The True Path Chapters 4, 5 and 6

By Red Rover
Copyright 2013 by Red Rover, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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The True Path - Chapter 4
Major Characters
Hamilton Family: Fred (43) –electrician, Carol (41) – beautician. Children: Debbie (17), Eric (Ricky) (15) and Eddie (12)
Radcliffe Family: Jack (44) Chief Constable, Edna (42) Nurse practitioner. Children: Mark (17), Connie (15), Harry (10)
Martell Family: Marie (38)- Cashier (widowed) Children: Jimmy (18), (Roxanne (13)
Chapter 4 (Saturday Morning)
Shortly after nine, Eric pushed open Debbie's bedroom door and found her lying, still nude, on the bed face down. She had apparently kicked her sheet off during the night. Her bottom and thighs showed some marks from the night before but were mostly back to their normal coloring. Eric smiled, and pressed his left hand gently in the small of her back as he took the ice cube he held in his right hand and slowly traced a path between her buttocks, over her rosebud and into her vagina.
Debbie squealed and shuddered all over at being awakened in such rude fashion. "What the fuck are you doing?" She snapped.
"Time to wake up, Babygirl” Eric replied, smacking her bare bottom. "You have a full day in front of you."
"Ow! That hurts!" she exclaimed. "You have no right to do that, jerk face. And what's this 'Babygirl' shit? I'm older than you are and not a fucking baby."
Eric smiled and smacked her again. "Wrong on both counts, Babygirl. I have full permission to smack your bottom any time I want to. And you ARE a baby as far as this family is concerned. Do you really know how much trouble you are in?"
Debbie paled as she remembered the previous night's humiliations. "I know I have a spanking from Mom and one from Dad coming," she said soberly, "but that's it. And probably a month's grounding."
Eric shook his head. "Not hardly. You really don't know how deep in shit you are. Constable Radcliffe and his wife are coming over. I am supposed to get you up and bring you downstairs." As he spoke, he took a small towel and wiped the water from the ice cube from her private parts.
"Oh, shit!" Debbie exclaimed in dismay. "They're not going to have me arrested are they? It was just a little pot."
Eric shrugged. "I don't think so. Hell, Dad and "Uncle" Jack have been best friends since they were six years old. I am sure he'll do all he can to keep you out of jail."
Debbie shook her head. "OK. I know I'm in deep shit. Let me get dressed and I'll be down in five minutes.”
Eric shrugged again. "Nope, no clothes, you come down bare-bottom, just like you are."
Debbie stamped her foot in rage. "Absolutely no fucking way am I going bare-ass in front of Uncle Jack and Aunt Edna. Get out of here and let me get dressed, you little twerp."
Eric smiled sardonically, sat down on the edge of the bed, pulled the struggling girl over his lap and picked up the wooden hairbrush he had left on the nightstand. "Little girl, in case you haven't noticed, I am not the little boy you have bullied, picked on and tattled on for the past ten years. I am bigger, stronger and smarter than you are and this is just a sample of what is coming if you don't shape up."
With that he smacked his sister's bare bottom twelve times, five on the center of each cheek and the final two on the sit-spot of each cheek.
Debbie screamed in pain and rage.
"Do we understand each other now?" He inquired. "And, by the way, you can start addressing me as 'sir'."
"Fuck you, you bastard," she shrieked. "Let me up, now or I'll ...."
And just what WILL you do, Babygirl?" He asked. This was followed by five more hearty swats on each of her bare bottom cheeks and two more on each thigh.
Debbie sobbed, choked and went into a spasm of coughing. When it was over, she lay limp across his lap and cried softly. "I'm sorry, s-s-s-sir," she whimpered. "I'll do what you say."
"Fair enough,” Eric put down the hairbrush and helped her to her feet. "Now let's go before they start wondering what the problem is."
"At least let me go to the bathroom by myself," she pleaded.
"Sorry, no can do. Edna said not to let you pee until she got here."
"Not pee?" Debbie looked even more dejected. "Why the hell not?"
"I don't know. She's a nurse, so it must be some medical thing. They just told me not to let you pee."
Eric escorted his nude sister down the stairs and into the living room where his parents and brother were already seated. Carol got up and gave her daughter a quick examination. "Well she looks pretty good, considering," the mother said. "There are some bruises on her breasts but nothing serious. Her bottom is pretty red and it feels warm."
She looked at Eric. "I guess you had to give her a few reminders to get her moving."
Eric smiled. "Yes, but she understands the situation now." Fred chuckled and Eddie giggled as they both checked out the girl's red hot bottom.
The doorbell rang and Eddie dashed off to answer it. A few moments later, he escorted Constable Jack Radcliffe, his wife Edna and his oldest son Mark into the living room.
Debbie blushed from head to toe and would have bolted from the room if Eric hadn't grabbed her arm. Bad enough she was exposed in front of the adults, but Mark Radcliffe was seventeen and in her class at school.
Fred cleared his throat. "Thank you for coming, Jack, Edna and Mark. I wish it were a happier occasion. You all know the basic situation. Debbie has been having sex and doing drugs with that little slime ball, Jimmy Martel for at least six months now. I'd like to have Edna check her out to see how much trouble she's actually in and then we can go from there."
Edna picked up her medical kit and smiled at Debbie, “OK. Honey, lets go off to the bathroom and run some tests. Bring the other bag, Mark."
Debbie stammered “Mark isn't going into the bathroom with us, is he?"
"Of course he is, child," Edna responded. "He helps me with the testing. He's been doing it for months now with me at the clinic. And he has seen little girls without clothes many times."
"But I'm not..." Debbie broke off as Eric smacked her bare bottom. "A-a-a-all right, I'm coming...." Fresh tears filled her eyes as she stumbled off to the bathroom.
Inside the bathroom, Mark busied himself setting up a row of small beakers and bottles of reagents on the counter. Edna produced a large glass bottle and positioned Debbie straddling the toilet bowl. "All right, honey, when I say 'start', you can start peeing into the bottle. When I say ‘stop, ’ stop peeing until I take the bottle away and then sit down on the toilet and empty your bladder. OK?"
Yes ma'am." Debbie replied meekly. Now Mark was going to see and hear her pee in a bottle and then in the commode. This was almost too much to bear.
When the whole episode was over and she was sitting forlornly on the toilet seat, she watched as Edna and Mark divided up the bottle of urine among the smaller beakers and dropped various tablets, liquid and paper strips into each. Mark wrote down the results in his notebook and Edna verified the entries.
Then Mark walked over and patted Debbie on the head. "OK, Debbie, you can get up now," he said casually, as though they were in the school cafeteria instead of her bathroom. "Don't forget to wipe."
Blushing furiously, Debbie wiped as instructed and stood up so that Mark could pour the leftover liquids into the toilet. Then everybody washed their hands and they returned to the living room.
Fred and Carol were standing with their arms around each other and looking anxious. "So what do we have?" Fred asked nervously.
Edna smiled. "Not as bad as we feared. Debbie is NOT pregnant. The tests for opiates, cocaine, meth and the other hard drugs were all negative. We got a weak positive for marijuana as we expected. I'll take blood samples later to check for STD and we have kept some of the urine sample to run through the lab instruments, but it looks OK so far."
Fred heaved a sigh of relief and Carol echoed it. "Thank you Edna. Now we can go on and decide what else has to be done. Everybody grab a seat and get comfortable. Eddie and Debbie, go out to the kitchen and get the refreshments on the table. Bring in the coffee pot and some cups too. And milk for yourselves if you want it.
Debbie almost started to hope again. True, she was still bare-bottomed and sore-bottomed at that, but she was doing stuff that she would normally be doing at a family and friends gathering. Maybe it was not hopeless after all.
End of Chapter 4

Major Characters
Hamilton Family: Fred (43) –electrician, Carol (41) – beautician. Children: Debbie (17), Eric (Ricky) (15) and Eddie (12)
Radcliffe Family: Jack (44) - Chief Constable, Edna (42) - Nurse practitioner. Children: Mark (17), Connie (15), Susan (13)
Martell Family: Marie (38) -- Cashier (widowed) Children: Jimmy (18), (Roxanne (13)
Warren Family Richard (51) - Judge, Harriet (46) Lawyer. Children: Leslie (17), Bobbie (11), David (9)
Chapter 5
Debbie's brief moment of complacency was shattered when the doorbell rang again. Looking around, she heard Teddie in the kitchen and the two older boys had vanished so she was the only child in the room.
"Get the door, Debbie," her mother said sharply.
"I can't do that with no clothes on," Debbie whined. "Please don't make me! Please! Please!"
The Constable reached over and gave her a hard swat on the bottom which almost knocked her off her feet. "Move it, girl," he growled. "You know better than to disobey your mother."
Trying to hold back tears, the naked girl stood behind the front door, opened it a crack and peered around the edge. "It's Mrs. Warren and Bobbie, she announced tremulously."
Teddie had come back into the living room. "Oh, my God, I forgot about my soccer game," he blurted. "I'll be ready in five minutes." He dashed quickly up the stairs to his room.
"Deborah Anne Hamilton,” her mother stated firmly. 'Stop hiding behind the door and let the people in. Where are your manners?"
Debbie opened the door, blushing from head to toe and tried to close the door and cover all of her body parts from the amused woman and the giggling 11 year old boy. "Hi Debbie," he piped up. "You forgot your clothes."
"Shut up, you little fuck....." Debbie stopped, not quite in time, and looked at her parents in sudden panic.
"Young lady, you are in enough trouble without being rude to our guests," her mother snapped. "Now go get the riding crop out of the hall closet."
"Mama, please, not the crop,” Debbie pleaded desperately. Can't you just use the paddle?"
"If I have to get it myself..." Carol let the words trail off as Debbie scampered to the closet and brought the crop to her mother.
"Come on in and sit down, Harriet,” Mrs. Hamilton smiled. "Teddie will be right down. I must apologize for my daughter. She is being punished, as you can see and she just seems to want to get herself deeper into trouble."
Carol pushed an ottoman into the center of the room. "Now Debbie, you get onto the ottoman on your hands and knees with your legs apart."
The terrified girl complied, shivering and moaning forlornly.
"Now put your hands down on the floor, your head down and stick your bottom as high in the air as you can." Carol adjusted her daughter’s trembling body so as to expose as much as possible of her bottom and private parts to the fascinated young boy.
"Now, Bobbie, you probably haven't had much chance to explore little girls' bodies, so go ahead and feel free to touch, rub, pinch or feel anything you want to check out."
The excited 11 year old boy spent several minutes exploring his new toy. Then Carol handed him the riding crop. "Now, since Debbie was rude to you and your mother, you get to punish her for it."
The boy looked uncertain, so Carol took back the crop. She tapped the center of Debbie's bottom and brought it down smartly across both globes. Debbie howled in pain. Then Carol repeated the process about a foot above the girl's knees with the same result. "Now you see those two red lines. What you want to do is to make a dozen or so more lines like that on her bottom and thighs. Don't worry about any noise she makes, Debbie is a real baby about being spanked."
The boy smiled and grabbed the crop firmly. As luck would have it, his first stroke was full across the sit spot where the helpless girl's thighs met her bottom. That produced another loud scream. Warming to his task, the boy set to work with full vigor, making a dozen red lines across the howling girl's bottom and thighs. There were some especially high-pitched shrieks as the tip of the crop occasionally bit into her tender inner thighs and pussy lips. Time seemed to stand still as the adults watched the tortured girl buck and squirm under the fusillade of blows from her young tormenter.
Finally Carol realized that, instead of the "dozen" she had specified, the enthusiastic pre-teen had delivered over twenty fierce cuts of the crop across the girl's naked bottom and legs.
"OK, Bobbie,” she said. "That should do it for now. Go ahead and feel how warm her bottom is and how lumpy it feels."
The boy handed back the crop and ran his hands over Debbie's battered nude body and smiled with pride. "I did good?" He asked.
"You did very well, Bobbie," Carol smiled. "Now let’s check the kitchen and see if there is some ice cream for a god boy."
As they left the room, Eric came forward and picked up the sobbing Debbie in his arms. "I think she's had enough for now," he stated firmly. I'll take her upstairs for a little nap. Give me a hand here, Mark"
As the two boys carried the sobbing teen to her bedroom, the adults seems a bit nonplussed, but conversation resumed and Mrs. Warren departed with the two younger boys for the soccer match.
In the bedroom, Eric gently laid his sister face down on her bed. Getting some aloe cream from the bathroom, he and Mark began to gently rub the cream into the girl's damaged skin.
Eric looked at Mark. "We have to have a serious talk here."
Mark looked somberly at the softly sobbing naked girl between them on the bed. "Yeah, no shit."
THE TRUE PATH – Chapter 6
 Eric sat down on his bed and motioned Mark into the swivel chair at his computer desk. "We have to do something about this right now. The important thing is Debbie. What's going to happen to her when Mom gets to brooding about this and gets mad all over again?"
Mark took a deep breath. "OK, let's start at the beginning. How much do you know about the True Path?"
Ricky frowned. "Well it's our church, even though it's not like other churches. I mean we don't worship gods or saints or that sort of thing. We believe in following the True Path through life and hope to gain immortality in some future life. There is the Path and there are the good spirits that help us stay on the Path and the evil spirits who try to lure us off the Path."
Mark nodded. "And we have the Youth Groups every week to help us and other kids stay on the Path. And the Guides, Pathfinders and Elders. to help adults stay on the Path. And what do they tell us about kids and parents?"
"That we must always obey our parents, stay away from sex, alcohol, tobacco and other drugs and keep ourselves healthy in all ways." Eric recited. "And our parents must guide us along the True Path and punish us when we stray from it."
"Exactly,” Mark said. "And the True Path believes in strict punishment for serious offenses."
Yeah, but strict doesn't mean brutal," Eric responded. "And what just happened downstairs was brutal."
"Sure, it was," Mark agreed. "But you had the guts to break through your conditioning and stop it. How much do you know about your mother's childhood?"
"Well I know that her parents were VERY severe with her,” Eric said. "She hasn't spoken to her mother in years and just barely talks to her father."
"My father has started teaching me about the more advanced doctrines of the True Path,” Mark said. "You can't start actual Guide training until you're 18, but he's giving me some of the stuff early. And some of it is scary. Some of the real hard-core types believe in very severe punishment for children, whipping to unconsciousness, chains and shackles and that sort of thing. Even sexual torture and genital mutilation."
"Damn, that is scary," Eric exclaimed. "Do you think my mother’s parents were that sort?"
Mark nodded. "It sounds like it and she may be on the same track with Debbie. Dad is a high-level Elder, and I am going to talk about it with him after lunch. After this morning's episode, he might listen."
"I hope so,” Eric said soberly. "You know that my Dad works in Calgary and drives four hours there every Monday morning and doesn't come back until Friday afternoon. That leaves Mother in charge and I worry about what she will be doing to Debbie when I'm not around."
The boys checked in on Debbie and found her sound asleep. They went down to lunch, which passed with no reference to the morning's events. After lunch, Mark went off to the living room with Constable Radcliffe. Fred and Eric went down to the rec room to watch football. After a half-hour, Mark and Jack joined them in the TV room. Mark gave a concealed "thumbs up" sign to Ricky and they all sat back to relax and watch the game.
Suddenly there was a heart-stopping scream of agony from the upstairs bedrooms. The four males leaped to their feet and dashed up the stairs. Eric was the fastest and burst into Debbie's room to confront a terrible sight. Debbie, lay on her back on the bed with her hands taped to the bedposts and an obviously recently loosened gag dangling from her mouth. Carol Hamilton was wielding an electrical extension cord, from which the plug had been pulled, leaving an inch of bare wires at the tip. She was thrashing Debbie's naked body from breast to knees, leaving red wheals and droplets of blood all over her torso and legs.
Without hesitation, Eric grabbed his mother, yanked the cord out of her hands and thrust her into his father's arms. Fred grabbed her and held her as she thrashed and screamed.
"The little slut must be punished," the demented woman screamed. "The evil spirits have taken her and they must be driven out of her body." She continued to rant and rave as her husband guided her out of the room and down the hall to their bedroom.
The others turned to Debbie. Mark and Jack untied her hands and stripped away the remnants of the gag. Eric sat on the bed and pulled his wounded sister into his arms and hugged her. "It's over, now, Babygirl." He soothed as the terrified teen sobbed on his shoulder. We won't let her hurt you anymore."
Edna Radcliffe examined the girl's body thoroughly. "It looks worse than it really is,” she said in relief. "The welts are superficial and there is not much bleeding. It's a good thing she got the gag out when she did, though. This could have been very nasty."
She looked more closely at Debbie's genitals. "My God, look at that," she said. Debbie's pubic hair had been ripped out by the roots and there were several lengths of duct tape on the floor with patches of hair on them. "That is really sick."
"I'm going to get my kit," she said and went downstairs to fetch it.
Eric and Mark continued to soothe the terrified young girl, who was calming rapidly under their touch. Constable Jack Radcliffe paced the floor in a state of rage. "Well that does it," he growled. "Now I have to do something I should have done hours ago. Both as Constable and as Elder, I have to stop this evil now."
Edna came back with her medical bag and began tending Debbie's injuries.
Jack started out the door and paused. "Edna, when you are finished with Debbie, come on down to Fred and Carol's room. She may need something to calm her down. Mark, see if you can contact Doc Emerson and get him to come over. I may need his testimony later."
After the doctor left and mother and daughter were safely sedated, the three adults and two boys sat somberly in the living room.
Fred spoke first. "I'm sorry you all had to see this. I should have realized things were getting out of control. Eric, you remember when you were five and your mother had to go away for a few months and Aunt Nancy came to live with us?"
Eric nodded. "Just barely."
"Well, she had to spend some time in the hospital in Calgary after she tried to drown Debbie in the bathtub one night." Fred related grimly. "You and Teddy were asleep and never knew about it until now and I think Debbie blocked it out of her mind."
"But now we have to deal with reality again. Your mother will have to go back into the hospital, I still have to work in Calgary and your Aunt Nancy has a full-time job in Toronto. That leaves nobody to take care of the three of you."
Mark spoke up, "Eric can handle it."
Fred nodded. "Yes, ERIC can." He paused and looked at Jack as he emphasized the name change. "For all practical purposes. But legally none of you are of age and there has to be an adult in the house."
Jack responded on cue. "I will take them in, Fred. You won't have the time for them even if you take them to Calgary with you. I have just Edna, myself and our three kids in that huge house. My grandfather built it to house nine kids, two maiden aunts and his own parents. We have space to spare. Mark and Eric are capable of watching out for the youngsters, Debbie gets along well with Connie; Eddie and Harry are best buddies, too. Hell these kids have been playing together all their lives."
"You're right, as usual," Fred replied. "We'll have to do some legal papers but Judge Warren will go along with any reasonable arrangement."
"Agreed." Jack said. "And you boys are OK with this?"
"Yes sir!!" Both boys exclaimed in unison.
Jack nodded. "I thought so. You realize that you will have a lot of responsibility since Edna and I work long hours. Think you can handle four youngsters by yourselves?'
"Between the two of us, we can do it," Eric stated confidently. Mark nodded in agreement.
"OK, it's a deal,” Jack said. "I understand Eddie is spending the night with Bobby Warren."
"Yes, I didn't want him coming home to this mess,” Fred replied.
"Good thinking,” Jack said approvingly. "I will send Mark, Connie and Harry over in the morning to help you kids pack. Fred, you will probably be busy making arrangements to get Carol back into the hospital. In the afternoon, we'll meet with Judge Warren and work out the legal details. And, Fred, I think it would be best if you took Carol up to Calgary tonight so we can get her in treatment immediately. Since she has been admitted there before and they know her history, I think they will take her right away. With any luck, you can be back by 2-3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. I'll schedule the meeting with Judge Warren and Doc Emerson for 4:30 at my place. Eric and Mark should be there too. Any questions?”
As the adults gathered up their gear and prepared to depart, Eric took Mark aside in the kitchen. “Hey Mark, are you OK with sharing the top billing With me on this? I mean, you're two years older than I am and you really should be #1.”
Mark laughed. “Hell no, Eric. Everybody already knows you are smarter and more mature than I am. And you'll be sixteen in a couple of weeks and I just turned seventeen in June. So you’re really only a year younger. And you’re only a year behind me and Debbie in school. Besides, I like the idea of you being in charge and me being #2. You’re a natural leader and I’m good at being #2, so let’s keep it that way.”
Eric embraced his new “brother” and thumped him on the back. “Thanks, buddy, I really appreciate you being willing to do this. We should make a great team.”
END of Chapter 6





(The End)