Joey’s Summer 14

By Sexpig4u

Copyright 2015 by Sexpig4u, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Joeys Summer Part 14 by
Remember People it’s only a Fantasy.

Meanwhile That Saturday morning at 9:45am, At the famous, Aunt Sue and Uncle Jacks House,
Becky and her brother Keith were sitting on the family room couch watching Saturday morning cartoons.
Becky was sitting in the middle of the couch wearing her oversized sleep tank shirt and Boy shorts, Keith was still wearing his normal sleepwear, his birthday suit, Keith was on his back, his upper torso to the right of Becky on the couch cushions, his bum and legs were on top of Becky’s lap and feet off to her left. His boy parts totally on display. Becky had her right hand wrapped around her brother’s penis. She slowly played with his shaft while absorbed into the mindless TV show. Keith was always hard and Becky loved touching the wrinkled skin of ball sack too. They snuggled like this all the time. If Keith wasn’t on her lap her other brother, Kenny was.
The show went to a commercial, Becky would start to stroking Keith faster to keep him from getting up for a snack. this break she kept up the stroking till little Keith’s hips legs arched off Becky’s lap.. she let go of his little toy, as his breathing got very fast, He laid motionless on her lap,
Their Dad just looked into the living room just as Keith had his dry orgasm, he thought to himself, {lucky kid} “Okay now, Becky and Keith Since you two are almost done watching the current show on the TV, I need you guys to make sure your rooms are neat for your cousins’ arrival today,”
“Okay Dad” the two responded in the typical teenager groan speak.
He was dressed in his wide leg running shorts and sleeveless tee shirt. His hanging around the house clothes, His member was clearly defined by them and at times his large tip would be seen poking out the short leg opening as he moved, Becky notices it, but pays no attention to it as it’s just dad’s penis.
“Don’t forget about your sleeping bags, you will need to get them down from the attic”
‘Okay Dad, what about Joey and Jenny?” Keith asked
“What about Joey and Jenny?”
“The last time they were here we had to stay dressed all the time and they are going to be staying all summer, Are we going to have to start being dressed around the house now with our cousins here?”
‘Well your mother told your Aunt Marie that the boys go nude at home, and Marie agreed that since Joey is a boy and staying with us for the summer that he should be treated like another brother here with us.”
“So we can be naked around Jenny too?”
“Yes, Keith you can be yourself at home”
“So Can Jenny touch my dick”
“Keith, Jenny is your cousin and a girl, while she is here, she is like a sister, whatever Becky tells you to do you do it, as your mother keeps saying Girls mature faster than boys and the girls are in charge over boys and if she wants to touch your penis, she can at any time,”
“But dad she is younger than Mark she can’t boss him around can she?”
“It will be her choice if she wants to play with you, however she is a girl and she is in charge of you and when she bosses you, you comply, you hear.”
“Oh Becky, Just to be clear please be gentle when your cousin Joey gets here, He is not used to the exposure like your brothers. “
“Dad don’t worry I haven’t broken my brothers penises so far, have I hurt you Keith?”
“No Sis you haven’t hurt my penis,       not yet anyway”
“BEEP BEEP” Becky’s cell phone gets a message. Becky reads it.
“Dad, Amy wants to come by for a little bit while her mom shops in town, can she come over”
Jack looks at the clock, “I don’t know Becky, your cousins are coming today, we got things to do around the house before they arrive,”
“Daddy, she wants to show me the bikinis her mom got her the other day, 
“Becky I don’t know, you have to get your room ready and clean out a several of your dresser drawers for Jenny’s stuff. I might take too long?”
“I’ll have Amy help me”
Mom said she wouldn’t  get back till around 2:15 and its only 10 AM. it won’t take long,”
“Your brother Keith is still being punished and your mom rule is no clothes it might be awkward” 
“Dad, Amy has seen my brothers naked before, remember when she slept over during spring vacation?”
“Yeah I remember Mark drained his nuts all over the place that week,”
“Yeah that was a great time, he came at least six times a day that week”
Wasn’t that time Mark squirted five feet away where mom was standing?
“Yes it was Keith, it got all over moms skirt and legs that time,”
 “That Juice is dangerous for girls”
“Oh Daddy, she and I are in the pill so it’s safe besides Mark’s not home.”
“Keith can you go upstairs so daddy and I can talk about something,”
“What are you going to talk about sis?”
“Never mind what GO” Becky Yells to her brother
“You heard her Keith go upstairs now, I want those toys off the floor before your cousin Joey gets here.
“Yes Dad” Keith’s little tan naked butt wiggles up the stairs.
They wait till Keith is out of ear shot.
“What’s up Becky?”
“Amy really needs to come over. She needs my help with something”
What does she need your help with that can’t”
“Daddy It’s Girl stuff”
“What do you mean girl stuff?”
“If you need to know Daddy, her patch needs trimming for the suits.” Dad and Daughter always chatted like this, always open to each other when nobody was around,
Oh, she doesn’t want the Star Wars Chewbacca look this summer, I hear it is all the craze over seas.
“Daddy Don’t be rude” Becky playfully slapped her dads upper arm at the comment and she giggled at the Joke,
“Well, if she helps you get your room ready and maybe model her suits for me after, I’ll let Amy come over,”
“Tell you what Daddy, I know Mommy always makes me wear a one piece or a modest large Tankini bathing suit for the summer, she doesn’t want me to show too much skin around the boys now that I am older, but If you let her come over before mom get home, I’ll model her little bikini’s on me  for you too,”
“Girl are you being fresh to me? You know your mother will spank you in your room, if she finds that you’re being fresh”
“No Sir, but I remember how you smiled at me when I was younger and you saw me showering while you shaved naked at the sink”
‘You were just a little girl then, just knees and elbows. What was there to see then.”
“You never smile like that any more around me, Daddy”
“Of course I smile for you,”
“No daddy you don’t anymore, ever since Mom said I had to be dressed around you, you stopped smiling”
“That was because your mother saw me get an erection in front of you, because you were naked too then.”
“So I have to stay dressed because you get a stiffy? I see my brother’s stiffys all the time. I also see your morning wood some mornings all the time but it never grows because of me.”
“Becky, I am your father, I am not suppose to get hard because of you,”
“Why daddy, when ever I am near you, when you’re naked, you act so nervous to me. I want you to feel comfortable about being around me.”
“Well Becky, I grew up naked around my sisters when I was young, but now I am older and that changes things,  but with your brothers being nude and erect around you is one thing, they are young and can’t control it, Me on the other hand, the world may not understand me being erect because of you, so I guess I try to hide it from you,”
“But Daddy, as mom says, It’s just a penis, and it’s on the outside of the body so it should be seen anyway at least in the house, to heck what the world says. My boobs are on the outside of my body, I want to walk around the house nude like my brothers or maybe just panties at times,”
“Honey, your mother will never allow it and You know your mom is set in her ways,
she loves the males to hang out the nude, but it is not right for you to go undressed around me, Girls have to maintain their modesty”
“But its not fair,”
“I know sweetie, but it’s your mother we are talking about, she also doesn’t want Mark or your brothers to see you naked either,”
“Its still not fair”
“I Know Becky its not fair,
‘Is there anyway I can go around naked at home or at least topless?
 “Here is an idea for you Becky if you want, now that it is summer and school is out, when the rest of the family is out or away from the house and it is just you and me, you can wear or not wear what you want to around me, but when mom and your brothers are around, you have to stay dressed. Does that help you?”
“It might but my brothers are always around when could I really do it?, but what if Mom finds out, she’ll spank and ground me for it?”
“I don’t know Honey, maybe you can be just naked in your room with the door closed?”
“But it gets so hot in there without a cross breeze with the door closed in the summer”
“You have a fan. Doesn’t that help?”
“But Daddy this summer Joey and Jenny are coming to stay with us. Joey is another boy to hide from and what about Jenny, she is going to be sharing my room too, I can’t even be naked in my own room if she is in there,”
“First of all, She is a girl, girls can be naked together, you and mother  use the bathroom together when you go shopping and she helps you pick outfits to wear and she is in the dressing room with you try them on  right,”
“Yeah but that’s mom, us girls at school don’t even see each other naked in the locker room for gym.” 
“Really the girls don’t shower or change after gym like the boys. they ban it too?
“Yes they Ban it, That’s so not fair, you know how smelly some of us girls get after gym, “
“Not even together?”
“No, If We have to, we change behind tiny curtains cubicles,
“Why not?”
“Well daddy they put a stop to it after a Janitor got caught peaking down into the room from over the ceiling tile from the storage closet next door,
“When did that happen?”
“About two years ago before I started going there, It sucks, there is not enough cubicles for the class so we end up being late for the next class,”
“Yeah that’s wrong, you’re all made the same, what does it matter?”
“Just last week two girls just stripped in the locker room outside of the cubicles, and the teacher had them suspended for a day on the last week of school.”
“Why haven’t the parents be told of this policy?
“Because they offer the cubicles to change in so no parent needs to know,”
“Now that’s not right, girls can’t share a cubical?”
“No they don’t want that either, however Amy and I break the rules and we share one if the gym coach isn’t looking and we haven’t gotten caught”
“Wow, I know I was raised clothes free at home since I was young, I was a male and My mother said it was doctors orders for me to be nude around the house. My sisters I later learned after I was born, hated the fact that there was now a boy in the house, My sisters ran around partially naked in the house till I was 4 and a half or five years old, after that they were told to keep it confined to their bedrooms, when I turned twenty one  they told me that I was a grumpy Gus till Mom stripped me, The girls were spending all their time behind the closed bedroom door of their room. It was only the fact that My mother let them play with my naked penis, that they spent more time with me, they still stayed in their room but only after I went to bed.”
“Really Daddy, Sounds like something else was happening but it was not noticed by everyone, Girls need Naked time too,”
“Hey Becky I think you might be on to something here.”
“But how will Mom allow it?.  I got to wear a full length robe to and from the shower  and the only other time she see me naked is when she spanks me and keeps me naked in my room, for the night.”
“Well you could cause trouble then you would be naked in the room with Jenny there.”
“Daddy, My ass hurts when she spanks me, and I don’t like it, normally I sleep naked,
“You do?”
“Yeah, I strip down after I know she goes to sleep at night, but I wake up and dress before she walks in to wakes me.”
“And she never caught you?”
“Well one morning it was close, I had just pulled my night shirt on over my head and to my lap when she opened the door,”
“My Baby girl that’s not right, You should be able to be naked in your room when you want.”
“I did ask Mom about it but she said, she shared a room with Auntie Marie for a long time growing up and Mom never saw her sister naked either, there was no need to. Citing Something about religion or hell. That Girls going naked is a Sin, But boys are kept naked to keep them from sinning.”
“Go Figure, Now I am thinking that the local world is unfair.”
“Told you Daddy”
“Maybe Little Jenny can help you out this summer as we help Joey learn to behaves”
“How can Jenny help me?”
“Since Jenny is younger than you, and from the last Christmas card we got Jenny is Still knees and elbows and has nothing really to show. Even if the boys have never seen a girl naked at least one in person, I think jenny could use a big sister to teach her to be naked around the house as make her run to and from the shower bare and even in front of the television before snack. and have her be topless ”
“How is that going to help Me?”
“Well, that might help your mother adjust if Jenny is seen around the house naked at times, that might turn your mother , or at least let her get comfortable about your skin showing but we have to do it in stages,”
“when you help the boys get cleaned up in the bathroom, have her help you make sure what ever she I wearing gets soaked.”
“That shouldn’t be hard the boys get me soaked anyway.”
“you can help Jenny with her daily baths and shampooing her hair, Undress her in your room and take her by the hand to the Hallway bathroom totally naked, You two can shower together as well then walk back to you rooms.”
“But wont mom be upset about us Girls being nude” 
“I don’t think she will think it is anything but natural, by the end of the first week.”
“But what if she gets upset and spanks us both?”
“Well then you know the rules, “
Yes dad the boys get it weekly, It’s Number of Spanks equal to age then times level of offensiveness followed by Naked time till next morning after breakfast. No matter who is in the house, I haven’t gotten that since I was seven.
“No you got spanked a few weeks ago didn’t you.”
“Mom only sent me to my room, I was on my period that night so she let me off easy, But she has whooped me last year when she thought I talked back to her. Mom brought me breakfast to my room after that one. She didn’t want me to parade around naked.”
“So either you expose yourself in stages around the family with your cousin Jenny’s help and get your mom used to it, or one morning cause trouble and she will be forced to keep you naked all day.”
“Dad, can you spank me instead of mom if she gets mad. You can pretend to make it sound hard”
“Sorry Kiddo Your mother will be watching me do it,”
“So Amy can come over then?”
“Sure, but she and you have to model the bikinis for me like you promised, before mom gets back”
“What about Keith being around?”
“Don’t worry about him. He’ll be fine”
“Ok Daddy” Becky moved over in front of her father and reached up to hug her arms around his neck and he gave a big hug back to his daughter. The braless state of Becky’s little firm boobs pressed against his chest the topic of discussion and the sweet smell and touch of teenage girl made his penis start to stiffen,
Becky noticed this right away plus as it was getting firm in the tight embrace and pressing warmly against her bare thigh, she finished the hug and pulled slightly away, she looked down, the tip of her fathers penis was sticking out the leg of his shorts by at least 3 inches now. She brought her hand to it and wrapped her fingers around the exposed shaft, and gave him a little rub and squeeze.
“Oh Becky, I don’t think ( Sigh)…”
She looked up to her daddy’s face and smiled at him and he of course smiled back and she giggled “Daddy. Did I give you that woody”
“Yes, Honey you did.”
“Oh Good Daddy, It’s been a long time. Love you daddy..”
“Love you too girly, but you better let go or I might Cum on you, here,”
“Oooh Daddy is that a Threat or a promise?”
“Very funny girl, now get to your room, and call Amy.”

(The End)