Joey’s Summer 11

By Sexpig4u

Copyright 2012 by Sexpig4u, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Remember People it’s only a Fantasy.

How long till we get there.  Ten year old Kevin asked his Mother
Not long about fifty minutes.
Aunt Sue and two of her kids, 12 year old Mark and 10 Year old Kevin, are on their way to pick up Jenny and Joey and take them back to their house for the summer. They were riding in an old dual cab Ford pickup truck.  They had gotten an early start right after breakfast for the two hour drive, Mark had climbed in the rear bench seat, He fell asleep shortly after they left town. Kevin of course was not sleeping; he had climbed into the front bench seat to enjoy the ride. The truck road high on the road, their dad, Sue’s husband Jack, had installed lifts in the suspension and upgraded larger tires this raised the truck up higher than most other pick up trucks.
Kevin was enjoying looking down in to the other cars they were passing while traveling this first warm day of summer. He had seen several twenty something year olds female drivers and passengers wearing the shortest of shorts and skirts sowing plenty of leg. These ladies also had on shirts that showed plenty of cleavage, although only ten years old, the female body was a mystery to him, however being a male it was hard wired in his brain.
“Mom, I'm hungry”, Kevin said
 “Tell you what, we will stop at the local quick stop store when we get near Aunt Marie’s house and we will pick up some cold cuts for sandwiches and then will go to her house and we will all eat lunch together.”
“Can we get potato chips to go with the sandwiches?”
“Which kind of chips, Regular chips or Ridges, Kevin?” Sue asked her second youngest.
“I was thinking what if my cousins don’t like the ones I pick. They would not enjoy lunch can’t we get both kinds?” 
“My, how my little boy must be turning into little man, he is finally thinking about others for a change instead of just himself.”
“So can we?”
“Yes we can get both kinds and may be a small bag of corn chips too.”
“Ok mom it sounds good to me.”
A few minutes go by then Kevin asked his mother.
“When we get home to our house later with my cousins, are we going to have to stay dressed like we did the last time they came to visit us?”
“No Kevin, Our house is our house, Jenny and Joey have been told about our ways of living,
“Well mom it is only mid June and it is hot out already and its only 9:45 in the morning, I am wearing these shorts and tee shirt and it is too stuffy for me. Look at me I am sweating even now.”
Sue had told her boys to wear their Tee shirts and school gym shorts for this trip, Sue loved the way the legs are cut nicely short on the thighs and wide on the leg openings, she enjoyed the bare leg look on her three boys.
Sue Reached over to her son and felt his head and neck, “Well you do feel warm to me, I hope you’re not coming down with something?”
“No Mom I am just too hot.”
Well your father didn’t have time to fix the truck’s Air Conditioner yet, if you’re hot; take off your tee shirt off then.”
Kevin took his tee shirt off,
After a few more miles Kevin told his mother “Mom I’m still Hot” the sun was on his side causing him to heat up.
Even with the window down and the wind blowing in on him ‘Well we still have a while to go. If you’re that hot, go ahead and get naked if you want to.”
Without any hesitation Kevin whipped his shorts and underwear off and leaned toward the window enjoying the bare freedom and the warm breeze over his entire body, Kevin loved riding naked in the truck most of the time at home he would riding with his dad, Mark and twin brother Keith around the property doing chores while he and his brothers were naked except for a pair of work boots,
Once in a while, with dad they would be out on the far side of the Property and need to go to the Anderson’s & Daughters lumber and hardware store and with out                  thinking, Dad would just head into town with his three naked boys in the truck, His dad would only realize that they were nude when he went to get out of the truck to go into the store, He had the boys wait in the truck some passers by would see into the car. Mark started to hate those trips when with his dad.
Especially that one trip to the drive thru lumber yard and Wendy Anderson, Mr. Anderson’s high school aged daughter was working the yard while Mark’s 7th grade classmate, Kimberly Anderson was tagging along with her sister, Both girls saw the Boys totally naked except for the boots, the boys dad told them to keep their hands at their sides, not to be shy.  (But that was another story)
Sue every so often would look over to her son while driving and Marvel at the sight of her boy’s naked body, his penis was about mid length now, two and half inches long at this state, four and half inches when fully erect the circumcised tip was a dark shade of pink, his ball sack was still small for his age but due to the heat they were hanging low from his groin to keep them cool,
The other cars passing by below, the drivers and passengers who looked only saw a boy with his shirt off, if they looked at all. A little later a big rig Lady Truck driver was only slightly higher than them, looked in and then gave two short blasts on the Truck’s air horn in appreciation of the view, and then she gave Sue the thumbs up sign, as they moved along in growing traffic.
Kevin was thrilled with the horn blasts; He asked his mom “why did she sound her horn”
“I think she likes little naked boys just like I do.” With that she reached over to Kevin’s penis and gave a quick rubbing and a little squeeze to it, as with all males, this ten year old is no different, his penis turned into a stiff little cock.
“Mom that always feels good could you do that some more please.” Kevin moved closer to his mother so she could reach better, she gave him a rubbing for a little bit, and then she stopped as the Lady trucker came back by again,
“Kevin why don’t you turn and show the lady how tall you are,” 
 Kevin did and the lady tucker hit the horn again and smiled real big.
Mark heard the last set of horns and started to wake up a little bit, He leaned forward and he asked “what’s going on Mom?”
“Oh nothing, it’s just your brother showing off again,”
Mark looked again over into the front seat and said “Kevin, Must you! your going to cause an accident”
“Oh Mark Relax it harmless fun, the road is straight. Besides Kevin was hot so he took off his clothes, Mark are you sweating too?”
Mark was sitting on the same side of the truck as Kevin was so the sun was on him too,
“No I am Fine.”
Sue Looked in the Mirror at Mark and saw beads of sweat on his sides of face and his gray Tee shirt was also getting damp with sweat,
“Mark, I want to take your shirt off and shorts off too”
Mark was turning in to a little prude when he was out in town or public.
“But mom other people can see in.”
“No they can’t, we are too high for them to see your cute penis and sack”
“But that Trucker saw Kevin’s penis”
“Like I said before nobody minds seeing little naked boys.  Now start taking off your clothes.”
“Mom?!” Mark Begged
“Do it or as soon we get to Aunt Marie’s, I will show my sister and her two kids how I spank a non obeying child in my family, I believe I asked you twice now. That means 24 Smacks (2 times your age) do you want 36 for real?”
Ok mom.
Mark Took his tee shirt off, his light spring season tan made his almost hairless chest lightly glow,
Sue was glancing at her son in the mirror while she continued to drive.
Mark then without further prompting took his shorts off and placed them on the seat with his tee shirt.
He was sitting there in his tighty-whiteys
Sue Saw this, asked both her boys “Why are you two boys wearing under wear in the summer when the rules are for no underwear?”
Kevin said “Oops, I though it was a school day”
Mark didn’t say anything.
Sue saw that Mark was still sitting there with his underwear one and not moving to take them off, “Ok Then, since you didn’t answer me and are still wearing your Briefs you will be getting 48 spanks at your aunts house”
Kevin said “Mark Your Dead”
“Mom!” Mark was very upset, “Fine!”  He quickly stripped out of them and flipped them toward his brother in the front seat.  However in doing so the Briefs went toward the open window and caught the wind and got sucked out the window,
Sue Told her son” OK Fine if that’s the way your going to behave  mister your getting 60 smacks before lunch and if your butt can handle it 60 more from your father when we get home,”
“Ok Mom I am sorry, I’ll behave better next time”
“Mark you know I don’t buy into that Plea bargain crap you’re getting 60 smacks from me and 60 smacks from your Father,”
“Oh Crap” Mark said to him self
“What was that?”
“Nothing, Mother!”
“Mark now tell me why you wore underwear today?”
Because these gym shorts don’t keep me inside,
Confused Sue asked “what do you mean inside”
Mark Sighed and said “My Penis slips out of the  leg opening when I am sitting down and other times and people will see it.”
What other times
Mark embarrassed to say “When I get Hard, my cock grows out the leg opening”
Mark the whole family has seen your penis, hard and soft all over the house even at meal times. Remember your naked most of the time at home. Everyone at home knows every square inch of your body. Even that patch of sixteen pubic hairs above your penis.
Mom I know that but when I go to my friends Mike’s house to play near town wear these shorts my penis falls out and Mikes sisters and Mom see it,  My Family seeing it is one thing but my friends family is something Else.
So you are embarrassed to be seen by Mrs. Baxter and Mike’s older sisters, Connie and Beth.
Yes mom,
Well my boy, I think Mrs. Debra Baxter has seen a penis before mister, she has a son your age and has changed his diapers at least once or twice as a baby you think?, And Her daughters help out at the local daycare center in town, do you know they have more boys at the center than girls, so Connie and Beth have seen many boys penises. So what’s your problem with them seeing yours?
“Mom I don’t want them seeing me,”
“Now you sound like your cousin Joey,”
“Mom,  Does Joey have to be Naked as well?” Kevin asked
Yes Joey will be subject to all the rules to our house as you are, Boys Don’t need modesty, so yes Joey will be Naked as well?
“Cool” Kevin Said “I wonder what size his cock is. Mark do you think he is bigger than you?”
“Ok Boys, you will find out what size he is in a little bit, however I want to talk about your cousin Jenny, Her mother, your Aunt Marie has this big Idea that Boys only being naked is not fair or equal. She has Decided that Jenny is also going to be naked at our house, so you boys better be on you very best behavior and Mark, my son, I know you can produce sperm now and I must tell you that you better keep your penis away from her vagina,”
“Jenny is going to be naked too? Cool I haven’t seen a real live girl naked before!” Kevin said
“Mark, we are about 20 minutes away from your Cousins house now, I Want you to masturbate before we get there so we don’t have any accidental spurting.”
“Mom here in the truck,”
“Yes boy, Get to it.”
Mark started rubbing his penis; it started growing to its full size of four and 3 quarter inches long how ever the thickness of it was as big as his wrist.
Mark stroked him self
There he was totally naked with just his shoes on in the back seat traveling down the highway, his mother tell him to masturbate before they arrive at his Aunt’s house.
Mark rolled his eyes back, he imagined in his mind a naked girl, didn’t matter how old just a naked girl, he had seen naked girls on the internet, he knew every pussy folds of each model that he had seen, he loved the shaved ones, they just look so, so good. And soon he was going see a real live girl naked. His younger cousin Jenny, His mother just told him that she will be naked as he is now, even for the whole summer too.
Mark’s breathing quickened,
“Mom I’m getting close.” Mark warned his mother she always requires him to
“How close?” Mark His Mother asked.
 “Mom can I watch Mark do it?” Kevin asked
“Sure you can, just quickly unbuckle and jump over the seat then buckle back up.”
Kevin did, sat down beside his brother to watch.
Sue adjusted the rear view Mirror to see. Marks erection has grown to its full size and she could see it pulsate in his hand.
She had to pay attention to the road.
Mark asked “Mother may I squirt.”
“May I squirt what Mother? Say it correctly.” Sue Corrected and asked him.
“Mother May I squirt my sperm?” he said
“Is that how you ask?”
“Mom, May I help Mark squirt his sperm like at home?” Kevin Interrupted and asked,
“Sure you can, Mark let go of your penis and let Kevin take over stroking your penis,”
Mark, Kevin and their brother Keith are used to touching each other’s penises at home. Their mom and dad even their sister Becky tell each boy to touch the other one’s penis all the time at home, Sometimes in front of Becky’s best friends when they stay over, Mark prefers it when his mom or other females touches his hard penis.
Kevin started stroking his brother hard shaft,
Kevin says, “Mom it’s so stiff” Kevin enjoys the feeling of the hard tool. Lately Kevin has really started liking it when Mark stopped having Dry orgasms and starting to squirt real sperm about three months ago. Kevin knows his own cock will squirt in about a year or two,
“Can I?” Mark pleaded.
“Can I What?” Sue asked her son knowing that he his near the point of no return
“Mother, May I squirt my sperm, please?” Mark pleaded knowing that if he didn’t ask his mother would punish him for not asking to squirt.
Sue Made sure the road was clear. She then said “Yes my little Boy, you may squirt your sperm now. Make it a big load one!”
With his mother saying that it was ok, Marks legs stiffened up and his cock throbbed in his younger brother’s expert young hand, and in rapid time, Squirted three huge streams of sperm all over his own chest and belly.
Kevin said loudly “Cool!”
“Wow” Sue told her son as she focused back on the road and said, “I think you like doing that outside in the daylight.”
Mark slowly got over the blissful feeling his brother still was stroking his shrinking cock, “Ok Kevin you can let go now.” Mark said
Kevin said “Wow Mark you have never shot that much before.”
Mark feels the hot sperm start to feel cool on his skin,
“Mom I need some tissues to clean up.” Mark asked his mother.
Sue reached for the Glove box and found an empty box. “Sorry Mark we are all out,”
“What am I going to use to clean up? “Mark asked
Sue look down to the seat next to her Kevin’s clothes were there she reached down and picked them up and handed them back to Mark, he just grabbed the bunch from his mother and with out thinking he started to use the whole handful of, T-shirt, shorts and under ware and used it as a rag to clean up the huge load he just spurted out, when he was all Clean he balled the clothing into a ball and dropped it on the floor of the Truck.
Both boys sat silently as the warm wind blew in the windows of the moving truck as they sat still naked enjoying the ride.
They arrived into Aunt Marie’s Town, Sue Pulled into the Quickie Mart nearest to her sister’s house and stopped the truck and killed the ignition. Just a few other cars were parked out front of the store.
“Ok Boys, lets get out and pick up some lunch stuff and then we can meet your cousins.
Mark undid his seat belt and grabbed his gym shorts, he quickly put them on before another car pulled up next to the truck, then he pulled his tee shirt on as well
Mom Kevin went to reach for his clothes and undid the ball of clothing “Mom. Mark got his stuff all over my clothes,”
Sue yelled “Mark you didn’t need to use all the clothes to clean up, you could have used just his underwear,”
“Sorry mom I didn’t think about it then.” Mark said
“Yeah I think I realize that,” Sue responded
“Mom Kevin can’t go into the store here naked like he does at Millers General store back home, we are in the big city now,” Mark said
“Yes your right, he can’t”
Kevin said “I’ll Just stay in the truck then.”
His mom said “No Kevin I am not leaving you out here in the hot sun you will cook.”
Sue looked at Mark then back at the naked Kevin, “Mark give your T-shirt to Kevin it should be long enough to cover him up.”
Mark removed his shirt, even after being naked all the time at home and shirtless all spring and during previous summers lately he doesn’t like it in strange places. Some people make fun of the few chest hair growing around his nipples a very odd way to sprout hair.
Kevin put the shirt on, He knelt on the seat so his mother could inspect him, and the shirt’s hem came down to just below his penis head as it was in its soft state.
“Just as I thought a Perfect fit -you’re covered Ok Lets go in.” Sue said
Mark opened the passenger side and jumped down, Kevin jumped out on his mom’s side after she opened the door for him as he jumped the shirt lifted up and Kevin’s boy parts were exposed. However Sue looked around quickly and realized nobody saw it,
As they Reached the door to the store and opened it, Two very Prim and proper ladies were loudly complaining to the store clerk “I Can’t believe the front page of the newspaper today, what is the world coming to, How dare this store sell porn on the newspaper!”
The older lady behind the counter spoke up and said “Ladies I did not print the paper today I only sell it. And besides their just little boys now you can barely see their parts and seeing a young naked boy is not porn. it is innocent beauty and besides they’re in their pajamas that god gave them. If you two ladies think that a little boy being naked is equal to porn, you to should be ashamed to even think about and you should get your heads examined.”
The two ladies looked at Sue and her two boys one shirtless and wearing a pair of small gym shorts and the other one with very bare legs As they walked into the store and headed to the refrigerator section.
“See what I mean” one of the ladies said. “That’s Just sinful, aren’t there decency laws now?”
The other lady said “Marge lets go home and write a letter to the editor of the newspaper, then we call the mayor,”
“Sounds like a great idea Bernice Lets go now, We have to save the world from all these sinners.”
The two ladies turn and walk out in a huff
Sue and her kids pick out the lunch meat and bread and headed to the counter.
 “Boys don’t forget about the chips now” Sue told her two boys
Kevin and his brother head to the chip isle and pick out the bags of chips,
Sue asks the Store lady “What was that fuss all about?”
“Just the newspaper” the lady said as she was finishing some paperwork.
The store lady looks up at Sue and her Eyes flew wide open and she asked “Are you Suzy Stewart?”
Shocked that anybody would remember her, she responded “Yes I was before I was married”
“I am Cindy Jones, Gary Jones Mother from your mother’s neighborhood about 20 years ago”
“Oh my god, I don’t believe it, how Are you? How is Gary?”
“He is fine he is married and has four kids now”
“I have four kids too.”
The two boys joined their mother at the counter putting the bags chips up on it. As Kevin place his bags of chips on the counter the  T-shirt hem rose up and his little penis  peeked out from under it,
Cindy saw it.  “I guess you’re down to pick up your niece and nephew,”
“Yes I am, but how did you know?”
“They stopped in Thursday evening.”
“Oh Yeah, Marie told me about that night,”
“Sorry where are my manors Kids, this is Mrs. Jones, My sister and I used to hang out with her son Gary back when I was your age.”
 “This is Mark and this is Kevin.”
Both kids said “Hello” to the lady,
“Yes Marie mentioned that you were coming and taking her kids to your house for the summer.”
“Yes I want to help Marie out this summer. Her little boy Joey is a trouble maker and we need to fix his attitude before it is too late,”
“As I can see from Kevin, I believe you can mend his ways,”
Cindy started to ring up the order
“Why were those ladies upset?” Sue asked
“Did you see the paper today?” 
“No I didn’t, Mark go over there and get the newspaper
Mark walked over to the Paper rack and picked one up, and read the headline
“Look Mom Its Jenny and Joey on the front page”
“Bring it here” Sue asked 
 Mark brought it over 
“Pajama Boy Saves the Day!” Sue read out loud
Then she looked at the photo at the group photo she asked “Why are they upset again?”
Cindy said “The boys are naked on the front page,”
“Oh my God! I didn’t notice that, I have tons of photos of my boys at home undressed and I am so used to seeing boys naked I didn’t see it,”
Kevin noticed the picture. “Look mom Jenny is naked too!    Cool”
Sue saw the photo you couldn’t really see Jenny, but the two boy’s packages were clearly able to be seen.
“I have to get few more copies of the paper, Mark get two more copies,” 
Mark walked over and picked up two more copies and he looked at Jenny in the picture and his penis started to harden and tent out front of his shorts,
“Your boy Mark here seems to be a growing boy, Marie tells me you air your boys out at home”
“Yes it helps them behave and grow big and strong,” Sue said
“I miss those days”, Cindy said “I used to take my boy Gary go out in the evenings, Just in his briefs.”
“I do remember Gary walking around all summer without a shirt on and shorts.” Sue Said
“My Prude of a husband wouldn’t allow me to do what you do, under wear was a must for Gary, he always had a white rear as tan line. I bet your boys get the best all over tans?
“Yes they do, they all ready have head start this spring want to see?”   Sue asked Cindy
Cindy checked the store and it was only the four of them “Sure I love to see the all over tans”
“Kevin lift your shirt up high,” Sue told her son
Kevin did as his mom said. he is not shy his little penis was half erect.
“That’s a Nice tan Kevin Thank you for showing me” Cindy said
“Mark I want you to pull down your shorts to your knees Please and show Mrs. Jones your tan”
“Mom right here?” Mark asked
“Yes  right here “
Mark looked around for anyone else was there, then he reached for the waist band of his shorts and pulled it down just to the top base of his penis not showing it all then bringing it back in place.
Sue asked Mark again “pull them Down to the knees Mark let Cindy see how big and tan you are “
“Mom” Mark pleaded
“And I thought you were over this Modesty thing
Do it now or it is now 72 smacks”
“Ok” mark pulled his shorts down to his knees showing his beefy now semi stiff tool to the store’s lady,
“Wow you’re a big boy and you really do tan well too. Thank you for showing me. You have nothing to be ashamed of.”
A car turned in to the lot and Mark saw it and he Reached down and pulled his shorts back up.
Sue paid for her things as Cindy bagged the Grocery items. “I was nice seeing you again Cindy. When you talk to Gary tell him I said hello”
“I will, you boys enjoy the summer your only young once you know, and thanks again for the view.”
“No Problem Okay boys grab the groceries,” Sue requested
“Bye now.” Sue said
“Have a safe trip home” Cindy said as the group opened the door to leave,
The car Mark had seen pull in. a mother and her two children, one girl around twelve and a boy slightly shorter around 11-ish got out of the car and were at the door as Sue and the boys were leaving the store,
The other mom looked at the topless Mark and at the front of his shorts, then she watched the younger son (Kevin) go by with a bag of chips and she noticed that a lot of leg was showing on the boy, She was thinking the boy had a speedo or underwear on as he walked by. She liked the view, she stopped in her tracks and watched the boy reach up and put the bags in the truck. She saw the most naked and tanned rear end that she ever saw be exposed to her eyes, the Boy ( Kevin) then climbed up into the cab and the mother saw the boy’s package as he climbed in.
The Daughter saw the nakedness too and it was the first penis she ever saw, so she blurted out “Oh My Gosh!”
Sue heard the phrase and spoke to the other mother as she got into the truck. “We don’t have any Air conditioning in this truck so it is a lot cooler to have him half naked than complaining about the Heat.”
“Wow I love the view too, doesn’t he mind being half bare in public” the other mother asked
“I raised my boys with the rule that little boys don’t need any false modesty and they behave better when in the nude” Sue said as she started up the truck.
“Really? My little twin boy over there is driving me and his twin sister crazy at home.” the other mother said coming closer to the Sue’s Door,
“If you want some time tested advice that works but no childrearing books will tell you anything about it, when you get home, strip the clothes off your boy and make him go naked at home at all times and even in the yard as well”
“My little Johnny would never agree to do that, He is so shy about his body he won’t let me see him naked and I don’t have the energy argue with him, to over see his washing,”
“Well, that’s a sign of the problem that you have. My sister had the same problem two days ago and she finally took my advice and overnight the problem was solved, she got her little boy back and from what she said he has returned to old snuggable little guy she had before”, Sue told the mother
“What about my daughter? Won’t she be traumatized by seeing her brother naked?”
‘Why would she be traumatized, by a little penis of her brother? She is going to be a mom someday and it is a Fifty-fifty chance that she will birth a boy, besides a girl matures faster than boys, she can handle it. Does your daughter baby sit yet?
“Yes but Just a little 4 year old girl one afternoon a week.”
“Have her help you with your son, put her in charge over him, that way she can help him stay clean  and keep him out of trouble .
“He never would let her help him wash up let a lone be seen naked by her.
“Don’t forget that you are his mother, take control Spank his naked rear end if he needs it however don’t forget to show him affection, have him snuggle with you on the couch give him rub downs touch him with tenderness all over his body, he will learn that you are in charge of him and he is just a little boy, and as I said, Little boys don’t need modesty”
“Sounds tempting but I don’t know if it would work sounds too new.”
“New, no way it is an old ancient custom that just a few mothers will admit to trying or say that they use it.
Think back to the 1800’s you think mothers had washing machines back then, for their boys, heck most people hardly had money for clothing, the mothers had to make all the clothes them selves anyway there were no clothing stores and I bet you spend a lot on new clothes and washing them too,
“Yeah you’re right it is expensive, to buy and wash his clothes, they just sit on the floor in his room in pile he never puts them in the wash, I have to do it and he never hangs or put away any of them either,”
“Yes I do” little Johnny interrupted his mother,
“Johnny I am talking don’t interrupt”
“Mom” he goes on
“See I Remember my grandfather talking about his younger days, little boys knew that they shouldn’t back talk to an adult. Their rear ends would burn remind them not too, but with all this modesty lately and politically correct Views.  The modern boy thinks he rules the world”
“Yes I remember, even I got spanked by mother once or twice, But I swore I wouldn’t be like my mother” the Lady said
“Well, You need to get over it and take back control, your not a bad person, You’re just a mother doing her job,. Just read today’s paper I think you will under stand why naked and spanked boys grow up well adjusted and into responsible adults that do the right thing. However remind your daughter if she gets into any trouble She too is going to be spanked as well just like you did back then, but mostly little boys need to know their place and Just because they have a penis and are grow up stronger doesn’t make them kings, The adults are in charge and adult make the rules and kids have to follow them”
“My Daughter, JoAnne has been slacking on her chores and her grades have dropped as well. Do you think it will help her too?”
“You’re the Parent, you’re in charge. Do what you have too do to restore the life you want” Sue said
“You know what I am beginning to think that you’re right, by the way my name is Jane”
“I am Sue, I hope I am not to pushy. But this works on my boys and my daughter as well, I think it will work for you kids too.”
“No you’re not pushy But I Think little Johnny and his sister, JoAnne are going to have a surprise when we get home from the store today,”
“Well Jane were running late”
“Thanks for the advice Sue”
Sue Backed out of the parking space, she stopped and quickly yelled “Don’t forget about the sun block lotion, they are going to need it!”
Jane gave a thumb’s up to that comment, and headed into the store. Jane’s daughter asked her mother about what she heard and saw.
 The mother told her daughter JoAnne “Find some Sun-block for you two, hopefully they have a large SPF 50 bottle”
Johnny and JoAnne had no clue on how their life was going to change in a few minutes when they get home,

(The End)