Teen Nanny 15

By Red Rover

Copyright 2014 by Red Rover, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Teen Nanny – Chapter 15
Main Characters:
The Stevens Family: Mother, Margie (35), nurse, widowed 4 years ago.  Son, Kevin (15), Daughter Nicki (12)
The Meyers Family: Father Michael (45) Professor of Psychology at UW.  Mother: Christine (43) pediatrician,  Sons: Mark (22), Brad (19), Greg, (16) and Jeremy (10). Daughters: Diane (20), Mandy (17), Brenda (14), Nancy (12)
The Richardson Family: Father, Roger (39), Army Major (overseas), Mother, Cynthia (38), Bank Loan Officer. Children: Alexis (16), Tammy (13), Sammy (8), Donny (6).
Lisa Daniels (19), Nursing student at Swedish Hospital.
Melanie Crouse (13) - Classmate of Kevin and Nicki
Natalie Larrabee (36) and Ellen James (27) Teachers in the Ruskin Syndrome class
The first week of school went well. Melanie and I discovered that we had complimentary academic skills. I was better at Math and History and she was better at Science and English. Since we worked together all the time, we could help each other and we both did better than we had previously done. In fact, we were a day ahead of schedule by the end of the week. Mrs. Larrabee was impressed and told us she would give us some more challenging work if we kept doing such good work.  Of course, being cheek-to cheek gave us the opportunity for a bit of hand holding and other bits of hand work under the table. The teachers probably noticed this, but didn’t say anything as no clothing was rearranged and everything was out of sight of the other kids. The other kids, of course, noticed that we were very friendly with each other and by the end of the week they were referring to us as “Kev and Mel,” which got shortened to “Kevanmel.” Even the teachers started calling us that.
Nikki wasn’t as fortunate. She had a personality conflict with Linda, who was a year older and somewhat bossy to the other kids at their table. The boys in her class were not into girls at all and basically ignored both of them. The other girl in her class, Carla, was good friends with Linda and usually sided with her. Finally, Miss James switched seats between Carla and Nikki and things were calmer.
At the Richardson house, things were getting more crowded. Five more kids, three girls and two boys joined us the first week of school. All were between 7 and 10. In fact, Nikki, Mel and I were the only children older than 10. Brenda, Alexis and Tammy, of course, were “staff” and not considered “children.”  But the three of us managed to get through the week without being spanked. But the weekend was a different matter.
Saturday morning after breakfast, Brenda made an announcement. “You may recall that my father is on sabbatical this year, which means he won’t be teaching any classes this term. He is mostly planning on doing research here and a few other places, but he and my mother have decided to take a second honeymoon before starting his research projects. They will be leaving for New Zealand and Australia next Thursday.”
“This leaves us with the problem of what to do with Jeremy and Nancy. Nancy is 12 and Jeremy just turned 10, so they are not really old enough to leave on their own. The older kids are all busy with their own stuff and their nanny, so we have decided to move Nancy and Jeremy in with us for the next month or so. Brad and Greg will bring them over here after lunch today.”
We both sat there a bit confused. “Where will Nancy and Jeremy sleep?” I asked. “Our beds aren’t really big enough for two kids.”
“Nancy will sleep in Nikki’s room and Jeremy will sleep in Kevin’s room,” Brenda stated. “You two will sleep in your mother’s room. It has a queen sized bed so there will be plenty of room for the two of you. Brand and Greg will put the doors back on your rooms and your bathroom. They will also remove the doors to your mother’s room and her bathroom.”
“You mean that we will have to sleep naked in the same bed?” Nikki asked, anxiously.
“Of course,” Brenda replied. “You guys are naked around other kids every day, so that won’t be a big change for you.”
“So, will they be naked too?” I asked.
Brenda laughed. “Of course not. They are both quite mature for their age. Nancy is already taking nanny training and Jeremy will start it next week. They will be practicing on you two and also helping out at Mrs. Richardson’s day care.  You will treat them the same way you treat me, Tam and Alex.”
Nikki looked very unhappy. “You mean they can boss us around and spank us?”
“Certainly,” Brenda said. “You will consider them as sitters and do what they tell you to do without complaining or whining about it.”
I was getting angry. “No way am I going to let a ten year old boy spank me,” I said. “It’s bad enough with you and Tammy.”
 Brenda shook her head. “Don’t cop an attitude with me, young man or you will greet them with a red bottom. You have no choice in the matter. As far as anybody is concerned you are still 8 years old and will be treated as such.”
“But if it helps any, it’s not likely that Jeremy will be spanking you. He will primarily be dealing with Nikki and Nancy will be dealing with you. Mother thinks it is a good idea to have boys spanking girls and girls spanking boys.”
Nikki threw a major tantrum. “You stupid bitch! You just want to hurt us as much as you can. This nanny business is bullshit. You guys just like having power over smaller kids. I hate all of you.”
She tackled Brenda, hitting her on the face, chest and wherever she could reach. But she was small and weak and couldn’t do much damage. Brenda got her under control and held her arms until Nikki stopped struggling and started sobbing.
Now Brenda was angry. “Kevin, go get the hairbrush right now.”
When I hesitated, she snapped, “If you’re not back here with it in 30 seconds, your ass is going to be paddled, too.”
So I dashed off to Brenda’s bedroom and grabbed the hairbrush. When I got back to the living room, Brenda had Nikki over her left knee and was pinning her legs with her right knee. Nikki was squirming, but she was helpless in the grasp of the bigger and stronger girl.
Brenda didn’t bother with preliminaries, she took the brush and smacked it with full strength onto Nikki’s bare bottom. “You will NOT (SMACK SMACK SMACK) throw tantrums! You will NOT (SMACK SMACK SMACK) talk back to me! You will NOT (SMACK SMACK SMACK) call me names! You will NOT (SMACK SMACK SMACK) use foul language. You WILL (SMACK SMACK SMACK) do what you are told to do when you are told to do it! Is that perfectly clear, young lady?”
By this point, Nikki was howling so loud, I doubt if she could understand a word that Brenda was saying, but she was getting the message. Her bottom was bright red all over and bouncing up and down with each smack. I felt sorry for her, but there was nothing I could do and I had to admit that she deserved it.

Finally, Nikki was totally limp over Brenda’s lap and had bawled her lungs out. There were tears and snot running down her face and she couldn’t even speak. This had been one of the hardest spankings Brenda had given to either of us.
Finally, Brenda dumped Nikki of her lap onto the carpet. “Kevin, take your littler sister into the bathroom and clean her up. I am going to put some stuff on the scratches this little minx put on me and change my clothes.  Give her a full bath and then put her in the corner in the living room until I get back.
I noticed then that Brenda was bleeding slightly from several scratches on her arms and neck and had a bruise on her cheek. There was blood and snot on her blouse and her pants were soaked. Obviously, Nikki had lost bladder control during the spanking. So I took Nikki into the main bathroom and put her in the tub. She was still sobbing quietly, but made no resistance. After washing her face and private parts, I dried her off with a towel and guided her into the corner of the living room next to the big window where we always were stationed for our “corner time.”
After that, I went to my (soon to be former) room and tried to read and watch TV, but I was unable to concentrate, thinking about what had happened and what was about to happen.

END of Part 15



(The End)