Eviction Notice 2

By Sexpig4u

Copyright 2014 by Sexpig4u, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Eviction Notice Part 2 The Relocation, By Sexpig4u
It is only a fantasy People.

The two cars drove for while on the main road then they made a right turn and in short while Uncle Steven then slowed as they passed a quickie mart because a couple of people were crossing the street, they looked like a set of parents and a boy around 8 or 9, the only thing that caught Marks eye was the boy’s clothing, it was a scouting shirt and tie the blue shirt went to the kid’s waist and the over the calf dark socks and hiking boots. The group had crossed street as Mark’s mind processed the scene, he thought to himself “ Damn those uniform shorts were tight and short.” He had tried the scouts when he was 8, but his scouting career fizzed out that same year, he didn’t like uniform or want to do the badges work.
Kelly had also looked out the window after the group passed by she asked her mom,
“Was that boy half naked, mom?”
“Don’t be silly, Kelly kids don’t go around naked outside.”
“Well he looked like it to me “Kelly replied
Yeah right Kelly, Maybe it; was shorts” Mark replied
Uncle Steve then turned left on to a dirt road with a dead end sign. They traveled down the road for a quarter mile; the neighborhood was normal semi rural style the houses were set back from the road and about 75feet apart. It was still light out but getting dark fast and still mild in temperature, The kids noticed that in front of the other houses there were a few yard toys and many Bikes, both girls and boy bikes, They got to Uncle Steve’s house about the 8th house in, they turned into the driveway, it was more like a pebble parking spot.
            Everyone got out, Mark and Kelly heard the sound of kids playing in front yard, of the house across the way. They were on the other side of some bushes, It looked like a couple of boys his age from his angle they were running around shirtless. Two more shirtless kids came into view they looked a bit younger, they had longer hair too.
It was about 8:15pm, Uncle Steve opened the garage door and told the bunch to start unloading the cars and place the items on the garage floor for now. The washer and dryer were along the rear wall,
Aunt Mary heard the door open she came out through the inside garage door, She was wearing a dorm shirt that came down just above her knees,  the design print on the torso said “House Mother Rules” Sara noticed Mary had long legs and bare feet, she Said loudly “Sara Welcome Home” the two women hugged each other,
“Thanks for letting us intrude into your home.”
“No problem, we are all one big Family now.”
“I don’t know what I would do without your offer.” Sara said
“Think nothing of it, Family helps family”
Mark and Kelly just carried a few bags into the garage,
“Oh my god, look at these two beautiful little kids of yours Sara”
“Auntie Mary I am not that little any more” Mark said
“Non-sense come here and give me a hug, you two”
Mark went over to Auntie Mary, His aunt hugged him and buried his head into her soft chest, Mark could feel the softness of her braless 36C on his cheeks, Aunt Mary then moved over to her left and pulled Kelly in for a hug as well, this caused his aunts right nipple to poke him in the cheek, Mark could feel the different texture of the nipple under the shirt and he started to get stiff down in his pants.
Kelly loved her Aunt, she also felt the softness of her aunt’s shirt covered breast on her own cheek, and Kelly hoped that in a few years her own breasts would grow in like her aunt’s or her mom’s.
Steven said “This is last of the bags from the car,”
Luke and Lisa were standing watching the greetings,
Sara saw this and noted that little Leroy was not around.
“Where is your youngest? In Bed?”, Thinking it was late enough.
“Oh Leroy, he is over at the neighbors yard playing I believe,”
Sara couldn’t believe a six year old would still be out playing this late.
“Lisa and Luke go over to Smiths and get your brother home.”
“Ok Mom,” the kids left to get their brother.
“The rest of you come on into your new home I’ll show you around”
They walked towards the open inside door,
Aunt Mary said “The first rule of the House, is shoes and socks off when inside the house, I hate shoes and socks,
 So, everyone now remove your shoes and socks,”
“Why” asked Mark
“Because I don’t want dirt and shoe prints on my floor.”
Kelly removed her shoes.
“Come on Mark you, too”
Mark kicked them off,
“You can put them in the cubby under the bench”.
“Socks too Mark,” Mark hated bare feet
Sara tapped Mark on the arm to push him to remove his socks, Sara saw her brother remove his automatically as he followed the crew inside,
Mary watched as the kids took their shoes and socks off, she then looked at Sara.
Sara had not removed her shoes yet,
“Sara, The rule is for all who live here, that applies you too, sis”
“Oh, I am sorry I thought you meant the kids only,”
“No this rule is for everyone, Home is meant to relax, I can’t relax if I am sweeping and vacuuming all the time,”
Sara sat on the bench and removed her shoes and socks.
“Ok as you can see this is the kitchen and eating area all food is to be eaten here and not anywhere else,”  
 “Over this half wall, is the Family room, it’s not that big but it works for now.”
 There were two large slip-covered chairs, along with a couch with a matching slipcover as well. All were facing an average size, (Dumb style)TV. It looked to be 8 years old.
Mary walked towards the back of the house thru the family room to small hallway, with four doorways and a mirror door at the end of the hall, on the wall to the left behind the kitchen wall was a small bathroom, on the right side opposite the bath was a small bedroom then a about five more feet or so, the other door openings were on the left and right opposite of each other.
Mary stopped and said “Ok, as you can see space is very limited in our small home. But we manage, Steve and I have the master bed room on the left”, Sara and the kids looked in, they saw a king size bed just inside the room and the head of the bed backed up to the hallway bathroom, “there is an extra bathroom on the other side of the bed incase the hallway bath room is occupied, there is an extra large shower stall too.” 
“The room to the right of the mirrored linen closet was Lisa’s, but now it will be Sara’s room,”
Lisa and Kelly will be moving to the boy’s room which is the bedroom across from the Master bedroom.”
Sara spoke “Lisa I am sorry about taking your room away.”
“It’s ok Aunt Sara, I think it is great that I am going to have my cousin as roommate she is all most like a sister now”
“That’s the spirit, Lisa” Mary told her daughter.
“Auntie Mary, if Lisa and Kelly are taking the boy’s room, where am I and my cousins going to sleep?” Mark Asked
“Don’t worry Mark, you and the boys will be sleeping in the family room,”
”In the family room?” questioned Mark.
“Sure the couch opens up to a full size bed there is enough bed to share” Auntie Mary replied.
“What the three of us guys in one bed?”
“Sure how much room do three little boys need to sleep”
“Auntie I am 14”
“You can’t be 14, you’re still shorter than your mother,”
“Mom tell her I am 14,”
“By the way Mark little boys don’t talk back to their elders, especially in this house mister” his aunt said
“Mark quiet now, if it wasn’t for your childish ball playing we wouldn’t be in this mess. You will be fine now in the same bed,” Sara told her son
Steve spoke up, “Mark, I suggest you don’t Piss off your Auntie, Now that you’re living here, you will learn that life doesn’t always work out as planned, sometimes the best way to handle it, is going with the flow and not to fight it.”
Just then the front door opened and in walked Lisa and Luke, they were both holding their little Leroy’s hand, as they came in side, Leroy was crying, 
Lisa called out, “Mom I need to tell you something” as she removed her shoes and put them in a cubby.
Luke did the same he put has away as well.
With that statement The group turned and walked back to the kitchen area.
“What is it Lisa?” Mary asked
Sara gasped “What on earth happened” as she saw that her youngest nephew had tears streaming down his face. But that was not why she gasped, she gasped because he had just come in from out side playing and all he was wearing a head band with a feather and nothing else, he was totally naked. This boy had just come in from outside playing, His little boy parts on display for the world to see,
“Leroy didn’t want to come home with us, mom he was too busy playing Cowboys and Indians”
“Where are your clothes, young man? you need to be wearing play clothes, when playing outside!” Aunt Sara asked not allowing his mother to speak
Leroy said “these are my play clothes Auntie Sara, see my head band and feather?” as he pointed to his head, still sniffling and not bothered at all by being undressed.
“Sara, It’s ok” Steve tried to say to his sister,
“How can that be? Where are your clothes? Did someone take them off of you?”
“No Auntie, nobody took them, mom dressed me as an Indian when I went to play” Leroy said.
Sara noticed that Leroy was really dirty and he had some war paint markings that looked like lipstick on his body smeared in some spots, He looked like a real Indian warrior.  
“I can’t believe it, Steven, you let your boy play naked outside.”
“No he is not naked, Mary dressed him in his costume so he can play his game with the other kids, They love playing that game.”
“I never would do that, aren’t there are rules about running naked?” Sara said
“Not at my house Sara, Steve and I decide the rules on what is right or wrong, Besides Leroy is just a little kid anyway” Mary said then turned to her daughter and asked “why is Leroy crying?”
“He didn’t want to come home and he pinched my arm so I spanked him a couple of times”
“Leroy, your cousins are here, I sent Lisa and Luke to get you, you know better than to pinch anyone.”
“I am sorry Mom, I was having fun, with Sam and Joey. I didn’t mean to pinch Lisa”
“Well then I guess you should stop crying now. You knew your sister would spank you if you act up.”
“Yes mom I am sorry”
“Just because you got spanked, no snack for you tonight, then so go hang up your feather and get into the bath now,”
“Ok mom,” Leroy went to his room to hang up his feather, his red butt cheeks showed the results from a spanking,
“Sorry Guys, did not mean for that type of display,”
“What the Boy parts display?” Sara asked
“No the crying display, the nudity is normal for the kids”
“Besides the butts are quicker to be spanked, incase of wrong doing.”
“Why was Leroy naked?”  Kelly asked her aunt
“Because he was dressed as an Indian, and Indians don’t wear clothes” Lisa said
Aunt Mary then said “Luke and Lisa time for you get in the bath with your brother as well”
“Ok Mother” the brother and sister responded, Luke said as he reached up and undid the bib overall shorts straps they dropped to the floor in front of the group and he then took his t-shirt off, Lisa also dropped her shorts and pulled her shirt off, totally naked now, they both bent down to pick the items from the floor and took them to the laundry area in the garage and came back, Luke small penis flopping as he stepped and Lisa shoulder length hair bouncing behind her, Lisa naked hairless vulva was exposed to the house, as they headed to the bathroom to join their brother,
Sara was shocked and asked “Steve, What’s going on here? Brothers and sisters aren’t supposed to see each other naked”
Steve said “Sara It’s another one of Mary’s rules, It’s truly ok, They are only kids, Remember what I said earlier tonight, you saw me naked and I saw you back then, we turned out ok,”
Mary told her sister in law “Another one of my house rules, is that All kids in this house will shower or bathe after supper, and they go together, all the time to save water and time,”
“Speaking of the time” Mary turned to her nephew and niece “Mark and Kelly, That includes both of you, too now, Strip down and get in the bathroom with your cousins”
No Fu…ing way I am 14, a teenager”
“Mark quite down Please” Sara said
“Mark, that language is not used in this house, Now get naked, it will be fun you’ll see.”
 “Mom help me, I am too big dam it”
“Mary he is Right, I think don’t you think?” Sara asked
“Non sense they’re both just two little kids now, Luke and Leroy don’t mind their sister Lisa joining them, its family time, I hear stories of other kids not sharing bath time and some boys don’t want to shower at all, but We are one big happy family, The kid’s love bath time they look forward to it.”
“Mary don’t you think maybe Mark is too old now for that?” Sara stated to her sister-in-law
“Mom, me too?” Kelly also asked her mother,
“Non-sense, Boys and Girls don’t need modesty when they are little, especially around here, It’s a long family tradition, My Grand parents raised my mother and her 6 siblings this way, after she got married, my mother insisted with my father, that they were going raise my brothers and me without any false modesty or shame.”
“But that’s wrong, brothers and sisters shouldn’t see each other naked.” Sara stated.
“Why not?” Mary asked
“Because, they say it will cause trouble.” Sara said
My family turned out ok, my three brothers each own their own business and My sister Joan, is a respected Charge Nurse at the County Hospital.
“Well I don’t want my kids running naked, there is no need.” Sara said defiantly.
 “Steven I thought you told your sister on the phone about the rules here and that she agreed to the conditions”
“I did tell her and she did agree” Steve said
“I didn’t agree to my kids going naked Steven,”
“Sis I said that you can stay if you live by the house rules that my wife has here.”
“But if the children feel, isn’t good for them, they should decide for themselves.”
I am their Mother, Steve is the dad, We decide what is good for them. They are just children,“
“But kids should not see any nudity, they say it causes mental illness”
“Who is they?” Mary asked
“Society and doctors on TV”
“What the TV Doctors, that sell commercial time and pitch products to the viewers and society that makes kids grow up too early and with hang ups on life,” Mary said
“No they don’t just pitch their products, I believe the doctors know what is the right way.”
“Let guess, they also think spanking kids as well is wrong too?”
“Yes they do,” Sara
“So they believe kids should disrespect parents by back talking and not obey rules too.” Mary asked
“No the kids have to obey rules, but you talk to them to obey,”
“Like the way Mark listened to you talking about the rules about playing ball in landlord’s yard”
“Well he knew better but it wasn’t his fault.” Sara defended her son.
“Was there somebody else in the yard with the ball?”
“No just him.” Sara said
“Your boy is rude and undisciplined and you’re not controlling him like a parent should,”
“He just marches to a different drum and I’m trying to do the best I can, if you can’t understand that’s your problem,”
“Well I guess then you and kids are going to find somewhere else to live tonight then and that’s going to be your problem.”
“What you’re going to kick us out now?”
“Mary you can’t, she is my sister she needs our help” Steve spoke up
“Yes I am Helping them, I was asked to offer my home to them to stay as long as they need and all I asked for was my rules of my house to be obeyed.”
“But I don’t like nudity, and the spanking”
“Those are the rules here and plan to keep them in place, if you don’t like the rules, you folks can go elsewhere then,”
“You know we have no where to go,” Sara said in shock
“You always have the shelter, I hear they sometimes force families apart by accusing mothers of drug use and taking the kids away,”
“That’s just rumors and hearsay, Steve help me” Sara all most in tears.
“Joanna in town said that it happened to her cousin. She finally got the matter fixed and her kids back but they weren’t the same, the state brainwashed the kids and they never trusted their mother again.” Mary said
“No not true,” Sara denied the fact
“Yes it is Sara, Mary’s brother who is a lawyer helped Joanna’s Cousin,”
“But Steven, don’t I have a choice while I am here on how to raise my kids?”
“Of course You have a choice, Sis, your welcome to stay as long as you need. But Mary runs a tight ship like I said over the phone, She wants to keep our house the same while you’re here. One big happy family” Steve said
Sara, looked at her kids, they watched and took in the whole conversation, they looked at her, even at their age they knew that the shelter was not safe,
Kelly, went to her mother and motioned with her ten year old little index finger for her mother bend down so she could whisper in to her Mother ear
“Mom, I don’t want to live in the shelter, I am going to be good anyway so a spanking won’t apply to me, I hope, but Mark saw me topless tonight at the apartment and I realized, I don’t have anything to show that Lisa didn’t already show to Mark just now.”  
“So he saw you tonight without a shirt? You know I don’t allow it?” Sara said in normal voice
“Mom it was bound to happen we share a room.” Kelly whispered back.
“What about you, seeing your brother naked?” Sara really whispered back to Kelly’s ear
Kelly leaned in real close to her mom’s ear “you know Mark sleeps in his pajamas and he gets real hot at night so he kicks off his covers, in the morning I wake early and I have seen his thingy poking out of his pajamas, sometimes it’s hard  and  sometimes it’s not bigger than my cousin Luke’s just now,”
“You Have Kelly?”
“Yes mom, It looked cute, I remember seeing it back when I was small too, back when I was little when you bathed us together,”
“So are you okay with the rules here Kelly?”
“I like my Cousin Lisa, She is ok with it I guess, I can be okay too, she is like a sister I didn’t have,
Sara motioned for her son to come over towards her, she leaned down to his ear and whispered.
“Kelly said you saw her topless tonight, is it true?”
Mark was embarrassed about his mother asking him this,” I guess I Did” he said 
“Kelly also said she has seen your penis both soft and with an erection,”
“I never showed her, you said I never should, and I didn’t”
“Calm down, I guess with sharing a room, Privacy may take a back seat,”
“When did she see it? I am always dressed like you asked”
“Apparently you get hot at night and your pajama bottom’s front door opens and you sometimes poke out in the morning,”
“So that why she is always up so early before me”
Sara smiled and joked “I guess that saying is true now, the early bird does get to see the worm.”
Steve and Mary both laughed
Relax Mark, Kelly is ok about it, how about you, do you want to stay with here with family or go to the shelter?
Mark looked at the people in the room and said “I am bigger than my cousins I am 14, can’t I have privacy to shower.”
“Your aunt Mary feels that you’re a little wild at times and she may be right but right now lets try to adapt to the surroundings, we don’t really have a choice, it will be for just a little bit. Okay?
Mark looked at his sister, she mouthed the words “it’s Ok Brother I don’t want to go to shelter”
Mark Shook his head no to the shelter,
“Ok it’s decided, we will stay, Mary Please tell me the rules later so I can digest them,”
“Great, now its is very late now Kelly and Mark the Bath is waiting, Lets go get your clothes off,
Kelly looked at her mother, Sara went to her daughter, Sara knelt down and hugged her daughter, then she started to pull down Kellys shorts leaving her in panties.
 Kelly’s eyes never left her moms eyes,
Sara then raised Kelly’s shirt up and over her daughters head, leaving the girl only wearing panties in front of her brother Aunt Mary and Uncle Steve, she almost wanted to cover her chest but she realized she had nothing to show but two brown spots on her chest.
Aunt Mary saw that Kelly had panties on. “Sara and Kelly, I don’t believe in the use of  panties at this house unless its during your period of course, It saves in the laundry and lets the girls parts air out”
“No panties, Really Mary?” Sara asked
“What’s a Period?” Kelly asked
“Sara didn’t you talk to your daughter about the facts of life yet?”
“Not yet, the school was going to cover it next semester” Sara said
“So, you are going to let the school talk about facts of life instead of you telling her,
“It’s embarrassing to me to talk about it.” Sara said
“How is it embarrassing, it’s all natural, Have you at lease shown her how you handle your period?”
“No, That’s private I am her mother she can’t see me naked and she doesn’t need to know yet,”
“Oh god, we have a lot of learning  to do then,” Mary turned to her niece, “Kelly, Did you see that package that Luke and Leroy had hanging in front of them, and that you look different from them?”
“Yes auntie” Kelly said.
“Do you know what the package is called?”
“I think it’s a pee-pee.” Kelly acting shy, she knew but didn’t want mom to freak out.
“No Honey,it not a Peepee” Mary said with a chuckle “ it is called a Penis and Testicles  s. Do you know what a penis is used for?”
“I think peeing,” Kelly said
Yes that is one function that it does, we will talk about this a little later in the bath room, Lisa and boys can teach you what need to know. Well then, in the mean time let’s get you out of those panties, Little girls like you don’t need panties till you get older. Lisa loves going without. Are you ready to take your last pair of panties off?”
Kelly looked at her mom then at her brother then said, “I saw Lisa and Luke not wearing their undie’s at the apartment and it looks like fun Auntie. Can I really go without mom?”
Sara, did not like the idea “I don’t know Kelly”
“Mary does she have to go without?
“It is a house rule, Sara you will have to try it yourself later tonight unless it is your cycle time”
“Me too?” Sara asked
“Yes it is saves in the laundry and it actually healthier, for everyone, I only wear them 12 weeks a year,” with that Mary lifted the hem of her shirt exposing her bare hip and bum to Sara and Kelly.
“Kelly it looks like it is a must do” Sara
Sara then reached over and pulled Kelly’s panties down and Kelly stepped out of them,
Seeing everyone looking at her naked body Kelly asked quickly “Can I go take a bath now”
“Sure” Her mother said and Kelly Flew to the bathroom,
She is a Natural nudist she will be fine.
All eyes turned to Mark, Sara went to him hugged him and said “it’s ok we will all get through this,” Sara then helped remove Marks Tee shirt.  Mark stood there with just his pants on, He couldn’t believe that this was happening to him. He started to back up and away from his mother. His mom took hold of his arm and pulled him back to her, Sara knelt down in front of Mark started to help Mark get ready for the family bath time that his aunt insisted on.
“Come on Mark, The other kids are waiting”. His aunt said,
Marks eyes Pleaded with his mother not too but His mom said “Relax Mark I seen you before, I changed your diapers remember,”
“But that was a long time ago,” Mark whimpered He felt his mothers fingers at his waist band of his pants hooking her fingers around the waistband, having watched his sister get naked and his cousins run nude, his penis was uncontrollable right now, he was trying to make it go soft but with the stress and thought of his sister and aunt naked ass, he was rock hard,
Sara decided that she should remove the pants and undershorts at the same time to prevent any more stalling and to appease her sister-in law, her fingers hooked both items of clothing and swiftly pulled them down to his feet, this action caused his 4 inch erection to spring down then up to his belly,
Aunt Mary said at the sight of his penis “I told you he was still little, no bigger than my middle finger, just a little bit of pubic hair, but still only peach fuzz above it, it won’t take long to trim it up, however your bag of marbles as Lisa calls it, it looks like a small boy’s oh good it is still hairless too, that will save us time tonight.”
  Mark was embarrassed he didn’t want to be seen like this, “Save time for what Auntie Mary?
“Step out of the pants honey”, Sara told her son, as she held the clothes down so he could step out of them he braced held on to his mother’s shoulders to balance himself. His stiff penis bobbled around, it almost bumped into her chin,  She looked at him up and down, yes he was bigger than his cousins but he still looked like the little boy she gave birth to,
“To give you a trim, all the other kids in the neighborhood won’t like it if you have pubic hair,” Mary said
“What?, why on earth, would the other kids know if I have pubic hair?” Mark asked
“Because parents make kids go naked in this neighborhood.”
Sara gasped” They do? How do they allow that?”
“Well it’s a long story but the town’s sewer system can’t handle the extra water in the area. The town wanted to ban household laundry washers due to the problem of the sewer not having the capacity to handle the waste water repairs. The only problem the only laundry mat was in the next town over and having one built in town was not an option due to the same sewer conditions. The town wouldn’t budge on the matter and the towns folk told the town counsel that was not fair to have to travel so far just to wash clothes things were at a stale mate. So during another town meeting on this issue, My grandmother stood up to address the counsel. She told everyone there about how she was raised with her 6 siblings back then, and she explained about the nudity and how if the kids reduced the amount of clothes they wear at home and outside the waste water could be reduced. But some of the older folks remembered the practice and spoke in favor of it. Several of the younger parents were in shock of the idea and expressed concerns about bullying and sexual abuse. Doctor Brown a well known to the town, Said that kids in Africa or other parts of the world that treat nudity as natural, the kids show no harmful effects on development but actually benefit from it, Families actually become closer to each other by allowing kids to explore the openness of their bodies and functions. he also said if people see more common nudity the desire to commit unwanted abuse is reduced, So the town voted to tolerate nudity”
“What about the hair, why does it have to go?” Sara asked
“I was getting to it, The Police chef said that state laws required those whom entered puberty and show signs of adult hood need to wear clothing, so after much discussion, It was decided that all children under the age of 18 should be kept clean shaven so that when outside the need for clothing was not required and the state law would be met,
“No way, I want to keep my hair” Mark really nervous
  Yes they do my dear nephew, Hair is sign of a child getting older, most of the mothers in the neighbor hood want their kids to be kids longer, so we shave them bald.
“Now up to the bathroom boy, ”
He Took the hint and bolted to the bathroom his hands covering his bouncing stiff penis.
When he got to the bathroom, the tub was still filling. Luke and Leroy were sitting on the outside edge of the extra large tub, their feet on the floor facing their sister. Lisa was sitting on the toilet opposite the tub, legs spread wide apart her little slit was in full view of the boys, both of her hands were on touching each of her ankles, Lisa long hair came down just past her shoulders so that her bare flat chest was clearly exposed,. Kelly was leaning against sink that was between the tub and toilet. Her legs tightly wrapped together and her arms folded in front hiding her parts.
Lisa spoke at the sight of her older male cousin appearing naked, “Hi Mark, I am glad that you finally decided to join us. And it looks like your penis likes being here too,” Lisa giggled,
This comment caused Mark to blush and try again to hide his erect penis with his hands.
“Mark you don’t have to hide it, I know what a penis and balls look like, see my brothers here.” Lisa pointed to the Luke and Leroy both brothers had erections too, “the other boys in the neighborhood show me theirs all the time too.”
Kelly “What you see other boys naked?”
“Sure I do, it’s just a body part, like a nose or toe. Johnny Miller, three houses from, he is 17, his family has a heated pool every weekend we go swimming there. He has penis that hangs about 5 inches soft and 8 inch long stiff. His mother still won’t let him cover up at home.  Sometimes I get to put suntan lotion all over him, his penis feels so hard but also very soft.” Lisa said
“No way!” Kelly said in disbelief.
“Yeah way. One time I was rubbing the lotion all over his stiff cock”, she whispered as she said the word cock, “all the while his mother watched me lotion him up. When all of sudden he squirted his thick white sperm all over my hands and face.”
Kelly asked “what’s sperm?”
Don’t you know? It’s what boys do, to make babies in girls” Lisa said
“I just know what they look like, I see Mark’s penis only in the mornings. I didn’t know they squirted my Mom hasn’t told me that yet.”
Luke reached out and grasped Marks penis, “Wow you may be older than me, but yours is thinner than mine, do you shoot yet, Mark?”
“Hey do you mind that’s none of your business” Mark pulled Luke’s hand off his penis. This of course caused his penis to get even stiffer”.
“Ok everyone in the tub now and get soaking,”
Aunt Mary said as she entered the small bathroom and she shut off the tap. Sara followed in behind her sister.
Lisa said “I want to be next to Mark”
“however, you guys want to be, just start soaking it is very late.”
The Luke and Leroy climbed in and said “Kelly, sit by us.”
Kelly said “Okay” the water came up to their bellies,
Lisa got settled in as well,
“Okay Mark looks like you’re here” Aunt Mary pointed to the empty spot.
Mark still hiding his parts stood there facing the tub. Sara his mother was standing behind her son, his bare but on display, she reached out and nudged her boy toward the tub by touching his bum, very soft she thought, as he got the hint and climbed in he had to move his hands to brace himself against the wall to keep his balance, this cause his erect penis to poke toward Lisa’s face, as space was tight even in this larger than normal tub. His penis even bumped in her nose because her face was at the same height.
 Lisa giggled, “wow nice wood Mark”
Mark quickly sat down but unfortunately the deepness of the water only came up past his balls, his penis was still fully erect and sticking out of the water.
“Okay, kids grab the bars of soap and start scrubbing the one in front of you,” Lisa grabbed the bar and started to get it wet and scooped water upon Marks chest and started soaping up him. When she got done with the top she handed the soap to Mark and said “My turn” she turned her back so he could soap her back. He was amazed at the firmness of the girls body,
Lisa stood up had Mark do her legs she turned and asked Mark to do her bum and front as well. Mark hesitated, Lisa took his arm and placed his hand on her pussy, “soap this up too” she still holding his arm moved hand so his fingers got near her parts, That’s feels nice” she said as Mark started wiggling his fingers as to try to soap her up.
Kelly had soaped up little Leroy and Kelly was squirming from Luke’s soapy hands as he helped her lather up.
“Hey” Kelly cried out when Luke’s fingers touched her bum, she turned tensed and said “that tickles”
He is just said “Only washing you girl”
Lisa said “Stand up Mark, I have to soap your legs”
“I’ll do it my self”, Mark said trying to soap him self up.
“Mark” aunt Mary said “let her scrub you up all over”
Mark stood up and let Lisa wash him all over from the back, He jumped when she used her fingers on his bum hole,
Aunt Mary said “Let her get it really clean now I can’t have you leaving streaks on the furniture,”
“Turn around Mark I want to clean your penis’ Lisa said
Mark didn’t move,
“Come on Mark don’t be shy she cleans her brothers shafts all the time.” his aunt said
Mark turned around to face his cousin, Lisa reached out with both hands and was soaping up Mark’s penis wrapping her fingers around the stiff organ.
Kelly why don’t you watch how Lisa cleans Marks penis because you still have wash Luke and Leroy’s penis to finish up.
Sara was in awe of her niece Lisa’s expert way washing her sons penis, She watched her daughter do the same to her nephews.
“Lisa you better stop now” Mark blurted out and he tried to pull her hand free of his penis.
She kept her grip on it, this caused Mark to reach his limit, he started to ejaculate. One stream hit Lisa on the face, Mark moved to the side and the next two spurts shot out on Aunt Mary’s bare arm and Robe. 
Kelly was also looking at her brother when he asked Lisa to stop. “Wow Neat”
Luke said “Cool”
Aunt Mary said “Well, we finally got a shooter in the family, Mark your going be hotter than A Playstation at Christmas morning around here,”
Sara spoke loudly “ Mark …. Mary What going on here….”
Mary said “nothing, Just cleaning and relaxing in the tub”
“I love it when that happens, Kelly did you see the sperm shoot out?” Lisa said
“Is That what happens to make babies? What does it feel like?”
“Yeah here” as Lisa scooped some off her face and showed the glob to her cousin. After Kelly looked at it, Lisa started to lick her fingers.
“Lisa NO!” Sara said as she watch her niece lick the cum off her fingers
“Oh Sara knock it off, Its ok, its only natural, She likes it”
Kelly asked “what does it taste like”
Lisa said “here taste”, as Lisa scooped more cum off her face and placed her soaking wet cum covered finger into her cousins mouth
“Yummy” little Kelly said
Luke and Leroy also saw it happen
“What does it taste like Kelly “
“Why don’t you try some” Mary told her boys
“Okay mom”
“Lisa share now with the boys”
“I don’t have any more”, Lisa said “Oh wait you have some on your tee shirt mom “
“So I do” Mary moved over to the tub. The boys found the some they tasted it. The younger one said “tastes like chocolate” Leroy said 
“It’s ok a little salty,” Luke said 
“Mary what the Hell?” Sara scolded
“Relax Sara, they are just exploring and learning”
“But it is wrong and nasty”
“No it not nasty, it just a body fluid, didn’t you ever try it with Brian’s?”
“No never, I never did, Brian only did it inside me” Sara said while blushing at the thought.
“Didn’t you ever do oral sex or taste him after sex?”
“No, Brian didn’t believe in it. No I never tried it”
“Not even when you were dating or during your period?”
“No we were virgins when we were married and with his church up bringing, and he was always busy with work most of the time so we only had sex occasionally after that.”
Hearing this Mary used a finger to scoop up some Marks sperm from her arm, she stepped over to her sister in law and reach out to Sara lips with the coated finger.
“Here try some, open up”
Sara breathed in the scent, she could smell the sperm, she started to shake her head and she went to say “No Mary I Don’t…..”
Mary took her finger and stuck it squarely in Sara mouth and centered on her tongue.
Sara shocked by this, tasted it and wanted to spit it out but she didn’t want to gag so she swallowed it quickly.
After Mary did this she got some more cum from her arm and tasted it too. “Yummy isn’t?”
Sara said “But he is my son?” as she was trying to get her mouth wet and swallow more saliva to get the unique taste out.
“See it didn’t kill you, It’s only sperm all natural and full of vitamins no matter the donor,” Steve said while standing behind Sara near the door watching the whole scene,
“Auntie Sara, Did you like it too?” Asked Lisa
“I …….I      don’t know?............Maybe ….Oh what am I saying?”
“Relax sis its ok” Steve said.
“Well then, we need to start shampooing some hair”and she put some shampoo on each child’s head “Every one turn to the left” as they turned “now shampoo the one in front of you, Mark I’ll do you,” Mary said as she took off her tee shirt and dropped it on the floor. Standing naked by the tub now, she started to shampoo Marks head,
“Mary what are your doing? Sara Screamed.
“It was dirty and was going to get wet anyway. Besides we’re all a close family now, what does it matter.”
“But you can’t be naked too? Mark turn around and face the wall” Sara asked Mary  and told Her son in the same breath.
“Relax Sara, Mark can’t see me because of the shampoo and so what if he does see me, Its only skin, he needs to see females nudity, may be it will help him grow up with out any perversions.”
“But you’re his Aunt? It not right..”
Steve spoke up “Sis Why don’t you get settled in your new room while we finish washing the kids”
“But Steven” Sara said while watching each child shampoo the next,
“Relax sis its ok go get settled you had a long day.”
“Oh Ok” Sara said as she turned to leave the room, she went to the garage gathered her belongings that she packed from her old bedroom and brought them back to her new bedroom. As she passed the bath room doorway, she saw that Mark had turned facing his aunt, shampoo very much on his head, Mary had her left hand wrapped around Mark’s semi erect penis and her right hand had a razor, Sara Noticed her son’s eyes were closed tightly due to the shampoo dripping down near his eyes,
“Hold still Mark” Mary told her Nephew as she shaved any signs of adult hood way from Marks groin, helpless Mark could only stand still and let her do it. His tool started to get stiff again,
Sara walked to the bedroom and started to unpack and sort her clothes,
“Ok time to Rinse off guys and dolls.” Mary said
Sara heard the water start to run, sound of a flexible shower head being used.
Steve came out of the bathroom and went to the mirrored closet and got some towels out.
One by one each child came out Leroy then Luke, still nude but only the hair on their head still damp,
Then Lisa and Kelly followed holding hands Lisa leading the way, they only had the towels wrapped around their head and completely bare, Sara looked at the two girls as they stepped across the hallway to the other bathroom. Taking in the sight of two naked bodies their chest were just like boys just a hint of something and the smoothness of rest of their naked bodies. Only at that moment she remembered what she herself looked like at that age, earlier this evening at the apartment, Steve had reminded his sister that she was naked or barely dressed at home, all the time when she was younger before she really sprouted, it was all just innocent nudity
“Ok Mark, you’re dried off, and little boy get your tongue back in your mouth, you will be seeing me like this a lot around here so get used to it you don’t have to drool.”
“What do you mean Auntie?” Mark said
With this comment Sara, stepped out of the bedroom and walked to the bathroom doorway,
Mark had his towel in his hands and it was wrapped around his waist, it was a small towel anyway, did not completely go around him, he of course was covering his boyhood,
“I mean since the town wants to cut wastewater use, we can’t wash too many clothes around here, so we go without clothes as much as we can especially at home.”
“Really?” Mark asked
“Yes its true Mark as your aunt said get used to it” Steve said
“And Mark wet Towels stay in the bathroom”. Steve held out his hand to signal Mark to hand the towel back to his uncle.
“ But Uncle Steve…”
“You will get used to it, come on don’t be shy now, we all just saw your birthday suit in the tub,”
Mark hesitated but then he handed the towel over to his uncle, but then went to cover his  newly shaved penis area with his hands, all the while still looking at his naked aunt, her boobs were jiggling around as her dark pointed nipples moved with her cleaning the tub. His aunt’s pubic mound was cleanly hairless,
“Mark it is not proper for a boy cover up, be proud of your penis so let it show, now hands at your sides and relax,”
“Yes Uncle” Mark listened to his uncles voice he missed the deep male sound of his father voice. He placed his hands at his sides, his penis started to deflate, the tip of his circumcised penis was now pointing down to his feet.
“That’s the spirit, now get to the kitchen for a snack with your cousins”
“What about getting dressed for bed?”
“No need to bother, we all sleep naked here Now scoot to the kitchen” as Uncle Steve pushed Mark to the door,
Mark walked into his mother. He went to cover up with his hands
“Mark we don’t cover up here” Steve said again as he slapped Mark ass cheek, the sting made Mark to move his hands to his rear to rub out the sting,
“Mark let me see how your aunt shaved you,” his mother asked as Sara motherly reached down to rub the area above his penis.
“Just like the smooth Baby boy I used to change long ago,”
“Mom?”  Mark said as he started to get hard again, 
“Its just for a little while as you know we have no choice, go to the kitchen and have a snack. You will be fine, we’ll talk later,” Sara told her naked son,
 She then stepped out of the way as he walked to the kitchen.
“I better follow him, so he doesn’t put anything on,” Steve said to Sara and his still naked wife,
Mary said “I’ll grab the girls too, be there in a minute. Oh don’t forget Leroy only gets milk -no snack. He pinched Lisa earlier tonight”
“OK Honey”
Mary crossed the hall to find the girls still wearing the towels on their heads, Lisa was just prancing around the room, bare as can be, her skin on her chest and butt was the same shade as her legs, Kelly on the other hand was sitting on the edge of the bed and hiding her chest and vulva with her hands and arms, Her skin was very pale on her chest
“Aunt Mary you’re still naked?” Kelly said
“Yes I am Miss Kelly, And Don’t be shy I have more than you have and I don’t hide,”
“But I don’t know if I can get used to this,”
“Ok Lisa lets dry and brush your hair,” Mary said as she took her daughters towel off her head and started brushing her hair, 
Sara went to her daughter and did the same, Kelly Honey sit up straight” Sara said.
“Auntie I feel funny about being undressed”
Aunt Mary spoke up as she moved In front of her niece, “Kelly Give me your hands” Kelly moved her hands to her aunt’s, Mary took them and placed them on Kelly’s hips,
We don’t hide around here, you will get used to it and maybe you will like it too.”
But Mom I feel strange down there,
Where exactly do you feel strange, Sara asks her daughter
 “Down here near my peepee” Kelly pointed to her front parts,
Kelly we don’t call it a peepee  we call it a vagina,
Lisa pipes up, “I like to call mine a kitty the girls in school sometimes call theirs a Pussy”
Why do you call it a kitty or pussy?” Kelly asked
Because you have to Pet it to make it purr. Lisa said
“Pet it how? How does it purr?  Mom said not to touch it”
‘Really Sara?” Mary asked Sara
“Well I may have told her not to”….. Sara said
“Oh my Sara, How are you teaching your kid to relax. She is going to grow up without any know how to please herself
“She is too young to worry about it.”
“Sara this is the Age that Kelly should know how to relax her body so she can be free from stress,”
“I know but Kelly’s dad didn’t want sex to be seen or talked about I guess I put that  petting feeling on the back burner”
“What is that feeling that your talking about ?’ Kelly asked
“It’s an orgasm, remember how Mark Squirted tonight?”
I squirt sperm too?
No Honey, Not sperm, but you feel real good.
“Kelly why don’t you watch Lisa for a few minutes, Lisa show your cousin how you rub yourself.”
“OK Mom” Lisa laid down on the bed she then spread her and with out any shyness took her hand and started to rub her little bare kitty up and down then little circles, in a short time Little Lisa lets out a little moan, and keeps rubbing.
“Does it hurt Lisa” Kelly asked with the sound of a moan,
“No Kelly, it feels good”
“What does it feel like? How do you do it?”
“Sara you want to help your girl out? I think it is best that the first one is given by a parent”
“You don’t do that too here? Its wrong”
“Sara It’s natural. Steve and I taught Lisa and her brothers how too feel good,”
“Mary Really? I don’t know if I can touch her?”
Auntie Can you show me how to have an Orgasm? Kelly was very interested in feeling what her cousin was feeling right now.
Lisa was still rubbing herself
“Here sit back and lift your knees”
Mary reached down between Kelly thighs and started to caress the vertical lips and slowly inched her way to Kelly’s little Clitoris ,
Kelly this spot right here is your clitoris” Mary stroked it, Kelly drew in a breath of air,
“Oh My, Auntie that does feel good.”
Mary looked at Sara and said “She is an all natural girl”
Mary quicken her rubbing pace,
Lisa are you close to your Orgasm honey?
“Yes Mother, almost”
“Wait for Kelly, Lisa …   Right Kelly you want your first orgasm tonight?”
“Yes Auntie keep doing it, feels so good,”
“Feels good to be naked honey doesn’t it?” Mary asked her niece
“Yea feels nice” as her breathing getting fast,
“Sara come over here and give me your hand”
Sara was just starring at the scene so Mary reached over grabbed Sara hand and brought it to Kelly’s naked chest, Mary started to rub Kelly’s nipples with Sara fingers and hand,
“Sara remember how your chest was at that age, didn’t you wish for boobs then,?”
“Yeah I do remember, Does my touch feel good Kelly?” Sara asked her daughter
“Yeah Mom”
“Mom can you rub my nipples please” Lisa asked
“Ok Honey”as Mary started rubbing Lisa’s nipples and stroked Kelly’s clit,
“Ok girls I want you both to let your selves go now” with that Mary focused her rubbing on Kelly’s clit
“Sara pinch Kelly’s Nipples now, do it now”
Sara did what her sister in law told her to do,
Mary pinched Lisa’s nipples
Oh yes mom, all… most …there” Lisa say
Wait for Kelly Dear….  Kelly your cousin can’t wait, time for you to Orgasm,
“Okay Auntie I feel something,   oooooOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH is this It”  as the young girl starts to convulse on the bed.
“Kelly’s Here…….. I come too” Lisa also said as she reach her peek,
Both girls got real quite and their breathing started to slow back down,
Mary stopped her stroking, “Wow Kelly, Congratulations on your first Orgasm. Did you enjoy as  much as you look like you did?”
“Yes Auntie it was fantastic” Kelly said as she laid back on the bed fully spread open for all to see.
Sara Asked “Lisa how was yours?
Wonderfully as always Auntie Sara, I love this part of being naked all the time. How old were you when you had your first Orgasm Auntie?”
I don’t remember Lisa, I haven’t had the time to think about it,”
“Mom,” Kelly asked but hesitantly
“Yes Kelly?”
Look deep into her mothers eyes, “Mom, I like orgasms and I like not having any clothes on, Can I stay naked when ever I can Mom? Kelly asked
“I don’t know Kelly, you might be the only one at times” Sara replied
Lisa Said “I’ll be naked with her to keep her company”
“What about the boys seeing you nude Kelly?”
They saw every thing in the bathroom already I don’t have boobs yet to show, and Auntie Mary is naked and showing her boobs and all, Sorry Auntie I didn’t mean to be blunt.
“That’s ok Child, It’s alright to go naked if you want around here, Nobody really cares much,”
“So mom can I?” Kelly asked
“Your Uncle Steven, reminded me tonight that when I was your age, I ran around the house naked all the time even in front of his guy friends, I guess I have forgotten how it made me feel too,  I used to grind my mound to the floor while I was watching TV
I can’t believe I forgot that I went nude,”
“But Mom you always said I need to be dressed, why did you keep me from running around nude?”
“I Know I said that sweetie. Times are different now.  But maybe I was a little wrong.”
“Really mom,”
“Apparently In this neck of the woods it is ok”
“Mom are you going to be nude then too?” Kelly asked
Sara looked at the two naked girls on the bed and then to her nude sister in law. “I don’t know Kelly, I don’t think I am going to be”
Mary said “Sara we’ll talk later tomorrow, Ok Little girls get your naked butts to the kitchen for a snack,”
Lisa Once again grabbed Kelly’s Hand and pulled her off the bed and went to the kitchen.
After the girls left, Mary brought her fingers to her nose and sniffed her hand,
“Ah the sweet smell of young pussy, here smell this Sara” Mary moved her hand in front of Sara’s face, She took in the scent,
“Wow, She smells just like I used to smell” Sara said
Mary moved her finger to Sara lips, Sara opened up her mouth in shock, Mary stuck her fingers into Sara mouth,
“Oh my god….. Just like me” Sara said
Mary reached down to her own naked kitty and stroked her lips and brought up some pussy juice and had Sara smell and taste it as well,
So are you going to join us in going naked?
“I Don’t know if I can,”
“We will talk later about everything lets get a snack“
The women followed the bare girls to the kitchen for a snack, the Mark and Luke were sitting on their butts on the kitchen chairs around the large table, little Leroy was knelling on the chair. This caused his penis to be more exposed than the two sitting flat. That didn’t mean their parts were hidden either, the kitchen table was a large round clear glass table top. Nothing was hidden, sitting across Mark could see Lisa’s and Kelly’s pussy slits. The girls could see the boy’s parts as well Mark was getting erect again.
Mary noticed that Leroy had finished his milk. “Ok Leroy go brush your teeth and pee while I make up the couch bed.”
“Yes mother” Leroy stood up and did what he was told,
Mary pulled out the couch bed. She made the bed. But just the fitted sheet went on the bed, Leroy came back, jumped and laid down face up on the bed, his penis was a little stiff. “
“Mom snuggle with me,”
“Ok Leroy just for a little while”
The still naked mother sat down on the bed with a pillow behind her, Leroy laid across her lap so that his face was at her left breast and his penis was in reach of her right hand, pulled on his mothers wrist so that her hand was on his penis, Leroy started to suckle at his mama nipple. Mary started to rub the little guy’s penis while he sucked,
Sara looked over was in shocked Mary rubbing her boys little stiff penis also to see a boy his age breastfeeding at his mothers breast after a few minutes the little boy’s legs stiffened and Leroy moaned. In about a minute little Leroy was asleep. 
Mary place Leroy on the bed, she then walked to the kitchen stood behind Luke’s chair and ran her fingers thru his hair, “Ok Mark and Luke, if your done with your snack go brush your teeth and pee and get to bed.”
“Ok Mom,” Luke got up and took his plate and glass to the kitchen sink then headed to the bathroom to brush and pee.
“But I am not ready go to bed yet auntie” Mark said still sitting at the table
“All little kids go to bed at the same time here”
“But I am older, I don’t go to bed till 11:00”
“Non-sense you’re a still little boy, you need your rest. Tomorrow will be a very long day we have to get you and Kelly enrolled in school here, and to finish moving the rooms around.”
“What, School here.?” Mark said
 “Mom is that true?” Kelly also asked while finishing her snack
 “Well I haven’t thought it through yet” Sara
“What about My Friends?” Mark said
My Friends too?  Asked Kelly
“Surely your old school is too far away, it would cost too much in gas each week for your mother to drive you there,”
“No way. That’s not fair” mark said
“Your Aunt’s right, travelling to your current school would cost a lot,”
But my Friends;
“You will make new friends here, Our local school is on the smallish size, Less than a hundred kids. K thru grade 12 everyone gets along great.”
“Mark get going to bathroom, its bedtime”, Aunt Mary stood behind Marks chair she guided her hand to the center of his back, this of course sparked a double stiffness in his penis, She was still naked as well, as she made him stand up, he started to move away from the table and head to the bathroom still hiding his erect penis, Mark, Honey…Dishes to the sink Please.
“Oh sorry”, he said as He had to remove his hands from in front to move the dishes to the sink.
After he placed them into the sink he turned back and placed his hands in front of himself,
“Mark please keep your hand at your side, don’t be shy” his aunt said
He moved his hands to the side and quickly ran to the bathroom, his little member swinging side to side. The girls watched it wiggled as he walked to the bathroom.
Mark saw that Luke was sitting down on the toilet, Mark was shocked that his cousin was sitting there with out closing the door, “Oops sorry you should have closed the door,” Mark said
Luke asked “what door” as he wiped himself and stood up
Mark looked and realized that there was no door on the bathroom, “where’s the door”
“My mom had my Dad take them off after Lisa and I got into a fight and she slammed the doors shut. A few years ago”
“How do you manage to go without privacy, “
“I don’t know, everyone sees all of me anyway so why hide.”
Luke now brushing his teeth
Mark had to go so he sat down and started to poop and then pee, not loving the Idea of  no doors,
Luke had finished washing himself, as he was standing in front of Mark.  Luke started pulling his penis making hard while in front of the sitting Mark. “Do you want to touch my penis Mark, you can if you want,
” No thanks cousin,” Mark said
Just then the two girls also came in the bathroom to brush their teeth. Kelly still hiding her kitty from the boys but not as much, started brushing her teeth as Lisa reached out and grabbed her little brother’s penis and rubbed it like a pro. Luke started to breath funny and then stood on his tippy toes as Lisa brought Luke to a dry orgasm right there in the bathroom.
“Thanks sis” Luke said as Lisa let go of the shrinking organ after giggling
“No problem bro, Mark do you need another cum now maybe Kelly can help you?” Lisa said as she let go of Luke and got her tooth brush and start brushing.
“No thanks I better not.”
Lisa said with a mouthful of toothpaste “ Kelly your drooling”
 Kelly realized that her mouth was open in shock and a large drop of toothpaste had dripped on her flat chest. She quickly rinsed and cleaned up, then turned to Mark and said “ Mark I have to pee, finish what your doing and get up so I can go”
Mark finished wiping and he too brushed and washed himself all the while sporting a full erection while Kelly peed and Lisa went after her  girl cousin,
 The Kids  finished brushing and headed back to the living room.
”Ok good get in the bed, boys I’ll dim the lights” Mary said
Leroy was still asleep and was still totally nude and facing up.
Luke got into the bed and patted in the middle for Mark to climb in.
Mark moved to the center and looked for the top sheet. There was no top sheet  he couldn’t hide he quickly turned over on his belly to hide himself as he lifted himself up on his elbows watch the tv. His all white rear was all a glow in the light from the tv.
Lisa asked her mother “ is it ok if Kelly and I head to bed and skip TV”
“Sure honey, Say good night to your father. Kelly say good night to your Uncle as well.”
Uncle Steve was sitting in his swivel recliner near the TV on and was watching something. He was Still wearing his clothes from earlier in the evening, the two naked girls went over to him and Lisa hugged her dad first, his hand touched up and down her nude back  Stopping on her bum. Lisa moved to the side and Kelly then leaned in for a hug he ran his hand up and her back, touching her bum just like he did with Lisa.
“Good night girls” Steve said
Then the two nude girls went to Sara and hugged her and said good night. The girls went to the bedroom.
“Which bed is who’s” Kelly asked
“Why don’t we share one” Lisa said
Kelly said “Ok”
They both climbed in to one bed Kelly looked for a top sheet and asked about one.
“We don’t need one, the house is usually quite warm” Lisa replied
The two girls hugged each other enjoying the touch of skin to skin.  Soon both girls were asleep.   


(The End)