* * * *
This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of
sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to
view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do
not save this
* * * * * Remember People it’s only a Fantasy.
Marie closed the main door,
“Wow what a night.” Marie Said while turning around to the
group still in the posed positions from the picture only two minutes before,
Marie looked at the bunch, “Ok Jenny, hand out the towels”
Jenny when to Mrs, Rogers
and Handed a towel to her
“Thank you, Jenny”, Julie said as she took the towel from
the nude girl and placed it around her shoulders and back as a cloak. “I take
that other towel as well for Freddy,”
“Freddy come here and I’ll dry you off,” Julie told her son.
Freddy came closer to his mother, He still wearing a tee
shirt and boxers. Julie started to dry Freddy’s hair.
“Oh My Freddy your shirt is covered with a Smokey smell… so
is your hair” Julie said to her son
Marie spoke up “Julie, Freddy can take a quick shower to
wash off the smell before he goes to sleep in the boys room and I can wash his
clothes in fact ,”
“Marie that would be very kind of you. I know, I may have
been kind of stuffy before of not allowing Freddy to attend sleepovers, I was
over at Kelly’s house a few years ago to talk briefly about church with her one
evening after supper and little Billy ran into the room naked as a sinner and I
was shocked by what I saw and I refused to expose my Freddy to that so called
sin,” Julie told her host.
“Julie, It’s not sinful at all, I have come to find out
these past few days, it is Helpful, until just a few hours ago when Kelly
dropped her son off this evening, I never knew that Billy went nude during the
Sleepovers at his house, my little Joey had reacted to the sight and I found
him hiding in his room to change and being shy , then his bossy attitude hit a
peek in the last few weeks, I had thought it was just the Teenage thing
happening and then my sister told me about her house and the boys behavior when
dressed verses nude”.
“Oh my, I never thought about the boy’s attitude being
affected by not being seen naked” Julie said
“I Know Freddy is in the grade below Joey’s, This past year
the Gym teacher almost failed Joey in Gym because he wouldn’t change and shower
in front of the other boys probably because he thought it was a sin to be
“Marie I didn’t know the kids start to shower after Gym in
seventh grade.”
“Yeah, it is healthier and better smelling for the other
teachers in the school.
“Oh My, Freddy starting Seventh grade this September too,
and He has never been around other naked boys because of me.”
Eugene Said “Now honey don’t blame yourself he will learn to
change and shower in front of the other boys soon enough.”
Marie added, “Unless he thinks it is sin to be naked or too
shy to be seen then the Bullies start picking on the shy ones.”
“What if what Officer Pete said is true about the kids who
don’t go naked end up in jail?” Julie was still looking at the naked Joey and
Billy and the equally naked Jenny
“Well, the past twenty-four hours is prove enough to me, My
Joey’s attitude has turned 180 degrees.” Marie said.
“Mom, What will I wear for bed if my only clothes are in the
wash? Freddy asked his mother almost interrupting Mrs. Taylor”
“Alfred Don’t interrupt, that’s rude” Eugene said to his son.
“Ok dad, but if all that I am wearing is in the wash? Freddy
Marie not wanting to push Julie to far tonight spoke up and
said” I could get a tee shirt and pair of Joey’s under pants for Freddy for the
night, and I also have extra large tee shirts and shorts for the grown ups as
“Julie, Freddy always sleeps in his underwear he could
borrow some just for the night?” Eugene
said not wanting to embarrass his boy,
Julie said “Marie that unsanitary to share under pants
between them.”
Julie looked at Freddy and then back to the two nude boys.
She then turned to Marie and said “Marie, thanks for the offer for the clothes
for us so we can sleep in but they are not necessary for Freddy, You’re right,
God did give boys wash and wear outfits to wear, If it is good enough for God
it’s good enough for my boy.”
“Are you Saying what I think your saying Julie?” Eugene asked
“Yes, dear I think I am” Julie said
“Oh my” Eugene
Freddy realized where this was going “Mom, you can’t be
“Oh Freddy, Mrs. Taylor is correct, Boy’s don’t need modesty
just look at your friends there, they are ok, with it”
“But I Need something to wear always, you always say that”
Freddy pleaded
“Alfred Rogers, The boys in this house wear their birthday suits
at night in the house, Mrs. Taylor has offered to put us up for the night after
our house caught fire , It wouldn’t be fair to your friends if you wear
something different than them, Now remove your clothes so Mrs. Taylor can wash
them tonight, and you still need a shower too,”
Accepting his fate
Freddy Turned to walk to the bathroom for a shower,
Julie asked “where are you going Freddy?”
Upstairs for shower,
“No Freddy its late take your t shirt and boxers off right
“But mom I’ll be naked in front of everyone!”
Freddy look at your friends here, their penises are out in
the open too,”
“But Jenny and Ginger are here too and they will see mine,”
“Are you Blind boy? Jenny is standing in front of you naked
and she is also seeing her brother’s and Billy’s penis as well, your sister on
the other hand has baby sat boys before”,
“Freddy just listen to your mother and strip down now, its
late and from what I remember your penis is just like theirs.” Eugene told his son,
“Just do it Boy,”
“Freddy took off the t-shirt then stalled”
“ Boxers too” his mom said
Freddy reached for the towel to wrap up then strip off.
No Freddy you’ll soil the clean towel, just drop the boxer
Freddy, had a slight stiffy due to the naked Jenny in front
of him and he didn’t want to drop his shorts, He turned away from the crowd but
he still didn’t pull them down
Ginger came closer to her brother from behind and she
whispered into his ear,
“Freddy, my brother, Your penis is nothing new to me I used
to watch mom change your diapers when you were a baby and remember you wear
those boxers all the time at night up stairs to and from the bathroom and your
little pee-pee sometimes pokes out the fly. So nothing is new for me to see,”
“Ginger” Freddy gasps
His back was toward her again she whispered “Freddy it’s ok,
I’ll show you something later on if you show me yours”
Freddy’s imagination took over and his penis stiffened up
and he stalled in place, not moving.
With that she reached down and pulled the waist band down to
his ankles this of course caused Freddy to be in shock and grab his front to
cover up as he screamed,
“Ginger that wasn’t nice!” Julie said. “But maybe it was
necessary. Freddy hands away you shouldn’t touch your self”
“Oh Mom it is not fair!
“Oh Knock it off, step out of your boxers and hand them to
“He did.”
Julie held them up, and Said “ Oh, dear boy don’t you know
how to wipe your butt?”
Marie Told her friend “I told you he wasn’t washing right, I
think all boys can’t clean them selves down there, their mommies need to help
“Yeah I think your right” Julie said to Marie”
“Julie why don’t you come up to the Bathroom and I’ll show
you how to wash your boy up, since it has been a while since you did it last,”
Marie said
“Ok Little Freddy, Get going” dad said
Freddy penis was fully stiff from the stripping and knowing
Jenny was seeing his boyhood, His Penis was only three inches long erect
pointing straight out, his tightly rounded young ball sack was still pulled
close to his groin,
Marie guided her young new naked neighbor to the stairs
along with his mother, she turned around “Joey and Billy why don’t you come up
stairs to the bathroom too and get ready for bed again, And Jenny be helpful
and get Ginger a Pillow and Blanket for your room from the Closet and find a
couple of extra large tee shirts from my dresser drawer, for Freddy’s Folks and
The two naked boys followed Mrs. Taylor up stairs Ginger and
Jenny Followed the boys up stairs as well and started looking for the items in
Marie’s closet, they found the tee shirts and shorts and returned them in to
the living room and then the naked Jenny said to Ginger “lets watch the boys,
get cleaned up”, so the two girls went andstood in the bathroom door way.
Marie grabbed a wash cloth for Freddy when she got into the
bathroom his mom was standing slightly behind Marie,
Marie asked “Freddy you need to try to poop before your
shower so we can clean you up proper,”
“Mrs. Taylor I can’t go with everyone in here ”he then
looked at his mother, “Mom Please have everyone leave!” Freddy pleaded with is
Julie told her son,” Dear, its ok we are both moms, we both
have changed diapers on boys,” Julie turned and saw the girls in the doorway “
your sister has seen you go before and Jenny seen her brother go potty, isn’t
it true Marie, ,”
“Oh yes Jenny saw it all earlier tonight even”
“But go in front of my friends and sister too?” Freddy Cried
“Freddy pooping is a normal function everyone does it.”
Marie said then turned to Joey and asked, “Joey tell Freddy what the toilets in
the boy’s locker room don’t have in jr. high?”
Joey hated the toilets in locker room in school, he never
used them he used the nurses office or waited till he got home, “Freddy they
don’t have…….umm … any … Doors or walls”
Freddy was still standing in front of the crowd and still
hiding is little stiff member from then “No way!, Why not?” He asked
“Because boys don’t need modesty if they are going to shower
together naked anyway” Marie told her friends son.
“Wow, Marie really?” Julie said
“Yes. I had meeting after school with Joeys Gym teacher and
he took me into the empty boys locker room to show me Joeys unused gym locker
and unworn gym uniform shorts I saw the Toilets myself.” Marie said
Freddy sat down on the toilet seat his little erection was
still up and was not pointing down under the seat. Glad to be some what out of
view, “holy cow.” He said
Marie told the other two boys to come over and stand next to
the tub, Joey walked over past Freddy’s side and faced the far end of the tub
and Billy stood to the nearer end. Freddy was in the middle of the group, Joey
was still trying to hid is penis with his hands.
“Ok Boys, to help Freddy go. I want you two to pee into the
tub. So he can see it, and that it is a normal thing to do,”
Billy who was used to peeing with an audience started
peeing. Mrs. Rogers was watching wide eyed, enjoying this forgotten natural
But Joey Said “I can’t do that mom, that’s Gay”
Marie Very upset that Joey used that Gay term again Yelled
“Mr. Joey Taylor! what did I tell you about saying that word,” Marie reached
over to Joey and pulled Joey over by his shoulder and Gave him four quick slaps
spanks on his bare behind” smack , smack, smack and Smack.
“Ouch mom stop it, I’m Sorry” Joey said with tears streaming
from his eyes and his butt cheeks sporting a fresh red hand print of his
mothers hand on his ass.
Julie asked Marie “Marie why did you spank him?”
“Because I am tired of his Potty mouth lately and I Hope to
teach him something,”
Marie Again told her son “Now stand there and Pee so Freddy
can watch”
“Freddy did you see Billy just pee?” Marie asked
“Yes Mrs. Taylor” Freddy said, his penis had deflated by the
sight of Joey getting spanked.
“Have you pooped yet?” Julie asked
Freddy did not answer.
Julie asked again” Freddy did you poop yet, like Mrs. Taylor
told you to do?’
“Mom I don’t have too”, Freddy said
“Freddy, you need to poop or do you need a spanking too?”
“Mom what has happened to you?” Freddy asked his mother
“Well my little boy, I am your mother and I am in charge of
you and an I have been told that I have been very slacking in mothering duties
and right now, I have been rethinking my childrearing ways, I suggest that you
squeeze out some poop and get into the shower, in the next two minutes or you
will get 1 smack on your rear for each year you are old .,”
Joey was still standing there his hand on his penis and
trying to pee but he was shocked to hear another parent threaten to spank and
he couldn’t go.
“Joey come on and go”, Marie told her son,
Just then a Plop sounded in the toilet bowl From under Freddy
Julie turned to her son and Said “Good Job boy, all done?
“Yes mom” Freddy told his mom
“Ok now wipe good now”, Freddy grabbed some toilet paper and
quickly cleaned himself up.
Marie Said “Joey your turn to pee”:
“Mom I Can’t go in front of people” Joey said
“Sure you can, you did it earlier tonight, why not get into
the tub near the Drain end, Freddy get in behind Joey”
Freddy climbed in and got behind Joey.
“Now Joey hands on your head now.” Marie instructed
“Do it,”
Joey put his hands on his head, Then Marie told Freddy to
take hold of Joey penis, like it was his own.
Freddy asked “I thought we’re not supposed to touch someone
else’s private parts?”
“Freddy my dear neighbor, you, Joey and Billy are just young
boys, and most of all the parenting books say that boy’s like to explore each
other, your Mother up to now has blocked your own sense of discovery by keeping
you from seeing or feeling other boy’s parts, because of the fear of being
called gay or it was a sin, Girls on the other hand all their lives as little
girls to turning to women are always comparing their bodies to each other, or
Going to the Bathroom in pairs for safety are not shy, I believe even your
mother was seen very nude by her doctor and the nurses at both yours and your
sister Ginger’s birth. Boys discover their penises and they want to compare to
their friends. Usally during play dates or with their brothers in the bath tub.
It is a part of normal growing up. So go ahead a reach out and feel Joey’s
penis. It is safe to do so, you don’t have to by shy.
As Freddy’s hand touched Joey’s penis, Joey tried to pull
his hands down to get Freddy to let go ,
“Joey Keep your hands on your head, He is going to help you
“Mom no!”
“Joey just close your eyes and just let your pee out.”
“Now Freddy, I want you to gently hold joey’s penis just
like your own and may be rub it just once up and down,”
“How? It feels different to mine” Freddy asked
“Billy show Freddy how you rub your penis to start peeing,”
Marie said
Billy rubbed it and his penis started to respond and started
to lengthen and get stiff,
Freddy, never seeing another naked boy before or even ever
felt another penis started rubbing Joey’s member,
Mrs. Taylor said “Joey just pee Now”
Joey started to pee just wanting to be done with this scene.
Freddy giggled and started to aim Joeys pee all around in
the tub.
Joey finished his stream,
Julie amazed by the sight, in front of her.
“Ok Time for the shower now” Marie said as she turned the
water on and adjusted the temperature.
“Ok Freddy, you can let go of Joey’s Penis now”
“OK Julie, Here is how we wash our boys.”
Marie handed Julie a wash cloth and Marie soaped up the wash
cloth and started to wash up Joey for the second time for the Night,
Julie followed Marie lead and washed Freddy from the top of
his head to his toes, then Marie showed Julie how to grasp her Freddy’s penis
and gently wash the head and shaft to move the skin from the head. But both
Joey and Freddy had erections and the skin on the penis was fully tight anyway,
Joey’s four inch penis was pointing up to his belly and Freddy’s three inch
penis on pointed level with the horizon with the tip nice and pinkish.
Then Marie showed Julie how to clean her son’s rear end,
while Joeys butt didn’t leave any track marks, Freddy’s wash cloth only showed
Julie, that she would have to wash and inspect her boy more often in the
Both Mothers rinsed their boys off, and then Marie told
Julie “Now dry Freddy off the same way I do, And witness the return of your
little boy.”
Marie started to rub Joeys penis up and down the shaft with
the towel and then she took it in her hand and stroked it up and down till Joey
started standing on his toes having that feeling over whelm him, Julie couldn’t
believe Joey just had a orgasm in front of her and by his own mother even,
Julie rubbed Freddy’s penis the same way she just saw, then
he too had that feeling of joy and bliss as Freddy penis throbbed in Julie’s
Marie asked the Two boys, after their breathing slowed down a
little, “Freddy and Joey are you two going to complain about going naked now?”
Joey answered back “No Mom and thank you for the bath.”
“Freddy are you ok now?” Julie asked her son,
“Yes mother,”
Meanwhile poor Billy was standing there with his six inch
penis fully hard sticking out.
Marie saw the state of Billy and she asked him “Billy do you
need help to wash up again?”
Not wanting to miss out on another rub down, Billy said “Yes
Mrs. Taylor I think I do need help”
Marie turned and asked Julie. “ Julie would you like help
Billy out washing and drying?”
Julie was in shock, she just gave her own son a orgasm now
her friend wanted her to wash another male not related to her, she said “Marie,
I don’t think I should, this is all still new to me,”
“Ok Julie, that’s okay. Freddy and Joey will practice
washing and drying Billy off.” Marie said
Julie, Freddy and Joey automatically said and in unison
Marie said again “Joey will wash Billy up and Freddy can dry
him off,”
Marie reached for a clean wash cloth and warmed it under the
tap then she handed the washcloth to Joey and said “Ok Joey, show us moms how
you wash a boys penis and Bum,”
Joey slowly started to wash up Billy, he handled the shaft
with embarrassment Billy’s erection had actually started to soften, during the
washing, being watched by two moms and being handled by a boy wasn’t a turn on
for him, Marie saw this. she then had an idea.
Marie told the group to move a way from the tub and then she
called Jenny and Ginger into the bathroom,
“Ok Jenny don’t you sit and use the toilet while Freddy drys
Billy off,”
“MOM really?” Jenny asked or complained
‘Sure why not it only fair and equal” Marie told her naked
Jenny went over to the toilet and sat down on it with her
knees together.
“Jenny dear, open your knees and let the boys look at you
“Relax, it natural” Marie told her daughter,
Then she saw the reaction to Billy, his penis had regained
its stiffness because of seeing Jenny.
Then she said “Ok Freddy grab the bath towel and dry Billy
off like your mom did you”
Freddy had the towel in one hand and tried to dry it,
Marie said “Freddy use both hands”
Freddy then used his other hand to hold Billy’s penis as
moved the towel around to dry him off,
Marie then surprised the bunch and said “ Ok Ginger why
don’t you strip down and get in the shower now and you can scrub out that smoky
smell off your skin and I can wash your clothes too,”
“What strip off ,in front of everyone” Ginger asked
Julie said “ Marie, shes an adult not a kid,”
Marie replied “ Ginger just said she sleeps naked and
changes in front of other girls, she also missed her chance to wear a birthday
suit at home back then , so she can do so if she wants to here,”
“Oh Come on Julie, It is fine her boobs are too big yet.
Besides its late.
Ok Mrs. Taylor Ginger drops her low rise panties to the
floor and then she lifts the tee shirt off, the boys stop breathing for a
second, Ginger is totally naked in front of everyone.
That’s when Julie notices Ginger pubic mound it was totally
hair free, “My God Ginger don’t you know it is a sin to touch your self and
trimming down there is wrong”
“Ginger do you shave it?” Marie said as she interrupted her
‘Yes Mrs. Taylor, I used to a while ago but lately I go and
get waxed once a month, My hair has seemed to stop growing too,”
Gingers labia lips were still tightly together but easily
“My, my with that look you only look 12 not 19 even your
boobs and little pink nipples make you look only 15 ish” Marie said
“Thanks, It feels good to hear that,” Ginger said
Julie said “Ginger just get in the shower and close the
“Ok Mother” Ginger replied as she got into the tub and
turned around to face the boys
Marie looked at Freddy and Billy “Ok Freddy, Finish drying
Billy’s Penis is fully stiff as Freddy was drying him, Billy
looked at Gingers Fully naked body and in Just two more strokes of Freddy’s
hand then Billy’s penis throbbed in Freddy’s hand and out came the longest ropes
of sperm Marie had ever seen, as Billy groaned out totally out of control and
Billy squirmed around and Freddy had been hit in the face by a jet load, Ginger
got at lease two portions on her legs and also Jenny got some on her thighs.
Julie in Shock said “Young man your disgusting I have never
seen a display so rude …..”
Marie “Julie Quiet now its all right, its normal function.”
“No it not it is a sin”, Julie swore
“Ok every one, boys clean up, just like before the fire and
get to Joeys bed” Marie Said,
Billy and Joey knew what Mrs. Taylor meant, and they started
to use their fingers and scoop up the drops and lick their fingers clean,
Jenny sat on the toilet and she felt the warmth of the glob
on her thigh turn cool, she used her fingers as well to clean and she also
licked the mess gone,
Hearing this outburst Eugene, walked upstairs to find the
group gathered in the bathroom, the shower running and 5 naked kids 3 boys and
two girls one a preteen and his college aged daughter naked in the same room
“What happened up here.” he asked then he saw the mess on
Freddy’s face and even Freddy hand was still holding Billy’s shrinking penis,
Marie said “Nothing but young friends bonding together over
an educational moment,”
“Oh Really,” Eugene was sounding shocked but this entire
night after the fire of course in his neighbors house with all the nudity had
awakened an old memory in his head From his boy hood days, his best friend, his
brother and himself sneaking into the Garage to hide from their parents. The
group masturbation sessions together and exploring each other’s Bodies. Good
times he remembered.
Freddy asked “Mom can I have a towel please”
spoke up after seeing the other boys licking the drops, “ Son, use your fingers
too, lick it off , it is full of vitamins and protein,”
“Eugene” Julie was shocked by what she had heard her husband
“As I always tried to tell you back when we were dating, it
is a healthy protein shot.”
“Yeah yeah sure “ Julie said rolling her eyes,
“Freddy are you sure dad?”
“Yes Freddy try it, but make sure it get on your center of
your tongue, not the tip”
Freddy tried it, “its Salty sweet” Freddy said
”Mom can I help Freddy Clean up? I like Billy’s Vitamins
shot.” Jenny asked her mother
“If you want to” Marie told her daughter
Jenny stood up and used her fingers to lick up the sperm,
Ginger then reached out and got a dab of if on her finger
and tried it.
“Not Bad Neighbor” Ginger said
The whole group finished the clean up and Marie and Julie
sent the naked Boys to the Joeys room and told the three of them to snuggle
together in the bed, nude Freddy stopped before getting into the bed and gave
the biggest hug to his mother and gave her a quick kiss on the lips, just like
he used too an long time ago. Then he climbed in and the sheet was pulled over
the trio and the light was turned off.
Ginger finished her shower and she dried off with her dad
still in the bathroom door watching, the towels weren’t big enough to wrap
around her self so she just dried off left the towel in the bathroom “
Goodnight daddy” and walked bare assed to Jenny’s room. Not bothering with the
tee shirts mrs. Taylor had requested earlier.
couldn’t believe what he just saw walk by a care free naked girl like Eve from
the Bible. “Good Night Baby Girl”
Jenny and Ginger snuggled skin to skin in the bed, as the
light went out. As dad closed the door to jenny’s room the girls were quiet for
a minute then jenny whispered to Ginger “Ginny Can I feel your Boobs ?”
Ginger whispered back “sure if you like too”
Jenny reached and gently squeezed the soft tissue and felt
the for the nipples they hardened up like small red hot candies, Jenny
whispered “Wow I hope my tits grows in like yours did,”
Ginger said “I am sure you will love it when your own boobs
grow in… I do ….. by the way you have a nice touch”
Jenny said thanks, after a while Ginger spread her legs and
reached for Jenny’s hand and pulled it down to her slit, try exploring down
there too,
Ginger then reached over to Jenny’s chest and rubbed the almost
flat breast nipple buds.
Feels good “Both girls said to each other,” Both Girls
continue the rubbing till they both get that big O Feeling. Then they fall
Marie Finds the Tee shirts and shorts that the girls found
in the closet,
“Eugene and Julie Get washed up and put your stuff in the
washer and ill start the washer, you can wear these” she said while holding out
the tee shirts,
asked Marie “ you want us to strip off right here and now?
“We both will going to the Bathroom to change out of our
robes and stuff and change into your tee shirts, so you can start the washer
then,” Julie Interrupted her husbands fantasy.
“I’ll pull out the sleeper couch and get it ready for you. “
Marie said
In a short couple of minutes Julie came out of the bathroom
first with the oversized tee shirt and shorts on. And she was carrying both her
and Eugene’s
robes and clothes, the women walked to the laundry room and loaded the washer .
they were talking about the events of the night.
“Marie I’m Shocked with all this nudity and stuff” Julie
“Julie It is Harmless fun” Marie said
“I think I know it is harmless fun but I am unsure, but did
you see that Big hug Freddy Gave me tonight, He hasn’t done that in a dogs age.
You may be right about this stuff,
Just then Eugene
came out of the bath room with the tee shirt on and was hold the shorts he
headed for the living room He thought Marie had gone to bed. But the two women
were talking in the kitchen doorway the light from the kitchen was shining into
the living room as Eugene moved around the room, Both Marie and Julie could see
with the kitchen light acting like a spot light, That Eugene semi stiff seven
inch penis was swinging side to side as it peeked out from under the mid waist
length tee shirt,
Julie turned to Marie and after all that happened and was
seen tonight, All Julie could say was “Sorry about that neighbor”
Marie Told her Friend “I guess that old saying is true,
about if you seen one, you’ve seen them all!
Both women Laughed and gave each other a hug, Julie said
Then the Adults said good night.
Marie went to her room and changed into another tee shirt and
climbed into bed and shut off the light.
Meanwhile the Couple in the living room chatted about the
events of the night, when Julie whispered to her husband to make love to her
To which he did,
then the entire house finally fell quiet.