* * * *
This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of
sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to
view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do
not save this
* * * * * The True Path is a
religious sect with about 8000 members
based in the town of Cardigan, Alberta, which has a population of about
in the town itself and another 8000 in surrounding rural areas. Another
sect members live in the rest of Alberta. And about 2000 more are
scattered through British Columbia, Manitoba and
the Yukon Territories. Cardigan itself is mostly a grain and cattle
shipping point
and provides support to the surrounding rural area. Major
Characters will be listed in each chapter heading, usually by family. Hamilton
Family: Fred (43) –electrician, Carol (41) – beautician. Children:
Debbie (17),
Eric (Ricky) (15) and Eddie (12)
Chapter 2
The three
kids looked on in puzzlement as Carol produced the teddy from behind her chair.
She put on the coffee table and turned it on. Debbie turned pale as she
recognized her own voice and the nature of the conversation. The boys looked
bemused but listened in fascination as the tape played itself out. Fred
cleared his throat. “Well, Debbie, have you got any explanation for this?” Debbie
started crying, “No, Daddy, I don’t know how the recorder in the bear got
turned on.” “It doesn’t
matter how the recorder got turned on,” Carol snapped. We are talking about the
conversation with Jimmie - I am assuming this is Jimmie Martel, eh? “Y-y-yes, Mama, “Debbie stammered. “We were just fooling around.” “Fooling
around, my ass,” Fred interjected. “You talked about sucking his cock, smoking
dope and wanting to have his cock inside you. How far have you actually gone
with this slimy little Frog?” “That’s as
far as we went, honestly, Daddy,” Debbie said vehemently. “We groped each
other, felt each other up. I sucked on his peepee and he licked my cunt. And we
kinda played with putting our fingers up each others bunghole. But that’s as
far as it went. I’m still a virgin, Daddy, you have to believe me!!” “And what
about the dope,” Carol demanded. “What kind of dope and how much did you use? “
“Only some
marijuana, honest, Mama,” the girl pleaded. “Jimmy bought a small bag at one of
the farms, I don’t know which. We rolled a few joints. He smoked two and I
smoked one. That used up half the bag. We were going to finish the bag off on
Friday. No hard stuff, no meth, no glue, no inhalants or anything else like
that – just a couple of joints.” “We’ll
check that out tomorrow,” Fred said quietly. “I am having Jack and Edna
Radcliffe come over tomorrow. Edna can check you out and take blood and urine
samples for the lab to check out. And the Constable can tell us what the legal
situation is. And since he’s also the Chief Elder, he can advise us on the
religious aspects.” “Is Uncle
Jack going to put me in jail?” Debbie wailed. “I’ll never get into University
with a jail record! Please don’t let them do that to me, Daddy. It was
only one joint of pot.” “I don’t
think the Constable will let it go into court,” Fred reassured the terrified
girl. “He’s known you since you were a baby. In fact I think he changed your
diapers now and then. I am hoping he will let the Church handle it, he is the
Chief Elder and swings a lot of weight with the Council.” “And not
just the Council,“ Carol commented. “Jack Ratcliff is the most powerful man
north of Edmonton. We’re just damned lucky that he is our friend. “
true,” Fred mused. “But we have to decide what we will do with Debbie at the
family level. I don’t see any alternative to Maximum Family Punishment. Does
anybody have an objection to that?” Carol and
the two boys shook their heads. Ricky spoke for the first time. “Sorry, Sis,
but we can’t downplay this at the family level. This has got to be something
you will long remember.” Eddie and Carol nodded in agreement.
Fred said decisively, “So you will get four spankings this weekend, one from
each of us. Eddy and Ricky will do theirs tonight and your mother and I will do
them tomorrow. Your first Bare Day will be tomorrow and you will be Bare for
two weeks. That’s the most I can impose without the permission of the Council. They
will probably extend it beyond that, so don’t plan on wearing your regular
clothes any time soon. Oh, and Eric, you are now in charge of Debbie and Eddie.
They will do what you tell them to do and if they give you any trouble, you can
spank their bare bottoms anytime you think it’s appropriate. OK?”
nodded. “Yes Sir.” He suddenly looked as though he had grown two years in age
and he set his jaw resolutely. Eddie looked a little frightened. Debbie nodded
in resignation and Carol smiled. “Oh, and
another thing” Fred continued. “Ricky is a kid’s name. From now on you are Eric
or Rick. These are men’s names and you got promoted to adult a bit early. We
were going to do it on your birthday next month anyway. Which do you prefer?” Eric
thought a minute. “Well ‘Rick’ is a strong name, but I think I like ‘Eric’
better. Sounds like a Viking name.” “That’s not
fair,” Debbie grumbled. “I didn’t get promoted when I turned 16, why should
Ricky?” “Very
simple, child,” Carol interjected. “Eric is a man in all respects except what
the calendar says. You were a child at 16 and you remain a child today.” Eddie piped
up, “It’s OK with me. Eric bosses me around already so it won’t be much
different.” Fred
sighed. “OK, now we get down to the part nobody wants. Debbie, get your clothes
off. Eddie, get the Ping Pong paddle and the short strap from the junk drawer. Eric,
bring a dining room chair and put it in the middle of the room.” The boys
moved quietly to follow orders. Debbie reluctantly pulled off her PJ top,
revealing a pair of small but well-formed breasts. Kicking off her slippers,
she pulled down her PJ bottoms, revealing a sparse growth of blonde pubic hair
and a basically juvenile slit. Her bottom was still rounded and had a fair
amount of “baby fat” where the cheeks met her thighs. She stood naked before
her parents, with tears forming in her eyes as her brothers bustled about
setting up the room. Fred sighed
again. “We’ve never had to do an MFP in this family until now. But both your
mother and I have been through them when we were kids, so we know how to do it.
Eddie, go sit in the straight chair. Debbie, climb over his lap and make
yourself as comfortable as possible.” The
children obeyed and Eddie finally got Debbie settled in a proper spanking
position. He was a little shorter than Debbie but had an athletic build and
Debbie well knew that this was not going to be a “patty cake” spanking. Eddie
nodded to his father, “Ready, Dad.” Fred
clenched his teeth. “OK, son, just start spanking her with your hand. Start off
slow and work up the tempo as you go along. Spank as hard as you can, and try
to cover all of her bottom so it’s a uniform pink. When your hand gets to be
hurting, tell me and I’ll give you the paddle to finish the job with. Just
remember that it’s for her ultimate benefit that we are doing this, so you need
to spank long and hard. Eddie
patted her bottom a few times and then brought his palm down with a sharp CRACK
on Debbie’s right cheek. Everybody in the room gave a little start at the loud
noise. Debbie, of course, let out a howl of pain and embarrassment. Here she
was, almost grown up and being spanked on the bare by her pre-teen brother. Then
Eddie laid on another hard smack in the middle of her left cheek. Her
previously pristine bottom skin now showed two large red handprints. But, of
course, that was only the beginning of her woes. Eddie
spanked his older sister in a methodical fashion, alternating cheeks and
spreading the redness over her entire bottom, bringing it to a nice dark pink
all over. Debbie’s contribution to the effort consisted mostly of yelping,
squirming and blubbering. Occasionally, Eddie would deliver a hard spank to her
inner thighs which always brought about a shrill yelp and a frantic wriggling
of her bottom coupled with a wild kicking of her bare legs. Finally,
Eddie paused and said, “Ready for the paddle, Dad.” While
Debbie moaned and twitched on his lap, Eddie took the Ping Pong paddle and
resumed where he had left off, methodically covering the area he had pinked up
and darkening the color to a deep, angry red. Debbie was reduced to pitiful
sobs, incoherent pleas for mercy and finally just broke down and bawled as the
tears streamed down her cheeks and mixed with the snot from her nose and the
saliva from her open mouth. At a signal
from Fred, Eddie stopped spanking and rubbed the bottom of the thoroughly
chastised little girl over his lap. Debbie was simply lying over his
lap, seemingly unable to move.
said, “I don’t think I can lift her by myself, Eric, could you pick her up?” Eric stepped
in and lifted his sister off his brother’s lap with ease. He picked her up in
his arms and carried her over to the couch, laying her on her tummy as she
continued to sob and moan. Fred
cleared his throat and brushed back a tear. “Right, we’ll let Debbie lie here
and rest for a while. Eric can do his bit after dinner. I think we all need a
break right now. That was a good job Eddie, you did well.” Eddie
beamed in pride but cast a forlorn look at his sister crumpled on the couch. “I
didn’t really want to do it, Dad.” “I know,
son,” Fred said. “It’s never pleasant when we have to hurt somebody we love. But
it is vital to keep her on the True Path. So let’s go eat.”