yours?” It was all I could do to stifle my chuckle. “I don’t think she did. I think the doctor did
it when I was born. I don’t ever remember my wiener with skin on top.” I gathered the kids around the computer. My
the monitor was turned so Alexei could see it from the bed. I opened
SmartKlamp video on YouTube, and made them watch. I told them this is
what we were
going to do to Alexei in just a few minutes. The part where the penis
of the
kid on the video was stabbed in multiple locations with a syringe
caused even
the girls to shutter. I patted Alexei’s shin and said, “Don’t worry,
Honey, no
needles for you.” He was naively relieved. I began worrying as the time was clicking away.
I’d invited several guests to the “surprise party for Alexei”, and we
had to be
done pealing him by one. It was approaching 10:30 and we were nowhere
getting that started. He had no idea how many people would be seeing
him naked
as the day he was born, and, if that wouldn’t be embarrassing enough,
he have
the little SmartKlamp apparatus dangling off his denuded penis head. I
thrilled Igor’s mother, sister and her four kids (7 – 13) were to be
attending. The girls were a tremendous help that day. It
took the two of them and both Simmons kids to hold Alexei down. He
fighting the ropes as soon as I took the measuring template to his
penis. I
pulled the foreskin back and started with the second hole, it was a bit
get the glans through it, on the #3 hole that juicy tip popped right
effortlessly. I couldn’t help but wonder which would give the tightest
Vickie and I bantered back and forth about it. She reasoned I could
force the larger one further down freeing the connective tissue of the
on the lower glans. The tighter one might leave too much foreskin. We
went with
the number three. Jack was made to play with the penis and
while I readied everything else. Why Jack? Because he was really
feeling, much less playing with, another boy’s junk. Making him do it
cute twinges of embarrassment. As he did earlier, he forced the skin
well back
behind the glans. As he exercised it, Alexei’s complaints of discomfort
lessened and his member stood up. I then had Irena pinch the loose skin on her
brother’s tip and stretch it as far as she could. Using a felt tip pen
I traced
around the outline of the glans. This would be my target line for the
Katie swabbed the Betadine on the pubic area. I must say she was
liberal with
it. She got it everywhere including my sheets. Alexei’s pain complaints returned when I
the opening on either side with forceps and locked them in place. He
later liken it to the pain of catching himself with the zipper on his
pants. As expected problem one showed up immediately.
The damned plastic guard was too big to fit in the opening of the
foreskin. I
couldn’t stretch the skin enough to accommodate it. Vickie reminded me
in one
of the videos they cut the skin vertically to ease entry. But Alexei
was still
wiggling too much to make a safe cut. I slapped his thigh and told him
what I
was going to do, and if he moved I might cut the wrong thing. His
response was
“it hurts, it hurts, it hurts”. I slapped his thigh again and ordered
him to
lie still. The four kids were again draped over his legs and upper
torso to
hold him still. Vickie manned the forceps stretching the skin left and
right. I
must admit the scalpel slid through the tissue with complete ease. The
was a bit of a problem, but not insurmountable. I told myself I’d just
the line of no return. Finally, the interior plastic guard could be
and popped over the red knob of the glans. I unfurled the foreskin up
and over
the plastic guard while shoving the plastic tube down further and
further until
the line I’d drawn covered its bottom lip. So far so good. Vickie was ready with the exterior frame. As in
the video, I loosely put the outside “cage” in place and made sure the
was smoothly hugging the outside tube and the line I’d drawn as a
reference was
just slightly above the tube’s bottom lip. I firmly twisted the
exterior cage
interlocking it with the tube beneath the foreskin, and snapped the
on the cage taut. Alexei bellowed with the discomfort caused by not
just the
stretching of the skin, but the finally tightening of the pinch as I
locked it
in place. He cringed and again chanted, “it hurts, it hurts, take it
off, take
it off”, as I forcefully drew his legs back. Vickie massaged the sides
of his
face in an effort to calm him. With his penis now safely enclosed it was time
to trim it up. I removed the now, hopefully sterile, scalpel from the
pot of
still steaming water, being careful to touch only the handle. It burned
fingers. Thankfully it fell on a neatly folded paper towel. That would
have to
be clean enough. Five minutes later, Alexei had calmed enough that he
looking down at the contraption now securely attached to his
member as he continued to sniff back the nasal discharge from crying.
the pinched foreskin had numbed itself by pinching off the nerve
endings. I
broke the revelry by stating the obvious, “Well, it’s now or never.” As I picked up the scalpel again and grasped
cage, Alexei started another round of pleading, “No, Mom, please, I
don’t want
you to cut it. Please, don’t.” His crying became audible again. The
girls and
Jack were mesmerized as I made the first horizontal cut. Not even a
droplet of blood was shed. Oddly the scream of pain I expected never
occurred. I
completely circumnavigated the penis and the foreskin kind of snapped
free. It
looked like an oversized rubber band still hugging the plastic tube
beneath. Because
of my initial cut to open the foreskin, the only thing holding it on
was a very
thin connecting membrane. A quick slice across that freed the foreskin
and I
removed it completely with forceps. A quick pass around the incision
with a
swab dipped in three in one antibiotic salve and he was clean. I was overjoyed announcing half to my own
surprise, “I did it! It as a piece of cake! I actually did it!” The
contingent cheered and applauded. Jack sat holding the SmartKlamp and
down at Alexei’s now unwrapped pecker head. “Man, I can’t believe it
was that
easy. I need a glass of wine.” It was my turn to have an inside look. I took
the cage from Jack’s hands and looked down to my son’s pee slit in the
of a wet bulbous purple glans. I stuck my pinky finger down the tube
just so I
could feel it. Vickie returned with our wine. Katie asked if we could
take off
the cage so they could all see the new Alexei. I told them it had to
stay on
there for five to seven days so his cut could heal. Not that it
mattered I also
said he would have to continue to stay naked at home and bare from the
down if we went anywhere. I knew the naked part wasn’t part of the
medical instruction,
but who cares. I liked my boy to be naked, not occasionally but all the
time. We had an hour before the party was to start. I
told Alexei he could be released, but if I let him up he had to leave
the clamp
alone. Playing with it or pulling on it might cause his penis to bleed.
He just
wanted to be let loose of his bindings. As I untied his left wrist,
worked on the right. Irena released his ankles. As soon as we’d freed
him he
sat up and peered down at his now denuded glans. He almost seemed proud
of it. With
a half grin and bloodshot eyes he asked, “How can I pee with this thing
on it?” He was relieved when I told him to shoot it
right out of the tube. Jack’s response to that suggestion will be with
me as
long as I live. He just said, “Oh, that’s awesome. Pee out the tube,
whoa!.” I
had to laugh. One more time I cradled my boy’s ball sack and
performed another glans inspection. With a feeling of pride and
satisfaction I
joined Vickie preparing for our twenty to thirty guests. We pinned the
to a big poster board right at the entrance hallway. Vickie’s idea. The
read, “Go ahead, give it a good lick, tap, or kiss!” I was so hoping
mother and sister and her cherubs would kiss it when they first arrived
and then
ask, “What is that?” I would tell them it was a small piece of leather
we had
all kissed that they could send it to Igor in prison, a kind of good
charm. Only problem was after they saw Alexei, they’d know where the
was from. When doorbell rang, I sent Alexei to a chair we
dubbed his throne. He didn’t want to go. He was bare and didn’t want to
himself to a group of people who had never seen him naked, but also
because he
had that clamp dangling from his ding-a-ling. His blushing about
knowing he was
about to be presented to many people who were intimately important in
his life
made him all the more cute. It certainly gave me a rush. I’m not going to bore you with the observations
of how various people interacted with my naked little cherub, but
suffice to
say the little girls from his grade at the school were fully attentive
to their
naked boy classmate. When they weren’t pawing at Jack’s stiff penis,
they were
exploring that “weird thing” hanging on Alexei’s tool. More than one of
told a teacher in attendance, they thought all boys should have to come
school naked. At one thirty, the Ivanov relatives arrived. Igor’s mother was in her
usual charming mood,
complaining and criticizing from the moment I invited them in. She
wanted to
know “What in the hell did Alexei do to get a party thrown for him?” I
believe it. One of Igor’s sister Sasha’s girls saw the poster, read it,
shrugged her shoulders and kissed the damn foreskin. I only wished it’d
been my
ex-mother-in-law instead. Sasha was quick to ask, “What’s that?” And I
responded with the whole good luck thing. She didn’t buy it and probed
foreskin with her index finger. “It looks like someone’s skin.” The Ivanov’s entered the family room and were
quick to notice the nude boys. “Why is my grandson naked?” “Because, he stays naked all the time. I want
him to. He’ll be naked until he’s fourteen or I decide otherwise. I’ll
damned if I’ll raise a man who bullies women, much less kills men and
his life in prison. My son will respect women.” Without any hesitancy she lifted his penis
encaged in the plastic scaffolding. “What in the hell? Is his thing
hurt? What
is this thing?” “It’s called a SmartKlamp. They’re used to
protect a boy’s penis when he gets circumcised.” She examined the boy down the tube and saw his
glans winking back at her. She was steaming. She bitched about him
being cut
and ranted no good Russian boy should be cut. I told her that Alexei
was not a
Russian boy, he was an American and most American boys were
circumcised. She
started swearing in Russian. I wish I’d of had a recording of “It’s Too
Baby” to play to further annoy her. The most humorous part was when
Sasha put
two and two together and realized her daughter had kissed what just
before had been wrapped around her cousin’s dick head. I loved it. They
early leave and refused to take the “charm” to send to Igor. But, I
knew he’d
hear about it. That was enough to give me some satisfaction. Seven days later, I removed the remnants of the
SmartKlamp. I was a bit apprehensive as I wanted a clean cut. I snipped
plastic as per instructions and the whole thing came off easily. The
brown and
black ring of healing skin easily fell back behind the head. Though it
up a bit behind the glans, when he got his first erection it looked a
whole lot
cleaner than I thought. All in all I was satisfied. Alexei played with
it for
the first two weeks, both when he thought no one was watching and when
one of
his sisters or I told him he had to. We’d make him finger and rub
himself to
entertain friends the girls invited over or when I had someone I wanted
share such things with. Vickie would put him across her lap, much the
same as I
did Jack that first day, and she’d spend sometimes an hour squeezing,
and pulling at it and his balls. I don’t know. The fun seems to stop when the
boys get used to being naked. They start accepting nudity and females
with their packages as normal. When
humiliation and embarrassment end, so does a great deal of the fun.
continued having to be naked at home and in other venues, where I felt
I could
get away with it, until he was fourteen, but I don’t regret doing that
for one