Joey’s Summer 13

By Sexpig4u

Copyright 2014 by Sexpig4u, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Joeys Summer Part 13 by
Remember People it’s only a Fantasy.
 Sorry for the Delay, I have not had the time to compose
(we resume our story from the near end of chapter 12)
“Aunt Marie and Mr. Rogers, I am very sorry for having you see me being punished, and I will be behaving in the future.”
Mr. Rogers Couldn’t believe what he just saw, but Eugene remembered from the Back of his mind a scene from his past when he was eight years old, that was just like this one, he had buried deep a long time ago. He swore he could do that to his kids. So he never spanked his children, But in seeing it done, and the fact that even after the lesson the child is more behaved and even sprouting a hard on too.
Eugene asked Mark “Are you Ok, young man?”
“Yes sir” Mark replied, Eugene realized that his boy may need a lesson or two,
 Marie told her Nephew “I Accept your apology Mark, and I hope you will behave better as well. Come here and give me a hug.”
Mark walked over to Marie and she gave her nephew a hug from the front, She Felt his erection poke on her belly as they hugged. Marie Pulled away and reached down to Mark’s hard penis and wrapped her hand around it and gave it a slight squeeze, as she held on to it, she said, “Mark your mother has told me all about you and your brothers going naked at home, I too have a son, Your cousin Joey remember, I know that boys have penises and testicles, So you never have to be embarrassed being naked in front of me, Ok?” she was stroking him slightly as she said this, keeping him erect.
“Yes Auntie” Mark said
Marie still holding his penis “Mark your penis is nice too, be proud of it, you will make your wife very happy with that one,” she said giving his penis one last squeeze before letting it go. His penis bounced and hit Marks belly when she let go.
With that comment Kevin said “Mark get married, yeah right” with a laugh.
Sue quickly said “Watch it boy or you will get a spanking too”
“Oh sorry” Kevin quickly changed his tune.
“Yeah mister you know I mean business”
as she said this she saw Marks shorts on the floor. She picked them up
“Great they’re ruined, Mark nice job.” Sue said as she handed Mark the torn shorts.
 Kevin went over to Marie “Auntie, what about me, Do you like my penis too?”
“Oh yes Kevin your penis is beautiful too” Marie reached down and took his erect penis in her hand and gave him a few rubs like she gave Mark “I can only imagine that yours will grow longer too as you get older.”
“I Hope so Auntie, I want mine to grow to be a foot long.” Kevin said boldly
“I’m sure you will grow to be close to that”
“Becky and her friends say that they want it to grow into a horse-cock”
Sue said “Kevin, lets not brag too much now in front of Mr. Rogers now.”
Eugene laughs out loud and says “What guy doesn’t want a big one.”
“Or woman” Marie added
“That’s why I want a big one.” Kevin said proudly.
“Well you look and feel like you’re on your way to your goal”. Marie gave Kevin’s stiff penis one last squeeze and let go of her nephew, his penis was pointing up to his belly.
Marie said “Why don’t you boys go up stairs and wake your cousins Joey and Jenny and his friends up, while I make brunch,”
“Oh Marie, that’s a great idea, we brought some Deli meat for lunch too.” Still holding the shorts.
 The Boys started toward the stairs, Marie said “Mark why don’t you throw the shorts away in the bathroom trash can while go by.”
“Ok” Mark said as he took them from his mother and walked up stairs to the trash can in the bathroom. Mark realizing his only covering was in his hand and now they were no good to him any more and tossed them away.
“Swell” he said to him self as he and his brother walk naked to his cousin’s bed room with their stiff members pointing and bobbing on the way.
They both stopped in the doorway of Joey’s room and looked in. They saw their cousin Joey and his two friends, sleeping on their backs uncovered and totally nude.
Kevin spoke up “Hey Joey are you going to sleep all day or what?”
Joey lifted his head and looked towards the door and said, “Who is that?”
“Your cousins, stupid” Kevin joked
“Huh? What… time is it? Joey was now aware that his cousins were in the room and that his Freddy’s arm and hand was over his belly and holding his morning stiffening penis and his own hand was on top of his friend Billy half hard penis. Joey quickly let go and moved his friends hand off his member as he tried to hide himself from his cousins.
“How long have you guys been here?” Joey asked
“long enough for Mark to get a ass whooping” Kevin said
“Shut up brat” Mark said
“Hey Mark, I am bigger than Joey,” Kevin said
Joey looked at his cousins and realized that they were also naked in his room and their cocks were stiff.
Joey’s friends woke up as well and their penises grew hard as rocks,
Freddy, looked and realized that he was the smallest in the group, he took his hand and blocked the view,
Kevin then saw Billy’s huge tool. “Joey who is your friend and how big is penis, It looks huge?”
“Huh? Oh that’s Billy. Mark Did your mom strip you here in the house or did you two ride naked down here?”
“A little of both I guess” Mark said
Kevin took a step forward and reached out to grab Billy’s penis in his hand “how big is it?”
Billy somewhat jumped back on the bed by the abrupt sensation of a hand his tool.
But Kevin’s hand stayed wrapped around his cock, Kevin gave it a few strokes,
Billy said “6 inches if you must know and do you mind dude” reaching down and removing the boys hand. His penis fully erect,
Mark said “Kevin you can’t just grab a guys hard on anytime bro”
“I just wanted to touch it once, its bigger than dad’s” Kevin said
Mark then remembered what his mom said about his girl cousin. “Hey Joey is your sister naked like you too?
Joey replied “Yeah the last two nights she has been naked with me.”
“Really what does she look like?” mark asked
“My sister.” Joey joked
“No shit cousin, I mean does she have boobs yet?”
“No she looks like me up top” Joey said
Then Billy said “you should see Freddy’s sister Ginger she’s got boobs and very nice ass too”
“Who’s Ginger and where is she?”
Freddy said “She is my Sister and last night joeys mom made her strip in front of us in the bath room.”
“Cool I wish I could have seen that” Mark said
Joey said “they might be still nude, My mom has gone nuts taking our clothes away at home.”
“Really?” even Kevin wanted to see.
“Are they up yet” Joey asked
Mark “don’t think so… which bedroom is hers?”
“The one on the end on the right “Joey said
“I gotta see this come on guys get up and we’ll all see” Mark said
 Joey and his friends got up out of bed. The Five naked and erect boys walked slowly and quietly to the girls room, They got to the door frame of the bedroom and looked in,
Both girls were still on their backs and their legs slightly apart.
Mark looked at the older one and at her pussy. A wow Escaped his lips
And Kevin too said “Holy Shit” at the first naked pussy he had seen open like that.
The Girls heard the Holy Shit remark and open their eyes and realized that 5 boys were staring at their naked bodies,
Jenny Screamed and curled into a ball, and Ginger gave a gasp, then quickly sat up and closed her legs, then brought her arm up to cover her small breasts, however she then realized three of them all ready saw her completely nude last night and she dropped her hands to lap, cross her hands relaxingly blocking her mound. She then saw that the 5 boy’s penises were all standing up stiff up to their bellies.
Being the tease she gave a little wiggle and her small tits jiggled in front of the boys.
The Boys just stood there and looked, drooling from the mouth,
“Good Morning Boys. I see that we have company of two more boys this morning. My name is Ginger and your names are?” Ginger asked
“MMm, mmm, My Name is Kevin and this is Mark, My Brother, we’re Jenny and Joey’s cousins.”
“Well Hello Mark and Kevin , Jenny Straighten up and say hello to your cousins”
“No I don’t want to be seen naked” Jenny said while trying to hide her face.
“Jenny, I am naked too and I don’t mind the boys looking at me. Besides I think the boys like looking too. Take a look Jenny and See.”
“Oh my God” Jenny said “Why are they so stiff?”
“Jenny That happens to boys for many reasons, One; in the morning they get that way, a Second reason is They like what they see.”
“Really? they like to see us naked?” Jenny asked
“Oh My, Yes Jenny, Most guys like to see naked girls / Women. Isn’t that right boys?”
The boys mumbled a “Yeah”
Jenny see how stiff they are? I bet that I am or We are the first real live Naked females that these boys have seen ever. Isn’t that right boys?”
The boys just nodded yes.
Kevin asked bluntly “Can I look closely and touch you down there?”
Mark Nudged Kevin as like not to be rude. “Don’t ask that dude.”
“Maybe young man but first I need to go pee before anyone touches anything”
Just then Marie and Sue appeared behind the 5 boys , Sue Says “What on earth, who’s touching what, my dear Cotton tail boys?”
Kevin spoke up “I asked to touch her down there.”
“Kevin no!” Mark said
Fred, Joey and Billy Groaned out loud at the brutal honesty and tack that Kevin was talking about.
“What type of thing is that to ask boy, boys don’t touch girls, “ Sue said
“But Girls like my sister Becky and her friends touch my penis all the time.”
“I want to feel what a girl has down there. Its only fair” Kevin said
“Oh My Marie why are the girls naked? They’re supposed to be modest.” Sue asked her sister.
“Sue I can’t believe you, You let the boys run around nude but you deny the girls equal opportunity to enjoy the feeling of free of clothing, I told you Jenny will be just be as naked as Joey will be, And I believe that you agreed that your daughter Becky will share being naked or at least topless this summer.”
“Is that true Mom, is Becky going nude at home?” Kevin asked his mom.
“Well, I thought Your Aunt Marie was kidding about the girls going naked too but I guess, She is right about it all being equal and fair.”
“Does Becky know about this new change?” Mark asked
“No… I haven’t told her yet.” Sue told her son
“So Can I touch girls down there or not?” Kevin asked
“We’ll see about that later” Sue told her son,
Marie pipes up “We will talk about this later right now I need everyone up and in to the bathroom and down stairs in 5 minutes we are having brunch.”
All of us at the same time? Freddy asked”
Yes, Come on boys, and girls Mark and Kevin you too ” Marie told her group and guided them all to the bathroom.
Girls use the toilet Jenny go first, Boys line up next to the tub boys and pee into the tub.
“But mom, can’t I use the other bathroom?” Joey asked
“No I want you to go here too.” Marie said
“But there is no room,”
“Well wait a second…. on the other hand go ahead and use the other bath room bring back 2 more wash cloths, I only have 5 and have seven to wash up.”
Joey made a hasty retreat to the other bathroom inside of his moms room his erection has lessoned by the fact he was going to be alone to pee and pee he had to do, he entered the bath room quickly he did not hear a sound, the exhaust fan was running but the bathroom was slightly steamy.
He sat down and went pee.
All of a sudden the opaque shower door slid open Joey’s Eyes went to it, and his eyes opened wide. There was Mrs. Rogers dripping wet totally nude, she had just finished her shower and turned the water off two seconds before Joey entered the bathroom. With the fan on, both did not hear the other, Joey looked at Mrs. Rogers boobs quite bigger than Gingers tits, the nipples and areolas were all large and relaxed from being in the shower.
He then looked at her crotch her entire area was covered with pubic hair, he couldn’t see anything that looked like a slit. He had just finished peeing so with this new sight his penis just instantly grew stiff.
Mrs. Rogers had water in her eyes so she had them closed till she found a towel, she wiped her eyes then dried her face. She thought she heard a noise. She moved the towel off her face and looked forward, “Oh my God what are your doing in here Joey?” as she quickly covered herself with the small towel.
“I was peeing I swear. “
“Get out now” she yelled.
“Okay Okay” Joey said as he stood up and flushed but kept a hand in front of him self to hide his erection.
Julie Saw that Joeys erection was sticking up. She was in shock being seen but then she realize that she over reacted to her nudity, She spoke to Joey “Joey Stop for a second please.”
Joey Froze “Yes Mrs. Rogers?” His hand hiding his penis.
“Joey, I am sorry I yelled at you, I did not realize that I had company in here, your startled me”
“I forgot that your were here in the house too, Mrs. Rogers”
“Joey I guess that it is only fair that you see me naked. Huh?”
“You look real nice Mrs. Rogers…. If I may say?”
“Thank you Joey, your sweet. Oh by the way Joey, I believe your not suppose to hide your thing, are you?”
“Not really,”
“Then hands at your sides then,”
“Yes Mrs. Rogers” Joey moved his hands to his sides, and let his penis show it was pointing straight up to his belly,
“That’s better, Joey, don’t be shy I Have a son and a Husband”
“Yes Mrs. Rogers”
“My Mother is doing a brunch in a few minutes I have to go,”
“Ok I’ll be down in a while. She told her young neighbor.”
He remembered to grab the wash cloths as he was leaving the room.
Meanwhile as Joey was peeing.
Marie and Sue were washing the girls and boys up after they done peeing,
Billy’s penis of course stiff again.
“Mrs. Tayler, I need to squirt my sperm please.”
Sue heard this and said “ Billy are you’re a squirter too? What about Joey and Fred?”
“Yes, I do squirt” Billy Confirmed
My Brother Freddy is still dry as of last night any way” Ginger said
Marie said “Joey hasn’t started but he might squirt by September.”
“Mom Can I make Billy squirt again and I want to taste it again” Jenny asked
“Marie? Taste?” Sue asked her sister.
“I know Kevin and Keith are still too young, What About Mark, Does he squirt yet?”
“Oh Yeah, been shooting since new years Eve. he squirted a Very big load on the way down here.” What is this about tasting it?”
“Oh nothing, just learning about life, Jenny, I think likes it, she wanted to try it so I had her and the rest of the group taste it after Billy got it everywhere last night,”
“I haven’t thought about the kids tasting, it Doesn’t work for me, I think we were too old to try it when we learned about sex.” Sue
“I never really did like it back when I was with Brian, but Billy’s was delicious last night,” Marie said
“Can I taste Marks too?” Jenny asked
“I don’t know Jenny? He shot on the way down,” Marie said
“I Bet Mark can offer another round, he is young enough to reload quickly Becky got Mark to squirt 5 times one day,” Sue Said
“I have an Idea Mark and Billy Walk with me, Sue Finish washing the rest” Marie said
Both Boys followed Mrs. Tayler, down to the Kitchen she walked over to the refrigerator and she open the door and pulled out a pitcher of Orange juice.
“Morning boys” Eugene said he already had a glass of juice poured.
Marie Put the Pitcher on a chair and she told the boys “Ok Boys I want you both to squirt your cum into the pitcher before the others get down here, Get stroking.”
Both Boys started stroking, Marie coached them and she even held their penis heads in her hand, Mark and Billy both said they were close and Marie held the Pitcher in front of their shafts, they were standing a few inches apart Both gasped and squirted extreme amounts of cum, almost an ounce each, the Cum was floating on the top of the juice.
The boys squeezed the last drops out, Marie went to the spoon drawer and found a long handled spoon and she stirred up the mix in the pitcher so that it was well mixed.
Eugene Said “My God Woman What are you doing?”
“Just putting natural protein in the OJ and you keep quiet, about it.”
“Ok you two back up stairs to wash up and don’t say anything about this either”
The two boys went back up stairs.. their penises were soft now but not super small.
The tips were slightly shinny from the cum, they caught up with Joey coming back with the wash cloths,
Sue helped the remaining kids finish washing and ushered them still naked downstairs to eat.
Marie had poured glasses of orange Juice and placed them around the table at every ones spot. Mark asked for water instead. Billy didn’t question the glass.
“Not till after you drink up your Orange juice, Everyone needs the extra vitamins that are in the juice to start the day, ” Marie said
“But Auntie?” Mark Pleaded,
“Hush up and drink your juice or your getting a spanking from me next,”
Mark stopped talking. He quickly downed the juice, it did have a strange taste but the orange flavor had helped cover the nastiness.
The Food was placed on the table and every one was filling their plates.
Ginger took a drink of the Juice her eyebrow went up to question the flavor but she looked at Joey, Fred, Kevin and Jenny they all had taken sips of the juice and not said a thing, Actually Jenny did say something. “Mom Can I have some more Juice Please.”
“Sure thing Honey” Marie said
Sue sat down at the table and took a sip of the Orange Juice. She Noticed the taste, She thought it was bad but she too saw that everyone else was drinking it so, she continued to drink it.
Sue also looked at her boys and at the other boys sitting around the table, totally naked, Mark was looking at Gingers’ Breasts the whole time She was sitting on the end of the table across from Mark, Of course Sue could also see his lap and his penis had risen again because of the naked girls.
Mean while upstairs. Julie Remembered she only had the short Tee-shirt with her, from her walk from the living room to the master bath But every one was now up and she couldn’t use the towels for cover because they were small hand towels. So she left the master bath and walked slowly to the bedroom hallway door. She opened it, no one was there. Julie could hear the crowd in the kitchen and dining room eating.
“Marie?” Julie called out, no answer
Louder Julie tried again “Marie”
“Mom I think Mrs. Rogers is calling your name.” Jenny said
“Marie Could you come up here please?!”
“I guess she is calling. Excuse me please” she said as she left the kitchen and walked up stairs to the bedroom “Yes Julie?”
“Are you alone? “
“Yes Julie what’s the matter? ”
“Where are my clothes from last night?”
“They’re in the dryer down stairs”
“Could you get them for me please I am a little short.”
“Why do I have to get them for you.”
“Marie two reasons One I don’t know where the dryer is”
It’s in the laundry off the kitchen you know where it is,
Marie Look I am here naked.
No your not, you have your tee shirt on
Marie no, lower no panties or shorts here,
Marie looked down at Julie’s bottomless state. “well, with all that hair down there, I still cant see a thing,”
Come on now Julie, your daughter is sitting nude in front of all the boys sporting a shaved mound and nipples that all can see, and your worried about someone seeing hair.
Marie took Julie’s hand and pulled Julie into the hallway Come on now don’t be shy”
Julie could pull back so she had to follow Marie to the stairs”
Don’t worry about it as Marie continued to pull Julie down stairs.
They got to the kitchen door Marie was holding onto Julie’s hand tight,
“Hey everyone, Look who I found up stairs, Sue this is Julie Rogers My neighbor and mother of Fred and Ginger.” Marie introduced the half naked Julie to the crowd, Marie was Hugging Julie from the side so Julie’s hands and shirt did not block the view, “ Julie This is my sister Sue and over her is two of her four kids, Mark and Kevin,”
Sue asked “You too”
“I guess so”
“About time you joined us mom,” Ginger spoke up
“Really Marie?” Sue asked
“Oh Sue now your sounding old fashioned” Marie said “Julie have a seat and have something to eat.” As Marie pushed Julie to the open chair next to Kevin, Julie Quickly sat down the cool vinyl cover was shock to her bum.
Marie grabbed the pitcher of Orange juice and filled Julie’s Glass with the last of the Juice and placed it in front of Julie Rogers
Mrs. Rogers can I ask you a question?
“Ok? Kevin is it” Julie was quick to learn names
“Why do have so much hair between your legs?”
“KEVIN! Don’t ask that!” yelled Sue
Julie closed her legs tighter “Oh My” totally turning 27 shades of red and coughing
Relax Julie “Marie said Your daughter is showing more than you, drink up and eat now you must be famished”
Kevin turned to his mother as she yelled he started tear up “Mom you always said if I had a question I should ask it, why are you yelling at me,”
“I just…. Wrong Kevin.”
Kevin still confused “why is it wrong?”
“Well we just met Mrs. Rogers now, and she might be shy.”
“Mom you tell me not to be shy around new people I just met back home and they ask me about my penis all the time.”
“That’s different you’re a boy, boys don’t need to be shy about their penis But girls and women must have privacy about their parts.” Sue told her son and the group.
“Sue, that is very unfair you know” Marie said
“No it’s not unfair, Boys have their parts outside their bodies that means that they were made to show them off Girls have parts inside and they are meant to be kept hidden.”
“Sue, can’t you see what happening with the girls today they are all worried that their bodies are not perfect sometimes get so sick trying to diet while they become slaves to fashion as well by worrying about wearing the wrong outfit might hurt their social status.”
“That’s has always been the way Marie, Dress to impress the guys”
“Yeah what about the girls personality doing it your way, They either spend their lives and their savings on the latest fashion trying to look good, then as they age they can’t handle their changing bodies and get depressed about how they look.”
“But us women have to protect our modesty, I mean the guys drool over us when we dress up.”
“Then what, we have children and our bodies stretch everyway but back to our pre-baby shapes and our men leave because we have emotional issues about the way we look now.”
“Sorry Marie did want to bring up that subject about what’s his name leaving.”
Sue I don’t care about him leaving anymore, I care about the kids more. Ginger you said last night your roommates at school hang out naked in the dorm room is that true?”
“Yes, they do hang out nude a lot, they and I have also walked to and from the Shower room with just towels on our heads.”
“What about their personality’s, Are they more open and friendly than the other girls who always dress properly?”
“I haven’t thought of it that way, but yes they are friendlier than the uptight dressed girls”
“How about now, How do you feel about being nude in front of the boys?”
“Well it feels different, I haven’t been naked in front of my brother ever, but I have been seen naked by some guys from the dorm as they stop into the room and chat about course work. My room mate’s twin brother even came to visit a couple of times, he stripped down and spent the night, don’t worry mother he had his sleeping bag and he slept on the floor,”
“Ginger really in nude and the dorm room”
“Relax mother, nothing really happened.”
“What do you mean Nothing really happened?” Julie asked her daughter.
“We just took turns rubbing his penis till he squirted.”
“That is wrong Ginger”, Julie said in shock and took a large drink of her orange juice.
“come on We are all good friends, Open and Honest, we don’t even fight over guys other guys at school”
“Oh that reminds me.” Sue said “Marie do your kids have sleeping bags? They might want to bring them to camp outside.”
Jenny piped up “I have mine in my room”
“Joey, is yours in your room?” Marie asked her son
“No Mom, we looked for it last night remember, I think it might be at Billy’s house.”
“I think I remember seeing it in my closet from our last sleepover” Billy said
“Billy, is your house far from here?” Sue asked
‘No, just across the street, in the blue house.” Billy replied
“Oh good, will we be able to over and get it before we leave?” Sue asked
“Yeah you and Joey can go over after you eat what’s on your plate.” Marie said
“I might have to call my mom to bring it over”
“Why is that Billy?” Marie asked
“Well My Mom took my clothes with her when she dropped me off last night.”
“Why is that a problem Billy?”
“I am naked Mrs. Taylor, I can’t go outside like this”
“You forgot what the officer said last night, didn’t you Billy?” Marie said
Surly he was joking, Mrs Taylor.
“No he wasn’t joking, he said children who not showing signs of puberty could be outside nude,”
But I am showing signs of puberty, I am bigger than Joey,
Sue asked “Really the kids can be naked outside down here now?”
“Billy and Joey stand up and come over by me, Marie”
Come on don’t be shy now Everyone has seen your boy parts all during breakfast anyway.
The two boys walked over in front and stood of Marie Their penises were half erect, they were trying to hide them with their hands.
“Boys hands away, be proud of them.” The boys moved the hands “Yes Billy yours is bigger than Joey but your still hairless,” Marie gripped both shafts with her hands this of course made them very erect. She let go of them and turned to open up the freezer door and she removed two ice cubes from the ice tray and she shut the door,
With a cube in each hand she approached both boys and quickly before they realized rubbed the wicked cold ice cubes on their parts held them a minute , both boys responded to the cold and shriveled up very small, she marveled at the sight. “OK you two, you both look like 10 year olds now go across the street and get the sleeping bag,” if you hurry you will stay small till you get back…”
She guided the naked boys to the front door as she opens it. “Now go and remember not to cover up with your hands, that looks rude” Marie gave them both a Slap on the bare bum cheeks to get them going,
The two boys were pushed out they lingered for a bit near the bushes, till
You first Joey said to his friend
 Your mom is crazy Joey
“Well your mom keeps you naked at home longer” Joey said
Not any more your bare too, Oh man, I hate this
Behind the bush quick a car is coming
Both kids jumped behind the bushes as a car went by
Seeing the coast was clear Billy said to Joey “on three. lets run for it”
One….. two….. and three.
Both boys ran barefoot and naked across the street to Billy’s house,
Marie and Sue watched from the window inside as they ran.
 they got to the front door, Billy tried the door but it was locked.
“Come on dude open the door” Joey said
“I Can’t it’s locked”
“Ring the bell then” Joey demanded
“I can’t My dad hasn’t fixed that yet. since you broke it weeks ago”
I didn’t break it” Joey said
“Yes you did break it, My Dad even whooped my ass for it”
Lets try the automatic garage door opener
The two boys ran down to the garage, Billy tried the code
Nothing happened Billy tried again. Still the door stayed closed,’
“Come on dude enter the code, before someone sees us,
“My dad keeps changing it, I am trying to remember”
Just then Maryann and Katie Kook, two girls from up the street were riding by the house on their bikes and stopped quick and looked at the naked boys,
Katie spoke first “Joey Tayler and Billy Why are you outside wearing your Pajamas”
Both boys quickly covered themselves with their hands. “Go Away” Joey said
Maryann said “That was a nice thing you did last night Billy, Saving your neighbors in the fire”
“We wanted to come by and see what happened” Maryann said as the girls dismounted the bikes and walked over to the boys,
“Can’t you come by later,”
“Don’t be shy, we already seen your dicks”
“When? How?” Joey and Billy said in unison
“This morning our mom showed us the newspaper over breakfast”
“What do you mean the newspaper?” Billy and Joey totally forgetting the reporter last night.
“Katie get the Billy’s parents newspaper from the walk”
Katie got the paper opened up the paper handed it to Maryann
Maryann reads the headline “Pajama boy Saves the day”
“I am so glad I wear something to bed at night, I couldn’t wear nothing at all.” Katie said
“Come on move the hands and show us your full pajamas and we’ll show you the paper.”
The boys liked the girls. Maryann was the same age as Billy, she had grown boobs during the winter and Katie was two years younger, flat-chested but a mirror image of Maryann.
“Come on boys don’t be shy”
The boys moved their hands and their parts were on display,
“Thanks boys, They look better in person.”
“The paper now please girls”
The Girls handed the paper to the boy’s they looked at the printed photo
“The reporter was supposed to blot us out” Billy said
“Great now I’ll never show my head in school again” Joey said
“Don’t worry about it guys, Katie and I think its cool that your wear your birthday suit as pajamas, Our mom said she was hoping to call both your mothers and ask you two over for a sleep over party with Katie’s Sunshine girls group for help with our health and wellness badges. “Maryann said
“I don’t think so”
“Well see. oh wait hold still. “Maryann reached into the bikes basket and pulled out a camera and Click…. click click
The boys grabbed the paper and put it around their waists, just the fronts, their rears were still bare as can be.
“Erase those pictures now Please”
“I will if you help my group if not I’ll post them on the web for all to see..
“Girls please. No delete the photo”
“Relax boys it will be fun,”
Just then Billy’s Mother heard the girls giggle from outside, she got up and grabbed put on a robe and opened the front door. “Why are you two doing outside in your pajamas and why is your dads paper being messed up?” before she got an answer
She “Oh Hello girls happy Saturday”
“Joeys Mom and the policeman said we could go about nude and she made us come over to get Joeys sleeping bag from my room,”
“Why would the policeman talk to you guys?”
“ Okay …So…What’s going on here then why the yelling?”
“it’s a long story, Mom,”
“Actually Mrs. Jones, Katie and I were praising Billy on being a Hero last night. We wanted better photo too”
“On being a hero? A better photo?”
“Yes it is all in the newspaper, right on front page Billy saved the Rogers family from the fire caused by the storm last night,”
“Thank god … the door.” The boys moved to the open door holding the paper to hide themselves
“Stop right there boys, give me the newspaper. Now”
“But Mom,” the boys were still feet from the door standing in the front yard totally naked, and the only covering he had was to be handed over to the boy’s mother,
“William, what have I said about hiding?”
“Ok Mom”, Billy handed his section of paper to his mother, he stood there with his hands at his sides his penis was in full view and growing stiffer by the minute.
“Joey I believe you have the Front page section, Hand it over please” Mrs. Jones said
“Yes Mrs. Jones” he handed the paper over to Billy’s mom with one hand with his other hand covering also growing penis,
“I believe your mother Joey, has told you to not to hide it as well, hands at your sides”
Kelly started reading the front page and the article “Oh my! all this happened last night? We must have slept right thru it. Fire trucks and all,” Kelly said all knowing that her husband was ravishing her all over the house at the time this happened,
“Oh Cool, they took your picture while you were in your pajamas, I am going to have to frame it and hang it on the wall.”
The girls Giggled at the thought,
“Hey Maryann, I was wondering do you babysit?”
“Yes Mrs. Jones I do.”
“Well, little Joey is going to his aunts this summer and my little boy here can’t be trusted being left home by himself. Would you be willing to babysit my boy?”
“Why do I need a babysitter mom? Billy asked
“Because your father and I want to have more date nights this summer, and we don’t want you to be alone,”
“Mom I am old enough to be by myself,”
Sorry Billy I am the parent you’re the child I make the rules you’re too immature to be home by yourself.
“Excuse me Mrs. Jones can I ask a question” Katie asked
Kelly looked at the young girls eyes, or the direction of her stare “Sure Katie ,ask away”
“Why are the boy’s things sticking out?” Katie asked
“Katie don’t be so blunt.. Sorry Mrs. Jones its just us girls at home no brothers or cousins” Maryann said.
“Oh Okay that explains that question, Katie they are not called things, they are called a Penis, I guess you haven’t had your health lesson yet”
Maryann spoke up “No Mrs. Jones she hasn’t had her Talk yet, My Mother was planning on having the talk with all the girls from Katie’s Sunshine Troop next weekend during a sleepover,”
“Your mother has a greatest idea for a Group learning time. I should volunteer Billy to be the Male model for the night. Also my husband wants to go out of town that weekend, He could stay over while you babysit him and won’t have to worry about him being alone, I should call your Mum,”
“But Mrs. Jones why are their penises so stiff, you didn’t say?”
“Oh their penises get stiff for many reasons at times, but I think the boys like you.”
“MOM” Billy groaned being embarrassed.
“Mrs. Jones Can I feel them?
“Sure you both can, I am sure Joey’s mom wouldn’t mind now, try touching Joey’s penis first”
Katie reached out with her index finger and touched it. “wow it feels hard”
Kelly asked “Maryann have you ever handled a penis before?”
“Yes Mrs. Jones, I babysit for the Wilsons on the next block they have seven year old boy named Christopher, sometimes they have me finish giving him a bath if they are running late, I clean his up really good it points up to his belly like these boys But he is smaller than these two,”
“Why don’t you show your sister how to handle a penis”
“Right here on the front walk Mrs. Jones?” Maryann asked
“Sure why not they‘re just boys and it’s a quiet neighbor hood”
Maryann took a step closer to Joey and held out her hand and wrapped her fingers around the shaft “Try grasping it like this so the tip of it is in your palm, and feel the pulse of his heart as it beats in your hand and stroke him up and down,” Maryann let go and Katie copied her sisters hand motions
“Wow its so warm, so hard but still soft she giggled”
Joey started to breathe deeper as the girl stroked him.
“Katie you’re a natural at it. Keep doing it a little faster now till I tell you to stop”
Maryann touched Billy’s erect penis also but handled it very slowly since it was bigger than joeys.
With in a few minutes Joey stood on is toes and he let out a loud groan, Maryann knew about what just happened. “Congratulations Katie you just gave your first naked boy’s penis to cum, I guess Joey is still dry though.
Cum?… Dry? What that you will learn about later.”
 “why don’t you try Billy’s penis now” Katie moved over infront of Billy and grasped the hard penis and started stroking it.
Just then noise behind the girls sounded. Everybody jumped Katie let go of the hard dick.
The very naked Jenny was standing behind them, watching “Hi Guys,”
“Jenny what are you doing naked outside”
“It was my mothers idea. It feels strange but it also feels relaxing”
“Joey, mom wants you to hurry up and grab the sleeping bag since you already finished having a dry cum we have to get on the road soon,”
Kelly said “Joey go in and get the sleeping bag while Katie finishes touching Billy.”
Yes Mrs. Jones” Joey gladly walked into the house to find the sleeping bag.
Katie rewrapped her hand around Billy’s hard penis and started to stroke like she did Joey.
The three girls moved closer to Billy’s front, Maryann to Katie’s left and the bare naked Jenny was to the right of Katie.
Billy was very excited and the fact he saw Jenny’s very bare pussy slit outside of the house as Katie who was the same age as Jenny stroked his hard cock, He looked at Jenny’s nipples and Bam,
Not one, not two, but three jets of healthy boy sperm, flew out of his penis opening toward the girls..
“Oh wow Billy good show” his mother said
Katie didn’t know what happened all she knew was that her face, hands and shirt dress was covered with slimy goo. “Yuck he pee’d on me it’s so warm… oh wait its getting cold”
“Congratulations again Katie, you let the Genie out of the bottle.” Maryann said I’ve never seen one in person, squirt like that you beat me on that”
“Lets get you cleaned up Katie, I’ll get a wash cloth” with that said Kelly turned to go into the house to get a washcloth,
Jenny reached up to Katie’s face and took her finger and scooped up some sperm and perceeded to lick her finger clean,
“Yum I think I like this stuff, Have you tried some Maryann?”
“No I haven’t what does it taste like Jenny?”
“I don’t know but it very tasty here try some”. She scooped another finger full and brought her finger to Maryann’s mouth, she opened up slightly and jenny pushed the sample deep in to the girl’s mouth,”
Yummy your right Jenny it does taste good,
Katie still didn’t understand what this stuff was, however she still had quite a bit on her face above her upper lip, it started to ooze down to mouth so she too took her finger and dabbed up some on it and placed it on the middle part of her tongue.
“Hey this stuff is good!” as she gathered up more try.
“I know it is” Jenny said
Katie licked her hand clean while the other two scooped most of it off her shirt dress.
All of a sudden Jenny’s mom was behind them “What’s going on here?”
“Hi mom we helped Billy again”, Jenny said
“I see that.” As she surveyed the scene, “But you missed a spot”
The three girls looked at the stain soaked dress and then maryann checked Katie’s face and hands
“Looks like we got most of it, where did we miss?” Jenny asked
Marie went over to Billy and reached down to his shrunken penis and wrapped her finger around the tip and got the remaining drops and then she placed her finger into her own mouth and sucked it clean,
“It is yummy Girls, I wish I discovered the taste back when I was your age now, I feel left out”
Just then Kelly came out with the wash cloth and she saw that the young girl was pretty much cleaned up, only a slight shine was left, and the shirt dress was soaked,
“What happened to the stuff?”
“It’s ok we took care of it.”
With that comment the girls licked their lips at the same time,
“Oh Girls, you didn’t save any for me! Oh well I guess I have to wait till Billy’s dad makes a batch”
The ladies did a collective “OOOhhhh”
Then Kelly turned to her still naked son “Tell the girls thank you, and Get in the shower..”
“Thank you girls for helping me”
“Your welcome Billy.” With that Billy ran into the house and then Joey came out a minute later still naked but holding the sleeping bag in front of him.
“Ok Mr. Joey get back over to our house while I finish talking to girls,”
Joey walked quickly back over to his house and went inside.
“This shirt is so cold” Katie said
Marie said “come over here for a second” with that Katie came over and Marie reached down to the hem and started to pull up and off the dress the little girl.
“Mrs. Taylor what are you doing?” The girl was now standing in the neighbors front yard only wearing her panties and sneakers
Trying to warm you up dear , don’t worry you look just like Jenny or a boy, here up top.
Nothing to show.
Here lets wipe you down. Mrs. Jones washed the girls face and chest the small tips of her nipples goosed up, By the coolness of the washcloth.
Marie folded up the shirt dress so the wet part was on the inside of the folding and placed it in the bikes basket.
“I can’t go home topless people will see me.” Katie was
You will be fine no one will notice, you look like a young boy shirtless.” Marie said
“But boys don’t have pony tails braids” Katie said
“Look at Jenny here, her chest is also flat ” Maryann pointed to Jenny
“From a distance she looks like a shirtless boy too,”
“But what will mom say about me being topless?”
“You’ll be fine I tell mom when we get home that you got wet playing near Old lady Donahue’s bird bath fountain again and you got cold with the wet shirt.”
“ Remember Kelly, Make sure you have your mother call me about you babysitting schedule for Billy and I’ll suggest that Billy attends Katie’s Sunshine girls health lesson weekend.”
“Yes that will be cool Mrs. Jones”
The girls walked to the bikes and climb up and started for home,
As Katie turned around while riding the bike she giggled “This feels great. My nipples feel the air moving on them. Is this what the boys feel like riding shirtless, this is fun”
The Girls rode off back to home
“Ok Jenny my little sperm addict, Say goodbye to Mrs. Jones”
Both mothers laughed Jenny gave Kelly a big hug and said “See you at the end of summer, take care of Billy for me,
“I will honey, have a great time at your Aunts place”
“Call me later at work Kelly”
“Okay, I will Marie”
Marie and Jenny walked back toward and inside their house,
“Oh yeah we need to get some things packed for you.” Marie told her daughter
“I am all packed mom, I did it last yesterday afternoon,”.
“Good girl. I just want to check what you packed bring the suitcase down to the kitchen.”
Jenny ran to her room.
Marie went to the laundry and found some of her son’s clothes and picked out 2 pull over shirts , a single pair of shorts, socks. She saw the pile of underwear decided to skip packing those. Then grabbed a brand new tooth brush from the supply cupboard,
Jenny came back down with her suit case, Marie opened it up every thing was folded nicely but everything was packed tight Many of each item were inside the suitcase.
“Jenny be a doll and go to the bathroom and pee and wait for me to check you before you leave,”
“Ok mother” Jenny then turned to the still naked Ginger “Ginny can you come and talk with me for a second before I leave for the summer”
“Sure thing Jenny”
“Jenny told Ginger about Billy outside”
While Jenny step off to the bathroom Marie pulled everything out of the suitcase including a dozen Panties, training bras, jeans and such, Marie found two skirts from the packings she found a couple of tee shirts, Marie asked “
Sue can you open the top drawer over there and hand me the pair of pinking sheers.”
“Sure sis.”
Marie laid the Tee shirts down straight on the kitchen table and then took the sheers and estimated the length from the collar to the lower hem about four inches down should do it. Marie started cutting quickly. Marie then laid the two skirts out the and cut the hem to about six inches.
“Oh my God sis you’re crazy,”
“She will have fun this summer along with Joey”
She placed the trimmed items in the suit case and then got a shopping bag from the pantry and placed all the removed suit case items and cut material into it and then she hid it in the laundry,
Marie went up stairs and found Jenny and Ginger talking, Marie cleaned Jenny up and gave her a hug “ Please behave and remember Same dress code that applies to the boys also applies to you.”
Can I wear a shirt on the trip Mom?
“Sorry Jenny No can do. Sue said the Air conditioner doesn’t work in the truck so you will be cooler if you don’t wear anything,”
“But people will see me”
“No Aunt Sue’s truck is up high so they will only see your top side. The boys won’t have anything to wear either and it will look like your one of the boys too. Stay in here while I call Joey up here.
“Joey could you come to the bath room please,”
“Yes mom?” The naked boy walked into the room a little more relaxed about being bare naked even in front of his sister,
“Go pee and poop before your trip now”
“Yes mom,” Very easily now Joey sat on the toilet and had a pee and the sound of a plop was heard.
Joey finished wiping,
Marie used a wash cloth on his face and then penis and bum making sure he was clean. But spending more time holding his penis. It Was only half hard this time,
“Okay my little Babies” she took both kids into a tight huddle hug. Rubbing their naked back and bum up and down. the three were so close that the left front side of Jenny’s body was touching the right front side of Joey, “ I want you two to take care of each other and get along while your at Sue’s, I’ll be up three weekends from now for a quick visit.
Yes Mom,
I Love you two guys.
We love you too Mom
Ok Sue they are ready to go.
Ok Mark and Kevin say good bye to the Rogers now
Mark and Kevin went over to Mr. and Mrs. Rogers and said bye
Then the two went to Ginger and Fred and said Bye.
Kevin went in for a Hug with the naked Ginger and kissed her boobs
Ginger reached out and tugged Kevin’s penis and few times Bye Kiddo.
Mark did not want to hug Ginger because his penis was finally soft, but Ginger went over to Mark and Hugged him anyway and tugged on his penis, sure as the sun sets in the west Mark’s Penis started to rise.
Ok Mark and all lets go. The naked troop walked out to the truck climbed inside Marie loaded the two suit cases along with the sleeping bags in the truck bed and secured them.
Sue Started the truck and with a roar , Sue backed the truck out the driveway and tooted the air horn as everyone waved.
The truck drove off.
I Hope you all enjoyed this installment.

(The End)