The Surprise Blizzard

By Sexpig4u

Copyright 2015 by Sexpig4u, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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The Surprise Blizzard: First Flakes
Please People the Snow is Real… the Story is a Fantasy. Keep it that Way
Mr. James Sr. and Wendy Roberts
                        James Jr.: aka Jimmy age 13.
                                    Amy:              Age 9
                                   Andrew: aka Andy, Age 9 – 2 minutes younger than Amy.
            Stella Roberts Mother of James Sr. Widowed Grandmother of the three.
Mrs. Carmella Sanchez, Pediatrics General Physician assistant, and Mother of Five children
Mr. Hector Sanchez husband of Carmella and Father of same.
                        Carlos Sanchez Age 14
                        Maria Sanchez Age 11
                                    Rosie, Juan and Jose Sanchez, Age 9
We open the scene in the early morning of a non-descript February weekday, in a house 90 minutes outside of Boston
Time was just 6am. James and Wendy were in the kitchen, The Television was on the local new show the hosts were asking the weather guy about today “A picture perfect day ahead folks details at 17 minutes after the hour.”
Wendy was dressed for the day. So Wendy was organizing the kids things for school, She was so busy that she didn’t notice that James Sr. was wearing a long Tee shirt and Jockey shorts as he was cooking breakfast for the family, Stella, the grandmother was drinking coffee, while in her nightgown and full length housecoat, Feeling a little zoned out, just like any other morning since last August. When her husband Franklin James Roberts, of forty years died of a heart attack, just after Stella and Franklin’s house caught fire, it was a small fire contained to the Kitchen and adjacent first floor bathroom. The Grandkids were staying over for a few days before the end of summer while the parents worked; However Stella and Franklin were able to get the kids out fine but in the panic Franklin’s heart and lungs, damaged by smoking cigarettes for years, gave up and he died on the front lawn of his own house.
So when the family decided that. Since the house was only partly damaged by the fire, that Grandma Stella would come to live with her son’s family while the house is repaired the work crews were quick in the repairing so she moved back to her home in late September.
 It was in October when news from Stella’s doctor came and that she will be needing treatment and maybe surgery later. So then after a small discussion it was decided that Grandma Stella would sell the house and live with her son’s family.
This meant that in this four bedroom home,; one master bedroom with a private bathroom, the three other bedrooms had to share a bathroom off the main hallway, that before the fire at the grandparents house, each child had their own room. So Amy was able to stay by herself, however Jimmy had been forced to move into Andy’s room and share a room.
“Time to wake up and get up for school, my boys.” Wendy the mom said as she switched on the bedroom light on the ceiling after opening the door wider.
Wendy walked to the side of Andy’s bed and she pulled the covers down so that Andy would wake up and not go back to sleep, he woke up as was laying on his front, he pushed himself up on his knees and said “Good morning Mommy” as he always does with arms out asking for a hug.
“Good morning to you too Andrew” She said as she gave him a big hug back. “Your legs hot again last night Andy?” she noticed that during the night her son had kicked the pajama’s bottoms off in the night and all he was wearing was his plain white tee shirt that only went down past his navel. Even only being nine, his little penis was doing what all penises do in the morning, it was sticking out it’s full length of 4 inches, Wendy felt it poking against her clothed thigh,
“Yes Mommy I was hot again” Andy said almost too eagerly or un-innocently as they finished hugging and Andy sat down on feet while still on his knees,
Wendy picked up the Pajama pants from the middle of the bed and folded them up and place them under the pillow. “That’s about the dozen times since last month, However this room feels cool enough to me now.” Wendy stated
“Maybe it is because the door was almost closed because Jimmy likes it closed at night now.”
“Well, we will talk about this tonight then. Now its time for school, off the bed and get to the bathroom before your sister gets up and hurry back here. Don’t let Amy see you naked, and put the all clothes on that I will lay out on your bed mister. Daddy is cooking breakfast today,” with that statement she brought her hand to his bare backside as his feet hit the floor and gave it a play full slap as she helped him off the bed.
With that Andy turned his head and smelled the bacon cooking “Smells good” he broke from his mothers arms and scooted to the bathroom with only the short tee shirt on, and his penis pointing the way. Wendy was a little concerned about Andy walking around half nude, she has been trying to install some modesty into the kids lives, Over the last three years she had heard that opposite sex twins should refrain from seeing each other nude to promote higher standards and morals. Especially since his penis was longer than other boys his age. This regression of Andy walking half nude to the bathroom was new in the last few weeks but with Amy still in bed she thought it should be ok for quick run,
After Andy left the room she quickly made Andy’s bed and placed his clothes for the day out on the bed, Pants, shirts, undershirt, white brief type underwear and socks. All laid out in order of dressing.
 She then turned her attention to her oldest son; she pulled the bedcovers down on Jimmy, just like she did with Andy.
“Time to wake up Jimmy” However Jimmy was laying on his back still asleep, he was wearing a tee-shirt with sweats pants and underwear, Wendy looked down and found that Jimmy’s hands were down near his crotch and that he pushed the front of the sweats and underwear down to his thighs, his 13 year old penis was still being gripped by his hands and fingers, and in his sleeping state was dreaming of something good.
His Penis poked up just about 3 inches, small for his age.
Feeling Annoyed “Jimmy Wake up you’re going to be late for school, And you shouldn’t be touching yourself like that again,” This comment by his mother made him wake up fast, he realized that his hands were holding himself exposed in front of his mother. He pulled up his sweatpants
“Oh Mom I am sorry.. I won’t do it again”
“No you’re not sorry for nothing, you have been caught touching yourself almost every morning lately. Is it itchy?
No it just…umm it just hurts a little,
 “What do you mean it hurts, let me check again”
“No Mom I don’t want you to look, you are my mother,” He quickly said
“Yes, I am your mother, I have to look at it if your in pain, I know I give you privacy for most of the time, but I need to check you out, you should be ashamed for touching it and making it erect but it’s nothing I haven’t seen before, like your brother 2 minutes earlier.”
“Okay,“ he said as he lowered his pants and underwear,
He tried to cover himself with his hands, “Hands away and hold them on your head you little wicked boy”
She looked him over, he had very little hair above his base of his erect penis and his sack was still covered only with peach-fuzz.
The shaft was fully erect and the pink tip and urethra was moist, she touched the shaft to check the underside of it, And all of a sudden his hips rose off the bed and he shook groaned, uncontrollable but nothing came out,
“How Disgusting, James Franklin Roberts. She shamed him for having a dry ejaculation.
“Sorry Mother”
“YEAH RIGHT you are sorry, You have to learn to control yourself mister, one touch shouldn’t trigger you off , has this been happening a lot lately?,”
“At times, maybe? Once at school the younger kids didn’t know what happened to me, Mom” Jimmy was two years older than the other kids in his grade, he was held back twice, due to his siblings being born and once do to a lack of study time and homework doing.
“So is this why you have been closing the door to your room at night? So you can masturbate?”
“Yes mother.” He started to Cry fearing something is wrong with him,
Don’t cry about it honey, erections are normal they happen often with boys your age, However you shouldn’t be so jumpy and trigger so quick, when you have one, like just now,
“The other boys in gym class stare at me when we change, they know I am older but I am smaller than they are down there.”
“I keep forgetting that you are older than the boys in your class, Don’t worry about it, your penis will grow, in time,”
“Mom it’s embarrassing”. He was still laying on the bed with his sweats down to his knees,
“So is this why you’re always in a bad mood lately?”
he said “I guess so…”
“I’ll call my Doctor friend Carmella Sanchez today about your problem, so we have an idea how to help you.
Your father and I will talk about this later tonight”
“Don’t talk to her, her daughter Maria is my class, she’ll find out about me,”
“James Franklin, She is a professional doctor, She is not going to tell on you”
“She’s a Woman anyways, what does she know about boys.”
“Not only is a doctor, she is the mother of triplets, Rosie, Juan and Jose, Andy & Amy’s friends remember,
So she knows about boys” Wendy said as she got a fresh set of clothes out for the boy,
“But they are younger than me,”
“She also has a son your age. Carlos I believe, But You don’t know him because he is not in your grade,”
 “Maria is real detective like and nosy. She is going to discover my secret.”
“Relax you are just 13 you have a lot of time to grow.”
Looking at the clock “Now it’s late, get dressed for school and wash up”, She threw his clothes at him so he could get dressed.
He covered himself with them and his hands as she turned to walk out of the room, she closed his door,
Wendy went to her daughter’s Amy room however her door was wide open from the start, Amy had heard the commotion from the boys room and by the position of her bed she could see across the hall and into the boys room, a straight on view with the middle of Jimmy’s bed,
Wendy pulled the covers off her daughter, so that she could get up ,
Amy was sleeping with her pajamas shirt and panties on like a girl should be dressed for bed.
“What happened with Jimmy penis?”
“Never you mind, hey how you know about penises little girl?”
“Hello Mom? I have a Twin Brother and you bathed us together till we were six”
“Right, sorry kiddo, I got a lot of things on my mind with your grandmother here and all”
“Will she be okay mommy?”
“We will find out after we meet with the doctors today,”
“I hope so Mommy”
“I hope so too, now hurry up and get dressed for school, Daddy has hot breakfast ready.”
“oh oh I need to go pee mom”
Your brother Andy is in the hallway bathroom you better use mine in the master,”
“I can’t go that far” so she ran to the hallway bathroom in her short sleep shirt and panties, the bathroom was occupied by her brother, he was still bottomless and he was standing by the sink washing up.
Amy ran past him, shucked her panties down just as she turned around to sit holding her hands on her knees, being twins and 9 modesty was not yet developed between them, this co-sharing of the bathroom happens often but waning in general, by Mom’s request, she looked at Andy finishing washing up and at his behind and his now flaccid penis, as he stood sideways in front of her gaze.
She finished peeing and wiped her bum. The panties that were pulled down to her feet slipped off as she stepped over to the sink to wash up for the day,
“It smells like daddy is cooking bacon.” Andy told his sister
“Yeah it smells good too,” Amy
“I am going to eat it all before you get there”
“No your not,”
“Lets race, lets see who gets to the table first”
“But we have to get dressed first Andy”
No we don’t, grandma is down there. She’ll let us eat like this.” Andy said
“Mom won’t let us, you know that,”
“She has to catch us first. Its so much fun, lets try it,”
“Winner gets the losers second piece of bacon,
“Deal. Deal” both said
“Okay let’s start for the kitchen at the same time, on three”
Both stood at the inside bathroom door as the counted to “1….2… 3 Go!”
Both kids ran bottomless from the doorway toward the kitchen, uncaring that they bumped into their mother as she just came out of Amy’s room when she finished making the bed, Andy wiener was flapping around and Amy’s shirt was up above her skinny hips, as they past her in the hallway heading to the kitchen, “Where are you two going.”
“To the kitchen, Mom,” The youngsters’ lower half of their bodies were exposed to her, and each other,
“Stop , You Guys Know you are suppose to be wearing clothes in front of each other. Now get to your bedroom and get dressed now” Wendy yelled
Both kids growled ” Okay Mother”
Wendy really wanted her kids to start to stay dressed more at home for modesty sake,
Andy opened the door to his room and Jimmy yelled “I changing here”
Wendy saw that Jimmy was standing naked by his bed with his clean underwear in his hand and one leg inside them, Andy saw his older brother nude, every so often, However lately not that much Andy saw that Jimmy’s penis was smaller than his own, Andy left The door stay open wide, since there was a race going.
 Jimmy turned his back to his brother to hide his package from his brother’s view.
“What’s the problem Bro you a little Shy?” said Andy as he grabbed the socks, the underwear fell to the floor as he sat on the edge of the bed to put the socks on,
“Knock it off twerp”
 “You knock it off”
“Boys you both better knock it off” Wendy said while closing the door and heading back to the kitchen,
Andy grabbed the jeans pants on the bed put them on, unconcerned that he skipped the underwear step. This was also something new in his life this year. On went his under shirt and polo shirt. He saw the underwear on the floor, without his brother noticing, he kicked them under the bed. He wanted that extra bacon. So Andy turned and ran to the door and opened it just as Amy opened her door to her room, they both stopped for a moment not to collide with each other, Amy saw Jimmy standing there in his clean white briefs and putting on his clean Tee shirt
”Nice Underwear Jimmy” Amy Teased
“Get out of here Sis” Jimmy screamed as he went to shut the door,
The Twins giggled at their brothers fussing, and got to the breakfast table at the same time.
“Darn it, no extra pieces of bacon,” Andy said out loud
“What’s the fuss? I made more today” James Sr. Said
Amy Squealed in joy. “Yea Dad!”
The twins started to eat the breakfast on the plates before them. Jimmy got to the kitchen a few minutes later his head down.
Grand ma noticed that he was still in a mood, and said “Jimmy come over here and give me a kiss and hug before you sit,”
Jimmy did and Grandma gave him a big hug and kiss, he enjoyed the kiss, for two reasons. The love for one and the second because she was sitting down in her chair and when she leaned forward for the hug her housecoat and nightgown gapped open and Jimmy got an eyeful of grandma’s breasts.
This of course got his little penis stiff again; He quickly sat down to eat before anyone noticed that his pants, were pushed out by his short but hard penis.
As the family ate breakfast, the television local news was on and the weather man repeated what he was saying earlier that it should be “a normal February day only a chance of scattered snow flurries but mostly an overcast day ahead,”
Amy asked “Can I go over to Rosie’s house after school today Mom Please?”
“I don’t see why not, We have to bring your Grandmother to the doctors in Boston today, we should be back in time to bring you home.”
“Are you guys driving in to Boston dad?” Jimmy asked
“No we are taking the train in, your grandmother loves the train ride, besides Parking the car is so expensive to do now.” James Sr. said
“Amy, I Have to call Rosie’s mother about something today anyway so I will ask if it is okay for you go over.”
Jimmy sunk lower in his chair, knowing the subject,
“What do you have to ask Carmella About dear” James asks
 “I will talk to you about it later James”
 “So Anyway Amy, I’ll call the school saying it is ok for you to take the bus to her house, if she agrees”
“Ok Mom.”
Andy ask “Grand Ma why do you like trains?”
“Your Grand Father and I met on a train, we found each other on the way to that Rock concert in New York State,”
“What concert? Who was Playing?”
“Woodstock was the name of the concert and The Who and everyone else in rock history was there.”
“Was it fun?”
“Hell Yeah, it was fun, of course that before the rains came,”
“It rained on you?”
“Yes the concert was all outdoors, the ground turned to mud under our feet, it was so slippery, I fell into a deep puddle and got covered with cold drippy Mud, Franklin helped me up and he gave me his shirt and pants off his back to wear, so I would keep my modesty about myself. He didn’t want me to be embarrassed about being in my panties and bra in the crowd.”
So Grand Pa was only in his underwear at the concert?” Andy asked
“Oh no child, to the day your Grand father died, he never said why he choose to go commando that day,”
“What’s Commando?” Amy asked
“It means no underwear Amy, He was so sweet, and he stood by my side nude holding my hand, with the crowd all around enjoying the concert”
“How long was he naked grand Ma?
“It was a while couple of hours dear, till we found stream of fresh water to rinse the mud off of my clothes and they dried.”
“And he didn’t get arrested?” Jimmy asked
“Oh no Jimmy, That was a different time then, nobody cared if a boy was naked,”
“Really Grand ma, did you saw lots of boys naked? Amy asked
 “Amy it’s See, not saw, Yes I did see naked boys all the time Amy, us girls used to giggle at the little flopping penises when the boys went nude in the neighborhood in the summer. Some girls got naked too when it was hot, but for the girls they had to stop when the developed in to women, but boys it was normal, It was a great time and way to grow up”
“So did that way stop before daddy was born?” Amy
“Well your grand father and I raised your father to be naked in the house till he went off to college; Even my husband went around nude when it was just the two of us, till the fire.”
“Yeah Grandma, that was fun this past summer, how you let us run around naked at your house at least before the fire happened.” Andy said
“Andy, I told you not to tell your mother” Stella said
“Amy and Andy Shut up about running around naked, I am not going to do that here, just like then at grandma’s house, I know when and how to dress,” Jimmy said
“Jimmy don’t yell and Stella Don’t be putting thoughts in their heads, boys and girls don’t go nude and they shouldn’t been nude then” Wendy told off her mother-in-law
“Wow, Daddy you really went naked around the house growing up?” Andy
“Yes I did sport”
“Cool, Dad can I do that too,” Andy
“Yeah, Why can’t we go nude now Grand Ma?” Amy
“If it was up to me I would say yes, but it is not my decision?” Grand ma said
“Who is it up to?” Amy
“It’s up to your mother kids,” Stella
“Mom, why won’t you let the boys and I go naked at home? You always yell, at us to get dressed,”
“Well honey, Times changed girls and boys need to be dressed, my folks never let me or my brothers run around naked,
“Why not Mom?”
“Because we were Irish Catholics, it was a sin to do that” Wendy replied
“But didn’t god put us on earth nude Mom like Adam and Eve?” Amy asked basic Sunday school knowledge.
“Yes he did, but Adam and Eve fell into temptation, and had to get dressed to save them from sin, only the poor goes naked. As I grew up, Your grand father, My Dad, worked very hard to keep us clothed and fed we were proud.”
“So, Grand ma were you guys poor then? And why did people stop letting kids play naked at home” Amy
“Heck No honey, we were rich in Money and love, we were just more freer back then, It’s just people started to feel uptight in the late 1970’s, they started to associate simple nudity with being poor and with sex,” Stella said
“Sex?” Andy asked
“Making babies” Amy said
“Oh Mushy stuff” Andy
“Yeah Mushy stuff” Grand Ma said.
“Look at the time it’s getting late”
“So Mom can we be naked at home” Andy asked
“I am not going to be taking my clothes off other than in the bathroom or bedroom And I am never going to run around the house naked again either,” Jimmy said
“That’s right Jimmy, No kids of mine are going to lounging naked at home without a good reason. Like a good spanking, something my parents did teach me about, and there will be no more talking about being nude, especially to anyone outside of this house, you all hear me,”
“Yes Mom.” The three kids responded.
“Now brush your teeth then Get your winter coats and shoes on, Hurry up it’s almost bus time.”
The kids finished eating and went to brush their teeth. They each came back about a minute apart.
Amy went to her Grand mother gave her a hug, “Love you Grandma enjoy your trip on the train” followed by Andy and then once more by Jimmy,
Amy went over to her fathers chair and gave him a big hug and kiss as well.
As he returned the hug, since he was sitting down, still wearing the boxers and tee shirt, the fly on the front of his boxers gapped open and his penis was in view. Amy look down and said “Daddy your front door is open again”
“Oh Amy I am sorry” as he reached down and closed the gap. Not really embarrassed about showing his manhood to his daughter,
Wendy yelled “James I am trying to teach these kids some Modesty in this house and here you are hanging out in front of your daughter.”
“Oh Honey, you’re over reacting.”
“No I am not.”
“Mom it’s Okay, It’s only my daddy’s penis, and I know all boys have one too”
“How do you know all boys have penises?” Wendy replied in shock
“Mom, Rosie’s mom is a doctor, when I am over there Rosie and I look in her doctor books and read about them,”
“Maybe I shouldn’t have you go over there today,”
“Mom Rosie is my best friend; don’t keep me away from her”
“Mom Juan and Jose are my best friends too, I loved that sleep over night over MLKs’ holiday weekend we had the best time ever,”
 Andy said

“I’ll talk to their mother, while we go in to town on the train with your father and grand mother,”
“Okay, let me know before lunch mom if I can go, I hope I can,” Amy said,
“Lets get out to the bus stop kids. It looks like I am the only adult here in this house that knows how to dress properly latley,” Wendy said put on her own coat as she held the door open for the group to leave.
With the sharp slamming of the door, Wendy walked the group to the bus stop.
“And another lovely day starts off with my daughter in law” Stella told her son,
“It’s Ok mum, She loves having you here”
“Are you sure James?
“Yes, you help with the kids after school and that gives her time to work more hours at her job.”
“Last year we had all sorts of problems with the kids afterschool programs at school.”
“What types of problems”
“Well mostly it was Jimmy, he was loosing focus on his homework, the staff couldn’t get him to stick with it,”
“Yes I noticed that it was tough to him keep on it, he keeps getting up from the table and wanders around the house,”
“Then the other boys in the group were picking on him during swimming class,”
“Why were they doing that?”
“Don’t know Jimmy never said why but he begged us to let him skip swim class towards the end of the school year,”
“Yeah I have noticed he has been very quiet and shy since I moved in,”
“Maybe it’s just a teenage thing,”
“No, he is quiet and shy, but he is very extremely helpful when ever I asked him to do something,”
“He does love you mother, maybe he doesn’t know how to express it with dad gone.”
“That’s why I don’t think it is a teenager thing. Your father and I needed Dynamite to get you to do stuff as a teenager. That why I feel something else is brewing with him but I have had a chance to find out yet.”
“Give him time,”
“It’s been six months since I moved in he hasn’t gotten better, he is getting shyer”
“Really, how?
“Yes, I have the kids change out of their school clothes when they come home to put on their play outfits that your wife insists they wear, Jimmy yells at Andy about giving him privacy in when changing, That’s not right for brothers and boys to be shy around each other,
“Oh mom, he is the product of my wife and society, Yes I wish they could enjoy the same growing up as I had, but Wendy is stuck in her ways,”
“I could believe how she reacted with your daughter when she saw your penis just now, Even how mature Amy handled seeing it.”
“Well it is Wendy’s wish, that I dress more in the morning now that she is older, I used to go bare in the morning when she was a toddler but Wendy demanded me to at least to wear boxers and tee shirt around the house.”
“Sounds like she wants the house to be like a bank.”
“A bank, Mom?”
“Yes a bank, everyone being dressed and acting business like all the time, not family, like strangers in a bank”
“Yes she has been acting a little too prudish lately”
“Maybe we can talk about this on the way into Boston for your appointment”
“Thanks for going with me today,”
“No problem mom”
Just then Wendy opened the door and step back inside and said “I don’t know what that weatherman was talking about earlier, those clouds look extremely dark and it’s getting colder.”
Standing up Stella, asked “Wendy would like a cup of coffee while I do the dishes?”
“Don’t’ worry about the dishes Stella, I’ll do them, You two nature lovers need to get dressed, we have a train to catch,”
“Honey we have plenty of time”
“No you, guys go get dressed I got the table there might be traffic.”
“You’re right, Wendy, we better get ready Okay Ma?”
“Ok, I just wish I could do something around here, I feel like a guest here, not a family member” with that said Stella turned and walked to her room to get ready for her day,”
After Stella left the room, Wendy asked her husband, “what was that statement for?”
“She just showing she is nervous about the doctors today”
“No that’s not it, is She is mad at me for something.”
“What gives you that Idea?”
“Well, Just a few minutes ago with the kids, she is making me out to be the bad guy here, Just because I think nudity is shameful.”
“Maybe, a little, nudity it’s not that bad, you know,”
“So you think I am the wrong in my ways too, and she hates me for it?’
“Well she doesn’t hate you, Wendy you gave her three of the best grandchildren of her life, and you let her move in here, but my mother wants to fit in here at home she feels restricted by your ways”
“She did raise a son from scratch, and she feels she did a good job in that if I may say so, and she wants to help raise our kids too, while she is well enough to do so, and one of the ways is not being uptight about their clothing or their bodies.”
“But that is how I was raised, I turned out fine,”
“And what about your brothers Wendy how did they turn out?”
“Well sure they were wild boys, skirting the law, but they finally wised up, that’s almost normal.”
‘They were wicked lucky the sheriff didn’t push to have those charges changed to adult offenses when they were 17,”
“Yes that was a lucky move, but my boys are different,”
“Really then why is Jimmy fighting with the other boys in school especially gym class?”
“James that’s is why I have to call Dr, Carmella today,”
“What about?”
“Umm It is his penis, he is worried about being smaller than the other boys”
“Is that all? I knew there was a reason for his shyness, Boys grow at different rates. My own penis grew 4 inches when I turned 16, my friends called me Shorty growing up, glad I was able to outgrow that name.”
“Well, there is something else, he says he hard all the time and at times his quick to trigger,”
"Well I just looked at it this morning and I touched it because he said it hurt, and with one touch his butt came off the bed,”
“Did he squirt sperm?”
“No, he did not, his sack is still small too.
“Well at least you did something right, you helped your boy, My mom stroked me almost every night growing up, my dad rubbed me occasionally but mom helped me the most,”
“You’re saying that your mother and father molested you when you were younger” Wendy said in a whisper
“No, Wendy, I am saying that she made sure her child was comfortable, as you give back rubs to Andy, and when help with Amy as her legs cramps up from her last growth spurt.”
“I can’t believe it… so did you touch my kids that way.?”
“Wendy No, I have not touched Our kids in a unloving way, I have washed them in the bath, I have Cleaned them from the hair on their heads to the tips of their toes, I have cleaned their bums and penises and labia folds, I have rubbed skin lotion in the dry winter time to powder in the summer, Amy used to love horsey riding my leg and by the way she squirms I think she gets an Orgasm too, Both Jimmy and Andy love it when you rub that cold vapor stuff on their chest and give them back rubs; however I have not helped them learn about their bodies like I grew up with because I know how you would react. And I respect that though.”
“But your mother touched you?”
“Yes she touched me. She Gave birth to me, she fed me from her breast, she bathed me and changed my diaper since birth till I could handle doing it myself, being the fact that I was too high strung worried about my grades, by being naked at home helped me to relax and sleep at night, today many parents use drugs with harmful side effects however my mother used, lets say Natural resources, in helping me to sleep.
“Even last week, you found on line some pills that you want to try on Jimmy thinking that would help him with homework and sleep.”
“Yes pill to help him focus, open his mind.”
“Pills only help cloud his mind. The kid needs fresh air and a place where he can’t hide and has to face the world with what god has given him.”
“But they say…”
“Who is they? He is our son and you’re giving him a place to hide, helping him back away from situations causing him to act shy and combative when other kids try to pick on him,”
“But I am his mother, I am trying to help.”
“You know Jimmy has been failing gym this year, Gym of all things, the teacher called home last week, Jimmy hasn’t changed for gym in the last 3weeks now,”
“Why not?”,
“The teacher said Jimmy didn’t have his shorts to change into”
“I wash and dry them every weekend and I put them in his book bag every Monday morning so he has them”
“Well something is up. Being shy is one thing being very shy and lying is another, if he doesn’t start to participate in gym, they are going to keep him back again, at this rate he is going to be 21 years old before he graduates high school,”
 “Oh my god look at the time no more talk about this, get dressed or we will miss our train,”
“Okay Wendy, be a dear and keep an open mind, you can ask Stella all about me growing up. But I need to be able to help with the next chapter of our kids lives. I don’t think your way of raising them is going to work. We need to blend my family experiences into the family not just your side,”
“Let me call Carmella, when we are on the train, I believe she has a break scheduled around 9 am.”
“Ok, I’ll wash up and get dressed quickly so we can go.”
All this while, the breakfast dishes sat on the table, Wendy started to gather the plates up and put them in the sink and dishwasher, Stella came back to the kitchen, now dressed in jeans and a sweat shirt and sneakers,
“Anything I can help with Wendy?” Stella asked
“Could you wash down the table please.”
“Sure thing Wendy,” Stella got a clean kitchen rag and got it soapy damp and started washing the table.
“Did Andy get any of this food in his mouth today, it seems to be everywhere” Stella tried to make small talk,
“Yeah, it Seems like he is still 3 years old, all boy.”
“Wendy, I hope you weren’t upset that the kids were nude at my house in the summer?”
“Well as for the twins, they are still young, I guess”
“They only wanted to run in the sprinkler during the day, and it was quite warm at night too so I let them air dry after supper they even slept all night without a peep,”
“What about Jimmy That week?”
“Oh Wendy he was a handful on the first night, he didn’t want any one to see him in shower at the end of the first night, very unlike the other two”
“Did he run around naked too?”
“Wendy, that boy may be 13 however he thinks he is a grown up, he wanted nothing to do with being nude but he did run in the sprinkler with his tee shirt and shorts on the first day.”
“Well, he is kind of shy, but that’s Jimmy personality”
“Yes, I know that however, boys should at least take their shirts off in the summer,”
“Well after him fussing over me checking out his bathing abilities in the shower, that first night and wanting to stay dressed even when sleeping,”
“Your Father-in law was upset About Jimmy’s defiance and reluctance to be naked. So that night after he fell asleep, Franklin snuck into the room and took all his clothes away, the boy was sleeping so soundly that he didn’t feel us taking his clothing off, his shirt was so sweaty we decide to cut it off him,”
“You guys didn’t Stella? That had to be mean and embarrassing to him when he woke up.”
“Yes it did take him while to get to breakfast, the next morning he kept yelling at us to bring him something to wear,”
James came back fully dressed now,” Don’t tell me dad did that?” James said.
“Oh MY”
“Well My Husband decided to show him how males are supposed to act when naked, so Franklin took off his boxers in the kitchen and marched up to the bedroom and yelled, what are you complaining about little boy, you have nothing different than me, and then pulled Jimmy downstairs by the ear just and said go eat breakfast with the other two, and the four of them spent the next 4 days as natural as god wanted,
“What did Amy say about her grand father being nude?”
“The only thing she did, was that she had this biggest smile on earth on her face and said Grand Pa your Breakfast is getting cold,”
“You’re kidding?
“No, the only one that had a problem was Jimmy, His little member was out straight, but no bigger than my middle finger, and he spent the day trying to hide it. At bath time he wanted to take one by himself so we washed all three together in the tub.”
“How did Andy take it?”
“Just like a boy should, like a fish to water”
 “I hope you didn’t but, Did you go nude too?”
“Heavens no dear, that would be cruelty to children, I was wearing just my night gown no robe since it was hot. Later that night naked grand pa read a bedtime story to Amy and Andy while they sat nude in his lap. They were so comfortable together.”
“Where was Jimmy during this?” James asked since Wendy was opened mouthed.
I put two large pillows, one on either side of myself as I sat in the middle of the couch and told Jimmy to bring his Music player and headphones over and lay across my lap face up with his hands behind his head and his eyes closed while trying to listen to his music. I spent the next hour trying to get the stiffness out of his body, he kept triggering very quickly, I tried the same the following days as well but he got to so he could last about 5 minutes during my rubdowns, Amy and Andy wanted to lay across my lap for the same treatment Amy said she had funny good feeling again just like riding Daddy’s horsey leg , however Andy just said it only tickled”
“So did Grandpa do this rubbing too?”
“No, He thought it was best that I, the Grand Mother of the house help them.”
“So they were nude the whole time? And did Jimmy get used to it later in the week?” James asked
 “Well Jimmy had finally stopped whining about being naked or being embarrassed by the lack of size of his penis on the third day of their stay, he started to shadow grandpa everywhere Franklin went. Friday early morning, That was the day we lost Franklin. Bill Henderson, Franklin’s Friend from up the street, stopped by they spent a hour or so talking, telling old stories, and smoking several cigarettes, off the back porch, Since Bill has always dropped by unannounced, Franklin and Jimmy and the twins stayed undressed while they talked, Jimmy had been laughing and even talking about stuff with the old men.”
“Sounds like Jimmy had fun hanging out at your house. Ma” James said
“So why is Jimmy upset about being naked now?” Stella asked
“It is a new school this year, and the requirement is for the kids to change fully for gym,” Wendy said
“That shouldn’t be a problem, for boys should it?” Stella asked
“Well Stella you know how boys are at that age, if they see something strange they point it out.”
“Yes they do but what does that have to do with changing for gym?”
“He is being teased for having a small penis” Wendy replied
“Oh the size factor, why do boys always worry about their penises today?” Stella asked
“It is the center of our world”, James joked
“Yes, I see James, You’re still thinking with the head without a brain, now I thought that with this pass summer’s vacation, he would have gotten over it.” Stella said to Wendy
“Well Stella, I did not know about the running around naked stuff at your house, they tried doing it here and I yelled at them that first day back, that they need to wear clothes at all times, only poor savages go naked”
“That is not very politically correct Wendy, Nudity is not a wild thing or a statement of downtrodden socially status. Nude is the natural state that god made us to enter this world in,”
“But as I said Adam and Eve sinned and had to put on clothes to hide our shame,”
“Wendy There is no need to shame someone for being themselves, we are all made the same girls have vaginas and boys have penises,”
“But we must wear clothing to prevent sin from happening, to maintain public society
“Children have no sin, they have innocents till they become adults. They need to be able to learn, at least in a protected environment how to deal with what they have been given and to accept those who are different”
Well we teach them that in school, how to tolerate other people,
“Teaching them how is one thing, showing them How is another.”
“James when you were Jimmy’s age, what was your nick name?”
And who used to tease you in school?
“The kids who didn’t know me out side of school”
“What about the boys that you knew from the neighbor hood, from playing games in the yard and came over during our cookouts, did they call you Shorty?”
No Mom,
Why was that?”
“Because you and the other Mothers, let us boys run around nude, so we saw each other all the time,”
“What about the sizes of the penises?”
“They were all different shapes and sizes, I remember one time Daddy attached a garden hose to a metal coil of rolled pipe in the picnic cooler that was loaded with ice and water, the coil in the ice, cooled the water in the hose so much even the big boys got cold and shrunk up to my size when he turned the sprinkler on and we ran thru it,”
“Wendy have you let your kids or the neighbors kids run naked in the yard with sprinkler going,”
“Stella, we can’t have naked kids running in the yard. People will think it wrong,”
“What about in the house then, ”
“No Stella just lone trips to the bathroom if no one else is near Andy loves that even Amy too,” Wendy said
“What about double showers during sleepovers? That’s A good bonding time.”
“No even then, the other parents go to the same church as we do, and believe it is naughty to share, they insist that the kids stay dressed till ready to climb into bed.”
Do they sleep naked at least?”
“Well, I know the girls wear at least panties while sleeping in their bedroom which is ok because the door is closed , the boys I don’t know, James usually checks the boys at night. A mother doesn’t need to see boys naked”
“Oh please Wendy, You saw what their bodies looked like before they knew what they had. A mother always has viewing rights of boys anytime any where, “
“I shouldn’t see the other boys’ penises they are not my sons.”
“Ok come on Wendy, if you have seen one penis you have seen them all. James What about the boys, how do they sleep in the room?”
“Well Mom, Jimmy’s friends are younger since he has been left back twice so some mothers of boys in his grade don’t like the age difference so they don’t do sleepovers with Jimmy,”
“What about Andy’s Friends?”
“As you know Mom, since you moved in with us, Andy and Jimmy are sharing a room, so there has not been any sleepovers here since then, but when Andy had his own room, Stevie from church and the two Sanchez twin boys, Juan and Jose Slept over a couple of times, Stevie was shirtless and wearing loose boxers However the twins boys and Andy were hanging out in the room naked, they just playing Video games only naked”
“The Sanchez boys were playing nude with my Andy”
“When I asked Hector Sanchez about it, when he came to pick up his boys the next day, He said it was a normal thing for the kids in the Sanchez family to be undressed at home it was normal in his culture growing up.”
“What a nice culture to grow up in, What did Jimmy do that night?” Stella asked
“Usually he didn’t like to be hanging with the younger boys when they are here, but sent Jimmy in the room early in the evening, because he was moping around without a friend over, even when it was almost lights out time, Jimmy was still fully dressed in tee shirt and cut off shorts. He fussed at me for suggesting that he get at least down to his underwear.”
“You never told me about that Honey.” Wendy said
“Well I thought you might get upset about it so I didn’t mention it, I asked Hector about it if Jimmy being older and in the room bothered him, He said no and that Carlos was the same age as Jimmy and he almost always goes nude at home too.”
“James last month Amy and Andy slept over on MLK holiday weekend, you brought them over there….?”
“Yes and I picked them up the next day”
“So the other kids were???”
“Yes the kids at the Sanchez house were nude, The boys and two girls Maria and Rosie”
“AND you left MY kids there and I hope you told our two stay dressed?”
“Well they are my kids too, and yes I left them their and they asked me if they could undress too. I said yes and told them to have fun.”
“That must be why Andy is sleeping with his pants off.” Wendy said
“Sounds like my grandson Andy has been bitten by the nudie bug, Good for Him I like that idea” Stella praised
“No, I do not, people need to wear clothes its wrong to go nude”
“Here we go again” Stella said as her daughter in law started her prude speech again
“Look at the Time, We better get going ,” James said
The Trio got into the car and headed and quietly rode to the train station, as they got to the station and parked the car, as they walked to the platform a few snow flakes started to fall. The train pulled in and they got on and they found a car that was slightly empty, It was later in the morning than the normal commuters would take. They found a seat so that the group could still sit and face each other. As the train left the station as more and more snowflakes started to fall,
“This rolling train feels nice, it still brings you back in time. I feel like Franklin is sitting in this empty seat” Stella proclaimed
“Tickets please” the conductor asked as he started at the far end of the car. I didn’t take long, for him to get to their seats,
“Good Morning Folks enjoying this fine sunny day that the weather guy promised us today?,” he asked as he punched their tickets.
“Yes we are, I am glad I not driving in this mess,” James said
“That’s good, I am glad you’re travelling by train too,” the conductor joked.
“We should be on time today, since no body expected this snow ridership is down today, on real snowy days, the train is usually packed”
“Thanks for the info”
“No problem, if you have any questions about the other stops or the subway just ask, enjoy your trip” the conductor said as he left the group.
Stella stared out the window as the scenery went by, James looked at his smart phone, Wendy looked at her watch and noticed it was time for her to call Dr. Carmella, she pulled out her phone and dialed the number, it rang for a few times.
“Hello. “
“Carmella, its Wendy Roberts, How are you?”
“Oh Hi Wendy, Doing well, and you?”
“Just fine James and I are taking the train to Boston with his mother to city hospital today, Amy was asking this morning if she could ride to your house with Rosie on the Bus after school?”
“No Problem Wendy, We love having Amy over, the triplets love it when she is over.”
“Great to hear, also Do you have time for some professional questions?”
“Now I do, this snow coming down caused a lot of my patients to reschedule.”
“Yeah the weather is crazy today, umm I think I am going to need help with My Jimmy, He thinks something is wrong with him,”
“What kind of something?”
“Well, I don’t know how to word it, but something embarrassing happened to Jimmy with me this morning,”
“Don’t be shy I have heard it all,”
“Well, I found Jimmy and he was still asleep, but with the front of his sweat pants and underwear pulled down in bed when I went in to wake him for school.”
“Well, for a teenage boy that’s somewhat normal, Was he touching himself or just hot?”
“No he wasn’t hot, but he was asleep doing it. “
“That is very normal for any male and being asleep one can’t always control oneself, “
“That is what my mother in law and husband said too, but Jimmy is concerned about something else.”
“He is feeling small for his age and the other boys at school are making fun. And he says he hurts sometimes”
“Oh boys, always poking fun at something different than their own, Where is he hurting?”
“Well, when I caught him this morning, he said his erection hurts,”
“His erection hurts?”
“Yes, Carmella his penis was pointing up straight but is was only about 3 inches long at best,”
“Well, male growing patterns differ per boy at that age. Has your husband said anything his own penis when growing up?”
“James said his nickname was Shorty as a kid”
James heard his wife say his old nickname and he rolled his eyes at the word, as he tried to study his phone as he heard only his wife side of the conversation,
“And how about now, as an adult? Does his nickname still apply?”
“Carmella, That’s a personal question To ask.” Wendy said embarrassed,
“Wendy, All guys have one, just as us ladies have different sized breasts and nipples, I was asking if your husband was still short or if he grew out normal.”
“I haven’t measured it Carmella, but his penis is about two hand palms long and thick as a pepperoni stick.”
“Nice, Wendy you’re a lucky woman, Jimmy should be fine in a few years,”
“I wasn’t really worried about his size, but he was complaining that it hurt and when I touched it, I’m embarrassed to say this,” Wendy said hesitatingly
“Go ahead and spit it out as they say”
“Well when I touched it, he….he triggered in my fingers”
“That happens, sometimes incases of extreme excitability or mental stimulation. I have given a few young teenaged boy, now and then a thrill during a routine physical just by checking for hernias,”
“Yes, So far it sounds quite normal, did he produce any sperm when he ejaculated.”
“No he did not. The other thing is he says he is quite hard all the time and in school, he said he has triggered in class a few times,”
“Oh my, that’s not normal. What does his ball sack look like?
 “it is still small like a tea bag after brewing, from what I remember from this morning.”
“From what you remember? Has he grown bigger in the last few months at all?”
“Carmella, I don’t look at my boy’s package every day, he has been bathing himself for a while now,”
“How long has it been since you last saw him naked?”
“Other than just this morning, About 2 years.
“Oh dear, how do you make sure he is growing right,
“That why we have doctors,
“Yes for yearly physicals however a mother should check her children daily for spots and sores and check for proper cleanliness where bacteria can grow. I hope you at least check Amy and help her wash down there?”
“Yes, I shown her how to wash and she does shower with me some times once a week maybe I guess”
“You guess”
“Is he circumcised?
“Yes he is, but why does it matter,.
Well at least that is keeping him somewhat clean, however is he keeping the left over skin behind the head of his penis clean, you can be surprised how much sweat and left over urine drops can build up behind the head.”
“You pull the skin on the shaft back to his belly slightly, sometimes it helps to clean a boy’s penis, if he has an erection at that time,”
“But I am his mother? Its wrong.
“No it is not wrong for you to touch your son, you’re a very caring mother, his mother. I check my boys every day morning and night, even Maria and Rosie help sometimes, I usually check the girls after their bath in the evening too however they do let him when they need extra snuggle time. “
“What?” Wendy not sure what she heard.
“In my Latin culture children are not forced to wear clothing where not really necessary due to the tropical heat and the fact that we believe that God has given the children the gift of innocents as the human body is wonderful resilient by itself so clothing at home is strongly discouraged,”
“So they get forced to go naked at your house?”
“No, not forced, Hector and I have raised our family from the beginning to enjoy the freedoms of their skin, so being nude at home is normal for us, It also makes checking their bodies for spots very easy to do, we often shower with the children sometimes the girls shower with Hector.”
“But in America, Mixed showers that’s not normal. Families need to be dressed to function together normally,”
“Ah Wendy, That used to be the case in the past however health studies have shown that since clothing standards have been in place for a few decades now, the studies have shown that those standards can lead to increased family stress, more secrets hiding, bullying and increased over the counter drugs use for headaches or even alcohol and illegal drugs compared to families that practices open nudity, they tend to share more, get along and support each other and they stay away from the drugs, both legal and illegal. “
“Surely you’re not saying Nudity is now recommended at home? “
“Nudity is more normal than you think Wendy, in parts of the country away from the cities, Many families have been keeping nudity common, have not experienced the problems of that their urban counterparts with all stress and medications city dwellers use, that have the built up side effects, now known about the common drugs like Tylenol possibly causing liver damage, The study has also shown that families that have over active children, and that used the usual drug treatment routinely prescribed, some have switched to the nudity program and have found that the children have reduced their overactive tendencies and become more focused and clear minded,”
“So you’re saying that my Mother in-law is right, “
“I don’t know what she said,
“She said she raised her boy, my husband naked in the house, and he turned out okay,”
“What about your family growing up Wendy, Any problems with getting along, trouble fitting in or closeness?”
“Yeah I guess my brothers were terrors, Family stress was off the charts everyone was in every ones space, my sisters don’t talk like we did when were little.”
“Would you believe my family talks every night at dinner and helps with the chores without being asked, also they love to end their day with each other, all the while nude, “
“You don’t say.”
“Lately the boys have been having a little stress at school, learning that new math, and they are feeling so stressed when they come home from school. You can’t believe the instant change in their mood when they drop the book bags and peel out of their clothes, sometimes during the evening, they need a little more stress relief and all it takes is a little rubbing of their penises to give them that needed feeling of bliss when their bodies shake at the point of climax, the boys love it when their sisters help them,”
“Maria and Rosie help rub? Isn’t Rosie a little young for helping with Juan and Jose ? And what about Carlos? Surely he doesn’t need help with his own parts.”
“Yes I do and the girls are going to be great mothers some day.”
“What about the girls, and clothes their stress?”
“They are free walk around the house as they please, dressed or birthday suits or somewhere in between, we have taught Carlos how to relieve the girls stress by gently caressing the girls bodies,”
“Really, aren’t you worried about them having sex?”
“Not really, they know about sex however know they shouldn’t do it, there are many other ways to relax without having intercourse,”
“Oh my, I don’t know about that stuff, it seems so wrong.”
“But it is natural and they love and trust each other, they are so open to each others feelings, I haven’t had to yell at them for quite awhile now,”
“Wow, you mean you can raise kids without yelling?”
Carmella let out a chuckle, “yes, without yelling”
“I am starting to think that I have been doing something wrong all these years,”
“No, not wrong just different,”
“So this might help Jimmy?”,
“Yes Jimmy has to start getting comfortable being naked and in front of other people,”
“Just him, being naked?”
“No, I think Amy and Andy could use the education as well however they do love romping nude with my kids when they come over,”
“My twins go naked at your house, and they see your kids nude too I did not know this, even at that last sleepover?”
“Didn’t your husband mention this to you when he comes to pick them up after they come here?”
“No he did not, how often are they naked?” Wendy turned and looked at her husband sitting next to her,
“All the time right after you dropped them off, “
“That’s why Andy has been sleeping with just his shirt on, and Amy said she knows about penises and that it was because of her twin brother and your health books that have pictures,
“Yes she loves to play Doctor and Nurses, and she loves read the health books too, no harm done though, it’s all good clean fun,”
“How can I start this at my house, to help Jimmy?”
“Just start walking in on him in the bathroom while he is using the toilet, or showering you can double check his cleaning then too,”
“What if he won’t let me?”
“Tell him you are his mother and say ‘I knew what you had, before you knew what you had so let me check,”
“I think I can do that, what about my twins?”
“Let them go naked to, they love it, it will help jimmy too,”
“Maybe it will help in the laundry loads”
“It should, just teach them to sit on towels for sanitary means,”
“Towels only loads, that might be okay, they are easy to fold,”
“That’s the spirit. So do you still want Amy to come over after school?” Carmella asked
“Well the cork is out of the bottle now, so yes”
“As I said, Amy and Andy are always welcome at our house, “
“Okay then James and I will be by sometime after 5pm to pick her up, I just hope this weather doesn’t slow us down getting home,”
“Take your time, and I hope the doctors in town can help James’s Mother too,
“Thank you for your help and everything, you gave me a lot to think about today,”
“Relax and just be natural about it. Just remember life is not complicated . “
“Ok thanks again bye,”
Wendy ended the call and turned to her husband and said as she put the phone away, “Well, this world is either going perverted or I have been raised in a way that is wrong”
“No Honey your not wrong, you’re just been living in a world of wives tales and religious mistruths.”
She Whispered so her mother in law wouldn’t hear. “But from what I heard Carmella say and what learned from your mother here, My upbringing and the raising of my own kids has been wrong”
James whispered back, “Well, dear you have done a great job with our family, we have made it this far without too much trouble, however I know how strong willed you are with your family, I chose to yield to your ways, now that we have a bump in the road, it might be the time to adjust our plans.”
“But the children, touching and all that nudity won’t harm them?” she spoke softly.
“Wendy, my dear Daughter in law, I may be sick with something, however My hearing is still crystal clear, As you can see your husband has not been harmed and others children in the world, that practice nudity are not harmed by it. It is only those who think that it is wrong that cause problems that shine a negative light,“
“But don’t some kids get sexually abused?”
“Once again, religious views and social meddling has interfered with the natural normalcy. Sure there are some cases however the majority of the time the children enjoy the freedom and the ability to explore and welcome the attention.”
“James you are saying that you are okay with all this even with your own daughter seeing penises? “
“Well someday she will marry and there is a fifty-fifty chance to have a boy of her own, she needs to know how to work one. if she wants to be a mother”
“But she is only nine now? “
Yes she is only nine, she has really nothing to show now, today she and her brother wanted to get some extra bacon at breakfast, they were willing to come down half dressed, feeling free. However you yelled for them to cover up. Why?”
“For modesty sake, and be polite I guess.”
“These kids belong to a family, families grow and know everything about each other, “
“Do they really need to see each other naked?”
“Why not allow them to see everything normally other than hiding stuff, then they sneak around closets and doors to peek at each other thinking it is a dirty thing to do,”
“How do we change our lives now, Jimmy is 13 and the twins are 9, won’t it send a strange message? “Wendy asked both,
“Not if we encourage them, the twins I think will love it, Jimmy will need intervention, but it we start to limit his privacy at home by keeping his door open and helping with his bathing, and restricting his clothing at home, he should be back to our talkative kid in no time,”
“Limit his clothing and privacy?”
“Sure we start having him shower with his brother after supper and we keep his bedroom door open at all times,”
“He is not going to like it at all,”
“Yes at first we are going to have resistance but we are the parents we set the rules at the house and they live by then rules, if we treat it like it normal thing, like Amy seeing me this morning, I am just dad, and I have a penis, she saw dad’s penis, big deal. “
“But I never saw my dad’s penis, that didn’t mess me up,”
“Wendy have you forgotten our first couple of times when we started to have sex while we dated, You didn’t know anything about handling a penis or what they looked like, either Honey,”
“Amy knows about them and she will learn the normal phases of erections that happen to a penis and she will know how the work as well.”
“But should Amy go naked too?”
“Sure, the boys have to learn about vaginas as well, and she should be able go topless at home till she wants to cover up her chest it will help her not have any body issues as well,”
“You guys are nuts, but if you two think it will help with Jimmy’s problem and won’t cause harm I guess we can try it for a while.”
“Jimmy will be fine and he will enjoy it like the twins love it,” James said
“That’s the best thing I have heard in long time, let the kids be kids,”
“Oh I better call the school”, Wendy pulled out her phone and dialed the school’s number.
“Western Mass Elementary School this is Kathy. How may I direct your call?”
“Kathy this is Wendy Roberts.”
“Oh Hello Wendy, didn’t recognize your number just now, this weather has got the main office buzzing today. What’s up?”
“I was just calling to say that my daughter Amy will be going home with Rosie Sanchez today,”
“Okay I got that, What about Andy, Wendy?”
“He will be coming home on the regular bus, No change for him.” Wendy said
“OH Good to talk to you, Okay Got to go the other line is ringing, Bye Bye.” Kathy hung up quickly
“Wow Kathy the school secretary sounded busy she said the weather was looking bad,” Wendy told her husband and mother inlaw
“Oh those school workers always fuss about being over worked, It must be her coffee break time anyway,” James said
“Looks like we’re pulling into North Station, time for the city walk commute,” Stella said
“You sure you want to take the subway and walk from here? we can take a taxi, it won’t take long in a cab”
“I am fine Wendy, this walk will help me get my blood pressure up, anyway I love the city smell,”
“Smell?” Wendy asked
“Yes, the Pretzel and hot dog vendors mixed with bus exhaust, brings back memories with my dad when I came into the city to meet him for lunch. Fun Times,”
“Stella, you’re one crazy woman,”
“I know Wendy that why we get along so well, I think your crazy too,”
“Mother, Stop it.” James bluntly stated
“Oh come on James you love being surrounded by two crazy women that love you so much,”
“Mother very funny, maybe I should trade you both in for newer models.”
“James don’t be fresh,” Wendy scolded James
“Come on kids lets find the subway and get this stupid doctor visit over with”
The train pulled into the station and they looked for the signs for the green line to get to hospital row, they walked to the underground street station and they found the right letter train that goes by the hospital, they climbed aboard, Stella found a seat however Wendy and James hugged the pole, as the trolley traveled along. James at one point was right behind Wendy, he started to thrust his front of his pants towards his wife’s hip as the car rocked on the rails. Wendy noticed what he was doing and looked at his face and mouthed “Stop it.”
He Smiled and said “Stop what?”
Wendy rolled her eyes at him and moved away slightly.
As the left the underground tunnel it emerged to a city of white, the snow was still coming down at a good rate, there was at least an inch and half so far on the ground, the traffic was brutal. However the train pulled up to the hospital stop and the trio got off the trolley. It was a swift walk and the state of the sidewalk was slightly slippery, they got to the hospital to check in they thought they were going to be late however they made good time and arrived with time to spare as the took off their coats in the doctors waiting room, several other people were there,
“I can’t believe it is snowing so much out there, didn’t the weather guy say just cloudy skies today.” Stella said slightly out of breath from the walk
“Oh look they have a TV over here, and the news is on special report,” James said.
 The group watched the screen, the weather guy was on and he was saying “ yes folks it appears we have a small snow squall happening now, but by radar images on the screen show that the snow should be over shortly,”
Just as they got seated, the nurse entered the waiting room and called out “Stella Roberts”
“Yes I am her,” Stella answered as she rose up walked over to the nurse.
“Glad to see you made it in, we have had many cancelations with the weather, My name is Cindy, follow me please.
“Can my son and daughter-in-law come in as well, I hate to explain things twice,” Stella asked
Well, we have a few tests to do first before the doctor sees you,” Cindy said,
“That’s okay we are family,”
“Well, you have to get undressed for them Mrs. Roberts” Cindy whispered to Stella
“As I said That’s okay, he has see me naked before, besides what do I have anyway, two old wrinkled tomatoes for breasts and a flabby ass,”
“But it’s not right for him to see you, Stella” Cindy said,
“Not you too?, If he gets any Jollies out of seeing his mother’s nude old body, then something is wrong with him then,”
“Okay Mrs. Roberts, keep it down, they can come in,” Cindy just wanted to have this moment over with the other patients were looking over at them.
The group walked to the exam room number 4 and they all went in,
“Okay Stella here is your Johnnie please remove all your clothing, and put it on please. I will be back in a minute”
“Cindy you better make it two and a half minutes, I am older than I was as teenager, I can’t undress that fast anymore.”
“Oh Mrs. Roberts you’re a funny Lady” Cindy laughed at the joke and left the room and closed the door behind.
“Mom, you better cut out the jokes,” James said as he looked away from his mother undressing before him she took off her shoes and pants,
“Oh, James let a old woman have some fun. Wendy could you help me with my sweatshirt”
“Sure Stella,” Wendy said as she stepped over to her mom in-law and assisted with the sweatshirt.
“Undo the bra too please.” Stella said
Wendy reached around behind Stella and undid the clasp and she helped pull the item off her husband mom, Stella’s breasts flopped out of the cups of the bra as Wendy started to fold the item up, Stella shimmed her panties down to the floor and stepped out of them, totally nude Stella bent over to pick them up and tossed them to her sons lap as he sat looking at the other direction from his mom, he quickly folded them up as he felt the heat from them, and he placed them on the pile of her other clothes,
Stella was taking her time with her socks, Wendy reached for the Johnnie and held it open for her mother-in-law to put on, however Stella was trying to remove her Just then a knock on the door, the door opened a second later and Nurse Cindy walked back in, the hallway out side the exam room was occupied by a fellow in his mid 50’s walking by, the mans head turned to the room, a big smile came on his face as he saw Stella nude body.
 “Oh Mrs. Roberts, I am so sorry I thought you would be dressed in the Johnny by now,” Nurse Cindy said as she quickly stepped into the room and shut the door,
“No harm done for me but that guy’s eyes must be bad, it looked like he enjoyed the view.”
“Mrs. Roberts again, I am sorry for letting him see you,” Cindy said
“Call me Stella, Mrs. Roberts sounds like my mother in law is here, Nasty temper that woman had, near the end.”
“Okay Stella….. Could you please put the Johnny on now please.”
“Okay if I must,” Stella as she donned on the garment to appease the group.
Nurse Cindy started the tests that were required for today’s doctor/s visit, lifting the gown here and there to see under and feel her organs thru her skin,
After a short time Nurse Cindy said “ I have to go and get an Ultrasound machine, I will back in a few minutes”, as Cindy got to the door she turn back to Stella, and Said “Stay covered now I’ll be right back,” as she checked to see that Stella was covered before opening the door, she exited the room and closed the door after.
“I wonder why they need that machine, Mother”
“Oh They probably want to see if I am Pregnant and charge for the test as well,”
“Stella, Don’t Joke about this, It sound serious”
“I am serious too, They must have heard about all those orgy filled bingo games at the hall I go to now that I am single.”
“Mom relax things will be okay and you’re not pregnant now, But it would be cool to get that little brother or sister I always wanted,”
“You two are a fine Pair” Wendy said
The group chuckled,
There was a knock, it was louder than before, and after 2 seconds then the door opened, Nurse Cindy came back as she wheeled a cart into the room,
She plugged in the unit and turned it on, Cindy then raised the gown up and folded it near Stella’s Chest her naked belly and lower have was exposed, “Do you want another gown to cover your legs or your lower half.?”
“No its all right with me as long as my son doesn’t drool over there,”
“Mother!!” James scolded
Nurse Cindy said “this might be cold” as she squeeze out some gel from a tube, for the test on Stella’s upper belly,
Stella let out a squeal, as she felt the cold gel on her skin “what do you do, keep that stuff in the freezer?”
“Yes, Just for those Hot Mama’s, that need to be cooled off,” Cindy shot back with a smile,
“Very funny”
Nurse Cindy ran the scanner over Stella’s belly, this way and then that way, she was snapping photos as she was testing, photos were piling up, Hum was all she was saying as she was testing Stella.
I am going to call the doctor now, Cindy reached for the phone and paged.” Doctor Bradley to exam 4 Please,” and with in a minute a knock at the door happened and the door opened as the doctor came into the room and closed the door, this time Stella was also fully exposed from the chest down but nobody was in the hall when the doctor came in.
“Stella, How is my favorite Hippie Mom today?” Doctor Bradley asked,
“Doing well Stan, or should I say Stanley Sausage?”
“Very funny Stella, I haven’t heard that in along time, Doctor Stan will be okay”
“Stanley Sausage? You know the doctor?” Wendy asked Stella
“Sure I know the doctor, I used to babysit him and his sisters when I was in high school, He was 9 years old then, He had a penis that was big as an Italian Sausage then, He always wanted to show it off on bath nights,”
Stella said “I think it Must be now the size of a foot long bratwurst”
Nurse Cindy let out a an old school girl giggle
“Oh Stella Lets not brag about me, Lets have a look at you Stella, and your Ultra-sound photos.”
Cindy Leaned over to Stella and said “At the end of summer Office party at his house, I think he was trying to show it off around his pool side wearing that speedo.”
“Nurse Cynthia lets keep the focus on the Patient now.” The Doctor said as he scanned the photos,
“Sorry Doctor,” Cindy quickly
Wendy was in shock she couldn’t believe that her Mother in-law was so open, about mentioning her doctors penis,
The doctor used the ultra sound machine again and zoned in on one area of her upper belly. Intently looking, then he stopped and started to clean his hands,
“Well Stella, I hope you didn’t have plans for the next few days, your gallbladder is inflamed and it has to come out,”
“Really?, the group said
“Yes, we will try some antibiotics first but we should plan on surgery first thing tomorrow morning.”
“Tomorrow? That soon?” Wendy asked
“Yes folks that soon, Cindy once you clean up Stella, contact Doctor Kelly’s office and let them know about our plans for Stella’s Surgery.
“Yes, Doctor”
“Also with this weather Stella, I suggest that we get you Admitted to a bed today so we can start the treatment and prep for surgery for the morning”
“Wow that was fast Doctor, shouldn’t we get a second opinion first before you cut her open,” James asked
“Dam it Jim, I am a Doctor, not a weatherman, I know what a bad Gallbladder is and look out this window does this look like Partly Cloudy day you? Apparently the guy on the news is not a real weatherman, However the 4 years of med school and years of residency training show that this gallbladder has to be removed”
Wendy spoke up, “I don’t like your tone Doctor!”
“Relax, I always like kidding that way with people named James, its Wendy right?”
“How do you know my name?”
“By Stella’s Christmas Cards each year. How are the twins doing? And your oldest James Jr.”
Wendy’s Jaw dropped, How does this doctor from out of town know everything about her family. Maybe he does know what talking about, she thought,
“Don’t worry guys, this surgery is a very minor thing today, I’ll never let anything happen to my favorite babysitter in the whole world.”
“Oh Stanley your so nice to me”
“Don’t mention it, Hippie mom”
Doctor Stan leaned in for a hug “I’ll check in with you later when you get settled in your room,”
The doctor left the room, The next half an hour went by quickly.
Wendy’s phone rang, she answered it, it was a recorded message, schools back home were going to be let out early at noon due to the snow storm,
“They are closing the schools at noon today, And I guess we won’t be able to get home till late, due to the turn of events, what should we do about the kids James, its 11:30 now?”
“Well, Amy is going to the Sanchez’s, and I don’t want the boys to be by themselves at home in the storm, Why don’t you call Carmela and ask if she can pick up Jimmy and Andy at the house.”
“Okay are you sure about Jimmy and the twins, with all we found out today?” Wendy ask her husband
“Well I have picked up the twins from the Sanchez’s before and they don’t have a problem with it, besides Jimmy will bringing extra clothes anyway if she going to pick them up at the house.”
“Yeah that’s true.” Wendy dialed Carmela’s number, “ Hi Carmella, its Wendy did you get the news about the School closing early today?”
“Yes I did, And how is mom in law?”
“Well, it is her Gallbladder it has to be removed,”
“Oh That a simple operation now a days she will be fine, When is she scheduled for Surgery?”
 “First thing in the morning. And they want to admit her today.”
“That sounds like a good plan, the snow is already up to 3 inches by now, She doesn’t need to be traveling in it,”
“Yeah that’s idea about being admitted today, but I feel it is a little too quick” Wendy said
“Well, those Boston doctors are the best, she will be fine.”
“The doctor seems to know his stuff but we weren’t planning for this today. James and I are trying to figure out what to do about the kids tonight.
“Since Amy is going to be over at our house she is welcome to stay over night of course, Would you like us to have Jimmy and Andy stay over too?” Carmella asked
“Yes Please, if you don’t mind the extra kids, do you think you can drive over the house and pick them up after they get home, they can grab some exta clothing and Pajamas for tonight and tomorrow?”
“I am looking out the window right now Wendy, And the snow is coming down at a good rate, your house is clear across town, and I don’t like driving in the snow. Why don’t you have Jimmy and Andy take the bus to my house Amy is taking the bus with Rosie and her brothers, Call the school middle school and have Jimmy ride the bus home with Maria, Carlos should be home first to let everyone in.”
“But what about a change of clothing and a tooth brush Carmella?”
“we have extra tooth brushes at the house, and Did you forget our previous conversation today, Wendy about our house?”
“How could I. it sounds so… strange.”
“It’s not strange only different, your twins love it here,”
“What about Jimmy he is not going to like it?”
“Well earlier, you were wondering how start having Jimmy get comfortable being naked, Seems like god has given you a gift, today with the snow. Jimmy won’t be the only one naked the whole group will wear what they normally wear after they shower get home from school.
“I guess he could sleep in his under ware,
“What the same sweaty pair he wore all day? No way my kids bathe everyday when they get home, and tonight he will be one of my kids while he is here, and my kids go nude most of the time after their showers, if he fusses to much, I’ll find him something to wear but with everyone sleeping naked he’ll be out of place if he is dressed.”
“Give me a call if he gets out of hand” Wendy told Carmella
“If he gets out of hand I won’t be calling you, but I hope you don’t mind but unruly children in my house gets their butts spanked. I hope I have your permission to spank if it is necessary?”
“Oh My…. Yes I guess so”
“You guess so? Is that a yes or no?”
“Yes treat them like your own children, they haven’t need one lately but, they know what a spanking is, My Mama taught me something too, and if they need it feel free,”
“I won’t hurt them too much if I do but they will learn to behave and that I don’t take back talk, Oh look at the time, Wendy Don’t forget to call the school,”
“Ok, I’ll call right now.”
“Tell your Mother in law good luck and that I will be praying for her tonight”
“Thanks again Carmella…. Bye now”
Wendy called the school and got thru 8 minutes before the bell, she also sent a text to Jimmy and Amy to tell them about the new plans, and to on their best behavior tonight, and that she will call them tonight.
“James do you think Jimmy will be okay tonight,”
“Jimmy is going to have the time of his life.”
Mean while, at the middle school 90 minutes away.
“Attention Students, in ten minutes, we will dismiss the school due to the snow storm. Will James Roberts Junior and Maria Sanchez Please report to the Front Office at this time.”
In room 127 the students in the class heard the two names and one the names heard was in that room. The entire class went “Oooo” and look towards Jimmy Roberts, this was very common thing to be done to any lucky sole being called to the office.
“Great, now what” Jimmy muttered under his breath. As he gather up his books and belongings along with his winter coat. Everybody else uses the hallway lockers however Jimmy’s locker was near the troubled kid’s room and they usually picked on Jimmy, so he never really used his locker, so he carried his stuff all over the school.
“Have nice day, Jimmy” Mrs. Cline said as Jimmy’s history teacher.
A one boy that knew that Jimmy had a Crush on Maria Sanchez, Joked “Say Hi to your girl friend Maria for me.” When Jimmy passed him on the way to the classroom door. Jimmy turned a dark shade of red.
The other kids Giggled at the joke.
Jimmy walked down the hall till he turned the corner towards the office hallway, the connecting hallway on the other end Maria had just turn the corner as well. She smiled at him, he too put a smile on his face, She was wearing a top of the knee length light blue skirt. Her shirt was a pull over of a pale yellow color, with a v-neck collar and long sleeves as they walked towards each other, her brown hair was up in a half pony and the rest came just past her shoulders, she just had a spiral 3 subject notebook cradled in her left arm and hand, since Jimmy was 2 years older than her, she had just turned 11, and barely began puberty a few months ago, her chest was just barely budding however her nipples and areolas started growing in size with being Latino her little points were darker than surrounding flesh , she did not own a bra yet anyway, so her buds were very noticeable to Jimmy thru the light colored shirt , his little friend stiffed up in his pants, however being on the short side it only slightly showed. They reached the office door at the same time he of course opened the door first and let her enter first. He got the behind view as she stepped into the office first.
As she step past him, she glanced at his front of his pants, with the corner of her eye, she thought she saw something pushing the front out.
“Hi Jimmy,” Maria said as she the stepped in the office .
“Uh Hi Maria” he stammered back,
They both stepped up to the counter and waited for the busy Mrs. Harris to take a moment to see them..
“I got a text from my Mother that I should take the bus to your house today after we get out Maria.”
You did, why?”
My folks are in Boston with my grandmother at the doctors and with the snow she wants me to hang at your house.
“Oh I hope your grandma’s all right Jimmy.”
Yea I hope so too.”
Are Amy and Adam coming over too?”
“Yes I guess”
“Cool, Carlos just got a new zbox game and we were going to try it out tonight.”
Just then Mrs. Harris “Ah Miss Sanchez, and Mr, Roberts. Thanks for coming to the office. Jimmy your mother called and said you must take the bus to Maria’s house after school.”
Yes my mother texted me, why did you call me down here?
Hold on a sec Give me a minute.” She took a second to check for a paper note.. “Oh there it is. Mrs. Sanchez called and said not to take the bus home and she was going to come by the school and pick the both of you up and Maria you need to bring your cello home today.”
“Ok Great, the music room is clear on the other side of the school and my locker is on the other. I can’t carry every thing,”
“Why don’t you use Mr. Roberts here. Jimmy you can help Maria with her things can’t you?”
“Yes Mrs. Harris I’ll help her” Jimmy said
“What a nice boy you are! Well if you two are all set I have to ring the bell to release the school. ”
Ok Jimmy we better hit my locker first.” Maria said as they left the office and headed to Maria locker. 20 seconds later the bell rings and the mass exodus of fellow students poured out of all the classrooms the flow of traffic was of course against the couple. However they made it to Maria locker. She opened it, got her back pack out placed it down on the floor and bent over to load her books into it, this caused the shirt to fall away from her chest and since Jimmy was in front of her, He got a glance of her dark little nipples , this caused Jimmy to gasp at the sight and of course his little penis was sticking out from behind his pants, Maria looked at him gazing at her, she saw where his eyes was looking, and then she checked his pants front. She smiled at him and asked “do you think you’re going staying for supper tonight?”
“Do you think you’re going staying for supper tonight?” she asked again as she stood back up, and she grabbed her coat and put it on but did not zip it. She then closed and locked the locker she pick up the bag, they started to walk to the Music room
“Yeah think so, My mom, said my Grandma needed to get settled in for surgery tomorrow,”
“Your going to like supper tonight we are making taco’s and I get to cook and prep too.”
“You cook Maria?”
“Yes Silly, This is my night to cook for the family, do you cook Jimmy”
” No my mom cooks on the week nights and My dad does the cooking on the weekends though”
“So are you on dish duty then?”
“No my grand mother usually does them,”
“How lucky you are…”
they walked thru the school the crowds of kids and sounds were getting fewer and fewer, they got to the Music room, and Maria walked into the room and Mr. Burns was cleaning up the room. “Oh hello Maria, your going to miss your bus you know,”
“Yes Mr. Burns my mom is coming by to get me today, she wants me to bring my cello home, today”
“That’s great, then you can practice at home while it snows, your mom is great for thinking that way”
“Yes sir, Jimmy can you hold my bag please?”
“Okay Maria,” Jimmy reached out and took the bag from her as she went to the corner and picked up a rather large molded bag that looked like a cello.
“Jimmy do you play an instrument?”
“Yes Sir, just the zbox guitar.”
“That’s not an instrument, Jimmy have you ever tried one?”
“No Sir,”
“You should try one, maybe you should try the piano, the keys are like the controller notes,”
“I Don’t have access to one.”
“Jimmy you can try the keyboard I have at home, tonight while you’re there,” Maria said as she carried the cello to the door way,
“Maria that’s a great idea, you can expose Jimmy to the piano then I could have another student to teach music too” Mr. Burns said
“Oh I could never focus on the practice time”
“You could come by my house in the afternoons, my folks have a procedure for practicing music.” Maria said,
“Jimmy give it a try, you never can tell, you may like it… Ok Look out the window the snow is really is coming down quick I better get going too, or I am never getting home today. Be safe kids”
“Bye” Both Maria and Jimmy said as they left the music room, they walked to the front of the school, they passed a girls bathroom. Maria stopped and said “I better go pee before I get out into the cold, here hold my coat and watch my cello too,” She handed the items to Jimmy, His hands were full with his own books and with Maria’s back pack as the coat was added to his arms the cello was placed against the door frame outside the bathroom,
Jimmy waited for Maria, and thinking that she is getting undressed to pee was giving him wood.
 Just then John Dumaska and two of his buddies rounded the hall corner, and walked up to Jimmy and started to pester him,
“What ya doing Jimmy?”
“Nothing guys,”
“Why you hanging outside the girls bathroom?”
“Waiting for someone.
“Who are you waiting for Jimmy or are Trying to get a peek?”
“Go away guys,”
“Nice piece of hardware” one of the sidekicks said
“Don’t touch it” Jimmy said as he turned his back on John in trying keep the kid from going near the cello.
Just then John got behind Jimmy and grabbed Jimmy’s pants by the sides and Yanked the pants down, John’s grip was strong enough that Jimmy’s underwear was pulled down with his pants, Jimmy’s Hands were full with the stuff so he was helpless and fully exposed. The other boys laughed at Jimmy.
“Guys stop it…” Jimmy Cried out
Just then Maria stepped out of the bathroom and saw what was going on She Yelled “John Dumb Ass what are you doing?”
“Just showing you that your friend here is a little guy, but, I am real man, for you.
“Don’t be a jerk John,”
“Who’s going to stop me?”
“I am” Maria said
“Yeah right!” John said laughing at Maria
With that Maria lurched forward with her hands and grabbed Johns hand and she pulled his arm and with little ease she flipped him over on his ass, the other two guys automatically moved in to fight, and without any trouble Maria maneuvered and flipped the other two as well, John was mad he got up and charged at Maria, Maria moved with lightening speed to the side as John hit the wall and she grabbed his arm in her left hand and twisted it behind his back, as she pressed him against the wall, John let out a scream in pain, Maria then used her right hand and yanked the bully’s pants down too,
John was going commando today, this all happened in a flash, he started to fuss and tried to fight back, she quickly turned him around as he was trying to pull up his pants, she whacked his balls with a fast slap, John dropped to the floor while in pain. Maria then said” John your little dicky is smaller than my little brothers, why are you picking on Jimmy then, how do you like it, and you two want the same thing?”
“Fuck no.. John get up before a teacher shows.” John staggers to his feet and pulls up his pants and runs away,
Jimmy who was so awe struck watching Maria kick ass, was still holding the stuff and his pants and underwear were still at his knees. Marie leaned over and pulled Jimmy’s pants and underwear up for him, fully looking at Jimmy’s boy parts she noticed his size but didn’t say anything. As she helped him cover up.
“Wow, how did you do that,”
“I got 3 brothers at home,”
“Sorry for seeing me naked, this is so embarrassing .”
“Don’t worry, Like I said, I got 3 brothers at home I know what boys have and I know their weaknesses”
“Well Don’t tell nobody what you saw down there, nobody needs to know,”
“Come on Jimmy, penises come in many shapes and sizes. I won’t tell about your size. However I think we are now even today.”
“What? How?”
“At my locker, you were looking down my shirt at my nipples”
“No….. I wasn’t honest”
“Yeah right, Lets go and see if my moms here.”
Maria put on her coat and pick up her cello and the walked with Jimmy to the front door Just as her mother pulled in. they went down the walk thru the snow and placed the cello into the back of the car and the two kids climbed into the car and headed for Sanchez’s home.
“Wow it is really coming down”, Jimmy to Mrs. Sanchez
“Yes Jimmy it is, I hate driving in snow,”
“Will we be picking up Amy and Andy too?”
“ No, Jimmy they are taking the bus to my house, Carlos will get them off the bus.”
“Can we go by my house and get some things then?”
“Sorry Jimmy, I just want to get home, this snow is making the roads so dangerous”
But I was hoping for a change of clothes tonight, if my folks don’t make it home,”
“we got everything you need at my house, even tooth brushes, My kids can share”
“Mom? Share tooth brushes? EWWW!” Maria said
“No Maria, We have brand new tooth brushes.”
“Don’t worry about anything tonight Jimmy, your brother and sister over at our house so much that your family is our family,”
“Can you believe the weather man said partly cloudy today? That guy is Loco!”
They drove for a few more minutes then turned into the Sanchez’s driveway. Carlos was outside shoveling the walk and drive way for his mother,
His 3 younger sibling and Jimmy’s brother and sister were playing in the snow in the front yard. The car doors open “Hello kids,”
“Hi Mom,” her four kids yelled back
“Hi Mrs. Sanchez” the two Robert’s kids.
“Jimmy come play in the snow with us”, shouted Andy
“No thanks,” Jimmy said he wanted to be with Maria so Jimmy was carrying to the front door the two backpacks, while Maria was moving the cello inside the house, to the living room corner went the cello. Jimmy was still holding the back packs, unsure where to put them down,
“Jimmy you can place those bags down over here near the red chair,”

“Yes Mrs. Sanchez” he replied as he carefully placed the packs down.
Maria was looking at Jimmy and then back to her mother unsure about what to do, routines afterschool were strict at the Sanchez’s house.
Okay you two I want both of you to go outside and play in the snow for a while,
“but I was going to make supper.”
“Honey it is just after 1 o’clock I going to make lunch in a second, you have plenty of time to help with supper. Go outside and play with your brothers and sister,”
“You go too Jimmy, go have fun,”
“Okay mom,” Maria said as Carmella ushered the two outside,
A mini snow ball came flying towards the two and jimmy got hit in the chest, he got mad so he ran and got some snow and made snowballs and started to throw them towards the boys, Maria went over to the girls and started to help them make a snowman,
Carmella, looked and smiled as the kids all started to play together as she watched from the window.
She then got the lunch meat out and on a platter she then got and the sandwich making stuff from the fridge, and set the table, after she got the platter together she placed it back in the fridge, and headed to the linen closet and pulled out 8 folded towels and brought them to the shower room, and placed them on the counter. She saw the pile of clean washcloths on the counter she removed them, she had a plan.
She went back to the front door, she opened it and said “3 minutes guys”
“Okay Mother,” her crew answered back.
She then closed the front inside door and locked it and walked into the kitchen and into the laundry room where the mud room entry was. She opened that door, sure enough her kids knew the routine and lined up outside the door waiting for mom to open the storm door, Amy and Andy also knew the drill since they have been over many times however Jimmy was standing away from the line unsure on the what was going to be happening,
She opened the storm door and each child came in. Ok Coats off first hang them up on the hooks and then take your boots off and place them on the tray, so they don’t drip everywhere.
In a few minutes the coats were hung and the boots neatly on the tray to dry, she placed a hamper in the middle of the mud room and said “you’re all wet from sweat and snow, I want you all to take everything off and place it in the hamper and head to the shower room and shower before we have lunch.”
The triplets of the Sanchez family Juan, Jose and Rosie started stripping off their clothes right away and was bare in a flash, Amy and Andy also stripped out of their wet things, Andy who was going commando today was nude first,
Amy turned to her brother Jimmy and said “Come on Jimmy it is like Grandma’s house here, Like in the summer, Its fun, you will see” she said as she slid her panties to the floor she bent over to pick them up, and stood fully naked with the 3 Sanchez’s triplets.
Carlos the tallest was in the back was removing his things from his pockets of his pants and then removed his shirt and under shirt, then he undid his zipper and undid the button of his pants and pulled his pants down his legs and stepped out of them and tossed each item into the hamper as he went, he was wearing boxers as he was taking his socks off, then Carlos dropped his boxers and stood naked with Amy and his sister Rosie standing in front of him, Their heads only came up to the middle of his chest, so his package was very close to their faces as they looked him over, Carlos penis was as 14 year old normal growing boy penis should be, he had hair above his penis and his balls had descended into the sack his penis was flaccid but was about 4 inches long in that state,
“Carlos, can I help you wash up in the shower like last time?” Amy asked
“I don’t see why not. However you may want to help your brother today”
“I’ll help Jimmy today” Rosie said
while Maria was working on her own socks after she stopped to fix her hair into a full ponytail. Maria look towards her mother not sure if she still wanted her to strip completely since Jimmy was not family, so she asked “Mom I can help you in the kitchen for lunch while the other kids shower, and I can take mine after” Maria used her eyes to indicate that she was hesitant about being nude in front of her class mate”
“Maria I had a long talk today Jimmy’s mother today, and she willing to try our family’s ways. So in matter of sorts, everyone is like family here no need to be shy come on Maria,” with that Maria unzipped her skirt and slid them down and then as girls do, pulled each arm out of the shirt first and then pull the shirt off her head and pulled her ponytail thru the shirt, she stood to the side of Jimmy in just her panties,
“Come on Maria don’t start getting shy, he has a sister too, Jimmy everything off get moving.” Mrs. Sanchez said again
Maria pulled her panties down and she had just a hint of dark peach fuzz on mound, she picked up her panties from the floor and tossed them in to the hamper,
All eyes turned toward Jimmy, “We are waiting for you Jimmy,” Amy said
Jimmy was transfixed at the sight of his crush Maria standing there totally naked her little nipples and areola’s shown up darker than her skin on her chest, Jimmy was looking at Maria’s mound, His penis was fully erect and he did not want to be seen with one,
Carmella saw that Jimmy was stuck in the zone with all the first time nudity shock, So she walked over and started to pull off jimmy’s shirt for him, he automatically raised his arms so the shirt could be pulled up and off. Carmella knelt in front of Jimmy and undid the snap of his pants and un zipped the zipper, she then hooked her fingers above the side of his pants near the waist and pulled both the pants and the underwear off at the same time, Jimmy was fully naked, sanding in front of everyone, his erection, a short 3 inch stood out and arched slightly upwards. Jimmy’s hands went to cover himself wearing only his socks Carmella started to pull those down and off as well.
“Ok troops to the shower room, Carlos and Maria I want you guys to help the younger ones in the shower, Ok lets go,”
Jimmy hands away, need to hide here. Mrs. Sanchez guided Jimmy’s hand to his sides as she nudged him to go with the other kids.
The group of kids walked to the shower room, the shower room had a double sink counter to the left as you walk in to the room, a toilet in the one corner of the room, past the sink and the floor pitched down to one end slightly and at the far end were two large shower heads Carlos turned on the valve and he adjusted the temperature for a nice shower temp, he ducked under to get his head wet first, then they all got wet, Maria was with her two younger brothers she grabbed the bar of soap started to wash up Juan and Jose. First their hair and upper body and then, she re-soaped both hands and used the left one on Juan and the right on Jose she soaped up their little penises and ball sacks till they stood up stiff from their bodies. She kept rubbing as they both stood up on their toes,
Rosie and Amy were in front of Carlos. He washed his hair and upper body himself, then he rinsed off the soap. He then washed each girls hair and upper bodies, he focused his rubbing on their nipples and their backs and bums cheeks, then he soaped up both hands like Maria did and he used each hand as a separate wash rag and washed the little slits of the two girls, they both opened up their legs apart so that Carlos could rub all around their bums and girl parts, He slipped his middle finger into the vaginas of each girl. His fingers were still slender and the fingers went in, for Rosie the entire finger went inside her hymen was never really formed, ( but that’s a story for another time) however for Amy just the first knuckle of Carlos’s finger went in, her hymen was still in place, both girls were enjoying the shower time immensely. As they both gasped as the intense feeling of a young orgasm came upon them. Carlos eased his fingers out. The girls rinsed their bums to get the soap out and off, they turned and faced Carlos and started to rub his now fully erect penis up and down.
Jimmy’s penis was still hard as he watched the group. He was off to the side of the room but he was still getting wet from the dual shower heads, he started to soap himself up.
 Juan and Jose went over to Jimmy and started to help him to get washed up,
“NO I can do it myself,” Jimmy said
“We can help you”, with that Juan reached out and wrapped his small hand around Jimmy’s stiff 3 inch little cock, Jimmy tried to back away however Maria was right behind him her warm wet body was pressing up against Jimmy’s back side.
“But you are boys that’s gay”
Relax Jimmy, It’s alright you are just another boy here everybody is welcomed to rub another penis here, Let Juan touch you and help you wash up,” with that said Maria gently pulled Jimmy’s elbows so his hands went to the side s and behind himself as Juan started to soap up Jimmy’s small shaft.
Jimmy I can believe that your penis is smaller than mine, even you ball sack is small and you’re the same age as Carlos,” Juan said
Jose also reached out and touched Jimmy’s ball sack and felt him up, “Yeah it was 2 years ago when I was that size.”
“Jose why don’t you try rubbing Jimmy’s penis,” Maria said as she looked over Jimmy at the full wall mirror and seeing her classmate getting rubbed,
Juan let go and Jose started to rub the erect little penis and within a minute Jimmy’s stood up on his toes, and let out a groan,
Jose held on to the throbbing tool and said, “I guess you’re still dry like us, no sperm”
“Yeah I know I’m dry, I don’t know what sperm is, but You guys and can let go now guys, Please”
“That wasn’t too bad, Jimmy your orgasm really made you groan,” Maria said,
“Jimmy. I think you need to let your penis out and let it hang free more.” Amy said
I think Amy is right, It may grow bigger like my brothers if you let it out” Rosie said
“Wait? Jimmy you said you don’t know what sperm is?” Maria said
“No” Jimmy said quietly
“Carlos, come over here for a second” Maria said
The naked Carlos walked over his penis was very stiff and pointing up out towards Jimmy. Maria moved to the right of Jimmy and took hold of Jimmy’s right hand and with His hand in hers, she placed his hand on her older brother’s erect penis and started to help Jimmy rub his hand up and down the shaft.
“But this is gay.”
“No its not, we won’t tell, just pretend it is your penis but larger, like when you start to grow,” Maria said
Maria was still helping Jimmy move his hand but with amazement Maria noticed that Jimmy’s hand was moving by it’s self,
“Ohh yeah….. Jimmy it feels nice,” Carlos said
“Go Jimmy…. rub my brother’s hard cock” Maria said
The other siblings and watched as Jimmy rubbed the cock, they started to chant, “Stroke ……stroke.”
“Oh, Yes Jimmy rub my penis” Carlos said
Carlos looked at his sisters Maria and Rosie., he then looked over at Amy, each girl had a different looking vulva and slit, Maria’s nipples were very small but erect as the shower water ran down her body.
“Yes Jimmy it’s all right, your doing it just right” Carlos said as he looked back to Maria and made eye contact and he nodded his head.
“Jimmy get ready to watch the sperm fly” Maria said
“I love this part” Amy said
“Me too.” Andy said
And with just a few more strokes Carlos stood on his toes and arched his back and sprayed 4 jets of sperm toward Jimmy, It shot with such force that Jimmy’s chest and face got covered with gobs sticky hot sperm, Jimmy opened his mouth in awe as Carlos was shooting and a bit of Carlos’s juice landed right in Jimmy’s mouth.
The Group shouted “Score” as they saw that Carlos scored a hit in a mouth.
“Good Job Jimmy” Maria said as she leaned into Jimmy to give him a victory kiss. Her lips touched his lips, her brothers sperm was also on Jimmy’s lips Maria use her tongue and licked up the fresh juice from his face.
Jimmy instinctively swallowed from the kiss
“Tastes good doesn’t it? Want more?” Maria asked Jimmy,
Thinking she was talking kisses he said “Yes”
She then used her fingers to scoop up the other ropes of sperm and guided her fingers to Jimmy’s mouth, she pushed each loaded finger into his mouth and whispered “suck them clean” to Jimmy
Jimmy automatically sucked on Maria’s fingers, She was more mature than Jimmy at 11, to his 13, she knew how to control boys,
All the 9 year olds spoke up and said “We some too!”
“Okay guys you can have some too.” Maria said
With that hands were all over Jimmy getting the Carlos’s sperm off of Jimmy’s chest.
“Okay guys a quick rinse, now” Maria told the bunch
Carmella came back into the shower room and saw that the kids were huddled around Jimmy rinsing off, “What’s taking so long?”
Juan turn towards his mother and said “Carlos just got a goal and we are celebrating with a snack”
“I see, well I hope you saved some room for lunch? Turn off the water now and dry off and get your butts to the table in two minutes.” With that she left the room,
“Yes Mom, Yes Mrs. Sanchez” the group responded
Maria turned off the water and Rosie handed out the towels, the towels were only hand towels about 16 x 24 inches but they were super absorbent with very little effort the wetness came off their bodies, when they were done drying the group started leaving the room, one by one they dropped the towels in the hamper as they left, Jimmy was slower than every one else, Maria noticed this and took Jimmy’s towel from his hands and dried his chest, back and then did each arm and leg, she then swished the towel over his package and told him to open his legs so she could do his butt,
His penis started to stand up again from the toweling.
 “Jimmy, I think your penis likes me”
“Oh sorry, Maria” Jimmy said cupping his hands over his package to hide it,
“Don’t be sorry, erections are normal for boys and you don’t have to hide it, Come on lets eat lunch” Maria said as she started to walk still naked to the door way, dropping both towels in the hamper. She looked back at Jimmy standing there not moving, as he was looking at her light brown skinned bum.
“Maria? I can’t go like this, I am naked?”
“So am I and the rest of the kids are too when we are home,”
“But my mom says it’s wrong.” Jimmy said
“Amy and Andy said they and you, were naked at your grand ma’s house this summer and you liked it,”
“But she is my grand mother that’s different”
“No my Mother said we’re like family today and while you’re here, you do as our family does,”
“But you’re not my family.”
“Mom.. Can you come in here please.” Maria called out. Two seconds later Carmella walked into the room and faced her naked daughter,
“What’s up?”
“Jimmy doesn’t want to be like us”
“Jimmy you have nothing that the other boys don’t have. So there is no reason to embarrassed about, I have talked to your mother and she wants you to get used to being naked.”
“No she didn’t”
“Yes she did, and are you telling me that I am a liar?”
“No Mrs. Sanchez I am not saying your lying. But my mother never lets me run about naked”
“But your grand mother let you in the summer at her house your mom said” Carmella told Jimmy
“But that was in the summer and she is family Can’t I wear something today?”
“James Roberts your brother and sister are over at our house most of the time, they practically live here, and your dad comes over and picks them up and he sees that they are undressed and he is okay with it, SO I don’t want to hear any more complaints about going nude, or do you want a spanking over my knee?”
“No Mrs Sanchez no spanking please,” Jimmy realized he was in a no win situation
“Okay then lets go eat.” She said
“I am just a little cold Mrs. Sanchez” he thought that this fact may get him some clothes.
“Oh a little cold are we, well then that’s different, Let me get something then” Carmella stepped out of the room
“You should have just come out with me Jimmy being nude is fun” Maria said as the two heard what sounded like the Microwave buttons being pressed,
“But I am 13 years old a big boy, I don’t want to be naked in front of people”
“Jimmy you are just a little boy, your younger brother is bigger than you. Look my hand is bigger than you.” Maria reached out and gripped the stiff shaft. This cause an electric shock to his penis as he groaned to another dry cum,
“Really Jimmy, Just like that you came again you’re real live wire,”
Mrs. Sanchez walked in as Jimmy was twitching, “Okay Here put this on” she handed a tee shirt to Jimmy, “ Boy behave yourself, at least your dry, and not going to be shooting your stuff all over the house,”
Jimmy put the shirt on it was a thread thin white tee shirt and that fit him tightly in the chest and the hem of the shirt only came down past his belly button, his boy hood penis was more highlighted with the shirt than without it,
“Come on lets go eat” Mrs. Sanchez said
“But I am still cold Mrs. Sanchez” Jimmy said again hoping for more clothing
“Maria You better help Jimmy to the kitchen as I get something for Jimmy to keep warm” with that Carmella left the room.
“Yes Mother, Come Jimmy time to move”
Jimmy still did not move so Maria grabbed hold of Jimmy’s penis, it was flaccid, due to his orgasm. But she had the whole thing in her hand and she tugged hard and said “Let’s move Jimmy”
Jimmy let out a yelp and tried to push Maria’s hand away hard, she spun him around and gave him three hard spanks to his ass.
Ouch, he screamed and his hands went to his rear end. Maria grabbed his penis again and tugged “I said Move” Jimmy of course was shocked and learned to comply to Maria.
Maria lead Jimmy out to the kitchen and he saw the others gathered around the table still naked but fixing their sandwiches as an normal family would do.
“Maria please bring Jimmy over here,”
“Yes Mom. “ As Maria guided Jimmy to the island counter,
“Okay Jimmy I want you to lean over the counter and hold your feet off the floor,” Mrs. Sanchez asked
Why?” Jimmy asked back
“Just Do it”, she raised her voice he got the hint and pulled himself up so his feet were off the floor,
Okay Maria hold him down. Maria held Jimmy chest down on the counter top,as he watched her Mother reached into the Microwave and pulled a cylinder looking device out about a inch thick, she smeared it with some liquid and then she walked behind Jimmy, and said “ Hold still Jimmy”
And with an expert shove, Carmella inserted the device into his rectum till it bottomed out,
 “Ouch what are you doing to ME” Jimmy shouted in the shock of being filled up.
“You said you were cold so I am warming you up with a heated gel filled dildo”
“Now get down and eat your lunch”
“But I can’t move”
“Yes you can. here I’ll help you” with that she slid Jimmy back on his feet and poor Jimmy couldn’t stand up, straight by himself she helped him bend straight up and she walked him to the table. “Here I think you should stand up and eat instead of sitting down till you are warmed up,” she moved the chair away from the table. The warmth of the dildo did feel good to Jimmy but the unknown feeling made his penis stiff again, and since he was standing up the tee shirt he worn did nothing to cover and because he was standing he was fully exposed to the group,
The others were sitting down and their nakedness was hidden by the table, but their chests were able to be seen, but they all looked the same anyway,
Jimmy tried to eat, and everytime he swallowed a bite of his lunch, his anus gripped the dildo tighter,
“Jimmy I don’t see why you hid your penis all the time, it looks cute,” Amy said
“Shut up Amy” Jimmy angrily replied
“Yeah Bro you need to show it off more, it is so much fun” Andy said.
“Ha ha,” Jimmy whined
“Okay Kids Smile” Carmella said as the group looked toward her and smiled, She had her phone and took several shots of the happy group eating lunch and poor Jimmy since he was standing and holding his sandwich, his Penis, was still erect and was fully exposed to the camera lens,
Carmella fiddled with her phone and sent a photo text to Wendy, with “Having a “Natural” Lunch”
A minute later a Reply came back,
“Wow! That does look like a Healthy Lunch ordered by the Doctor” Wendy replied
The end (Yes or No)

(The End)