* * * *
This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of
sexual activity
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* * * * * Eviction Notice - Part 4 The First Morning: By Sexpig4u Remember People It’s a fantasy. Sara was sleeping in her brother’s house.
While occupying her niece’s bed, the soft sound of chirping birds outside the
open bedroom window could be heard. The fresh morning air was drifting through
the window screen. She was totally relaxed and for the moment, as she was in
the zone of dreamland, she dreamt of flowering fields of colorful plants and
trees. In this dreamland she was younger and had on a very loose nightgown that
kept falling off her shoulders, then soon this other woman appeared who looked
very familiar to her but she couldn’t place her face. This woman came up to her,
coxed her to raise her arms down while standing, and then she undid the snaps
in the back of the soft material and slowly but swiftly pulled the garment off
her body she was so relaxed that it took a long moment for Sara to realize she
was totally naked in her dream. The
cooler morning air had passed over her uncovered breasts and vulva, her nipples
stiffened also her moistened inner labia lips started to felt slight chill of
the morning breeze. This feeling was very comfortable to her, like seeing an
old friend from long ago.This feeling
was getting stronger as she realized that the face of the woman that took her
nightgown off her body was her brother’s wife Mary. As
the cool morning air blew once more, over her stiffened nipples and lower lips.
The Sara of reality of the here and now, started to take over her mind and the
dreamland scene started to fade into the distance as the intense chill had
taken it toll on her nipples and brought her back to her brother’s house. Sara
then realized she was flat on her back, legs spread fully open and her body
completely naked without a single thing to cover her self with. She laid there trying to get back to dream world.
When she heard the sound of a snoring person as it came from the other part of
the house through the open door frame, she quickly snapped her legs together,
and used her arm and hands to cover her breasts. She remembered last evening, the moving out,
the drive over, giving the kids a bath, the kids full skin showing, then her
full skin showing, then the shaving, it all came back to her, as her fingers of
her hands touched the smooth skin and hairless mound of her own woman hood,
this was a reminder that, it did, all happen and was not a dream. Was this wrong? But why did it feel so
right? She thought to herself. Oh my god my kids how are they doing? Will they
hate her for being a failed mother or will they just runaway from their uncles’
house? How can I survive on my own with my two kids without a job to support?
So many questions to answer ran thru her head. She
was getting so perplexed by her troubles, however the need to pee took over,
and the need to pee was very urgent she rose from the bed she went to look for
something to put on, Nothing was there, Nothing within reach, She checked the
drawers and closet for a few Items of clothing she had knowingly unpacked from
the move, but none were found, as she remembered about sister in law’s house
rules, clothing was not needed here. But what happened to them, So
the need to pee was very dire now, Sara looked at the clock on the nightstand,
Five thirty-seven, “oh good its still early, nobody else should be up yet.” she
decided to make a naked run for the bathroom. She walked quickly to the
bathroom, entered the room sat down and released her stream into the toilet
bowl this action was also followed by two splashes of water, as her body
expelled some links of poo. She quickly flushed the toilet to rid the room of
the smell. Sara felt very uneasy sitting there totally
naked, in the wide open bathroom with no door for privacy, doing her business
however she felt like she had to sit a few more minutes longer to ensure she
was empty. While she sitting there, her little nephew
Leroy walked into the bathroom awoken by the sound of the flush, still totally
naked and naturally, as all males are in the morning young or old, was stiff in
the penis. With
sleep still in his eyes, he asked, in a normal voice, as like she was dressed,
“Auntie Sara are you almost done?” Not
being use to this type of encounter, this shocked Sara, she used her reflexes
to cover up her breasts and close her legs together as she sat fully naked on
the toilet in front of her nephew. She then realized that her little nephew had
no evil thoughts in his head, as he normally saw his own mother naked quite
often, even just last night. To him she was just Auntie Sara, naked or dressed. Not
wanting to cause a scene she replied softly “Not yet Honey, if you can turn
around and wait I can finish then you can go.” Leroy said “I can’t wait that long, I’ll
use the tub” with that he stepped to the tub edge and aimed his little penis
toward the tub drain and started to pee. This act was so natural, Sara sat
watching the totally tanned buttocks of the little boy, while watching the side
view of his little penis peeing into the tub, she noticed he was not looking
her way so she decided to wipe her self clean with toilet paper, as she
finished Leroy’s stream flowed to a stop. He turned toward her while still holding
his penis and asked “can you wipe me dry please Auntie?” Sara realized she was trapped totally naked
in the bathroom with her nephew. She took a moment to think about it, “Can you dry me please Auntie?” he asked
again not caring at the least, about being exposed. “Sorry Leroy, Yes I will get you some paper”
Sara reached for the roll of paper pulled off a few squares and she folded it,
as all ladies seem to do. She then went to hand the small boy the wad of paper
and said “you do it Leroy; you should be old enough to do it yourself.” She
said in a stern whispered voice. “But Mom or Lisa usually does it for me.
Why don’t you want to do it for me, don’t you love me” he started to tear up,
feeling totally rejected. “Leroy come on now don’t cry, I didn’t mean
to sound like I didn’t love you.” “But you won’t help me? Sniff” “Ok I’ll help you out”, she took the wad of
paper and patted the tip dry “Mommy usually wipes the whole thing” “Well I am not your mom” Leroy started crying again. Being so
confused, why does his aunt not want to help him? “Leroy stop crying, its not you, it’s me.” Leroy just stood there crying, Sara
realized again that, she was the stranger in his normal little world so the
motherly instinct took over. “Come on little boy come here” she reached
out with both arms and drew the naked boy into a hug with her own equally naked
body, while still sitting. His head nestled between her soft bare breasts. “It’s
alright now, settle down Auntie is sorry for sounding rough” she rubbed his
bare back to comfort him, “Can I sit on your lap and hug you Auntie” “Sure honey” with that he climbed up on her
lap but was still facing her,” She tried to rock him back and forth but
the toilet was very uncomfortable for Sara, Sara remembered that there was a large
rocking chair in her new bedroom, and she asked Leroy “would you like to sit
with me in the rocking chair in my bedroom?” “Yes Auntie” he mumbled With that Sara said “Ok Hug my neck and
hang on” she rose up on her feet and started walking out of the bathroom, with
her naked nephew clinging to her body and her hands supporting his soft and
smooth bare bottom, This was very awkward and nice feeling at the same time.
She got to the chair and she sat down, the rocking chair was wide armed and sat
back at angle. Leroy continued to face her as he hugged her. The angle of the
back chair caused Leroy to slide down on her chest and he sat on her lap. He
had stopped crying but was very into snuggling mode. Bare skin to bare skin, with a boy not of
her own flesh, but her nephew resting his head sidewise between her bare breasts,
Leroy ear was on his Aunties chest, he could hear her heart beating. Within a
short time Little Leroy took noticed of Sara’s erect nipple that was capping
off the soft mid sized breast, he instinctively leaned towards it and started,
sucking it, latching on to it as he had done to his mothers breast countless
times since birth. “Oh no honey, don’t do that” Sara said as
she gently tried to pull him away, but Leroy was latched on tight.So Sara just relaxed and let him suckle, she
was amazed that he was so gentle on the nipple. He had teeth as well. But used
his lips to suckle. Sara remembered how she had to stop
breastfeeding her own children, due to the sore nipples from their teeth. She
also had to stop the feedings because the attitudes of her close friends they pressured
her to stop feeding by a date and not by natural weaning. That
feeling of mother hood started to come back to her, She cradled Leroy’s head in
one of her hands as she kept his head from pulling away from her naked breast
her other hand stroked his bare skinned back and bum,They rocked together in the chair. Leroy’s breathing
started to turn to a very slow relaxed steady pace, he was sleeping again. Time stood still, both Sara and Leroy stayed
together for at least a half hour, After a whileSara heard a noise from the other room and
then she saw her Sister in law Mary emerge from the master bedroom. She was
still nude as she was last night, Mary stood at the door-less opening, and she
made eye contact with Sara. Sara began to get nervous. Mary
place a finger to her lips to shush her sister in-law.“It’s Ok Sara, he loves to snuggle in the
morning,” she said in a whisper. “I am going to make a pot of coffee now before
making breakfast, would you like a cup or a mug? Mug please. “Good I’ll have it ready for you in a few
minutes, In the mean time you can lay Leroy on the bed and let him sleep a
little longer and come get the coffee when its ready,” Are you going to dress this morning Mary? Was not planning to, besides the kids all
know what I look like anyway, “Do you know where my clothes that were in
my dresser are Mary?” “Yes they are in the garage in the laundry,
Steven told me that you haven’t had much money lately to spend on washing your
laundry so I took the liberty to gather them up and wash them last night after
you fell asleep.” But I need them this morning Mary, My kids
shouldn’t see me naked like this, it will shock them, “They saw me naked last night; they didn’t
have a problem with it,” “Mary can’t we forget this nudist thing, I
am not ready for this,” “You will do fine, just come on out as you
are.” “Can’t I wear at least some panties and a
bra? I feel so bare since you shaved me.” “Sara, I told you that panties are not worn
in this house un-less it’s your monthly time, you told me last night your time
was last week so you don’t need them, till next time. As for the bra, your tits
look fine enough to go without one. ” “But Mary Please?!” “Sara I told you the rule yesterday,
Members of this household clothing is not needed here at the house. As for the
kids, outside and around town nobody cares what they wear or if they wear
anything, even some adult push the limit on not being dressed, I my self have
gone grocery shopping with just a long shirt and sneakers, the Health Law says,
NO SHIRT NO SHOES, NO SERVICE but no pants is fine around here.Go figure.” “You’re kidding about that shopping
bottomless thing right?” “No that part is true, Just the other day I
needed to go shopping for dinner, Luke and Leroy they were in the yard playing
nude, they wanted to go but I was in a hurry so they jumped in, as they were
and we went shopping, The store manager just said, the kids could come in but
that they couldn’t ride in the cart, naked. “ “Mary what about their hands touching
themselves then touching food and stuff?” “Sara really?" Are little boys’ hands
ever clean anyway? I have seen my two wipe their runny noses with their hands
then touch stuff, what’s the difference?” “I don’t know Mary, I just want to hide
myself, and my body parts are a secret.” “The rule for my house is no secrets, if
you were to wear clothes at home then your hiding something.” “Could I at least wear a shirt around the
house this morning till I get used to it? My kids might be shocked at first
sight of their mother naked” “Oh they will be fine at seeing you naked.” “Please?” “Ok, lay Leroy down on the bed and come to
my room with me, I’ll find you a shirt” “But Steven is in there?” she softly
replied as she laid Leroy down. “Really, have you forgotten about last
night already?” “Oh right”. Sara said while walking to the
door way Mary took the hand of the still naked Sara
and led her to the master bedroom, Sara was shocked; there was her brother
still asleep in facing up, in the mandatory house pajamas, also known as nude.
His adult manhood on full display, he was not small but not fully hard either,
he was still snoring lightly as the two women walked naked to Mary’s closet
door. Mary opened the door and reached in and
pulled out a very pretty purple and white wide striped knitted pullover
blouse.Mary handed the blouse to Sara. Sara took the garment from her sister-in-law;
Sara quickly slid it over her head, Mary stood behind Sara as she took in the
view of reflection of her newly donned shirt on Sara. The blouse was a wide arm short-sleeve,
deep V-neck type, almost like a vest or sweater, theneckline came down to about four inches above
her belly button, the neckline showed the valley between her breasts and ample
breast curves,the alternating color wide stripes pattern placed
the white stripe of material centered across Sara’s areola and nipples areas.
The fabric weave of the shirt was an open crocheted or mesh type of material,
the weave had about 3/8 inch alternating pattern towards it.Sara noticed the problem right away. The
outfit was supposed to be worn with a camisole under it for two reasons her
dark pink nipples shown thru the white colored section, also the camisole would
prevent her stiffened nipples from poking out thru the woven material
mesh.Sara studied her self in the mirror
and saw another problem. The blouse only came down to the middle of her freshly
shaven mound, her lower lips were fully exposed, “Mary, I can’t wear this, I am on display
here”, Sara said as she pointed to her lower region. “Well if you feel that you don’t like the
shirt, you can take it off and go without, your choice but our house rules
apply to those living here.” “Mary, Come on you can’t really mean that,” “Yes Sara, You got nothing on your body
that hasn’t been seen before on someone else,” Just then Lisa and Kelly came into the room
hand in hand totally naked with Lisa leading the way, “Morning mom and auntie” Lisa said as the
walked over and gave her mom and aunt a big hug, Sara said “Kelly I don’t think is a good
idea for you to be in here…” concerned about the girls seeing herself and her
brother Steven naked, Mary spoke softly “Oh Sara its fine….Good
Morning girls, did you two sleep okay?” as Lisa finished hugging with her
mother, Mary reached out and hugged Kelly. “Yes Mom, it was great having my cousin
sleeping with me,” “Kelly are you still alright with the dress
code here?’ Mary asked her niece, “Yes Auntie I Slept beautifully it was so
much fun to snuggle all night with Lisa” “Mom, I love your blouse is it new?” “No, Mary gave it for me to wear” “Auntie Sara, your pussy looks just like
mine, do you always shave it?” “Well honey nomm your mom helped me last night” “Mom, Oh my god mom you’re almost naked,
can I see all of your lips?” Kelly dropped to her knees and to look at
her mom’s bare mound, as her daughter knelt down. Kelly moved her moms legs to
see better. “Oh look Lisa, my mom has a freckle down
here.” “Really”, as Lisa also dropped to her knees
to look close to her aunt’s lower lips “Oh
Cool” Lisa said as she brought her hand up and used a finger to touch the
freckle and also trace the outline of the mound and finally touch her aunt’s
spot where the clit lives, Sara Shivered by the touch, not sure on
what to do stood there with the girls looking at her crotch unable to
move,Lisa then let her finger slide
down toward Sara’s lips and slid a finger between them and into Sara
vagina,It was quite wet. “Lisa please don’t honey” as Sara reached down
and pulled her nieces finger out from herself, Lisa took her wet finger and brought it to
her mouth and tasted it “Yum, you taste just like my Mum” “What the heck?” “Here Kelly you try it” as Lisa took her
finger from her mouth and placed it into Kelly’s “Don’t worry about Lisa Sara, she is
harmless all the girls around the neighbor hood love the way she explores…..Oh
My look at the time I got to get breakfast going, Lisa show Kelly how you wake
your father up ,” “But he’s naked Mary?” Sara said “So what, so are we, lets leave the girls
to get him up for breakfast I need your help in the kitchen,” The two moms left
the bedroom, the totally naked mother pulling the bottomless one out the door. Lisa hopped on the bed to the left of her
dad and told Kelly to sit on the right side of her uncle; Lisa started to kiss
her dad’s cheek and then started to rub the patch of skin above her dad’s
penis. While saying softly in his ear. “Time to wake up Daddy.” Well he started to stir, both ends of him,
his head turned to greet the soft kisses of his daughter lips with his for a
quick kiss, and of course being male and quite healthy, his penis began to
harden. Lisa turned her head to her cousin “Kelly
look at my daddy’s penis, it’s growing big.” Lisa then wrapped her fingers
around the shaft as her small hand started expertly stroking the entire length. “Wow” Kelly said as she stared at the
growing penis before her. “What… who said… Oh Lisa honey no not in
front of Kelly” “It’s Okay Daddy, Mommy told me to show
Kelly how I wake you up” “She did?” “Yes she did Uncle Steve” “Do you want to touch it Kelly it’s so big?”
Lisa asked “Can I Uncle Steve?” “If you want to but you can’t tell your mom
or anyone else” “My Mother knows I am here, She was in here
getting a shirt on before,and only the
shirt now she is in the kitchen bottomless, she shaved too, you can see every
thing she looks like me,” “She looks like you? Let me see.” “Yes Uncle” Kelly Turned toward her Uncle
and opened her legs as she sat still naked in front of the two. “My God Kelly your pussy is beautiful,” Really? “Oh God yes,” Lisa was still stroking, “Kelly go ahead
and touch it” Lisatold her cousin Kelly reached out and tenderly touched it,
“It’s so hard, and Warm” “Wrap your fingers around like I do.” Lisa
said “Wow is so much bigger than Marks” as Kelly
hand and fingers joined, Lisa’s on the shaft.” “Rub the head like this”as Lisa thumbed the tip of her fathers penis,
then stroked down the shaft, Kelly then copied her cousin in the motions of
jerking the large penis, “Oh Lisa, its close honey” as Steve took in
the sight of two naked girls before him, “It okay daddy Show me and Kelly what a big
cock you have” “Oh Baby girl just a bit more,” “Kelly your going to love this, watch close
and do what I do”With that Lisa moved
her face over to her daddy cock, Kelly did the same, Kelly could smell a
familiar scent as her face also got close to her uncles penis, andboth girls stroked a few more times. “Daddy give me some protein I’m hungry” Lisa
said as she opened her mouth. With that request her Daddyarched his hips up and his shaft touched
Lisa’s chin. And Bam a shot of sperm hit Lisa right in
the mouth, Lisa Sighed and moved the tip toward Kelly’s awe struck open mouth
as well. Another jet of Sperm shot out and onto Kelly’s lips and tongue. Kelly
Jumped back as the third stream spurted onto both the girls hair. Both girls Giggled and kept their grip on
the shaft, “Ok… God…. girls …..Thank you .what a way
to wake up.” Steven said as he started to relax after that tremendous
ejaculation given by his daughter and niece. “Thanks Daddy your protein tastes great”
Lisa said as she swallowed the offering, Kelly unsure but after last night with
Mark’s squirts she did like the taste herself and followed Lisa cue and
swallowed her mouth full. Both girls Giggled again and cleaned up the extra
mess that over sprayed with their fingers and licked their fingers till the
most of the mess that they could find was gone. “Kelly did you enjoy the show?” “Yes Uncle” “What about your protein dose? Did it taste
okay?” “I love it. It tastes different from Marks.” “Well Mark is a young guy and his is
different. We eat different things and our bodies make things from our food
intake, after a while as we eat the same food the two of us should taste same,” ““Ok girls I believe I need a shower and
you missy” pointing to Lisa “have to get to the kitchen to finish eating breakfast
and be ready for the school bus on time.” “Yes daddy” as both girls got off the bed
and walked to the kitchen still nude as can be. Steve got up and headed to the shower to
start his day. The girls noticed Mark still sleeping on
his back, his package in a soft small state. They giggled as Lisa Put her
finger on her lips to say “shush” as they walked in to the kitchen, By now the sweet aroma of food was
emanating from the busy kitchen. Luke and Leroy were up, Luke was sitting
normally on the kitchen chair and Leroy was on the chair and was on his knees,
both boys still wearing what they were sleeping in, This of course was nothing
but skin. Both boys penises were totally in view and half hard state. Lisa went over to Luke and leaned in to
give Luke a hug “ Moring Luke” then she reached out to grasp her bother’s penis
and gave it a couple oftugs,It sprouted up. Good morning Lisaas his hand rubbed cupped her cute bare butt
cheek,Lisa then walked over to Leroy’s
chair and hugged him,” Morning Leroy”as she tugged his little penis “Morning Lisa” The girls went to the open chairs across
from the boys and sat down, Kelly as surprised as she noticed a small towel had
been placed on the chair, it kept the from being too cold on her bum. “Kelly did you see your Mommy? She is
almost dressed like us” Luke asked Kelly replied “yes, I did Luke” Leroy also spoke up “She’s got a Freckle on
her pussy too!” he wanted to be like the older kids and add to the
conversation. “Leroy Quiet” Sara turned from making toast
and yelled at her nephew, “Mommy she yelled at me again” Leroy said
in shock The naked Mary came over and hugged her
naked little boy and said “Leroy she not used to being naked and remember we
don’t point out things about other peoples bodies especially at the table, it’s
Rude and settle down no need to cry about it now tell Auntie Sara your sorry”
Mary said as she returned to the stove. “Okay Mommy” he turned around to face his
Auntie, “I am sorry I said something about your freckle on your pussy Auntie
Sara,” The older kids laughed at his restatement
of what he wasn’t suppose to say in the first place, Sara stood there in shock again as she faced
her nephew wearing this see thru shirt that her nipples poked thru and was too
short to cover her lower lips. His little penis was still pointing out from his
body from Lisa’s handling, he looked so cute, Sara almost couldn’t keep a
straight face to tell Leroy “I accept your apology Leroy,” Leroy turned again to face the table. As
both mothers tended to the duties in the kitchen. Kelly whispered across the table “Yes I did
Leroy, it’s cute too just like your penis” The kids giggled again. “Ok Breakfast is ready Mary brought the
food platter of scrambled eggs to the table for the kids to eat. Followed by
Sara with the platter of buttered toast. Kelly reached for the serving spoon to fill
her plate, “No Kelly dear, we don’t serve ourselves
here, the rule here is, we serve the one to the left, that way no one hogs the
food and we all have equal portions.” Sara heard this “Mary that’s a great Idea.
Mark always takes too much and over fills his plate and never finishes what he
takes.” “Mom can I have some milk?”. Luke asked “Me too” the others said “Sure can, Sara Get the glasses, while I
get the milk.” Sara placed the glasses on the table, Mary
came over from the fridge with the gallon of milk and started to fill them up.
She leaned over to pass each glass to her kids. Her bare breast hanging down
freely as the kids watched her pass the milk. The kids were busy eating the food “Lisa did your father get up?” “Yes Mom” “And did you get your Protein dose too?” “What Protein dose?” Sara questioned her
sister “We Both did. I never saw daddy give so
much” Lisa said after chewing her food to talk. “Mary? What the hell?” Sara said as she
realized what a protein dose was. “Relax Sara. Doctors orders. My little Lisa
here has a protein deficiency issue. The doctor had suggested pills but the
state health care plan didn’t cover the pills, so we asked the doctor for
alternatives when we said we couldn’t pay for them,” “Surly he didn’t suggest it?” “The Doctor knows how we live around
hereand He Highly recommended it, it
has plenty of protein per ounce,” “Your kidding me” Sara looked over at her
naked niece, yes she was slightly thinner than Kelly but she was still young, “Lisa just had her six month check up last
week since starting the treatment and her blood work has improved” “Mom, I tried it too,” “Kelly you got some of Uncle Steven’s umm…”
Sara looking at her naked daughter in disbelief. Then she saw a drying blob in
Kelly’s hair“Oh My you got some in your
hair,” “ yeah it went every where, Its was so warm
and tasty and I think I like to have it every morning.” Kelly said “Sara it’s fine, It’s all natural. Oh look
Lisa got some, in her hair. as well” “But Mary? Isn’t it a crime” “Sara I fed my babies with my breast milk,
they got all the healthy stuff from my nipples, Lisa here needs a little extra protein to
keep her healthy. Her dad has the Healthy stuff now, it is all good,” “You girls don’t mind the taste?” Sara
asked as she couldn’t believe she uttered the words to her question. “It’s better then those pills we first
tried, I couldn’t swallow them at all, they started to melt on my tongue …
Yuck.” Lisa said Kelly said “Mom it’s not bad, So can I have
some every day?” “Kelly I don’t know if I want you to have
it, Oh god!this is all to extreme to
me” “But I want some too” Kelly whined “Kelly I don’t know if Uncle Steven can
make two doses in the morning?” Sara told her daughter “Oh sis I think got the answer, It’s a good
thing that Mark is a shooter now then, Mark can give the extra amount to Kelly,
His is slightly less protein enriched as compared to Steven sperm, Really Mary? “Sure, Mark is young and with all the naked
goings around here. He is going to have a problem that will need getting a
handle on. I think it also might make Marks life a little easier if his sister
drains him daily.” “Speaking of Mark” Mary Called from the
kitchen side of the half wall “Mark honey time to wake up or you will miss the
food” Mark moaned and rolled over facing down, his
totally bare behind and body exposed to all, “Oh let him sleep in, he is going to have a
busy day anyway.” Sara said knowing her son was going to have sensory overload
while they were living with her sister and family, Just then the front door opened up and two
young girls stepped into the house, “Good Morning Neighbors, we got 20 minutes
before the bus get here” the girls said as they entered the house. Mary and her family responded “Morning
girls” “Oh we are sorry, we didn’t know you had
company” as the two girls kicked off their sandals from their feet, robotically
as if they done it hundreds of times. Kelly covered her chest with her arm and
used her hand as shield to cover her lower lips. Since she did not know these
girls. Kelly looked across the table and saw the boy’s Luke still eating
breakfast and Leroy still eating as well while still kneeling on the chair, un
concerned his boy parts being on display, Sara moved to stand behind her sister but
off to the side slightly. So that her lower lips wouldn’t be seen, she
remembered her nipples were pointing thru the shirt so she moved her arm up to
block the view, “No it’s all right girls, My sister Sara
and her kids are going to stay with us for a while” “Sara where are you Mary?” looked around
and to her left, then right “Oh there you are” Mary stood up and went to Sara’s
side and Mary hand casually moved Sara’s arm down to her side, Sara was in
disbelief here is her sister stood bare ass naked in front ofthese young girls, Sara I want to introduce Samantha and
Joanne Smith, the neighbors across the street, this is my sister Sara, and next
to Lisa is Kelly, “Hi Samantha Hi Joanne” Kelly said back “Oh call us Sam and Joey” “So you two were playing Indians with Leroy
last night?” Sara uttered in shock as girls playing with a naked boy outside. “Yes, that was us. Mrs. Mary sorry about
keeping Leroy out to late, we saw that Lisa spanked Him, “ “Its okay now girls, it wasn’t your fault
Leroy should know when he is told to come inside he should know to come home,” Both girls were wearing loose white crop
top tee shirts that came down just to their bottom of their ribs cages.Their bare bellies showed their soft firm
skin. Both girls had an innie navel, They also had on matching white gym
shorts. The style was more like jockey shorts style the school emblem was on
the right side hip, very loose around the legs and the length of the inseam was
very short, showing most of the bare thigh. Samantha had hair that was braided into two
narrow little pig tails one on each side of her head, that reached past her
shoulders and stopped just two inches above each ofhercherry sized budding nipples. The shirt material was of a polyester type
with an airy weave to it. There was no lining behind it and Samantha was not
wearing a training bra either. So this left her young pokies style, darker
quarter round areolas quite visible thru the fabric. Samantha’s shorts were also made of the
same material and weave. The unlined airy fabric also allowed the skin to be
seen thru the shorts it appeared to Sara that Sam was also not wearing any
panties a hint of dark line in the front proved the fact. Joanne or Joey as they said to call her,
her hair was strait and down past her shoulders but with a half pony tied
behind her head. This accented her face and her button nose. The white crop top
tee shirt was very loose on Joey, while
Sam’s shirt had little buds poking out, Joeys was flatter than a boy’s chest,
her dime sized darker nipples also shown thru the fabric. Joey had her shorts
pulled up in the back slightly this caused the front to get pulled up tight and
reveal a lovely camel toe and showed off a little vertical slit within it.. “Sam Is that some kind of school uniform
for gym?” Sara asked “No Mrs. Sara the shorts are the required
normal uniform for daily class all students wear them.” Sam said “Don’t you think they are a little short?
Sara asked “No they are very comfortable with this fabric
if they were longer they would itch,” “Hey Kelly, are you going to our school too
since you’re living here with your aunt and uncle?” “I guess so my mom hasn’t said anything
about it, we just got here last night, Wow those shorts are so thin, I can see
your smile from here.” “Kelly! Don’t say that,” Sara snapped “Sara Calm down it’s all right, sorry girls
they are still getting used to the ways of life around here.” “That’s okay Mrs. Mary I don’t mind my
smile showing, We girls are made all the same anyway.” “That’s right girls we are made the same.
Oh Kelly dear, I believe you’re hiding yourself there. Why don’t you stand up
and face Sam and Joey and keep your hands at your sides so they can see you
now, “Okay sorry, Auntie Mary” Kelly stood up and
placed her hands at her sides and said “TADA” “What a cute smile you have Both of them”
Joey said “Mary how could you embarrass Kelly more,?” “What she is just a little girl same as
them.” How old are you Kelly? “Almost ten and a half “ “Same age as me” Joey Said “How old are you Sam?” Kelly “I am turning fourteen in a Month” “Fourteen that’s the same age as Mark”
Kelly said “Who’s Mark?” both girls asked with a
little smile in their eyes “Mark is my nephew, Sara’s Boy” “Where is he now?” Sam asked “He is right over there still sleeping on the
middle of the pull-out couch.” “Wow! What a cute ass he has there” Joey
said “Joey, Girls don’t say that about boy’s
asses” Sara said “Joey’s right, from this angle Mark has a
very cute ass.” “Can we see him up close?” “Sure you two can see whatever you want and
whenever you want your like family to me. Why don’t you two wake him up and
surprise him. It will give him quite a thrill to be seen by unknown girls.” “Come on Sam lets wake him up “ Joey said The Girls walked over to the couch bed.
“His Backside is so pale looks smooth it needs a good tan.” Sam said. “Mary do you think that’s a good idea” Sara
asked “No Problem with them Sara, they know what
a boy’s butt and penis looks like. They have seen my boys for many years now” “But Mark hasn’t been seen except by us
last night.” “It’s Fine Sara,Lisa, Luke and Leroy hurry and finish
breakfast now then get washed up for school. It’s getting late now” Mary told
her kids. Joey went to the left side of the bed and
climbed into it to the left of Mark , she reached out and rubbed Marks
shoulders, and Softly said near his ear, “Mark time to get up.” Mark grunted and turned his head the other
way asleep. Joey then started to rub his back up and
down his spine slowly and slowly work out from the middle of his back, Mark
still sleeping but breathing deeply. Joey then rubbed towards Marks rear end
globes then back to his shoulders. Each time Mark responded with a sigh, Joey turned to Sam and whispered “Can you
help me roll him over” “Okay” Sam replied “Let me rub him down his back one more time
and then we will bend his leg and then roll him toward you.” Sure enough with little effort the girls
rolled Mark over on his back very slowly. His front was now exposed, the girls
giggled as they gazed at Marks penis, Mean while at the table , Luke and Lisa
finished their meals, Lisa took Leroy by the hand to quietly walk to the
bathroom to get ready for school, Mary asked Sara, “Can you help with Lisa’s
Hair please Sara” “Oh Okay Sure”Sara started walking slowly by the unfolding
wake up party on her sons bed, Sara watching Joey as she rubbed Marks belly
just below his navel. Sara was trying to hold her shirt down lower to cover her
bum and parts but she realized that nobody was watching her, I didn’t matter
they were girls too, so she relaxed. Lisa was finishing washing her face and bum
went to her room to get her brush and pony holders, and stood still naked
outside the hallway bathroom as she handed the brush to her Aunt, “Can you do my hair like Joey’s please
Auntie Sara?” Lisa requested “Sure can.” Sara said Lisa turned and faced the action in the
living room as Sara did her hair, so she can watch what was unfolding there. Joey had continued to rub Marks chest and
belly, so also rubbed thepatch of skin
above his penis, it was so smooth, the warmth of her hand had caused Mark penis
to grow full, as he was still asleep. Sam reached out to wrap her hand around
the shaft, “So nice” Sam said as she gave ita few strokes then Joey wrapped her fingers
around it too, and stroked it like a pro. Kelly had gotten up from the table and walked
to the foot of Marks bed, Transfixed at the sight in front of her, Just then Steve came out of his room
dressed for the day and walked thru the living room, He saw what was happening
and all he said was “Morning Samantha, Morning Joanne,” He always called them
by their full names all the while everyone calls them by their nickname. He
loved the neighbor girls and known them since they were small. They were over
at his house more than their own home sometimes, Luke and Leroy’s Penises were
always handled by the girls when then were over. Their parents, Carol and John even brought
them both over completely naked one late night, four years ago, when they had
received a phone call that the girls grandmother broke her hip and had to tend
to her. Steve and Mary were naked as
usual that night when they knocked. So the girl’s parents knew of the lifestyle
and rules of Mary’s house. Samantha and Joanne were scared and worried
about their grandmother the fact that they were totally naked outside their
house was new to them, and were clinging
to their mom, so in order for the girls to stay put, their mom brought the nude
girls to Steve’s chair and placed them each on one of Steve’s thighs, the girls
still were clinging to their mom, So Carol took hold Steve’s hands and moved
his hands around each girls hips and placed eachof his hands below each girl’s belly button
and tummy. Carol told her daughters to sit and snuggle with naked Steve and all
will be fine. Then
she gave Steve and Mary the instruction and Okay to rub the girls pussies if they
or needed or wanted too, to make them settle down to sleep of course. The girls
loved the naked snuggle time after bath time. But prefer pajamas to sleep. In fact Little Joanne reached out to, she
then latched her hand on to his penis while her mother and father were standing
there readying to leave. John just laughed when he saw her do that and said
“sorry, that’s what my daughter does sometimes. We call you later in the
morning and see how things are then.” Anyway the Girls continued stroking Marks
now throbbing penis , Steve continued tohead to the kitchen for a bite to eat. Joey leaned over and spoke again to Marks
ear and whispered “Mark time to get up and spurt your sperm,” Mark’s breathing got faster and faster “Mark It’s time to cum” Sam said to his
other ear. Mark started to stir and wake up as the
girls increased their motions, “Mark your Cock feels so nice be a good boy
and show me if you can cum.”
The strange voices mingled in his head and
he rock his hips to the stroking, He Opened his eyes and saw two completely
strange but cute girls leaning over him, He then realized that it was their
hands stroking his erect penis and the expertness of their hands caused his
hips to buck lifting his hips off the bed and even in a state of shock, He
Moaned loud and with intense arc of his back, His penis erupted with the most
throbbing of feeling he had known, sending his white jets of sperm all over the
two girls faces and shirts and surrounding skin, the liquid had sprayed out
like an fire hose. Both
Girls giggled “Wow,” as they used their fingers to scoop up the mess and just
like Lisadidstarted to lap up the sperm, in no time they
were down, Sara just stopped brushing her nieces hair.
Just saying “ Oh My god” Mary went to the laundry room and brought
back four wash cloths and something else in other her hand, she got the hot
water in the kitchen sink and got the cloths wet and handed two to Sam and Joey
then Called her boys, Luke and Leroy over as well to the bed Mary washed the boy’s faces and wiped their
penises, their penises responded to the washing, Mary had the boys turn and the
face girls, as she wiped their bums clean, Leroy said “Joey your shirts all wet” “Oops, it cold too” she then brought her
hands to the short shirt and raised it up off her and over her head, Luke said “Sam your shirt is wet too” “Yes it is, it is getting cold too, I guess
I’ have to take mine off also.” With that she crossed her arms as girls do and
lifted her shirt up and off, her little cherry red nipple buds now in full
view. Sara said “Girls you can’t do that” “Sure we can” the girls replied “What are you going to wear to school then?”
Sara asked “I guess our shorts then.” Sam said “But you have breasts forming? “Yeah, I guess I do” Sam Don’t Girls need tops in public here?” “Well Mrs. Sara I haven’t gone totally shirtless
all day at school, other than gym class for a while now. As long as I wear my school issued shorts, I
am still with in the dress code for school.” “You’re Kidding me, right?” Mary answered back. “Sara the School
understands about the sewer problems and water issues for the town, plus they
also want all the kids to be the same and not competing for the latest fashion
look besides you can’t wash all the clothes anyway due to the strain on the
sewer system, so it’s a win/ win situation” “You have wash the shorts anyway, what
about that water, why not send them naked to school that way?” Sara Jested. “Sara relax, I would if I could, but
they’re concerned about sanitary issues, so they got these shorts they’re a special new fabric that
dirt just washes off with a quick hand wash in the sink with little water.
Check these out.” Mary handed a pair of shorts to Sara to look and feel. “Oh they are soft but thin, But what about
the girls tops?” “Nobody has complaints about girls going
topless anymore, actually the bullying among the students is almost non-existent
since the see that they are the same. Boys come over here to get your shorts
on.” Mary said, the boys come over and their mom holds the shorts out to them
as each boy steps into their pair. “Wow they are short and thin”Sara said as she watched her nephews got
dressed the flatness and thinness of the material showed the boys packages as
the semi-stiff penises pushed against the fabric in full view, as Sara
remembered that nobody wears underwear around here, “Auntie Sara is my hair done yet?” Lisa asks “Oh my, yes just about done one second….
All done” “Thanks. Can you hold out my shorts for me
too Auntie?” “Sure” Sara held them out for her niece to
step into, when both feet were in, Sara pulled them up to Lisa’s bum, The young
girl’s skin was so soft as it touched, Sara’s fingers As she slid them up. “What about your shirt Lisa, Do you have
one to wear? “Do I have to wear one today? I want go
with out today, like the boys go all the time, “But girls are supposed to wear shirts,”
Sara said “Why I don’t have anything more than Luke
and Leroy has up top?” Lisa pointed to her chest, “Girls must wear shirts over their breasts”
“But Sam and Joey are going without one
today too and Joey looks like me”? “But Samantha has breasts and she needs a
shirt it’s not right for a girl to be topless when they have breasts” “what’s the big
deal, they see mine all the time and yours can be seen as well too now. Mary said. This caused Sara to cross her arms “But you’re not going to school are you?” “No but I do garden outside this way in the
yard, Once again nobody complains” “Oh Sara, Its okay” “Mrs. Sara, There is a girl named Tessie at
the high school, she is about a senior now I believe,” Sam started talking, when Mary
took over, “Yes Sammy I forgot about her, Sara she
moved into town when she got adopted from a country in Africa when she Seven
years old, her new parents tried to put a shirt on her but she would always
take it off and loose the shirts, after a while the parents gave up, and asked
the school board if she could go with out one, this was just about the same
time the sewer problems started, so they decided it was not a big deal back
then since she was small and they rewrote the town nudity policy anyway, So she
still goes topless, “Yes she does still go topless all the time
We call her “Topless Tessie”, however my mom says Tessie has to wear top for
work at the coffee shop on the weekends” Joey Said “That’s a idea… remind me later about
coffee Sara,” Mary said BEEP – BEEP went the bus outside “Come on Kids get your shoes on, Grab your
book bags and get to the school bus, oh Sara come with me,” Mary took Sara’s
hand and led her towards the door, “I Can’t go out side in just this shirt.”
Sara objected “You will be fine, don’t hide now, come
with me, with that Mary walked Sara out of the house and
ushered the kids to the school bus that was stopped in front of the house on
the road, Sara was in shock, Here is her sister in
law bare assed Naked, Boobs, vulva and ass completely in view and in the open
not to mention her own see thru shirt and bottomless state , the kids already
on the bus waved to Mary and Sara, as the driver opened the door to let the
kids on the bus, “Morning Betty,” Mary said to the driver “Hi Mary, I see the kids are dressing alike
today,” “Yeah, it wasn’t a planned thing, it sort
of just came up” Mary said with a smile “That happens sometimes, No Matter, These
kids are so dam lucky now-a-day’s compared to our day.” “Yes they are lucky, Betty this is my
sister Sara, she and her two kids will be staying with us for a while.” “Nice to meet you, that’s a lovely Shirt
your wearing Sara” “Thanks” Sara said as she was trying to
pull the front down to cover her lower lips, also looked at the drivers
outfit,she was wearing the same type of
shorts but yellow, the driver had a uniform vest on. The arm holes were wide
you could see Betty side wall of her rib cage and side of her large breasts. “Sara’s
kids will be enrolling later in school today, so will have an extra boy and
girl on the bus this afternoon. “That’s great. I can guaranty a safe ride
to and from school, Where are they now?” Betty said “Mark and Kelly are still inside, still getting
use to my sisters ways” “Sara, it’s a great little town and the
school is great too. All safe, no worries” “So everyone tells me but I don’t know if I
am ready to live here it’s too open” “Ok come on sis, Don’t be shy just one big,
open family”Mary said tapping Sara on
the side with her elbow, Sara got the hint, and moved her hands “Well ladies, I have to get these little
angels to school, or we are going to be late. The headmaster hates it when the
buses are late, nice meeting you Sara?” “See you this afternoon Betty, take care” “You to Mary” With that, Betty closed the
door and started the bus moving again. The kids on the bus looked out and waved
again as they pulled away. Sara turned and walked fast as she
hightailed it to the door, her pale rear end bouncing as she moved, towards the
door, Mary took her time, and she was totally enjoying the morning air on her
naked body. Inside both Mark and Kelly still both
naked, since last nights bath, stood open mouthed as they watch the events
unfold before them thru the living room window. Marks penis was standing out
straight again, as he watched his cousins and their friends walk topless to the
School bus. Mark hated to be without a shirt. Kelly couldn’t believe that her mother was
bottomless outside and loved the sight of her Auntie Mary being totally nude
outside as well. End of Part 4. Comments, Send them to Sexpig4u@aol.com