Eviction Notice 3

By Sexpig4u

Copyright 2014 by Sexpig4u, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Eviction Notice Part 3: By Sexpig4u 
Remember People It’s a Fantasy!
Sara was unpacking in her new room after her kids went to bed. As she stowed the last item,  Sara saw the bare mattress then she saw the  folded pile of what she thought were sheets. She found a fitted sheet and two pillow cases for the set of pillows on the bed. Sara checked the floor next to the bed to see if the top sheet had fallen to the floor. There was none to be found. She went to check on her kids. She poked her head into the room that her daughter Kelly was sharing with her niece Lisa. They were both fast asleep, Snuggling together bare skin to bare skin. Sara had wanted to cover them up with a sheet however there was no top sheet to be found either.  She then headed to the family room where her son Mark was sleeping. The TV was still on but the volume was low, The boys were also fast asleep. Still totally naked together on the pull out couch, the youngest Leroy had wrapped his hand around her son’s penis.
Sara’s bother Steve and sister in law Mary were still up he was sitting at the kitchen table finishing his snack and she was washing the last of the day’s dishes, still totally naked and unashamed as before.
Sara asked “Are there any top sheets for the kid’s beds or mine for that matter?”
“Well that’s another laundry item that we have decided to live without using to help save water, the house is warm enough to go without one at night. The kids always end up snuggling with each other or us if they get cold, when they do, they get too hot with one anyway.’
“What about me having one?  I squirm around in bed and I don’t want to be uncovered if my pajamas ride up in my sleep.”
“I told you pajamas are not used here Sara”
“But I need to be dressed incase the kids need something or god forbid a fire breaks out in the middle of the night, I feel I should be dressed. Since the kids might see me undressed.”
“There is no need to be shy around here, everyone has either a penis or a pussy, and everyone here has seen one or the other so being seen sleeping naked is not a big deal.
You should really try it.”
“But it’s wrong”
“But it’s not wrong. It is natural” Mary turned to her husband and said,
“Steve why don’t you take your clothes off now, so your sister can realize that she is being silly worrying about being naked.
“Ok Mary, I don’t know why I still have clothes on anyway this late.” Steve undressed his shirt off first then he dropped his pants. True to Mary’s word he was not wearing underwear.
His adult manhood was in full view. He placed his shirt on the chair and then he sat back down.
Sara was in shock. There was her brother fully naked in front of her, he looked bigger than she remembered, he had a small patch of pubic hair above his penis but was hairless on his testicles,  She became light headed and Mary noticed this and quickly pulled out a chair and guided Sara to sit down.
“Oh My I don’t know what’s happening here, the room is spinning.” Sara said
“Easy Sis, breathe deep a few times, its only shock.” Steve said while Mary rubbed Sara’s back.
Mary said “Sara your burning up, your sweating like crazy. here lets get this stuff off you.”
With that Mary grabbed the bottom of Sara shirt and started lifting up and over Sara’s head,
Sara still sat light headed, she started fussing when she realized that the shirt was coming off her body.   A weak no came out.
 “Non- Sense your burning up.” Mary said as the shirt came off her arms, Sara was now sitting there in her bra and shorts at the kitchen table.
Mary Quickly unsnapped the bra behind Sara back. Sara raised her hands Grabbed at the fabric of the bra cups that were quickly leaving her breasts, the straps moved away from her hands swiftly as they slipped away from her reach. Sara Reached to cover her breasts and nipples from her brothers view. 
Sara Said “NO “louder this time but the rush and heat effected her reflexes.
Mary pulled at Sara’s hands “No covering, Sara house rules remember besides, Steve has seen breasts before, here look at mine.” Sara hands came away from her breasts with little effort as she looked at Mary’s naked breasts and body.
“That’s little better” Mary said
“I think a nice cool shower would help too.” With that Mary pulled Sara up on her feet, Sara was a little off balance, by the rush, or the heat or both, she held on to the table as she steadied herself. While Sara was trying to stand, Mary quickly pulled Sara’s shorts to the floor. Sara said No again but more in vainly.
Sara was standing there in a pair of pink Granny panties, they were soaked with sweat and obvious womanly fluids, Mary asked “are on or near your period Sis? I don’t see a pad or string?”
Sara responded in a daze, “Last week why you ask?”
“Then you don’t need these then”, Mary yanked down the sweaty panties.
Sara Let out a yelp as her hands went to her crotch trying to cover her front.
“Shush you will wake the kids.” Mary took Sara’s hands again and pulled them to the side of sister’s body.
“Wow I haven’t seen a bush like that since the late 80’s, Steve what do you think of your sister’s bush?”
“Wow… a bit over grown I think, you can’t see a thing.”
“But your not suppose to see me,” Sara said.
“Sara, Steve is right you can’t see anything, according to our Doctor Brown a shaved or trimmed pussy is cleaner and healthier for those who sport one than a totally hairy one. You should try trimming down there.”
“I never thought about trimming down there, no one was ever going to sees me all hairy.”
“Doc Brown is right, I Also think a hairy one is not very sexy one at all.” Steve said
“I thought you guys just liked us woman to dress sexy,” Sara asked
“Well, this guy thinks, yes, sexy dressing is nice but a woman that shaves herself makes her man and herself feel good.” With this talk Steve’s penis is growing stiff. “It’s an easy trip to the fountain of youth with a snack for guy on the way.”
“Yeah I know what you like dear. Boy you better to remember no snacking away from the house”
“As long as you keep cooking that recipe dear you’re my favorite dish to eat”. Steve said
“awl your so sweet honey” Mary said
“You really think I should try a trim?” Sara asked
“Sis, living around here with us you will look out of place with your hairy patch, Tell you what sis, Let Mary help you trim you up now, I would love to see that freckle you have again.”
Both the ladies said “Steve knock it off”
“Come on Sara lets go to the master bathroom and help you out.”
Mary took Sara’s hand a pulled the naked woman out of the kitchen, as Mary and Sara walked thru the family room, Mary stopped at the side of the boys bed, the boys were asleep, the three of them on now on their backs and their boy parts fully displayed to the room. The naked Mary leaned over and kissed the forehead of each boy starting with the closest on to her, when she got to the furthest boy she took her hand and reach out and gently gripped and stroked Luke’s penis for a bit, the boy’s penis responded then she leaned over and kissed the tip.  Mary then did the same for Mark and little Leroy. However Mark got more than a kiss, a little quick licking swirl of aunt’s tongue. Mark let out a sleepy groan.
As The three boys laying back and now each one fully hard, Still asleep.
Sara was again in shock, but said nothing because, she did not want Mark to wake up find his aunt and mother fully naked near the bed.
“Mary?” She whispered,
Mary whispered back “It’s ok, if they only knew about it. They would want more,”
The two mothers went to check the girls, both girls were on their backs with their legs spread wide , This time Mary brought Sara to the side edge of the bed and told Sara in a whisper to kiss the girls goodnight, Sara leaned over little Lisa was closer she kissed her niece cheek first and then her daughter’s. As Sara leaned over for Kelly’s kiss, Sara’s naked breast brushed against Lisa chin. The nipple hardened more. Lisa’s mouth instinctively opened and started to suckle on the nipple, Sara gasped and quickly straightened up as she did this, the nipple popped out of Lisa mouth with a slight pull and a pop.   
Sara head was spinning Mary nudged Sara and pointed to the girls mounds, and Mary whispered, “Kiss their pussies for Good luck and many healthy grand children.” Mary reached over and touched each girl, right on the top of the clitoris “right here and here... come on”  Mary pushed Sara’s head down gently, Sara Breathed in the aroma of each girl and gave a small kiss to each girl’s  little button, Both girls let out a sigh. The moment the kiss touched them.
Sara got light headed again Mary pulled Sara up and guided her to the master bathroom. Mary sat Sara down on the toilet spread her legs wide, “Go ahead and pee Sara I’ll be right back.”
Sara started peeing as soon as Mary left the room,
Mary came back before Sara got to wipe, Mary had a pair of scissors and a bottle of something.  Mary placed the bottle of stuff in the sink turned the hot water on to fill up the sink. Mary then got down on her knees between Sara feet and Mary started to Trim the long strands of bush hair with the scissors,
Sara said ”I didn’t wipe my self yet.”
“It’s ok, I’m washable,” Mary spent a few minutes rough cutting the hairs. She then stood up and pulled the bottle from the sink water. Mary Poured it out into her hand then returned to her knees and reached down and smoothed in the creamy lather to Sara’s parts, Sara first jumped at the touch of the warm mix and touch, Mary even gently spread the mix to and around Sara’s bum hole Sara let out a Squeal. In a few minutes the warm foamy liquid started to get warmer, almost too much.
Mary was watching the process closely still stroking the area above Sara’s clit a little faster as Mary knows the heat is building,  Just one minute more sis.
With that Mary, got up off her knees, as she rose up Mary’s naked breast and nipple rubbed against Sara’s chin. Sara’s eyes widened as the naked Mary breast moved away. Mary started the hand held shower and made sure the temperature was right. She then said “Sara stand up and get in the shower, hurry up before it burns.”
Sara climbed in, Mary expertly rinsed the mix away as she rinsed, the hair that had once populated Sara pubic area was also washed away down the drain. Mary had climbed into the shower and started to wash Sara up with soap. Mary made sure Sara was fully clean and rinsed she then turned the water off.
Mary grabbed some towels and dried off Sara first her back then front, gently rubbing the breast and nipples then down to her now totally hairless mound. Mary then handed another towel to Sara, “Now dry my back now please”, Sara did robotically, then Mary turned to face Sara.  Sara did the front but did not do her sister -in-laws breast and thighs.
Mary noticed this and said “Boobs and Bum Too” 
Sara awkwardly dried Mary’s body.
Mary pulled Sara into the bedroom, and stood in front of the mirror with Sara facing the mirror Mary stood behind Sara, “That’s better. What do you think Sara?’
“Oh My! Wow! I look like what I did back when I was Kelly’s age, Did you get all of it off?”
I’ll check, Here lay back on the edge of the bed. Mary guided Sara to sit and pushed her backward on the bed,
Sara Squealed as she fell back on the bed and Mary started to pull Sara’s knees apart. with that sound of  Sara’s Squeal the still nude  Steve, walked into the bedroom his half hard penis leading the way,
“Did the Forest go away?” Steve asked as moved to stand next to his wife Mary
Sara Jumped while still laying on the bed and moved her arms and hand to block view of her breasts and girl parts.
“Steven don’t look at me” she said loudly,
“Shush now you will wake the kids” Steve said
“Sara, Remember the rules of the House? No covering up now. Give me your hands now.” Mary reached and slow moved Sara’s hand to her sides, as the hand that was blocking her mound pulled away. Mary moved Sara knees apart to expose the woman flesh that was recently covered with hair.
“Oh my God. There is the Freckle I remember seeing back in the day, God sis, your pussy  still looks good even after two kids.” Steve said
“No Steve don’t look” Sara tried to close her legs but Mary had warned her.
Mary said “Steve don’t say it that way, however Sara after two children your vulva does look very nice.” Mary still had Sara’s legs spread wide and Mary had taken her hand checked for smoothness up and down front and back. This caused Sara to sigh,
“Do You like this Sara? “Mary asked as she stroked Sara’s lower lips,
“No I don…” a slight moan escaped. She looked at her brother Steve’s penis it had grown to full mast
“Sara, we also don’t tell lies in this house,  I will ask you again, Do You like this Sara?” Mary asked as she touched Sara’s clit.
Sara moaned again louder.
“Answer me please, do you like feeling this feeling?”
“Maybe a little…”
Mary circled the button with her finger
“Its Ok…”
“Just ok? “ Mary asked again
“ ok a lot!” Sara said with heavy breathing
“I think she likes this attention, she is mighty wet,… Steve have a feel.”
Steve reached over and slid his finger up and down his sister’s slit
Sara Started moaning with every movement of his finger,
“Have you ever been kissed down there Sara?” Mary asked
“Never” she sighed back still enjoying the
”How long has it been dear since you had an Orgasm Sara? Mary asked
Sara whimpered, “A long time”
”Do you want one?” Mary asked
“Sara sighed I don’t know maybe,”
“Oh girl, you don’t want one,  you need one Girl” Mary said
“Yes your right… I need one please”
Mary looked at Steve eyes staring down at his sister pussy, lowered her head and leaned in and kissed the moaning woman’s pussy giving it a little tongue swirl around the button. Mary then pulled up and kissed her husband Steve on the mouth and let him taste his sister on her lips and tongue.  Steve’s fingers stopped for a moment during the kiss.
“This feels so good… Please don’t stop” as Steve responded to his wife’s kiss,”
Steve looked at Mary’s eyes, Mary looked at his and whispered “Go head and give your sister your famous licking technique.”
“Really Mary?”
“She needs an orgasm Steve but remember, you can’t fuck her with your penis that’s mine.”
“Yes you can kiss your sister snatch. She loves you,”
Steve did a time stop moment he was motionless with his mouth open.
“Steve what are you waiting for. I already told you twice. Help your sister relax.”
Steve turn towards Sara lower lips and started giving her the ultimate licking of his life and the first licking of her life. Within two minutes Sara was enjoying her best orgasm she ever had, Steve kept on licking as Sara once again thrashed thru another intense orgasm. Steve stopped for a moment looked at his wife and they kissed deeply then Mary leaned into the valley of Sara and licked and kissed her sister-in law to her third orgasm for the night. She was moaning loudly, this time Sara pasted out cold, still breathing heavy but passed out. The married couple chuckled as they kissed again,
“Let’s put her to bed in her room and let her rest.”
Steve carried his sleepy naked sister to her bed. Mary followed behind and helped her husband by guiding Sara’s head to rest on the pillow as he laid her down. They both looked down at Sara. Steve leaned over and kissed his sister on the mouth, Sara woke up a little bit unsure..
Sara Mumbled “No Steve you’re my brother” as she realized the smell on his face was hers and what just happened Sara let Steve kiss her , she saw the naked Mary right next to him so it didn’t seem that wrong.”
“Sleep now sis”. Steve told her “welcome home to our house.”
Steve got up and walked his naked butt to his bedroom his cock hard, like a battering ram, Mary chucked and looked at Sara’s eyes and leaned in for a kiss too.
Sara was also shocked by the smell of herself on her sister in-laws face. Mary kissed Sara.
 Then said “Don’t worry about your brother now, in a day or two your pussy will be old news and he wont pay anymore attention to it unless you want him to. Besides, he is going to be busy with mine while your here “
With that Mary stood up and walked out to her bedroom to enjoy her husband’s hard cock.
Sara Just laid there in the dark, totally unsure on what just happened. Her own body was still motionless due to the three wonderful orgasms she was just given. She was spread out on her back totally naked and as of now, uncaring that she was un-covered; She then heard the moans and the rhythmic creaking of a bed of her brother and his wife. She drifted off to sleep.

(The End)