Joey’s Summer 15

By Sexpig4u

Copyright 2015 by Sexpig4u, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Joeys Summer Part 15 by
Remember People it’s only a Fantasy.

A car pulls up to the house and the engine stops, the doors open; it is Amy and her mother Jean,
 Amy has a medium sized backpack with her. Her mother exits the car as well,
 Also in the car is Amy’s Aunt Bev and her two cousins, Paul (11) and John (14),
Amy walks faster than her mother, Jean, to the door, and Amy rings the bell three times.
“Please Amy once is enough,”
“Oh Mother,” She says with a giggle
Keith runs to the door opens it and while leaning half out the door, “Hi Amy, Hello Mrs. Connors.” Totally uncaring that he is wearing nothing but skin and his boy parts naturally exposed, “Hey, how are you today Shorty?”Amy reached out and tugged on Keith’s little buddy, Amy always calls Keith that, the fact is his penis is shorter than his twin brother Kevin’s,
Mrs. Connors was busy looking at her phone and standing behind Amy, so she did not see her daughter tug the boy’s bare penis.
“Ok Amy”
Just then Becky gets to the door, “Hi Amy, Hi Mrs. Connors Come on in” As the two of them enter the house. Mrs. Connors notices Keith’s outfit,
“My Lands, don’t you look casual today Keith, I keep forgetting about your summer outfits.”
“Yeah it’s my mom’s idea, something about laundry” His penis was slightly up and pointing due to the quick tug.
Speaking of your mother, is she at home this morning?
“No she is driving to get my cousins, but my dad is here.”
“Is he busy? “
“DAD, Could you come to the door for a minute.” Keith Yells very loud.
“Keith You don’t have to yell.” Jack said as he was walking to the door
“Oh Hello Joan, Amy, When the door bell rang, I thought that it was just your daughter Amy was announcing her arrival, like always,”
“Sorry about Amy ringing the bell like that, she loves to fiddle with buttons,”
“No Harm in pressing a button,” Jack said as he stood there in the entry way, he was still dressed in the pair of gym shorts as earlier, he has relaxed since his daughter had teased him, so everything was relatively covered so to speak,
“Um …Jack, I was hoping for a little favor today,” the bare, manly chest in front of Joan caused her to stumble on her words and the word button brought her eyes to look at his nipples
“What kind of favor?”
“Well…. my Sister Melissa and her two kids stopped by unexpected right after Amy talked to Becky about coming over, Well Melissa wants to go shopping in the next town for a few hours however, Oh I hate to be rude like this but could her two kids hang out over here while we shop?
“I don’t know Joan, Keith here is serving extra punishment time, so he can’t get dressed for nobody, according to the rules of the house,”
“ I am so jealous of your wife Sue having rules that little boys go running around in their birthday suits, that sounds like such a cute sight,
 Any way With Amy over here I don’t want to leave them alone in a strange house even, if they are my own nephews,”
“But have you told her about our rules for boys over here?”
“No, that shouldn’t bother Melissa’s boys; they see other boys naked in the gym locker room at school.
“Well Joan, the Locker room is one thing, our house is another, if other boys come over and not obey the house rule, and Keith might be embarrassed about being the only one nude,”
Can’t you make an exception Jack. Maybe For a little while today
Mrs. Connors, All boys that visit our home have to be naked too, “Becky said
“Amy, No Wonder you spend so much time over here. Little boys nude all the time,”
 “I grew up with a mother who kept me naked at home since I was a boy. The family doctor even gave her a prescription to remove my clothing at home. This made me loose any false modesty about my skin, so it is natural to see penises around here with the boys nude, my wife however prefer the girls to properly dressed at all times,”
Charlie and I, could only have Amy, so she streaks only when Charlie is away at work, and I can’t believe how hard it is to keep a girl modest when he is home or when she steps out in the world. Speaking of which girl where is your bra?”
“Oh mother its summer; it’s too hot for a bra”
Jack looked over at Amy, Amy was dressed in a tight midriff pink tank top ,being summer her small growing teenager boobs pushed against the thin material, Her defined puffy nipples were clearly visible as dark rings behind the fabric, Amy had cut off jeans shorts that showed a few inches below her navel and the pant legs that came down six to eight inches down each of her thighs. Amy never really cared about her mother insisting that she start to layer up under her shirt so her nipples don’t show, She did layer up while going to school, but in the summer she was topless at night in her room and since her dad’s work kept him away several nights a week, she even hung out topless with just her mother around, even when her dad was home she wore just an very wide arm oversized Tee shirt and shorts, she didn’t care, if he saw one of her nipples every so often, Her mother cares though.
Her mother Joan was dressed in a nice summery blouse and just above knee skirt and open toed small healed shoes. The straps of a bra were seen thru the top showing that Joan was properly dressed for a mother and shopping.
In Jacks mind he thought about his daughters promise for herself and her friend Amy to model the bikinis for him, with extra kids running around he was worried that the modeling runway would be ruined , Jack felt a twitch in his shorts. After looking at two females standing before him, he had change his thoughts, so he repeated, the condition. “Well Joan if your sister is all right with her boys hanging out here in their birthday suits, the boys are welcome to stay.”
“Well then let’s ask her” Joan said as she headed to door and walked to her idling air conditioned car. The group watched her walk from inside, She opened the passenger door and they could read her lips as she asked Melissa to step out of the car for a chat. Melissa was also wearing a nice outfit for shopping like her younger sister, of two years, Joan,
Becky and Amy watched and narrated the conversation, from inside. Becky and Amy have experienced this situation many times with Becky’s brothers friends coming over to play over the years,
B= “Hey sis the boys can stay, but there is a catch.”                       (Joan placed a hand on her sisters arm)
A= “What kind of catch Joan?”                                            (Melissa hands went to her hips.)
B= “the boys have to be naked while here Melissa?”                      (Joan pointed to the house)
A= “why do the boys have to be naked”                             ( Melissa turned and looked at the house with her mouth open in shock)
B= “that are the rules here for the boys.”                             (Joan again pointed to the house)
A= “Oh great there goes our shopping day.”            (Melissa dropped her arms to sides in disappointment as she looked thru the windshield at her two sons then                                                                            Melissa’s right arm raised as a finger went up in the air like an idea just came to her)
B= “Joan let’s take them back to your house.”         (Melissa turned back to her sister Joan)
A= “Hell, no they’ll destroy my house without somebody watching them.” (Joan pointed to the car and the boys)
B= “No They won’t, I trust them”                            ( Melissa now touched Joan’s arm)
A= “Sorry sis, remember your last visit, they broke Charlie’s Golfing trophy”  ( Joan’s Hands went to her hips)
B= “But I wanted to go shopping today”                ( Melissa brought her hand to her chin to think)
A= “Melissa, they’re only boys”                               ( Joan looked at the car and the house)
B= “Really Joan, your not really thinking about leaving them here, are you?” (Melissa hands went back to her hips)
A= “It’s only for a few hours”                      ( Both ladies looked to the house and car)
B= “But Amy and her friend will see them naked?” (Melissa pointed her finger out straight and waved it around like a penis that sticks out from a boy)
A= “Amy Is over here all the time, Amy and here friends get along great with the boys naked” (Joan also wiggled and waved her finger like a penis)
B= “My Boys stopped being naked at home. They are too modest now.” (Melissa held out her open palms in the air in front, then turned her
                                                                                                                      hands down and away as a no way motion)
A= “Boys? Modest? Why are they modest, their boys everyone knows they have a penis why hide it,
                        I have seen the boys over here, they’re so well behaved” ( Joan touched Melissa’s arm)
B= “I Don’t know Joan, what if they fuss about it?” ( Melissa said looking into the car)
A= “Melissa You’re the Parent, you are in charge of them, if you want to go shopping today,
                        the boys have to stay over here. If they fuss you make them, spank them. It won’t hurt them”
                                   ( Joan clapped her hands like a spanking motion)
Both Amy and Becky giggled at the idea of two new boys, Amy said “You know I have never seen my cousins undressed, not even once.”
“You’re kidding right” Becky said
“Last summer John wouldn’t even take his t-shirt off when using the slip and slide if fact he wore long pants too,”
“Oh My god, really Amy? Boy aren’t they in for a shock if they stay”
“Girls I think you need to go easy on these two boys if they do stay, you hear?” Jack told the girls.
“Yes Dad, Yes Sir” said in unison.
“What do you mean Dad?” Keith asks
“Just let them get comfortable, and let them play ball in the yard with you and pretend they are normally dressed.”
“Ok Dad, Oh Look guys the rear doors are opening up” Keith said
Two boys stepped out of the car. Both were wearing dark colored T-shirts and to knee jean cut-offs with crew socks and high top sneakers.
The clothing was fine for the air-conditioned car but in the late morning start of summer sun, it was not the best chosen outfits they could have decided on.
How are they Amy? Jack asked
Paul is 11 and John is 14,
John is only 14? He looks 12, Amy” Becky asked
I know, He is the same age as your bother Mark but looks like he is 12.
“They look alright to me,” Becky said “look at the Preppy hair cuts too,”
“I can’t wait for them to hear the news about staying here. John is always trying to act older when mom is not around but he acts like he is 12 when she is ”
“Shush they are at the front door now, Keith stand behind us.”
Jack opened up the door, “come on in everyone welcome to our home.”
“Thanks Jack, everyone, This is my sister Mellissa Higgins and two her boys, John and Paul,
This is Jack, his daughter Becky and the youngest of three boys, Keith is hiding behind Becky and Amy”
Howdy John and Paul” Jack held out his hand for the boys to shake.
“Hi, guys” Becky said
“So Joan tells me that you two ladies going shopping for a bit today”
“Yes we are, and I am sorry that, I have to impose on you with my two boys, I know they wouldn’t want to hang out at the dress store and look for matching shoes with dear old mom,”
“No problem your boys are more than welcome to hang out with us Sounds like a fun day ahead I am sure”
Becky and Amy giggled at the phrase Hang out.
“Pay the girls no mind, they always giggling about something, oh by the way did Joan tell you about our house?”
“Yes I did Jack,”
Mellissa I assume you agree?
Is it true Jack? Mellissa said with an of uneasiness glance,
“Yes Mellissa, it is true”
“How do we do this?”
Jack looked toward the two women and winked, to show he will take the lead, “Keith why don’t you get the new video game you got to play for the summer and bring it over for John and Paul to look at”
“Ok dad,” Keith said as he left the covering of his sister, and his totally naked backside of his body was on display as he walked to the family room,
Both of the new boys, their jaws dropped at the sight, in a second Keith walked back into the front hallway holding the video game package, and stood in front of the group uncaring that his own package was in view.
“It’s the Latest release of “Empire of Mayhem 6” do you want to play while your mom shops?”
“What the Fuck?” John said
“Johnny Bite your tongue” Mellissa yelled
Paul heard his mother yell and he chose to only say “Empire of Mayhem 6… I have been trying to get my mom to buy Mayhem 2 but she thinks it too violent for me, how are the graphics in number 6”
“ From what I have seen they’re awesome but I have only playing since yesterday so I am only on level 3, here look at the game box,” Keith handed the box to Paul
“Cool, look at this Johnny ,you can fire missiles and fly tanks too,” Paul flashed the box to his brother.
Paul, You want to play it with me?”
“Yeah Maybe but why are you naked?” Paul replied
“It’s the outfit all boys wear in the house.”
“Really Keith, I Couldn’t do that” Paul said
“But your sister and my cousin Amy is here dude?” John piped up
“So, she sees me and my brothers all the time, don’t you Amy,”
“Yes I do Shorty” Amy stepped behind Keith and put her around the boy giving him a hug from the rear. The Hug caused Keith’s penis to stiffen everyone saw it,
“Mom, what does he mean ALL BOYS?” John not liking the direction the day is going.
“Well Johnny, Jack’s family has house rules not unlike ours, as for example putting the dishes in the dishwasher after dinner or no television on a school night past 9PM. Only theirs is that boys wear their birthday suits in the house”
“Just the sons of the family?”
“Not exactly Johnny,”
What do you mean Mom, Not Exactly
“Johnny, My Wife and I have raised our family like my parents raised me before. Boys are meant to be nude and not to be overly modest at home. We also require their guy friends to undress when they are over.”
“You’re Fucking kidding? Right?
“Johnny, Watch your mouth, I can’t believe your language today I am sorry everyone,”
“Well, Mellissa my kids have heard that language before and had said it once in the past, but we Spank here too and the boys being nude tend to learn real fast not to use those words especially when their behinds are fully open to correction,”
“You Spank too, They say that it can harm the kids?”
I think those who think that spanking harms the kids, are doing more harm not spanking, the kids don’t learn the limits and push the limits more, those that are spanked tend to be more helpful, polite and outgoing due to the backing of the parents.
“Oh Mellissa you should meet Mark, He is a Great kid, so well behaved, Jack did he make the honor role this year?” Joan asked
“Yes, Joan he did, the top five in his class.” Jack said
“So Mellissa, Do you still want to leave your boys here while you shop?”
“Well Jack, do they have to be completely…..”
“MOM! You can’t be serious I’m not their friend I just met them two seconds ago” John cut off his Mother.
“Aunt Joan can’t I go to your place and wait for you to do your shopping trip.
“Sorry Johnny, remember the last time you were at my house, Your uncle’s golfing trophy got broken, You cant be trusted at my house, besides I like the idea of little boys running naked their little penises and ball bouncing around freely.”
But Mom I am not a little boy I am 14, I am a man now.
Mellissa laughed at her sons comment” Really Johnny, a real man goes shirtless in this heat like Jack here, I haven’t seen you without a shirt since last years doctors physical appointment even then you were embarrassed to all belief.”
“Really Mellissa you haven’t seen him shirtless? what about below, when was the last time you saw your son bare?” Joan asked
“Well his father John senior, suggested that junior here needed space to himself, so I haven’t seen him totally for a while even Paul has not been seen bare by me for about six months,”
“No wonder little Paul was getting snippy at me earlier as he was in the bathroom peeing at the house at I need to get something from the bathroom before we left.” Joan said
“Really Sis?”
“Yes, I didn’t see a problem with it, I used to change his diaper and helped with his baths when he visited two summers ago, when you guys took junior on that scouting trip that time,”
“Paul did it bother you to be seen in the bathroom today?” Mellissa asked her son
“A little mom, I am eleven now.”
“Paul your still a little boy, your Auntie can still see you when you’re naked,
“So Mellissa, Do you still want to leave your boys here while you shop?” Jack asked again.
Looking at young Keith his little package out and about, she then looked at her over dressed sons and coming to the realization that her boys are very overly modest, and that her parenting ways need a change. “Yes, Jack I believe I do,”
Mellissa took a few more steps in to the house and called Paul over to her, she wanted to start with the youngest first thought it might be easier,
“Yes Mom?”
She leaned down to talk quietly to her son, “Paul I need you to stay here at Jack’s and Keith’s house while your aunt and I go shopping,”
“Do I have to be naked like Keith?”
“Yes that’s the rule here,”
“I don’t know mom, but I kind of want to play “Empire of Mayhem 6””
“I know, I don’t approve of you playing that type of game normally, However if you want to play it today you will have to undress to your birthday suit while you’re here, but I will make a deal with you Paul,
“What type of deal Mom?”
“Well, Paul if you undress quickly now and behave while you’re here, I am willing to buy you Empire of Mayhem 2 and 3, But only if you obey me here now and at home,”
“Really you will get me 2 and 3?” Paul said looked at Keith who is only two and half years younger,
“Yes I will, Promise, only if, you get naked here and obey me later, Okay Paul?”
“Okay Mom,” and with that said he stripped off is T-shirt, kicked off his sneakers and peeled off his long cut-off jean shorts,
He stood there with his socks and white underwear briefs on. He peeled off each one of his socks, he stopped with his hands on the waist band of the briefs. “Can I keep my Under wear on mom? you and dad say I’m naked in my underwear all the time home?”
“I guess, I say that at home to tease you about covering up,”
Mellissa looked at Jack for to see if this was far enough,
 “Just birthday suits, Mellissa, it is much cooler for him, just look at the boy’s underwear it is soaked with sweat,” Jack said
“My it is,” soaked as Mellissa reached out and touched fabric on the outside hip of the briefs,
“We also have the boys go commando in the summer when they do have to dress, it saves on a hell of a lot of laundry and they stay cooler too even I go commando,”
“Really, with the two boys in this summer heat I end up washing seven loads a week just in their stuff, That might help I cut it down in half,”
“If you want to play and have a game of your own, yes loose the underwear.”
“But mom, I am nervous” Paul looked in his mothers eyes begging her not make him go further
“Why be nervous,”
“But I am eleven, Mom”
“Oh, here, let me help you,”
With that she reached down and stripped the briefs to the floor,
“Here step out of them now,” Paul did and his hands went to his package to hide it from his mothers and cousins view,
“Paul, Let me look at your penis,” Paul pulled his hands away just so his mother could see, It was bigger than Keith’s. it was about 4 inches erect. the circumcised pink head poked out straight, as he nervously stood “Oh Joan you are so right, little boys are cute when their naked,”
Melissa stepped away from her boy, Paul brought his hands back in front of him to tightly cover his package.
Jack said “You don’t have to hide it, it looks like you’re playing with it.. Paul Just keep you hands at your sides,
a Penis is just a penis, nothing new here.”
“Hey Cousin let me see.” Amy said as she got a closer look
“Very nice Paul,”
“Mom can I go play now?”
Mellissa looked at Jack and he nodded his head, “Sure thing Paul go a head”
With that both younger fully naked boys ran to the family room to play the Video game.
The rest of the group turned and looked at Johnny
“Mom you can’t be serious?”
“I want and need to go shopping today your Aunt, And I don’t want you tagging along, so you too, strip down,”
“You’re just another boy with a penis here. I still don’t know why your so shy about yourself,”
“Mom! I am 14 now, ”
“Non sense, you are still shorter than me, and skinny as a rail.”
“Come on now out of those clothes, be like your brother now. It’s the rule for boys here”
“Mom No Fucking way I am not getting naked” he screamed as he tried to back out of the house.
Melissa screamed back “Damn-it Johnny quiet your mouth.”
Jack step over to him, raised his left hand and took him by the arm , “Look son, You can get naked the Easy way or you can get naked the Hard way. What is your choice?”
“Get away from me you queer.”
“Johnny watch you mouth”, His mother screams
“Ok it looks like he has chosen the hard way, Melissa do you still need to leave Johnny here? and am I in charge of his behavior while his in the house”
Melissa looked at Joan, Joan gave her sister a look of (it’s up to you) then she looked at her hot headed Son and then looked at Jack And nodded her head
Jack turned to Becky “Becky, we need a visit from the Board of Education. Could you bring it from the hook in family room, please?”
“Yes Daddy,” with that Becky left the room for a few seconds.
“Here it is Daddy” Becky said as skipped back in the room, The board of education was a 3 inch wide by 18 inch by ¼ inch thick slat of wood, it was labeled on one end with a hand painted wording on it that read “The Board of Education” it also had a picture of figure wearing a square cap and gown like graduating from high school or college.
The other end of the slat was cut thinner so the administrator’s hand could hold it comfortably and slightly wider at the end so it wouldn’t slip from the hand.
Jack took it from his daughter with his leading hand; he spun Johnny around so Johnny’s arm was behind the boy’s back. Then tapped his new charge on the on the ass thru his jeans, a muffled smack was heard and the group of females jumped a bit,
“Are you going to undress now Boy?.”
“No way!” Johnny said loudly and squirmed trying to get away, but with his arm around his back he couldn’t move,
Jack fired three more smacks to the boy pants covered rear,
“How about now?” Jack asked again
“Nooo” he whimpered
With that Jack let go of Johnny arm, and before the boy realized that he was not being held, Jack reached down to the boys T-shirt hem at the rear and pulled it up and over Johnny’s head so that his back was bare and his face and arms were trapped under the shirt, then Jack held the shirt in a twisting motion so the boy couldn’t escape.
Jack moved his own legs and feet to clamp the boy’s legs from moving. The boy was stuck.
“Melissa could you please undo your son’s pants button, zipper and then pull his pants and underwear down please.”
“Okay” she replied she stepped in front of her son, her fingers were trembling as she put one hand behind the button and his bare lower belly, she undid it, then she used the fingers on the other hand to pull the tab of the zipper and she slowly pulled the zipper open.
Johnny stopped squirming because he realized his waist band of the pants was very loose now and with his wiggling they inched down a bit.
“Mom Please don’t” he was pleading
Following Jacks directions she moved her hands to the waistband of his pants, she slid both her index fingers against his skin of his each side to catch the waistband of Johnny’s boxers, she clasped both items in her hands and she gave a tug, down went his lower clothing in one fell swoop.
Johnny Gasps as he realized he is exposed now.
His mother stared at her son’s groin. His groin was totally hairless and his penis was smaller than Paul’s shaft,
“Oh my god, you may be fourteen but your still a little boy no wonder your acting up now,”
“Jack, how many smacks do you give little mouthy boys now a days?” Melissa asked
“Depending on the level of infraction, it is based on number of years of age and degree of offensiveness”
“Well he is 14, and he used a cuss word and called you a queer. Would 28 be enough Jack?”
“I would hope so, Okay boy, ready to receive 28?”
“No. “
“Okay have it your way, Becky could bring a kitchen chair over here please.”
“Yes Daddy,”
Becky came back carrying the chair and placed it behind her father,
Still holding the boy captive by the shirt, Jack sat down in the chair and pulled the boy over his lap, Jack could feel the naked boy’s penis harden by the skin contact of his own bare thighs, Jack opened his own legs so that the boys penis was between his thighs, at that point, Jack closed his legs together and trapped the small member in between his bare legs
“This is your own fault boy”, Jack said as he gave the boys naked ass a 28 slap solute, Johnny was balling like crazy and his ass cheeks were burning red,
The boy’s penis stayed stiff the whole time, Jack then stood the boy up on his feet and faced him toward the ladies. He removed the boy’s Tee shirt and commanded the boy to step of the pants completely. “Ok stand and face the ladies and be still and hold your hands on your head, then tell the group your very sorry and will behave better in the future ”
“Mom and Aunt Joan I am very sorry for miss behaving before and I’ll try to better,”
“You should be Johnny you were very rude, I think you should tell Jack, thank you for helping to correct your bad behavior,”
“Jack Thank you for helping me with my behavior” He said as he turned to face Jack he started to pull his hands off his head to try and cover,
“Your welcome Johnny, but your hands should still be on your head and you still have your shoes and socks on ask the girls for help to finish getting in your birthday suit,”
“Becky and Amy would you please help me with my shoes and socks please?”
“Yes Johnny.”
 Both girls smiled as the got down on their knees in front of the naked boy and undid the laces and pulled the shoes off and the girls rubbed the boy’s legs near the knee and then slid the socks off his feet. This attention caused his penis harden up like a stone, He was totally embarrassed, here he his fully naked in a unknown house, with a sore ass, because his mother gave her permission to his cousin’s best friends father, who they had never met before, to strip a fourteen year old and give him his first (after 9) over the knee spanking in front of four females, His own cousin Amy younger than him was wide eyed looking straight at his erect that was bowing in a upward angle.
“Johnny, I thought with you being 14 years old your penis would be bigger than my ten year old brother,” Amy said
“Amy don’t laugh at me, I am still growing,”
“Are you really growing? Here let me check” with that Amy reached out and clasped his little penis in her hand” Oh Look my palm is wider than the length of your stiffy,”
“Amy don’t touch me there”
“Oh don’t worry, Becky’s brothers love it when I touch theirs penises” Amy said still hold on tightly,
Johnny tried to pull away from her grasp but she was holding on tight. “Ouch!” he cried as his little penis got squeezed in her hand,
“Stop it Amy”, as Johnny tried to push her away
“Little Johnny it’s aright, girls can handle your penis when ever they want to, A boy at your age should be honored if girl wants to handle you, so are you going to behave now and let her touch or do you want another 14 smacks?” Jack said
No Sir, I’ll let her touch it if she wants”
“Good Boy”
“Auntie Mel, I was thinking if Becky’s parents keep their boys naked and their penises are more grown, May be you can help him grow bigger if you had him go nude more often?” Amy asked
“Oh I don’t know Amy, this is all still new to me, I don’t know if his father will let me do that at home?”
Becky said “ the family doctor told my mother that Kenny & Keith’s balls are growing fine due to the fact that they go naked at home and wears no underwear,”
Oh Melissa, I think your husband should be fine with it, Guys see each other in locker rooms and have the same equipment,” Joan said,
“Okay Johnny you can lower your arms now” Jack said
Johnny lowered his arms but he moved his hands cover his yet to develop little stiff penis,
“No son, don’t cover up either, your penis is not that big anyway to hide”
“It is not fair, I don’t want the girls to see it”
“Becky and Amy know what a male penis looks like and they have already seen yours, so you don’t have to be shy, let it show”
“I Promise I’ll behave, but can I get dressed now?
“No son, you are going to be dressed in your birthday suit while you’re here and to make sure your mother and Aunt will be taking your clothes with them so you will have no choice, but be naked”
“Ok sir”. Johnny sniffed back in a compliance response as his hands went to his sides.
“Wow that was fast” Melissa said amazed that her son lost his modesty so quickly.
“Yes it was. And look at your son, he is a cutie too, his penis and ball sack are still pre puberty they haven’t dropped yet. “Joan said
Melissa reached out all on her own and tugged on her son’s little stiff penis and felt his little tight sack, she felt for the two little teisticles, they were out of his belly but they had not fully dropped,
“It feels funny, Mom don’t touch me there,”
“Hog wash, you’re my son, my own flesh and blood I can touch you, where ever and whenever, I want, what do you mean it feels funny?”
“Down there, Mom.”
“Where down there?”
My thingy?
“What thingy? use the proper term Johnny”
“Okay Mom…..umm it’s my penis its so stiff,”
“Yes I can see that,”
“Well Mom…. My penis almost hurts” he almost said thingy again
“Auntie He might need help with it.? Amy said
Becky and I help her brothers relax and go down and when they get this hard, Amy reached in front of her Aunt and rubbed her cousin’s penis shaft up and down a few times “like this” Amy showed her aunt then let go of it,
Johnny sighed a little when Amy did this,
Melissa said “Oh That! I never thought my boy needed that yet,”
“Yeah they all love it,” Becky said
“I bet they do…. Is that what you need Little Johnny?” As She reached out with her own hand and started rubbing his little stiff member.
“Huh? Mom? What are you doing?”
Just making my boy relax,
“Auntie I didn’t know you knew how to jerk a Penis.
“Oh Amy, when I was a senior in high school, I was dating many boys, My mother told me to use my hands on a penis on a date. She did not want to be a grandmother yet.”
“I remember Mom Saying that sis, “Joan said
“Grand Ma said you met my Uncle in college” Amy said
“Yes I did Amy,”
 “So how many boys did you date before you met my uncle?
“Too many to count, Amy lets talk about this later,” Melissa said while giving a hand job to her son, helping him with his condition,
“Mom how many boys did you date in high school? Amy asked her mom.
“Had a couple of awkward ones with so called nerds, then I met your Father, He loved my touch so much, he didn’t want to loose me, so he returned the favor to me and the rest is history” Joan said
“How sweet, All I have around here are my brothers now, Mom & Daddy say I am too young to date,” Becky said
“That’s right Becky, But until your old enough, your brothers need your help,”
She kept stroking as his breathing increased and hips started to respond, then after a minute Johnny stood up on his toes and let out a groan,
Joan said “There it is” and the two young girls giggled at the reaction of boy’s having a cum, after a few seconds Johnny went light headed and his mother caught him as his knees buckled. She knelt on one knee to make a mini lap for him to sit as she hugged him and rubbed his face to wake him up as his head was on her shoulder.
“What happened” Johnny said softly as he came to,
“You had ejaculation”, his mother said
“A what?”
“Remember your health class in school dear? How a male impregnates a female with his seed”
“OH that, did I squirt, I don’t see anything”
“No, my little Johnny, with your small undeveloped package, you didn’t, you had what they call a Dry Cum. How did it feel?”
“I felt wicked cool Mommy. Can I have another?”
Everyone let out a chuckle at the boy’s reaction,
“Can I help him next time Auntie?”, Amy asked
“Give the boy a breather girl, he needs an hour or so to recover but yes you can, when ever he needs it.”
Becky piped up and said “My Brother Mark, one day last month, shot 3 times in 40 minutes, and he is a shooter too”
“Jack is that true?” With that Melissa looked over toward Jack, who was still sitting in the chair since giving Johnny a spanking, her eyes naturally dropped to his shorts. With Johnny squirming on his lap, and the wonderful act of love seen, Jacks own penis had responded to the occasion and had inflated to half mast and the leg band of his shorts were loose that Jack’s penis and balls had slipped out from under and into view,
Melissa gasped. The other females looked in the direction of Melissa’s gaze.
Joan Gasped as well at the sight,
Amy giggled as it not a strange occurrence to see her friends father’s manhood.
Becky said “Hey, Daddy we see your cock and balls”
Jack just responded by saying “oops” and sat straight up and tried to reposition himself,
“Sorry about that, ladies, these shorts are very comfortable for me and my penis has grown up without shame,”
Joan said “well… we now know why your wife Sue is always happy”
Both ladies, now giggled,
Changing the subject, Jack told Johnny “Johnny why don’t you go play with your brother and Keith in the other room”
“But I am naked,”
“So are they. Go now, you will get used to it. Your Aunt and I will be back soon” Melissa told her son
…..Jack turned to his daughter “And Becky I believe you and Amy have something to work on in your room,” he gave a slight wink, the two mothers still watching the boy’s bare red behind walk out of the room
“Yes daddy, come on Amy.” The two girls skipped out of the room toward the Becky’s room,
“Wow Now I really want naked boys at my house,” Joan said
“Really, Well it is summer now, Maybe we can work out a deal with my sons staying over, your brother-in-law mentioned that he wanted to take me for a getaway for a couple of days this summer without the boys,” Melissa said
“I would be happy to take them whenever you want, we’ll talk on the way to the store, Joan said
“Oh Right Joan, we better get going its getting late, Jack about the boys…”
“They will be fine here Melissa, don’t forget to take their clothes with you, its better that way less temptation,”
Melissa quickly picked up the removed clothing. She went for the sneakers.
“You can leave the shoes, they might need them if they go outside.”
“Outside?? “
“Don’t worry my boys go around naked a lot here, we have tons of land and the few neighbors we have don’t mind”
“They do?”
“I have even taken my boys into town to the Anderson’s & Daughters lumber and hardware store, with just hats and sandals on,
“What the town allows this nudity?”
“Nobody has complained about it yet, Everyone knows what a naked boy looks like around here. however lately, It really embarrasses Mark when he is naked in town, He stays in the truck in the lumber Yard, The Anderson’s Daughters even give me a slight discount when the boys are with me,
“Well he is Older than the twins, his being nude might be an Issue?’
Hell No, Boys shouldn’t be worried about being seen naked, it builds Manliness. He is embarrassed because one of the cute Anderson’s daughters, is in his class and works the Lumber Yard when school is out. He Likes her a lot”
“Oh has a crush too. How adorable” both ladies said in unison,
“So If you are going to continue this for the summer, with your boys you might want to find some open toed sandals at the store for the boys if they don’t already have a pair, Sneakers can hot and sweaty and become smelly too without socks, plus the sandals will tan their feet to match their butts”
“Oh yeah, we don’t want tan lines”
“Don’t forget about buying the sun block, you will need plenty of that since their skin is not used to the sun.”
Right, oh wait, they don’t have any sun block on now, you better keep them inside,,
“Don’t worry about that we have plenty, My daughter is an expert in applying sun block on the boys, she knows the drill and loves to help.”
“Ok Amy has my cell number, incase you need to reach us, we should be back in about 2 hours,” the two mother headed for the door out,
“Have fun”, Jack said as he open the front storm door for them as they headed to the car.
 Jack heard Melissa say to her sister, “ I can’t believe how behaved Johnny was after he got spanked,”
Joan was heard Saying “ Yes, it was so nice to see, that change,”
The got to the car and got in, and they drove away.

(The End)