* * * *
This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of
sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to
view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do
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* * * * * THE
Hamilton Family: Fred (43) –electrician, Carol
(41) –
beautician. Children: Debbie (17), Eric (Ricky) (15) and Eddie (12) Radcliffe
Family: Jack (44) - Chief Constable, Edna (42) -
Nurse practitioner. Children: Mark (17), Connie (15), Harry (12) Martell
Family: Marie (38) -- Cashier (widowed) Children: Jimmy
(18), (Roxanne (13) Warren
Family Richard (51) -- Judge, Harriet (46) Lawyer. Children:
Leslie (17), Bobbie (11), David (9)
Chapter 11 The adults sat around the living room,
munching on goodies and sipping their coffee. But everybody’s mind was
pre-occupied with Judge Warren’s proposal. A good twenty minutes passed in
silence as everybody was deep in thought, mulling over the plusses and minuses.
Finally, Fred broke the silence. “You know, I can’t really see anything wrong
with Richard’s scheme. All of our kids will be well cared for and they will be
seeing each other on a regular basis. And when Carol is better, she can come
back and ease her way back into the family again.” Edna nodded. “She is welcome to stay
with us as long as she wants to. That way she can see her kids without being
responsible for them. We’ll set up a bedroom for the two of you, Fred – or
separate bedrooms if your guys prefer it that way.” Jack beamed approval. “Yes, you guys are
always welcome here for as long as you want to stay. In fact, we should
probably put your house up for rent until you are all back together. So,
Harriet, can you see any legal obstacles here or any reason anybody would try to
interfere?’ Harriet laughed. “I can handle all the
legal ramifications As for interference, we’ve got a lawyer, the District
Judge, the Chief Constable, a pediatric nurse-practitioner and the Chief Elder
of the church. Who the hell is going to take us on?” Everybody laughed. “I don’t think
anybody within 300 miles could do anything against that combination,” Edna
chuckled. Eric chimed in. “It looks like we are
all agreed, but we should get input from the kids as well. They will be the
ones most affected.” “Good point,” Jack said. “Mark, why
don’t you go get the younger kids and bring them up here. Bring the milk and
cookies as well.” Mark and Eric jumped up and left the
room. In a few minutes they were back with the three naked girls and the four young
boys. They set the milk and cookies on the coffee table so that everybody could
continue with their refreshments. Leslie came over to Eric’s chair. “Can I
sit in your lap, Eric? I have a feeling I am going to be over it fairly often
in the next couple months, so I’d like to start off with a snuggle.” Eric smiled and patted her bottom, “Sure
thing, little one, you are always welcome here.” When the girl was settled in,
he gave her a big hug and kept his arm protectively around her waist. She
smiled and sighed contentedly. Leslie was the oldest of the three girls, but
also the smallest, so it seemed quite natural for her to be cuddled by the
younger, but larger teen. Debbie promptly plunked herself down in
Mark’s lap and received the same pats and cuddles. Connie, not finding an
available boy, climbed up on Jack’s lap and smiled happily. The four boys
sprawled on the floor and continued eating cookies. Judge Warren then explained his proposal
to the younger children and asked for their opinions. All of the children were
enthusiastic about the new adventure. Debbie summed it up for the girls, “Wow,
I get two new sisters and a new big brother and no little boys underfoot. Great!”
Harry was equally enthusiastic. “Three
brothers and no big sisters to boss us around. I love it.” “OK, let’s go for it,” Jack said. “All
the parents report to my office to sign the paperwork. Mark and Eric, try to
keep the kids from destroying the living room while we are gone.” As the adults left the room, Leslie squirmed
around in Eric’s lap, grabbed both ears and kissed him firmly on the lips. “Now
you’ve got me, big brother and I’m not letting you go,” she exclaimed
enthusiastically. The other three teens chortled. “I think
Leslie has been trying to get Eric in that position for years,” Mark said with
a grin. Now she has him right where she wants him.” Debbie turned and gave Mark a sloppy
kiss on the cheek. “She’s not the only one that got what she wants,” she said. Connie feigned disgust. “You girls know
that these boys will be paddling your bare asses on a regular basis for the
next two months, don’t you?” Leslie stuck out her tongue. “Jealous,
little sister? I can think of a lot worse things than having Eric smacking my
bottom. Besides, the cuddles afterwards will be worth a little pain. OUCH!” The last remark came as Eric gave her a
smart slap on her thigh. Everybody laughed again while Leslie pretended to
pout. Judge Warren came back into the room
again. “There is one more matter that I need Mark and Eric for. Come on into
the office with me.” The two boys followed him into the
office where he handed each a legal document. “This is your certification of
majority,” he explained. The boys looked puzzled. “This document
makes you both legal adults for all practical purposes. It will allow you to be
in loco parentis for the girls. That
means you can exercise parental authority over them if none of their parents is
present. Marks effective date is immediate since he is 17. Eric’s will not be
effective for three days, when he turns 16.” Eric was stunned. “Wow, I never expected
this. I hope I don’t screw it up.” Mark laughed. “Don’t worry you won’t
screw it up. And if you do, I’ll kick your ass all the way to Edmonton.” All the adults gathered around and took
turns hugging and patting the backs of the two newly designated men. Edna was
in tears of joy and Jack and Fred had visible moisture in their eyes as well. The Warrens beamed. “Canada could use a
few million more young men like you two,” the judge declared. “I am very proud
of you both and I know you will take good care of my little girl. Now let’s
share the good news with the children.” Everybody went back into the living room
and the judge announced the news. Mark and Eric were soundly kissed and hugged
by all three girls and got solemn handshakes from the four boys. Edna laughed. “I’d like to take a
picture of this, but the girls aren’t dressed for it.” That got a big laugh and three stuck out
tongues from the girls. “Well we can pose anyway, “Mark said. So the five lined
up with Connie in the middle, Mark on her left, with Debbie on his left. Eric
was to Connie’s right, with Leslie on his right. Everybody had their arms
around each other’s waist and stood as close together as possible. Finally, Edna said, “To hell with it,”
took out her camera and snapped a series of pictures. Then the four boys wanted
in on the pictures so they kneeled in front of the teens for another set of snaps. Jack laughed. “Well those will have to
go into the private family albums for a few years until the kids all
grow up.” The three girls blushed, but were still
smiling broadly. Jack looked enormously pleased with
himself. “I guess the next step is to get Eddie and Harry packed up for the
trip to the Warren house. Shouldn’t be much problem for Eddie, he just barely
got unpacked. But Harry is going to have o make some decisions.” He looked at
the judge. “Did Leslie bring her stuff over or will you have o go back for it.” Harriet laughed. “Richard was so sure
you’d all go along with the scheme that he had Leslie pack her stuff right
away. It’s in the car trunk right now.” “Great,” Eric said. “Mark and I will get
it out and bring it up to her new room. I don’t think Leslie wants to spend too
much time outdoors displaying her charms.” Leslie giggled. “Well, you guys have all
seen my charms anyway and you’ll get plenty more chances over the next three
months. By the time school starts, you’ll be bored with it.” Mark pinched her bottom and she yelped. “Little
girl, the day I get bored with your cute little body will be the day they toss
dirt over me. Now, you girls find a room for Leslie while we haul her trash up
to the bedrooms.” The girls and young boys all scampered
up the stairs while Mark and Eric unloaded the Warren’s car. Edna called after the boys. “Harry, you
don’t need to pack all your worldly goods. Just enough to last you a week or
so. You can come back for the rest later.” Soon, the two young men trudged up the
stairs carrying four heavy suitcases. “For a girl who’s going naked for three
months, you sure have a lot of junk here,” Eric remarked. Leslie blushed. “Well I still need stuff
for school. You’re not going to make us go to school naked, are you?” “Of course not,” Mark replied. “Province
rules require that school kids be fully dressed at all times except gym and
swimming. But there is a special school uniform for girls on Bare Days. Mom
will take you and Debbie shopping for school clothes later in the week.” Debbie looked worried. “So all the kids
will know we are on Bare Days, even though we’re not actually bare?” “Not exactly,” Mark responded. “It’ a
punishment uniform but it doesn’t necessarily mean you are on Bare Days. Girls
on school punishment wear it too, you must have seen it on other girls.” “Oh, you mean the Naughty Girl uniform,”
Debbie exclaimed. “The pink blouse with the big red bow around the neck and the
short red and white paid skirt.” “Good Lord, I’ve seen girls wearing that!”
Leslie said despondently. “I’d almost rather be naked. It makes a teenager look
like an eight year old.” Mark and Eric left the girls to unpack
Leslie’s stuff, and went to check on the boys. Eddie was already packed, but
Harry was hesitating over some of his choices. Finally he made a selection and
filled his two suitcases. Each of the boys carried one down to the first floor
and out to the Warrens’ Volvo. Soon it was time for dinner. The
families all gathered around the huge dining room table, which the girls had
already set. Then it was Eric and Mark’s turn to help Mrs. Anderson carry the
heavier dishes in from the kitchen. Mrs. Anderson looked at the three naked
girls and said gruffly, “Now you girls sit up straight while you eat. I don’t
want you dipping a nipple into the hot soup!” The three girls blushed furiously while
everybody else laughed. After dinner the Warrens rounded up
their new boys and headed home. There was, of course, a dramatic scene where
the six boys, three girls and five parents said their mutual goodbyes as the
two new families separated. Fortunately, the Radcliff mansion was in an
isolated area, so no passersby noticed the three naked girls scampering around
the car park. Fred Hamilton was about to enter his own
car when Edna stopped him. “You’ve had one long drive today already, Fred. Why
don’t you stay over with us and go back to Calgary in the morning?” Mark piped up, “Yes, Uncle Fred, stay on
over and have breakfast with us before you go. Besides, if you go now, you will
miss watching Eric spank Leslie tonight!” Leslie promptly stuck out her tongue at
Mark and was rewarded by a smack on the bare bottom from Eric. “Well that’s my
evening spanking out of the way, I guess. Wasn’t too bad.” Eric laughed. “Sorry, Babygirl, you’ve
got a lot more coming. You’ll go to bed on a nice pink bottom.” Debbie protested, “Hey, I thought I was
‘Babygirl.’ How come this little brat gets to be ‘Babygirl,’ too?” That, of course, got her smacks from
both Eric and Mark. Connie sniffed. “Well you two can settle
it between yourselves. I am MUCH more mature than you two, so obviously, I
won’t be ‘Babygirl.” That got her swatted by both boys and
both girls. The adults smiled at the byplay. This was a family already and they
were delighted by the mock bickering. The family repaired to the living room
where Leslie plopped into Eric’s lap and Debbie into Mark’s. Both sighed
contented and were rewarded with affectionate pats and stroking. Connie walked
over to Fred’s chair. “We seem to be short a boy, Uncle Fred,” she said
charmingly. “Is there room in your lap for a nude little girl?” “Of course, Babygirl,” Fred replied
warmly, “There here is always room in my lap for a good little girl, nude or
not.” The family sat back, relaxed and talked
for over two hours, discussing the events of the day and future plans. Suddenly
Jack looked at his watch. “Good grief,” he exclaimed “It’s after 10 O’clock and
some of us have to work in the morning.” “And don’t forget Leslie’s evening
spanking,” Edna reminded everybody. “Rats,” said Leslie. “I was hoping
everybody would forget that.” But she didn’t sound overly disappointed. “Don’t worry, Babygirl,” Eric said
teasingly, “I would have remembered. Now go get a straight chair from the
dining room.” He pinched her thigh and Leslie squeaked and dashed off into the
dining room, barely avoiding a smack from Mark on the way. “Eric, do you want me to get a paddle or
hairbrush, or something stingier?” Connie asked mischievously. Eric chuckled. “I appreciate your desire
to help, Connie, and I’m sure Leslie does too, but I think a simple hand
spanking will do for tonight.” Leslie came back in with the sturdy
dining room chair and glared at Connie. “Thanks a lot, little sister. I’ll try
to be helpful like that when it’s your turn to go over somebody’s lap.” Eric set the chair in a central location
where everybody would have a good view of the proceedings. He sat down and
beckoned Leslie to get over his lap. Leslie complied with an odd mixture of
apprehension and anticipation on her face. She was dreading the spanking on one
level, but excited and aroused on another level because it would be ERIC whose
firm hand would be on her bare bottom. Eric began the spanking slowly,
spreading the spanks around so they covered all the girl’s bottom. When the
whole bottom reached a nice shade of pink, he increased the intensity and
frequency of the spanks. Leslie was quite at first, letting u an
occasional yelp, but as her bottom got redder, the yelps increased in pitch and
volume and turned into moans and muffled sobs. After a couple of minutes, her
bottom was on fire and she was squirming, kicking her bare legs in the air,
yelping , bawling and finally howling as the pain got to be overwhelming. Finally,
she was reduced to lying imply across Eric’s lap, crying and whimpering and
promising to be “the bestest little girl in the world.” At that point, Eric stopped spanking and
gently rubbed her sore bottom to ease away some of the burn. When she had
gotten herself back under control, he helped her stand up and wiped away the
tears and snot from her reddened face. “OK, baby, it’s all over now. You were a
very brave little girl.” He kissed her gently on the forehead and sent her of
to show her red bottom to the rest of the family. Everybody rubbed and patted her flaming
bottom gently and gave her a hug of forgiveness. She made the rounds and came
back to Eric, who took her in his arms and gave her a tender hug, stroking her
hair and rubbing her back as she cried into his shoulder. When her tears were
done, he guided her toward the stairs. OK, Babygirl,” he said softly, “Go take
your bath and get ready for bed. I’ll be up in a while to rub some soothing
cream into your bottom, OK, little one?” Leslie nodded and started toward the
stairway. Then she stopped and turned back around. “Eric, can you give me my
bath, rub my bottom and tuck me into bed tonight?” “Honey, you can take a bath by yourself,
can’t you?” Eric asked in a puzzled tone. “Of course,” she said. “But it would
feel much more snuggly and warm if you gave me my bath and put me to bed like a
good daddy. Right now I am feeling about six years old and I need comforting.” “Absolutely, little one,” Eric responded
warmly. “If it makes you feel better, that’s what matters. And I think I’d like
it too.” Putting his arm around her shoulders, he
guided her up the stairs to the third floor. The rest of the family sat almost
stunned at the last exchange between Eric and Leslie. Finally Fred spoke. “I’m
really proud of that boy, He’s going to make a great father some day.” “Someday, Hell, “Jack responded. “He
already is a better father than most of the ones I see around town. And he is
just exactly what that girl needs.” Everybody nodded. “You know, it’s
funny,” Debbie said thoughtfully. “Up until last week I sometimes thought of
him as a little brother and sometimes as a big brother. But looking back at it,
I realize that he was always there to rescue me when I needed it and to smack
my butt when I needed THAT. And now he’s got a new sister/daughter and I think
it’s great for both of them.” She looked up at Mark and kissed him
softly on the cheek. “How about you, Mark, are you ready for a new
sister/daughter, too?” Mark looked serious. “I don’t know if I
am as smart or mature as Eric, but I’m willing to give it a shot. Now you and
Connie get your little pink bottoms up stairs to bed before I decide to do a
repeat performance of Eric’s masterpiece.” Everybody laughed and the group
dispersed. Upstairs in the bathroom, Eric began
drawing the water in the big bathtub in the boys bathroom. “OK, baby,” He told
Leslie, “Get the water temperature the way you like it. I am going to go put on
some shorts. I haven’t bathed anybody since Eddie was five and if you splash as
much as he did, I’ll get soaked.” Leslie giggled. “Just for that I’ll be
sure to splash more than normal. But hurry back. After all I am a naked little
girl in a strange house and there might be monsters around somewhere. At least
there are in the movies.” Eric grinned. “You watch too many
slasher movies, pumpkin. But if you see somebody in a hockey mask, feel free to
scream for your teenage hero to rescue you.” In a few minutes the tub was full and
Eric was back in his shorts with an armload of towels and one hand behind his
back. He put down the towels, helped Leslie into the tub and tossed a small
pink object into the tub with her. She squeaked a bit then saw what it was. “A
rubber Ducky,” she chortled. “Where on earth did you find that?” “In the towel closet,” Eric replied with
a silly grin. “It must have belonged to Bobby or Connie when they were little. I
thought you might like something to play with while I scrub you down.” “But it’s pink,” she said. “I thought
rubber Duckies were always yellow.” Eric shrugged. “Maybe Connie wanted a
pink one because she’s a girl. Now close your eyes so I can wash your hair and
face. Don’t want to get soap in your eyes. I think this is baby shampoo, but
I’m not sure.” Leslie giggled again but lay back
obediently with her eyes closed while Eric washed her hair and face and then
scrubbed her neck and shoulders. Then he proceeded downward, being careful to
was every part of the front of her body. Then he held her legs up one at a time
and scrubbed her thighs, legs and feet. The intimate body contact was
stimulating to both teens and they were soon aware of warmth that had nothing
to do with the temperature of the bathwater. Finally, Eric had her stand up in
the tub as he washed her back, bottom and private parts. After a quick rinse, Eric helped the
girl out of the tub and enveloped her in an enormous fluffy towel. He then
proceeded to rub her dry and handed her a smaller towel for her hair. He then
carefully inspected her from head to toe and nodded approval. “Ah, yes, we have
a very squeaky clean little girl now. And a very pretty one at that.” Leslie then blushed from head to toe,
something that Eric had never seen before. He liked it. “I think I saw a hair
dryer in the other bathroom.” He said. Why don’t we go down there and you can
dry your hair while I take a quick shower. I’m sure the other kids will be up
soon and will need the bathrooms.” Eric took his shower and changed into
his pajamas while Leslie dried her hair. She had a short haircut for the summer
so it didn’t take long. Then she lay on her tummy on her bed while Eric rubbed
some aloe cream into her still very warm bottom. Leslie sighed in contentment,
and not just from the aloe cream. Eric sat her up and hugged her. “Feeling
better now, little one?” he asked. Oh, yes,“ She sighed. “You’re the
bestest daddy in the whole world.” Eric smiled benevolently and turned down
the sheets. “Time for good little girls to be in bed,” he said. “Lots of
exciting stuff coming up tomorrow.” He pulled the sheets up to her shoulders
and tucked them in. “Good night Babygirl.” He bent over, kissed her on the
forehead, turned out the light and tiptoed out of the room. The exhausted girl
was fast asleep by the time the door closed behind him. End of Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Breakfast was at seven AM in the
Radcliffe household, and nobody slept in except on weekends. The conversation
was mostly about family job assignments or, as Jack called it, the "Duty
Roster." Keeping up a huge house without servants meant that every family
member had to pitch in. It had been agreed that Eric and Mark, although
designated as adults, would do their share of the duties along with the other
kids. Connie had been designated as the keeper of the Roster and she maintained
it on her computer. Mrs. Radcliffe, of course, made the final decisions where
any disputes arose. Actually, with five young people doing the work, the
average workload would be lighter than it had been when only the three
Radcliffe children were doing all the work. After breakfast, Mark, Eric, and the
three girls went downstairs to the Game room for the girls' morning spankings. Mark
had set up a large straight chair in the center of the room. "This is
better than the armchairs in the living room for spankings," he explained.
"You can sit up straighter, get a better grip on the girl and not risk
having her fall off or bang her head on something." Eric nodded approvingly, but Connie
snorted. "Gee, I am so glad you guys are so concerned about our
welfare." They tossed a coin to see who would go
first and Eric won. As he seated himself in the chair, he noted that Edna had
come quietly down the stairs and seated herself in a chair along the wall. She
smiled and nodded but said nothing, Eric cleared his throat, "OK,
Leslie, get the paddle." Leslie started. "The paddle? But I
thought this was supposed to be a hand spanking." "Spanker chooses the implement,
Leslie, that's the rule,” Mark stated firmly. ""If you don't want the
paddle, then go get the hairbrush," Eric responded. "No, no, the paddle will be just
fine, " Leslie hastily retreated. She dashed across the room and retrieved
the paddle. The Hamilton kids had been quick to note that almost every room in
the Radcliffe home, including the kids' bathrooms, boasted a paddle and a
hairbrush mounted on the wall near a door. Leslie walked back to the big chair
and stood at attention beside it. Eric reached out his hand and she placed the
paddle in it and carefully climbed over his lap. When she was settled, Eric
grasped her around the waist to hold her in place. Leslie was a small girl, her
hands didn’t touch the floor on one side and her feet barely reached the floor
on the other end. Eric took careful aim and brought the
paddle down with a sharp CRACK on the center of her right bottom cheek. Leslie
gasped and her legs twitched, but she said nothing. He continued spanking his
new sister slowly and thoroughly, moving from cheek to cheek, covering the tops
of her thighs and especially the sit spots, which made Leslie yelp louder. She
wriggled her bottom and kicked her legs increasingly as the spanking continued
and the tears began to flow after about two dozen spanks. Shortly afterwards,
the tears gave way to rasping sobs, the squirming intensified and the leg kicks
became more frequent and violent. When her body shuddered and went limp on his
lap and she was bawling loudly. Eric eased off on the strength and frequency of
the spanks and finally laid the paddle down by the chair. Gently rubbing her
back and bottom, he let the red-bottomed girl cry herself out. When she had regained some composure,
she asked respectfully, "May I get up Sir?" "Certainly," Eric said. He
helped her sit up on his lap. Leslie wrapped her arms around his neck and
kissed him on the cheek. Eric patted her bottom and returned the kiss. He
guided her off his lap and onto her feet beside him. She picked up the paddle
and awaited instructions. "Go ahead and put the paddle
back," he said approvingly. "You did very well." "Thank you, Sir,” Leslie smiled,
somewhat ruefully. "I've had a lot of practice." She returned the paddle to its place,
came back and hugged both boys, Debbie Connie and Edna, in turn. Edna was pleased. "You gave a very
good spanking, Eric. Not too hard and not too easy, but entirely appropriate
for the situation. And Leslie, you took it very well. But you have to get over
the habit of protesting after the decision is made. Eric was very patient, but
he could very well have sent you for the hairbrush instead of giving you
another chance." Leslie nodded. "I know, my mouth is
ten seconds ahead of my brain half the time." Eric had vacated the spanker's chair and
was sitting in an armchair next to Edna. Leslie walked over and stood beside
his chair, "Could you rub my bottom some more, Sir?," she asked.in a
very meek voice. "It still hurts real bad." Eric smiled and took her over his lap
again, this time for a soothing rub. Leslie sighed happily and relaxed. Mark sat down in the spanker's chair and
smoothed out his lap "OK, Debbie, hop on." As Debbie climbed onto Mark's lap and
positioned her bare bottom for her spanking, Leslie's eyes shot open. "Oh,
great," she sulked, "SHE gets a hand spanking and I get the
paddle." Eric turned Leslie over on his lap,
lifted one leg and delivered a stinging smack to the previously untouched inner
thigh. "YEEEOOOUUUCH," she yelped. He turned her bottom side up before she
could react and delivered another sharp smack to her sit spot. "That's
twice that you have indicated that you wanted a hand spanking. Maybe I should
give you one right now," he threatened. "Not AFTER the paddling,
you...," Leslie almost bit her tongue off. "I mean, I mean, I mean, I
LOVED my paddling! It was WONDERFUL! JUST what I needed! Thank you, thank you,
my wonderful new brother for giving me such a nice paddling. I am so happy, I
am just babbling meaninglessly. Don't pay any attention to anything I say. Just
keep rubbing my bottom and we will all watch Mark spank Debbie." The room broke up in laughter. Edna, Connie,
Mark and Eric laughed so hard tears came to their eyes. Even Debbie, her bare
bottom about to receive its own spanking, was giggling so hard she almost fell
off Mark's lap. After wiping his eyes and repositioning
Debbie on his lap, Mark began the spanking with a brisk flurry of medium-level
spanks that covered her bottom and thighs with a mild pink glow. He stopped
momentarily to do a quick scan. There seemed to be no serious bruises and no
potential bleeding areas along the path of the old wheals. Debbie's epidermis
seemed to be blessed with a very rapid recovery capability. This, of course,
would serve her in good stead over the next few weeks. Satisfied that he would do no harm, Mark
spanked Debbie's bare bottom and thighs with steady, firm strokes, harder than
he had spanked her the previous night, but certainly not with his full
strength. Debbie emitted a few squeaks and squeals but remained calm for the
first thirty or so smacks. After that, however, the sting began to build up as
Mark's strong arm and large hand continued to descend, the tears came and then
the hiccups. Her legs jerked and kicked fitfully and finally she was limp and
bawling. Mark let Debbie rest across his lap for
several minutes, rubbing her hot red bottom. Leslie, in the meantime, had her
eyes closed and was almost purring on Eric's lap as his soothing hands rubbed
away the pain in her bottom and thighs. Edna stood up and smiled. "You boys
are doing a fine job. And you girls are taking it very well. I am proud of all
of you. Girls, meet me in the clinic in twenty minutes after you wash your
faces and go to the potty." She kissed the two boys on the cheek, patted
the girls on their bottoms and went upstairs. Mark and Eric released their sisters and
stood up. The two of them would spend the morning moving computers, TV's and
other stuff from the Hamilton house to the Radcliffe mansion. The two older
girls would help Edna in her clinic and Connie would clean up after breakfast
and prepare lunch. Jack and Fred were pleased at how well
Eric and Mark were taking control of the household. The four sat around for a
few minutes, talking guy talk and then Fred got up to go. “Time to hit the
road,” he said. “I want to be with Carol as much as I can. You guys have things
well under control here.” Jack and the boys walked him out to his
car and shook hands. Edna and the three girls came out for hugs, kisses and a
few bottom pats. It was just shortly after eight when
Debbie and Leslie reported to Edna's clinic in the back of the mansion. Debbie
was apprehensive. "Won't your patients be surprised at finding two
bare-bottomed girls working in the clinic she asked?" "Not at all,” Edna smiled. "Most
of them have already seen Connie on her Bare Days, though it hasn’t happened
often lately. All of my patients are True Path members. They are scheduled
through the TP Health Plan and the Plan does the government paperwork. And I
don't take walk-ins, so I know just who will show up every day. Most of my work
is Well Baby care, routine physicals, immunizations and follow ups to hospital
procedures. Sometimes I have to go to the hospital to help in emergencies, but
I couldn't take you girls there anyway. The girls busied themselves for the next
four hours in the clinic, filling out forms, helping with dressing and undressing,
fetching and carrying and all the little things that need to be done at a
medical clinic. By noon they were pretty well exhausted. Nobody had made any
comments about the bare-bottoms on the two girls, except for one bratty
nine-year old boy who was rewarded by a few sharp swats on HIS bare bottom by
his mother. Both girls, however, were relieved that no high-school aged boys
had been included in the morning patient load. “I’m glad we didn’t have any high school
kids today,” Leslie commented. “That would really suck.” “God, yes,” Debbie shuddered. “Can you
imagine what that little creep, Jimmie Renwick would say if he saw our bare
bottoms – especially right after a spanking?” “Or worse yet, Darlene Haskell,” Leslie
shuddered. “She’s so full of herself, you’d think she pooped diamonds. If she
knew we’d been spanked she would never let us let it down.” “Well, all the kids are going to know
after school starts,” Debbie reminded her. We’ll be in those stupid Naughty
Girl uniforms for the next three months – maybe longer for me.” Leslie sighed. “Well, there goes our
social life.” Debbie giggled. “Social life? This is
Cardigan, Alberta, not Vancouver or Edmonton. We’re not going to be missing
much.” Connie had outdone herself and an
excellent lunch was on the table for her mother and the other kids. Debbie
hoped that she would be able to do as well when it was her turn. When lunch was
over, Edna announced the plan for the afternoon. You girls will clean up after lunch and
then Mark and Eric will take Debbie and Leslie over to Kids World to get some school
uniforms for them. I only have one patient after lunch and it’s a school
physical for a 13-year old boy. Connie can help me with that. I don’t think Debbie
and Leslie will want to be seen in the bare by a teenage boy. After that, I will
be in the office doing paperwork until five. Mrs.
Anderson is off for the next two days, so we are on our own in the kitchen. “We were talking about that earlier,” Debbie
said. “What happens if you have a high school boy while we are still bare?” Edna looked thoughtful. “Well I’ll try
to avoid it, but it’s going to happen sooner or later. You’re going to be bare
everywhere except school and church, so people are going to be seeing you. It’s
part of the punishment.” Connie snorted. “You’re going to have
Mark and Eric take the girls over to get clothes?” She asked derisively. “Boys
have no taste in clothes.” Debbie and Leslie look unhappy at first,
but then Leslie brightened. “I am sure that Eric will take very good care of
me. It’s not like he’s not going to be seeing my bottom every day for three
months.” Debbie giggled, “And spanking it too.”
she chortled. Mark smacked her already red bottom and
she yelped. “And he’s not the only one who is going to be spanking bottoms
around here.” Edna smiled. “I gave the boys a detailed
set of instructions and I am sure the girls at the store will know exactly what
you two will need. So get upstairs and put on your socks and Hush Puppies.” The two girls got the
“deer-in-the–headlights” look. “You mean we’re going SHOPPING in the bare?” Debbie
wailed. Edna nodded, “Exactly, that’s what Bare
Days are all about. You go bare everywhere except church and school.” “But, but, but everybody will SEE us.” Leslie
wailed. “Yes, they will.” Edna replied sternly. “And
if you give the boys any trouble, they will be happy to put some more color
into your bottoms. That should be entertaining for the spectators.” “No, no, no,” Debbie stammered,
visualizing getting her bare bottom spanked in public. “We’ll be VERY good,
won’t we Leslie?” “Oh, yes,” Leslie chirped. “Very, very,
VERY good. Perfect little angels, that’s us. Yep, yep yep.” “In that case, I guess we won’t need to
bring the hairbrushes,” Eric said mock-seriously. “No problem, there’s one in the car,”
Mark said. “Mom and Dad keep one in each car for “emergencies.” “OK, let’s get the show on the road,”
Edna said. I have a 13 year old boy in his underwear in the clinic. I hope Connie
hasn’t molested him yet. Mark has the credit card for the uniforms. And, Mark,
fill up the car on your way back, OK?” “No problem,” Mark said, “Now you girls
scoot on upstairs and get your shoes and socks on.” “Yes, Master,” Leslie said solemnly, dodging
a swat from Eric. But both girls scampered quickly up the stairs. The trip to the mall was uneventful. Mark
brought the car up to the Kids World entrance and let Eric and the girls out to
minimize their exposure while he hunted for a parking space. Eric let the girls
go into the bathroom while they waited for Mark. Then the four teens walked
into the store, to the approving eyes of a number of kids and parents. Debbie
and Leslie blushed all over at first, but soon settled down and tried to be
nonchalant about their state of undress. When they reached the Uniform
Department, however, the girls’ morale took a nose dive. One of the sales girls
was Irene Mallory, a classmate of both girls. It was too late to back out so,
nudged gently by Mark and Eric, the two girls entered the uniform section. But
Irene was casual about the whole matter. “Hi Deb. Hi Les,” She chirped. “I heard
you guys were in trouble. I guess you’re here to buy some naughty girl clothes,
eh?” Debbie and Leslie relaxed slightly. “Yeah,
we messed up big-time,” Leslie sighed. “We’re both staying at the Radcliffe
house for a few months while this all gets worked out. You know Mark,, of
course, and this is Eric Hamilton , Debbie’s brother.” Irene giggled. “So the Constable has you
in jail and these guys are your guards, eh? Well they look strong enough to
keep you both well in hand.” Debbie giggled in spite of herself, “No
doubt about that. And I can assure you they both have strong arms.” Irene nodded. “Not surprising. My brother
Carl kept my bottom warm when I got in trouble last year, so I know what you
girls are going through. He’s off at University now, but I’m not pressing my
luck with Dad. So let’s go into the back room and I’ll show you what we’ve got
in the way of prison uniforms. “ Grateful to be out of the public eye,
the four teens followed Irene into the more private naughty girl room. “So
where do you want to start,” Irene asked. “We might as well start out with the
bras,” Eric said. “We want something white, with good support but no padding or
shaping.” Irene raised her eyebrows. “We don’t
have a lot of boys buying underwear for girls here. None of my business, but
are you girls OK with this?” Leslie snuggled up to Eric, who put his
arm protectively over her shoulder. “The situation is that Eric is in charge of
all of us,” she said, with a hint of pride in her voice. “Whatever he says, is
what we want.” Debbie chimed in, “Yes, Eric is the boss
and we all like it that way.” Mark nodded in support. Irene nodded and looked at Eric with
respect. “Hey, I’m good with that. Mom always tells me I need a man to guide me
with a firm hand.” Leslie rubber her still slightly pink
bottom. “Eric has a VERY firm hand, I can assure you.” Everybody laughed and they got down to
business selecting bras that met Eric and Mark’s approval along with their own.
Then it came to panties. “Ok, girls, you know that the school
requires panties that leave almost all of your bottom exposed, eh? I have a
couple of styles here you could try on and see which are more comfortable.” The girls tried on the panties, which
indeed, left their bottom cheeks fully exposed. They showed them to the boys. “I
can’t believe they want us to wear these,” Debbie complained. “If we bend over,
everybody will see our bare bottoms.” “Yes,” Leslie agreed unhappily. “Worse
yet they can see if we’ve been spanked recently, too.” “I agree,” Eric said. “If it was up to
me, you’d we regular panties. After all, it’s not much trouble to pull them
down for a spanking. But for now, just find the type that is most comfortable. I’ll
go see the principal after school starts and see if I can get you into bikini
panties at least.” Irene looked impressed. “You’re living
with the Constable, you’re spanking your older sister, the Judge’s daughter and
now you’re going to negotiate the dress code with the principal, eh? Too bad
you’re already taken. I guess I missed my big chance.” Eric and Leslie both blushed at that. Debbie
and Mark laughed. “You noticed it too, eh?” Mark said smugly. The girls tried on several styles and
finally settled on one that seemed most comfortable. “Let’s just buy five pairs
now,” Eric said. “We can come back for more if the principal won’t budge on the
rules.” Blouses were no problem. Each girl
selected several that they lied, all, of course, were pink or white with pink
stripes, but they did have a few styling differences. But the big problem was
the skirts. “These are much too short,” Debbie said.
“You can see my whole bottom if I bend over and we’ll be on full display going
up stairs.” Irene frowned. “Tell me about it, I had
to wear them for three weeks last year and the kids could see every pimple on
my bottom. But that’s the rule, and I can’t do anything about it. These are
supposed to be for punishment. If I sold you something longer, I’d get fired.” “It wouldn’t be so bad if they were more
close fitting,” Leslie said. “But these are like cheerleader skirts, the way
they flare out when you move. At least cheerleaders get to wear opaque panties
under them.” The boys hugged and patted the girls as
Irene watched in sympathy. “Right now, we have to go along with the rules,
kids,” Mark said. “But we’ll make sure you don’t get teased or molested in
school.” “And last, but not least, the hair
bows,” Irene said sympathetically. “For some girls, this is the worst. You have
to wear this bright red bow in your hair and your hair has to be in either a
ponytail or in pigtails, also tied with red ribbons.” Leslie had tears in her eyes. “In this
getup, we are going to look like giant six-year olds. I’d almost rather go
naked to school. At least when I am naked I look like a teenager.” Eric sat down, pulled Leslie onto his
lap and cuddled her until she stopped crying. “It’s OK, Babygirl,” he
whispered. “We’re going to get through this together. You know I’ll be here for
you whenever you need me.” Leslie smiled wanly and kissed him on
the cheek. “I know, big brother. I am lucky to have you watching out for me.” Irene wrapped all the clothing, since
the girls couldn’t wear them home on a non-school day. Mark paid with the
Constable’s credit card and whistled at the total. “Looks like beans and franks
the rest of the month for us.” Debbie giggled. “I hope not. You don’t
want to be around when I am walking around bare-bottomed after a diet of beans
and franks.” The others laughed. “Good point,” Mark
said. Rule #23 - No beans on Bare Days.” The four teens carried their packages
out of the store and the girls sat down on a bench, happy to be able to hold
the packages on their laps and conceal at least their most private parts from
public view. “OK, I’ll go get the car.” Mark said.
“You guard the girls and make sure they don’t run off with any sailors.” Both girls stuck out their tongues at
Mark. “Sailors?” Leslie chortled. “Where the Hell will we find sailors in the
middle of Alberta?” End of Chapter 12