* * * *
This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of
sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to
view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do
not save this
* * * * * The True Path is a religious sect with about 8000 members
based in the town of Cardigan, Alberta, which has a population of about 20,000
in the town itself and another 8000 in surrounding rural areas. Another 4000
sect members live in the rest of Alberta. And about 2000 more are scattered through British Columbia, Manitoba and
the Yukon Territories. Cardigan itself is mostly a grain and cattle shipping point
and provides support to the surrounding rural area. Major
Characters will be listed in each chapter heading, usually by family. Hamilton
Family: Fred (43) –electrician, Carol (41) – beautician. Children: Debbie (17),
Eric (Ricky) (15) and Eddie (12)
– Chapter 1 The present
from Aunt Margaret arrived almost a week after Debbie Hamilton’s seventeenth
birthday. But Debbie tore into the wrappings as eagerly as any six-year old
would have. When she saw what was inside, her face fell briefly, but she held
it up to her family anyway. “It’s a Teddy Bear,” she said in a neutral tone. Her father shook
his head. “I don’t think Aunt Margaret really understands how old the kids are
now. Don’t be surprised if you get a GI-Joe doll for your 16th birthday
next month, Ricky.” Ricky
laughed. “I’ll just give it to Eddy; I think he still plays with them.” Twelve year
old Eddy glowered at his older brother “DO NOT!,” he exclaimed, “I’m almost a
teenager now.” Debbie was
reading the tag. “It’s a ‘Talking Teddy.’ The instructions say, ‘Talk to your
teddy and he will talk back to you. As he hears more about you, he will
gradually learn to make more sense in what he says.’ That’s cute but a little
scary too.” Her mother,
Carol, said, “I’ve heard about dolls and stuffed animals that can talk back to
you. They have all sorts of computer chips and stuff in them and they are
frightfully expensive. Be sure to thank Aunt Margaret, dear, she’s a bit old
but she loves you kids. Debbie
thought for a minute. “Of course, I will, Mom. I’ll put him up on the shelf in
my room with all my old stuffed animals. But if I want to talk to somebody at a
six-year old level, I can do that with my brothers.” Eddy stuck
his tongue out at his sister, but, Ricky just laughed and pretended to swat her
bottom. About a
week later, Carol was cleaning Debbie’s room and accidentally knocked Teddy of
the shelf. It was a Saturday and Fred had taken the kids to a movie, so she was
alone in the house. She was startled when the Teddy started talking and even
more startled to hear her daughter’s voice coming out of it. But the worst was
still to come. “Oh,
Jimmy,” Debbie’s voice said wistfully. “The old bitch has me on restriction
this week because of my stupid grades. I wish you were here right now so you
could tickle my pussy while I sucked on your huge cock.” Carol
gasped in horror. “Yeah, that
would feel real good, Jimmy, “Debbie’s voice continued. “I’d like to have your
big hairy dick all the way up my pussy, but we got to be cool about that until
I graduate. Mom would freak if I asked her for birth control and
Dad would wear out my ass with a strap.”
“But, hey,
I can meet you behind the soccer field on Friday. I’ll just tell the coach that
I’m on the rag and he’ll let me out of practice. He doesn’t have a clue and
probably can’t count to 28 anyway. We’ll only have about an hour, but we can
smoke some weed and I can give you a blow job and you can lap out my cunt. God,
I’m getting wet just thinking about it. Oops, gotta go now, the old lady
just pulled into the driveway. Love you, stud muffin.” The
recording cut off and Carol sat stunned on Debbie’s bed. “That little tramp!”,
she stormed “I’ll kill her and that stupid Martel kid too.” Carol turned off
the recorder and carried the bear down to her own bedroom where she stashed it
in the bottom drawer of her dresser. An hour or
so later, Fred’s car drove up in the driveway. The boys went to the back of the
house to kick a soccer ball around but there was no sign of Debbie. “What
happened to Debbie? “ Carol asked, trying to keep her tone level.
“Oh, I
dropped her off at Ginger’s house,“ Fred replied. “They are finishing up a
History paper. She’ll be home by six.” “Good, “
Carol said, trying to keep her voice from cracking. ”Come on up to the bedroom.
We have to talk.”
bewildered, Fred followed Carol up the stairs and down the hall to their
bedroom. Carol quickly locked the door and drew the blinds on the window. She
pulled the Talking Teddy out of her dresser and set it on the bed between them.
“Just listen to this and don’t say anything until the tape ends.” She turned
on the tape and Fred was startled to hear his daughter’s voice coming out of
the bear. Then he grasped what was being said and the surprise turned to anger
and then to black fury. “‘I can’t believe that’s our little girl, “ he seethed.
“Drugs and sex – and with that slimy little Frog, Jimmy Martel at that. I
should go over there and blow his sorry ass away with a shotgun.” “I agree, “Carol said. But then you’d go to jail and what
would happen to us?”
right,” he said grudgingly. “But we have to deal with Debbie now. And that
won’t be pleasant for anybody. So, Family Meeting at 6:30 in the living room? Will
dinner keep in the oven?” “Yes, it’s
a casserole. I’ll turn it down to low when we start the meeting. Damn, I wish
we didn’t have to do this,” Carol sighed. “I don’t
like it either, “ Fred responded, “But it’s our duty to keep the kids on the
True Path. We’ve slacked off on going to services in the past few years, but I
still believe it’s the right path.” “So do I,”
Carol said. “I know that your family was Steel and mine was Stone, but the
basic faith is still there. Debbie was taught the True Path and she has
wandered off it. So we must correct her failings and guide her back onto the
path.” “Yes, I know.” Fred said, “But your family was a little too Stone for my tastes. Sure,
she has to be punished, but not the ways you and your sisters were.” “Maybe not,
“ Carol’s voice hardened. “But there is still value in the Stone way.” “Well she’s
your daughter and it’s your call as her mother.” Fred said reluctantly. “But
try to have a little compassion for the poor kid.” “Oh, I
will,” Carol promised. “There’s not as much granite in my Stone as there used
to be.” “OK, let’s
go down and set the stuff up for the meeting.” Fred said with another sigh. “I’ll
get the boys in and cleaned up.”
A few
minutes after six, Debbie bounced in and said “Hi guys, What’s for dinner?” “Dinner is
going to be delayed a bit,” Carol stated gravely. “We are having a Family
Meeting at 6:30, so go wash your face and get into your pajamas. Make sure the
boys are doing the same.” Debbie’s
face fell. “Family Meeting and pajamas? Somebody is in big trouble, right? Who
is it?” Fred looked
annoyed. “You know we don’t reveal anything before the meeting. It could be one
of you, two of you or all of you. Or maybe even none of you. Just go get ready
and make sure your brothers are ready, too.” Debbie
slowly climbed the stairs, her buoyant mood flattened. At the top she met
Ricky, who was wiping his face with a towel. “Did they tell you anything, Deb?”
She shook
her head. “All I got was Family Meeting 6:30 get into your pajamas, all three
of us.” “Pajamas
mean somebody is getting a spanking. Maybe all of us, maybe one, maybe two. I
asked Eddie if he could think of anything major he did wrong and he drew a
blank. So did I. Do you have any deep dark secrets?” Debbie
shook her head, “Nope. Maybe it doesn’t involve us at all, maybe something to
do with school or church or business. I think it’s kinda dumb making all of us
get into PJ’s if only one of us screwed up. Like, we’re not six years
old any more.”
Ricky grimaced. “Yeah, keep that argument in mind if you’re the one that goes over Dad’
lap. Not that it will do us any good.” Yeah, I
hear you,” Debbie said resignedly. “And we didn’t even get to eat a hearty
meal.” Ricky
laughed. “Not so hearty, it’s casserole again. If they’re gonna beat on
us, the least they could do is order pizza.”
A few
minutes later, the three children trudged down the stairs clad in their
somewhat bedraggled “Punishment PJ’s.” As usual on Family Meeting day, they
wore nothing underneath the PJ’s and odd bits of skin were exposed in various
places. They moved into the living room and sat on the large couch in
their usual formation, Ricky on the right, Debbie in the middle and Eddie on
the left.
A few
minutes later their parents entered and sat in the two large armchairs facing
the nervous children. Fred cleared his throat. “OK we are all assembled for the
Family Meeting. Let us now bow our heads in a moment of silent thought.”