* * * *
This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of
sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to
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* * * * * THE
TRUE PATH Major Characters Hamilton Family: Fred (43) –electrician, Carol
(41) – beautician. Children: Debbie (17), Eric (Ricky) (15) and Eddie (12) Radcliffe Family: Jack (44) - Chief Constable,
Edna (42) - Nurse practitioner. Children: Mark (17), Connie (15), Harry (12) Martell Family: Marie (38) -- Cashier (widowed)
Children: Jimmy (18), (Roxanne (13) Warren Family Richard (51) -- Judge, Harriet
(46) Lawyer. Children: Leslie (17), Bobbie (11), David (9) Chapter 7 After lunch, Eric cleaned up the dishes and Fred
got on the phone to the hospital in Calgary. He came back in the kitchen
smiling ruefully. “Well, it’s settled,” He sighed. “I can bring her up tonight
and they’ll have somebody there to do the paperwork, and they already have a
room reserved for her. I’m going to pack up some stuff for her and we’ll be on
the road in an hour or so. I’ll give her one of those pills Doc Emerson left
for her and she should sleep all the way.” He sat down at the table and sighed again.
“Bring me a cup of coffee and get one for yourself, Eric.” Eric sat down across the table from his father
and they sipped their coffees for a few minutes in silence. Then Eric asked,
“Is Mom going to be all right eventually, Dad?” Fred shook his head. “I hope so, son, but she
had a hard life as a child and that’s really damaged her emotionally and she’ll
need time to recover from that. You know that I still love her and you should
too. Sometimes she just can’t control herself. I hope that you and Debbie can
forgive her and that we can have a normal life again.” “I love her too,” Eric said softly. “I hope that
Debbie can do the same, but I’m sure she will. She’s basically a good girl even
if she made a few dumb mistakes.” “Yes, she is,” Fred replied. “But you’re going
to have to be her big brother from now on. I hope you don’t feel overwhelmed by
it all.” Eric smiled, “Actually, I think Mark will do a
lot of the ‘big brother’ part. Debbie’s had a crush on Mark for years. And I
think he really likes her, too. I don’t know why she got mixed up with Jimmy
Martel, maybe just because he was a ‘wild boy’ and she needed to get that out
of her system.” Fred nodded, “Yeah, girls go through that stage
sometimes. And I like Mark, he has a level head on his shoulders and he will
keep her in line, I am sure. Oh, and you know about ‘Bare Days,’ right?” “Yeah, she won’t be able to wear clothes
anywhere except school while she’s being punished. How long will that last.” “That’s up to the Council of Elders,” Fred
replied. “She’ll have to go before them on Wednesday night. Jack will bring her
to the meeting and be her advocate. I am sure it will be at least a month and
probably two or three. She’s violated just about every rule in the book and
they are not going to be easy on her. But at least she gets to wear clothes in
school. In your grandmother’s time they had to be bare in school as well.” “Wow, that must have been rough for them,” Eric
exclaimed. “The other kids would have teased her beyond belief.” “Not so much, from what she told me,” Fred said.
“They had a rule that if the teasing got out of hand, the kids who did the
teasing would be stripped as well. But it was a huge embarrassment, especially
for teenagers.” “Oh, and the other rule is that she will have to
be spanked at least once a day, but that can wait until she heals up a bit. Doc
Emerson will write a note telling the Council to waive the spanking requirement
until she heals enough. And the spankings don’t have to be hard ones, it’s
mostly symbolic, but it has to be hard enough to turn her bottom pink at least.
Edna will explain all that to whoever does the spanking.” “So who will do the spanking?” Eric asked. “Probably you or Mark most of the time, but
that’s up to Jack and Edna. They’ll be making the rules for you guys now. Now I
have to start packing Carol’s stuff. And you should pack stuff for yourself and
Debbie tonight. It will probably be pretty hectic tomorrow. Make sure you have
all your school stuff and school clothes. Debbie won’t need much in the way of
casual stuff for a while.” Fred went off to pack and Eric checked in on
Debbie, who was still sleeping soundly. Fred came downstairs with two bags and
set them in the doorway. “Put these in the car and I’ll go and get your mother.
Oh, and there are leftovers and stuff in the fridge. You and Debbie can eat
what you want for dinner and breakfast tomorrow. Whatever’s left over, put in
the Coleman chest and take it over to Edna after breakfast. And explain to
Debbie what has happened. Tell her I love her and I’ll be back to see her as
soon as possible. And take good care of your sister and brother. I know you’ll
do a fine job.” Father and son embraced, with tears in the eyes
of both. Eric hauled the bags out to the car and Fred went back upstairs. In a
few minutes he came down, supporting a very groggy Carol. Eric gave her a quick
hug and a kiss on the cheek and she smiled briefly and then her eyes glazed
again. They helped her out to the car, buckled her in and then Fred and Eric
shook hands and the car drove off slowly toward the main highway. Eric went back inside, sat in the “daddy” chair
and cried for a few minutes. “Well, Ricky Boy,” he said aloud to an empty room.
“You wanted to be a man and now you will have to be one a lot sooner than you
expected to.” He went upstairs and started packing his and
Debbie’s school stuff. He also packed some of Debbie’s play clothes in case she
got an early reprieve from her Bare Days punishment. When he had finished, he
heard a noise from Debbie’s room and found her sitting up in bed crying. “Oh,
Ricky,” she sobbed. “I’ve had a terrible nightmare and I w-w-wet the bed and I
hurt all over. Where are Mama and Daddy and Eddie?” Eric sat down on the bed and cuddled her. “It’s
OK, Babygirl, nobody’s going to hurt you anymore. Eddie is over at Bobby
Warren’s house for the night and Dad had to take Mom to the hospital. But I’m
here and I ‘ll make sure nothing bad happens to you.” He continued to hold her
until her sobs died away and then wiped her tears away with a tissue. He kissed her on the forehead. “Now we have to
clean you up and check out the places that are hurting. So let’s go to the
bathroom and I’ll draw a nice warm bath for you.” He helped her up and
half-carried her to the bathroom and sat her on the toilet. “Ok, now you can go
potty if you still need to while I draw the bath.” Debbie blushed but complied. Two days earlier, she
would have been mortified at the thought of being carried naked to the bathroom
and placed on the potty by her younger brother. Now it just seemed natural
somehow. So she performed her bodily functions and didn’t even protest when
Eric lifted her up to her feet and cleaned off her private parts with toilet
paper. She even giggled when he picked her up like a toddler, put her in the
bathtub and started washing her. When he was satisfied he lifted her out of the
tub, stood her on the bathmat and dried her off with a big fluffy towel. When she was clean and dry, her brother walked
her into Eddie’s room. “I’m going to have to change your sheets,” He said. “So
you just lie down and take a nap on Eddie’s bed. I’ll wake you up when it’s
supper time and then we can watch TV for a while, OK, Babygirl?” She smiled sleepily and nodded, “OK, Ricky. I’m
real sleepy right now. And, Ricky, thanks for cleaning me up. I’m so buzzed out
I probably would have pooped in the bathtub. You’re a good brother and I love
you.” Eric smiled and patted her bottom. “I love you
too, little sister.” He said. “Now you get some sleep and I’ll check in on you
later.” A few hours later, Eric woke Debbie up and they
went down to eat supper and watched TV for a couple of hours. Eric explained
what had happened and that they would be spending some time with the Radcliffes.
Debbie seemed to understand and was delighted at the prospect of spending time
with Mark and Connie. About nine PM, he gave Debbie another sleeping pill and
tucked her into her own bed. She fell asleep in a few minutes as he sat in her
chair and watched her. Then he took a shower and went to bed himself, totally
exhausted by the events of the weekend. END of Chapter 7
PATH Major Characters Hamilton Family: Fred (43) –electrician, Carol
(41) – beautician. Children: Debbie (17), Eric (Ricky) (15) and Eddie (12) Radcliffe Family: Jack (44) - Chief Constable,
Edna (42) - Nurse practitioner. Children: Mark (17), Connie (15), Harry (12) Martell Family: Marie (38) -- Cashier (widowed)
Children: Jimmy (18), (Roxanne (13) Warren Family Richard (51) -- Judge, Harriet
(46) Lawyer. Children: Leslie (17), Bobbie (11), David (9) Chapter 8 Eric woke up, as usual at 6:00 AM, even though
today was not a school day. He just liked being the first one up, it gave him a
half hour or so to himself before the house got busy. He wondered what time the
Radcliffes rose in the morning and decided it wouldn’t make much difference. Eric
did his morning bathroom routine and decided to shave today. His beard was
still pretty fine and sparse, but it would be noticeable if he didn’t shave
once or twice a week. He dressed in work clothes, since he would be moving
stuff that morning and went down to put on a pot of coffee. While it was
perking, he checked on Debbie. She was still sleeping peacefully and her bed
was dry. Shortly after 7, the door burst open and Eddie came in, full of
questions. “Mrs. Warren told me some bad stuff happened
yesterday and Debbie was hurt and Mom had to go to the hospital.” Eddie blurted
out. “Is Debbie OK? When will Mom be back?” “Debbie will be OK, and Mom will have to stay in
the hospital for a while,” Eric said. “There is a lot we have to talk about, so
sit down and have some cereal while I wake up Debbie and get her down here. I’ll
have to explain what’s going on to her, too, and I don’t want to have to go
over everything twice. There’s milk and OJ in the refrigerator and you can make
some toast if you want it. I’ll be back down in about twenty minutes.” While the younger boy busied himself with
breakfast, Eric went into Debbie’s room and gently shook her awake. “Time to
get up, Babygirl,” he said softly. “There will be a lot going on today and we
need to get ready for it.” Debbie blinked and sat up slowly. Noticing that
she was still naked, her eyes widened as she remembered yesterday’s events. “What
are we going to do, Ricky?” she asked in a tremulous voice. “Is Mama going to
hurt me anymore? And where’s Eddie and Daddy?” “All in good time, kitten,” Eric said
soothingly. “Eddie’s downstairs having breakfast. Dad had to take Mom to
Calgary. He’ll be back a little after noon if all goes well. But now you need
to go to the bathroom and come back in here so I can check your ouchies.” Debbie winced at the term “ouchies,” but got up,
did her morning ablutions and came back to the bedroom. Eric had her lie down
on the bed and carefully checked the areas that Carol had so severely attacked
the previous day. He put some fresh antibiotic cream on a few inflamed marks
near her pubic area and looked carefully at the red spots where her pubic hair
had been so rudely ripped away. “Sorry, Babygirl, but I’m going to have to
shave off the rest of your pubes,” he said reassuringly, “But they will grow
back and we don’t want to take chances on infection.” “But I’m going to look like a little kid,”
Debbie wailed. “Do you have to do that, Ricky?” Eric nodded, “I’m afraid so, baby. It looks
really weird right now with patches of long hair and bare patches in between.
“At least it will all be the same after I shave you.” Debbie frowned, but put up no resistance as he
lifted her up, put her on a towel and brought out her pink lady’s razor and the
shaving cream. “Now don’t wiggle around, even if it tickles, I don’t want to
cut off anything you might need later,” he admonished. Debbie giggled, but submitted to his ministration
and he was able to shave off the remaining hairs with no cuts or nicks. Then he
wiped her private area carefully and applied more antiseptic cream to the whole
area. “That’s a good girl,” he said lovingly and kissed her on the forehead. “Now,
let’s go down and have breakfast if Eddie hasn’t cleaned out the fridge.” “Can I get dressed now, please?” Debbie asked
plaintively. “It feels weird walking around with no clothes on.” “Sorry, Babygirl,” Eric replied. “You know you
have to be on Bare Days for a while. That means no clothes around the house.” Debbie sighed. “I know. Who ever thought up Bare
Days anyway? It’s really stupid. Must have been somebody that really hated
kids.” “I don’t know,” Eric replied. “But it’s been
around for a long time. Grandma Clark said she had to go to school bare
sometimes when she was a kid. Uncle Jack could probably explain it. He’s Chief
Elder and has all the records.” The two teens walked down the stairs and saw
Eddie in the living room watching TV. Eric made breakfast for himself and his
sister and then they called Eddie into the kitchen as they ate. “OK, guys,”
Eric said. “Some important stuff went down yesterday and I need to explain what
is going to happen. You know that Mom had a bad spell yesterday and hurt
Debbie. Debbie will be OK in a few days, but Mom had to go back into the
hospital like she did when we were very small. Dad will still have to work in
Calgary and help take care of Mom, which leaves nobody to take care of us.” “Can’t you be in charge, Ricky?” Debbie asked. “Dad
put you in change of me and Eddie.” “Well, I could try,” Eric said slowly, “But none
of us is over 18 and there is supposed to be an adult in charge. And I don’t
even have a driver’s license yet, so we’d be stuck in the house unless we had
somebody to haul us around. But Uncle Jack has agreed to take us in while Mom
gets better. Mark, Connie and Harry will be over in an hour or so to help us
get packed.” The three Radcliffe kids arrived shortly after
nine, with Mark driving the family min-van. They all exchanged hugs. Eric noted
that Debbie clung tightly to Mark and almost purred when his hands gently
stroked her bare back and bottom. Connie and Harry seemed a bit surprised to
see Debbie naked, but nobody commented. The two younger boys dashed upstairs to
Eddie’s room to pack up his stuff while the four teens lingered and chatted at
the kitchen table for a while, the boys sipping coffee while the girls drank
milk. Finally, Eric broached the key subject with
Connie. “Connie, are you OK with me being in charge of you and Harry? Debbie is
OK with it but she’s my sister and used to me. I want you to tell me now if you
have any problems.” Connie smiled. “Don’t be silly, Eric. I’ve known
you since we were like four years old and I always thought of you like a big
brother. Besides, everybody at school knows you’re the most mature kid in high
school, even if you’re not the oldest or biggest. Mark has paddled my butt for
years when I mess up, so it’s not like I’m not used to going over a boy’s lap.” Eric chuckled. “Well, we’ll try to keep the
trips over my lap at a minimum, but I won’t guarantee that it won’t happen.” “How about you, Debbie,” Mark asked. “Would it
bother you if I was part of your discipline?” Debbie blushed. “Well you’ve already seen
everything I’ve got and will be seeing it every day for the next couple of
months, so it’s no big deal now. Besides, you might not spank as hard as Ricky
does.” Her face turned sober. “You all know that I’ve
pretty much fucked up my life over the past couple of months. The next couple
of months are going to be hard on me, too. I know the Council will give me at
least a couple of months of Bare Time, maybe more. But it will be a lot easier
having a sister to comfort me and a couple of big brothers to keep me in line. I
love you guys and I really need you to keep me straight. Can I get some hugs
now?” All three teens jumped up to hug Debbie and
cuddle her. Then they spilt up by sexes to pack Eric and Debbie’s clothes and
personal gear for the trip to the Radcliffe manor. Most of it was already in
boxes and suitcases, so it didn’t take long to get it downstairs and into the
van. Debbie looked at her closet wistfully. “I guess there’s no point in
packing party stuff and play clothes,” she said wistfully. “I won’t be wearing
much except my school uniform for a while.” Connie tried to reassure her. “Well let’s pack
one party outfit and a few play clothes. Daddy might allow you a parole now and
then for special occasions. Sometimes he responds to puppy-dog eyes if you’ve
been real good for a while.” Debbie, shook her head. “It’s not Uncle Jack I’m
worried about. You know I’m supposed to get a spanking every day while I am on
Bare Time. I figure Mark and Eric will do most of them. And if I screw up,
they’ll be more than a few light smacks, I’m sure. And I know Eric won’t
respond to puppy-dog eyes and I don’t think Mark will either. We’re going to
have to be a couple of very good little girls for a while or we’ll be the
‘blister sisters’ for real.” After packing the teens clothing into the van,
the four teens packed up all the remaining food in the fridge and the opened
boxes and jars of food in the pantry. “I guess we’ve got all the perishable
stuff,” Eric said. “We can bring the rest over later.” ”Sounds like a plan,” Mark responded. I’ll take
this load over to the house now and the girls can come with me to unload it. After
we get it unloaded, I’ll come back for the boys and their stuff.” “Yeah, that works,” Eric said. “I’m going to
have to make some calls to cancel the paper and get the mail forwarded to your
house. Need to turn the thermostats down too, no point in heating an empty
house. And shut off the gas too.” About an hour later, Mark returned with an empty
van and the four boys loaded up Eddie’s personal stuff and a couple of TV sets
and as many other household items as would fit in the van. Then they carefully
locked up the Hamilton house and drove to the Radcliffe manor. As many times as
Eric had been in the Radcliffe home, he was always awed by the imposing
structure, by far the largest home in Cardigan or any other town within a
hundred miles. The boys were greeted by a smiling Edna
Radcliffe who gave Eric and Eddie big hugs. “Welcome to your new home, boys,”
she said. “I have to get back to my patients now, but Lunch will be ready by
noon and I hope that your dad will be here by then. He left Calgary about seven
AM and it’s about a five hour drive.” Eric snorted, “Knowing Dad’s driving habits,
he’ll probably be here by 11:30. If he doesn’t get pulled over for speeding.” Edna laughed. “I know what you mean, but I am
sure he will be careful. Now if you guys need anything, ask Mark or Connie and
I am sure they will be able to come up with something. Your bags are in your
room, Eric; Mark will show you where and get you guys settled.” Mark and Harry led Eric and Eddie up to the
third floor. “The third floor is the kids sleeping area,” he explained. There
are eight bedrooms, two bathrooms and a common room at the far end. The girls
have the two bedrooms next to the common room, with the smaller bathroom across
the hall from them. The younger boys will be in the two bedrooms next to the
big bathroom on this end. Our bedrooms are next to theirs. Boys use the big
bathroom, the girls will use the smaller one. But if one of the girls wants a
tub bath, she can use the big bathroom for that.” Mark smiled. “You’re the one in charge, so
you’ll be the king of the third floor. We will all take orders from you as far
as chores and other rules of the floor. Our parents rarely come up here except
for periodic inspections. There’s a laundry room next to the girls’ bathroom
for our clothes. Bedding goes down this chute to the basement where the
housekeeping staff takes care of it. Dress code is whatever you want to make
it. My rule is basically that anything goes on the third floor as long as your
body and clothes are clean. But if you go downstairs, you need to be dressed –
except for Debbie, of course.” Eric looked around. “It sounds like you’ve got
the situation pretty much under control already. I don’t think I’ll have to
change anything unless something unexpected comes up. But you guys will have to
show us where all the miscellaneous stuff is, we’ll be a bit lost for a while.” Eric’s new room was slightly larger than his old
one at home, with a bed, dresser, desk, straight chair and an easy chair in the
corner. There was a small TV on a stand and a radio on the headboard of his
bed. The closet was bigger than his one at home had been. His luggage was
neatly stacked in the center of the room. His window looked out onto the farms
in the valley below and he could see the hills on the other side of the valley.
“Wow, great view,“ he exclaimed. “I could get used to this!” “You can unpack after lunch,” Mark said. “Let’s
go check on the girls. I think they are in Connie’s room.” They walked down the
hall and heard the sounds of giggles coming from one of the rooms. Mark knocked
on the door. “Are you decent in there?” he asked. The giggles got louder. “No but come in anyway,”
the response came quickly. The boys entered and saw that Debbie was, of course,
nude and Connie was in her bra and panties. “I was showing Debbie some of my
stuff,” she explained without a trace of embarrassment. “I hope Mark explained
the dress code – or rather the undress code - for the third floor?” Eric laughed. “Yeah, don’t worry, I’ve seen lots
of girlskin in my short life. Debbie’s pajama parties often dispensed with
pajamas half the time. Wear what you like, or don’t wear what you don’t like.” “Thank you, oh great and noble King of the Third
Floor.” Connie tried a deep curtsey, but made it too deep and sat down on her
bottom on the rug. Everybody laughed and Eric helped her to her feet, giving
her a good smack on her panty-covered bottom. Connie, yelped and rubbed her
bottom but she had a big grin on her face. At that moment, a woman’s voice boomed out
throughout the floor. “Now hear this! All naughty children on the third floor report
to the dining room in five minutes or your share will go to the chickens.” Eric and Debbie were startled, but Connie and
Mark laughed. “That was Mrs. Anderson, the cook.” Mark explained. “She likes to
tease us but she is a great cook and loves kids. So we better get down there.” He
smacked Connie’s bottom. “Put some clothes on, brat!” Connie squealed but moved quickly to don her
shorts and tee shirt. “Wonderful,” she grumbled, “Now I have TWO big brothers
to smack my poor defenseless bottom.” The teens all laughed and proceeded downstairs
for lunch, following the two younger boys. END of Chapter 8