* * * *
This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of
sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to
view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do
not save this
* * * * *
Family: Fred (43) –electrician, Carol (41) – beautician.
Children: Debbie (17), Eric (Ricky) (15) and Eddie (12)
Family: Jack (44) - Chief Constable, Edna (42) - Nurse
practitioner. Children: Mark (17), Connie (15), Harry (12) Cook
and Head Housekeeper: Mrs. Whitney Anderson (53)
Family: Marie (38) -- Cashier (widowed) Children: Jimmy (18),
(Roxanne (13)
Warren Family
Richard (51) -- Judge, Harriet (46) Lawyer. Children: Leslie
(17), Bobbie (11), David (9)
Chapter 13
In a few minutes,
Mark was back with the car. “Did the children behave while I was
gone?” he asked.
This got him two
tongues from the girls which got the girls a smack each on the bottom
from Eric. The girls scrambled quickly into the back seat, much to
the amusement of several passing boys, who moved quickly away when
Eric and Mark glared at them. The boys put the bags of new clothes
into the trunk and the group started home.
About halfway
there, they pulled over at a gas station and Mark filled the car with
gas while the girls and Eric sought out the rest rooms. As the girls
tried to sneak unobtrusively toward the women’s room, they were
stopped by a roughly dressed man who appeared to be in his thirties.
“Such pretty little girls,” he leered and breathed a cloud of
alcohol breath on them. “Come to Uncle Charlie here and I’ll
give you a little hug and tickle.”
As he reached for
Debbie’s breast, something struck a heavy blow to his stomach and
he doubled over in pain. Eric’s other fist then crashed into his
nose, splattering it all over his ugly face. He bellowed in rage and
pain and then went down completely as Eric’s boot made solid
contact with his groin. Mark and the service station attendant were
there almost immediately. They stared at the would-be molester as he
lay moaning on the floor, blood and saliva running down his chin.
Mark looked at
Eric in frank admiration. “Remind me not to make you mad at me,
big brother,” he said.
Eric rubbed his
right hand, “I think I may have broken a knuckle,” he said
ruefully. The two girls tried to hug him simultaneously. He fended
them off, patted their bottoms and guided them into the women’s’
room. “Mark, you and - glancing at the attendant’s nametag –
Jeff, dispose of the garbage on the floor. I’ll take care of the
Jeff raised his
eyebrows. “Does he always go into the ladies room with the girls?”
he asked.
Mark laughed.
“Only when they are scared and need reassurance,” he said. “Can
we drag this bozo into a back room until the Mounties can pick him
up? I’ve got handcuffs in the car if you can find a post or
something to secure him to.”
Jeff looked
amazed. “I thought this was going to be a dull night. Then two
naked girls show up, some kid beats the crap out of a drunk twice his
size and now another kid carries handcuffs in his car. Who the hell
are you people?”
Mark smiled. “I
am Mark Radcliffe, oldest son of the Chief Constable. The girls are
my cousins and Eric is Debbie’s brother. They are all living with
my dad right now.”
Jeff responded. “Go get the handcuffs. We can drag this scumbag
into the service bay and cuff him to one of the stanchions. And I’ll
call the Mounties while you are getting the cuffs.”
Within a few
minutes, the miscreant was securely handcuffed to a stanchion and the
girls came out of the ladies room, looking wide-eyed but calm. Eric
looked at Mark. “Are the cops on the way?”
“Yes, Sir,”
Jeff said. “I called them a few minutes ago, they should be here
Eric smiled, “You
don’t need to call me Sir, I’m only sixteen.”
Jeff responded. “You look older. But, by your leave, Sir, I think
anybody who can do what you did to Lover Boy there deserves a title
of respect.
Etic shook his
hand warmly and winced. “Thank you Jeff, but my name is Eric, if
you want to use it.”
He turned to
Mark. “Do we have blankets in the car? I wouldn’t want the
girls to get chilled while we wait for the police.”
“We sure do,”
Mark said. “I’ll be right back.”
The girls got
themselves wrapped in their warm blankets shortly before the police
cruiser pulled up to the gas station. Two young police officers
emerged and began questioning the boys and Jeff on the incident.
“So let me get
this straight,” the older one said. “These two girls were going
to the rest room, naked, when the guy grabbed them and molested them,
eh? And then Eric, here, jumped in and beat hell out of the scumbag,
“Yes, Sir,”
Jeff said. “That’s the way it happened. Then Eric took the girls
into the ladies room and Mark and I handcuffed the guy to the
stanchion and waited for you.
The officer
nodded, “OK that sounds reasonable.” He looked at Eric. “How
old are you, Eric?”
Eric replied. “I turn sixteen day after tomorrow.”
The officer shook
his head. “So, you are a fifteen year old boy and you are
escorting two naked girls about your own age into the ladies room at
a gas station, eh? That’s not something I see every day, right
Max laughed, “Not
all that often, for sure, George. But I can explain about the girls
being naked. These people are members of the True Path Church. About
half the people in town are. You are new here so you probably
weren’t briefed on it. When a child or teen in the TPC gets into
major trouble, he or she is often required to go around naked for a
while as part of his or her punishment. Apparently these girls are
being punished. But that has nothing to do with the attempted
George looked at
his list of names. “Radcliffe. Are you any relation to the Chief
Mark nodded,
“Yes, I am his oldest son. Eric and Debbie are brother and sister
and they are staying with us while their mother is undergoing medical
treatment in Calgary. Leslie is Judge Warren’s daughter and she is
also staying with us for a while.”
Leslie stood up
and dropped her blanket revealing her naked teenage body to the
police officers. Debbie immediately did the same. “Debbie and I
are being punished and so we have to go around naked in public for as
long as the punishment lasts. Eric and Mark are in charge of us and
they just took us to the Kids World store to buy school uniforms. We
stopped here for gas on the way back.”
Debbie nodded.
“Yes, the boys are in charge of us while we are being punished, so
they see us naked all the time. Eric came into the bathroom with us
because we were still scared of the creep. He stood guard while we…
did our things.”
“And how old
are you, young lady?” Max inquired.
Sir,” Leslie replied. “So are Mark and Debbie. Eric is a year
younger than the rest of us.”
George remarked. “Eric is the youngest but he seems to be in
charge, eh?”
“Yes, Sir,
“Mark responded. “That’s the way we like it.” The two girls
nodded vigorously.
George smiled. “I
guess your dad knows best, Mark. Do you want us to call him on the
radio for you?”
Mark looked at
Eric, who shook his head. “Only if we have to go down to the
station today,” Mark replied. No point in annoying him on the job.
“Well, we’ve
got enough information to book Lover Boy in the other room,” George
said. “I can’t wait to see the expression on his face when he
finds out he tried to molest a judge’s daughter and the niece of
the Chief Constable. I’d appreciate it if you all would come down
to the station tomorrow to fill out some statements, though.”
“No problem,”
Eric stated. Jeff nodded as well.
So the two police
officers uncuffed the prisoner, who was just finished getting sick
all over the floor. Max handed Mark’s handcuffs back to him. “Hey,
I wouldn’t mind seeing you guys on the Force in a few years. You
handled yourselves real well today.”
Mark said with a grin. “We had a very good teacher.”
As the police car
rolled away, the girls folded up the blankets, but made no effort to
put them on. Mark and Eric shook hands with Jeff and each of the
girls gave him a hug and kiss. “Thanks a lot, Jeff,“ Mark said.
“You were a big help.”
Jeff smiled.
“Hey, you kids did most of it. But I’m happy to make your
Leslie smiled
seductively, “Maybe we can come back some day and show you more
appreciation if we can ditch the boys …YOW!!”
She yelped as
Eric’s large hand made hard contact with her bare bottom. Mark and
Debbie giggled.
“See what I
have to put up with?” Eric pretended to complain. “This silly
child is just out of control.”
Jeff laughed. “I
don’t know, I think you’ve got the upper hand – literally.”
The kids all
scrambled back into the car and returned home without incident.
As the boys
carried the bags of clothing into the house, the two girls scampered
inside and looked up Edna and Connie. When the boys reached the
living room there was a veritable babble going on as three girls
squealed and giggled and all tried to talk at once as Edna looked on,
“Right in the
nose…. grabbed my boob… kicked him in the balls… cute cops….
Were you scared….peed my pants….Handcuffs…. Smacked my bottom
hard…. Dropped the blankets…”
Edna turned to
Eric and Mark. “I hope you guys can make better sense of it.”
Eric laughed and
gave a more coherent recital of the afternoon events.
Edna was
obviously impressed. “Well you guys did a good job of protecting
the girls,” she said. “I’m very thankful you were there.”
“It was all
Eric, Mom,” Mark stated proudly. “He stepped in and took care of
it. “I just helped pick up the pieces.”
“You would have
done the same, Mark,” Eric stated firmly. “I just happened to be
the one who was inside when it happened.”
“Oh, Aunt Edna,
he was so brave and strong,” Leslie gushed. “And he hurt his
hand, too.”
Suddenly Edna was
all business, “Let me look at that hand, Eric.” She said firmly.
“Well there’s some skin off and a little bleeding but it doesn’t
look like any bones are broken. I better do an X-ray to be sure,
though. Let’s go down to the clinic and check you out.”
“Sure, Aunt
Edna, Eric replied. “But there is a bit of unfinished business to
deal with first.” He grabbed Leslie by the ear and led her,
squealing, over to the couch. “There’s a matter of flashing two
police officers and making a pass at the gas station attendant.”
“But you
already spanked me for that,” Leslie protested as she was taken
across Eric’s lap.
“One smack, and
it’s already fading,” Eric replied firmly. “It’s a good
thing it was my left hand that was hurt, my spanking hand is still in
good shape.”
Eric administered
a very firm spanking to Leslie’s bare bottom, leaving the whole
bottom bright red and very warm. Leslie blushed furiously, even more
so when his efforts were rewarded by applause from the others.
Tears were
running down the girl’s cheeks as Eric let her up and gave her a
hug. “Now you be a good little girl or I am going to have to
repeat that very frequently,” Eric said. OK, Aunt Edna, I’m
ready for you to look at my hand now.”
As he and Edna
moved toward the clinic wing, Leslie grabbed his right arm and hung
on. “I’m going to hold your good hand the whole time she’s
working on you and I’m going to sit in your lap and hug you and
kiss you to take your mind off the pain. You’re my knight in
shining armor and I’m not letting you go.”
In the event, no
bones were broken and Eric required only small bandages on two
fingers. By the time the Constable arrived home, everything had
settled down.
Jack was greeted
with great enthusiasm by the three girls. Debbie was first to speak,
“Uncle Jack, you won’t BELIEVE what happened this afternoon!”
Jack disentangled
himself and looked around. “Well, I see that Eric has a bandaged
hand and Leslie has a red bottom. How hard DID you spanker her,
Leslie stuck out
her tongue and giggled. “Eric did NOT hurt his hand spanking me.
I’ll have you know my bottom is very soft and delicate and requires
only very gentle spanking.”
Everybody laughed
and Jack relented. “OK, I got the whole story from the guys at the
station house. Looks like you did a good job, Eric, George and Max
were very impressed. And they were also impressed at how well you
handled a certain naughty little girl.”
Leslie blushed.
“It’s a good thing they weren’t around when Eric got me home.
I would have died of embarrassment.”
They all gathered
in the living room and Mrs. Anderson brought in coffee and cookies.
She paused to pat Eric on the shoulder and smack Leslie on the
bottom. “Good job, Eric,” she said.
“Wow, you’ve
got Mrs. Anderson’s approval,” Mark exclaimed. “She’s not
easily impressed.”
It was Eric’s
turn to blush. “Hey, beating up a drunk is not that big a deal. I
was just protecting my sisters.”
“It is a big
deal, Eric,” Jack said. “And I am very proud of you, too. So
let’s sit down and hear your version of the story.”
They all sat down
in their usual chair. , Leslie, of course, plopped into Eric’s lap
and wriggled her bare body against his. Debbie did the same with
Mark. Connie sighed. “We really do need another boy around here,”
and hopped into Jack’s lap.
The kids reviewed
the entire afternoon’s happenings and Jack nodded approval as they
described their actions. “The guy you caught was Pierre Lamont,
from Montreal. He’s a big-time loser, has a record in two
provinces and three US states. He’s got two parole violations on
his rap sheet, now the Judge will have to decide where to send him.
Judge Warren recused himself, so we’re shipping him down to
Edmonton and letting the judge there decide. By the way, Judge Warren
was also very impressed with you, Eric.”
“Yes, he called
to thank him earlier” Edna said. He also told him to keep Leslie’s
bottom warm and I told him that Eric had that area covered very
Oh, yes,” Jack
said. “I brought the witness statement forms with me. You can fill
them out tonight and I’ll take them down to the station tomorrow.
I gave Jeff at the gas station the forms too and thanked him for his
The kids all took
the forms up to their rooms and filled them out separately as Jack
had instructed and relaxed in the upstairs playroom. Soon there
afterwards, the familiar voice of Mrs. Anderson came over the
speaker. “Mister Hamilton, dinner will be ready in ten minutes,
please round up the children and bring them down at your
All five kids
laughed and Connie made a dash for her room. “I’ll be right
back, don’t start down without me.”
A few minutes
later, she came out of her room completely nude. Mark looked
puzzled. “But you’re not on Bare Time anymore, are you, Connie.”
Connie grinned.
“No but I don’t want to be the only girl with clothes on in the
house. Besides, I thought Eric might want to look at my fresh and
tender bottom instead of the old ladies’.”
“Old ladies?”
Debbie sputtered. “Go back to your room, little girl, you forgot
your diaper.”
Leslie gave Eric
a mock glare. “I better not catch you looking at any bare bottoms
except mine, Mister.”
“So Connie,
does that mean you want to participate in the other major function of
Bare Days as well?” Mark asked.
Connie, shook her
head. “No way, you two girls can have all the spankings, I am just
going to be decorative and my bottom looks fine in its original
Eric snorted.
“Any bets on how long that will last? I didn’t think so. Now
let’s get downstairs before Mrs. Anderson decides t sank all thee
of you!!”