The True Path Chapter 10

By Red Rover
Copyright 2013 by Red Rover, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Major Characters
Hamilton Family: Fred (43) –electrician, Carol (41) – beautician. Children: Debbie (17), Eric (Ricky) (15) and Eddie (12)
Radcliffe Family: Jack (44) - Chief Constable, Edna (42) - Nurse practitioner. Children: Mark (17), Connie (15), Harry (12)
Martell Family: Marie (38) -- Cashier (widowed) Children: Jimmy (18), (Roxanne (13)
Warren Family Richard (51) -- Judge, Harriet (46) Lawyer. Children: Leslie (17), Bobbie (11), David (9)
Chapter 10
Shortly after 1 PM, Fred Hamilton arrived, looking very tired. The two families reassembled in the living room. Debbie started to resume her place on the floor with the younger children, but hesitated and went over to Eric's large armchair. "I'm still a bit scared, Eric,” she said timidly. "Can I sit in your lap for a while?"
Eric smiled and patted her bare bottom, “Sure, Babygirl. This is a big chair and you don't take up much room."
Debbie smiled gratefully, set her empty milk glass on the end table next to Eric's coffee cup and settled in with a sigh. Thanks to the ministrations of Edna and the boys, her skin was healing rapidly, but her muscles were still sore and the bruises were still sensitive to the touch. Just in time, she caught her thumb as it neared her mouth and blushed. Eric noticed the motion and chuckled, but nobody else saw it. "Damn, that was close, “she thought. “I’m supposed to be playing nine years old, not three!"
Jack Radcliffe settled into his "Daddy" armchair, affectionately known as the "Throne" by the children. Edna and Fred sat in similar armchairs at his right and left. Mark and Eric had slightly smaller armchairs at the ends of the big couch. The younger children ignored the couch and sprawled on the floor in front of it, placing their milk glasses carefully on coasters on the low coffee table, on which sat two badly depleted plates of oatmeal cookies.
Jack nodded to Fred. “Why don’t you fill us in on Carol’s condition before we get started on the other matters?”
Fred nodded. “Yes, the doctors are still evaluating her, but they have the information from her previous admission and they say it will be several months, at least before she is able to leave the center. Even then, she probably won’t be able to handle household stuff and the children so she’ll have to stay with me in the apartment in Calgary. Beyond that, it depends on how well she responds to the new medication. They do think I’ll be able to bring the kids up in a few weeks for a brief visit. If she reacts well to that, it will be a good sign.”
Edna smiled. “Well you know the kids are welcome as they need to be here. Your job is to see that Carol gets well. We’ve been through this kind of thing before and we understand.”
Fred nodded again. “I am grateful to you for what you are doing, and I know the kids will are grateful too. I guess we need to work out the legal stuff with Judge Warren now. But the kids need to know what the rules are going to be and their obligations as well, especially Debbie.”
The Constable cleared his throat. "Before we discuss Debbie's situation in detail, we need to go over some general principles of True Path principles and guidelines. In general, the TP doctrine specifies that boys under the age of 14 and girls under the age of 21 are subject to bare-bottom spankings at any time, when so decreed by a competent adult. Now you girls probably think this is unfair and I agree, but it is very firmly entrenched in the codes. Some people, including myself, are trying to lower the maximum bare-bottom age for girls to 18 or 19, but there is a lot of resistance. Since it is in the Fundamental Codes, even the Council of Elders cannot change it and there is not enough support right now for a General Convocation."
"As an Elder, however, I can make specific exemptions and I can promise all of you girls that none of you will be subject to public spankings after age 19."
Connie mumbled, "Great, four more years." The other children giggled, but Jack pretended not to hear it.
"More immediately important, however,” Jack went on, “Are the matters of severity of punishment, duration of punishment and the Bare Days system. There are two major schools of thought within the TP movement, which have come to be known as the Iron faction and the Wood faction. The Iron faction believes in very severe punishment for serious offenses. Whipping, strapping, shackles, chaining to beds, and other things even more horrific. Iron families often break the law in their zealousness and I have had to arrest more than one of them." He smiled ruefully. "Needless to say, this has not made me popular in Iron faction circles. In fact the Iron faction has established a separate congregation and Youth Guidance program in town and rarely has any religious or social intercourse with the more moderate elements. They comprise about a quarter of the TP population, but they vote as a bloc and have rigid internal discipline, so they can usually stop reform movements at any General Convocations."
"The more moderate faction has become known as the "Wood" faction. We believe that punishment is more effective if it is practiced with moderate severity, over a longer period of time with the involvement of the family and the community. We represent over half of the TP community and almost all of the town leadership positions as well as a majority on the Council of Elders. The remaining quarter of the TP community is childless, undecided on the merits of either faction or practices an even looser system of discipline. Some don't even spank their children outside of their own homes."
He paused and smiled. "Connie is probably thinking, 'How do I get a transfer?' right now!”
Even Connie had to laugh at that one.
"The Hamilton's were a mixed marriage in that sense. Fred was from a Wood family, whereas Carol's family as from the Iron faction, and a rather extreme element at that. So you children were raised under a somewhat confusing regime - an offense that might draw a mild hand spanking from the father might result in a severe strapping from the mother." He looked over at the younger Hamiltons. "I can assure Debbie and Eddy that they will never again be subjected to Iron faction discipline. And as Chief Constable and Presiding Elder, I can make that stick."
Harry chirped in, "How does it feel to be God, Daddy?"
Jack smiled. "I'm not a god, Harry, far from it. But I know how to use power wisely and for the community good. If I wanted to be God, I'd stand for Parliament, but I wouldn’t be much good at that kind of wheeling and dealing."
"Which brings us to the Bare Days program. This is designed to ensure that children are made to consider the error of their ways for an extended period of time, while being subjected to mild or moderate physical punishment. During Bare Days, the child must go completely without clothing, except for socks and or slippers, while inside his/her own home or the home of another TP member. She may also be required to go bare on other occasions at the discretion of her adult supervisor. Not outdoors in cold or wet weather of course, but you may find yourself bare in stores or other public facilities. And for the purposes of this family, Mark and Eric are considered ‘adult supervisors.’ Do you understand that, Debbie?""
Debbie nodded, "Yes, Uncle Jack, that's the way Mark explained it."
"Now there are some other rules,” the Constable went on. "A child in Bare Days status must dress and behave in an appropriate manner for a considerably younger child. You will note that while Eric and Teddy brought all of their clothing with them and put them in their rooms, Debbie's clothes were put in the closets of a spare bedroom. Tomorrow, Debbie will wear some of Connie’s old clothes while Aunt Edna takes her shopping for a temporary wardrobe suitable for a little girl nine or ten years old."
Debbie groaned. "You mean that I will have to go to HIGH SCHOOL dressed like a nine year old?"
Connie snickered. "Either that or bare-bottomed, Babygirl."
Debbie bristled. "Don't you call me that, you little twit!" she snapped. "Eric and Mark are the only people that can call me that - they've earned the right. You're just as much a child as I am."
Edna snapped her fingers. "That's enough. Connie, come here right now!"
Connie smacked her forehead in disgust. "Susie Bigmouth strikes again." Sighing in resignation, she trudged over the Edna's chair, dropped her pants and waited bare-bottomed for the next command.
Edna looked at Debbie. "We have a family rule that goes beyond the TP rules. Basically, if any child mocks or teases another child for his or her punishment, that child shares in the punishment." She glared at Connie. "Debbie is on a Bare Day. So are you, from this time until Debbie and I return from our shopping trip tomorrow. Understood?"
"Yes Mother," Connie replied contritely. "I'm sorry, I teased you, Debbie."
Edna nodded. "Normally, at this point, I would give Connie a hand spanking. But my hands are hurting today and it would literally hurt me more than it would her."
Connie looked hopeful, but those hopes were dashed by the next words. "You mentioned earlier that Mark and Eric needed more practice on hand spanking. This may well be true, so after you get your clothes off and neatly folded on the coffee table, you will march over to Mark for your spanking."
Connie sighed again, removed the rest of her clothing, placed them neatly on the table and walked slowly over to Mark's chair. Mark helped his sister over his lap, positioned her appropriately and began spanking. The individual spanks were far from being full force, but they stung and the stinging accumulated until Connie was acutely conscious of her rapidly reddening bottom. She sniffled a bit at first, but tears were soon streaming down her cheeks and her bottom was squirming from side to side as her legs kicked up and down. Before long she was sobbing quietly and the tears were continuous. Mark finished the spanking with a series of sharp smacks to the backs of her previously untouched thighs, which brought some sharp yelps and more frantic squirming and kicking.
Mark let his sister rest for a minute across his lap while he gently rubbed her bottom. Then he said, "OK, Connie, get up and go over and give Debbie a hug and both of you forgive each other."
Debbie got up from Eric's lap and the two nude girls hugged each other and mumbled appropriate apologies. Then Connie started back to her seat on the floor, but stopped and impulsively took Debbie's hand. Debbie smiled and followed her new sister back to the couch area and sat on the floor beside her. Both girls winced slightly as they sat down and turned their attention back to their parents..
Harry whispered to Eddy, "If this keeps up we'll all be naked at breakfast!"
Eddy whispered back, "Maybe YOU will be. I plan to keep my mouth shut."
Edna glanced toward the boys and they fell silent. "One more thing, Debbie, another rule for Bare Days is that the bare person gets at least two spankings a day for the first week. These may be hand spankings, paddle or hairbrush at the discretion of the person doing the spanking. So tomorrow morning, both you and Connie will each get a spanking after breakfast. Mark will spank Debbie and Eric will spank Connie. Understood?"
"Yes Ma'am,” from all four.
The Constable had poured himself another cup of coffee and sipped it while Connie was being spanked. Now he put it down on the end table and resumed his explanations. "Debbie asked about school dress. As you all know, school uniforms are mandatory in Cardigan schools up to the eighth grade and optional in high school. You have probably noticed some girls wearing school uniforms regularly and some who come in for a few days in uniform. Sometimes, those girls are going through Bare Days - but you must never ask them about it. That would be considered teasing and punished appropriately. School starts in two weeks so we will have to get new uniforms for Debbie, since her old ones will be too small. The other aspect is that girls on Bare Days are not allowed to wear underwear under their uniforms. Since the skirts are fairly short, you will have to be careful about exposure when you go up or down stairs or bend over.”
Debbie blushed. “So everybody will know I am on Bare Days the first time I bend over.”
The big man sighed. "Now comes the hard part. The number of Bare Days usually varies between 3 and 30 and is determined by the parents. But certain offenses are considered "Major" and the number is fixed by Code. Debbie has committed two major offenses, having sex before age 18 and using illegal drugs. The minimum number of days for each offense is 60, which means that Debbie is looking at 120 Bare Days."
Debbie burst into tears and Connie hugged her in sympathy. "That's FOUR MONTHS!" Debbie sobbed. "Almost until Christmas." The other young people looked dismayed as well. Mark and Eric both started to get up as if to protest, but Jack waved them back to their seats.
"I will be talking to the Council of Elders and I will try to have the two sentences be served concurrently. That means at the same time." Jack explained to the younger children. I can’t guarantee that they will go along, but I am hopeful of some reduction, especially if Debbie shows appropriate contrition and behaves well the first month.
All the young people looked relieved.
Debbie heaved a sigh of relief. "Well it's still a long time, but it's a whole lot better than four months. But you said two spankings a day?"
The two spankings a day is only for the first week," Edna responded. "After that it's one spanking a day for the rest of the first 30. Now you got a spanking this morning from Eric, right?"
"Yes, Ma'am" the girl replied, "But it was just a hand spanking and not very hard."
Edna shook her head. "For the purpose of this rule, it doesn’t matter. The type and duration of the spanking is always at the discretion of the spanker and I think you will find that Mark and Eric will be very fair in that regard."
Debbie nodded, “So that means I get one more spanking tonight?"
"Yes, it does,” Edna replied. "And I will let you choose your spanker."
Debbie looked around at the five potential spankers. "Well Mark should be tired from spanking Connie, so I'll pick him."
Everybody, including Connie, laughed at that logic.
Mark feigned a put-upon expression, "Gee, I have to do all the work.”
At that point, the doorbell rang and Connie started to get it, forgetting her bare status. Mark grabbed her arm. “Let Harry get it, in case it’s not the Warrens, silly girl, unless you enjoy showing your charms to the Avon lady or the Fuller Brush man.”
Connie blushed all over at the thought and sat back down. Harry was soon back, leading the Warren family and everybody was startled to see that Leslie, the 17 year-old, was also naked.
“Oh, No. Not you too Leslie?” Debbie exclaimed. “What did you do?”
Leslie blushed and looked down at her feet. “Last Saturday a few of us kids were sort of partying at Davey Hitchcock’s house while his folks were away. There were cigarettes and beer there and Davey’s folks came home early so we got busted. So now I’m on Bare Days for two months.” She turned around. “See how nice and pink my bottom is?”
Jack chuckled. “With all the fuss over Debbie this weekend, it just slipped my mind. Sorry, Leslie, I know it’s not funny for you.”
Leslie looked at Connie. “And what did YOU do to get bared?”
Connie blushed. “I teased Debbie and got caught at it. But it’s only for two days, I hope.”
Leslie turned toward her two younger brothers. “See, I told you what would happen if you teased me about it.”
Bobbie and David looked as innocent as they could be. “Oh, Leslie, we would NEVER think about teasing you,” Bobbie said with an almost straight face.
“No, of course not.” David chimed in with a subdued giggle.
Harriet Warren laughed. “You boys remember that you are still under 14 and subject to Bare Days yourself.”
Edna looked at Harry and Eddy, “So are you two, and don’t forget it.”
All four small boys tried to look as earnest as possible, while hiding smirks. After all it was not every day that a young boy got to see three older girls naked and spanked.
Judge Warren gave a hearty laugh. “Well, we’ve all seen something new today. But we’ve got some serious legal matters to attend to, so why don’t you kids run off to the playroom while the adults get down to serious business.”
Mark and Eric got out of their chairs as if to leave with the others. Jack stopped them. “No. you boys are adults now and you need to be in on this too.”
While the other children moved down to the basement playroom, Eric and Mark sat on the couch, allowing the Warrens to take their chairs.
Harriet Warren pulled several documents out of her briefcase and handed out copies to all the adults. “The first document appoints Fred Hamilton as the legal guardian for his wife, Carol. It is pretty much routine, but you should all read it and make sure there are no mistakes in it.”
Everybody read it and nodded approval. This was expected, of course, since Carol was not expected to recover for some time. Fred signed it, the Radcliffes signed as witnesses and Harriet signed as attorney of record. Harriet took the master copy and put it back into her briefcase. The Judge said,” I will sign this tomorrow at the courthouse and file it with the Chief Clerk. You’ll all get official copies of it.”
Harriet continued. “Now we have a decision to make about the kids. I have drawn up two documents to consider. One gives Jack and Edna temporary custody of Debbie, Eric and Eddy while their mother is incapacitated and Fred has to be in Calgary to take care of her affairs. The other is more complicated. It was Richard’s idea, so I’ll let him explain it.
Judge Warren cleared his throat. “Now I am speaking here as a parent, not as a judge, so please feel free to disagree with what I propose. If the custody order Harriet has drawn up goes into effect, the Hamilton kids will remain as part of the Radcliffe family until Fred is ready to take them back. I don’t think anybody has a problem with that.’
“But we are now faced with a situation where two families are responsible for teenage girls on extended Bare Days, our Leslie and your Debbie. Plus you also have another teen girl who is not on extended Bare Days. In addition, each family has two pre-teen boys. Now I know you have Mark and Eric to take care of the younger kids, but that’s a bit much to expect from two young men. You all know Sarah Braverman. She is a widow with two grown sons, one in the Army and the other in medical school. She has been helping us take care of our children for several years now and is living with us as their nanny. She has a lot of experience with raising boys but not with girls.”
“What I am proposing for the next four to six months is a three way kid swap. You will take in Leslie and we will take in Harry and Eddy. The four boys are good friends and will be happy to be together all the time. The three girls are also good friends and since two of them will be doing Bare Days together, it will make it easier on them to have each other to confide in and hopefully to help keep each other on the right track.”
“I have spoken to Mrs. Braverman about this and she is enthusiastic about having four boys about the same age to look after. I talked to Leslie and she is OK with being put under the control of Mark and Eric. Plus she likes Debbie and Connie and is thrilled at the prospect of having two sisters close to her own age instead of two baby brothers underfoot, as she puts it.”
Jack looked thoughtful. “And everybody says I’m the one who manipulates people! I’ve got to take my hat off to you, Richard. This is a masterpiece. And I can’t see a logical flaw in it anywhere.”
Edna seemed dazed, “Well this is definitely going to call for a lot of thinking. And we’ll all think better with some refreshments. Mark can you talk to Mrs. Anderson and have her make us up some trays of munchies and a big pot of coffee?”
Mark jumped up, “Sure Mom.”
Eric jumped up after him. “I’ll help carry the stuff.”
The boys were back in a few minutes with a large carafe of coffee and a tray of mugs. “Mrs. Anderson is way ahead of us. She’s serving milk and cookies to the kids downstairs and will be in with a couple trays of munchies for us in a few minutes. She offered us milk too, but we decided that this is coffee time. Actually, Eric decided that and I’m his #2 so I agreed.”
Eric laughed. “I’m only #1 because you want it that way, big brother. And you don’t like milk anyway.”
“True,” Mark admitted, “but I’m much better at being #2 than #1, you all know that.”
Jack laughed. “I am just glad you two agree. I can’t believe how much you two have grown up over the past year.”
Eric nodded, “Thanks, Uncle Jack. And I’ll be sixteen in …” He looked at his watch, “Two days, seven hours and forty two minutes. But, who’s counting?”
Everybody roared. “Yes, and you’ll only be a year younger than me and Debbie and Leslie.” Mark said. “And we all know you’re more mature than any of us already.”
At that moment Mrs. Anderson came in with a cart loaded with pastries and hors d’oeuvres. “You people can’t make big decisions on an empty stomach, now can you? And it will be several hours before dinner.”
Edna stared at the cart. “Mrs. Anderson, you have outdone yourself again. This is absolutely amazing on such short notice.”
“Short notice, my dear?” Mrs. Anderson snorted. “I’ve had all day to throw together these trifles!” But she was smiling broadly as she left the room.
“OK, everybody,” Jack said. “Everybody grab a plate and load up. We don’t want to insult Mrs. Anderson. I think she wants us all to be over 300 pounds by Christmas.”

End of Chapter 10.

(The End)