Joey’s Summer 12

By Sexpig4u

Copyright 2012 by Sexpig4u, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Remember People it’s only a Fantasy.

Joeys Summer Part 12 by
 Sorry for the Delay – Work has been busy lately,

Meanwhile at Marie house, Eugene had woken up 10 minutes earlier he snuggled up, fully naked, next to wife body only clad in just a tee shirt and the top sheet of the couch’s bed, the shirt hem had worked up near her belly. Eugene took his hand and slowly caressed his wife’s thighs and belly he brought his hand up to massage her breasts under the shirt, she moaned while still sleeping then just like at home she grunted and took hold of her husband wandering hand and pulled it off of herself and rolled over pulling the shirt down to cover herself up without waking up.
Eugene was of course felt rejected, but still horny and hard. He looked at the clock and saw that it was just before 10 AM. He laid there listening to internal sounds of his neighbor’s house, the refrigerator compressor running in the kitchen, the clock in the living room ticking away. He also listened he heard the birds chirping outside, and few cars rolling on the street, He only heard the sound of deep sleep breathing coming from up stairs, The whole house finally feel asleep around Two AM because of the fire.
He decided that he better get up and take piss. Still not hearing a sound of anyone up yet, Eugene put the tee shirt back on but then realized that he had use the shorts to wipe up his sperm load from his wife’s face.
He thought back to the moment before they went to bed, how the Neighbor boy Billy Jones penis shot his cum on everyone in the bathroom and how his once prim and proper next door neighbor told the other boys to use their fingers to wipe the sperm up and then lick up the liquid from their fingers, Julie and Eugene made mad love on the bed in the living room when everyone fell asleep and after Julie had her orgasm Eugene pulled out of her pussy and got up quickly and place his penis in front of her mouth and begged her to open and suck it, as he was near his point of no return, she gave it only a kiss of which was a new step for Julie. But it thrilled Eugene and sent him past that point. She kept her mouth shut as he coated her face with his Man seed.
So the Shorts were out of the wearing market, so since nobody was up he got out of bed and walked towards the upstairs bath room, His member swinging and pointing the way out from under the tee shirt,
 He poked both heads into the boys room, the three were all still naked. the sheet was long since forgotten because of the heat, he noticed that each boy’s hand was on or near the other boys penis, they must have been dreaming or they fell asleep rubbing each other, He thought to himself “How Cute” as he left the boys bedroom and checked on the Girls,
The girls were snuggled together as well, they too were on top of the covers, on their backs still nude. Eugene looked at the young girl Jenny’s body and her mound was total hairless and her little lips were still tightly closed Jenny’s Hand was on, his equally naked daughter’s breast. Jenny’s fingers clasping at older girls nipple, as he surveyed his daughters body laying there his eyes went lower, her mound was totally hairless also but he realized of course that she shaves hers. Gingers lower lips were fully formed and from his view he could even see her clitoris. It looked just like his wife’s but slightly more exposed.
No wonder she had started sleeping naked, The size of her clit must be super sensitive and wearing panties must drive her insane, “That’s why she wears skirts all the time now.” He said to him self. His penis had grown to a full erection while standing at the girls door, he thought about checking his neighbor Marie out. But her door was fully closed and latched, he didn’t want to open the door. He Only wanted to look incase it was open.
He headed to the bathroom,
He didn’t shut the door all the way as he stood at the toilet bowl. No matter what age a guy is. When the penis is hard it is only good for one thing. But he needed to pee now so he thought of something ugly then he was able to make it go down and then he stood he peed.
Marie heard the sound of someone peeing. She thought it was one of the kids and she needed to check on their wiping so she got up out of her bed to use the master bathroom first, Dressed in her over sized Tee shirt and panties and sleep shorts.
She finished herself and washed her hands. Then she headed out of the master bathroom and out of her room, towards the hallway bathroom, she saw that the door was not fully closed so she opened the door and walked into the bathroom saying “ Top of the Morning my little naked kiddo need help in wiping your self ?” She was fully in the bathroom when she realized it was not a youngster using the room. But it was Eugene her neighbor.
He had just turned from the bowl and he was facing the door. His man hood was on full display “Hello neighbor, Good morning Marie”
She “Oh sorry Eugene, I thought you were one of the kids” she Stood there and looked at his hanging member.
“That’s ok Marie, I should have closed and latched the door” Eugene stood there not turning away either and he was thinking he should turn around and cover up, but the thrill of being seen was causing a natural growing action, his member was extending to its full eight inch size,
“Did you sleep Ok on the couch Eugene?” Marie asked still facing Eugene and
“Yes I was out stiff as aboard with in a couple minutes of going to bed”
“Well it looks like your still stretching your muscles this morning, Maybe Julie needs to help you get the stiff muscle to relax?”
“Oops sorry I didn’t think anyone would be up yet so I didn’t put my shorts on”
“That’s Ok Eugene, I’ve seen a penis once or twice before, as you know and from where I am standing I can see how you keep Julie happy.”
“Yeah, she was very happy last night with all the nudity in this house, even after the fire.”
“That explains the sounds I heard from the living room last night when I put the clothes in the dryer when they were done washing.”
“Sorry about that, Julie gets a little vocal sometimes.”
“That’s Ok, You two are married to each other and under Gods rules it’s Okay. With all the visual nudity it was so new to Julie and she needed to process it in her mind and that it is normal reaction.”
Eugene was still fully stiff, he then decided and answer Marie first question when she first entered the bathroom. “Yes Marie I could use a hand washing up like how Billy did last night, if you’re offering.”
“Eugene I would be happy to help you wash up” with that said Marie walked over to the sink turned on the water tap adjusted the temperature picked up a wash cloth and soaked it with water and then she wrung it out. She turned around to Eugene, who had turned to face her, Marie opened up the cloth and laid it on her opened hand, she then lowered her cloth covered hand to Eugene’s Fully erect cock, she wrapped the cloth around his massive shaft and gave it a rub and wipe up and down a few times, Eugene sighed, then she directed the wash cloth down to his hairy man sized testicles as she slowly encompassed the sack with the cloth in a motion of washing, then all of the sudden she gave a firm even squeeze.
This action cause Eugene to let out a cry in pain, He dropped to his knees and he quickly lost his erection, as she did this Marie said “My dear Neighbor you have forgotten that I am still a Church going woman and you are trying to bet me to break the lords commandments, I will not commit adultery or in this case I won’t Covet my Neighbor’s goods not even how stiff and tempting it may be with my friends husband’s large penis,”
“Oh God don’t tell Julie” He begged as he recovered from the squeezing.
“I think you learned you lesson, so I won’t tell her, Now if you excuse me I will go get your stuff from the Dryer in the laundry room and I think you should stay covered up incase my daughter is up. I don’t want her to see your hairy monster huge tool.” She tossed the now cool wash cloth to Eugene to finish washing himself” he grabbed it and he put the cool cloth on his Balls sack to cool them down,
“Why? she just saw three fully naked boys last night, what’s the difference if she sees mine too.”
“You sir are a Man, and not a boy, those boys are hairless and their penises are cute, you are totally hairy and your hung huge, that thing might scare her off,” Marie said
“Yeah I see your point, but you didn’t have to squeeze my balls so tight then,”
“Oh don’t worry, you will recover from it.” Marie said then she closed the door and then she headed down to the laundry room. She pulled the items from the dryer and found Eugene’s clothes and she brought his to the bathroom and she opened the door again. Eugene Jumped back ward from the door as she entered the bathroom she handed him his clothes.
“You better hurry up Julie was just stirring as I was leaving the laundry room” Marie
told her naked neighbor.
“Yes, Mama” Eugene said
Marie turned and walked out and closed the door. And she went down stairs to talk to Julie as she was waking up.
Good Morning neighbor” Marie said as Julie was stretching, as Marie sat down on the edge of the pull out bed. When she sat the top sheet pulled down a few inches and Julie belly and pubic area came into view.
“Morning” Julie said as she finished her stretch “I want to thank you again for letting us stay over last night,”
It was no problem Julie. What are neighbors for any way?” Marie eyes glancing at Julie’s bushy mound.
Julie glanced down herself and saw that the sheet had fell down and that she was exposed. “Oh my!” Julie said as she quickly reached for the sheet and pulled it up to cover up.
Marie said “For Pete’s sake Julie, relax we are both girls here and after last night’s with display of our daughters being nude, a naked body is not that shocking, anymore,”
“But I’ m still shy about it, it’s only for Eugene to see,” Julie said
“Julie, I can’t believe you think that way, besides I don’t think Eugene can see anything either thru that big forest of hair you have down there anyway.”
“Marie, don’t say that. There’s nothing I can do about it”
“What do you mean nothing? Just Trim it a little it’s ok , I do it.
“No , it is a sin to touch yourself down there” Julie replied
“No its not, you wipe your self after the bathroom right?”
“Yes of course”
You use a tampon too?
“well Then , You touch yourself, it’s ok normal to keep your self trimmed and neat, Your daughter Ginger even shaves down there too,”
“Yes but isn’t a sin to do that, Marie?”
“Who’s going to know about it any way? Maybe your doctor but I bet even the doctor thinks it is even more sanitary being trimmed or shaved,”
“God will know, Marie”
“Julie He sent us into the world naked and if he has seen us from birth to now he has seen everything anyway, so relax I Bet Eugene would be all over you if you shaved or trimmed up.”
“Really? You think Eugene would like it if I trimmed up a little,” Julie said after looking around the room for anyone else, she pulled the sheet down again to expose her pubic hair,”
“From what I hear about most men, he would most likely Drool a gallon if he was able to see your Kitty cat shaved, he would probably eat you out all night!”
Julie Blushed real red and from out of no where, a young Girl’s Giggle escaped thru Julie’s lips “Marie don’t say that…he’s never done that to me.”
Marie Replied “well after seeing both our daughters bare kitty’s last night, I think I heard the effect on him last night, and I think you got to enjoy that response as well,”
Julie Blushed again “Sorry, we shouldn’t been doing it in your house.”
“Don’t worry about it you two are married and it’s only human nature.”
Julie was still holding the sheet down “I don’t know if I could do it. It’s hard to reach down there’ she said as she absent mindedly ran her fingers thru her bush in front of her friend,
“Well I think your daughter might be able to help you out with that, she said that her roommates help each other out.”
“But she is my daughter Marie, she shouldn’t see her mom naked”
“Julie she is a woman just like you, besides what is her major in school?
“She is studying to be an x-ray technician or EMT.”
“Well then she is going to see the Naked bodies of both males and females, it won’t phase her a bit to see her Mum up close.”
“But its wrong…isn’t it?” Julie was thinking about Eugene’s reaction to a trimming down there,
“Tell you what if you want a trim or shave down there, Come back tomorrow morning the kids will be gone and it will be just you and me and I will help you if you want,”
“Oh I don’t know, may be oh look how long it is”, Julie pulled on a few strands, they extended to 4 and half inches,
“Or” Marie Joked seeing how long her friends hair was “I could braid it into corn rows if you want.”
“Very Funny” Julie said “I better get up its late”
Julie swung her feet over the side of the bed and stood up, shirt fell down to the middle of her bum, her forest was still able to be seen, but just very bottom part near her lower lips, of which were totally covered by hair, realizing this Julie Asked “are the Boys up yet?
“Not yet. Eugene is in the hall bathroom, why don’t you head to my room and use the master bath to freshen up. Fresh Towels are in the cabinet just inside the door,”
Julie started to nervously step to the stairway pulling the shirt down to walk.
Julie quickly walked up the stairs but she stopped to look into the boys room, hiding her self with the door frame, she looked inside the room, all three boys still on top of the covers and their hairless penises in full view and she noticed each boys hand was near the others boy’s packages
“How Cute” she whispered to Marie then she moved to look at the Girls she saw that each girl was still naked and their kitty’s as Marie called them were exposed, she noted that they did look cleaner and she had forgotten how even her self looked like back then as a youngster,
She heard the boys shift in the other room, so she walked to the master bathroom to get washed up and get dressed. Julie closed the door behind her.
A Second later Eugene opened the hallway bathroom door and walked out fully dressed he headed down to the first floor, he saw Marie and she saw him,
He asked “Happy now” pointing to the fact that he was fully dressed and decent,
“I Guess, Did you finish stretching your muscles this morning?”
“Yes Marie, however I may talk in a slightly higher tone this morning.”
“You’ll survive. Why don’t you help with folding up the couch and I will go to the kitchen to see if I can create a breakfast for my house guests, “
Marie stepped into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator door to see if some sort of breakfast fixings were available for the displaced neighbors and her Kids.
Just as she was looking Marie heard a car pull into the driveway and stop and the sound of doors opening . Marie looked at the clock it was almost 10:15 am. She realized it was her sister Sue. A few seconds later a knock on the Front door sounded.
Eugene heard the knock, he walked to the front door, and he opened it up.
There on the porch step was a Woman and two boys, the older boy was shirt-less and the other smaller boy was wearing a large t-shirt,
The woman said upon seeing a strange man in the front door of what she thought was her sisters house. “Oh excuse me sir But is this the Tayler household?” she said slightly taken aback by the guy opening the door.
“Yes it is”
Marie came towards the door, and she saw her sister “Sue, You made it.”
The Two sisters hugged each other while the boys and Eugene watched.
Then Marie turned to hug her Nephews. After many kisses,
Sue asked “Marie would you like to explain.” While nodding her head in Eugene’s direction,
“Oh my Sue, no, no its not like that, This is Eugene Rogers my next-door Neighbor, Their house caught fire last night or early this morning and I put his wife and kids up here since it was so late,”
“Come on in guys and my god its so hot out already” Marie said holding the door open for all to head inside,
Mark and Kevin followed their mother in.
Kevin automatically started to pull his shirt up and off himself per the rules of his home. The shirt was up near his arms before his mother realized this and said “No Kevin they have Guests”,
Eugene saw that the young boy had nothing on under the shirt but a very tan body and a normal boy’s package hanging down in front. Gasped and said “Oh My”
“Sue it’s alright Kevin can be naked if he wants, Eugene and his wife, Julie, found out about how helpful nudity was to keep a family together last night. Both their son and daughter tried it out last night,” Marie told her sister.
“My, My how my sister is being transformed, Ok Kevin give me your shirt,”
Kevin pulled off the shirt completely he handed it to his mother, and stood in front everyone, Kevin started to get comfy and knowing all eyes on him he started to grow, to his full four inch long length,
“Feel better Kevin?” his mother asked,
 “Yes mom.”
“Wow Kevin you have Grown since I last saw you. Your penis is almost the same size as Joey’s” Marie kept her eyes on his midsection.
“I am really the same size as Joey, Aunt Marie?” Kevin asked as he reached down and pulled the head of his penis out straight to make it longer then let go as he stood in front of his aunt and Mr. Rogers
Marie reached out and ran her index finger tip up and down the under side of his hard shaft making it twitch and bounce “Kevin I do believe you are.” Marie said. Then turned to her sister and asked “Sue are you feeding your son Miracle Grow?”
Sue let out a chuckle “No Marie, No Miracle Grow only fresh air”
Sue then turned toward her oldest son “Mark, take your shorts off and show your Auntie how big you are too.”
“Mom?, what here?” Mark said feeling shy in the new surroundings
“Yes right here now” Sue told her son,
 “I don’t want to take them off Mom!” Mark said
Marie butted in “Sue it’s alright if he doesn’t want too get naked right away,” trying not to embarrass her nephew, just minutes into his arrival at her house,
“Marie it’s not a matter of what he wants, I am his mother and I am responsible for him and I told him to remove the shorts,” Sue told her sister then she turned to her son, “Now Mark, move it”
Mark was still standing there with his shorts on. “I Don’t want too Mom”
Sue then blew a gasket “Mark, What is it with you today, you haven’t been listening to me today, in the car I promised you a spanking at your aunt’s house for your defiance during the trip down, I was going to hold off since they had guests but your forced me to do it.” Sue stepped forward and grabbed her son’s left arm and pulled him to the nearest chair, she sat down while holding his arm in her left hand, she used her right hand and she yanked the shorts down by the waist band, as the shorts traveled down his thighs, his stance caused the shorts to bind up on his thighs and as his mother pulled the waistband down the sound of ripping fabric was heard. This of course made his mother madder.
As the shorts got to Marks knees, His mother had whipped him over her lap. Mark’s spring tanned butt cheeks on display for his Aunt Marie, her neighbor Mr. Rogers and his younger brother Kevin. Kevin seeing, didn’t matter to Mark, But the others bothered him,
Sue started Spanking his ass, His cheeks reddened up real quick, first pink and then red.
Mark started to say “Mom No” then “Ouch” then “OOOOOuuucccccchhhhh!” as he started to cry and Plead to his mother to stop, And as the spanks neared the end, Mark was whimpering, and crying like a small child, his rear had a very deep red hue to it.
Sue asked her son as he was still lying across her lap “Are you ready to remember to start doing what you are asked to do, little boy?”, as she caressed his lower back and thighs. As she was doing this the spanking had of course caused Marks penis to harden against her bare legs
“Yes mother”, he said with a sniffle to his voice
“Ok then, Mark stand up and face your aunt and say your sorry that they had to see your spanking,”
Mark slowly got off his mother’s lap, he was very aware of the sting on his ass cheeks but he more concerned about the full erection of his penis. He turned to face his aunt and Mr. Rogers, He had placed his hands together in front of himself somewhat blocking the View of his raging four and three quarters erection.
Mark cleared his throat as he started to speak, but before he got a word out, his mother spoke up, “Mark, Move your hands please”
In a soft voice he said “mom” realizing his penis was arcing to his belly button now and throbbing,
“Mark move your hands behind your back”
Mark was not moving fast enough for his mother so she reached out and from behind Mark pulled each arm around to marks back and she placed both his hands together behind him above his sore rear end,
“Aunt Marie and Mr. Rogers, I am very sorry for having you see me being punished,
And I will be behaving in the future.”
Mr. Rogers Couldn’t believe what he just saw, but Eugene remembered from the Back of his mind a scene from his past when he was Eight years old, that was just like this one, he had buried deep a long time ago. He swore he could do that to his kids. So he never spanked his children, But in seeing it done, and the fact that even after the lesson the child is more behaved and even sprouting a hard on too.
Eugene asked Mark “Are you Ok, young man?”
“Yes sir” Mark replied, Eugene realized that his boy may need a lesson or two,
 Marie told her Nephew “I Accept your apology Mark, and Hope you will behave better as well. Come here and give me a hug”
Mark walked over to Marie and she gave her nephew a hug from the front, She Felt his erection poke on her belly as they hugged. Marie Pulled away and reached down to Mark’s hard penis and wrapped her hand around I and gave it a slight squeeze, as she held on to it, she said, “Mark your mother has told me all about you and your brothers going naked at home, I too have a son, Your cousin Joey remember, I know that boys have penises and testicles, So you never have to be embarrassed being naked in front of me, Ok?” she was stroking him slightly as she said this, keeping him erect.
“Yes Auntie” Mark said
Marie still holding his penis “Mark your penis is nice too, be proud of it, you will make your wife very happy with that one,” she said giving his penis one last squeeze before letting it go. His penis bounced and hit Marks belly when she let go.
With that comment Kevin said “Mark get married, yeah right” with a laugh.
Sue quickly said “Watch it boy or you will get a spanking too”
“Oh sorry” Kevin quickly changed his tune.
“Yeah mister you know I mean business”
as she said this she saw Marks shorts on the floor. She picked them up
“Great they’re ruined, Mark nice job.” Sue said as she handed Mark the torn shorts
Marie said “Why don’t you boys go up and wake your cousins Joey and Jenny and his friends up, while I make brunch,”
“Oh Marie, that’s a great idea, we brought some Deli meat for lunch too.” Still holding the shorts,
 The Boys started to the stairs Marie said “Mark why don’t you throw the shorts away in the bathroom trash can while go by.”
“Ok” Mark said as he took them from his mother and walked up stairs to the trash can. Mark realizing his only covering was in his hand and now they were no good to him any more and tossed them away.
“Swell” he said to him self as he and his brother walk naked to his cousin’s bed room.

(The End)