Teen Nanny 14

By Red Rover

Copyright 2013 by Red Rover, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Teen Nanny – Chapter 14
Main Characters:
The Stevens Family: Mother, Margie (35), nurse at a local hospital, widowed 4 years ago. Son, Kevin (15), Daughter Nicki (12)
The Meyers Family: Father Michael (45) Professor of Psychology at UW. Mother: Christine (43) pediatrician, Sons: Mark (22), Brad (19), Greg, (16) and Jeremy (9). Daughters: Diane (20), Mandy (17), Brenda (14), Nancy (12)
The Richardson Family: Father, Roger (39), Army Major, Mother, Cynthia (38), Bank Loan Officer. Children: Alexis (16), Tammy (13), Sammy (8), Donny (6).
Lisa Daniels (19), Nursing student at Swedish Hospital.

Melanie Crouse (13) - Classmate of Kevin and Nicki
The next morning, we got up at our usual times, since it was Saturday and no school. Brenda got dressed and we all went across the street to The Richardsons’ at 8 AM for breakfast. Melanie was there already and, to my surprise, was still nude. Alex explained. “Melanie’s mom decided that she should be nude all the time to help her control her behavior. So Nicki will go nude as well. Mother has talked to the other parents and some of the girls will wear panties and some will be nude, depending on their own parents’ rules. Debbie will still wear her panties.”
Breakfast was as good as supper had been, nothing fancy but good nourishing food that still appealed to kids. Debbie and Billy showed up shortly after breakfast along with two new girls who were introduced as Katie (11) and Candy (9) MacDougal. Both were wearing “little girl” panties. “Katie and Candy will be regulars with us,” Alex explained. “And there will be a boy and another girl coming in this afternoon.”
Mrs. Richardson left for work after breakfast. It seems she was working a six-day schedule with five seven hour days and one five hour day to fit in with her day care business. So the three teen girls were in charge of us. Mostly they left us alone, but they did organize a few games that we could play in the back yard. The other two kids, Randy Clement (10) and Sally Wright (9) joined us during the afternoon. Sally was nude. Things went pretty well except that Nicki and Candy got into a squabble and got spanked by Brenda and Tammy. But, overall, things went OK. Nicki and I couldn’t believe that we were having so much fun being little kids along with other little kids.
Sunday was about the same. We got three new kids, Bobby Andrews (10) Ricky Maxwell (8) and Nancy Hughes (10). Nancy wore panties. Nobody got spanked on Sunday and we were all excited about school starting on Monday. Nicki and I were dreading our demotions, of course, but the other kids seemed cheerful enough, so we faked being cheerful too. Being nude or almost nude, just didn’t seem to be a big deal once we all got over the initial shock. Fortunately the weather as warm and sunny so we got to play outside all the day while the workmen finished up the basement to convert it from a nursery school to an elementary school day care center.
Monday morning was exciting. For the first time in almost a week, Nicki and I could wear real clothes, even if they were “little kid” clothes. Brenda, of course wore her teen clothes like a proper 10th grader and she looked great. In another world I would have wanted her as a girlfriend if I had been eight inches taller and looked like a teen boy instead of a Cub Scout. She fussed over us like a little “mommy” making sure we had all our stuff in our backpacks, shoes shines, buttons buttoned, etc. We just had cereal, a banana and juice; nobody wanted a heavy meal.
So at 7:30, we were out the door and greeted by the four Richardson kids who looked great in their new school clothes as well. The bus was right on time and we got to the school just before 8 AM. The bus stop was in the center of the complex so Brenda and Alex headed off to the High School building, Tammy went off to the Middle School and the rest of us headed to the Elementary building. Sammy and Donnie headed toward their classrooms and Nicki and I proceeded to classroom in room 211 on the second floor. The first person we saw as we came through the door was Melanie Crouse. We all looked at each other and started laughing. And then we went into a group hug, . while the other kids and the teachers looked on in surprise. “So you guys are Ruskin kids, too?” Melanie finally gasped out. Which means you’re not really eleven and nine are you?” Busted!
I shook my head, “Nope, I am fifteen and Nicki is twelve. What about you?”
Melanie smiled. “I’m thirteen but I will be fourteen next month. You guys look good in clothes.”
“So do you, Mel, “I responded. Two girls standing next to us looked surprised and I explained. “This is the first time we have seen each other with clothes on.”
Mel and Nicki broke into giggles at that image and the two girls moved off, looking back over their shoulders at us.
The taller of the two teachers came over to us and said, “I hate to interrupt this family reunion, but we have to get you kids organized.” She raised her voice a bit. “OK, kids, line up against the wall with the blackboard on it. No particular order.”
So we all lined up. I stood between Nicki and Mel, holding hands with both of them. It just seemed so right that way.
“I am Mrs. Larrabee,” she announced. I am the senior teacher and counselor for the special Ruskin Syndrome Class. This is Miss James, she will be my co-teacher.” Mrs. Larrabee appeared to be in her early 30’s while Miss James looked to be in her late 20’s.
“Miss James and I have several years of experience in teaching gifted children and we have just completed some special training in dealing with Ruskin Syndrome students. This class will be conducted somewhat like the old-fashioned one-room schoolhouses. We will have four levels of instruction, the sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth grades in one classroom. There will be some common subjects, but for the most part, Miss James will handle the sixth and seventh grade students and I will handle the eighth and ninth grades. Your ages range from nine to fifteen, although, of course, many of you look younger than you really are.”
“Outside the classroom, you will be treated and expected to behave as normal fifth grade students. The other children know that you are in a special advanced class, but not the details. To avoid confusion, you will give the other students the ages that have been assigned to you. Inside this room, of course, you are free to talk feely amongst yourselves and to build friendships. Now we will assign you to seats according to your grade level.”
“Kevin and Melanie, you are the only. Ninth graders. You will go over to the table in the far corner with the big 9 on it. Go ahead and go there now.  Christine, David, Edward, Ginger and Max are in the eighth grade. Pick out seats around the tables marked 8A and 8B. Andrew, Carla, Linda, Nicole Stanley and Toby are in the Seventh grade. Take your places around the tables labeled 7A and 7B. Kelly, Mark and Susan are in the Sixth grade. Go sit at the table marked 6.”
As Mel and I walked to our seats and started to put down our backpacks, we noticed that we were still holding hands. We both blushed, let go and tried to pretend nothing was unusual. But Nicki had noticed and snickered and I knew we would hear about it after school. At that point I really didn’t care. Finding out that Mel was only a year or so younger and in my class put the whole “boyfriend/girlfriend” concept in a very different light. And from the way she looked at me, I think the same thoughts were running through her mind as well.
As we sat down and waited for the other kids to get settled, she whispered to me, “Looks like the whole ‘buddy’ thing is going to work out better than we thought, Kev.”
I whispered back, “Yeah, too bad we’re not mature enough to carry it further.”
She giggled, “Well, we don’t have any secrets after this weekend. And maturing together could be fun.”
I could see that Mel’s face was bright pink from excitement and the feeling of warmth on my own cheeks meant that mine was as red as hers. Fortunately, nobody was looking at us as they busied themselves getting settled. Except, of course, Nicki who had a huge grin on her face.
The rest of the day was a kind of blur. We did the usual first day stuff like getting our ID cards, our lunch passes, our textbooks, our locker assignments and all the usual stuff. We were all assigned to the regular 5th grade gym classes. Recess was kind of weird at first as almost all the other kids were younger than we were, but we were about the size of the bigger 5th graders, so we didn’t really stand out. We actually had fun playing with the elementary kids. Lunch was – well it was a school lunch, not more need be said.
After school, Melanie came with us on the bus as she was still going to be in the Richardson day care. When we got off the bus, we went to our house and Melanie joined the three of.us at Brenda’s orders. Brenda changed into her casual clothes and the three of us stripped as usual to go to the day care. Mel put her clothes into her backpack and we were just about to go out the front door when Brenda stopped us.
“Nikki, you go ahead and go to the Richardson’s,” she said. “I need to talk with Kevin and Melanie.”
So Mel and I sat on the couch, holding hands a bit nervously, because we didn’t know what to expect. Brenda sat down in the “Mommy” chair and smiled at us.
“Don’t worry,” she said in a reassuring tone. “You guys haven’t done anything wrong, but we need to talk about some stuff. I know that you two like each other and are a “couple” in a kind of a pre-teen way, and that’s fine. But you are teens and you might be tempted to go farther.” Brenda giggled. “And I’m a young teen too, even if I am your nanny, so I know what you guys are going to be going through.”
“But, I have talked to Mom and Dad and we agreed that you guys should be under the same rules that we Myers kids under 18 are on. “ She giggled again. “And you know that we get OUR bottoms walloped if we violate rules, so the same applies to you guys.”
“The first rule is that there will be NO vaginal or anal sex.” Brenda was now dead serious. Kevin’s penis does not enter Melanie’s vagina or rectum at any time. Oral sex is OK and you can grope each other and do whatever you want as long it is in private and you don’t do anything in front of the other kids at day care. And, of course, your clothes stay on at school and no hanky-panky there. If either of you gets in trouble there, I will beat your ass as soon as we get home. Is that all clear?”
Melanie and I nodded in unison. “No problem,” I said. “We know the rules and we will follow them.” Melanie chimed in, “Actually, we talked about this in school today and agreed that neither of us is mature enough for real sex now.”
Brenda smiled. “Good. Sometimes I have trouble realizing that you’re not really ten years old. Well, you are in some ways but not in other ways. It gets confusing to me sometimes and I can only imagine how confusing it is for the two of you. But we’ll all get through it. You guys will be maturing, we don’t know how soon it will happen. But we can hope for the best and deal with it.”
END of Part 14


(The End)