* * * *
This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of
sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to
view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do
not save this
* * * * * Remember People it’s only a fantasy.
Mr. Moore, you can’t just kick us out of
the apartment: Yes I can, and yes I will, that boy of
yours has caused Major damage to my property and unless you can pay for the
repair of what he has damaged, I am going to ask you and your family to leave
by noon tomorrow. Mr. Moore times are tuff around here I
don’t have the means right now I just got word that my place of work went out
of business yesterday and I spent the day looking for work, Nobody is hiring,
Can’t my deposit be used to pay for the damage, I am sorry Sara, your deposit was first and
last month’s rent and $200. You asked me to use the last months part of your
deposit at the start of this month and to repair the window and replace my knocked
over flat screen television when his football came through my window. But I only have part of next months rent
total. My stupid boss that hired me never told me that he was going out of
business in two weeks. “Once again Sara, It’s not my problem, It
clearly states in the rental agreement that you signed that the rentee’s full
rent is due on the First of the month and the apartment would be vacated by the
last day of the month.” Sara was starting to tear up and she was
getting desperate, “Is there anything, I mean anything I can do Mr. Moore to
let me and my family stay here for a little while longer” “You
even signed your initials that you understood that there would be no extensions
given period.” Sara, Looked into his eyes with her saddest
tear streaked face and Pleaded with Mr. Moore, “I mean anything . Please let my
family stay.” Mr. Moore looked at what Sara was wearing a
button down printed blouse, the top several buttons were undone she also wore a
loose cami that showed off her firm 36 cleavage. She was also wearing a pair of
skin tight jeans, this was part of her normal look. “Save your little act for
me, I have been renting apartments out for Years in this part of town I have
heard every sad lame excuse in the book to get out of paying rent. “No Mr. Moore I wasn’t lying I’ll find the
money, somehow, I am serious about doingAnything even those unspoken dirty things to keep my family here but I
need more time.” “In My younger days my dear girl, I would
have taken you up on your offer however Now a days, I need your rent to help
pay part of my mortgage. With this new health care law, My wife’s expenses have
increased I have no extra money either Sara. Just then Mrs. Moore’s voice was heard.
“Henry? Is the Bitch Paying her money yet” “NO
Stella Not yet” he Screamed back Sorry, about yelling but her Pain pills are
wearing off again. And now because of your boy’s actions she can’t watch her
shows on TV today, so she is bitchier than ever,” “Mr. Moore Please…..”she was Crying knowing
she just stooped to offering sex to her landlord in order to stay. “Best of luck to you and your family, but Business
is Business little Mama. Don’t forget Be out by Noon tomorrow,” Sara stood in the doorway of the apartment
as she watched Mr. Moore go back to his part of his house. She was in disbelief
about the recent events and Crying. She looked at her two children, little
Kelly (10) and Mark (14).”Oh shit” she said out loud when she realized her
children saw and heard her offer herself for sex in order to stay, She was
trying to compose her self as she addressed the situation. The kids were
watching television after school. Well Kelly was watching TV, Earlier Mark was
playing football with school mates however Mark knew he was not suppose to be
on Mr. Moore’s side yard. One of his mates over threw the ball, Mark said he
would get it. When he went to kick it to back to his mates, The Football went
off course in the narrow yard and through Mr. Moore’s living room window. His
Friends heard the noise and as all boys do. Ran like hell. Mark on the other
hand was too deep in the yard from the street to escape before being caught. “Mom….. I am sorry.” Mark said to his
mother “Mark I told you to do your homework after
school,” “Mom it was a nice afternoon and guys came
over and wanted to play” “Dam-it Mark You never listen to me,” “Mom I said I am sorry” “You can’t apologize out of this mess, this
time” Mark hung his head low. Kelly asked “Mom, is Mr. Moore going to
kick us out” “Looks like so, honey.” Sniffling back
tears. “Where are going to live Mom?” “Kids get the trash bags out of the pantry
and start packing your stuff I have to make a phone call.” Sara found her old, but working for now
flip style cell phone, she looked up the saved contacts and pressed the number
she was looking for. Ring, Ring, “ Hello?” Marcia it’s me Sara “Hi Sara whats up?” “My landlord is being an asshole; Can My
kids and I hang for while with you?” “Oh Sara sorry My mother is visiting us for
while, there is no room.” “But you said you would be there for me if
I need help.” “You know I would help. Try Brenda Sorry.
Love you. Good luck” Click. Sara looked up Brenda number and dialed her
friend. Ring … Ring… “ Hey Sara what’s up?” “Remember you asked back when Brian died if
I needed something to call,” “Yeah Sara I remember,” “Well my landlord is a jerk, Can the three
of us hang at your house for while till I get back on my feet.” “What happened Sara?” “My Landlord accused my boy of purposely
breaking a window and his tv,” “Did he do it on purpose?” “Of course not, Brenda it was accident, why
do you think he did it on purpose?” “Well Sara you know I helped you move in
there after your fire. I met Mr. Moore and I remember him saying that he didn’t
want the kids playing in that side yard.” “Brenda Can we come over he wants us out by
noon tomorrow?” “Oh Sara, you know I would love to help but
Robert doesn’t like kids touching his Glass Bottle collections around the
house. You know how pissed he was after Mark knocked over his display when you
guys dropped by a month ago. Sorry I would if I could.” “Brenda you said you would help with
anything I needed” said softly, sobbing.. “Sara, I am sorry I can’t, Robert won’t
allow it.” “Sob” “Sara?” “Sob” “Sara, talk to me……” “Sob no sound” Sara, hung up and sunk to the floor, into
the fetal position crying, several minutes went by. Kelly came into her moms
room saw her mother curled up on the floor. She ran over to her mother and
hugged her and started crying as well. Kelly told her mother “we’ll be alright mom
Daddy’s going to help from heaven, I know it” This made Sara cry a little more and
reached out to hug her daughter. “I don’t know if he can this time, honey.”
Sara was a non believer with the church stuff. “Auntie Mary said that when people die and
go to heaven they become angels and watch over us and guiding us along the
way.” Auntie Mary was Sara’s older brother
Steven’s wife, Mary was ten years younger than her brother, six years younger
than Sara. Steven and Mary married after Kelly was born. They have three
children, Lisa (9), Luke (7) and Leroy (6). Mary was strict with her kids, “Oh Honey that’s just an myth your Auntie
told you,” Sara said “No Daddy said that too.” Kelly Brian had been raised as the church going
believer, not her self, and now that he was gone what type of god would take a
follower from the earth and leave his wife and kids behind and alone. “May be we can call Uncle Steve”, Kelly
asked “Oh I don’t know Kelly”. “Why not Daddy liked Uncle Steve, He would
love it if we asked him. I know it” “Well Kelly I guess I could call him, I
guess he is my last hope or we live at the homeless shelter, But I don’t know
if I would like living with Auntie Mary for too long… she’s different, I cant
see what Steven sees in her”. “Mom it will be ok” Ok I will call him. She collected her
thoughts as wiped her nose with a tissue, Ring, Ring, “Hey sis what a surprise, How
are you? The Kids?” His cheerful greetings caused her to break
down and start crying. “Oh Steven I am in trouble and need help and I don’t
know what to do,” she said sobbing in the phone, “What’s wrong?” “We need a place to stay for a while. My
landlord is kicking us out, Steven I have no place to go but the shelter”. “Sara calm down, don’t worry we’ll figure
out something, Hold on a second”, he stopped to talk to his wife. “Mary, Sara
needs our help. Can we put them up for while?’ A faint voice was heard “of course, as long
she agrees to our house rules,” Her
brother’s voice responded to his wife’s statement “can’t we bend a little;” “No. It’s our house and our ways and
besides she needs us; that Brat boy of hers could use rules”. “But she is my sister, and she needs us,” “We’ll help her out, if she and the kids
comply with the house rules, they are not going to be guests here, they are
family; families do things together under the same roofthere are no secrets with family, It’s time
tested for bonding, that’s my only condition of them coming to stay,” Steven Got back on the phone with Sara. “Sis,
it looks like it is ok with her but she wants to know if you will comply with
the house rules before you settle in? “Steve what type of rules?” “That the Parents are in charge of the kids
and they mind their manors and follow directions to the letter. And we don’t
have secrets, Our kids behave very well in our small house and we don’t want to
fall off track, I know you are a little lax in the parenting rule department
but as a united family we can help you out.” “Steven I don’t know what to do any more, I
have no where to turn, I need help,” “Then it is settled. When do you have to be
out?” ‘Tomorrow noon time, and our stuff won’t
all fit in my car,” “Tell you what. My Schedule won’t allow me
to take tomorrow off but I will head over there after supper; do we need a big
truck for furniture?” “No, the apartment was fully furnished and
we lost all the items in the house fire and we only have clothes and stuff that
the Town’s help Circle donated to us, you know Brian’s didn’t have any life
insurance so we only have clothes and stuff that I was able to buy before my
jobs ran out but it is still too much for my car. So it will fit in my Full sized van? Yeah I think so. Ok then, I‘ll bring some boxes and be there
at seven tonight, love you sis see you then, “See you soon, thanks Steven” “Well, Kelly you are becoming a woman, you
kept your head together and thought of Uncle Steven to help us, and he will be
here at seven to get us tonight, Oh my gosh we got a lot of packing to do. Let’s
tell your brother Mark.” They both got up and walked to the kitchen
where Mark was sitting at the table with his head down, “Mark your Uncle Steven and Aunt Mary have
agreed to let us stay for a while.” “Cool do they have nice big house? I’ve
never see it they always came to our house to visit” “I’ve never seen it either however Uncle
Steve told me it’s smallish but with the screened in and covered porch they
have learned to love it” “Now Mark, your Aunt is very strict about
rules and we have no choice but the shelter. So I need you to behave and follow
their house rules.” “What kind of rules?” “Like being polite and helping with chores
and such, Please don’t fight with me either. Your Aunt is very old school, she
and I don’t see parenting the same, so please for your own good, behave while
were are there and make smart decisions.” “Mom I try to behave all the time” “ Mark, if it wasn’t for you breaking Mr. Moore’s
window we won’t be having to move again.” ‘Mom I said I was sorry, I behave.” “Ok you two, Get into you room and pack up
every thing and strip the beds and put the dirty clothes and sheets into the
hamper your Uncle Steve will be here at seven. Kelly
went to the shared bedroom to strip her bed and pack her clothes & stuff. Sara helped Mark stand up and gave him a
hug, “I still love you Mark you know that right honey?” “Yes Mom,” Mark said as he felt his mothers
body touching his during the hug; this caused his teenage brain to feel her firm
boobs poke him in his chest, he looked down saw the bare skin on her torso and
he suddenly felt his penis stir and grow to full mast under his sweat pants and
boxers, This did not go unnoticed by his mother,
she felt something poking her thigh, Sara knew what it was but did not want to
upset Mark by calling him out on it, The Hug broke up and Mark quickly turned
away and adjusted himself to flatten out his pants front, with the same move he
learned to master in school. Without being caught; Mark ran to the only apartment bathroom to
relieve himself, He pulled down his pants and shorts as soon as he shut the
door and started stroking his four and half inch hard penis, It only took a short
minute for Mark to shoot his load into the toilet bowl, he had been able to
shoot for about six months now. Mark peed and cleaned up and flushed Kelly had decided she wanted to look nice
for her Uncle so as she heard the toilet flush She had to quickly change her shirt before
her brother got out of the bathroom. Mark opened the door quicker than Kelly
had planned, he was in the doorway of the bedroom as her clean shirt was coming
down over her face; Mark got a view of his sisters chest; just a quick 2 second
peek at her slightly puffy large round nipples, she had nothing to show, but
she did have more than when she was little, since they were sharing a room,
privacy was desired and mandated. this meant allowing more time in getting
ready for bed or school but if one was changing in the bathroom other could
change in the bedroom. Their mom said not to let each other see each other
naked so they never saw each other undressed at all. “Mark, Knock before you come out, I wasn’t
dressed yet,” “Oh come on sis you don’t have anything to
see anyway, HA Ha” Even if, it had been only a few minutes
since he squirted and went soft, the view of his sisters chest caused a stir
and he started growing again; He decided to start striping his bed and to start
packing to help his erection pass. Kelly also busied herself to finish packing
her self. She saw the tent in Marks pants. He often was tenting his pants,
especially in the morning while he was wearing his pajamas, Her friends asked
her what boys had, she had said that penises looked like little hot dogs with
grapes in a tea bag. Kelly had not seen Mark fully naked since she was 3 he was
7, During a shared bath, she did not remember what it looked like, those baths
stopped when Mama thought it wasn’t right for girls and boys to see the opposite sex naked. That
didn’t mean the little guy didn’t make an appearance now and then. Sharing a
room sometimes offered a peak, Like in the mornings. Mark’s erection would sometimes
poke out of his pajamas fly while he was sleeping. Kelly would always plan to wake
up early and she would see Mark on his back and his thingy poking out. She also
noticed that Mark had some pubic hair around the base of it. When Mark would
start to wake up, Kelly would look away or go to the bathroom so that Mark
could get decent. He couldn’t under stand how Kelly would not say anything
about him being exposed while lying in bed. However if he tried to look at her
undressed she would scream bloody murder. Sara made some grilled cheese sandwiches
and heated some soup for a quick supper while they finished packing, A few minutes before 7PM, Uncle Steve
arrived at the house, He brought Lisa and Luke along to help load the van. “Hi Aunt Sara”, the kids said in unison as
they knocked on the screen door, Sara opened the door and hugged the kids,
She loved how polite they were, they stood just inside the doorway. “Hi Sis” Steve said as he walk in giving
Sara a big hug. “Thank you for helping us out” Sara had
start tearing up “What is big brother’s for anyway, other
than helping their baby sister out of trouble” “Oh Steven, I am not a baby anymore” “Yes, I can see that.” Steven made a big
smile “Steven Stop that” Steven had always had a
Male piggish attitude Speaking of Babies, where are your two
babies? “They are in their room”.With that she turned and yelled “Mark and
Kelly Your Uncle and cousins are here.” They came out of their rooms carrying bags
of stuff. They dropped them near the front door and they said hello and gave
hugs to their cousins and uncle. “My goodness, look how much you both have
grown since I last saw you two” “Mark, your almost up to my chin are you
playing any sports at school?” “Nah just ball with the neighbor hood
guys.” “Well it looks like you got muscles forming,
your Aunt has been working with a fitness trainer and while your living with
us, I bet you can Train with her during her sessions to help build your body
up,” “Really?” “Sure why not, your going have a great time
learning how to get in tune with your Body. “Cool” “And this young lady, you are a spitting
Image of your mother Kelly when she was your age, I bet your leading all the
boys around school by a leash now a days” “Uncle Steve, Come on I am only ten, boys
my age don’t see me yet,” “I
don’t believe that, at your age your mother had several boys running around her
looking for attention” “No I did not Steven” Sara said “Yes you did, remember Johnny and Billy my
old high school mates every time they came over after football practice to do
homework we would try showing ourselves off to you while changing after grabbing a quick
shower. We often dropped our towels coming back from the bathroom when you were
hovering around my bedroom doorway trying to sneak a peek at us.” “No they didn’t.” “Yes they did do it right in front of you.
They didn’t have sisters at home and they were always asking if I saw you naked
at anytime.” “ You never saw me naked” Sara Declared. “Are you kidding me Sara, when it was just
family home, Mom and Dad let you run around in either just panties or just a
short tee shirt that barely covered your belly button, I think till you were 13
and got your first period mom put a stop to it. “I did not run around like that, with naked
bum” “Do you still have that Freckle on the left
side of your inner labia” “Steven How do you know about that?” “I told you that you were naked at home
till about 13. Why do think I was so nice to you and never picked on you like
some other brothers and sisters” “Mom you always tell me that brothers and
sisters are not suppose to see each other naked” Kelly “Well you and brother share a room and you
don’t need to see each other undressed.” “But mom it’s a pain, Mark keeps bugging all
the time” “It’s wrong to see each other” Sara said “I don’t bug you” Mark said “Yes you do” Kelly snapped back “Ok Guys, knock it off and get it out of
your system your now your Aunt Mary won’t put up with any bickering, we are all
going to be one big happy close family for a while so we be getting to know
each other very well soon.” Steve said “I am hoping this arrangement won’t be to
long term. Are you sure it’s all right with your wife Mary?” “Don’t worry about it, Mary is not just my
wife Sara, She is your sister-in-law, she feels strong in her beliefs, and just
wants the kids to have a well rounded life without the hang ups of the main
stream world.” “Yeah Mary and I never did bond, maybe it
was the kids and Brian’s work schedule kept us apart. Are you really sure it’s
ok with Mary?” “Stay as long as you have too, you will not
believe how relaxed you become, you may even like it,” “Thanks again for coming to get us” Sara
gave Steven another hug. “ Ok Enough of all this mushy stuff guys,
Every one grab a bag and start loading up the van we have to get home by ten”
with two dozen trips they had everything loaded in the van. On the last trip outside Lisa took Kelly’s
hand by the van. “Come Show me where the bath room is” Kelly, replied “Lisa you know where it is
silly.” Lisa was pulling Kelly into the apartment.
Kelly was ten years old but almost eleven, however Lisa had just turned nine,
There was also a height difference Lisa was smaller than Kelly. They got to the
bathroom door way the door was in the wide open position however Luke was
standing in front of the toilet peeing and his bib overalls shorts at his feet
but wearing only sneakers and very short whitish tank top.Kelly tried pulled Lisa back out of the
bathroom when she realized it was occupied by Lisa’s Brother, her cousin, But
Lisa said “But I have to go pee now” “Here you go sis your turn” Luke said as
his urine stream came to a stop He stepped out of his overalls and made room in
front of the toilet for her. Lisa let go of Kelly’s hand, and Lisa walked
over to the toilet and used her thumbs to pull down her shorts, turned and sat
down and started peeing with her knees positioned wide apart.Luke reached over grabbed some Toilet paper
and finished wiping his 3 inch penis with a square of paper, still fully
exposed from the belly down to his sneakers to his sister and girl cousin, He
then reached between his sister thighs to dump the soiled paper in the bowl. As
he let go of the paper his hand got wet from his sisters stream, he then took
his finger andpressed lisa’s little
clit and said “DING, DING”Lisa giggled
and then grabbed her brothers exposed penis and tugged on it and said “Ding
Dong”. Kelly was in disbelief watching her
cousins, a brother and a sister naked in front of each other. “Ok Guys you
can’t do that,” she said to the two. Lisa piped up to say, “Oh we do it all the
time” Luke stepped over to the sink to wash his
hands still half naked, He got his hands wet and took some water in
his hand and washed his penis and butt crack and then rewashed his hands and
let them air dry, he went to Kelly and asked “do you want to tug on me too?” “What did you say?” Do you want to tug on my penis too? Kelly looked at the seven year old’s Penis,
it had hardened by Lisa’s tug and it was just standing up towards his belly. “It always gets hard when I tug on it at
home” Lisa said, Kelly reached for it and did a quick tug
she giggled at the feel of a hard penis in her hand. Lisa’s shorts had wide leg holes so they
slipped off her feet easily, she used toilet paper and then stood up and went
to the sink to wash her hands, she washed her bum and slit with her hands just
like her brother and then finished air drying. Luke went to get his overalls on
Kelly asked him “where are your underpants Luke?” Don’t wear any. He said Then Kelly saw Lisa get her shorts back on
without panties “Don’t you wear any panties either? “ “No, I like the feel going without. My mom
prefers that way so she doesn’t buy me any”. Kelly said to her cousins, head out to the
car now, I got to go pee too. “You can go now if you want we’re family”.
Lisa said “No you two, I am going alone, wait out at
the car” Kelly demanded “That’s ok we’ll give you some privacy now”
Lisa said as Luke giggled at Lisa’s comment and left the bathroom. Kelly Shut the door did her business. She
was thinking how her two cousins were so carefree about seeing each other naked
while peeing. And the fact she just touched the first erect penis of her life.
She saw her brother Marks before but never purposely touched one. Kelly thought “Something tells me this is
going to be fun” She Flushed wiped and pulled her panties
and shorts up and then washed her hands. Walked through the Apartment one last
time “Good bye Home” she said as she met up with her mother and brother in the