Teen Nanny 16

By Red Rover

Copyright 2014 by Red Rover, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Teen Nanny – Chapter 16
Main Characters:
The Stevens Family: Mother, Margie (35), nurse, widowed 4 years ago. Son, Kevin (15), Daughter Nicki (12)
The Meyers Family: Father Michael (45) Professor of Psychology at UW. Mother: Christine (43) pediatrician, Sons: Mark (22), Brad (19), Greg, (16) and Jeremy (10). Daughters: Diane (20), Mandy (17), Brenda (14), Nancy (12)
The Richardson Family: Father, Roger (39), Army Major (overseas), Mother, Cynthia (38), Bank Loan Officer. Children: Alexis (16), Tammy (13), Sammy (8), Donny (6).
Lisa Daniels (19), Nursing student at Swedish Hospital.
Melanie Crouse (13) - Classmate of Kevin and Nicki
Natalie Larrabee (36) and Ellen James (27) Teachers in the Ruskin Syndrome class
Lunch was rather subdued. Nikki just pushed her food around her plate until Brenda told her to stop sulking and eat. I was kind of upset myself. Sure we were used to being naked around other kids, but that was at the Richardson’s where there was a bunch of naked kids. So we didn’t stand out. But now there would be five people in OUR house and the other three would be fully clothed and bossing us around.
I suddenly realized that Brenda, Alex and Tammy were all at least a year older than Nikki, so she had never been spanked by a kid who was younger than she was. And both Jeremy and Nancy were younger than Nikki. Jeremy by two years and Nancy by three months. And Jeremy was a boy.
Shortly after lunch, the Meyers kids showed up and we were introduced to Jeremy and Nancy. Nancy was about my height and a bit lighter, but I noticed that she had strong-looking arm muscles (she was a tennis player). Jeremy, on the other hand, looked nothing like the average 10 year old. He was taller than I was and had a rugged build, like all the Meyers boys. He could have easily passed for 12-13.
We got hugs from all four of the Meyers kids and pats on the bottom, of course. Greg and Brad went off upstairs with their tools to reattach the doors on our former bedrooms and bathroom. Nikki and I stood around awkwardly and stared at the new kids. Finally, Nancy remarked, “Looks like you’ve been a naughty little girl today, Nikki.”
Jeremy turned Nikki around to look at her red bottom and gave her a little proprietary smack. “Good job, Brenda, “he laughed. “Glad it wasn’t my butt this time.”
Nikki’s face turned as red as her bottom and I thought she was going to take a swing at Jeremy, but she thought better of it and just glared at him. Brenda intervened at that point and said, “OK, kids, we need to start moving Kevin and Nikki’s stuff down into the downstairs bedroom.”
So Jeremy and I took his bags and went up to my room. I took my clothes out of the closet and dresser and carried them downstairs while he put his stuff away. Nikki and Nancy did the same with their stuff. Brenda had packed up Mom’s stuff into cardboard boxes, so we had plenty of room for our stuff in her dressers. Not that we needed much, we went naked all the time except for school. Most of our “teen” stuff was already in boxes in the basement, waiting for us to grow up emotionally so we could wear them again.
So we carried the boxes of Mom’s stuff down into the cellar and put them with our old stuff. When we were done with that, Brenda sat us down in the living room. Actually, Brenda, Nancy and Jeremy sat in the chairs while Nikki and I sat on the floor at their feet.
Brenda laid out the ground rules one more time to make sure we all understood them. “Nancy and Jeremy will be considered ‘sitters’ both here and at the Richardson’s. Your two will obey them just as you do me and the other sitters. They have full authority to spank you whenever they consider it appropriate, wherever you are or whoever else is present. Is that clear?”
Nikki and I nodded. “Yes Miss Brenda,” I replied, reluctantly.
She could see that we were not happy, so she continued, “Now, Nancy and Jeremy are new at this so I will be supervising them as well as you. If you feel you are being treated unfairly you come to me. I will listen to whatever you have to say and take appropriate action. Nancy and Jeremy both know that their bottoms will be paddled if they mess up, just as Brad and Greg will paddle mine if I do something stupid. But, in case I am not around at the time something happens, go ahead and obey their orders until you hear differently from me.”
She looked at me. “Please explain all of this to Melanie as well, Kevin. She is the only other child at the Richardson’s who is over ten and I don’t want her getting into trouble.”
I nodded, “Sure, I don’t want her in trouble either.”
The boys came down stairs at that point and started working on the doors to Mom’s bedroom and her bathroom. The five of us watched TV while they were busy. After an hour or so they finished up, cleaned up the area and hugged us all and patted our bottoms once again. (In case you haven’t noticed, the Meyers clan was big on hugs and bottom patting.) Then they took off and left the five of us in the house to get acquainted.
Turned out that both Nancy and Jeremy were big on board games, so we played them for several hours and then Brenda ordered pizza. Of course, I had to answer the door when the pizza came. The delivery person was a girl about 18 or 19 and she looked a bit startled when a naked boy answered the door. Brenda invited her in and got the money for the pizza. The pizza girl greeted all of us like it was the most natural thing in the world, but I am sure she was puzzled about a house with five kids, two naked and three wearing clothing. But I am sure that she had seen lots of odd things in the pizza delivery business.
After dinner we played more games and watched some TV. Everything was fine until Brenda announced, that it was bath time. We all trooped into the big bathroom and Nancy started running water into the tub.
Nikki looked wary. “Are Nancy and Jeremy going to get in the tub with us?”
Brenda laughed. “No, of course not. They are sitters so they will bathe you and Kevin just like I do. It’s part of their training.”
Nikki took a deep breath. “First of all, Kevin and I are old enough to bathe ourselves, we don’t need a couple of younger kids doing it. Second, I am not going to let a little boy get his nasty little hands all over my private areas.”
Brenda shook her head. “Nicole Teresa Stevens, we have been over this already once today and you remember how that discussion turned out. Now you get your little bottom into that tub right now or I will take the bath brush to it. You too, Kevin.”
I climbed into the tub and Nikki reluctantly followed me. At Brenda’s direction, we sat side by side facing opposite directions while the tub filled.
When it was the right depth and temperature, Brenda instructed Jeremy to shampoo Nikki’s hair and Nancy to do the same with me. It was a bit odd for us as only Brenda had bathed us before. But we put up with it and they washed our faces and necks. At Nancy’s direction, I stood up so that she could use the washcloth to wash my lower body. She made little ceremony, but gave my body a thorough washing, including my bottom and my boy parts. At her direction, I climbed out of the tub and moved off a few feet so she could dry me with the towel. Truthfully, it didn’t feel any different than when Brenda had done it.
Then Jeremy helped Nikki to stand up so he could wash her lower body. She complied reluctantly, but immediately covered her crotch with both hands. Jeremy smacked her wet bottom with his hand. “Hands at your side, Nikki. I need to wash your private parts, too.”
Nikki yelped, but kept her hands in place. “No,” she wailed. “Can’t you do it, Brenda? Please….”
“Do as you are told, little girl,” Brenda snapped. “Jeremy has been looking at your bare pussy all day. Why are you hiding it now?”
Nikki gulped and started to sniffle, but she moved her hands out of the way.
Then Brenda continued. “Jeremy, Nikki has a problem with personal hygiene. Bend her over so you can wash her bottom crack and anus thoroughly. Nikki, spread your legs apart so he can see what he is doing.”
Nikki wailed in outrage, but complied after getting another spank. Brenda walked over closer to them, “You can see the area around her anus where she doesn’t wipe very well. You are going to have to check her there every time she goes to the bathroom. And you need to put some soap on your finger and stick it up into her rectum to clean that out, too. That’s good, put it in up to the second knuckle and kind of twist it around so you get all the loose stuff out. Can you feel a large mass in her rectum?”
Jeremy wriggled his finger around a few times and reported, “No, Sis, nothing very big.”
Nikki was softly whimpering as her most private area was being violated by a younger boy. Tears were running down her cheeks as the invading finger was withdrawn. Jeremy then rewashed the area around her sphincter and then reached around to wash her vulva and labia. He continued down washing her legs and feet as though nothing unusual had happened.
Nancy had watched with interest. “Will I have to do that with Kevin, too?” she asked.
Brenda shook her head. “No, Kevin does a much better job of cleaning himself. But you might have to check him when he comes home from school and gets undressed. But I don’t think there will be a problem with him.”
Finally, Nikki climbed out of the tub and submitted to being dried off. But then Brenda led her over to the changing table and instructed her to climb up onto it. When Nikki balked, Brenda just picked her up like she was a 5 year old and plunked her down on the table.
“Nancy, go ahead and grab her legs and hold them apart for the next procedure.” She directed. “Jeremy, get that jar of cream off the counter and bring it over here.”
So now Nikki was lying on her back on the changing table with her legs lifted up and spread so that all of her private parts were on full display for the two girls and the two boys in the room.
“Jeremy, look at these areas of irritation around her anus and labia. This is a result of poor personal hygiene so we have to use the cream on them to make sure she doesn’t get an infection. Take a glob of the cream and spread it around wherever you see any red areas.”
Nikki was reduced to quiet sobbing as the most personal areas of her body were being rubbed by a ten year old boy. Finally it was over and Jeremy helped her climb down from the table. As she stood there with her head down and tears still leaking from her eyes, Jeremy took her into his arms and hugged her.
“Nikki, I’m sorry if this is hard for you, but it really is necessary.” He said sympathetically. “It will be a lot easier for you if you just learn to accept it.”
Nikki sagged against his body and put her arms around his neck, crying into his already damp tee shirt. He held her for a few minutes and rubbed his hands reassuring down her back and shoulders.
Finally she calmed down and Brenda led us back into our bedroom. “OK, kids, it’s time to go to bed. Jeremy and Nancy, get upstairs for you own baths and then into your jammies.”
The two kids scampered up the stairs and Nikki and I crawled into Mom’s bed and pulled up the covers. This was the first time we had slept in the same bed for many years and being naked made it even more awkward. We could hear Brenda, Nancy and Jeremy moving around in the living room, but Nikki snuggled in next to me and was soon asleep. It took me a bit longer, but I finally fell asleep as well.
End of Chapter 16


(The End)