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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of
sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to
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Hamilton Family:Fred
(43) –electrician, Carol (41) – beautician.Children: Debbie (17), Eric (Ricky) (15) and Eddie (12) Radcliffe Family:Jack (44) - Chief Constable, Edna (42) - Nurse practitioner.Children:Mark (17), Connie (15), Harry (12)Cook and Head Housekeeper: Mrs. Whitney Anderson (53) Martell Family:Marie
(38) -- Cashier (widowed) Children:Jimmy (18), (Roxanne (13) Warren FamilyRichard
(51) -- Judge, Harriet (46) Lawyer.Children:Leslie (17), Bobbie
(11), David (9)
Chapter 14 Dinner was excellent as usual and everybody
enjoyed themselves. Conversation was mostly rehashing the events of the day.
Connie, who had missed the whole thing, wanted to know every detail and
everybody’s version.Mrs. Anderson had
quietly placed a pillow on Leslie’s chair for her, but she still squirmed a bit
from time to time, which Connie found greatly amusing, but did not comment on,
knowing that neither Jack nor Eric would tolerate teasing at the dinner
table.After dinner, the boys cleared
the table and the girls brought out coffee, milk and dessert into the living
room.They served the adults first, of
course, then Mark and Eric. As they sat down, Debbie spoke up.“Uncle Jack, I don’t think Eric and Mark
should have to help with the cleaning up after meals any more.I mean, they are grownups now and we girls
should be doing the work. There are three of us, so it’s not really a big deal
for us. “Connie and Leslie nodded in
agreement. Jack raised his eyebrows.“That’s fine with me if you girls are in
agreement.I am proud that you would
make that decision on your own.It shows
that you are maturing, which is wonderful.” Eric looked pleased.“It was not a big deal for us, but if you
girls want it that way, we have no problem with it.We expect to pull our weight around here, of
course, but we can do the heavy lifting stuff that the girls aren’t strong
enough to do easily.And I want to take
my driving test as soon as possible so Mark doesn’t have to do all the
driving.” Oh, and another thing,” Eric continued.“I want to change the rules on the bathrooms
on the third floor. From now on anybody can use any bathroom at any time. The girls are naked most of the time and
neither Mark nor I have any modesty hang-ups, so pretty much anything goes on the
third floor as far as dress is concerned.Is that OK with everybody?” The three girls and Mark nodded in
agreement.“That makes it easier for
everybody,” Mark said. “There’s a shower in one bathroom and a tub in the
other, so we can use whichever we want without checking with anybody.” Jack and Edna nodded.“Eric, you are in charge on the third floor.
Whatever you say goes.” Jack said.“I
reserve the right to veto anything illegal or immoral, but beyond that, you’re
free to do whatever you want.” Connie giggled. “Does that mean I can take a
shower with Eric if I want to?” Leslie glared at her.“Not if you want to have any hair left on
your head, baby sister.” “Oh, and I have one more announcement,” Jack
said.“I have figured out what to do
with Jimmy Martell.We can’t really
charge him with anything, even though we know that he took advantage of
Debbie’s innocence to seduce her.”Debbie blushed. “So I contacted some people I know down in Edmonton
and was able to get Jimmy and his mother jobs in a hardware store down there.
There is also a Catholic girl’s school that would be just right for
Roxanne.There’s a sizable French community
there, so I think they will be more comfortable among their own kind than they
were here.And Marie will make more
money than she did at the grocery store here.” “That’s great, Uncle Jack,” Debbie said.“I hate to have to face Jimmy around town
after what’s happened. And he won’t be able to get any of the local girls in
trouble. There are a lot of girls here who would fall for him like I did.In a big city like Edmonton, the girls will
be more sophisticated.” “Well, I wouldn’t guarantee that he won’t get
into trouble,” Jack said.“But it will
be Edmonton’s problem, not mine.” As they finished their desserts and we about to
disperse, Connie spoke up again.“Haven’t we forgotten something?” Jack looked puzzled, “What’s that, kitten?” “Debbie’s evening spanking,” Connie chortled.
“Leslie got one but Debbie didn’t.” Debbie glared at Connie, “Bigmouth!” “That’s right,” Mark said.“OK, Debbie, come on over.”He sat in the straight chair and Debbie put
herself over his lap, making a face at Connie who stuck her tongue out at her. Mark gave Debbie a fairly short hand spanking,
which was enough to redden her bottom and bring on a few tears, but not
anywhere near a severe spanking. As Mark released Debbie and both got up, Eric
moved to take his place.“Our little
sister seems to enjoy watching other girls get spanked a bit too much.Come over here, Connie.” Connie protested, but climbed over Eric’s lap
reluctantly.Eric gave her a harder
spanking that Mark had given Debbie, but nowhere near as hard as he had spanked
Leslie before dinner. Edna laughed. “Well now we have three little
girls with red bottoms.Everything is in
balance.” Everybody but Connie laughed and the group
dispersed.The young people went up to
the third floor to watch TV in the playroom. And Edna and Jack watched a movie
in the living room. Connie was the first to start yawning.“Bedtime for Baby”, She announced.She went over and got firm hugs and pats on
the bottom from Mark and Eric. She took
a log shower and trundled off to bed. Eric and Mark were ensconced in the two big
leather chairs in the TV room, with Debbie and Leslie, snuggling happily in
their laps.Marked suddenly grinned and
chuckled.“I wonder what our classmates
would think of this scene.Two teenage
boys holding two naked girls in their laps in their parents’ house at 10:30
PM.Not to mention a little fondling
here and there.” Eric and the girls laughed.“Most of them would be jealous as hell,” Eric
said.“And our teachers would be
outraged. But Uncle Jack and the Judge trust us not to do anything
immoral.”He ran his hand slowly along
Leslie’s bare inner thigh. “A little harmless fondling never hurt anybody.And they know that we are pledged not to have
sex until we are out of high school.” Leslie giggled.“I think the girls would be even more jealous of us than the boys would
be about Mark and Eric.How many of them
have the chance to be fondled by men who know just how a girl likes to be
fondled without trying to molest her?” Debbie nodded. “Well I sure learned my
lesson.Sex with somebody who’s just
after your body is nothing compared to being cuddled by a strong man who
respects you as a person and is totally concerned with YOUR best interests.” Mark chuckled again, “You know, Big brother, I
think these girls actually like us, even if we do spank their bare bottoms
every day.” Leslie sighed contentedly.“I’d rather be spanked and fondled by Eric
that be groped by some sweaty jock smelling of cheap beer and Copenhagen.And Eric knows exactly where I like to be
stroked. And I need the spankings to help me behave. A judge’s daughter can get
away with a lot because people don’t want to say no to her.But Eric knows that Daddy will back him up no
matter how often he smacks my poor defenseless bottom.” Debbie giggled. “Yes, and Mark is the same with
me.I think we are the two luckiest
girls in Alberta.” The TV program ended and the nightly news came
on.Debbie stretched and climbed out of
Mark’s lap.“Connie had a good idea,
Mark.How would you like to take a
shower with your naughty little girl?” “Best offer I’ve had all night,” Mark said with
a grin.“Let’s go for it.” They walked out of the TV room and vanished into
the smaller bathroom. Leslie started fiddling with Eric’s shirt
buttons, unbuttoning them one at a time.“You know, I really liked getting a bath from you last night,” she
cooed. “Are you interested in washing a little girl again tonight?” Eric chuckled and tweaked her nipple.“Sure thing, Babygirl.It was good clean fun.” Leslie groaned.“If I made a bad pun like that, you’d smack my bottom.” “Well, I’m probably going to do that anyway,”
Eric said.“So let’s get your little pink
bottom into the tub and I’ll scrub you all squeaky clean.” As they passed the smaller bathroom, they could
hear giggles and the sound of a shower.“Sounds like those two are having a good time,” Eric observed with a
broad smile. Leslie undid a few more or Eric’s shirt
buttons.“Well, we can have some good
clean fun too,” she quipped. Eric smacked her bottom.“Glad you reminded me of my duty.” Leslie squealed and scampered down the
hallway.Eric smiled at her bouncy
bottom and pulled his shirt off. He tossed it into his bedroom and continued down
the hallway at a more leisurely pace. Leslie had started the water running in
the tub.Eric kicked off his shoes and
pulled off his socks and T shirt.Then
he unbuckled his belt and lowered his pants. Leslie pretended astonishment.“Are you really going to expose your rampant
manhood to an innocent little girl like me?”She simpered. Eric laughed.“You, young lady, have read altogether too many romance novels.I am sure you are not going to swoon over
seeing a man’s apparatus.” Leslie’s eyes widened as Eric’s briefs followed
his pants to the floor.“It’s a good
thing I’m not the swooning type.But
that is very impressive.And I’m going
to have to wait two whole years to take full advantage of it.However will I control myself?” Eric ruffled her hair and smacked her
bottom.“I think you are controllable,
seems to be working so far.” Leslie squealed and climbed into the tub.Eric helped her sit down and tossed in the
pink rubber ducky. The bath went much the same as it had the night before with
both teens enjoying the intimate contact. Leslie took advantage of Eric’s
nudity to splash a bit more than was absolutely necessary.When she was squeaky clean, he dried her off
with the big fluffy towel, escorted her back to her room and tucked her in with
a gentle kiss on the forehead.Then he
went down to the other bathroom and took a quick shower, put on his pajamas and
retired to his room. Not being ready to go to sleep, Eric sat up in
bed and was reading a new Science Fiction novel when he heard a rather timid
rap on the door.“Who is it?”He asked. The door opened a crack and a small voice
said.“It’s me, Leslie.Can I come in?” “Of course, baby.”He responded.“Come on in.” Leslie came into his room and stood beside his
bed.“I couldn’t sleep,“ She said.“And I wanted to talk about some serious
stuff.Is it OK to do it now?’ Eric sat up in bed and motioned her to sit down
beside him. “Anytime you want to talk serious stuff is fine with me,
kitten.”He said, patting her gently on
the thigh. She took a deep breath.“OK, you know I really like you, don’t
you?And it’s not like a schoolgirl
crush, I really think you could be the man I could spend my life with.” Eric smiled and put his arm around her waist,
drawing her close to him.“I’m glad to
hear that, honey, because I really like you too.I have since we were ten or eleven years old.
Why do you think I agreed to take care of you?” Leslie sighed in relief and gave him a quick
kiss on the cheek.“You have no idea how
hard it was for me to come here tonight,” she said. “I was afraid you’d just
smack my bottom and tell me to grow up or something.” Eric chuckled. “Leslie, I may tease you about
being a silly little kid, but it’s just teasing.I know that you are more mature than 90% of the
girls your age and you are going to be a strong, intelligent woman someday very
soon.But the True Path culture keeps
girls at an immature level longer than boys.I’d like to change that, but I’m just a kid myself in the eyes of the
Church, whatever Jack and the Judge say. They can sign papers saying that Mark
and I are adult men, but the rest of the people in the Church won’t take
anybody under 40 seriously.” Leslie, sighed. “I know and I know that Dad and
Uncle Jack are trying to change that, but there are a lot of old men and women
who have the power in the church. But I love you and you love me and there is
nothing adolescent about our relationship.” She paused and asked, “Do you know about the
Life Companion program?” He shook his head. “I’ve heard the term but
never knew exactly what it meant.You
know my parents were not very active in the Church.We all went to services, but never got into
the more ritualistic programs.” “Well, it’s sort of like a pre-marriage thing,
but there’s a lot more to it,” Leslie said.“A young man and a young woman will enter into a special agreement for
life where they swear they will always love and support each other.That part is pretty much like a normal
marriage.But there are more than two
people involved.Usually between five
and ten couples will join together in what is called a Life Company. There are
special bonding ceremonies where the couples make vows to the other couples so
that the whole group is bonded together like a family, even though nobody in the
Company is necessarily related to each other.” “Wow, that’s quite a concept,” Eric exclaimed.
“I like the idea, but it sure would require a lot of trust to pull it off.” Leslie smiled.“Well, I think that Dad and Uncle Jack are planning to set us up as one
of the couples in a Life Company.And
Mark and Debbie will be in it too.Along
with some more young people from the church. But you can’t say anything about
it, even to Debbie and Mark.Promise?” “Of course,” Eric said.“I keep my secrets as well as anybody.And this sounds hugely important.” “So do you think you’d like to be my Life
Companion?”Leslie asked timidly.‘it’s a really big decision.” “No doubt in my mind,” Eric declared fervently.
“You are the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with and having Mark and
Debbie as fellow Companions would be great.” Tears filled Leslie’s eyes and she turned over
and climbed into Eric’s lap, hugging him fiercely.Eric blinked back tears himself and returned
the hugs and kisses enthusiastically. “So when do I ask your father for your hand?” He
asked, semi-seriously. “Not until I am finished with my Bare Days
sentence. She responded.“I want to at
least get some of my almost-adult status back before we start getting serious.
Right now everybody thinks I am a silly little girl who got herself into
trouble by being dumb.That’s actually
closer to the truth than I would ever admit.But I want to look responsible when we get formally engaged.” “Makes sense,” Eric said.“So I will just be your Big Brother until
your time is up.The rest is between
us.” Leslie got up from his lap and started toward
the door.Then she turned around and
looked at him and blushed.“I have a
really dumb question,” She said hesitantly. “Babygirl, the only dumb questions are the ones
you DON”T ask.”Eric replied. Let’s hear
it.” She blushed again.“Well, I know that when a man or boy is
attracted to a girl and sees her naked, there is normally a physical
reaction.And you’ve seen me naked,
washed my most private parts and held me naked on your lap, but I haven’t seen
an obvious reaction.” Eric threw back his head and laughed.“You mean that I don’t get an erection when I
am around you, eh?” “Yes,” She said.“It’s like you don’t really get turned on looking at me.” “Honey, I love every part of your gorgeous
body,” Eric stated firmly.“But you have
probably never heard of the Sanjo Mantra.” “Sanjo?” She said, puzzled. “It sounds Japanese,
but I never heard of it.” “It was supposedly named for an ancient Japanese
Emperor,” Eric explained, “but nobody knows if he actually invented it or
not.It is a kind of mind-over-matter
chant that you do in your head.It
prevents your penis from becoming erect.I have no idea how it works, but it does.It is used by monks to restrain themselves
from showing arousal when around women. Uncle Jack taught us to me and Mark
years ago when we were just getting into puberty.Just don’t tell anybody about it, it’s
supposed to be a man-to-man thing.It
doesn’t work on women, though.” Leslie giggled. “So you and Mark are playing
with naked girls all day and secretly lusting after us but use mind control not
to show it, eh?That’s funny.” Eric grinned.“It’s not that hard once you have gotten it firmly into your mind.Learning was a bitch, but I’ve been
practicing it for four years now.It’s
like riding a bicycle, it just becomes automatic after a while.” He turned her around and smacked her
bottom.“Now it’s off to bed with you,
young lady. Sweet dreams and remember I love you.” Although both young people went back to their
beds, it was a long time before either fell asleep. End of
Chapter 14