Teen Nanny 17

By Red Rover

Copyright 2014 by Red Rover, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Teen Nanny – Chapter 17
Main Characters:
The Stevens Family: Mother, Margie (35), nurse, widowed 4 years ago. Son, Kevin (15), Daughter Nikki (12)
The Meyers Family: Father Michael (45) Professor of Psychology at UW. Mother: Christine (43) pediatrician, Sons: Mark (22), Brad (19), Greg, (16) and Jeremy (10). Daughters: Diane (20), Mandy (17), Brenda (14), Nancy (12)
The Richardson Family: Father, Roger (39), Army Major (overseas), Mother, Cynthia (38), Bank Loan Officer. Children: Alexis (16), Tammy (13), Sammy (8), Donny (6).
Lisa Daniels (19), Nursing student at Swedish Hospital.
Melanie Crouse (13) - Classmate of Kevin and Nicki
Natalie Larrabee (36) and Ellen James (27) Teachers in the Ruskin Syndrome class

Next morning was normal except for the two new kids at the breakfast table. They were in jammies and we were still nude, of course. After breakfast we all got dressed in our school clothes and went out to get on the bus. Of course, we had to introduce Nancy and Jeremy to the other kids at the bus stop and on the bus, but we just explained that they were Brenda’s siblings and would be staying with us for a while.

At school, things went as usual. Nikki was a bit sullen and withdrawn but she settled down and seemed to be having fun working with her table mates. As soon as we were alone, I told Melanie about Nancy and Jeremy and that they would be “sitters” at the school and at home. Her eyes got wide, but then she seemed to be OK with it. We did our schoolwork together as usual and found time to do a bit of fooling around while we thought we were not being observed.
Right. About 11, Mrs. Larrabee stopped at the table and whispered, “I see what you’re doing but don’t be too obvious about it. We don’t want to give any ideas to the younger kids.”
She smiled and winked at us and went off. I am sure that our faces were bright red for a few minutes after she left, but we calmed down and behaved (more or less) for the rest of the day.
Coming home that day, we were all a bit nervous at the prospect of adjusting to the presence of Jeremy and Nancy to the group at the day care center. Nancy was close to Tammy’s age, so that would be no problem, but Jeremy would be the first male “sitter” and nobody was sure how that would work out. Especially since he was younger than all the other sitters. A couple of the girls were actually several months older than he was.
When we got home, Mel, Nikki and I went into our new bedroom to get undressed while the Meyers kids went upstairs to change into their after-school clothes. Of course, we finished first since we just had to take off clothes and not put anything else on. The Meyers kids joined us after a few minutes in the living room. Melanie seemed a bit nervous about being naked in front of a younger boy who was fully dressed, but she didn’t make a fuss.
Nikki, however was a different story. As we got ready to go across the street, Jeremy approached her with a box of baby wipes. “OK, Nikki, “he said, “Time for your bottom check.”
Nikki turned bright red and stammered, “Wh..wh..why can’t Nancy or Brenda do it? I don’t want some gross little boy playing with my bum hole.”
Brenda tried to sound reassuring. “Nikki, honey, he’s already seen e everything you have, and it’s not a big deal. And Jeremy has to learn how to clean up little girls who don’t properly take care of themselves.”
Nikki exploded. “Fuck all of you, I’m not going to let that little pervert play with my private parts.” She actually took a swing at Jeremy, which he easily dodged.
Brenda got real stern and grabbed Nikki and pulled her away from Jeremy. Now Jeremy was bigger than Nikki and an athlete, which Nikki was not. She wouldn’t have stood a chance against him in a fight and she knew it.
 Brenda sighed. “I was afraid this would happen.” She reached into her purse, pulled out her hairbrush and handed it to Jeremy. “OK, Nikki you wanted it the hard way, so be it. You know what to do, Jeremy.”
At this point, Nikki could just stand there with the classic “deer in the headlights” expression on her face. She knew she had screwed up big time and her butt was about to be roasted. Jeremy took her by the hand and let the way to the straight chair which was conveniently in the place of “honor” in the living room. He sat down and pulled Nikki over his lap as though he had been doing it for years.
“Now, little girl,” he said calmly, “You are going to learn to pay attention and follow the orders you are given.” Nikki gave out a muffled wail as his hand smacked firmly into her bare bottom cheeks.
Jeremy kept up a slow, steady pace as he covered Nikki’s quivering bottom with spanks, making sure he reddened every square inch of her bare bottom and upper thighs. Nikki was sniffling a bit but not yet sobbing as he stopped spanking and picked up the hairbrush.
“So much for the warm-up,” he said firmly. “Now for the main event.”
Nikki yelped in pain and surprise as the heavy wooden hairbrush smacked firmly into the center of her left bottom cheek and then came down just as hard on the right cheek. Jeremy continued the hairbrushing until her whole bottom was bright red and she was bawling, whimpering, pleading for mercy and promising to be a good little girl forever and ever.
I was amazed that a ten year old boy could be so polished a spanker, but then reflected that he certainly had plenty of experience on the wrong end of the hairbrush and had probably seen Nancy, Mandy and Brenda undergoing the same experience at the hands of his parents and their older siblings. I knew the Meyers family treated their own kids the same way the kids treated their charges. In fact, several times, I had seen Brad or Greg escort Brenda upstairs and heard the unmistakable sounds of wood smacking into a bare bottom and the resulting wails from the recipient.
When he finally finished, Nikki was totally limp over his lap, sobbing uncontrollably with tears and snot streaming down her face. Jeremy just sat there making reassuring noises and stroking her back and shoulders gently. When she had calmed down a bit, he helped her too her feet and said, very quietly. “OK, baby girl, now it’s time to get into inspection position.”
Nikki did her usual spanky dance, rubbing frantically and giving off little moans of pain. Finally she stopped, bent over, spread her legs and pulled her bottom cheeks apart, still making little sobbing sounds. Jeremy took the baby wipe and reached between her spread legs, to check her vaginal area. Finding nothing remarkable, he tossed the wipe into the waste basket and ran another wipe over her anal area.
This time he frowned. There were visible brown stains on the wipe, which he tossed into the wastebasket. “Child, you just have to start paying more attention to your personal cleanliness. If I hadn’t spanked you already for disobedience, I would spank you now.”
Nikki said nothing, but I could see her face getting even redder at the announcement. Jeremy calmly took another baby wipe and cleaned off the offending area, poking his finger into her rectum to do a thorough cleaning job. Then he told her to stand up and go over to the corner, which she did.
The he turned to Melanie. “Might as well check you out, too,” he said.
Having seen what happened to Nikki, Melanie did not hesitate. She bent over spread her legs wide and pulled her bottom cheeks apart. Jeremy went through the same process as he had with Nikki, but smiled when he saw the results of the tests. “Completely clean,” he announced. “You are obviously a good little girl and know how to clean yourself properly.”
He gave her a couple of friendly pats on her bare bottom and told her to stand up. “Maybe you need to give your little sister a few tips on how girls keep themselves clean.”
Melanie blushed a little, but smiled as she straightened up. Nikki, in the corner, gave a small moan and a loud sniffle, but said nothing.
Nancy then looked at me. “I guess I should do the same with you, Kevin,” she said. “Just to be fair with Nikki, but I don’t expect to find anything.”
So I bent over and Nancy repeated the wipe test, with no results. When I stood up again, she smiled at me, but didn’t pat my bottom as Jeremy had done with Melanie.
Then Brenda said. “I guess we better get the children over to the day care center now.”
So we trooped across the street, three naked kids and three fully dressed ones. We passed a few people and I am sure they noticed Nikki’s bright red bottom, but nobody said anything.
Once we were all safely in the Richardson house, Brenda introduced Nancy and Jeremy to Alex and Tammy and their mother. There were hugs all around and Mrs. Richardson welcomed Jeremy and Nancy to the staff.
Then she took us downstairs to the just-finished playroom and introduced the two new sitters to the residents. There were about 14 regulars now, besides the three of us, all between 6 and 10. She explained that Nancy and Jeremy were to be treated the same as Brenda, Alex and Tammy; they were to be obeyed without question and had the authority to spank any of them at any time, for any reason.
A couple of the older girls looked oddly at Jeremy since he was the only boy sitter, but Mrs. Richardson had not mentioned his age, so they probably assumed he was 12-13, like Nancy. They were, in fact about the same size and looked enough alike to be twins.
Brenda the excused herself and went back to our house saying. “I have homework and housework to catch up on. I’ll see you guys at dinner time.”
So Jeremy and Nancy mingled with the little kids and got to know their names and ages, etc. I later found out that Alex and Tammy had told the smaller kids that Jeremy and Nancy were twins and that they were 13. Since none of the other kids were over 10, that made it easier for them to accept the new kids as legitimate sitters.
End of Chapter 17



(The End)