How Tommy Jones Started His Summer

By Sexpig4u

Copyright 2015 by Sexpig4u, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Standard Disclaimers apply, and Remember it’s only a fantasy people
Tommy Jones said, “Yahoo” as the Private Middle school bell rang for the last time, signaling the start of summer vacation. His classmates and Tommy stood up headed to the exit door from the rear of the classroom.
But Miss Swartz the teacher shouted to the class “Don’t leave for summer without picking up your report card envelops” Tommy rolled his eyes at this, since he not focused in his studies he knew what it entailed. He was almost to the door, so he had to circle back and Tommy got in line behind Nicole Benson, near the end of the line.
“Hey Nicole, Are you going to spend all your summer at the library again this summer?” Tommy teased her as he always did, feeling inferior to her smartness she was more mature than Tommy, And He thought she looked like she was almost a woman, but Her nerdy glasses and librarian’s  hairstyle made her to look like a plain-Jane. They inched to the teacher as the other kids got their grades and left
“No Tommy, I got a job this year.”
“Doing what? Dog walking?”
“No Tommy, I am tutoring and sitting two young children this summer”
“Oh those poor kids are going to suffer with you all summer long.”
“Grow up Tommy, I have plans for fun too” Nicole said as she got to the teacher
“Yeah Right” Tommy said
It was finally Nicole’s turn  
‘Miss Swartz, what type of remedial review would you suggest for someone having trouble with school work this past year? I am sitting and tutoring two kids of my mom’s friends for the summer”
“How nice of you to help out those parents, Teen girls should always have the opportunity be in charge of younger kids, it helps them as mothers. As for the school work, I would focus the review the school topics they covered this year and reinforce the fundamentals basics.”
“Yes my mother thinks this is a great idea too, However I am worried that one of the kids may not receptive to me since we are somewhat close in age.”
 Tommy stood rocking from foot to foot waiting to get his summer started as the two talked,
“Oh that age thing is tough. What I found helpful is for you have to stand your ground when it is time for school work. What sex are the kids?” Miss Swartz asked as she handed Nicole her report card,
Tommy was getting restless as this conversation was keeping him from his summer so He muttered “Can I get mine so I can leave?”
“Thomas Jones please don’t be rude, I need to talk with you for a bit before you leave anyway, so Please be patient. Go ahead Nicole continue” Miss Swartz said.
 Looking at Tommy as he made that comment Nicole said “One of each, the girl, she is nine, the boy is my age. 
‘Oh that is easy, make the girl your friend and she will be a great helper and won’t give you a problem.
“Yes she is already somewhat of a friend our two mothers have tea together every Friday afternoon after school, we play games while the moms talk, she is like a kid sister when we are together so she will be fine. But her older brother might not want to focus on the learning.
“I too have tutored over the summer, in the past, I find that having semisolid time schedule for each part of the day for each activity and for covering the Tutoring subjects then plan on fun.”
“That sounds like a reasonable plan. How do I have the brother focus on the work?”
 “I find having a reward and discipline system in place. I use the Take away method when they act up. Take their phones, TV and music away works wonders.  I usually let them wear something casual in the morning like pajamas for the school part helps them focus if they can’t go outside with what they were wearing in bed. Most parents let me handle the clothing for the day, like the beach and park.
“School in Pajamas, That’s sound cool, but you handle their clothes too?”
 “Yes Nicole, one time about 4 years ago I had a family of four kids two teenaged boys and twin 9 year old girls they hired me to help out as a nanny and tutor since they had a couple of weeklong business trip. The boys were slightly growth challenged and were a handful, they caused a little trouble the first couple of days before the parents took off, I talked to the parents and told them that the boys were causing trouble for me and I asked, how they wanted me to handle them.
The parents asked if I had experience in males, well I told them that my Aunt of which raised me, believed in the notion that boys need less modesty and plenty of supervision of which I helped her out around the house with the boys. I told them that I saw my male cousins in the natural state whenever they were home or hanging out in the backyard and my aunt believed in bare butt spanking that kept the boys in line.
 The Parents asked about their ages I told them my boy cousins were 13 and 11 when I went to live with my Aunt. They asked if I went natural too, I said girls have to maintain their modesty slightly, so my cousin Sara and I stayed dressed or covered at least in front the boys.”
“How did the Parents react to hearing about your cousins?”
“The Parents loved the idea. They said their boys were too shy and misbehaving more than they should, so they agreed to try my aunt’s method. The boys learned about the reward and discipline program right away, since I was given full parental authorization.”
“So you saw both them? I babysat another family this spring, they have 3 boys and a girl, the boys aren’t shy since I see them in their short tee shirts as nightshirts but I thought inside the house was only allowed after dark 
“Everyone in the neighborhood did, in broad daylight, Every inch, just like a mother sees everything when they are young.  You had heath class this year, so you know what teen boys do”
“You saw that too? I never let them do that, my folks said not to touch boy’s parts when they are like that? You saw them sperm?”
“Yes Nicole it’s a natural function and also was a great reward system after a stressful day, I only wish this school would lighten up the dress code for the boys. Their minds wander with the long pants on that they wear”
“Yeah that would be nice. My eight year old brother Derek seems to act better after his bath at night when my parents let him wander around bare butt. How do I get to do that with this boy this summer?”
I would ask the parents what is allowed, if the charges act up and ask about the clothing rules feel free to mention you brother running around bare after his bath. Most parents feel at ease if the girl sitter has seen boy parts before. They won’t be worried about boys taking advantage of them,”
“No way Nicole, you’re going see a boy naked this summer?” Tommy said
“Tommy that is none of your business now, is it?  Besides little boys have nothing to hide, everyone knows what they have below and they all look the same.” Nicole scolded Tommy.
Tommy was taken back at the firm talking he got from Nicole.
“Miss Swartz thank you for telling me about your experience during your summers, I think you should talk to Monsignor Sanchez about the dress code for the boys for next year. It sounds like they would love to hang out at school and study more if they wore shorts.”
“I think I might bring it up to him at the next semesters’ planning meeting next month, Enjoy your summer have fun.”
“You too.”
“Ok Mister Thomas Jones, Sorry that took longer than expected with Nicole, I talked with your Mother about this year’s academic performance and even your gym class participation failures and she is very concerned about you.”
“So what I passed everything else,”
“Just barely Tommy, I almost had to hold you back this year because of gym class because of your lack of wearing your gym uniform. Your mother said you had clean uniform packed each Monday,”
“But I hate wearing gym shorts,” 
“A Boy like you should like to wear gym shorts and play sports. It is good to stay physically fit at your age and since you’re still growing it will help build muscles and strong bones. You want strong muscles don’t you Tommy? ”
“I know Miss Swartz but I can’t say why……
 “Can’t say what Tommy?”
Silence for a couple seconds “I don’t want to …  the other boys……” Tommy was having trouble speaking up his mind was racing on the real cause
“Can’t or don’t and What about the other boys? What’s the matter?  You can tell me, no one else is here now?”
Tommy was getting nervous and almost crying looking down at the floor.
Miss Swartz took his hands in hers and said “Tommy, I want you to look me in the eyes when you’re talking to me, Tell me what is the matter…”
“Their…..too short and floppy and I don’t like changing in the locker room the other boys look different too and they laugh at me and Mrs. Byrd watches us.” Tommy blurted out the statement  and started sobbing a little.
“Oh Thomas Jones’, she went to hug him like a mother, this hug caused his young penis to stir as he felt her bosom touch his chest. “Yes, that is a timeless problem for all boys that has reared its ugly head into the school system from the 1970’s. I hear, Boys can be cruel when the see something different. I wouldn’t worry about them. As for Mrs. Byrd, She is a mother of four grown men. She is not seeing anything she has not seen before, but I think this is attitude not healthy for you, All boys have a penis and a testacle’s sack nothing new about those. And you should be worried about your boy parts being seen.”
“But everyone is bigger than me and mine gets stiff at the wrong time.”
“Everybody grows at different rates Tommy also unplanned erections are very common too, every boy in this class has had an erections during class at different times during the year,”
“You can see us?” Tommy said pulling away from her and holding his hands in front of him
 “Yes Tommy, Every one faces me and I can see the erections tenting in their pants, just as you have one now,” She reached down and padded the front of  his pants behind his hands, This shocked Tommy He drew in a sharp breath,
“As I told Nicole before, I got to see my boy cousins/brothers grow as they became young men. During spring break I went to Mexico for a family reunion this spring, my cousins and I were at the beach. Mexico has lax dress code for males at the beach and from what I saw they are now fully grown down there and are very proud of what they have”
“What, you still saw them naked?”
“Sure why not?  They are not shy around me and my Sister/Cousin. They even sprouted full erections on the beach while playing volleyball, they didn’t care about showing. Your Mother Tommy is also concerned about gym class and we already decided that your shyness was the issue and she told me she has plans for you this summer I suggest that you try relaxing at home wearing your gym shorts or less around the house”
“What! Me go naked in front of my mom and sister?
“If you want to be naked sure, I was thinking just bikini underwear or a speedo”
“Yeah right no way…you’re crazy I should report you to the cops for this topic.”
“Tommy, My Door is open and the classroom has a microphone in the middle and a camera in the corner recording everything, and since this is a private school, every student  has been given permission by their parents that the teachers are to be able to teach, touch and see anything about our students as if you’re our own children, so anything we talked here about is covered by that permission waiver, so the cops can do nothing.”
“No Way, that’s not right”
“I am sorry to inform you of this but the schools lawyers already gave us the okay for this, I Suggest again that you do some studying and reading this summer so you won’t be behind in September when school starts up again,
“This can’t be true”
 It sure is true Tommy, now after this talk, I will talk to Monsignor Sanchez about the dress code for the boys and also maybe the boys dress code for Gym class will go back to the original and natural state as it was back in the day before any of this modesty stuff came about.”
“No way,” Tommy couldn’t believe this,
“Oh Here Tommy, here is your report card, I suggest you hand it to your mother, I already emailed her a copy, so don’t try to lose it on your way home, she wants to test you, since we had this talk I feel that I should warn you, so you don’t try anything stupid. Have a great summer have fun. See you in the fall.”
Tommy took the envelope and walked to his locker. Now, with less thrill of summer being here, but more with dread. He opened the locker and started to fill his backpack with the collection of stuff from throughout the year along with the report card. He tossed the useless junk in the hallway trash cans. Then he came across his gym uniforms that were stashed in the locker. Wanting to forget about his teacher conversation, he ditched them in the trash as well. Once he was done,  he headed home by himself since he was held up talking with the teacher.
After a short time he turned the corner and saw that his mother was already home by her car being in the driveway, it was a hot afternoon too, so he was slightly sweaty from the walk and hauling the full backpack home. He opened the door and stepped inside, he saw his Sister Sally sitting in the living room watching TV. She is nine years old.
“Oh There you are honey I was getting worried about you. You should have been home 20 minutes ago” His Mother said as she hugged him, A little more than normal but not strange for his mother.
“I took the long way home today.”-
“My on this hot afternoon too, I guess you needed the exercise.”
“Yeah I felt like walking today,”
“So did you enjoy the last day of school today?”
“Yes mom I did, thank god I don’t have to crack a book for a while,”
“Did you clean out your locker today?”
“Yes Mom I did.”
“That’s good, find anything that needs washing?”
“No just notebooks and papers.”
“Did Miss Swartz give anything to you today?’
“Just an attitude, like always.”
“Excuse me? What did you say?”
“Nothing, she gave me nothing.”
“Are you sure she didn’t give you anything?”
“No Mom, she just said have good summer”
“Okay, I want you to go upstairs and take a shower now before dinner, we are going out to eat tonight and from what I can smell, I want to smell dinner and not you,”
‘Mom I don’t stink.”
“From God’s nose to my nose yes you do. Now go shower, Make sure you use soap and put on some deodorant.”
“Mom I use soap”
“Maybe I should help you shower today so I know you are clean,”
“No you don’t have to…. I am going mom”
With that he walked up stairs to his room, and stripped off his shoes and socks pulled his pants down, he left them on the floor where they dropped. He then walked to the bathroom with his boxer briefs and T-shirt on. Tommy closed the bathroom door and He pulled down his underwear and sat on the toilet letting a good day’s worth of pee into the bowl followed by two brown logs. He then wiped himself and then he flushed, taking a moment to pull on his penis a few times to make it stiff,  This something he just started doing recently, Tommy was just learning about masturbation and the feelings that stir, Tommy stood up and  took his t-shirt off then he leaned into the tub to turn on the shower controls. The water was running and Tommy was enjoying his stroking his penis, the water was on for a few a while. When out of nowhere he jumped.
“Mom what are you doing?”  Tommy shouted as his mother opened the door caught him standing outside the shower naked and masturbating. He covered himself up with his hands but he was unable to remove his hand from his erect four inch penis. He quickly turned his back to his mom,
Seeing this act but not reacting to it, she said “Tommy the water is on, don’t waste the hot water by dilly-dallying outside the shower. Get in now.
“But you can’t see me naked, I am a Man now Mom”
   I am just here picking up your laundry and don’t worry I have seen you before, however it has been a while”
 “But mom the door is open and Sally is in the house,?”
“Never mind about your sister. You are her brother and doesn’t matter if she sees you naked.”
“But you said I shouldn’t show my thingy to her,”
“I know, I didn’t say thingy, I said, you shouldn’t flaunt your penis”
“What Mom, you said I should be covered up when I was ten?”
“No I said you shouldn’t flaunt your penis in front of her, you were teasing her at the time, but nothing is wrong if she sees you because you’re her brother”
“So she can go bare in front of me too?”
“I don’t think so Mister, girls don’t go naked in front of boys. However she can see you anytime.”
“Mom that’s not fair”
“Life’s not fair”
“But Mom why the change now?”
“No change honey, I am just getting back to the way things were around here.”
“Mom I don’t want you in here seeing me”
“Oh it’s okay my little boy, I can look at you anytime I want, I miss seeing your little friend. Here turn around”  She spun him so he faced her, she reached down and took hold of his tip. She twisted the tip slightly while she looked at him, she pulled the skin on the shaft, she wiggled her finger to move to see the skin some sweat crud in behind the tip. This caused him to go fully erect. She stroked the area with the finger.
He was totally shocked that his mom has her hand on his penis.
“Ok my little man, Come on get in the shower, Make sure you clean your penis and backside You have be slacking lately.”
“How Mom?”
“I do laundry in this house you know, so I see your streaks, Tommy”
“Take your shower now I have to gather up some laundry” she let go of his penis and nudged him to the running water.
He moved to the water stream and started his shower after making sure the curtain was closed,
He rubbed himself on his penis as he washed up using the washcloth. Enjoying the feeling of being stiff
15 minutes later he shut the water off, it was turning cold, he opened the curtain to reach for a towel to dry off, That’s when he saw his 9 year old sister brushing her teeth at the bathroom sink, she was fully dressed in clean outfit, White shorts and light blue polo and she turned towards him as she was brushing taking in the sight of the dripping wet brother, He pulled the curtain back to block the view of his sister from seeing his groin.
“Sally what are you doing in here? I am Naked”
What does it look like bro, I am brushing my teeth.
“But I am using the bathroom, I closed the door before I started my shower”
“The door was wide open and Mom said to brush my teeth now so here I am.”
“You shouldn’t see me naked,”
“I don’t know why not, your penis is nothing different than Derek’s penis”
“How do you know about Derek’s penis? And who is he”
A friend from school, I play over at his house on Fridays afternoons and the last couple of Fridays nights I have been having dinner over there too while Mom was taking you to the game store after you got caught stealing,
“She told you about that? She told me she wouldn’t tell you or Dad”
“No I heard her talking to Derek’s mom after she paid for the game you stole and picked me up.”
“I didn’t steal it.”
“Sure you un-wrapped it in the store and it was down your pants for no reason. You’re supposed to be older Tommy but I guess you’re not smarter?”
“shut up Sally, So tell me how do you know about his penis?”
‘Well after dinner his mother makes him shower, every night and apparently since I been over there a lot, they felt I was like family, so he gets into his pajamas after his bath, but the only thing is he sleeps naked, so he was totally naked with me over there, while we played Z box games.”
“I still need a towel Sally,”
“I think Mom picked all the towels for the laundry’
“Can you get one from the linen closet.”
“OK” she said as she opened the door to the linen closet in the hallway and found one towel and brought to the entrance of the room, “Oh look tommy, yes I can get a towel” she started waving the folded towel in front of Tommy out of his reach, as he tried not to expose himself from behind the shower curtain.
“Sally Give me the Towel Now!”
“Give me the towel Now, What Tommy?”
It took a second for him to realize that he did not say please “Please” he hates it when his sister does this
Please What
“May I have the towel please Sally?”
“That’s better” She tossed the towel his way, Tommy reached for the towel and grabbed it with two hands to catch, the curtain fell away and his boy parts were on display again, He turned around so his butt was facing out.
“You can leave the room now Sally” as she stood at the sink, now brushing her hair. Facing the mirror so as she was brushing her hair, she was also watching her brother’s bum in the reflection.
“No Tommy, I am brushing my hair. Mom says it okay for me to see you naked, like when I was 6”
Tommy used the towel to dry himself off.  The towel was a hand towel. Only 14 x 24 inches in size. It dried his body off  but he couldn’t  wrap it around himself.
 He let out a call to Mom “Mom I need you.”
About half a minute later Mom came into the bathroom thru the open door,
“What’s up” as she saw the completely dressed Sally and the very naked boy also standing in the tub trying to cover up with a small hand towel
“Sally won’t leave the room. So I can’t get out.”
“Oh Tommy that’s silly, Brothers can be seen their sisters. She is going to be a mom someday so nothing you have is or should be private.”
“But I don’t want her to see me this way.” He was standing facing away but on an angle towards his sister,”
“Relax, it’s okay as I just said” she touched his back near his shoulder. “Here let me have the towel for a second, your back is still wet”
“Mom No”.. he tried to stop her, she got the towel,  so Tommy stood there with one hand on his front and the other on his ass trying to block the view, His mother started to dry him off on his back,
“Here step out of the tub,”
“Mom” he didn’t budge.
She reached out with her one hand and started to spin tommy in place. “Don’t you worry about us seeing you, I changed your diapers long ago and your sister has seen a penis before too.”
   “But Mom!?” 
“Sally hand me that hair brush for a second please”
Tommy stopped, he had heard from his classmates that sometimes moms use a hairbrush for spanking so Tommy shut up.
Tommy mother tossed the towel to the floor and took the hair brush and stood behind her son, Tommy was waiting for it, even if he was never been spanked before, then she just started brushing his wet hair on his head. Tommy hated to have his hair brushed or combed.
“Stand still Tommy,” as she tried brushing his hair the knots were getting caught and he was saying Ouch to each pass of the brush. He used one hand then the other to block the view of his sister’s eyes to his boy parts the other he used to try to stop his mom because of it hurting.
Tommy keep your hands at your sides now, and stop touching yourself we both have already seen it by now, let it show.
“Mom No!” Tommy said loudly and his mom stopped brushing for a second.
Thinking it was over, Breathed a breath, The sound of a SMACK on his left ass cheek and a second SMACK on his right ass cheek. As his Mother wacked him with the backside of the brush.
“OUCH What was that for! “Tommy Screamed bringing both hands to block his ass from the back side of the hair brush.
“I said keep your hands down at your sides while I brush your hair, a good looking boy like you should start keeping yourself groomed better” she said as she finished his hair,
“thanks Sally” as she handed the brush back to her daughter”
Fearing more smacks he stood still as his mother finished brushing his hair, he actually stood there “Tommy let me see your hands and fingers”
He turned to the side and offered his right hand to his mother, His sister got a full profile shot of Tommy as stood there, as his mother inspected his finger nails for dirt and growth, she reached for the clippers and trimmed up some nails on that hand then she checked the other hand and trimmed a few of the others.
She put down the clippers and then she said “Raise your hands over your head for a minute”
He did what she asked, as she surveyed is arm pits for hair and spots on his skin. She then guided her fingers down his side then across is torso and then her two fingers on her right hand gripped his small penis tip as she checked on his cleaning, this action caused him to start stiffening to his full length, only 4 inches.
“Sally Could you Wet a washcloth with warm water please.” While still holding Tommy’s penis in her hand as she waited.
“Yes Mother” Sally happily helped out, she handed the warm wet washcloth to her mother,
“Ok Tommy, when you are washing yourself you must pull the skin back from the tip and make sure you clean all the sweat and oil off from behind the tip. Tommy you can get it hard just like it is now to make it easier to clean.”  She wiped the shaft all around she then took the cloth and washed down his jewel bag, taking notice that he still was hairless. Her left hand never let go of her son’s penis
“Spread your legs a bit Please” he did, she washed his bum, came up with spots.
“Tommy you have to keep your bum and anus very clean, so you won’t stink and ruin your clothes, from now on I will help you clean up after your bathroom visits, Call me when use the toilet to sit,”
“Mom, Every time?”
“Yes Tommy, Every time at least till you show you can handle the task.”
“But Mom I’m almost a man now, I can wash myself you don’t have to bother to,”
“ yeah right giving her son’s penis a squeeze, I think you still have some growing to do Tommy, Sure, I don’t mind Tommy, I love getting close to my little boy again, Also if I’m not around call Sally to help.”
“Sally no way. I am not letting my sister see me or wash me while naked,”
“Smack!” Tommy’s mother wacked his ass cheek again.” I told you she can see you whenever you need to be seen.”
“But Mom?!
“Don’t but Mom me Tommy, I want your sister to be able to babysit boys soon, so she needs practice,”
“Mom, Does that mean I can touch his penis now or just when I am washing him?” Sally asked
“Of course Sally you can touch him anytime you want, At least at home anyway,”
Sally didn’t wait for a reason, she reached out and wrapped her hand around it “Mom it seems soft to me. Why do they call it a hard on?”
“Because it gets stiff when it’s time to do what it was designed for, you know that Sally from health class”
“Does that mean Tommy going be a daddy now?”
“No Sally, boys penises get stiff for many reasons, Many hundreds of years ago mankind only lived to be forty years old or so, in order for mankind to survive, boys when they hit puberty start to produce the needed sperm to continue the species. Tommy should be getting to that age soon.”
“So he can be a daddy if he squirts sperm”
“Yes if he squirts, however mankind now doesn’t need boys to be a daddy so early now, And I don’t want to be a grandmother this early mister so don’t be poking any girls with that thing,”
“Mom I’ll stay dressed will that help?”
“No Tommy, I think you still need to learn something while you’re young”
“Now get to your room and put on the clothes I put out on the bed for you to wear tonight for dinner, it’s getting late”
“Mom I am naked here, are you going to let me walk to my room naked?”
‘Tommy, your sister has been holding your penis for two minutes now, and I have seen you since your birth, and Dad has his own penis, so there are no secrets here now with you, so go ahead and walk naked it’s okay again now,
“Mom you’re kidding?”
“Tommy, Its okay, Sally give him a tug on his penis to get him moving. It’s like a handle and make sure he hurries up.”
Sally giggled and gave Tommy a tug “Come on Tommy let’s get you dressed”
“Ouch Don’t pull so hard” Tommy said as he started moving to his bedroom, walking behind his sister as she tugged him along they got to his bed, Tommy stood by the bed looking at the clothes laid out for him. Sally let go of his penis and picked up the shirt handed it to her brother he put it on. It was a light blue polo shirt, Just like Sally’s. however It fit him strangely, while it fit his non muscled chest fine, but the shirt only went past his belly button, Sally handed him the next item of clothing, a pair of white mesh gym shorts. They also looked like Sally’s shorts but his had a mesh look.
“Any underwear there for me Sally?”
“Nope” Sally said, Tommy could believe that so he looked to the other side of the bed incase she was hiding them, Still bottomless he walked to the dresser to find a pair to put on. He opened the drawer he found it totally empty of underwear and socks, he checked the other drawers as well and they were empty as well,
“Mom, Could you come here please?”
“Be there in a minute Tommy,”
“Why aren’t you dressed yet?’ she looked at her son standing there with a non-erect penis not really hiding it now, holding his shorts
“I don’t have any underwear to put on and why is my dresser drawer’s empty?”
I was doing laundry today and decided to wash everything in your dresser, just put the shorts on, its summer it will be cooler for you. I found them on sale today.
Tommy stepped into the shorts, they were true gym shorts, the fabric was very airy and the legs holes were wide and the length on the legs only came down an inch from his crotch. He could feel the air on his ball sack
“Mom I need underwear with these. Their too short and look, I can see my packager thru them.”
“They look fine to me dear, but if you don’t want to wear them you can wear your other gym shorts from school”
“I can’t wear them mom.. Somebody stole them yesterday”
“Why would anyone want your shorts? Oh well these kids nowadays”
“I don’t know why they did, but I don’t have them”
“Well they look fine on you and nobody will notice anyway. it will be bright out and the white fabric will block the view, You and your sister look cool dressed in the same outfit,
“And Mom the leg holes are too wide, I feel like I am falling out of them. Why does Sally’s have tighter shorts”
“first off she is a girl and she needs to have modesty, but you .Let me see”, she had him stand in front of her, she looked took her finger to check the length of the leg band and she felt and touched the tip of his penis and balls, just above the hem line of the leg. “Oh they are fine; you worry too much about your legs,”
“Mom the shirt is too short as well”
She reached up and rubbed the skin showing above his waistband of his shorts. “Oh Tommy you look fine. Sally’s shows her belly too, however You can take your shirt off after dinner if you think it is too short, boys can go shirtless with no problem you know”
“Yeah yeah”
“Ok Guys lets head out to dinner”
Tommy followed his mother and sister outside to the family’s minivan, Sally took the seat behind the front passenger and Tommy took the seat behind his mother. The afternoon sun warmed seat of the car that was touching his bare thighs caused Tommy to gasp, The shorts were short on his legs and the inseam was narrow, this caused the wide leg hole to gap open, Sally was watching her brother like a hawk, she could see her brother’s penis tip as they traveled a short distance to the business area of town. Tommy mother turned on the radio to the normal station that she listens to when driving, Tommy usually changes the station when he sits up front. But due to the unfolding events of his afternoon he sat quietly for a change.
“Where are we going tonight Mom?” Sally asked   
“I talked to your friend Derek’s Mother today and we decided skip tea today and just go out for dinner today as a combined family group so we’re going to Tony’s Buffet Palace.”
“Who is Derek?” Tommy asked
“Just a Boy from school,” Sally replied
“Great I hope I don’t see anyone I know. I look like a dork matching my sister”
“Oh Tommy you look fine, I just want you guys to be dressed alike so I won’t lose you in the mall.”
“Tommy we almost look like twins”
“but your only 9 and I am 13”
Tommy Give it a rest will you. We are almost there
With that they pulled into the Valley Mall parking lot, and parked outside of  Diamond Thursday’s. They locked the car doors and started walking to the restaurant door.
Tommy was pulling at the hem of his shorts making sure they didn’t ride up. He could feel the breeze on his package,
“Oh Look Derek’s folks car is here they must be already inside”                                                                                                                                                                  
“Tommy Relax hands at your sides. Don’t be so fidgety”
Tommy is looking around the entrance to the Mall, he sees two classmates from school hanging at a bench across the mall they look his way and then one raises his hand to point towards Tommy and with a laughing smile nudges his buddy and both then start to laugh, Tommy’s family got to the restaurant entrance. Tommy thank full that he is out of the mall area and into a smaller place. It was slightly busy the hostess came over to them as they stood just inside the door,

Welcome to Diamond Thursdays My name is Melissa,, How Many will be dining tonight?
Hello we are the Jones party of 3 however we are meeting the Bensons tonight.
Oh yes. They just arrived a few minutes ago, Follow me.
Due to the noise of the place and Tommy’s shorts condition and the worry about his classmates, He didn’t hear his mother words.
They walked to the back of the restaurant then turned the corner to a large booth with a long curved bench.
“Kelly you made it” Said the woman sitting at the table as she Got up and Hugged Tommy’s Mother.
“Yes Susan great to see you again I can’t believe how long this week dragged by.”
This is my son Tommy, Tommy this is Mrs. Benson and over here this is Derek her son, stand up Derek and shake Tommy’s hand”
Derek slid out from the seat and revealing his attire he was dressed in a light blue polo shirt that came down to his belly button, and he was wearing the same style mesh shorts that Tommy was wearing, Derek’s shorts were a small size but still the same cut and hem style very short showing his youth-full legs. Tommy could tell Derek was not wearing under wear either, the way the restaurant was illuminated the boys package was clearly visible. This caused Tommy’s penis to start getting stiff. Any thought about anything sexual caused him to get an erection,
The two boys shook hands “Hi, how are you.” Both said looked down at their feet, however Derek looked at Tommy’s shorts, and noticed that Tommy had an erection and the tip was showing about three quarters of an inch down past the hem.
Tommy’s mother asked “Where is your daughter?”
“She just went to the restroom, a minute ago,”
Just then a female voice behind Tommy sounded, “Hi Mrs. Jones, Hi Sally”
“There she is Tommy, I think you know her from school, This is my daughter Nicole.”
Derek let out a gasp at the same time as Tommy said “Oh it’s You” but Derek had gasped due to the extreme retreat of Tommy’s penis. I rolled up like a tape measure back into the case….
“Hi Tommy,” Nicole said as stood at the side of Tommy facing him.
Tommy said nothing till his mother cleared her throat
“Hi Nicole” Tommy mumbled getting the hint,
“That’s better, now let’s sit down and get dinner ordered I am starving, I took the liberty to order appetizers.  Tommy you slide in on the left side and Nicole you slide into the right followed by Derek and Sally, Kelly you take the left side and I’ll take the right,”
Just then a young woman came up to the table “Hi Folks I see the rest of your party Susan is here, My name is Sara and I will be your server tonight. Can I get you all something to drink?”
“Sure I have a glass of  the house wine while Sally here will have glass of lemonade and Tommy will have a cola?”
“Make Mine a large one?” Tommy demanded
Sara looked to Tommy’s mother for conformation. Kelly nodded approval.
“Ok I’ll be back with your drinks and to take your dinner order”
So after a bit, Sara brought the drinks and took the order for their meals
 The Families sat around the table the girls talked about songs on the radio and the mom’s talked about the kids and the husbands. Derek was trying to act as big as Tommy and but he was asking about Tommy’s favorite TV shows and such, Tommy was talking too but he was reserved in the way he responding, the fact he was sitting next to Nicole a very young woman with the way she was dressed, a white polo shirt, that was fitted to show off her growing curves. It  looked like she was wearing a pink color bra under it showed thru the fabric it also went down to her belly button then the soft skin of her flat belly led to a pair of shorts that matched Sally’s.
 Tommy was also distracted by the scent of Nicole’s shampoo or perfume, Nicole’s and Tommy’s bare legs touched a few times as Tommy let his guard down and opened his knees apart a little so he could keep his leg next to Nicole’s bare leg cause it was warm. Nicole thought it was cute that Tommy was trying to get close to her.
 Sara returned with the meals, as she placed the meals down in front of each of them correctly. “Susan if I may, I have to say I love the kids matching outfits they great for summer tanning of the legs on the young boys, I hate those long leg style shorts they come out with they hide too much”
“Thank you Sara that was the look I was going for.” Susan
All this casual stimulation the Waitress’s attention and sweet smell caused Tommy’s penis to harden up to its full length, sitting there the hem of the shorts were not long enough to cover the growth, thank god he had his paper napkin on his lap but he could feel the air under the napkin, so Tommy was trying keep the napkin centered to cover it. Tommy’s Mother saw his hands move to do this, so she spoke up and said “Yes Susan I want to thank you for suggesting getting matching outfits for the kids to wear this summer the polo shirts look very sharp.”
“But Mom they are too short,”
“It just your imagination they look fine”
“Well Kelly we realized a few summers ago that when the kids go on trips around town, they seem to be hotter with cutoffs and long tee shirts. These shirts being cut at the navel help the heat escape when they need a shirt to wear.”
“I love the shorts too Susan They should also keep everyone very cool in the steamy humid weather this season,”
“Oh yes Kelly, the Shorts being a light fabric and short help tan up and show off their beautiful shaped legs”
“Yeah I have almost forgotten how nice Tommy’s legs look he has been wearing jeans all the time now, what do you think Nicole you think Tommy has nice legs?”
Nicole looked down and only saw the paper napkin on top of his legs, she moved her hand quickly to the napkin and moved it out of the way, so she could see his thighs. She looked right at Tommy’s lap and saw his fully erect penis poking out the open leg hole of his shorts.
“Mrs. Jones yes I do like his legs, but he should tan up nice, don’t you think?”
Tommy’s Mother looked over to Tommy’s lap and saw the erect penis head poking out from under the hem, she reached over to his lap and placed her hand around the exposed shaft, she squeezed it firmly in her hand to make him go down, she let go of it , “Yes I think so but I think I should apply sunblock in the morning so he doesn’t burn during the day, since somethings haven’t seen the sun in years.”
 “Yes Mrs. Jones, My mother tells me to help with the sunblock for Derek when we hang out in the yard all day. The sun Sees all of him usually in the summer”
 “Mom what are you doing?” Tommy said jumping in his seat.
“Nothing really Tommy just helping you relax, you seem a little tense this evening is something on your mind”
“No Mom,”
“Mrs. Jones, I noticed several times this year in school Tommy would tense up in the classroom”
“Oh Nicole don’t embarrass the boy, they can’t help it at times” Nicole’s mother said
“Does Tommy have a stiffy again?” Sally said
“Shush keep your voice down” her mother said
“Mom why are you showing me off” Tommy again asked
“Because I feel that we as a family have made a mistake about our developing relationship of parent and child, however I have been talking with Susan about things and she has suggested some methods to tryout.”
“What methods Mom?” Tommy Breathing heavy asked as his penis was still fully erect
“Tommy, I have raised you from a baby and I have seen all your firsts, just because you’re a boy teenager doesn’t mean you can shut me out of your life and do things on your own, I fear that you have started making poor choices that may effect how you may turn out later in life and I need to correct this”
“No My son is having an erection in public and I am trying to tell him that I have control and he should get over it and that it is normal for a boy to have one sometimes it needs to be helped to let it pass.”
“Mrs. Jones My brother gets those too all the time it’s fun to watch him grow and shrink”
“Yeah mom Derek’s penis last week changed shape many times in front of me. I felt so hard and soft at the same time. I hope you don’t mind mom, Mrs. Benson said I could touch him too,”
“Yes Sally, It’s Okay. Boys have no reason to be shy at home,”
“Mrs. Jones do you know if Tommy shoots yet?” Nicole asked
“I haven’t seen any evidence yet but he has been spending a lot of time in his room. Have you seen a boy ejaculate Nicole?”
“Only on the web, it looks so amazing”
“Nicole why don’t you try to make it squirt however he may be dry.”
“Really Mrs. Jones? Here?”Nicole asked
“Sure, we are in the back, everyone is busy eating and such”
“Okay” So Nicole reached over and wrapped her hand around the shaft and she started stroking Tommy’s erection.
“It’s only slightly bigger than Derek’s little dickie but firmer”
Just then Tommy started to breathe fast then he sat upright in the bench and then groaned softly and he pulsated in Nicole’s hand as he had the intense feeling of bliss. He passed out
“Oh Tommy, you’re still Dry” Nicole said
 “My my Tommy, I guess you’re still my little boy after all,”
Sara came back to the table with a stack of napkins, “I brought extra napkins in case you need them.” She had seen the arms and hands of both Tommy’s mother and Nicole near the boys lap. She saw his movement and she knew what happened, not shocked by this action since was his mother sitting next to him.
Kelly started to get nervous about being caught up in this action that just happened.” I was…”
Sensing trouble since Sara didn’t know Kelly “Sara how are your parents and family doing?” Susan asked
“My parents are fine, however my brothers are handful and act up in the strangest places,”
“You should have your mother call me we can discus parenting boys and keeping them out of trouble”
“Oh that would be great, all they do is mess up anything they touch. That’s why I brought extra napkins when I saw your boy”
“Apparently we won’t be needing the extra napkins”
“Well, I am glad your little boy didn’t make a mess at my table, since he already had his dessert will the rest of you want to see the dessert menu?”
“No thank you Sara we are going to have dessert at home tonight” Susan said.
“Mom what happened?” Tommy said as he came back from bliss-ville
“Well Tommy you seem to have problem of control. You better finish your drink since you ordered a large,”
Sally asked “What happened to Tommy?
“Honey I’ll explain later,” Kelly replied
“Are we having dessert mom? Derek asked his mother
“Yes Derek, we are all going back to our house now, We are going to celebrate the start of summer, with cake at home”
With that the moms paid the bill and the family left the restaurant Tommy was thankful that he shrunk after that incredible feeling. Sally and Derek went to with his mother while Nicole rode with Tommy and his mother, Tommy and Nicole sat in the back with him they headed back to the Benson house, as they went by the Lakeside park,
Ding, Ding, Mrs. Jones’s cell phone rang,
“That’s a great idea sure “
With that they slowed then turned into the park,  the sun was still above the horizon,
“Why are we stopping here for a walk around the lake for a bit.”
They parked the cars, no one else seemed to be around, the group got out and the two families started to walk around the path to water, Tommy tagged along behind the two moms and Nicole while Sally and Derek walked together in front of the group.
About 10 minutes later Tommy as they were a good distance from the car on the evening walk.
“Mom, I need to go home.”
“What for?”
“I need go the bathroom and it looked like the bathrooms here were locked up”
“Need to pee or poop?”
“Just pee, I guess that soda was large”
Tommy try to hold it
Susan said “you don’t have to go all the way at home for him to pee, just go right here next to that” she pointed to a trash can to the side of the path there was no other bushes or hidden places to go.
“I can’t go here everyone can see me,”
“Oh Tommy boys can pee anywhere don’t be shy, Nicole has seen her brother go pee for years, and we’re moms we have seen everything you have and can do.”
“Oh Tommy just pee, Hey Derek come over here” Nicole said
“What sis?” Derek said as he and Sally walked back to the group
“I need you to show Tommy how to pee outside.”
“Oh Okay” with that he shucked down his shorts to his knees took hold of his penis and started peeing right away at the girls stepped away from the stream, but giggled as they did.
He continued but his stream slowed as he wiggled and a his stream hit his shorts getting them wet,
“Derek be careful” Mrs. Benson said
“Oops” he said as his stream finally stopped
“Here Derek take them off they are soaked.” His mother told him
He did and was running around with just his shirt on and his sandals . Not caring about his nakedness
“Okay Tommy it’s your turn” His mother said
“Mom here?”
“Yes right here, Just like Derek, you said you had to go now come on.”
Tommy placed his hand in front of himself trying to decide if he really wanted to pee. Nicole stepped behind Tommy as she got behind him she pulled at the waist band of the shorts and she pulled them down to his knees, he covered himself “Tommy don’t be shy go ahead and pee.”
She Took hold of his penis and told him again to go pee, he was shocked but he liked her hands holding him, the need to pee took over and his stream started she was making the stream do circles. “Thata boy” Nicole praised Tommy for releasing his pee. He finished she shook him to get the last drops out.
“Mrs. Jones do you want Tommy to run without his shorts like Derek?” Nicole asked
“No I think we should wait a little bit, we should head back to the car now “
“Okay Mrs. Jones” Nicole reached down and pulled Tommy’s shorts back up and in place.
The group started to walking to the cars, Derek was near the water’s edge and splashing his shoes in the water, Tommy was hanging back a bit trying to process why his mom said to wait a little bit. Nicole noticed Tommy drifting back so she slowed her pace to have him catch up.
“Tommy, I know we know each other in school and we got off on the wrong foot, but I want you to know that anything I see about you, I will keep between our families and won’t tell anyone from school.”
“Okay, Nicole that would be good, I don’t need Joey to find out about this pee thing”
“Joey Williams, from history class,
“That’s him”
“Yeah right Joey, why don’t you Joey to know?”
“He’ll make fun of me in the locker room and try to pants me again”
“Oh Joey is a bully?”
“Yeah he picked on me many days this year”
“That’s funny, he is very quiet at home this past year”
“How do you know he is quiet at home?”
“Every Tuesday evening this spring, I baby sit him and his two younger brothers and sister”
“You do?! But he is in our grade”
“Yes he is, In fact he was left back in the second grade so he is a year older”
“He is”
Why was he trying to pants you?
“I don’t know, may be…” Tommy didn’t want Nicole to know about his shyness.
“Maybe what Tommy?” sensing a problem that Tommy didn’t want to share.
“Nicole, leave me alone, I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Tommy, is it about being shy in the locker room?”
“What how do you know about that?”
“Joey had mentioned it how a boy in his gym class was shy. He told me that kid would get a failure mark just for not changing.”
“Joey told you”
“Yes Tommy, He also said on several occasions, when we were finishing doing homework for the night that he had tried to pants you, and all the moves you were doing trying to avoid getting pantsed, As he was telling me this he was only wearing is nightshirt his penis was bobbing up and down, brothers were dressed the same as Joey.”
“That must have been embarrassing for him to do that in front of you and his family”
“Oh Tommy, You make a big deal out of nothing, Young boys all have the same parts”
“What he did mind you seeing him?”
“Well, to be honest, he was shocked at first but that was because he didn’t know I was in the house yet to babysit his family”
“See, I knew he didn’t want to show you”
“Well Tommy, When I first got to his house his Dad  just got finished giving him a spanking, he was standing in the corner facing the wall, his hand were on his head, his butt cheeks were red as an autumn leaf”
“Joey Williams gets spanked naked”
‘Tommy Keep that to yourself now, I am sure that Joey wouldn’t like to hear that from you Just like you wouldn’t like him to find out that your smaller than my little brother down there.”
“Would You Tommy?”
“No Nicole I wouldn’t”
“Good, keep it to yourself now, Anyway Joey was more worried about me telling, than him hiding his body.”
“His mother had taken his clothes away for the night he didn’t even have his t-shirt for sleeping that cool winter night. He was going to be naked for a whole week”
“Really, all night and all week?”
“So You don’t have to be shy around me anymore since I just saw you pee tonight, your mother told me you used to go around naked at home too but you stopped?”
“Yeah but that was years ago when Sally was small and mom said to stop”
“That’s too bad, it is healthy for a boy to naked, my brother goes naked all the time at home, he loves it.”
“Maybe he does but not me. ”
“Oh Tommy, you boys always think that your penis is something special to hide”
The group got back to the two cars, the mom’s unlocked both,  Tommy climbed into his moms car and waited for his mother and sister.
Nicole said” Derek why don’t you ride with Tommy to our house and Sally and I ride back in our car”
Ok Derek jumped in, the seat was still warm on his naked bum as he sat in the bench seat in the middle on the hump
“Derek you need to put your pants back on” Tommy said
His mother was still holding Derek’s pee damped shorts, “Oh he is fine, never mind the shorts, we will be at our house in a jiffy”
“Just buckle up Derek, just incase,
Derek tried to do the seatbelt on his lap, he was used to a different style clasp, so he asked Tommy for help
“Tommy can you help me the buckle is not working”
“You can do it your self Derek” the buckle was right above the young boys semi stiff penis and parts Tommy didn’t want to help the nude boy.
Tommy mother said” Tommy can you help him please we need to get moving.”
“But Mom he his naked?”
“Tommy what difference does that make? He is just another boy, just do his seatbelt so we can catch up”
“Do it Tommy make sure it is snug too!”
Tommy reached over to the boy sitting next to him and picked up the two ends of the lap belt and clicked them together and placed it on his lap and tightened the belt. The Buckle was on top Derek’s penis and the shaft was sticking up to the boy’s belly”
“OUCH yelled Derek”
“It hurts!, It hurts!,
What hurts?
“The Buckle!”
Tommy’s mother stopped the car and turned around in her seat,” whats going on?

“Fix it Derek Cried”
“Fix what?”
“My Penis…. it hurts.” Derek pointed
“Tommy for god sakes help him out”
“Do it?”
Tommy reached over and pulled the buckle up and noticed a piece of skin from the boys penis had gotten pinched in the buckle as Tommy tightened the belt.
Tommy waited a second” OH my god tommy help him” his mother saw the stretched skin from the shaft.
Tommy Looked and then reached out to pull the boys penis out of the way, it felt weird to hold T another boys penis in his hand. Tommy quickly removed his hand.
“It is ok now, Derek?” Tommy mother asked
“Yes Ma’am Thanks Tommy”
“Tommy hold his penis up and check the skin to see if he is ok?”
“Just Do it, it doesn’t mean anything he is only a boy. Like you”
Tommy took it in his hand again and moved it around to stretch it out and check for marks.
A little red spot was on the shaft, as his mother could see.
“Rub it for him Tommy.”
“Just rub it, Just like the way you do your penis”
“Mom, Quiet, Derek doesn’t need to hear about it…”
“Tommy he is a boy, he is going to learn anyway”
“But it’s gay, Mom”
“Tommy, Don’t say a thing like that, Dad touched you when little and needed cleaning. He is not Gay”
“Just pretend it is yours”
“Okay…” Tommy stroked Derek’s penis like it was his own, Not happy about it.
Tommy lost track of the time while stroking Derek, soon they arrived at Derek’s family house. Tommy’s mother looked in the back, Tommy’s hand was still on Derek’s penis rubbing lightly.
“Ok boys let’s get some cake, help Derek unbuckle would you. Please”
“Okay Mom,”
“Thanks Tommy It feels much better Now”
As the group got out of the car, the Neighbors next door were on the porch that overlooked the Benson’s Driveway, They were sitting in the evening air.
“Hello, Nice evening tonight Folks” the older couple said.
“Yes it is, How are you folks doing?” Kelly replied as Susan also came out to Kelly’s car.
“Hi Mary & Stan” Susan said
We are well, Jenifer is bringing the grandkids over for a weeklong visit.
“That’s Great news, Those boys need the gift of Grand parents spoiling them the old fashioned way,”
“Mary said Oh I almost forgot, I got something for Nicole”
“Nicole?” Susan called out to her daughter however she had ran inside with Sally
“Derek, go over to the Millers and save Mrs. Miller the trip.”
“Ok.” Said The half-naked boy with the short tee-shirt and shoes and stiff penis,
He went over to the Millers porch and went inside totally unconcerned about his state of dress. As he Followed Mrs. Miller inside. In short 20 seconds they both came out, Derek was holding a small wrapped box, Mrs. Miller was right behind him as Derek stopped to see what Mr. Miller was doing on the porch. Mrs. Miller held on Derek shoulders as he stood there and watched.  Mr. Miller was polishing an old Brass candle holder it had some topless female figures on it, under holding the part for the candle.
Derek’s penis was fully outstanding while he watched the polishing activity, the older couple never said a thing about his dress, Tommy however stood in the driveway in shock that Derek was bottomless outside and in front of the Neighbors.
‘Tommy come over here and see this”  Derek called out
Mrs. Benson said “Go ahead Tommy you can go look”
“It’s ok with me” Tommy’s mother said
Tommy went over to the house next door and saw what Derek was looking at, the detail of the breasts caused Tommy’s penis to harden, as any teenaged boy would respond to any sexual thought. As it grew it started to show from under the short hem. He went to hide it with both hands to cover it.
“Something wrong Son?” Mr. Miller asked Tommy.
“Your Hands, Why are you touching yourself?”
“hum… No reason” Tommy said nervously
“It’s no Reason Sir. Son, Talk to me with respect.”
“Sorry… Sir”
“Son, Move your hands to your sides, you look silly and rude holding yourself,”
“Sorry Sir”, Tommy said again he only let go of his front his hand were a few inches away from the front blocking any view.
“Son, Are you Deaf and stupid Son? I said Move your hands”
“Stan take it easy on him he is just shy” Mary said
“Boys, don’t need to be shy, when I was a boy I grew up just like Derek here,”
“Well some boys nowadays don’t have that experience anymore.” Mary said
“Well, I was in a fox hole over in Nam with my fellow mates, we had no privacy among us and it didn’t matter then either if someone saw something. We all grew up being seen, so we weren’t shy , The only ones that were shy then, were the faggy ones”
“Oh Stan Calm down, Tommy just a little boy, he is not faggy,” Mary told her husband.
“Derek and your Friend Tommy better go over back to your house, so Stanley here can calm down. Tommy, My husband is just a cuke, but he is right, Boys need not be modest, just like Derek here.”
“But Mrs. Miller I don’t like these shorts their too short.” Tommy said as talking to Mrs. Miller was easier than Mr. Miller
“Let me see turn around”
Tommy turned and faced her.
“Hands away Tommy” Mrs. Miller said as she moved his hands to his sides, she looked down and she took her fingers and checked the hem in front, her fingers touched his penis tip. She grabbed it and gave it a little pull. So his penis came back in view from under the shorts she held it for short bit.
“Tommy the shorts are fine, My 4 boys when they were younger wore shorts just like this, when they had too, many summers once school was out they hardly wore anything all summer.”
“Nothing all summer?”
“Nothing just their birthday suits,”
“What about Girls seeing them?”
“Their two sisters and their best friends saw them naked all the time.”
“Oh my god that must have been embarrassing?” Tommy said
“Tommy they loved it, they always had dates in high school as they got older”
“Boys Cake time” Susan called out from the house.
“Tommy we have to go now.” Derek said
“Have a nice night Mr. & Mrs. Miller”
“Good Night Derek, Hope to see more of you Tommy.” Mrs. Miller said as the two boys headed to Derek’s house
As they got inside Derek took off his short shirt and slid out of his shoes and walked Total naked over to the dining room table for cake.
Sally was sitting at the table and “Derek come sit next to me”
The two younger ones started talking about stuff, while waiting for the others. Mrs. Benson was getting the table ready for cake.
Tommy went to his mother and softly said “Mrs. Miller felt my penis under my shorts.”
“Oh Tommy, Mary Miller was my best friend Jenifer’s mother. She loves little boys.”
“But she touched me Mom?”
“And Derek was standing right next to you the whole time, with his penis and package out too, relax your overreacting”
Mrs. Benson was holding plates as she walked from the kitchen, “It is celebration cake time”
“Celebration for what?” Tommy asked
“For Nicole’s Great School Accomplishment this year”
“What did she get?  The Perfect attendance award this year?”
“Tommy be nice!” Tommy’s mother said
“Tommy, I am very proud of my daughter, after last year’s struggle at school, Nicole buckled down and got All A’s in every class.”
“No way?” Tommy didn’t believe that.
“Yes Tommy, She did get straight A’s in every Class all year long” Mrs. Benson said as she reached over to the dining room hutch, “Here is the Report card as Proof of her Accomplishment.”
“Yes Tommy, That’s the same Report card you saw me pick from Miss Swartz’s before you got yours Today.”
Tommy’s Mother was lit up. “Tommy, You Said, You didn’t get anything from the teacher today?” her arms were folded in front of her.
“Well, I….” Tommy was totally stuck,
“You Lied to me mister,”
“Mom I didn’t lie she didn’t give me one”
“Yes Mom, She just talked to me” Tommy was trying to backpedal digging him in deeper.
“Miss Swartz and I met this morning at school and this afternoon after you left her classroom, she called and Said she handed you a copy of the report card this afternoon, however you said you didn’t get one when you got home.”
“But Mom she didn’t give me one.” Tommy was trying to outwit his mother to get a pass till morning,
“Well, Tommy, it is a good thing that Miss Swartz  handed me a copy this morning then. “ She Reached into her purse and pulled out a triple folded paper. “Oh Look here Tommy, It reads, Tommy Jones Progress Report, D in Math, C in Science, D in English, D in History, and a F in Physical education, with a big note Did not dress for Gym Class”
Tommy was stuck,
“She said you were too shy to change for Gym,”
“She told you?”
“Yes she told me, She also said you didn’t have your gym shorts with you either the last couple of weeks,”
“They were stolen mom”
“Then why were they all stuffed in your locker this morning when I talked to Miss Swartz in person,”
“You checked my locker?”
“Yes Tommy, I saw all the shorts had to buy all year at least 8 pairs stuffed in your locker”
“But Mom…”
“Don’t But Mom Me, Your dad and I have decided that you need corrective measures this summer and they are starting right away”
“What do you mean corrective measures?”
“I have decided that you can’t be left alone this summer while your dad and I go to work, therefore Nicole will be your Babysitter and tutor this summer to help get your mind in shape for school.”
“But Mom She is the same age as me”
“Yes she is the same age, however she is more mature than you therefore, she will be in charge of you and Sally,”
“But Mom, I am not a baby”
“Yes that may be true, you’re not a baby but you have shown poor judgement in some decisions lately and you have started to tell lies and hide stuff from us as well, So if you can’t act your age or be trusted, you will have a babysitter she will be able to correct you by using punishments”
“Yes Tommy, your dad and I have been a little laxed in the enforcement of raising you, Mrs. Benson and Mrs. Miller have offered to advise me on the proper methods of raising a boy.”
“But Mom”
“Don’t But Mom Me, You have gotten yourself into this mess all by your lonesome self. However you are young, so we will be helping you together as a group to overcome this extreme modesty phobia you have developed.”
“Yes the Bensons, Millers, and your family”
“Well, Tommy Mrs. Benson offered the Idea for shorts for when we feel you need to be dressed. Mrs. Miller suggested that for the seeable future, we will decide what you will be wearing at all times,”
What? I will be wearing the shorts all the time?
“No, You will be wearing exactly what Derek is wearing now,”
“What the hell. I will die of embarrassment,”
“No you won’t, Derek is fine wearing his birthday suit, aren’t you Derek”
“Yes Mrs. Jones, can we have cake yet?” Derek asked
“Just one more minute Derek”
“Tommy I want you to remove your shorts and shirt now and spend the rest of the night in your birthday suit like Derek”
“Yes Now
“But Sally and Nicole are here?”
 “ Derek is a boy just like you and we all saw you at the restaurant and at the park tonight so don’t be shy.”
“Nicole you better help him”
“Yes Mrs. Jones” as she stepped over to Tommy and started to pull Tommy’s shirt up.
“Tommy arms up Please” Nicole asked Tommy to do it.
“No…” Whined he look towards his mother she had nodded her head for him to comply,
He Raised his arms up. The shirt rose up and off,
Tommy crossed his arms in front of his pale chest to hide himself
“Hands down Tommy, It’s normal for boys to go shirtless” Nicole said
‘I know but i don’t want to” Tommy softly said as he moved his hands down
“You have a nice chest Tommy” she said as she stroked his chest, starting under his chin then down past his rib cage and back up across the right nipple. This caused him to breathe deep and his penis to harden
“Tommy time for the shorts to go, Are you going to take them off or do you need my help?”
“Do I really have to do this mom?” Tommy said as he turned to face his mother.
“Yes Tommy, I believe this is the only way to help you,” Tommy’s mother said
As she finished speaking, Nicole came up behind Tommy and yanked down his shorts to his feet in one tug,
“NO!!!” Tommy screamed and his hand went to cover his erect penis
“There it’s done, step out of the shorts” Tommy didn’t move so Nicole gave a little shove and he had to take a step to keep from falling down so he stepped out. Still wearing his socks & sneakers.
“Hands to your side Tommy let it show” His mother said.
“Turn around and face me Tommy” Nicole asked
Tommy did turn to face Nicole but his hands were still hiding his front, she knelt down in front of the naked boy she took hold of both of his hands and moved them to his side and she started to untie his sneakers and lifted each foot up and out of the each shoe, she also did the socks the same way, all the while as she was kneeling, Her wavy long hair was touching his thighs, as she removed his shoes. When he was totally un dressed and his socks were stowed in his sneakers, she looked at him as she stood back up.
“Tommy I can’t wait to see you tan up like my brother this summer, Hey Derek come over here for a moment”
“What sis?” Derek said as he walked on over,
“Stand next to Tommy please”
“Okay” The naked Derek walked over to the equally naked Tommy Nicole grabbed her phone and opened the camera app.
“What are you doing Nicole?” Nicole’s mother asked
“I want to take a before photo so I can compare how Tommy’s pale skin will tan up later this summer,”
“Oh That’s a great idea” not really concerned about having nude under age photos on her daughter’s phone they had many photos of Derek being nude.
“Nicole I don’t want my picture taken this way.” Tommy pleaded
“Relax Tommy by the end of the summer you won’t even care”
“Okay you two, put your arms around each other like you’re brothers and don’t cover up”
The boys posed “Click” now turn around and do the same, the boys did, their curved butt cheeks facing the camera “Click”
“Can we have Cake now?” Derek asked
“Yes Derek, let’s eat cake”
The Moms and Derek headed to the table, Nicole started moving too but she noticed Tommy was standing still, she returned to Tommy and said “Let’s have cake” his hands were down at his side his small erection was just standing out straight, Nicole wrapped her hand around the shaft and started to pull Tommy by his penis “I said come on.. Move it”
“Nicole you can’t touch me there,”
“Yes I can, your mother has put me in charge of you this summer, this is part of my job. If you have any brains in that D grade head of yours, I suggest you start relaxing and start moving. You seem to enjoy me touching you at the restaurant” Nicole spoke softly so that only Tommy heard that
“Yeah that was nice,”
“Well if you listen and act properly I will reward you with a cum, if you do not behave I will spank your ass cheeks, and deny you of a cum for two days.”
Tommy was speechless…

(End of File)